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Sk. BAN-S/M Nomor : 02.00/692/BAP-SM/X/2016, Tanggal 19 Oktober 2016
Sekretariat : Jl. Raya Ciawi Km. 09 Telp. (0251) 8247984 Bogor16146
NPSN : 20220373 NIS/NSS : 200250 / 202327102003


Tahun Pelajaran 2023/ 2024
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VII (Tujuh)
Hari, Tanggal :
Waktu :
Guru Mapel : Nelma Yetti

Jawablah Pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan tepat!

I. Choose the best answer by crossing the letter A, B, C or D!

1. Shidqi : Hi, Zahra ……. ?

Zahra : Hi, Shidqi. I’m fine. Thanks.
A. Not too bad C. How do you do
B. How are you D. Nice to meet you

2. Ali : Good afternoon, Maryam! How’s life?

Maryam : Good afternoon, Ali! Alhamdulillah, I’m very well. Thank you. By the way,
where will you go?
Ali : I’ll pick up my mother. I must go now …….. Maryam
Maryam : Bye
A. Not too bad C. Good night
B. How are you D. Good bye

3. Nisa : It’s hot here. Can you help me open the window, Dila?
Dila : Of course. Nis.
Nisa : ..., Dila.
Dila : You’re welcome.
A. Thank you C. I’m sorry
B. Sure D. It’s all right

4. Andini : ……?
Budiono : He is Bob
A. What is your father’s name? C. What is your sister’s name?
B. What is your father’s hobby? D. What is your father?

5. Karim : Thanks for lending me money, Anna.

Anna : ...
A. Thank you C. I’m afraid
B. I’m sorry D. You’re welcome
6. Adi : That’s a nice pet bird!
Anton : …. I just got it at a pet shop.
A. Sorry! C. See you later!
B. Oh,Thanks! D. You’re welcome!

7. Teacher : Please, Open the door!

Students : Okay,Sir!
Teacher : ……………..
A. Sorry! C. See You later!
B. Thanks! D. You’re welcome

Read the dialog carefully to answer no 8-10

Mr. Kardi, biology teacher is going to the laboratory, meets Wahyu at break time.
Wahyu : Good morning, Sir!
Mr. Kardi : Good morning Wahyu, why are you in hurry?
Wahyu : I am going to library, Sir. I want to borrow some books to read.
Mr. Kardi : Great! How diligent you are!
Wahyu : Thank You, Sir! Sorry, I must go now. See You!
Mr. Kardi : See You!
8. Where does the dialog take place?
A. In the library C. In the canteen
B. In the laboratory D. At school

9. When do you think the dialog happen?

A. In the afternoon C. In the morning
B. In the evening D. In the night.

10. Where is Wahyu going?

A. To library C. To canteen
B. To laboratory D. To parking lot

11. Kinar : Hello, Randy! How’s life?

Randy : Hello,Kinar! I am great, Thank You. How about you?
Kinar : ………….
A. See you! C. You’re welcome
B. How are you? D. Very well,thanks

12. Edo : Look, It’s cloudy,I’m sorry. I have to go home now. ………. .
Cindy : See you!. Take care.
A. Hello
B. Thanks
C. See you later
D. Good morning

13. Delia : I’m very sleepy, Mom, I’m going to My room now. Good night!
Mrs. Nugraha : ………… . have sweet nice dream!
Delia : You too, Mom!
A. Goodbye C. Good evening
B. Good night D. Good afternoon
14. Wisnu : Good morning, Mrs. Nadia. ………….
Mrs. Nadia : I am great. Thank you. And you?
Wisnu : I am great, too. Thank you!
A. How are you? C. Glad to see you
B. How about you? D. Good afternoon

15. Tiara : Arka, please close the window! It is windy.

Arka : Certainly.
Tiara : ……….
Arka : My pleasure
A. I’m sorry C. Thank you
B. I’m great D. You’re welcome

16. You meet neighbor on your way to attend extracurricular activities at 2:30 p.m.
how would you say?
A. Good morning, Sir! C. Good afternoon, Sir!
B. Good evening, Sir! D. Good night, Sir!

17. You and your friends are on the way home from school.
You are arriving in front of your house. How would you say to your friends?
A. Hi. Guys! C. See you. Guys!
B. Thanks, guys! D. I’m sorry Guys!

18. You and your friends were having lunch at a school canteen.
You accidentally spilled out your drink on the table. How would you say?
A. Hello! C. Sorry!
B. Goodbye! D. Thank You!

The following dialog is for questions 19-20

Randy : Good morning, Ma’am!
Mrs.nadia : Good morning, Randy!
Randy : How are you today, Ma’am ?
Mrs. Nadia : I’m not feeling well, I have a cold. How about you?
Randy : I’m fine,thanks. Get well soon, Ma’am!.
Mrs nadia : Thank You!
19. When does the dialog occur?
A. In the morning C. In the afternoon
B. At noon D. In the evening

20. How is Mrs.Nadia?

A. She is fine C. She is sick
B. She is pale D. She is tired
The following dialog is for questions 21-22
Mrs. Nugraha : Randy , please help me cut the vegetables
Randy : Sure, Mom!
Mrs. Nugraha : Thanks, Dear!
Randy : You’re welcome!
Mrs. Nugraha : After that, please fry the tofu!.
Randy : I’m sorry, mom. I have a study club at Cindy’s house soon.
I’m leaving after cutting the vegetables.
Mrs. Nugraha : I see . O.K. just cut the vegetables

21. Mrs. Nugraha says “Thanks, Dear” what does she express?
A. Greeting C. Apologizing
B. Thanking D. Taking leave

22. Randy says “I’m sorry, mom” what does he express?

A. He apologizes C. He greets his mother
B. He thanks her mother D. He takes leave to his mother

23. Fill in the blank conversation with the correct answer.

Ani : Nia, what are you doing?
Nia : I’m preparing myself for going to school today.
Ani : Oh, …. ?
Nia : It’s a half past six!
Ani : Really? I can be late!
Nia : Hurry up, Ani!

A. How are you? C. Where are you going?

B. What time is it? D. What is your name

24. Seva : When will the train depart?

Lesty : At....

A. ten to two
B. ten past two
C. two to ten
D. two past ten

25. Rina : What day is it today?

Rini : It is Tuesday.
Rina : Oh, No! Tomorrow will be....
Rini : What’s up? Why are you nervous?
Rina : We will have a math test, will we?

A. Monday C. Friday
B. Thursday D. Wednesday
The text is for number 26-27

26. What days does Erlin attend pencak silat extracurricular? Erlin attends pencak silat on....
A. Saturday and Friday C. Tuesday and Friday
B. Wednesday and Saturday D. Tuesday and Wednesday

27. When does Erlin practice her English speaking skills? Erlin practices her English speaking
A. on Saturdays C. on Tuesdays
B. on Wednesdays D. on Fridays

The following dialog is for questions no 28-30

Mrs. Vina : When do we celebrate Independence Day?
Umar : It is on August, 17 th
Mrs. Vina : What month do we celebrate the national education day?
Lila : It is on May, 2nd
Mrs. Vina : When do we celebrate Kartini day?
Rosyid : It is on April.
MrsVina : Good! Do you know in what date is it?
Rosyid : It is on April the twenty first.

28. On August 17th we celebrate the …

A. National Education Day C. New Years Day
B. Kartini’s Day D. Independence Day

29. The National Education day is in …

A. On May the second C. On May the twenty first
B. On April the twenty first D. On august the seventeenth

30. On April we celebrate the …

A. New Year Day C. Independence Day
B. Kartini Day D. National Education Day

31. Edwin : Erlin, may I borrow your.... please? Mine is broken. I want to make a line.
Erlin : Sure here you are.
Edwin : Thanks.
A. Ruler
B. Bow
C. Pencil
D. Sharpener
The text is for number 32-33
I have … (32) new book. It is Harry Potter. .. .(33) book is very interesting. The story pulls me
to the setting. I love the book.

32. A. some B. a C. the D. an

33. A. the B. a C. an D. some

34. There are three … in the classroom.

A. box B. pencil C. books D. book

35. Mrs. Rianti : Please brush the floor and clean the tub?
Erlin : Sure, Mom.
The speakers are in the....
A. kitchen B. bathroom C. living room D. garage

36. Yuni : Where will you go, Mira?

Mira : I will go to the …. I want to save my money.
Answer :

37. Ani : My brother has a pet. It has white fur, long ears and short tail.
Lani : What animal is it?
Ani : It is …..
Answer :

Look at the picture !

And fill in the blank with correct Preposition. ( Next, Below, On )

38. There is a ”Cabinet” (……….) an Oven.

Answer :

39. There is a “Frying Pan” (……..) a Stove.

Answer :

40. A “Refrigerator” (………) a Cabinet.

Answer :

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