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I Complete each sentence with one suitable modal.

1. I don't want anyone to know about our plan. You ……………… tell anyone.
2. I ……………… work every day from 8.30 to 5.30.
3. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It ……………… rain later.
4. You've been working all day. You ……………… tired.
5. Shall I come with you? - You can if you want, but you ……………… .
6. I ……………… work late yesterday evening.
7. I'm afraid I ……………… come to your party next week.
8. ……………… you wait for a moment, please?
9. Be careful with that dog. It ……………… dangerous.
10. You ……………… tell anyone what I told you! It's a secret.

II Complete the sentences using modal verbs in the PRESENT and PAST.
1. It's possible for anyone to break into this house!
Anyone ...................................................................... .
2. Perhaps they were working for the enemy.
They .................................................................... .
3. It's not necessary to wear uniforms in school.
You .............................................................................. .
4. It was a bad idea for us to be rude to the policeman!
We ................................................................................... .
5. It's forbidden to touch the statues in museum.
You ............................................................................ .
6. I'm convinced that it's his fault.
It ......................................................... .
7. I'm not sure if he's a singer or a musician.
He ..................................................................................... .
8. I'm sure you dropped your wallet at the bus stop.
You .............................................................................. .
9. It wasn't necessary for me to cook any meal yesterday because we ordered some food.
I ............................................................................................... .
10. I'm sure that Helen feels really lonely.
She ................................................................ .
11. I'm sure he didn't steal the money.
He ........................................................................ .
12. Ah, the phone's ringing. Maybe it's Sally.
It ...................................................................... .
13. It's advisable to learn English in case you travel abroad one day.
You ................................................................................................... .
14. Maybe Joanna didn't miss the last bus after all.
Joanna ......................................................................... .
15. It's against the law to fish in the spring.
You ........................................................ .
16. We're absolutely sure they have our money.
They................................................................ .
Find the mistakes and correct them.

1. You mustn't to be extravagant.

2. I cant play tennis very well.
3. My grandad can use the internet very easily. It’s difficult for him.
4. He can does very difficult sums in his head.
5. She can play three instruments when she was ten.
6. I think everyone should 24 years old for getting married.
7. I could learning grow plants.
8. You musn’t eat something in class.
9. If you want to have a better life; you haven’t to be rich.
10.You dont have to get rich right now.
11.You shouldnt be so selfish.
12. We have exams next week. We mustn’t start studying now.

Practice 2 Complete each sentence with a phrase from the box.

may not have · can't have · may have · shouldn't have · would have
should have · must have · wouldn't have · might have · couldn't have

1. She __________________ realised what she was doing was wrong, surely.
2. They __________________ given us a warmer welcome. It was wonderful.
3. He __________________ said that unless he'd had a very good reason.
4. He really __________________ spoken to her like that. It was very rude.
5. You __________________ phoned to say you would be late.
6. It's possible he __________________ got the message.
7. We __________________ got here earlier but the traffic was awful.
8. He __________________ left work already, surely. It's only 3 o'clock.
9. You __________________ seen her face when she heard the news. It was priceless.
10. I can't be certain, but I left a window open.

Underline the best option by clicking on it (click again to 'undo').

1. You must have warned / might have warned me that the plate was hot!
2. She left early as she must have met / had to meet someone off the train.
3. When she was young she just wouldn't do / shouldn't do as she was told.
4. It's possible he might have forgotten / should have forgotten about the meeting.
5. I'm not sure who told me, but it must have been / could have been Tracy.
6. You've just discovered what he's like! I could have told / may have told you that myself.
7. It can't have been / shouldn't have been Judy; she's away on holiday.
8. It's strange that he should have thought / must have thought that it was me.
9. You may have asked / should have asked me how to get there. I know the way.
10. It shouldn't have been / wouldn't have been polite not to accept their invitation.
11. She didn't know it at the time, but one day she could be / would be world champion.
12. We didn't need to buy / needn't have bought as I knew we already had plenty.
13. It was't at all how I imagined it must be / would be like.
14. Luckily, we could get / were able to get a last minute flight, so we're off tomorrow.
15. Shouldn't it / can't it have arrived by now? We ordered it ages ago.
Complete the sentences with verbs from the box in the perfect form of the modal verb in bold in the first
part of the question.

tell · take · go · be · leave · phone · miss · have · speak

1. He must be out at the moment, he's not in the office.
He ___________________ to see a client.
2. You could let me know when you're going to be late.
You ___________________ me you were going to be late.
3. I would call him if I knew his number.
I ___________________ earlier, but my battery ran out.
4. They might be stuck in a traffic jam somewhere.
Or they ___________________ the bus.
5. He shouldn't be so offhand with customers.
And he certainly ___________________ to that customer like that yesterday.
6. We could catch a bus.
We ___________________ the bus, but decided to walk instead.
7. It's a dangerous mountain, you might fall and break something.
I told you not to climb that mountain! You ___________________ an accident!
8. She can't be in Spain yet, surely?
She ___________________ for Spain already, surely?
9. They should arrive soon.
They ___________________ here an hour ago. I wonder what's happened.

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