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Tom: Hi, Sarah! How was your weekend?
Sarah: Hi, Tom! It was great. I went to the beach with my family.
Tom: That sounds fun! __________ did you do there?
a) Where
b) What
c) Who
d) How
e) Why
John: Hey, Mary. Have you seen my keys anywhere?
Mary: __________ you check the kitchen counter?
a) Must
b) Should
c) Ought
d) Need
e) Would
Alice: Mark, I heard you're going to Spain next month. Is that true?
Mark: Yes, Alice. My family __________ there for vacation.
a) Is going
b) Have gone
c) Will go
d) Goes
e) Gone
Tim: What are your plans for tonight?
Rachel: I'm not sure yet. __________ to the cinema or just stay home and watch Netflix.
a) I go
b) I went
c) I am going
d) I will go
e) I have gone
Linda: I think I'm going to apply for that job in the marketing department.
Jason: That's a great idea! When __________ to submit your application?
a) do you plan
b) will you plan
c) are you planning
d) have you planned
e) you plan
Sam: __________ to visit your parents this weekend?
a) Do you want
b) Did you want
c) Would you like
d) Have you wanted
e) Will you want
Jane: I'm thinking of buying a new car.
Peter: __________ do you have in mind?
a) How
b) What
c) Why
d) When
e) Where
Amy: I'm really tired. I __________ to bed early tonight.
a) go
b) goes
c) going
d) went
e) will go
David: I lost my wallet. I __________ it at home.
a) must leave
b) should have left
c) could leave
d) can leave
e) have to leave
Sarah: __________ you like another cup of coffee?
a) Do
b) Did
c) Will
d) Would
e) Have
Tom: Hey, are you free this weekend?
Mary: Yes, __________. Why?
a) I am
b) I'm
c) I will
d) I'll be
e) I'd be
Ben: Excuse me, __________ tell me where the nearest ATM is?
a) can you
b) could you
c) may you
d) might you
e) will you
Alice: What are your plans for the summer holiday?
Bob: __________ to visit my grandparents in Italy.
a) I'll
b) I am
c) I've
d) I would
e) I'd
Sarah: __________ the football match last night?
a) Did you watch
b) Do you watch
c) Will you watch
d) Have you watched
e) Are you watching
Mike: This cake is delicious!
Lisa: Thanks! __________ the recipe online.
a) I found
b) I have found
c) I'm finding
d) I find
e) I will find
Chris: I __________ to the library after class. Do you want to come?
a) go
b) am going
c) went
d) will go
e) going
Linda: The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow.
Tom: Oh no, __________ the picnic!
a) not
b) never
c) don't
d) can't
e) not for
Alex: I need to get some groceries. __________ with me?
a) Would you come
b) Will you come
c) Do you come
d) Can you come
e) Have you come
Emily: __________ take the dog for a walk?
a) Do you want
b) Did you want
c) Would you like
d) Have you wanted
e) Will you want
Mark: Have you seen my glasses?
Sarah: Yes, __________ on the table.
a) they're
b) it's
c) there's
d) its
e) theirs

21. If I _______ you, I would take that job offer.

a) am
b) were
c) be
d) being
e) was

22. If she _______ harder, she would pass the exam.

a) study
b) studied
c) studies
d) will study
e) studying

23. If it rains tomorrow, we _______ to the beach.

a) will go
b) go
c) goes
d) went
e) going

24. What _______ if you won the lottery?

a) would you do
b) will you do
c) did you do
d) do you do
e) you do

25. If he _______ more carefully, he wouldn't have had an accident.

a) drive
b) drives
c) drove
d) driving
e) driven

26. If they _______ the train, they'll be here by now.

a) catch
b) catches
c) caught
d) catching
e) catched

27. If we _______ early, we wouldn't have missed the flight.

a) leave
b) leaves
c) left
d) leaving
e) leaved
28. If you _______ hard enough, you'll eventually succeed.
a) will try
b) tries
c) try
d) tried
e) trying

29. What _______ if you were in my shoes?

a) you do
b) will you do
c) would you do
d) do you do
e) you did

30. If the weather _______ better, we would have gone for a picnic.
a) is
b) was
c) were
d) will be
e) are
Mark: I think we should have a class trip next month.
Sarah: I agree, it sounds like a great idea.
Sarah __________ with Mark's suggestion.
a) disagrees
b) agreed
c) agrees
d) disagreed
e) agreeing
Emily: I don't think homework should be banned.
Alex: __________. Homework helps us learn.
a) I disagree
b) I'm sorry
c) I doubt it
d) I agree
e) I'm afraid not
Tom: Smoking should be prohibited in public places.
Jessica: I completely __________ with you.
a) don't agree
b) disagree
c) agree
d) didn't agree
e) agreed
John: I believe the school should start later in the morning.
Maria: __________. It would give students more time to rest.
a) I disagree
b) I don't think so
c) I couldn't agree more
d) I doubt it
e) I'm sorry
Rachel: I'm not sure if we should watch this movie.
David: __________. It has great reviews.
a) I disagree
b) I'm afraid not
c) I don't think so
d) I'm sorry
e) I agree
Sarah: We should organize a charity event for the homeless.
Mike: __________. It's a noble cause.
a) I doubt it
b) I don't agree
c) I'm sorry
d) I'm afraid not
e) I agree
Amy: We need stricter laws to protect the environment.
Tom: __________. It's a pressing issue.
a) I disagree
b) I'm afraid not
c) I agree
d) I doubt it
e) I'm sorry
Jack: We should all take turns cleaning the classroom.
Lily: __________. It's only fair.
a) I'm afraid not
b) I doubt it
c) I disagree
d) I'm sorry
e) I agree
Peter: I think video games are beneficial for cognitive development.
Emma: __________. They can improve problem-solving skills.
a) I disagree
b) I'm sorry
c) I doubt it
d) I agree
e) I'm afraid not
Mark: The government should invest more in renewable energy.
Sarah: __________. It's the way forward.
a) I disagree
b) I doubt it
c) I'm sorry
d) I'm afraid not
e) I agree
The Golden Touch

There once was a king named Midas who did a good deed for a satyr - a spirit of nature.
Dionysus, the god of wine, then granted him a wish. For his wish, Midas asked that whatever
he touched would turn to gold. Despite Dionysus' efforts to prevent it, Midas pleaded that
this was a fantastic wish, so it was bestowed. Excited about his newly-earned powers, Midas
started touching all kinds of things, turning each item into pure gold. But soon, Midas
became hungry. As he picked up a piece of food, he found he couldn't eat it. It had turned to
gold in his hand. Hungry, Midas groaned, "I'll starve! Perhaps this was not such an excellent
wish after all!" Seeing his dismay, Midas' beloved daughter threw her arms around him to
comfort him, and she, too, turned to gold. "The golden touch is no blessing," Midas cried.

41. What did Dionysus grant King Midas as a wish?

a) Eternal youth
b) The ability to fly
c) The power to turn anything into gold
d) Superhuman strength
e) Invisibility

42. Why did King Midas become hungry after receiving his wish?
a) He lost his appetite.
b) He couldn't find any food.
c) He turned all his food into gold.
d) He had a stomach ache.
e) He was fasting.

43. What happened when King Midas' daughter tried to comfort him?
a) She scolded him for his greed.
b) She turned into a golden statue.
c) She laughed at him.
d) She ran away from him.
e) She brought him more gold.

44. What does the story of King Midas teach us?

a) Greed leads to happiness.
b) Material wealth is the most important thing.
c) The consequences of our desires should be considered.
d) All wishes granted by gods are good.
e) It's important to always obey the gods.

45. What is the significance of King Midas' daughter turning into gold?
a) It proves that Midas was a powerful king.
b) It demonstrates the dangers of seeking wealth.
c) It shows that Midas' wish was a good one.
d) It suggests that Midas' daughter was greedy.
e) It symbolizes Midas' love for his daughter.

Controlling Anger
Once, there was a young boy. This boy had problems controlling his anger. When he got
angry, he would say the first thing that came to mind, even if it affected people. One day, his
father gifted him a hammer and a bundle of nails, then said, "Whenever you get mad,
hammer a nail into the backyard fence." The boy used up half of his nails in the first few
days. Over the following weeks, he used up fewer nails until his temper was under control.
The father then asked the young boy to remove a nail for each day he didn't lose his temper.
On the day when the boy had removed his last nail, his father told him, "You have done
good, boy. But can you see the holes in the wall? The fence is never going to be the same.
Likewise, when you say mean things in anger, you'll leave a scar."

46. What did the boy's father give him to help control his anger?
a) A book
b) A hammer and a bundle of nails
c) A bicycle
d) A video game
e) A basketball

47. What did the boy do whenever he got angry?

a) He screamed loudly.
b) He punched the wall.
c) He hammered a nail into the backyard fence.
d) He ran away from home.
e) He broke his toys.

48. What did the father ask the boy to do as his temper improved?
a) Plant flowers in the backyard.
b) Remove a nail for each day he didn't lose his temper.
c) Build a new fence.
d) Paint the fence.
e) Buy new nails.

49. What did the father point out to the boy after he removed the last nail?
a) The holes in the wall
b) The beautiful flowers in the garden
c) The new fence he built
d) The basketball hoop in the backyard
e) The bike he received as a gift

50. What is the main lesson of the story?

a) Anger can be controlled by physical activity.
b) It's important to express anger without restraint.
c) Words spoken in anger can leave lasting scars.
d) The fence can be repaired easily.
e) The boy's father was too strict.

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