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A: What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
B: I usually wake up at 6 a.m. ___________.
a) so I can catch the bus to school
b) because I love mornings
c) and then I go for a jog
d) but sometimes I oversleep
e) however, I always set an alarm

A: Did you finish reading the novel for English class?
B: Not yet, ___________.
a) but I'll finish it by tomorrow
b) because it's too boring
c) or I might not finish it at all
d) so I borrowed it from the library
e) however, I prefer watching the movie

A: Have you decided what elective to take next semester?
B: Yes, I'm thinking of taking art ___________.
a) although I'm not very good at drawing
b) so I can improve my painting skills
c) but I might choose music instead
d) because my friend recommended it
e) however, I'm also interested in drama

A: Why didn't you attend the school assembly this morning?
B: I had a doctor's appointment, ___________.
a) but I heard it was about the upcoming sports day
b) because I forgot to set my alarm
c) so I missed the bus to school
d) or else I would have gone
e) however, I don't like school assemblies

A: Are you going to the basketball game after school?
B: No, I can't. ___________.
a) So I'll see you there?
b) Because I have basketball practice
c) But I'll cheer for the team from home
d) Or I might go if I finish my homework early
e) However, I don't really like basketball

A: Did you watch the documentary about climate change?
B: Yes, I did. ___________ very informative.
a) So I learned a lot from it
b) Because it was too long
c) Or I might have missed some important points
d) But I prefer watching action movies
e) However, I didn't find it interesting

A: Why did you choose to study French?
B: I chose French ___________.
a) but I'm finding it difficult
b) so I can communicate with my relatives in France
c) because my friend recommended it
d) or I might switch to Spanish next year
e) however, I'm not very interested in languages

A: How was your weekend?
B: It was great! ___________ went camping with my family.
a) But the weather was terrible
b) So we spent most of the time indoors
c) Or else we would have gone hiking
d) However, I didn't enjoy it much
e) Because we had been planning it for weeks

A: Why are you late for class?
B: I'm sorry, ___________ my alarm didn't go off this morning.
a) but I'll try to be on time tomorrow
b) because I missed the bus
c) so I had to walk to school
d) or else I would have called a taxi
e) however, I woke up late

A: Have you seen the new art exhibition at the gallery?
B: Yes, I have. ___________ were breathtaking.
a) So I bought a painting
b) But some of the artworks were confusing
c) Or I might visit again next weekend
d) Because the artist is famous
e) However, I prefer sculptures

A: Why didn't you join the school choir?
B: I wanted to, ___________.
a) so I auditioned last week
b) but I have stage fright
c) or I might join the drama club instead
d) because my friend is the choir leader
e) however, I'm not good at singing

A: How was the field trip to the museum?
B: It was amazing! ___________ artifacts were fascinating.
a) So we spent the whole day there
b) But I lost my camera
c) Or I might go again next month
d) Because the guide was very knowledgeable
e) However, I found it boring

A: Did you attend the debate club meeting yesterday?
B: No, I couldn't. ___________.
a) So I'll go next week
b) But I had a doctor's appointment
c) Or I might join the photography club
d) Because my friend is the club president
e) However, I'm not good at public speaking

A: Why didn't you come to the party last night?
B: I wanted to, ___________.
a) so I'll make it up to you
b) but I had to babysit my little sister
c) or else I would have brought a gift
d) because it was your birthday
e) however, I had a lot of homework

A: How was the concert last night?
B: It was incredible! ___________ performances were electrifying.
a) So I bought a CD
b) But the sound system was terrible
c) Or I might go again next year
d) Because the band played all my favorite songs
e) However, I left early

A: Did you watch the soccer match on TV last night?
B: No, I missed it. ___________.
a) So I'll watch the highlights later
b) But my favorite team won
c) Or I might go to a live game next weekend
d) Because it was too late
e) However, I'm not a fan of soccer

A: Why didn't you come to the school play?
B: I wanted to, ___________.
a) so I'll watch the recording later
b) but I had a dentist appointment
c) or else I would have invited you
d) because my friend was the lead actor
e) however, I'm not interested in theater

A: Have you finished your project for science class?
B: Not yet, ___________.
a) so I'll ask for an extension
b) but I have some good ideas
c) or I might work on it this weekend
d) because it's too difficult
e) however, I'm not sure where to start

A: Why did you choose to study computer science?
B: I chose it ___________.
a) so I can build my own website
b) but I find programming challenging
c) or else I would have chosen engineering
d) because my parents are computer engineers
e) however, I prefer studying literature

A: How was your vacation in Bali?
B: It was amazing! ___________ beaches were breathtaking.
a) So I bought some souvenirs
b) But the food was too spicy
c) Or I might visit again next summer
d) Because the weather was perfect
e) However, I got sunburned

21. When welcoming guests to your home, you might say:

"a) Please make yourself at home."
b) "Would you like something to eat?"
c) "You must leave your shoes on."
d) "I'm sorry, we're not ready for guests."
e) "How long will you stay?"

22. When offering refreshments to your guests, you could ask:

a) "What are you doing here?"
"b) Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?"
c) "Can you help me in the kitchen?"
d) "Do you know the way to the restroom?"
e) "Are you enjoying yourself?"

23. If your guest needs assistance with something, you might say:
a) "I'm too busy right now."
"b) How can I help you?"
c) "Figure it out yourself."
d) "I don't have time for this."
e) "You should have asked someone else."

24. When saying goodbye to your departing guests, you could express:
a) "Please stay a little longer."
b) "I'm glad you came."
"c) Have a safe journey home."
d) "You've overstayed your welcome."
e) "You should leave now."

25. If your guest spills a drink, you might reassure them by saying:
a) "It's not a big deal."
"b) Accidents happen."
c) "You're so clumsy!"
d) "I can't believe you did that."
e) "You need to be more careful."

26. When showing your guest to their room, you might say:
"a) I hope you like it."
b) "This is your room; make yourself comfortable."
c) "You won't need anything else."
d) "I don't have any spare bedrooms."
e) "Sorry, this room is off-limits."

27. If your guest compliments the meal you prepared, you could respond with:
a) "I know, I'm a great cook."
"b) Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it."
c) "It's about time you noticed."
d) "I'm not happy with how it turned out."
e) "You're just saying that."

28. If your guest asks for directions to a nearby attraction, you might say:
a) "I don't know, look it up yourself."
"b) Let me show you on the map."
c) "I'm too busy to help right now."
d) "You should have planned better."
e) "I don't think you'll find it interesting."

29. When offering your guest additional blankets for their comfort, you could say:
a) "You don't need them."
"b) Would you like an extra blanket?"
c) "I only have one blanket."
d) "It's not cold enough for blankets."
e) "I need those blankets for myself."

30. Which sentence shows a correct comparison using "than"?

a) She runs more faster than him.
b) My house is biggest than yours.
c) This book is more interesting than that one.
d) He is as tallest as his brother.
e) She is gooder at math than me.

Choose the correct form of comparison:

31. "Mount Everest is _______ mountain in the world."
a) most tall
b) more tall
c) tallest
d) tall
e) more taller

32. What is the correct form of comparison for the adjective "beautiful"?
a) beautifuler
b) beautifullest
c) more beautiful
d) beautifuller
e) beautifullest

33. Which sentence shows a correct comparison using ""?

a) This movie is most boring as that one.
b) She is as tallest as her sister.
c) He runs as fast or faster than his friends.
d) The weather today is so good as yesterday.
e) This cake is as delicious as the one we had last week.

Choose the correct form of comparison:

34. "My car is _______ than yours."
a) more faster
b) fastly
c) more fast
d) faster
e) fast

35. What is the correct form of comparison for the adjective "clever"?
a) cleverer
b) more clever
c) cleverest
d) most clever
e) more cleverest

36. Which sentence shows a correct comparison using "less...than"?

a) She is less tallest than her brother.
b) This book is less interesting than that one.
c) He speaks less fluently than her.
d) The new restaurant is less better than the old one.
e) The movie was less funny than I expected.

37. What is the correct form of comparison for the adjective "difficult"?
a) most difficult
b) more difficult
c) difficulter
d) difficultest
e) difficulter

Choose the correct form of comparison:

38. "This painting is _______ the one we saw yesterday."
a) as good
b) as good as
c) gooder than
d) more good
e) good

39. Which sentence shows a correct comparison using "better...than"?

a) My laptop is better than him.
b) She dances better as her sister.
c) I feel better in the morning than at night.
d) This song is good, but the other one is betterer.
e) He is better swimmer than her.

Choose the correct form of comparison:

40. "This painting is _______ the one we saw yesterday."
a) as good
b) as good as
c) gooder than
d) more good
e) good

The white tiger

The white tiger is a type of feline subspecies of the Bengal tiger. It has almost no orange
pigmentation. It is for this reason that its fur is white and from there it derives its name.
Despite the black stripes it maintains its pigmentation. Regarding their size or size, these
tigers are usually slightly larger than the orange tigers. Due to this condition (lack of
pigmentation), white tigers have been classified as exotic animals and are a source of great
tourist attraction.

41. What is the main characteristic of the white tiger mentioned in the text?
a) It has orange fur.
b) It has black stripes.
c) It is smaller than other tigers.
d) It lacks orange pigmentation.
e) It is not classified as an exotic animal.

42. How does the white tiger derive its name according to the text?
a) From its black stripes.
b) From its larger size.
c) From its exotic classification.
d) From its lack of pigmentation resulting in white fur.
e) From its orange pigmentation.

43. What is mentioned about the size of white tigers compared to orange tigers?
a) White tigers are slightly smaller.
b) White tigers have more orange pigmentation.
c) White tigers have fewer black stripes.
d) White tigers are usually slightly larger.
e) White tigers have more black stripes.
44. Why are white tigers classified as exotic animals according to the text?
a) Because they have black stripes.
b) Because they are smaller than other tigers.
c) Because they lack pigmentation and have white fur.
d) Because they are not a tourist attraction.
e) Because they have orange pigmentation.

45. What is mentioned as a significant aspect of white tigers in terms of tourism?

a) They are not a tourist attraction.
b) They are usually smaller than orange tigers.
c) They have fewer black stripes.
d) They maintain their pigmentation.
e) They are a source of great tourist attraction.

My friend
I have a very good friend. His name is Ayun. She’s my classmate. He is a beautiful and kind
friend. I know him for about two years. We have met since the first time we met at the
College, IAIN Tulungagung which at that time was the announcement day for class
distribution for new students. Ayun is my confidant. He was very excited to be invited to
chat. I feel suitable to be friends with him. My friend Ayun has an ideal body. It’s about 152
cm tall and weighs around 50 kg. She’s sweet black. The teeth are neat and sparkling white.
He looks very charming when smiling. In addition to her beautiful face, Ayun is very kind and
friendly to everyone. He is very sociable. Cheerful swinging children. He likes to have fun. He
loves traveling. He has a fantastic sense of humor and he always makes me laugh. He can’t
see his friend sad. When his friend is sad, he will cheer up with all his strength until his friend
smiles again. But he has great ambition when doing something. What is desired must be
achieved. Ayun also likes to listen to music, and sometimes he spends money on shopping.
He often invited me to take a walk. We also often buy meals together. Everywhere we are
always together. So often together, some of our friends said, there I am sure to be Ayun. It’s
a pleasure for me to be with him and know him. Hopefully we will remain close friends

46. Who is the narrator's friend?

a) A classmate named Ayun.
b) A teacher named Ayun.
c) A sibling named Ayun.
d) A neighbor named Ayun.
e) A relative named Ayun.

47. How long has the narrator known Ayun?

a) About one year.
b) About two years.
c) About three years.
d) About four years.
e) About five years.
48. What is Ayun's physical appearance like?
a) Tall and slim.
b) Short and overweight.
c) Average height and weight.
d) 152 cm tall and weighs around 50 kg, with neat and sparkling white teeth.
e) 160 cm tall and weighs around 60 kg, with curly hair.

49. What is Ayun's personality like?

a) Shy and introverted.
b) Mean and unfriendly.
c) Kind and friendly, with a great sense of humor.
d) Serious and reserved.
e) Lazy and unambitious.

50. What does Ayun like to do in his free time?

a) Listen to music and go shopping.
b) Play sports and watch movies.
c) Study and read books.
d) Cook and clean the house.
e) Sleep and eat.

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