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Although we are living in a modern world with many conveniences, natural (1)
…………………..and environmental problems remain tough issues. A(2)
…………………sometimes (3)…………….. when it rains for many days or week.
Some(4)……………….can erupt anytime that nobody knows. A/ an strong(5)
………………….can shake the earth and knock down buildings and kill many people.
This phenomenon may also causes (6)..…………………., which is an extremely large
wave in the sea.

That is not all, when warm and cool air start to rise together, this begins a big storm
called (7)…………………Let’s imagine, when this situation (8)…………………., the
victims might be swept away by the strong wind. They will (9)…………..for help and if
there is a luck, they might be (10)………………back by some heroes! Have you ever
seen a (11)…………………..? It (12)…… a violent storm with very strong winds which
move in a circle.

There (13)………...lots of environmental problems nowadays, mainly because

of(14)……………. . It (15)……..the contamination of air, water and land by waste,
chemicals, smoke and other harmful substances. In some areas of the city, the water (16).
……heavily (17)………………….. To keep the citizen (18)…………., the (19)
……………………always encourages all of us to (20)……………………the
environment. Many environment-friendly products has been created at several company
(21)…………………..Let’s save the planet!

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