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Are You a Dead "Person"


Alive and “One of the People”

Which do you choose:

Dead “Person” “One of the People”

An incompetent imbecile A competent expert

A ward of the Crown A master of your destiny

With privileges and no rights With unalienable rights

In permanent debt Debt free

Always paying taxes Tax exempt

Under Crown control Under your control

A pauper Financially abundant

Slave Free
The Dead “Person”

It Starts with Three Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts

These Trusts came into being under the Papal Bulls that started in 1302, the trusts are set up
under Canonum De Ius Positivum, or Canons of Positive Law:

Canon 2048 Since 1933, when a child is born in a State (Estate) under inferior Roman law,
three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions, specifically designed
to deny the child forever any rights of:

1. Real Property
2. Rights as a Free Person
3. Rights to be known as Man and woman

The “Person” will be treated as a creature or animal, via the trusts claiming and possessing the
body, soul and spirit.

The “Person” Birth Certificate

The “Person” is issued a Birth Certificate given to its parents; the Birth Certificate belongs to the

The Birth Certificate registers the SURNAME as a Crown Trade Name, the SURNAME as
written in all CAPS is an incorporated "Person".

Nobody gets the original Birth Certificate as it belongs to the Crown.

The Crown sells it on the financial markets as a financial instrument that is registered as a
Security Future via the Depositary Trust Company (DTCC) in New York.

The markets invest in the Security Future as a securitisation of your energy and labour, the
currency created underpins the economy, this can be evidenced by looking up the Birth
Certificate number as a CUSIP Number at Fidelity.

The Birth Certificate + the Certificate number, represents a dead incorporated "Person" that
unknowing operates as a pagan disciple of Satan, as a sinner, an adulterer, the “Person” is
always guilty, has no rights, and is always in debt to the Crown.

The “Person” represented by the NAME and number is the mark of the beast 666.
The “Person” is not you; you are the “I Am” a living man / woman “One of the People” as
identified by your Christian Name/s.

How Did the Crown Make You Into a “Person”?

Your mother was unknowingly coerced and tricked into signing the Birth Certificate forms and
became an "informant" (one who gives someone up); your mother signed the Birth Certificate
forms from the Office of the "Person" as a "dead" pagan disciple of Satan, as a sinner, an
adulterer, a sinner and innocently aided the Crown in a constructive fraud.

Following the Birth Certificate registration event the living you becomes a beneficiary under a
series of Cestui Que Vie temporary testamentary trusts.

You, a living man/woman, one of the “People” depicted by your Christian name/s are presumed
by the Crown as dead and "Lost at Sea”, this can be evidenced by reviewing the Cestui Que Vie
Acts of 1666 and 1707.

The Birth Certificate registration forms were used to create a document of Title, a Bond, and an
insured Security, a Crown incorporated Tradename.

The completion of the Birth Certificate forms created an adhesion contract that if confirmed via a
joinder makes the living you the surety and Trustee to the Crown’s Trade Name “Person”.

Every time you the living man/woman, one of the “People” identify yourself as the dead
"Person", it creates a joinder between the Man / woman, as one of the "People" and the dead
"Person", by giving joinder you have entered a contract to act as the surety for the “Person”.

The Crown presumes that it is the Executor De Son Tort of the Estate of the “Person” and from
its presumed status of Executor De Son Tort appoints you the living man/woman, one of the
“People” as a Trustee (one who always pays) for an endless number of Constructive Cestui Que
Vie Trusts.

What appear to be contracts that the “Person” signs up for in commerce are really Constructive

You, a living man/woman, one of the “People”, Born on a different date to the date of the Birth
Certificate registration date, were not a party to the Birth Certificate adhesion contract and have
been defrauded.
The living man/woman, as one of the "People" is the Holder in Due Course of the energy of the
living you man/woman, as one of the "People" and the rightful Occupant of the Office of the
"Person" as the General Executor of the dead "Person" Estate.

The Birth Certificate details the day you were born and the date of the registration of the Birth
Certificate, there are two Certificates, one for the “Person” and one for “One of the People”.

Two Certificates

1. The Birth Certificate for the “Person”.

o This Certificate is for a Satanic Crown incorporation.

2. The Born Certificate for “One of the People”

o This Certificate is for the living man / woman, the “I Am” an unincorporated entity.

Your Estate

When you reach the age of majority under the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, which is the 'Law
of the Sea', you become eligible to 'register' your living Estate as a 'vessel' navigating on the
'sea of commerce'. In this scenario, you are the General Executor, the Master of your Estate.

As a living man or woman, "One of the People", you are the Owner and Beneficiary of the
"Person" as an Estate. However, the Crown retains an 'Equitable Title' as the Registrar, which
means you do not have control over your Estate.

The Crown will presume you forfeited the Estate and have "gone to sea".

If you are missing for seven years, you are declared legally dead by the Cestui Que Vie Act
1666 unless they return to claim their Estate.

After seven years, you "died" without a will "Intestate", and the Crown was appointed to manage
your Estate/Trust under the 'Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988, Section 11.

But you, as "One of the People", you are the "Holder in Due Course" of your Estate and a
Creditor to the Crown.
You are the Beneficiary and the Executor(rix) of your Estate Trust under common law, and all
BAR oath-bound officials are your Public Trustees.

But unless corrected, the Crown assumes your Estate is a Foreign Situs Trust, and the State
gains the "Equitable Title" (Beneficiary) to your Estate, whilst the "Person" has the "Legal Title"
as the Trustee.

Via any act of joinder, you, the living "One of the People", become the Trustee of the "Person"
and are treated as a liable, guilty debtor to the Crown.

Unless corrected, the Crown has turned the tables on you.

The fundamental flaw that the Crown cannot overcome is that for a Birth Certificate to be
issued, a living man/woman, "One of the People", must first have been born onto the land.

You are not dead and are the living "Holder in Due Course" of your Estate.

Under the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, IV “If the supposed dead Man proves to be alive, then the
Title is revested”.

Remember that you have a "birthday" a “born day” on which you were born into the world from
your mother. Meanwhile, the "Person" has a "date of birth" on which the Registrar registered the
“Person”. These two events always have different dates.

Maxim of Law: He who fails to assert his rights has none.

How To Step Out of The Matrix and Take Back Your Freedom

1. Send a will and testament for the "Person" to Crown Officials via certified mail, you are
recording your acknowledgement that you occupy the Office of the "Person" as the
General Executor, and you are one of the “People” and are not dead and lost at sea.

2. Send one of the "People" Ecclesiastical Deed Polls to Crown Officials via certified mail;
you are correcting your Status and confirming that you are one of the "People".
3. Send a NOTICE that you as Occupant of the Office of Executor for the dead Estate of
the “Person” to Crown officials with a Office location and revoke the “Person” address.

4. Send NOTICES to Crown Officials that you, as one of the "People," have taken up your
rightful position as Occupant of the Office of the dead "Person" as its General Executor
via certified mail. Only you can administer the dead "Person" Estate.
5. Invoke Birth Certificate Clausula Rebis Sic Stantibus and revoke all contracts including
adhesion contracts, Acts and Statutes between the Crown and the dead "Person".
6. Send NOTICES to Crown Officials that you rebut all twelve Presumptions of the BAR
7. Get your Born Certificate and use this as identification as one of the “People”.

8. Change the Crowns registered “Person” Name to your Christian Name/s via Deed Poll
and use your Christian Name/s as one of the "People" to get a one of the “People”
9. Instead of operating as a "Person" or one of the "People" in commercial matters, set up
an unincorporated Private Trust and appoint a Ltd Company or (equivalent) as your
Private Trust Trustee/Fiduciary, using your Born Name as the company name to get
bank account/s for the company.

10. As you as one of the “People” are the Holder in Due Course of the credit that the
“Person” transmitted via bank payments, to arrange mortgage/s and loans, recoup your
abandoned credit, i.e. the “Person” bank payments, mortgages etc.
11. For asset sheltering, record the allodial title of all assets under your Private Trust.


Are You Dead or Alive

A "Person" or One of the "People"?

Video References


The Birth Certificate, Certificate of live Birth.

Guthrie Card Birth Certificate Slavery

Dividing the Trust and Frankenstein's Monster


Trust Will and Mary 1688 ' 89

Caught in The Matrix of Commerce and How to Escape it


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Fair use is a legal doctrine that says that the use of copyright-protected material under certain
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