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University of Tehran

College of Interdisciplinary Science and Technologies

School of Aerospace Engineering

Unsteady Aerodynamics

Asst. Prof. Majid Hajipour

2nd Semester 1402-03

Introduction to the Course
Introduction to the Course
Course Instructor:
Majid Hajipour
Assistant Professor at the University of Tehran
PhD in Aerodynamics, Sharif University of Technology
Office No. 345
Email: hajipourm@ut.ac.ir
LinkedIn: https://ir.linkedin.com/in/hajipour

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Introduction to the Course
Course Objectives:
The term ‘unsteady aerodynamics’ is used to denote fluid flow problems whereby either a body moves in a
fluid in a time-varying fashion or the flow is time-varying itself. This course aims to overview the physical
phenomena related to unsteady fluid motion with a special focus on analytical modelling methods. The
emphasis of this course is on application so that all theories are accompanied by practical examples, as well as,
several assignments using Matlab/Python codes.

Image from https://aerodyn.org/

Image from https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2022.31

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Introduction to the Course
What are the main analyzing tools for an aerodynamics engineer?

Fluid Dynamics

the Flow
Analytical Fluid Computational
Dynamics Fluid Dynamics

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Introduction to the Course
Why potential and vortex methods?
• Numerical solutions of fluid flow equations are possible, but turbulence renders them impractical. In order to capture
all the spatial scales of turbulence at a Reynolds number encountered in aeronautical practice, the computational
requirements of a direct numerical simulation of the Navier–Stokes equations exceed the capabilities of even the
fastest and biggest modern computers.
• Therefore, in order to model practical problems, we resort to solving easier equations. These can be averaged or
filtered versions of the original Navier–Stokes relations or simpler equations that are developed after making
assumptions about the physics of the flow.
• The fastest solutions are obtained for potential flow equations, whereby the flow is assumed to be inviscid,
irrotational and isentropic, if not incompressible.

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Introduction to the Course
Why potential and vortex methods?
• As long as the flow remains attached to the surface, its Reynolds number is high and there are no strong shock waves,
potential methods can provide fast and reliable solutions to practical engineering problems. For example:
 Potential flow methods are the industrial standard for aircraft aeroelastic calculations.
 Potential flow methods are the industrial standard for wind turbine and wind farm calculations.
• Their main advantage is that they do not require the calculation of the solution in the entire flowfield; calculations on
the surface of the body and in its wake are sufficient, and the computational cost of such solutions is very low. Even
separated flows can be approximated in this manner, by shedding vortices from the separated flow region of the body
into the wake.

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Introduction to the Course
Unsteady potential flow, a hot research topic in the community:
• A quick search among the latest JFM papers (last 6 months):

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Introduction to the Course
Unsteady potential flow, a hot research topic in the community:
• Multi-Fidelity Approach in Aerodynamics:
 Multi-fidelity models provide a framework for integrating computational models of varying complexity, allowing for accurate
predictions while optimizing computational resources. These models are especially beneficial when acquiring high-accuracy data
is costly or computationally intensive.

Image from https://arxiv.org/html/1609.07196v5

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Introduction to the Course
Course Outlines:
Introduction to the Course 4. Unsteady Airfoil at High Angle of Attack
Application of Unsteady Aerodynamics Steady Flow Separation Mechanisms
Why Potential and Vortex Methods? Unsteady Flow Separation
1. Unsteady Flow Fundamentals Dynamic Stall
From Navier–Stokes to Unsteady Incompressible Potential Flow 5. Finite Wings
Incompressible Potential Flow Solutions Finite Wings in Steady Flow
Vorticity and Circulation The Impulsively Started Elliptical Wing
2. Analytical Incompressible 2D Models
Steady Thin Airfoil Theory
Unsteady Thin Airfoil Theories
3. Numerical Incompressible 2D Models
Lumped Vortex Method
Source and Vortex Panel Method

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Introduction to the Course
- Dimitriadis, Grigorios. Unsteady Aerodynamics: Potential and Vortex Methods. John Wiley & Sons, 2024

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Introduction to the Course
- Katz, Joseph, and Allen Plotkin. Low-speed aerodynamics. Vol. 13. Cambridge university press, 2001.

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Introduction to the Course
- Gülçat, Ülgen. Fundamentals of modern unsteady aerodynamics. Berlin: Springer, 2021.

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Introduction to the Course
- Cebeci, Tuncer, Max Platzer, Hsun Chen, Kuo-Cheng Chang, and Jian P. Shao. Analysis of low-speed unsteady
airfoil flows. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.

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Introduction to the Course
- Panton, Ronald L. Incompressible flow. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.

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Introduction to the Course
Grade Policy:
- Assignments 15%
- Quizzes 20%
- Final Exam 35%
- Term Project 20%
- Seminar 10%

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