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CLAT PG Syllabus 2025

Only 1 Section, 120 minutes

Constitutional Law

1. Basic & Salient Features of the Indian Constitution/History/

2. Citizenship.
3. Doctrine of Basic Structure.
4. Fundamental Rights - Article 12- Article 30.
5. DPSPs & Fundamental Duties.
6. Important Amendments.
7. Constitutional Remedies.
8. Supreme Court.
9. Ordinance Power.
10. Parliament.
11. Services under Union and State.
12. Emergency Provisions.
13. Anti-Defection Law.
14. Center-state Relations.
15. Scheduled Area.
16. Article 300 A.
17. Article 370.

Law of Torts:

1. Introduction to General Principles.

2. What are Torts?
3. Origin of Law of Torts in India.
4. Criticism of Winfield.
5. Damnum sine Injuria/ Injuria sine Damnum Tortious Liability.
6. Several Independent Tortfeasors.
7. Joint Tortfeasors and related cases.
8. Statutory Authority.
9. Consent (Volenti nonfit Injuria) General Defences.
10. Acts of God & Private Defence.
11. Strict Liability.
12. Specific Torts.
13. Absolute Liability.
14. Negligence.
15. Nuisance and Defamation.
16. Vicarious Liability.
17. Consumer Protection.
18. The distinction between Joint and Several Tortfeasor.

Labour and Industrial Law

1. Introduction to Labour and Industrial Law

2. Theory and Concept of Industrial Relations
3. Industrial Relations Code 2020
4. Code on Social Security 2020
5. Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions 2020
6. Code on Wages 2020
7. Industrial Disputes Act
8. The Factories Act, 1948
9. The Standing Orders Act
10. Analysis of Recent Amendments made in Labour Laws
11. Leading Cases in Labour Laws


1. Definition/Nature of Jurisprudence
2. Source of Law
3. School of Jurisprudence
4. Rights
5. Duties
6. Power Liability Person and Liabilities
7. Ownership and Possession
8. Corporate Liability
9. Theories of Punishment
10. Law and Morals
11. Contemporary Jurists & Recent Contemporary Concepts
12. Maxims
13. Hohfeld’s Legal Relation/ Jural Analysis

Environmental law:

1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974

2. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981
3. The Environment (Protection) Act 1986
4. The National Environment Tribunal Act, 1955
5. Indian Forest Act, 1927
6. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
7. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
8. Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
9. Schedule Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006
10. International Environment Law
Criminal Law

1. Overview/Introduction
2. Criminal Courts in India
3. Stages of Trial:
o Investigation
o Inquiry
o Trial
4. Plea Bargaining
5. Bail
6. Vitiation of Proceedings
7. Inherent Power

International law:

1. What is International Law?

2. Sources of International Law
3. Relationship between Municipal and International Law
4. Treaties
5. International Organisations
6. State Recognition
7. State Succession
8. Human Rights and International Law
9. Law of Sea, Air, and Space
10. Settlement of Dispute

Law of Contracts:

1. Introduction
2. Basic elements of Contract
3. Offer Acceptance Consideration, etc.
4. Communication of Offer, Acceptance, and Revocation of Offer &
5. Consent
6. Capacity to Contract
7. Privity of Contract
8. Element Vitiating Contract
9. Wagering Agreements and Contingent Contract
10. Quasi Contract
11. Breach of Contract and Remedies for Breach of Contract
12. Bailment, Pledge- Specific Contract
13. Indemnity, Guarantee and Agency
14. Force Majeure & Doctrine of Frustration

Property Law
Outline and Applicability of the subject

1. Types of Properties
2. Concept of Sale, Lease, Mortgage, Exchange, Gift, Will, etc.
3. Actionable Claims

Administrative Law

 Meaning, Definition.
 Scope and Significance of Administrative Law.
 Rule of Law.
 Administrative Actions - Meaning and Classifications.
 Principles of Natural Justice, Meaning, Nature and need for
administrative direction.
 Natural Justice and Statutory Provisions.
 Control Mechanism of Delegated Legislation Parliamentary.
 Procedural and Adjudicatory.
 Liability of Administration.
 Administrative Discretion and Remedies.
 Meaning of Delegated.
 Legislation and its growth.
 Administrative Adjudication.
 Enforceability of Administrative Direction.
 Administrative Direction to Quasi-Judicial and Statutory Bodies.
 Doctrine of Estoppel.
 Relationship between Constitutional Law and Administrative Law.
 Emerging Trends in Administrative Law.

Key Takeaways

 Know Your Syllabus: Understand and prioritize the CLAT PG

Syllabus subjects outlined by the Consortium of NLUs.
 Focus on Core Subjects: Focus on constitutional law, jurisdiction,
law of torts, and other major law subjects.
 Use Recommended Materials: Refer to the latest editions of
suggested books and legal databases for up-to-date information.
 Practice with MCQs: Regularly solve multiple-choice questions,
especially passage-based ones.
 Stay Updated on Legal Affairs: Keep track of current legal
developments and landmark cases.
 Employ Visual Mapping: Create visual notes to remember
important legal provisions and cases.
 Regular Mock Tests: Attempt mock exams to familiarize yourself
with the exam pattern and timing.
 Consistent Revision: Follow a strict revision schedule to reinforce
your understanding of the topics mentioned in CLAT PG Syllabus
 Intensive Practice
Focus on practicing comprehension passage-based MCQs to
improve speed and understanding, which is crucial for the CLAT
PG syllabus 2025.
 Stay Updated with Current Affairs:
Keep abreast of the latest legal developments, as changes in laws
like the RTI Act can be significant for the exam.
 Use a Mapping Strategy:
Create visual connections between sections and topics to help
memorize and understand important judgments and concepts.
 Dedicated Time for Jurisprudence:
Allocate sufficient time to study jurisprudence, as it is a vital part
of both the CLAT PG syllabus 2025 and the practical legal field.
 Read Newspapers Regularly:

Improve your comprehension skills and stay updated with current

affairs, which is important for the exam.

 Regular Mock Tests:

Take mock exams frequently to get familiar with the exam pattern
and identify your strong and weak areas.
 Master Comprehension Questions:
Practice with sample papers and past exams to enhance your
problem-solving abilities, especially under timed conditions.
 Consistent Revision:
Implement daily, weekly, and monthly revision strategies to
consolidate your knowledge base.
 Follow a Strict Schedule:
Develop and adhere to a consistent study plan with achievable goals
to track progress and stay motivated

Singhal's Solved Papers of LLM.

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