A novel nanofluid based on sulfonated graphene for enhanced

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Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806

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A novel nanofluid based on sulfonated graphene for enhanced

oil recovery
Hamideh Radnia a, Alimorad Rashidi b,⁎, Ali Reza Solaimany Nazar c,⁎,
Mohammad Mehdi Eskandari d, Milad Jalilian e
Chemical Engineering Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Nanotechnology Research Center, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran, Iran
Chemical Engineering Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Nanotechnology Research Center, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran, Iran
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Ahvaz Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study a novel nanofluid based on the sulfonated graphene (G-DS-Su) for enhanced oil recovery is devel-
Received 22 June 2018 oped. Nano porous graphene (NPG) synthesized by chemical vapor deposition method is sulfonated by a new
Received in revised form 1 August 2018 route using 4-sulfobenzenediazonium salt and then chlorosulfonic acid. Presence of\\SO3H group in G-DS-Su
Accepted 12 September 2018
structure is confirmed by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) result. This stable functionalized
Available online 13 September 2018
graphene dispersion is applied in core flood experiments. Using G-DS-Su at concentrations of 0.5 and 2 mg/mL
results in 16 and 19% increase in the oil recovery. Prior experiments show that G-DS-Su tends to migrate to the
Displacement mechanism oil/water interface and form emulsions. Moreover, the IFT decreases about 11% in presence of G-DS-Su but an ul-
Enhance oil recovery tralow IFT is not achieved. The contact angle measurements show that the wettability of sandstone surface is al-
Pickering emulsions tered from the oil-wet to the intermediate condition in presence of G-DS-Su. The wettability alteration may be
Sulfonated graphene due to both forming a wedge film in the oil/nanofluid/solid three-phase contact region and the adsorption of
Wettability alteration G-DS-Su onto the sandstone due to the π-π and n-π interactions between the functional groups of sand and G-
DS-Su. Hence, the wettability alteration plays a dominant role in the oil displacement mechanism.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction surface of rock pore and is expelled by capillary force. The potentials
of using nanoparticles in enhanced oil recovery are reviewed in litera-
About two-thirds of the oil in place in many of the world's oil reser- tures [6–8].
voirs cannot be recovered by primary and secondary oil recovery Preparation of soluble or dispersible graphene sheets are of crucial
methods [1]. The use of chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods importance for their applications. As well, the agglomeration of
is a potential tool to recover oil from hard-to-produce reservoirs. In graphene sheets can be prevented by proper covalent functionalization.
chemical EOR, a fluid is usually used for displacing the trapped oil via al- The functional groups can be placed at the end of the sheets and/or on
tering the properties of reservoir fluid and rock such as interfacial ten- the surface [9]. Pristine graphene can be functionalized by organic func-
sion, wettability of sand and mobility ratio [2]. A new view of oil tionalities such as free radicals and dienophiles. For example, heating of
displacement from a solid substrate using nanoparticle dispersions is a diazonium salt results in a highly reactive free radical which attacks
proposed by Wasan and Nikolov [3–5]. According to their findings, the sp2 carbon atoms of graphene and forms a covalent bond [10].
nanoparticles can assemble themselves and form a wedge film when This reaction has been used in some researches to decorate graphene
they are in contact with the three-phase contact region of oil droplet, with sulfonic (\\SO3H) groups [11–13].
nanofluid and rock pore surface. This cause a force to be exerted Recently, application of amphiphilic carbon based materials in
pointing to vertex of the wedge film which is called the structural chemical enhance oil recovery has attracted many attentions. Luo
disjoining pressure. The nanoparticles at the vertex are continuously et al. [14] designed and produced a nanofluid of graphene-based amphi-
being driven forward. Ultimately, the oil droplet is detached from the philic nanosheets that is very effective for flooding experiments. These
solid particles spontaneously approached the oil–water interface and
⁎ Corresponding authors.
reduced the interfacial tension, regardless of its surface wettability.
E-mail addresses: h.radnia@eng.ui.ac.ir (H. Radnia), rashidiam@ripi.ir (A. Rashidi), They reported that the appearance of climbing films and the generation
asolaimany@eng.ui.ac.ir (A.R. Solaimany Nazar), eskandarimm@ripi.ir (M.M. Eskandari). of elastic interfacial films between oil and water interface may be

0167-7322/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
796 H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806

Fig. 1. Synthesis of 4-sulfobenzenediazonium salt.

responsible for the high oil recovery efficiency. In another study, the au- interfacial activity. The sand pack studies showed that about half of
thors used this nanofluid at secondary oil recovery stage which can the injected particles will go the oil/water interface when the porous
eliminate the tertiary stage and save huge amounts of water resource medium contains a residual saturation of hydrocarbon.
[15]. They reported increased in oil recovery efficiency by up to 7.5%. In this study, the direct sulfonation of graphene sheets is carried out
Li et al. [16] introduced a novel nanofluid based on fluorescent carbon to provide a chemical agent for enhance oil recovery. In previous stud-
nanoparticles for enhanced oil recovery. The nanofluid showed excel- ies, commonly, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) is used as the initial ma-
lent anti-temperature, anti-salinity, oil displacement and wettability al- terial for sulfonation process [11,18–20]. It is expected that introducing
teration properties. Villamizar et al. [17] reported that single-walled hydrophilic functional groups to graphene makes it as an amphiphilic
carbon nanotube-silica nanohybrid particles are a very promising mate- material with hydrophobic basal plane and hydrophilic edges. Several
rial that could be used for enhanced oil recovery because of their possible measurements, i.e. contact angle and IFT is conducted to

Fig. 2. Illustration for the preparation of functionalized NPG.

H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806 797

Fig. 3. (a) EDS analysis and (b) XRD pattern of sandstone sample.

evaluate the behavior of this material at oil, water and sand interface. 2.3. Functionalization of graphene
These findings help to have a better insight about the oil displacement
mechanism from porous media during core flood experiments. The 4-sulfobenzenediazonium salt is synthesized following a stan-
dard procedure as shown in Fig. 1. In brief, 5.2 g of 4-aminobenzene sul-
fonic acid is dissolved in 300 mL of water. 28 mL of HCl (20%) is added to
2. Materials
the solution. 2.4 g of sodium nitrite is dissolved in 10 mL of water and
added in drop-wise to the solution while the temperature is maintained
2.1. Chemicals
within 0–5 °C. A clear solution is obtained after all the sodium nitrite is
added. After stirring for another 1 h at same temperature, the white pre-
Ethanol (C2H6O), methanol (CH3OH), thionyl chloride (SOCl2),
cipitate of 4-sulfobenzenediazonium salt is formed.
diethylenetriamine (C4H13N3), dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), sodium
The sulfonated graphene is prepared using 4-
dodecylbenzenesulfonates (C18H29NaO3S), chlorosulfonic acid
sulfobenzenediazonium salt based on the similar procedure reported
(ClSO3H), 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (C6H7NO3S), sodium nitrite
by Peng et al. [22]. This functionalized graphene is named as G-DS in
(NaNO2), hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium chloride (NaCl) and toluene
which G stands for graphene, D stands for diazonium and S pointes to
(C7H8) are all purchased from Merck (Germany). All reagents are ana-
sulfonic groups. In order to prepare G-DS, 2 g of NPG is dispersed in
lytical grade and used without further purification.
200 mL water. In a set of experiments 1 g sodium
dodecylbenzensulfonate (SDBS) is added to the graphene dispersion
2.2. Nano porous graphene (NPG) to perform surfactant wrapped graphene. This dispersion is sonicated
for 5 min.
NPG is supplied by nanotechnology research center of Research In- The graphene dispersion is poured in a 500 mL cylindrical double
stitute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI). NPG is prepared by special chemical walled glass container with water jacket type of construction. The con-
vapor deposition (CVD) method in a metal oxide nanocatalytic basis. tainer is connected to a circulator (Julabo- F12) for cooling the water
Briefly, the CVD process is carried out in an electrical furnace with jacket within 0–5 °C. The 4-sulfobenzenediazonium salt solution is
quartz reactor at 900–1100 °C for 5–30 min using methane as the car- added slowly to the graphene dispersion under mild stirring. The resul-
bon source and hydrogen as the carrier gas at a ratio of 4:1 and total tant solution is maintained within 0–5 °C for 2 days, and subsequently
flow rate of 1000 L/min [21]. The crystal structure of the synthesized allowed to react at room temperature for 2 days. Then the solution tem-
NPG is characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique (Bruker D8 perature is raised to 70 °C for 2 days. The functionalized graphene is sep-
Advance). The morphology and structure of NPG are considered by arated though filtration using a Whatman filter paper of grade 42 and
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique (JEOL 1200EXII). washed with water for several times. The product is also washed with

Fig. 4. (a) Schematic of the IFT measurement set up, (b) diameters of the pendant drop.
798 H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806

temperature for 24 h under stirring to complete the reaction. The homo-

geneous suspension of functionalized graphene is subsequently centri-
fuged, washed with water and ethanol for several times to purify the
solid product, and then dried in oven at 60 °C. The final product is
named as G-DS-Su.
The functional groups of G-DS, G-DS-DETA and G-DS-Su materials are
characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra. The FTIR
spectra are collected using these materials diluted in KBr matrix in the
form of pellets applying a JASCO- 6300 spectrometer.

2.4. Fluids

A degassed crude oil from a field in southwest of Iran is used. The

density and viscosity of the crude oil are 0.833 g/L and 35 cp, respec-
tively. Synthetic brine is made with sodium chloride (NaCl) with con-
centration of 100,000 ppm as a base fluid solution for measuring the
porosity of cores. The density of the brine is 1.05 g/L. The functionalized
graphene such as G-DS and G-DS-Su, are easily dispersed in deionized
Fig. 5. UV–Vis spectra of G-DS-Su dispersion at different concentrations. The inset shows
water to prepare the nanofluids. The nanofluids with various concentra-
the calibration curve for determining G-DS-Su concentration at λmax = 265 nm.
tions between 0 and 2 mg/mL are prepared applying a bath sonicator
(Elmasonic-P 120H) at the frequency of 40 kHz and the power of 150
watt for 5 min. The stability of nanofluid is monitored visually during
ethanol using Soxhlet extractor. The synthesized G-DS is dried in oven at
24 h. The zeta potentials of nanofluid are measured applying a
60 °C. The synthesis and structure of functionalized graphene are shown
Malvern-Zetasizer Nano S at 25 °C to have an insight about the stability
in Fig. 2.
of nanofluid at different pH values.
In this study a new route is used to add more solfonate groups to G-
DS and prepare a new functionalized graphene named as G-DS-Su. This
route is shown in Fig. 2. First the OH groups is replaced with Cl using thi- 2.5. Sandstone samples
onyl chloride (SOCl2). For this purpose, 1 g of G-DS is mixed with 40 mL
of SOCl2. The reaction mixture is then continually stirred under The sandstone cores are obtained from one of the Iranian southwest
refluxing condition for 72 h. The excess SOCl2 is separated from the oil fields. All core plugs are cleaned by toluene and methanol in a
solid product with distillation method. This material (G-DS-Cl) is very Soxhlet extractor. Two cores are used in a coreflood process and one is
sensitive against moisture. In the next step, the black solid G-DS-Cl is cut in the form of thin slices for the contact angle experiments. As
mixed with 10 mL of diethylenetriamine and 40 mL of dichloromethane well, a portion of the core was crushed for characterization and the ad-
within 0–5 °C. The mixture is kept at ambient temperature for 24 h sorption experiments.
under stirring to allow complete reaction. The resulting black suspen- A field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) (TESCAN,
sion is centrifuged, washed with water and ethanol. The solid product MIRA3) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
is dried in oven at 60 °C to obtain the material named as G-DS-DETA. analysis is applied to identify the sandstone minerals. As expected, the
In the last step, 0.5 g of G-DS-DETA is dispersed in 40 mL of dichloro- sandstone mainly contains silicone and oxygen; other elements includ-
methane. Then 5 mL of chlorosulfonic acid is gradually added to this ing iron, titanium, potassium, carbon, and aluminum are also found
mixture under stirring while the temperature of the mixture is kept (Fig. 3(a)). The clay mineralogy of the sandstones is identified and
within 0–5 °C. Then the temperature is raised and kept at ambient quantified by XRD pattern (Bruker, D8 ADVANCE). Based on the XRD

Fig. 6. Schematic of the core flood set up.

H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806 799

Table 1
Dimensions and properties of the core plugs.

Core no. D (cm) L (cm) mdry (g) P·V (cm3) Porosity (%) Permeability (mDarcy) OIP (mL) Soi % Swi %

1 3.697 5.348 131.30 12.05 20.99 142.50 8.4 69.70 30.30

2 3.699 5.607 128.51 10.91 18.11 106.18 7.4 67.82 32.18

results, the sandstone is composed of quartz mineral as major compo- diameter ds at the distance de from the top of the drop. The IFT is then
nent. It also contains potassium feldspar to a lesser extent (Fig. 3(b)). calculated from the following equation.

3. Methods Δρgde
IFT ¼ ð1Þ
3.1. Emulsion preparation
where, g and Δρ are acceleration of gravity and the difference between
The amphiphilic nature of the functionalized graphene (named as G- the crude oil drop and the aqueous solution densities, respectively. The
DS-Su) is examined by preparing oil in water emulsions. For this pur- shape parameter (H) depends on the value of shape factor (S = ds/de).
pose, 5 mL of toluene is added to 5 mL of the nanofluid dispersion
with a specific concentration (0–2 mg/L). The vials containing organic 3.3. Batch adsorption experiments
and aqueous phases are placed in an ice-bath for 10 min. Then the mix-
ture is sonicated for 30 s applying a probe sonicator (Misonix-S400) The adsorption of G-DS-Su onto the sandstone is investigated by a
with auto tuning power in the pulse mode. The vials are also kept in batch technique. The adsorption experiments are conducted using the
the ice bath during sonication to prevent temperature increase during same procedure described in our previous work [23]. The residual con-
ultrasonic process. The optical micrograph of the prepared emulsions centration of G-DS-Su in the solution is determined by applying a cali-
on the glass slides are taken applying a BM2000 microscope (ECLIPSE bration curve obtained through the UV–Vis spectroscopy
LV100POL, Nikon, Japan) after 24 h of the sample preparation. The aver- measurements (Varian- Cary 50). The optical property of the G-DS-Su
age sizes of the emulsion droplets are determined based on these im- aqueous solution measured by the UV–Vis spectra shows an absorption
ages using Digimizer software (version 4.3.5). peak at 265 nm (Fig. 5).
The inset figure in Fig. 5 shows the UV–Vis absorbance of the G-DS-
3.2. Interfacial tension measurement Su aqueous solutions at different concentrations at λ = 265 nm. Know-
ing the equilibrium concentration (Ce (mg/mL)) and initial concentra-
The equilibrium interfacial tension (IFT) measurements between the tion (C0 (mg/mL)) of G-DS-Su, the amount of G-DS-Su adsorption (%)
crude oil and the nanofluids are conducted by the pendant drop method is calculated by the following equation.
at ambient condition. The schematic of the IFT measurement setup is
shown in Fig. 4(a). For the IFT measurements, a syringe is fitted with a ðC 0 −C e Þ
Adsorptionð%Þ ¼ ð2Þ
U-shape needle with a specified diameter and loaded with the crude C0
oil. An optically clear vessel is filled with the nanofluid. The concentra-
tions of the nanofluids is varied between 0 and 0.5 mg/mL. The tip of
the U-shaped needle is positioned in the vessel. The crude oil droplet 3.4. Contact angle measurement
is positioned at the tip of the needle and then, the image of the drop is
recorded applying a CCD camera equipped with a macro-lens. Finally, The contact angle measurements are used to assess the order of wet-
the image of the equilibrium pendant drop is analyzed by the image an- tability alteration of the sandstone slices after aging in nanofluids. Aging
alyzing software and the IFT is determined. procedure of sandstone slices and contact angle measurements are con-
As Fig. 4(b) shows, two parameters of the pendant drop that are de- ducted through the same method described in our previous work [23]. It
termined experimentally are the equatorial diameter, de, and the should be noted that the wettability of the surface is defined according

Fig. 7. (a) XRD spectra and (b) TEM image of NPG.

800 H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806

to the contact angle in three phase system (water, oil and rock surface),
i.e. water wet for the contact angle in the range 0°–75°, intermediate for
the contact angle in the range 75°–115° and oil wet for the contact angle
in the range 115°–180° [24].

3.5. Core flood experiments

3.5.1. Coreflood set up

The schematic of coreflood setup is shown in Fig. 6. The core flooding
apparatus consists of three different stainless steel vessels. The vessels
are filled up each with brine or DI water, the nanofluid and crude oil.
The free floating piston separates the pump fluid from the injected
fluid inside the vessels. The pump injects water as a pump fluid from
bottle through pipes to push the piston plate located inside the cylin-
ders. The oil vessel's outlet line is separated from the other vessel's out-
let to avoid early mixing of the fluids. Valves are installed at inlet and
outlet of the vessels to regulate fluid flow. A bypass flow line is located
to clean the line before injecting another fluid. The influent flow lines
from the vessels are connected to a Hassler type stainless steel core
holder designed for consolidated core plugs. The sandstone cores are
placed inside a robber sleeved core holder, subjected to an external con-
fining pressure. A hand pump is used to fill the annulus between the
robber sleeve and the core holder with water up to the desired pressure
(here almost nearly 1000 psi) in order to prevent the fluid leakage from
the space between the core and the robber sleeve. The differential pres-
sure between two sides of the core holder is recorded by a precision
pressure gauge. The effluent from core is measured using an

3.5.2. Core porosity and permeability measurements

The core plugs dimensions and their dry weights are measured. The
Fig. 8. FTIR spectra of NPG before and after functionalization. core plugs are fully saturated with brine using a vacuum container. The
pore volume and porosity of the cores are calculated using the weight of

Fig. 9. (a) Images of the G-DS and G-DS-Su dispersion and (b) zeta potential of the G-DS-Su dispersion at different pH values.
H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806 801

Fig. 10. Optical micrographs of Pickering emulsions stabilized by G-DS-Su at different concentrations: (a) 0.2, (b) 0.5, (c) 1 and (d) 2 mg/mL. Organic phase: toluene, Oil/water ratio: 1:1.
The average droplet size is presented in each figure.

Fig. 11. Photographs of crude oil drops against nanofluids at different concentrations of G-DS-Su: (a) 0, (b) 0.2 and (c) 0.5 mg/mL. The IFT value is presented in each figure.

brine remained in the cores. The core plugs are flooded by brine at three oil for 8 weeks to restore the reservoir equilibrium condition. The di-
different flow rates (0.2, 0.6, 0.8 mL/min) in order to measure the abso- mensions and mentioned properties of the core plugs are reported in
lute water permeability using Darcy low. Then crude oil is injected into Table 1.
the core plugs at the rate of 0.1 mL/min until surely no more brine is
produced. The oil in place (OIP) volume is equal to the produced 3.5.3. Coreflooding procedure
brine. The oil saturation (Soi) and water saturation (Swi) percent are The coreflood experiments aim to reveal the nanofluids application
also calculated. Then the core plugs are aged in a cell containing crude possibility for the enhanced oil recovery in sandstone reservoir rock.

Fig. 12. Schematic of amphiphilic nature of G-DS-Su at the oil/water interface.

802 H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806

Fig. 13. The oil droplet on the sandstone surface after aging in (a) crude oil and then the G-DS-Su nanofluid at concentrations of (b) 0, (c) 0.5 and (d) 2 mg/mL.

The flooding experiments are conducted at room temperature. The of graphene layers is about 3. Besides, according to the TEM images
water was injected at constant rate of 0.2 mL/min approximately 2 PV. (Fig. 7(b)), the graphene sheets with a porous structure are exfoliated.
The volume of effluents (oil and water) was recorded every 5 min.
The water flooding (secondary recovery) was continued until surely 4.2. Functionalized graphene characterization
no more oil is produced. Then the injection is continued at constant
rate 0.2 mL/min for approximately 3–4 PV of G-DS-Su as tertiary recov- The FTIR spectra of pristine and functionalized graphenes are shown
ery mode. The G-DS-Su flooding is conducted at two different concen- in Fig. 8. The signal at 1534 cm−1 shows the sp2 character of NPG [25].
trations of 0.5 and 2 mg/mL until no more oil is produced. The The absorption peaks around 1106 cm−1 and 3417 cm−1 may be attrib-
cumulative oil recovery is calculated by Eq. (3). uted to the C\\O and O\\H stretching vibrations, respectively.
The peaks at 1119, 1045 and 1009 cm−1 confirm the presence of sul-
Produced Oil ðmLÞ fonic acid group in G-DS which is synthesized in the presence of SDBS
Cumulative Oil Recovery ð%Þ ¼  100 ð3Þ [18]. These peaks are also observed in the spectrum of G-DS prepared
without SDBS. It is concluded that the sulfonated graphene (G-DS) can
be synthesized without using SDBS. Therefore the prepared G-DS with-
It seems that it is not reasonable to compare the cumulative oil re- out SDBS is used as the initial material for preparing G-DS-DETA. In the
covery obtained after G-DS-Su flooding in two cores, because the cores case of G-DS-DETA, the characteristic band at 1513 cm−1 corresponds
have different properties such as permeability or porosity which can af- to the N\\H bending. The appearance of a relatively broadened band
fect the amount of the recovered oil. In this way, the ratio of oil recovery in 1513 cm−1 indicates the C\\N bond stretching. The two peaks at
after the G-DS-Su flooding (with different concentrations) to the overall 3000 to 3400 cm−1 represents the N\\H stretching for amine modified
oil recovery is calculated to have a better insight about the effect of G- graphene [25]. The FTIR analysis clearly suggests the presence of\\NH2
DS-Su concentration on the oil recovery. groups in G-DS-DETA. The peaks of stretching N\\H are omitted after
sulfonation of G-DS-DETA. The peaks at 1162 and 1034 cm−1 confirm
4. Result and discussion the presence of a sulfonic acid groups in the G-DS-Su surface.

4.1. NPG characterization 4.3. Nanofluid stability

Fig. 7(a) shows the XRD pattern of NPG The characteristic peak of The nanofluids of G-DS and G-DS-Su with concentration of 1 mg/L
graphene for (001) plane appears at 2θ = 29.08°, which indicates that are used to investigate the dispersion stability using visual observations.
the NPG has few layers of graphene with an interlayer distance of For this purpose, the nanofluids are transferred to transparent vessels
about 0.31 nm based on Bragg's law (nλ = 2d sinθ) and the number after preparation and monitored for the changes of the dispersion

Fig. 14. The sandstone wettability alteration due to: (a) and (b) structural disjoining pressure mechanism and (c) adsorption of G-DS-Su onto the sandstone.
H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806 803

4.4. Amphiphilic nature of S-DS-Su

The ability of G-DS-Su for preparing oil in water emulsions at differ-

ent concentrations is investigated. The microscopic images and the av-
erage droplet diameter of the emulsions are presented in Fig. 10. The
emulsion type is determined using the dilution method [27]. Our obser-
vations show that a drop of emulsion disperses in pure water, while, it
remains as a drop in pure oil (here toluene). Therefore, in this case the
emulsion type is inferred to be an oil/water emulsion. Moreover, it is ob-
served that the small amount of G-DS-Su (0.2 mg/mL) can form emul-
sions with an average droplet size of 3.55 μm.
The average droplet size decreases from 3.55 to 1.20 μm as the G-DS-
Su concentration increases from 0.2 to 2 mg/mL. The emulsion droplet
size is a function of the IFT value. The IFT between oil and different
nanofluids are tested to investigate the impact of G-DS-Su on the inter-
facial property of oil and water. The photographs of crude oil drops in DI
water and G-DS-Su dispersion bulk at various concentrations are pre-
sented in Fig. 11. The calculated IFT value is also presented below the
photographs. The IFT of DI water against crude oil is 14.49 mN/m and
Fig. 15. Adsorption of G-DS-Su onto the sandstone.
is considered as a reference value. The G-DS-Su particle has the ability
to decrease the IFT at the oil–water interface and 12% decreasing of
the reference value at a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL is observed. The
stability with time. Both of the nanofluids are black in the appearance. IFT value is sensitive to the nanofluid concentration, and the IFT de-
Fig. 9(a) shows the images taken just after preparation and also after creases as the nanofluid concentration increases. It is impossible to mea-
24 h. The settlement of G-DS nanoparticles gradually starts after 4 h. sure the IFT value at the nanofluid concentrations higher than
The variation in dispersion stability of the G-DS nanofluids is mainly 0.5 mg/mL because both the aqueous and organic phases were dark
due to the sedimentation process with time. The G-DS nanofluid is intro- and the shape of oil drop cannot be analyzed to obtain the IFT value.
duced as water soluble graphene by Si and Samulski [11], but they did As mentioned, the value of IFT for aqueous phase with G-DS-Su is
not investigate the stability of this material with time. However, our ob- lower than the IFT value of DI water according to Fig. 11, and it can be
servations show that the G-DS-Su nanofluid is almost stable for 24 h. concluded that the aqueous phase contains surface-active agents,
This may be due to the presence of more functional groups on its which can act like a surfactant in the interface of crude oil and water.
structure. In detail, the simultaneous presence of the carbon basal plane (hydro-
The zeta potential variations of G-DS-Su dispersion at different pH phobic) and the \\SO3H functional groups (hydrophilic) on a single
values are shown in Fig. 9(b). The zeta potential (Z. P) of nanofluids at molecule makes the G-DS-Su sheets similar to the surface-active agents.
all pH values are at vicinity of −30 mV indicating stable colloidal sus- Therefore, thermodynamic stability (i.e., a minimum in free energy or
pensions [26]. The negative charge of G-DS-Su surface pertains to the maximum in entropy of the system) will be achieved when they are ac-
ionization of the \\SO3H functional groups. The negative sites derived cumulated at the oil/water interface, due to their affinity for both the or-
from the sulfonic groups are enhanced as the pH increases and the sur- ganic and aqueous phases [28]. Therefore, with the hydrophilic group
face charge of G-DS-Su becomes more negative at basic pH values which aligned in the aqueous phase and the hydrophobic group in the organic
results in a decrease in the zeta potential values. This suggests that the phase, the G-DS-Su sheets are willingly adsorbed at the water/oil inter-
stability of G-DS-Su dispersions is due to the electrostatic repulsion, face, leading to more IFT reduction as solid particle surfactants and
rather than just its hydrophilicity [23]. The results indicated that the ob- forming a Pickering emulsion. The amphiphilic nature of G-DS-Su sheets
tained G-DS-Su is well dispersed in water. at the oil/water interface is schematically shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 16. Oil recovery for water flooding and nanofluid flooding for (a) core no. 1 (concentration of G-DS-Su: 0.5 mg/mL) and (b) core no. 2 (concentration of G-DS-Su: 2 mg/mL).
804 H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806

Table 2
Oil recovery factor of nanofluid flooding at different concentrations.

Core no Nanofluid concentration (mg/mL) Oil recovery percent after Overall oil recovery Oil recovery to overall oil recovery ratio

Water flooding G-DS-Su flooding Water flooding G-DS-Su flooding

1 0.5 41 8 49 84 16
2 2 59 14 73 81 19

4.5. Wettability alteration of sandstone The used sandstone is mainly composed of quartz mineral as a major
component according to the XRD results. When quartz mineral is im-
The contact angle of oil-brine on the surface of sandstone is mea- mersed in water, the water molecules dissociate onto the silica surface
sured to assess the wettability alteration of the sandstone slices treated and the silanol groups (\\SiOH) are formed. The silanol groups are fur-
at different concentrations of G-DS-Su. As Fig. 13(a) shows, the oil-brine ther dissociated to\\SiO−. The formation of\\SiO– sites provides neg-
contact angle of the oil treated rock slices are about 165° representing a ative charges on the surface of quartz. The surface of G-DS-Su sheets
strongly oil-wet condition. Treating the rock in DI water changes the shows the π-electron-rich regions due to the presence of delocalization
contact angle to 145°. The contact angle of oil on the surface of sand- of π electrons in its structure. Besides, there are the \\OH functional
stone slides treated in the G-DS-Su dispersion with concentration of groups on its structure. The adsorption mechanism of G-DS-Su onto
0.5 mg/mL are about 148° which indicates the wettability of the sand- the sandstone may be the same as the mechanism proposed for the ad-
stone slices changes from strongly the oil-wet to the oil-wet condition. sorption of graphene oxide (GO) onto the sandstone in our previous
The contact angle changes to 107° at the G-DS-Su concentration of work [23]. In brief, the adsorption process may be attributed to the
2 mg/mL indicating that the wettability of hydrophobic surface is al- hydrogen-bonding interaction between the oxygen-containing groups
tered from the oil-wet to the intermediate condition. on the G-DS-Su sheets and the silanol groups of sandstone. Moreover,
As mentioned before the nanoparticles (here G-DS-Su) tends to form n-π interaction between the \\O− groups of sandstone and the π-
a wedge film in the three-phase contact region of the oil droplet, electrons of G-DS-Su may also play a role in the adsorption of G-DS-Su
nanofluid and rock pore surface. As a result, the structural disjoining onto the sandstone (Fig. 14(c)). When the surface of the sand is covered
pressure is formed pointing to vertex of the wedge film (Fig. 14 by these hydrophilic groups, a water film is formed and detaches the oil
(a) and (b)). While the structural disjoining pressure is stronger than droplet from the sand surface [7].
the adsorption force between oil droplet and rock pore surface, the ver-
tex of wedge film keeps moving forward which results in the detach- 4.6. Coreflood experiments
ment of the oil droplet from the surface of rock pore [29].
As well, the G-DS-Su particles may be adsorbed on the rock surface As it is shown in Fig. 16(a) and (b), the oil recovery at the break-
and changes the wettability of the sandstone surface. The adsorption ex- through was 41% and 59% for water flooding in the cores 1 and 2, re-
periments confirm this claim. As Fig. 15 shows, a significant amount of spectively. The total recovery after injection of about five pore
G-DS-Su is adsorbed onto the sandstone. The adsorption percent in- volumes of the G-DS-Su dispersions was 49 and 73%. Additional oil re-
creases with an increase in the initial concentration of G-DS-Su and de- covery that was observed from the injection of G-DS-Su at concentra-
creases with an increase in the pH value. tions of 0.5 and 2 mg/mL were 8 and 14%, respectively. It indicates the

Fig. 17. The schematic of displacement mechanism of G-DS-Su.

H. Radnia et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 271 (2018) 795–806 805

efficiency of the G-DS-Su in enhanced oil recovery. According to the re- about 16 and 19%, respectively in comparison with water flooding. The
sults, G-DS-Su exhibited an excellent capability that made oil molecules dominant oil recovery mechanism is the wettability alteration. Thus, the
displace from an oil-wet surface. direct sulfonation of graphene sheets provide a promising and efficient
The calculated values of oil recovery ratio after water and G-DS-Su chemical agent for the enhance oil recovery.
flooding to overall oil recovery are presented in Table 2. It can be ob-
served that 16 and 19% of the recovered oil in the core 1 and 2 is due
to using G-DS-Su at concentrations of 0.5 and 2 mg/mL, respectively. Acknowledgment
Luo et al. [14] have designed and produced a nanofluid of graphene-
based amphiphilic nanosheets for using in core flooding experiments. The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Re-
The result of the core flooding measurement in a core with porosity of search Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI).
25.8% and permeability of 132 mD showed that the oil enhancement ef-
ficiency of 69.6% after brine flooding and 15.2% by the nanofluid References
flooding; which means the ratio of oil recovery after nanofluid flooding
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