Case Study Tax

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Case Study: Addressing the Challenges of Tax Revenues, Poverty Alleviation, and Basic Services in the



The Philippines is a country of over 100 million people, rich in cultural heritage and natural resources.
However, it faces significant challenges that hinder its development. Key among these are issues related
to tax revenues, poverty alleviation, and the provision of basic services. Despite economic growth in
recent years, these problems continue to affect a large portion of the population, especially the poor and


You are a team of senior advisors to the Philippine government. The President has tasked you with
developing a comprehensive strategy to address the interconnected challenges of insufficient tax
revenues, high poverty rates, and inadequate basic services. Your goal is to create a set of actionable
recommendations that can be implemented over the next five years to improve the overall well-being of
the population.

Key Issues

1. Tax Revenues:

o The current tax system suffers from inefficiencies, corruption, and a narrow tax base.

o There is heavy reliance on indirect taxes like the Value Added Tax (VAT), which
disproportionately affect low-income individuals.

2. Poverty Alleviation:

o A significant portion of the population lives below the poverty line.

o Existing programs like the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) provide temporary
relief but are not sufficient for long-term poverty reduction.

3. Basic Services:

o Healthcare: Limited access to quality healthcare due to inadequate funding and


o Education: Underfunded education system with overcrowded classrooms and lack of


o Infrastructure: Inadequate infrastructure for clean water, sanitation, and transportation,

especially in rural areas.

1. Analyze the Problems:

o Break down the issues into more detailed components. Identify the root causes and how
they interconnect. Consider economic, social, and political factors.

2. Develop Solutions:

o Propose specific strategies to increase tax revenues. Consider measures to improve tax
administration, reduce evasion, and create a fairer tax system.

o Suggest comprehensive programs for poverty alleviation that go beyond immediate

financial aid. Think about education, job creation, and economic opportunities.

o Outline plans to improve basic services, focusing on healthcare, education, and

infrastructure. Consider both short-term and long-term initiatives.

4. Prepare a Presentation:

o Summarize your analysis and solutions in a clear and concise presentation.

o Explain and defend your recommendations. Consider potential challenges and how to
address them.

Presentation Guidelines

• Team Composition: You have an option to work solo or in a group

• Format: 15-minute presentation followed by a Q&A session.

• Visual Aids: You may use slides, charts, and other visual aids to support your points.

Evaluation Criteria

• Depth of Analysis: How thoroughly did you analyze the problems?

• Creativity and Feasibility of Solutions: Are your solutions innovative and practical?

• Clarity of Presentation: Is your presentation clear, well-organized, and persuasive?

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