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Unraveling Chikas: Investigating the Effects of Marites Phenomenon in the Spread of Fake

News among Senior High School Students of Mabini Colleges, Inc.

Arriola, Jaryn Joe L.

Botardo, Princess Sophia P.

Fesarillo, John Tirrdie

Rayos, Alexandra P.

Acosta, Yvanna Jen S.

11-HUMSS Rothesay

May 2024
Overview of the Study

When everything was shut down in 2020 with the pandemic, a new term describing

someone who spreads information, gossip, and rumors emerged— it is the term ‘Marites’. In the

physical world, Filipinos picture marites as a middle-aged woman wearing their summer dusters

and indiscreetly sharing the hottest gossip in town. (Parnala, 2022). On the other side, marites in

the online setting are those who gather rumors about different issues and then spread them.

Although the term has no specific origin, it started in a Facebook post of Manila Mayor Isko

Moreno informing that there will be no liquor ban during quarantine, one individual expressed

their clear dissatisfaction with the decision. The commenter said that there should be a ban on

liquors since it’s not essential to survive the pandemic and Mayor Moreno then replied,

“Manahimik ka, Marites!” And it was the start of the Marites Phenomenon. (Legaspi, 2021).

With its emergence in pop culture in the Philippines, it didn’t just promote effective

social communication but also the constant spread of fake news. According to the Cambridge

Dictionary, fake news is a fabricated or made-up story that seems like a piece of credible news

spread on the internet or any mass media. These are pieces of information that are circulating not

just in the digital space but also in the physical world causing confusion among people (Anstead,

2021). As gossiping has become a way to hurt someone especially when expressed using social

media, it’s a harmful practice that needs to be ceased (Gordon, 2020). With the continuous rise

of fake news leading to an adverse effect on the community, understanding where it all roots is

the key to an effective intervention.

Due to the rapid exchange of information nowadays, it has been easy for online users to

spread news whether it contains factual information or not. The rapid spread of information can

have both benefits and drawbacks as it enables the rapid sharing of vital news, it also accelerates

the circulation of misinformation. Many people rely on platforms like Facebook and Twitter for

news, but this also means misinformation can quickly go viral. Social media is a wide platform

for information dissemination especially when a piece of urgent news is needed to be put in

public for everyone’s concerns. However, as free as online media can be, it is now a home in

which false data lives. The 'Marites Phenomenon' highlights this, showing how gossip and

rumors quickly spread in the digital media without fact-checking or background-checking on

where the pieces of information came from.

This study investigates the emergence of the Filipino-coined term “Marites” and its role

in the spread of fake news among Senior High School students of Mabini Colleges, Inc. With

Filipinos, especially Generation Z and Millenial, embodying the negative connotation of being a

marites, it has reached a point where the formation of a healthy relationship that it promotes is no

longer beneficial to one's mental or physical well-being. Moreover, there is a gap in

understanding how the students engage with the "Marites" phenomenon regarding their

consumption and sharing of information, especially on digital platforms. Since Marites is a new

term to describe someone disseminating misleading information to a wider range of people, it

prompted researchers to study this and hopes to address this issue by examining the dynamics of

misinformation dissemination among Senior High School students of Mbini Colleges, Inc. using

the digital landscape.

The spread of fake news, especially in the digital world, is a global issue that affects not

only individuals' perceptions of things but also shakes people's trust in different media outlets.

However, in the Philippines, there is not much research studying how information spreads

through the ‘Marites Phenomenon’. This study aims to fill the gap on how rumors and gossip

affect fake news dissemination on online platforms and how Senior High School students of

Mabini Colleges, Inc. get influenced by it with how they socially interact with one another.

There is an urgent need to conduct this study because of the swift propagation of fake

news on different social media platforms and the way it influences people’s perceptions about

various societal concerns. With that, the primary goal of this study is to investigate the

mechanisms and impact of the 'Marites Phenomenon' in the spread of fake news in the

Philippines in the digital world. Specifically, the study aims to examine the patterns of

misinformation dissemination on social media platforms that contribute to the said phenomenon

and assess its implications on the student’s perspectives with regard to different matters in


Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to identify possible e ffects of Marites Phenomenon in the Spread

of Fake News among Senior High School Students of Mabini Colleges, Inc.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the participants in terms of:

A. Age

B. Sex

2. What are the effects of Marites Phenomenon in the Spread of Fake News among Senior

High School Students of Mabini Colleges, Inc.?

3. What intervention can be made to cease the negative impact of the Marites Phenomenon

on social interaction, exchange of sources and information, and formation of own

perspective of Senior High School Students of Mabini Colleges, Inc.?

Related Literature

In the Philippine setting, there is a colloquial term used to describe gossipers in town, it is

the word ‘Marites’. It has similarities to ‘Karen’ of the US and it is used to describe someone

who is entitled and demanding to normal events in life (Legaspi, 2021) but the only difference is

that, Marites is someone who doesn’t care about anything other than gossips (De Leon, 2022).

Several Filipino believes that Marites stands for “Mare, anong latest?” as many terms also

popped up online but it is just synonymous with the term “Chismosa” which refers to the same

meaning (Lim, 2021). It has the characteristic of disseminating information online in a fast way

but does not necessarily contain a hundred percent factual data. And since almost everybody’s

world is evolving in the technological advancement happening in the world, it has become easy

access for people to consume information through online gossipers.

With its convenience in staying alert and informed comes its disadvantages. As members

of the community, people feel the need to belong to a certain group, and by nature, they become

close to others through sharing stories. That is where the need to over-share sometimes starts, for

people to think that they fit in because they offered something (De Leon, 2022). With too much

sharing of information and irresponsible use of social media, the proliferation of fake news in the

country prevailed and has resulted in the loss of trust in established media organizations and

institutions. With that, distinguishing what is factual news from fabricated pieces of information

will be hard for the citizens since they will not have an idea of where to find credible sources of

news (Santiago, 2023). Having the rise of the ever-complexing system of technology, Filipino

users should be more irresponsible as digital citizens to guard themselves and the people around

them from internet-based crimes and other cybercrimes (MB Technews, 2022).

Related Studies

In the study of Cuadra (2023) “Marites Culture in the Philippines: An Emergent Online

Gossip Phenomenon”, it examines the probable advantages and disadvantages of the Marites culture

in the country. It tackles how the hobby of sharing information in a ‘Marites’ way shapes people’s

perspectives, opinions, and stands regarding different public issues. While gossip or rumors can be an

instrument for social communication dynamics, it also brings inherent danger. Common pitfalls of

exchanging unfiltered news are the invasion of one’s private life, the harm it gives, and the

proliferation of false information in the digital world.

Additionally, in the study of Gorospe, Labto, Pinca, and Suing (2022) “The Psychology of

Tsismis: A Phenomenological Study about Housewives’ Gossip Engagement (IMRAD).” It is part of

Filipino culture to gossip with your peers about something or someone, most commonly known as

‘Pakikipag-tsismisan”.This study was able to find out that gossiping, for these 11 Filipino

housewives, is ingrained in their daily routine. Researchers were also able to discover that this hobby

has its advantages and disadvantages in the intrapersonal and interpersonal lives of these housewives.

Overall, as said in the study by Driel and Verkuyten (2022) “Gossip, diversity, and

community cohesion: the case of multi-ethnic Riace,” Gossip is considered to have its flaws and

negative impact on society since it has become a way to degrade others’ reputations. Therefore,

according to the study by Lee, Kralik, Kwon, and Jeong (2022) “How ‘who someone is’ and

‘what they did’ influences gossiping about them,” in order to have clear communication among

people, individuals should maintain the accuracy of their words and become updated with current

news all over the world to disseminate nothing but factual information.

Significance of the Study

The researchers are optimistic that completing this thorough study will yield several

significant benefits beyond the academic field. The insights gathered are positioned to benefit a

wide range of people and sectors. Specifically, the findings are intended to benefit the following:

Media Literacy. This study on the Marites Phenomenon will contribute significantly to media

literacy efforts in the Philippines by dissecting how fake news spreads through cultural

narratives. It will equip individuals with the critical thinking skills to discern misinformation

from credible information in a digital age.

Public Awareness. Understanding how the Marites Phenomenon influences the transmission of

fake news enhances public knowledge of the intricacies of disinformation, which may lead to

better-informed digital citizens who are wary of viral trends. Citizens will become more careful

and discriminating information consumers, diminishing the influence of false narratives on

public opinion.

Journalists and Media Practitioners. Findings from this research will provide valuable insights

for journalists and media practitioners on identifying and debunking fake news associated with

the Marites Phenomenon. It will enable them to uphold journalistic integrity and ethics while

navigating the challenges of misinformation.

Educational institutions. Educational institutions can use the outcomes of this study to improve

media literacy education in their curricula. By including teachings on the Marites Phenomenon,

institutions may help students become critical thinkers and responsible digital citizens.

Community. The study's significance extends to the community by offering a deeper

understanding of how misinformation affects societal discourse and individual beliefs. This

knowledge can empower community members to actively combat fake news and promote

truthful narratives within their social circles.

Future Researchers. This research is a foundation for future studies on misinformation

dynamics in the Philippines and beyond. It offers a framework for exploring cultural-specific

factors contributing to the spread of fake news, guiding researchers in developing effective

strategies to counteract misinformation in diverse contexts.

Theoretical Framework

In today's digital age, the rapid dissemination of misinformation, commonly known as

fake news, poses significant challenges, especially among vulnerable demographics like senior

high school students. Social Influence Theory, pioneered by Herbert Kelman (1953), is central to

understanding the dynamics of misinformation propagation. This part explores the applicability

of Social Influence Theory in elucidating the mechanisms through which social interactions

shape students' attitudes and behaviors regarding fake news, particularly within the context of the

Marites phenomenon at Mabini Colleges, Inc. Through an exploration of peer influence,

authority figures, and conformity; this study aims to unravel the complexities of misinformation

spread among adolescents.

Within the context of the Marites phenomenon, Social Influence Theory provides a lens

through which to examine how peer influence, authority endorsements, and conformity dynamics

contribute to the dissemination of fake news. By conducting surveys, interviews, content

analysis, and experimental interventions, researchers seek to uncover how these social factors

shape students' perceptions of fake news credibility and their likelihood of engaging in the spread

of misinformation, online or offline. Through a comprehensive exploration guided by Social

Influence Theory, this study endeavors to inform targeted interventions to promote media

literacy and critical thinking skills among senior high school students, mitigating the adverse

effects of misinformation in their social environments.

This study delves into the intricate dynamics underlying the spread of fake news among

senior high school students, employing Social Influence Theory as a guiding framework. By

examining peer influence, authority figures, and conformity, researchers aim to uncover the

mechanisms driving misinformation dissemination and inform interventions to foster media

literacy and critical thinking skills among adolescents. Through this endeavor, the study seeks to

contribute to cultivating a more discerning digital society better equipped to navigate the

complexities of misinformation in the digital age.

Theoretical Paradigm

Social Influence Theory by Herbert Kelman


Digital World Physical World

Unraveling Chikas: Investigating the Effects

of Marites Phenomenon in the Spread of
Fake News among Senior High School
Students of Mabini Colleges, Inc.

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

The goal of the study was to be aware of the effects of Marites phenomenon on the

Senior High School students of Mabini Colleges, Inc. and to understand how it shapes students’

opinions with the continuous spread of fake news. This conceptual framework follows the

system of the Input-Process-Output model.

The recognized input of this study was the profile of the students based on their age and

sex, finding the part of the Marites phenomenon on how fake news affects the opinions of Senior

High School Students of Mabini Colleges, Inc. and how they perceive different matters and areas

of concern. Also included is the intervention to be made to cease the negative impact of the

Marites phenomenon on social interaction, exchange of sources and information, and formation

of perspective of the students.

The process phase will include data collection through interviews, data analysis, and data

interpretation. The researchers will gather information on the students` exposure to the Marites

Phenomenon, their understanding of fake news, and the extent to which they participate or do not

in spreading it. The collected data will be analyzed to identify patterns and trends.

Lastly, the output phase will focus on the findings and recommendations of the study. To

raise awareness about the spread of fake news through Marites phenomenon in the digital world,

a forum or seminar about media information literacy, responsible use of social media, and

building healthy communication with peers will be conducted with the participation of Senior

High School students of Mabini Colleges, Inc. Recommendations could also be provided to

address the said issue to promote safe consumption of social media among students.

Conceptual Paradigm


1. Profile of the
participants in terms of
their age and sex. A forum or seminar
Requesting permission about media
2. Effects of the information literacy,
Marites Phenomenon in responsible use of
the spread of fake social media, and
news. Data collection: building healthy
communication with
3. The intervention that peers will be conducted
can be made to cease Interviews with the participation
the negative impact of Data analysis of Senior High School
Marites Phenomenon to Data interpretation students of Mabini
the Senior High School Colleges, Inc.
Students of Mabini
Colleges, Inc.


Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

Research Design

The study titled "Unraveling Chikas: Investigating the Effects of Marites Phenomenon in

the Spread of Fake News among Grade 11 HUMSS Students of Mabini Colleges, Inc." was to

explore the impact of the Marites Phenomenon on the dissemination of fake news in the School.

The research design selected for this investigation was phenomenological design, with a specific

focus on adopting qualitative research. The study aimed to explore how people experienced,

perceived, and understood the Marites Phenomenon, focusing on their own perspective and the

meanings they attached to the phenomena.

The research aims to study the relationship between the Marites Phenomenon and its

impact on the spread of fake news to the Grade 11 HUMSS Students of Mabini Colleges, Inc.

through qualitative phenomenological research. The researchers interviewed students to gain

more insights and understand how the Marites Phenomenon changes people's thoughts and

actions regarding fake news.


This particular study, “Unraveling Chikas: Investigating the Effects of Marites

Phenomenon in the Spread of Fake News among Senior High School Students of Mabini

Colleges, Inc.” aims to discover the role of Marites phenomenon in the proliferation of false

information especially on the digital space. It has come to a point, not just in the Philippines but

around the world, that the propagation of misleading information has become a societal issue

because of the harm it causes to the people involved.

Therefore, using the data gathered and analyzed from the participants, the researchers

will be conducting a school-based forum or seminar that will talk about media information

literacy. With its participants being the Senior High School students of Mabini Colleges, Inc., it

aims to increase awareness toward responsible use of social media and building healthy

communication with peers. The event will be centralized on the discussion on distinguishing

factual information and legitimate news from hoaxes and false details to spread nothing but

authentic pieces of information.

Overall, the occasion hopes to strengthen various factors in the students' behavior; their

critical thinking skills and how they should thoroughly analyze and evaluate media content,

digital citizenship that will make them understand the weight of the responsibilities and possible

consequences of being in the digital landscape, social media awareness to teach how to properly

consume its power and to not get involved in any cybercrimes, and to build a good relationship

and healthy communication with their peers for students to know how to respectfully engage in a

discourse, online or offline. With these improvements, researchers can intervene in the

prevention of fake news in the country and help create a sound environment for everyone.


 John Legaspi (2021).‘Marites’: From being just a street gossiper to an online sensation.

Retrieved from


 Pat de Leon (2022). De Leon: Cancel the Marites culture now. Retrieved from

 Jhen G. Lim (2021). Marites: Other Variants Of This Term For ‘Chismosa’ Surface.

Retrieved from


 Benjie Santiago (2023). The Rise of Fake News in the Philippines: Causes, Impact, and

Solutions. Retrieved from

 MD Technews (2022). Filipinos must be responsible digital citizens to protect themselves

from cybercrime, says advocacy group. Retrieved from


 Jefferson M. Cuadra (2023). Marites Culture in the Philippines: An Emergent Online

Gossip Phenomenon. Retrieved from

 Gorospe, Labto, Pinca, & Suing (2022). The Psychology of Tsismis: A

Phenomenological Study about Housewives’ Gossip Engagement (IMRAD). Retrieved



 Driel & Verkuyten (2022). Gossip, diversity and community cohesion: the case of multi-

ethnic Riace. Retrieved from

 Lee, Kralik, Kwon, & Jeong (2022). How ‘who someone is’ and ‘what they did’

influences gossiping about them. Retrieved from

 Kelman (1953). Social Influence Theory - TheoryHub - Academic theories reviews for

research and T&L. Retrieved from



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