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able (adj.

from: ability, capability, possibility, permision)

collocation: (verbs) actions

to be able to

[I am] + able to + [verb]

I have the capability to fly = I can fly

We, as humans, have the ability to create stuff

You can take as many books from the library as you want
You are able to take all the books you want
You have the permission to take them all

You can sing

You are unable to touch the statues
you have the capacity to eat too much
you have the ability of turning things into gold = you have the touch of Midas
You have no permission to be in the morgue

you are able to

I am able to eat
I can + verb

have to, has to

I have [a dog] (Direct Object, thing) possession

I have [to study] (verb inf., obligation) Infinitivo completivo (complemento)
I have [to find shelter] (inf., necessity)
He de comer
He de ir a mi cuarto
Habemos de guardar silencio
Habéis de acudir ante el Rey
Ho de morir
Tengo que
Debo (must)
I have seen that movie before
He visto esa película antes

haber = tener

I like dogs
I like to drive

Smoking is unhealthy
Studying is hard
Littering is disgusting
noun: concepts: things, people, abstraction, action
nothing, anything
people, the teacher
to be or not to be

Io sono Alberto Io ho un gattino

Tu sei Tu hai una gattina

Io sono nato al 14 marzo = I was born on March 14

Io ho letto quel libro = I have read(past part) that book

wherever: where (place) + ever (undetermined) = donde sea,

whenever time = cuando sea, cuando quiera, en cualquier momento
whoever (person = quien sea, el que sea
however (mode) como sea
whatever (thing = lo que sea

whoever it is, stop singing

I can can eat wherever you want
whenever you feel better, come see me

ever = alguna vez, en algún momento, en cierto tiempo

any = cualquiera
anybody, anyone = alguien, , cualquiera
anyhow, como sea, de cualquier forma

never = nunca

Have you ever seen a shark?

I have never seen a shark

I will love you forever

We are never ever ever getting back together
To do (verb, transitive & intransitive - Direct Object,)
action verb (not movement, not status, not mode)
do activities, do actions, do something
I do my bed every morning
I did my best in the competition
You never do your homework
do (auxiliary verb, it helps an action verb) [questions, positive emphasis, negative action

wash the clothes (present)

I wash my clothes every weekend
I don’t wash my clothes on weekdays.
When do you wash your clothes?
- I don’t wash my clothes regularly, but I do wash them. I wash them
whenever I’m out of clothes.

Are you happy? Yes, I am happy. But he is not happy. But I am.
You happy?

copulativo essence, movimiento (con participios)
ser, estar, existir, haber…

nouns “I am… Albert, a teacher, human, a gamer” “That is a cat, a computer”
I’m a cat person
adjectives: I am tall, slim, laid-back, a little moody, sick, exhausted. I’m done!

verbal forms
participios presente y pasado
continuous, gerund, -ing (present)
I am dancing
The movie is boring
But the SFX are amazing
I’m coming = ahí voy, voy en camino
The car is breaking
The gas is leaking
participle, perfect (-ed/irr) (past)
I am exhausted
My father is dead = mi padre murió, mi padre está muerto
I am bored already, the movie is so boring
The glass is broken
I’m done
There is a leak of gas // The gas is leaking
Está amaneciendo, It is nearly dawn// Dawn is breaking
You was arrested
I am pregnant
Have (as a verb) Poseer
transitivo = complementos son Objetos Directos (lo que recibe la acción)
I have… (have what?)
I have a dog, I have a girlfriend, I have a fever, I have broad imagination,

A lunatic drives a car, The car is driven by a lunatic

I bought my mom flowers
And she gave me a hug
I bought flowers for my mother
I am = existo “I think therefore I am”
I waste too much

(as an auxiliary verb)

Have + (participle past) = present perfect = acción completa en el presente

(participle depends on irregular or regular verbs)
experiencia, sin tiempo específico, posible cantidad de veces y periodo, continuidad
How many classes have we had so far? We have had 8 so far.

Have you practiced the song yet?

Yes , I have…practiced all day long
Have you seen Dune yet?
No, I haven’t seen it yet. I have already seen it twice in the movie
Have you ever watched The Lord of the Rings
Yes, I have watched it several times. Yes, I watched it once.

I have been reading Dune for the past few days.

present perfect continuous

Before watching Game of Thrones, I had already read the books.

When assistance finally came, I had already been fixing the issue for 2 hours
I was trying to fix it when they came

verbs of being (estado): be, become, still,

verbs of move (acción): walk, run, sit, stand, etc (intransitivos)
verbs of action: to do something

Do you like pizza?

Did you eat the last slice?
He does not like pizza

Do, did, done

I did my homework
She does her bed
I’m done!
I’m done with the dishes!

Do you have a marker?

Did you have breakfast?

Could I have some water, please?

I’ll have the lasagna
But he didn’t have it, he had spaghetti instead
Do you have lunch at school?
Did you have your medications?
Let’s have a ciggie!
He’s having a smoke

Forma (verbal) perifrástica (dividida en partes)

Auxiliar (Be, Have,)
Participio (presente -ing & pasado -ed)

Presente “am, is, are”
Pasado “was, were”
Participio pasado “been”

was = I was (am), he/she/it was (is)

were = are you/we/they were (are)

If I were you, I would break up with him

I assure you that

were you in Slytherin and your fate rested with me,
verb-subject inversion
the both of you would be on the train home tonight, as it is.

I’ve never been to Paris

I have been studying so hard
I am studying

When were you born

you were born in a hospital
I was born in Mexico City

A Star is Born = Nace una estrella

I was born
to: 1 infinitive ; 2 preposition; 3 conjunction (purpose, objective) + verbo
2: direction
Go to the doctor
come to me
towards the door = en dirección a la puerta
a man walks into a bar = un hombre entra a un bar
the cat jumped onto the shelves

1: pasear, hacer, ir
sin conjugar ( sin tiempo, sin sujeto)
modo nominal = se usa como sustantivo y no como verbo
infinitivo usado de forma completiva (completa otra acción verbal)
Yo pasear mi perro (pasear = verbo), I walk my dog
Yo amo pasear a mi perro (amo = verbo) (pasear = Objeto Directo de amo)
¿qué amo? pasear a mi perro, amo la acción de pasear
I love to walk my dog
I love walking my dog

Hacer ejercicio, comer sanamente, dormir bien y alejarse de los vicios son acciones clave
para tener una vida sana.

Exercising, eating healthy, sleeping well and keeping away from addictions are key actions
to have a healthy life
I wanna get to Hollywood
to the great leagues
25 to life

I want to hold your hand

To be or not to be, that is the question.

Imperativo indirecto
-ing (Gerund, present participle)

Present continuous/progressive
Auxiliary (conjugated) “Be” + present participle (-ing)
Happens at the exact time, is happening in the future

The gas is leaking (there is a gas leak)

My cat is sleeping
The planet is dying
I’m going to Chetumal next month

& derivates
(past cont) was going to watch it but I fell asleep // I was crying
I was going to clean my room but then I got high
it was going to happen but didn’t
happened in the past & lasted for a short or long period of time
(present perfect continuous) “I have been reading Dune for the last few days”
started in the past, continues in the present
(past perf. cont.) I had been going out a lot for the past month, so my mother grounded me
for 6 weeks
expresses the period of time in the past, in which all of it happened

(future continuous) Humans [will/are going to] be living on Mars

they will have already eaten many of themselves before they arrive
(future perfect con.)
they will have been eating each other for decades before the aliens arrive
-ing (verbo en modo nominal) nombre, noun
Gerund as a noun
talk about actions as things

Smoking weed is bad (sujeto)

I love drawing buildings (objeto directo)
I wrote an essay on Marketing (complemento circunstancial)
market (the place) marketeer (person) to market (verb)
the product was marketed under the name ‘aspirin’.

She’s always bullying me

to bully (hacer bullying / bulear) the bully (bravucón) Bull-E = Toro-E

Littering and not picking up your dog’s feces are punished actions

Nouns with -ing (not verbs)

Human being
A painting/drawing

Posesivo + -ing = la forma en que alguien hace algo

She doesn’t like my cooking
No le gusta como cocino

-ING como complemento verbal (presente o pasado

She doesn’t want me singing (modifier)

I want you dead

I want you studying = quiero que te pongas a estudiar, quiero que estés estudiando

I want you for + noun/pronoun

I want you for the US Army
I want you for me

Write me a letter!
I want you to write me a letter // I want that you write me

Accusative (Direct Object) + Infinitive = “que alguien haga algo”

[Sujeto + verbo] + (Dir. Obj.) + (INFINITIVE) + (COMPLEMENTS, including other
direct or indirect objects)

I want to know what love is… I want you to show me (what love is)

Yo quiero que me quieras = I want you to want me

Reported speech with imperative (Infinitive) “tell”

Le dijo que apagara la luz

“Turn off the lights!” he said to him
He told him to turn off the lights

Gordon Ramsey said to all the chefs “You, you, you, and you, fuck off!”
He told everyone to fuck off

My mother told me to wash all the dished

Que la fuerza te acompañe // Que la suerte esté siempre de su lado


May the force be with you

May the odds be ever in your favor
May your blade chip and shatter
May all your wishes come true

I want a computer for gaming

I want a computer to play videogames

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