Relationship bt india and japan

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India-Japan Relations: Tightening Old Ties

and Building New Bridges

Atmaja Gohain Baruah

India’s ‘Act East’ foreign policy is providing much be reckoned with, India has changed its diffident
momentum to the country’s growing relations with attitude for a more assertive one. By focusing
East, South and Southeast Asia. This “extended purposefully on its neighbourhood and coalescing with
neighbourhood” policy has Japan playing a very like-minded powers, the Modi Government is
critical role economically as well as strategically. developing strategies to increase economic
If India wants to play a “balancing act” in Asia cooperation and strengthen national security. By not
keeping in mind China’s growing assertiveness, cowering under China’s belligerent attitude and
it is important to analysis the scope and potential holding its ground in the recent Doklam standoff, India
of India-Japan cooperation. In this regard the has presented itself as a strong and unassailable force.
paper will first provide a brief historical base Moreover, India’s geography, strategic location,
underpinning the relationship. Then it will cultural heritage and economic complementarities with
critically examine various avenues for some of its neighbours have become the cornerstone
cooperation, based on common stakes and of its greater strategic confidence.
concerns, which are driving the relationship
forward. Issues such as contesting Chinese claims In fact, the “neighbourhood first” policy is a
in the Indian Ocean, Africa and building ports in key feature of India’s diplomatic approach and Japan,
strategic locations have profound economic, in this regard, has become an important, almost
strategic and geopolitical implications for both natural partner for Indian ambitions- given the two
the countries. In this context, the paper will countries’ historical affinity and current geopolitical
present an assessment of the initiatives taken so synergies.2 Both are integrated by oceans, combining
far and what may lie in the path ahead. resources which are bound to make them two of the
biggest power holders and contributors to global output
India, as a major power in the Indo Pacific, by 2050. One could see this relationship in its full
is making great headways as a security provider by glory during the 2017 India-Japan Annual Summit,
holding out against terrorism, piracy, supporting peace when Narendra Modi and Japan’s Prime
operations and establishing a rule-based world order. Minister Shinzo Abe fortified their Strategic
The burgeoning rise of China and the claims it is Partnership with more conclusive joint statements.3
making in India’s neighbourhood and beyond has What has drawn these countries so close together
solicited response from all countries large and small. does not only go back in history but has an economic
The Indo-Pacific, then, represents common goals, and political basis as well. Contemporary Japan is
aspirations and challenges, which require collaborated massive economically, with high capital and
effort for maintaining regional peace and security. investment opportunities, however it is on a downward
While the term ‘Indo Pacific’ has a colonial curve. Meanwhile India, is at the peak of high growth
background, with the Indonesian archipelago called and development trajectory. Its young and dynamic
by the same term by the Dutch occupation, currently youth is hungry for more technological opportunities,
it has many geopolitical resonations, having being and has found a best friend in Japan. Next, Tokyo’s
replaced with ‘Asia-Pacific’. 1 The changing interests in the Indian Ocean is understandable- it is
geopolitical reality of Asia and the fickle-minded case reliant on it for its trade and energy supplies, and is
of United States’ foreign policy led by President also a better choice than haggling with China in the
Donald Trump has laid immense focus on Indian East China and the South China Sea. Therefore Japan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign outreach. can be now seen refocusing its emphasis to the Indo
With the general recognition that China is a power to Pacific with India at its centre. Indeed, during his

India-Japan Relations: Tightening Old Ties and Building New Bridges 93

visit to India in September 2017, Abe affirmed that most trusted and promising ones. Japan has provided
New Delhi and Tokyo “will strengthen collaboration investments to fund long-term projects such as India’s
with those countries with whom we share universal metro networks, helped formalise the massive Delhi
values”.4 Their strategic partnership is based on joint Metro Project, mega projects like the Western
statements and combined military exercises in the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC), the Chennai-
Indian Ocean. The annual Malabar naval exercises Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC) and the Delhi-
between India and the US have Japan as a permanent Mumbai Industrial Corridor.8 While the World Bank
participant since 2015.5 The idea behind such joint is financing the Eastern part of DFC, the Japan
exercises is to create a network of stakeholders to International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is providing
counter Chinese incursion and uphold freedom of Rs 38,722 crore loan for the Western DFC.9 India is
navigation, inclusive trade and stability in the region. also an exporter of chemicals, non-metallic mineral
Stronger maritime cooperation is the cornerstone to ware, elements, fish, metalliferous ores, textile, iron
not letting the geopolitical construct of the Indo-Pacific and steel products, yarn, fabrics etc. to Japan. The
tilt too much towards China. focus thus has mostly remained on capacity-building
mechanisms at every possible level — institutional,
The Inception economical, security and even workforce.
It was even before the global financial crisis of 2008,
when Tokyo and New Delhi had begun inching closer When it comes to providing Foreign Direct
together. Undoubtedly China has remained the cause Investments (FDI), Japan has always been a lavish
of geopolitical migraine for both throughout, but Abe donor to middle income countries. However, lately
has always had the field of vision for India very its bids are being outshined by China’s chequebook
optimistic and promising. Manmohan Singh, Modi’s diplomacy. So, in a bid to boost its funding abroad,
predecessor, had laid the foundations for Japanese Tokyo has sought to deepen its economic partnership
investments, hailing their relationship as and collaborate with India to fund various
‘transformational’.6 He wanted a quick developmental infrastructure projects in Africa, Sri Lanka, Iran and
path for India’s growth and Abe served him that Southeast Asia. Since India’s “Act-East Policy” is
exactly. His proposal in 2007 to construct enormous also geared towards enlivening ties with the Southeast
industrial corridors and strengthen the manufacturing Asian countries, such collaborations with Japan are
sector out of its dormancy was quickly embraced by a win-win for both the nations. The “India-Japan Act
Singh. East Forum” has certainly come at a rather opportune
time, with Japan striving to construct a more effective
When the Modi Government came to power, “Free and Open Asia Pacific Strategy” and India
a fast track model was adopted to advance relations striving to cultivate its “Act-East Policy”. 10
with like-minded countries like Japan and Israel. Modi Nonetheless the path ahead for Asian security is bound
had to revive India and he could perceive that to to be bogged down by edgy geopolitical concerns
complement his projects like ‘Make in India’ and thrusted upon nations not quite capable of handling it
‘Digital India’ Japan could be his top partner. single-handedly. Though Trump’s recent statements
Infrastructure projects like the 1,500-km Delhi- delegate much importance to India and Japan, there
Mumbai industrial corridor require massive are doubts on how decisive American policies are
investments and technological knowhow.7 Abe too actually going to be in the Asian security equation.
has a keen and ambitious domestic agenda towards Therefore New Delhi and Tokyo, while evaluating
India. Coming from the nationalist school, he is eager the dilemmas of excessive security dependence on
to close Japan’s post-war pacifism. In 2016, during US, should also consider other security arrangements.
Modi’s visit to Japan, they marked the year 2017 as Consequently, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-
the year of friendly exchanges between the countries, Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
to be enhanced with more people-to-people contact. (BIMSTEC), though a small sub-regional economic-
Japanese Official Development Assistance (ODA), oriented association, can be used to form a security
has been the backbone for India’s economic growth covenant too. India, being its largest member, can
for a long time and is still continuing to be one of the leverage BIMSTEC, to work as a treasure trove,

94 World Focus May 2018

having positive relations with Japan in a variety of With India Bangladesh shares a border of 4,096-km,
fields like trade and investment, fishery, agriculture and trade flows have also been stable and
etc. rewarding.15 India already has an FTA with Sri Lanka
and Thailand. With Nepal there is an open border
Avenues for Cooperation between India and and with Bhutan as well there are no visa
Japan requirements.16 Infrastructure to connect India’s
·Bimstec: Economy and Infrastructure North East Region (NER) and Myanmar is in the
In the recent 20th anniversary of BIMSTEC, Modi course of being constructed, though their boundaries
described it as “a natural platform” for India’s Act have mostly been unfenced. These regions are known
East and Neighbourhood First policies11. It is one of worldwide for their diverse variety of handicrafts. If
the reasons why India when hosting the BRICS proper research is undertaken to improve the cottage
Conference in 2015 in Goa invited the BIMSTEC base industries, especially the bamboo-based
members. This BRICS-BIMSTEC Outreach Summit products, it could substantially improve the overall
gave a much required push to the grouping which so income of the region. Silk production and woodcraft
far has mostly been viewed as ineffective. Though is already much sought-after, but again it needs to be
the association caters to a range of priority sectors marketed on a bigger and more competitive scale to
such as transportation and infrastructure, garner enough value. Organic food production in the
environment, disaster management, promoting tourism Himalayan regions- Nepal and Bhutan- can also be
and countering terrorism and transnational crime, it made more profit oriented. As the income realisation
has not received as much attention as it should have. of the artisans is low, trade flows have remained
However, BIMSTEC is considered a much better sluggish.17
option than South Asian Free Trade Agreement
(SAFTA) because there are negligible regional issues It is also important to link the BIMSTEC
between its member states unlike SAFTA, take in nations to global market chains, as apart from India,
case India and Pakistan. Pakistan has not only been Thailand and Bangladesh, the rest are yet to
reluctant in giving India the status of the Most experience the full impact of globalization. Trade for
Favoured Nation (MFN), it also sponsors cross-border them is thinly spread, mostly only in their
terrorism. Owing to such reasons India had boycotted neighbourhood and with China. With India their trade
the 2016 South Asian Association for Regional has grown at a growth rate of 10 percent, though
Cooperation (SAARC) Summit in Islamabad. 12 intra-BIMSTEC trade is at an abysmal low of 0.62
Therefore, the absence of major issues between percent. BIMSTEC’s world trade share was only
BIMSTEC nations is a major relief for the Modi about 3.7 percent in 2014, while for ASEAN it was
Government, which is why he is actively striving for 29 percent, and even SAARC had a higher share of
more economic integration and promotion of seven percent. 18 So, while trade and investment
commercial ties. Even India and Bangladesh have opportunities are many, trade flows have a long way
resolved their boundary disputes peacefully. In fact to go to reach the optimum level. The Modi
the BIMSTEC members have been expediting a Free Government’s Act East Policy though is directed
Trade Agreement (FTA), to be finalized at the earliest. towards completing the infrastructure projects and
Having a combined population of over 1.5 billion increasing economic connectivity, they need to be
people, their gross domestic product (GDP) of US$ overseen more proactively. India’s NER is suffering
2.85 trillion with an average economic growth of about from a dearth of functional road, rail or sea transport.
6.5%, this association if properly channelled has A seamless trade flow also necessitates proper
tremendous scope of progress. 14 telecommunication links, availability of cold storage,
parking space for the transiting vehicles and a stable
To understand India’s growing regard power supply, which has been abysmally low. Since
towards BIMSTEC it is important to understand the connectivity and infrastructure are the linchpin of
historical, cultural and geographical ties between the successful commercial ties, a lack of proper facilities
member states. Geographically, except for Sri Lanka hinders smooth cooperation and decreases the
all the other members are contiguous to each other. likelihood of making BIMSTEC-FTA a reality.In this

India-Japan Relations: Tightening Old Ties and Building New Bridges 95

regard, inflow of FDI, technological transfer and BIMSTEC countries will have significant benefits for
essential know-how could really foster greater both the sides. It will strengthen trade links between
progress. Here, Japan could easily pitch in, as not East Asian and South Asian countries, thus creating
only it is one of the most technologically advanced a pan-Asian integration model. Bereft of Chinese
countries but falls within India’s extended influence, such collaboration can lead to a sustained
neighbourhood too. Moreover, there is no historical flow of FDI and resistance to external financial crises.
legacy between the BIMSTEC countries and Japan, However, a planned prioritization of feasible targets
thus inviting no uneasiness in accepting the latter’s is very important if tangible results are to be attained.
financial assistance. For Japan too, economic and The strength of the BIMSTEC countries can become
technological assistance to these countries will not a weakness here if their diverse financial structure is
only leverage its standing in Asia but commensurate not supervised by proper regulatory mechanisms. This
Chinese influence in the region.19 There are several is the current challenge faced by these countries, thus
other complementarities that can be observed making cooperation time-consuming and perplexing
between Japan and BIMSTEC countries. While to conduct. Multilateral institutes like the Asian
Japan is a member of the Organization for Economic Development Bank (ADB) can assist regional policy
Cooperation and Development (OECD), in the look- schemes by testing feasibility studies, improving
out for countries to provide infrastructural help and capacity building and taking on a general subsidiary
financial assistance to, the BIMSTEC countries are role in supporting financial integration.
the ones in dire need of it, thus creating a win-win
situation. While on one hand Japan has vested interests There is no denying that India, being the
in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean due to its largest member has to take up the most responsibility
dependence on them for its trade flows, the in keeping the association up and running. Therefore
BIMSTEC countries on the other hand require in order to enhance sub-regional cooperation, India is
Japanese presence to keep these vital sea routes working on three major projects with these countries-
secure. meant to substantially transform the movement of
goods and services throughout the region. First, the
Furthermore, Japan is the only country India Kaladan Multimodal project is being developed
trusts enough to conduct infrastructure projects in between India and Myanmar. While a framework
the Northeast, despite China’s displeasure. Numerous agreement was signed in 2008, the implementation is
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) yet to be done. It envisages connectivity between
experts are preparing manuals for higher sustainable Kolkata and Sittwe port in Myanmar, and also through
development in the region. As part of India’s Act East Mizoram directly to Myanmar.21 Second, the Asian
Policy, Japan is financing a Rs 4,000 crore highway Trilateral Highway between India and Thailand
infrastructure project as well as Rs 900 crore hydro passing through Myanmar signifies an inclination
growth project, particularly to boost connectivity and towards connecting Southeast Asian countries. It is
complement India’s BBIN (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, envisaged to link Moreh in Manipur to Thailand’s Mae
Nepal) as well as BIMSTEC Agreements. Other Sot via Myanmar.22 Third and the most difficult, the
projects include setting up a biodiversity capability in BBIN has the longest route and is also facing
Sikkim, a forest resource management system in difficulties in securing internal clearances from all
Tripura, and a loan of Rs 2,239 crore for the ‘North the members involved. However, upon
East Road Network Connectivity Improvement accomplishment it will certainly have the deepest
Project’ which will build a bypass on the NH-54.20 impact on enhancing the movement of goods and
This keenness to invest in India’s Northeast has a services.
“historic emotional link” according to the Japanese.
It is in fact the greatest testimony to the increasingly ·Maritime cooperation: common stakes
stronger trust in their bilateral ties. Such projects are The BIMSTEC countries are formed of both land
a great incentive when it comes to strengthening ties locked (Bhutan, India’s NER and Nepal) and littoral
between BIMSTEC and Japan via India. It is certain countries (Myanmar, Thailand, coastal India and Sri
that economic integration between Japan and the Lanka). As a result securing their water boundaries

96 World Focus May 2018

and interests in the Indian Ocean Region is crucial. sea lanes. Therefore ensuring that the sea lanes of
Owing to this convergence of interests, maritime communication is open and secure is critical. What
cooperation is another arena of cooperation with adds to their stress is China’s domineering stance
Japan. The prominence of maritime security and imposing ambitions in the IOR, intensified recently
governance cannot be understated, especially faced with China acquiring the Hambantota port in Sri
with shared concerns over Freedom of Navigation Lanka.
and safe flowing of energy cargos. In fact, it has
been observed that several Chinese submarines, Just like NER, India had never approached
ranging from humble flotillas to destroyers and any country for the development of its Andaman and
warships, have infiltrated into the Indian Ocean. India Nicobar Islands. However, it is with Japan that India
has been engaging with Singapore, Indonesia and for the first time has initiated discussions on the
Thailand in conducting joint naval exercises in the upgradation of the islands’ civilian infrastructure.
region but it is not enough. So, India is vying to Their location is very strategic, being situated
participate in the Malacca Strait Patrol Group (MSP) northwest of the maritime choke point at the Strait of
consisting of Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Malacca.26 It is geopolitically very crucial for India’s
Malaysia that had started in 2004.23 Currently, Indian ‘Act East’ policy. Currently, there are a handful of
Navy conducts two kinds of operations- it operates projects under way on the islands, mostly concerning
its fleet of reconnaissance aircrafts over the Malacca solar power generation. All these initiatives are fitting
and patrols warships in the west of Malacca. Being but require much timely and coordinated action than
a part of the MSP group is going to be beneficial for the current scenario. The Bay has always been
India in three important ways- it will provide vulnerable to severe natural disasters, piracy and
coordinated and timely information on any suspicious unregulated fishing. Even the recent upheaval caused
activities with MSP’s real-time information-sharing by the Rohingya refugee crisis caused to inflate the
network, secondly, it will keep an eye on military already existing criminal networks and sea pirates.
activities and thirdly, its top notch technology will Ensuring maritime security will also provide the
provide up-to-date information on passing trade and BIMSTEC members an avenue to make inroads into
energy cargos.24 At present, the negotiations to give the uncharted territories of the Southeast Asian region
permission to India is underway, though India has as well. In fact, recent statements made by the Indian,
bilateral agreements separately with all the countries Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi leaders have all indicated
involved. the need to emerge from territorial confines and engage
more intensely with the other countries to the South
India has also been conducting joint military and East.27The lukewarm attitude of the BIMSTEC
exercises with US, Japan and now Sri Lanka from countries towards each other should be changed for
time to time. With Thailand India has been having a more positive interaction, keeping aside their internal
bilateral talks on maritime security and trade, while preoccupations. Since the stakes are the highest for
with Bangladesh, there is a stronger emphasis on the Bay countries, it is high time they adopt a more
‘Blue Economy’. Blue Economy is in fact, gaining strategic maritime agenda, coupled with more capacity
much acclamation from these littoral countries, mostly building exercises. The Japanese Ambassador to
to secure economic benefits as a community. During India, K enj i Hiramatsu had said, “ The geopolitics
the Goa Retreat also the BIMSTEC countries had of Asia is dynamically changing, we used to
agreed to promote sustainable development in the discuss strategic issues with a focus on the
IOR.25 So, to drive more cooperation, the Modi Pacific Ocean, but that focus has shifted to
Government is planning to turn the BIMSTEC into India and the Indian Ocean.” 28 Multilateral
an instrument of regional maritime security mechanisms can be fruitful in securing cooperation
cooperation. As one of the fastest developing in the maritime realm. While India, Sri Lanka,
economies of the world, a large part of India’s Thailand and Bangladesh are already members of
burgeoning energy imports take place via the Indian the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), Japan
Ocean. Japan too has security concerns in the region is a dialogue partner. 29 The International Maritime
as bulk of its energy imports take place via the same Organisation (IMO) can also be used as a platform

India-Japan Relations: Tightening Old Ties and Building New Bridges 97

to exchange information and implement concerted Gulf of Oman, the first phase of the Chabahar port
practices. All in all, geographical proximity, economic was accomplished with the opening up of a direct
dynamism, rich natural resources and extensive labour route from Iran to Afghanistan and India bypassing
pool makes BIMSTEC the most important if India Pakistan. 32 Japan too has pledged to join India in the
wants to strengthen its footprints in its neighbourhood. development of this particular port. In fact, it has
strategic implications more for Japan- being an energy
·Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) hungry country, this port gives it direct access to
A frontier of development which was the culmination Iranian energy resources, as well as of
of the recent India-Japan Summit in May 2017 was Russia’s. However, so far there have only been talks
the new Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC). With without any concrete action. This is not useful,
the broad agenda of increasing connectivity between considering that the Gwadar port has three
South, East, Southeast Asia and Africa, and also to operational berths already and is progressing fast with
contest Chinese claims, AAGC is seeking to link the several new Chinese financial schemes.33 With so
Mekong-India Economic Corridor (MIEC) with the much experience and time in its hand, China is already
Kenya-Tanzania-Mozambique (KTM) growth zone making greater bounds in the region.
through Kochi and Jawaharlal Nehru ports.30 Most
Chinese scholars are viewing this with suspicion as a · Trincomalee port in Sri Lanka
substitute to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. China has already secured Sri Lanka’s Hambantota
However, more than negating Chinese influence, India port on a 99-year lease, where it is planning to build
and Japan need African cooperation to develop the an economic zone and speed up industrialization. 34Not
moribund sectors of their economies. Even to acquire to be left behind, Japan and India are also seeking to
permanent membership in the UNSC, the support of develop the Trincomalee port to the north of the
Africa is required. Lastly, there are rumours that country, which was a former British naval base. This
China is using it troops deployed in Africa for interests particular port has got its own geopolitical advantages-
other than anti-piracy missions and UN Peace it is the most convenient port if a ship has to travel to
Keeping Operations, especially in the naval bases set Myanmar, Bangladesh or any other coastal country
in Djibouti.31 Owing to all of these reasons, the Japan– surrounding the Bay of Bengal. Moreover, it is
India Dialogue on Africa has already been held five connected to Colombo through the Japanese
times during 2010 to 2016. Moreover, a successful Trincomalee–Colombo Economic Corridor and can
AAGC can serve to be the model for further Japan– help neutralize Chinese influence in the region. If
India cooperation in uncharted areas like the Arctic industrialized this port can help develop the eastern
region, Antarctic region and space technology. part of Sri Lanka which is actually in need of FDI,
and bring internal stability and prosperity to the
· Strategizing in the Chabahar Port region.35 Hence, it is imperative for Abe and Modi to
Chabahar is important for a number of reasons. First, finalise these projects hastily as China has already
it conjoins India, Iran and Afghanistan, thus linking built a strong presence in those regions and is planning
South Asia and Middle East. Second, by offering to pitch in more this year. Cross-border infrastructure
direct means to the Indian Ocean, it becomes projects need urgent addressal if Delhi and Tokyo
extremely important for Asian maritime cooperation. want to leverage their economic and strategic
Third, with China having acquired the Gwadar port outreach and weaken Chinese influence.
and strengthening China-Pakistan alliance, the
Chabahar port can be used as another outreach ·Denuclearization of North Korea
medium which reduces the Central Asian countries’ India and Japan are today confronting one of the most
dependence on China. Located just 100 km from difficult conundrums for their security in the
Gwadar and connected well with the large city of neighbourhood. China is not only providing the rogue
Mashhad, the Chabahar port is considered as a golden state North Korea and Pakistan with nuclear weapon-
opportunity, a ‘strategic necessity’, to form an inter- manufacturing equipments, but also giving them the
Asian cooperative framework to enhance trading know-how to manufacture long-range missiles.36 The
networks and security mechanisms. Recently, on the Pakistan-China-North Korea security partnership

98 World Focus May 2018

holds tremendous danger for global peace and order. halved from $6.81 billion during 2013-14 to $3.85
India and Japan have regularly condemned North billion during 2016-17 and imports from Japan as well
Korea’s nuclear programme, right from the 2006 going down from $12.5 billion during 2012-13 to $9.63
‘Joint Statement towards India-Japan Strategic and billion during 2016-17. So, rather than counting the
Global Partnership’, where both nations vouched for number of new initiatives, it is more important to focus
the resumption of the Six-Party Talks and on the calibre of their relationship instead. There are
denuclearisation of North Korea.37 Recently, in a indeed certain deterring factors such as poor
covert reference to Pakistan, they stressed on making infrastructure, ineffective labour laws and
all the parties involved responsible for North Korea’s administrative bottlenecks for Japanese investors in
nuclear ambitions. Abe and Modi are also striving for India. However, if India starts disseminating more
early implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear- investment opportunity information, easing procedural
Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). With a view to draw nuisances and removing delays, it can become a much
international cooperation, Abe applauded India’s better ground for innovative Japanese investments.
consent to the Hague Code of Conduct against Bilateral cooperation on defence equipment and
Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC) and the Missile technology should also be put on the fast-track mode
Technology Control Regime (MTCR). 38 The for greater peace and security in the region. The Modi
challenge of nuclear terrorism is getting extreme, and Government should take this opportunity to
Japan being a non-nuclear state is feeling its security strengthen ties with its neighbours and position India
getting endangered more every day. India, though may at the apex of Indo-Pacific, a power to be reckoned
not be directly threatened, has still taken with
responsibilities tantamount to that of Japan’s. Footnotes
According to their ‘Vision 2025’, they are cooperating Sen, Tansen, “The Indo Pacific is really nothing new, just ask the fish”, South China Morning Post, 30 th December 2017, http://
Ministry of Externa l Affa irs, Annual Report 2 015-16 , https://www.mea ds/Pu blicationDocs/2 65 25_2 65 25 _

in medium and long-term Peaceful Uses of Nuclear External_Affairs_English_AR_2015-16_Final_compressed.pdf

“India-Japan sign 15 agreements in the summit,” The Economic Times, 14 th September 2017, /news/

Energy Plans. Their defence and security partnership

Dave, Amit and Miglani, Sanjeev, “With China in mind, Japan, India agree to deepen defence”, Reuters, 14 th September, 2017, https://

regularly conducts upgradation of military platforms 5

“Japan permanent member of Malabar exercise: Sushma Swaraj”, Business Standard, 19 th June, 2016,

and defence equipments like surveillance system

“PM’s address to Japan-India Association, Japan-India Parliamentary Friendship League and International Friendship Exchange Council”,
28th May, 2013,
“Make in India: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor to invite first anchor investors in August”, The Economic Times, 16 th February, 2016,

technologies. 39 However, in spite of numerous


Memoranda of Understandings, certain deals have

“Japan to fund mass rapid transit systems in Gujrat, Haryana”, DMIC, 23 rd September 2017,

remained elusive. For example despite years of Ministry of Externa l Affairs, “ Launch of India-Japan Act Ea st Foru m”, 4/


negotiations, India and Japan have still not able to

“PM greets BIMSTEC nations on 20 th anniversary of BIMSTEC”, Press Information Bureau, Government of India,
Print Release.aspx?relid=164448
“After Uri atta ck, India boycotts SAARC Summit in Islamabad,” The Ne w Indian Ex press, 2 7 th September, 2 016, http://

conclude the Japanese amphibious aircraft—1.html

Free Trade Agreement, BIMSTEC,
Khan, A.R. (2006), “Towards BIMSTEC Japan comprehensive economic cooperation”, CSIRD, Anthem Press,USA
ShinMaywa US-2 deal.

Sengupta, Jayshree, “BIMSTEC-FTA: A new hope for enhanced regional trade”, ORF,
Khan, A.R. (2006), “Towards BIMSTEC Japan comprehensive economic cooperation”, CSIRD, Anthem Press,USA
Sengupta, Jayshree, “BIMSTEC-FTA: A new hope for enhanced regional trade”, ORF,

Conclusion hope-enhanced-regional-trade/
Khan, A.R. (2006), “Towards BIMSTEC Japan comprehensive economic cooperation”, CSIRD, Anthem Press,USA

Lately, a noticeable paradigm shift has also been

“Signing of Japanese ODA loan agreements with India: Comprehensive support for further socioeconomic development in India over a
wide range of fields”, Press release, JICA,
“Why is BIMSTEC so important for India?”, Livemint, 24 th October 2016, OSUC4N 81BK0T 7zNYecK/

taking place in the ties between Japan and India. Why-is-Bimstec-so-important-for-India.html


Bilaterally, they have ushered in several new

“India sets to join Malacca Patrol Group”, The Tribune, 10 th April 2017, http://www.tribuneindia. com/news/nation/india-set-to-join-malacca-
“Fact sheet: The Malacca Straits Patrol”, MINDEF Singapore,

initiatives, ranging from security and defence ties to apr/21apr16_nr/21apr15_fs.html

Rahman, M. R. (2017), “Blue Economy and Maritime Cooperation in the Bay of Bengal: Role of Bangladesh”, Elsevier, Procedia Engineering

economic and cultural associations. Japan’s trade and

194 ( 2017 ) 356 – 361
Barry, Ellen, “As India collaborates with Japan on islands, it looks to check India,” 11 th March 2016, The New York Times, https://

investments in India has grown to the extent that India G. Padmaja (2016), “Sri Lanka’s proposal for an ‘Indian ocean order’: an assessment”, NMF

“India a t ce ntr e of J a pa n’s In do-Pa c ifi c p oli cy: En voy ”, 9 th D ecem ber , 2 0 1 7, Th e N ew In d i a n Ex p re s s , ht tp:/ /
is now Japan’s largest aid beneficiary. Both Abe and 29
Rahman, M. R. (2017), “Blue Economy and Maritime Cooperation in the Bay of Bengal: Role of Bangladesh”, Elsevier, Procedia Engineering
194 ( 2017 ) 356 – 36130 Lin, Qi, “Japan’s strategic counter to China’s Belt and Road Initiative”, 28th December 2017, Global Risk Insights,

Modi are fond of each other, much salient in their

Villasanta, A.D. “China’s First Overseas Military Base at Djibouti Stokes US Suspicion“, China Topix, 17th March 2017,

regular bilateral meets and joint statements. In fact it 32

Bhatia, N.K. (2016), “India, Chabahar, and the changing regional dynamics”, CLAWS journal
Logistics Capacity assessment of the Pakistan Gwadar Port, 26 th October 2017,

was Abe who had first acknowledged Indo-Pacific

Gwadar+ Port; jsessionid=98C7E985B29E188 AC4732D4A2C9E25BD
Stacey, Kiran, “China signs 99 year lease on Sri Lanka’s Hambantota Port”, Financial Times, 11 th December 2017,

as the new important geopolitical domain in Asia. Both 35

Borah, R., “Why Japan, India should join hands in Sri Lanka”, Japan Forward, 13 th October 2017,

nations are convinced that they have to back each

Parthasarathy, G., “Beware the Pakistan-China nuclear axis,” The Hindu, 1 st November 2017,
Ministry of External Affairs, ‘Joint Statement towards India-Japan Strategic and Global Partnership’, December 2006, MEA,

other up if the balance of power is to be restored in bilateral-documents.htm?dtl/6368/Joint+Statement+Towards+IndiaJapan+Strategic+and+Global+Partnership

Ministry of External Affairs, “India-Japan Joint statement during visit of Prime Minister of Japan to India”, September 2017, http://

Asia. However, according to recent data, India-Japan oint+Statement+during+visit+of+Prime+Minister+of+Japan+to+
Ministry of External Affairs, “Joint Statement on India and Japan Vision 2025: Special Strategic and Global Partnership Working Together

bilateral trade is dwindling, with India’s exports nearly for Peace and Prosperity of the Indo-Pacific Region and the World”, December 2015,
2 61 7 6/J oint_Statement_on_ India_ a nd_ Ja pan_ Vision_ 202 5_ Specia l_ Stra tegic_ and_ Global _ Partnership_ Work ing_
Together_for_Peace_and_Prosperity_ of_ the_IndoPacific_R

India-Japan Relations: Tightening Old Ties and Building New Bridges 99

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