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Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023




Marks: 100
Duration: 2hrs
The paper consists of 10 pages including the cover page

Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023


1. This question paper consists of THREE sections, namely SECTION A,


2. The questions in SECTION A and SECTION B are COMPULSORY.

3. Answer any TWO questions in SECTION C.

4. Read ALL the questions carefully.

5. Number the questions correctly according to the numbering system used in

this question paper.

6. Write neatly and legibly.

Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023

Answer all the questions in this section
Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A-D) next to the question
number (1.1.1 – 1.1.5) for example 1.1.3 D.
1.1.1 Which one of the following is an example of endurance exercises?

A. Stretching exercise
B. Muscle strengthening
C. Flexibility exercise
D. Aerobics exercise (1)

1.1.2 It is very important to obtain a National Senior Certificate (NCS) because it gives
you an opportunity to…

A. receive feedback and to know your strengths for employment.

B. use your time effectively, to focus on studying for employment.
C. develop your knowledge, abilities and skills to find employment.
D. always track your progress in order to come closer to employment. (1)

1.1.3 The Body-Mass index (BMI) is based on …

A. weight and volume.

B. height and volume.
C. height and weight.
D. strength and volume. (1)

1.1.4 The action word “evaluation” in an examination instruction means to…

A. take an idea apart to examine or criticize its sub-part in detail.

B. place items side by side to consider their similarities and differences.
C. provide a list of parts of the content to see their similarities and differences.
D. state points for and or against so that you can make a balanced judgment.

Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023

1.1.5 Which THREE rights in the South African Bill of Rights are considered to be
fundamental human rights …

A. the right to freedom of security, the right to privacy and the right to life
B. the right to freedom of expression, right to education and the right to life
C. the right to equality, the right to human dignity and the right to life.
D. the right to human dignity, education, citizenship, and the right to life

1.2 Give ONE/TWO word(s)/a term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the
words/term next to the question numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.5).

1.2.1 Being able to engage in sport activities, while applying greater physical stamina.
1.2.2 A situation in which a person without work is actively looking for one, but cannot
find any work. (1)

1.2.3 When people involved in some form of misunderstanding seek to find a solution
to their challenges. (1)

1.3 Answer the following questions by writing the answer next to the question
number (1.3.1 to 1.3.2)

1.3.1 Define the term stress. (1x2) (2)

1.3.2 What is meant by the term conflict? (1x2) (2)
1.3.3 State TWO types of conflict. (2x1) (2)

Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023

1.4 Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Campaign for safe and healthy living environments: Our joint responsibility

Ensuring safe and healthy living environments is essential for the enhancement of the
quality of lives; therefore, people should not think, it is the sole responsibility of local
Adapted from http//: Accessed on 29/05/2023

1.4.1 State TWO measures that local government could consider ensuring safe and
healthy living environments in communities. (2x1) (2)

1.4.2 Why do most campaigns, that promote safe and healthy living environments, not
succeed? (2x1) (2)

1.4.3 Suggest how communities could ensure safe and healthy living environments
where they live. (1x2) (2)
Sub-total: 20

Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023



Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

The role of the media in a democratic society

Often, people have different expectations of the media. Some may view the media as
one of the mechanisms to ensure that the views of all citizens are heard. Some may
view it as a toll to fight their own battles. The law in South Africa is clear in its support
of media freedom. However, media freedom may not mean the media is free to report
news anyhow. There are specific roles and functions that the media could play in any

The coming into being of the digital age has actually changed the operational space for
the media. Be it print or electronic, the operational space has changed. In the past,
people had fewer choices. Currently, people may source news from different social
media platforms. That comes with advantages and disadvantages. At the end of it all,
the media may affect us in various ways, including our mental state. It is therefore,
important that we always ensure whether the environment is cybersafe.


Digital age: the era in which information is shared through internet devices or screen.

Adapted from, Accessed on 09/06/ 2013

2.1 Define the term media. (1x2) (2)

2.2 State FOUR ways in which social media users use social media irresponsibly.
(4x1) (4)
2.3 Discuss how access to the internet could benefit poorer communities. (2x2) (4)
2.4 Explain TWO ways in which the media could ensure that news is reported
accurately. (2x2) (4)

2.5 Recommend TWO ways in which teenagers could ensure cyber-safety on social
media. In your answer, also indicate how that could help them moving forward.
(2x3) (6)

Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023


Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Entrepreneurship as an innovative way to counteract unemployment

With the rising rates of unemployment in South Africa, seeking for jobs has increasingly
become irrelevant. Some young people have actually given up looking for jobs. Some
may have gone to tertiary institutions with the hope of securing jobs on their way back.
To their surprise, university education did not, necessarily, prepare them sufficiently
enough to get employed.

On the other hand, venturing in to business, as an entrepreneur, may seem an easy

way out. The reality is that, business may not be easy, as people would want others to
believe. How many times have we seen businesses coming up, to close down few
weeks/months down the line. It is actually happening every day. Again, not anybody
can succeed in the world of entrepreneurship. Education may lay the foundation for you
to be entrepreneur, but you have got to have the passion, to get going. Lastly,
entrepreneurship has also evolved. We now have different types of entrepreneurships
that potential entrepreneurs should take into account.

Adapted from, Accessed on 09/06/2023

3.1 Define the term entrepreneurship. (1x2) (2)

3.2 State FOUR reasons why most entrepreneurs fail. (4x1) (4)
3.3 Discuss why innovative entrepreneurship may be a viable option for potential
entrepreneurs. (2x2) (4)

3.4. Explain TWO practical ways in which young people could be motivated to become
successful entrepreneurs. (2x2) (4)

3.5 Recommend THREE ways in which having a vision could make young
entrepreneurs succeed in business. In your answer, also indicate how that could
help them remain in business. (2x3) (6)
Sub-total: 40

Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023

Answer any TWO questions in this section.
Your responses must consist of paragraphs. Marks will ONLY be allocated for
responses written in full sentences.

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Importance of initiating, building, and sustaining positive relationships

Most challenges that people encounter in relationships start from how they were raised.
The family background is an important environment in shaping the type of a person you
will become. That has a potential to affect how you communicate with others. You may
be defensive in order to win an argument, but that talks to how you were raised.

Adapted from

Write paragraphs on initiating, building and sustaining positive relationships.

 Define the concept initiating relationships and state THREE benefits of initiating
social relationships. (1+3) (4)
 Analyse how effective communication could build positive relationships. (4x2) (8)
 Critically discuss how you, as a young person, could effectively deal with friends who
always want to be argumentative in a conversation. (2x4) (8)


Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Impact of vision on people, life and environment

Most irresponsible peoples’ environmental behaviour is based on their vision to

people, life and the environment. A personal vision statement is important for one to
follow through on one’s life goals.

Adapted from, Accessed on 11/06/2023

Write paragraphs on the impact of vision on people, life and environment.

 Define the term personal vision statement and state THREE ways in which a
personal vision statement could help young people take responsible decisions in life.
(1+3) (4)
 Analyse FOUR ways in which most people find it difficult to realise their personal
vision statements in life. (4x2) (8)

 Critically discuss how you, as young person, could assist your friends to develop an
appropriate personal vision statement, which will ensure a good quality environment.
(2x4) (8)

Life Orientation /Grade 12 Controlled Test MP/ JUNE/ 2023

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow

The negative impact of corruption on youth unemployment

Corruption is a global challenge that affects communities in different ways and it

accounts for the high youth unemployment rate in South Africa.

Adapted from, Accessed on 11/05/2023.

Write a paragraph on the impact of corruption on youth unemployment.

 Define the term corruption and state THREE ways in which corruption could result in
unemployment. (1 + 3) (4)

 Analyse FOUR factors that could cause people to be involved in corruption.

(4x2) (8)

 Critically discuss ways in which the youth could effectively fight against corruption in
their communities. (2x4) (8)




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