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NaMe 10. n. 13. 4. MCEE BL Model Enrance Esam Sel, (2080-08.23) Starling birds migrate from East to rest is called: a) Latitudinal migration b) Longitudinal migration c) Vertical migration d) Amphidromous migration Pectroalis minor and pectroalis major are the muscles type, adapted for a) scansorial animals b) volant animals) cursorial animals _d) fossorial animals Human skin has a keratinized and water impermeable layer of flattened cells. This is called stratum a) lucidum b) comeum ©) malpighi 4d) granulosum Which one of the following is the correct matching of a vitamin, its nature and its deficiency disease? a) Vitamin A - fat soluble - night blindness _b) Vitamin K — fat soluble — beri-beri ¢) Vitamin A - fat soluble ~ beri-beri d) Vitamin K - water soluble - pellagra ‘The RBC in camel is a) circular, convex and non-nucleated b) circular, convex and nucleated ©) oval and non-nucleated d) oval and nucleated During measurement of blood pressure, the stethoscope is placed on a) brachial artery _b) brachial vein ¢)femoral artery _d) femoral vein If a man from sea level goes to Everest peak then a) his breathing and heart beat will increase _b) his breathing & heart beat will decrease c) his respiratory rate will decrease d) his heartbeat will decrease Due to insufficient filtration in the Bowman's capsule, all are likely to happen EXCEPT: a) accumulation of fluid in the body ») increase in blood pressure ¢) increase in blood urea level d) loss of glucose through urine A shallow depression in the scapula which receives the head of the upper arm bone is known asthe a) Acetabulum b) Neural arch c) Glenoid cavity d) none of these Which one is the function of parasympathetic nervous system in mammals? a) Acceleration of heart beat b) Constriction of pupil c) Stimulation of sweat glands d) Contraction of arrector pilli muscles The comea is a very important component of the human eye. The main function of the cornea is to refraction of a) refraction of the light before it reaches the lens b) provide structural support to the eye ©) contain a concentrated amount of cone cells in the correct orientation d) change the shape of the lens to enable the image to be focused on the retina Chordae tendinae are found in a) ventricle of heart _b) atria of heart ©) joints 4) ventricle of brain ICSH acts on a) spermatogonia b) nurse cells ©) Leydig cells d) primary spermatocytes Vitellogenesis occurs during the formation of a) primary oocyte in the graffian follicle _b) oogonia cells in the graffian follicle ©) ootid in the fallopian tube d) secondary oocyte in the fallopian tube 1 NAME! MCEE BL Model Entrance Esom Sell, 2080-08-23) 5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 27. The organ which is most affected by alcohol is a) liver b) cerebrum ©) cerebellum d) heart Which of the following is not transmitted by house flies? a) Typhoid b) Yellow fever ©) Cholera 4d) Dysentry AIDS is characterized by a sharp reduction is a) Helper T-cells b) Killer T-cells ¢) Supressor T-cells d) B-lymphocytes ‘An example of merocrine gland is a) pineal body b) salivary gland ) mammary gland —_d) sebaceous gland Which of the following group that bony fishes are not included? a) Osteichthyes b) Sacroptery gii ©) Elasmobranchi 4d) Actinopyrigi What used to be described as Nissl granules in nerve cell are now identified as? a) Ribosomes b) Fat granules Mitochondria _—_) Cell-metabolies According to the theory of spontagenous generation a) life came from pre-existing life ») life originated from outer space ©) life came from both living and non living matter d) life originated from decaying and rotting matter like straw, mud, etc. Fossil evidence for mammal like reptiles date to a) Triassic b) Permian ©) Cretaceous 4d) Carboniferous Select the correct match a) Lorises - prosmii b) New world monkey - hominoidea ©) Trasier - Anthropidea 4) Gibbon - Cercopithecoidea Nephrostome is found in the in the frog. a) testis, b) lungs ©) kidney d) brain In frog, pallium is present in a) cerebral hemisphere b) diencephalon ©) corpora bigeminea 4) medulla oblongata What is true about cleavage of frog? a) Meroblastic and equall b) Meroblastic and unequal ©) Holoblastic and equall d) Holoblastic and unequall Which of the following organs in earthworm neutralizes humic acid present in humus? a) Typhlosole b) Calciferous glands ) Intestinal caecum _d) Gizzard External segmentation is absent but internal segmentation is present in a) Hirudinea b) Polychaeta ©) Oligochaeta d) Archinanelida ‘Supra-pharyngeal nerves in Pheretima a) 1 pair b) 4 pairs c) 8 pairs d) 12 pairs Incorrect matching pair is a) Neonatology - new born upto age of two months ‘b) Serology - blood serum ©) Proctology - hindgut and rectum d) Myrmecology - ticks and mites awe MCEE At Mode! Entrance Exam St, 200-0821) 31. _ In life cycle of Plasmodium, the micro- and macro- gametes are formed in a)human RBCs ——_b) humanlivercells_c) stomach of FAM _) stomach MAM 32, Certain stages o f P. vivex may survive for a long period in the liver of man as dormant stages and on reactivation enter into one of the following cycle. a) Exo-crythrocytic schizogony b) Erythrocytic schizogony ) Cycle of Ross d) Gametogony 33. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched? a) Amoebocytes - transport food to non-feeding cells b) Collar cells - movement of water and filtering of food ) Choanocytes - temporary trapping of sperm d) Silicoblast - secrete spongin fibres 34, Find the odd one out a) Heliopora b) Tubipora ©) Cyanea 4) Ciona 35. All flatworms differ from all roundworms in having, a) solid mesoderm b) triploblastic body ©) bilateral symmetry 4) metamorphosis in the life history 36. Eggs of cockroach give rise to a) nymph b) caterpillar ©) larva d) pupa 37. A mullusc differs from others by a) segmented body and shell b) mantle and gill ©) segmented body and mantle 4d) mantle and shell 38. Notochord persist throughout the Life in: a) Urochordata b)Cephalochordata _c) Vertebrata d) Mandibulata In sponge, the incurrent canal is lined by: a) Thesocytes b) Pinacocytes ©) porocytes ) Choanocytes Anal itching is caused by: a) Ancyclostoma _b) Enterobius ©) Schistosoma ) Wuchereria 41. TS of dicot stem shows a) vascular bundles are arranged in ring _b) scattered vascular bundles ©) closed vascular bundle d) radial vascular bundleb 42. prosenchyma is a type of a) parenchyma _b) sclerenchyma ©) collenchyma 4d) chlorenchyma 43. Acetyl CoA forms 6-C compound after combining with a) oxygen b) pyruvic acid ©) citric acid d) oxaloacetic acid 44. _ which of the following hormone accelerates malting process in brewing industry? a) auxin b) cytokinin ©) gibberellin d) ethylene 45. Which of the following is long day plant/ a) radish b) rice ©) tomato d) sunflower 46. Transpiration occurs from a) root b) STEM ©) leaf 4) all arial plants 47. Heat energy in plant is measured in MEE AL Mode! Entrance Exam Se, 2080-08-23) 51. a) grams b) pounds ©) decibels d) calories Which form of RNA resemble clover leaf? a) mRNA b) tRNA ©) FRNA d) all Which one of the following is nonsense condon? a) UAA by UAC ©) AUG 4) UU What is a mutation? a) A sudden and permanent change in an organism's traits that is always beneficial. b) A temporary alteration in an organism's appearance caused by environmental factors. ©) Arandom and heritable change in the DNA sequence of an organism. d) A predictable and controlled modification in an organism's genetic makeup. Which enzyme is responsible for unwinding and separating DNA strands during DNA replication? a) DNA polymerase b) Topoisomerase _c) Helicase d) Ligase During which phase of the cell cycle does crossing over occur in meiosis? a) Prophase I b) Metaphase I ©) Anaphase I d) Telophase I In eukaryotic cells, which organelle is responsible for the synthesis of phospholipids and detoxification of drugs and poisons? a) Endoplasmic reticulum b) Golgi apparatus ©) Lysosome 4) Peroxisome Which of the following is a characteristic feature of prophase in mitosis? a) Disintegration of the nuclear envelope b) Alignment of homologous chromosomes at the metaphase plate ©) Separation of sister chromatids d) Formation of a cleavage furrow Which of the following processes involves the development of microspores into mature pollen grains? a) Ovulation b) Microsporogenesis ©) Megagametogenesis d) Double fertilization In the context of plant reproduction, what does the term “ovule" refer to? a) Mature seed b) Female reproductive organ ©) Fertilized egg cell ) Unfertilized pollen grain The most common element in vacuole is a) clacium b) potassium ©) sodium d) magnesium Bicarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium, tetradynamous stamen are the characteristics of a)cucurbitaceae _b) cruciferae ©) malvaceae 4d) compositae Phyllode is modifications of a) stem, b) leaf margin ©) branch 4) petiole. Fungi that requires two hosts for completion of their lifecycle is called a) aplantic b) diplontic ©) autoecious d) heteracoeious The best indicator of SO2 pollution is a) lichens b) algae ©) ferns d) fungi In which of the following we find seed but no fruit? 4 MOEE BL Mode Enrance xan Se, 2080-08-25) o7. 74. a) pteris b) cycas Fern rhizome is a) stem b) root Elaters of marchentia exhibits a) xerochasy b) hydrochasy Nostoc and Anabaena live symbiotically in a) anthocerous thallus 6) coralloid root of cycas Cell wall may be absent in a)slime moulds _b) algal fungi Virus can multiply in a) bacteria only b) all living cells ‘What is general shape of bacteria? a) rod shaped b) spherical Endosperm of gymnosperm is a) haploid b) diploid Ozone depletion resulted in a) warming of earth atmosphere ©) decrease in temperature ¢) salaginella 4) lichen ©) leat 4) thizoid ©) mutation 4) circumnutation b) leaf of azolla a) all of the above ©) fungi imperfecti d) non of the above ©) specific living cells. d) rotton foods. c) spiral <) comma ©) triploid 4)all b) less UV radiation on earth 4d) more UV radiation on earth. Agriculturally most important soil is a) sandy soil b) silty soil ¢)cleyey soil 4) loamy soil Biosphere refers to a) plant of land and water ») area occupied by plant and animal ) area occupied by animal 4) plant of entire world Carbon fixation mainly occurs by a) respiration b) photosynthesis ©) chemosynthesis, 4d) breathing Depletion of ozone layer is because of a) acid ion b) chlorofluro carbons c) noise 4) carbondioxide Kharka is present in region a) tropical b) alpine ¢) subalpine 4) temperate. First process of food chain in ecosystem is a) photosynthesis b) decay ©) respiration 4) assimilation Humulin is isolated from a) bacteria b) fungi ©) virus d) algae Polluted river can be purified using a) algae b) fungi ¢) bacteria 4) virus Part of plant used for culture is a) scion b) explant ¢) callus 4) stock Adenine is a kind of a) purine b) pyrimidine c) nucleotide ) nucleoside 5 awe CEE BL Model Entrance Exam Sell, 2080-08.23) 81. 82. a1. 92. 93. The number of gram molecules of oxygen in 6.02 x 10% CO molecules is a) 10 gm molecules b) 5 gm molecules ) 1 gm molecules d) 0.5 gm molelcules In a hydrocarbon, mass ratio of hydrogen and carbon is 1:3, the empirical formula of hydrocarbon is a) CHa 1) CH2 OH d) CHs Number of moles of NaOH present in 2 litre of 0.5 M NaOH is: a)15 20 10 d)25 (02, N2are present in the ratio of 1: 4 by weight. The ratio of number of molecules is: a) 7:32 bid 21 d)4:1 Which of the following transitions of electrons in the hydrogen atom will emit maximum energy? a) n> me b) mm mom 4) all will emit same energy Which of the following sets of quantum numbers represents the highest energy of an atom? a)n=3,1=0,m=0,5=41/2 b)n=3,1=1,m=1,s=41/2 o)n=3,1=2,m=1,5=41/2 d)n=4,1=0,m=0,s= 41/2 Modem periodic table is based on the atomic number of the elements. The experiment which proved the significance of the atomic number was a) Mulliken’s oil drop experiment b) Mosley’s work on X-ray spectra ) Bragg’s work on X-ray diffraction 4d) Discovery of X-rays by Rontgen Halogens and chalcogens family have highly ...P... electron gain enthalpy. Here, P refers to a) negative ) positive ) zer0 4d) infinity Which of the following pairs will form the most stable ionic bond? a) Naand Cl ‘b) Mg and F c) Liand F d) Na and F Which one of the following pairs of molecules will have permanent dipole moments for both members? a)NOzandCO2 ——_b) NOzand O3 ©) SiF4and CO2 d) SiFa and NO2 500 ml of nitrogen at 27°C is cooled to -5°C at the same pressure. The new volume becomes a) 326.32 ml 1) 446.66 ml ©) 546,32 ml 4) 771.56 ml The heat of combustion of a substance is: a) Always positive b) Always negative ©) Numerically equal to the heat of formation 4) Unpredictable A reaction cannot take place spontaneously at any temperature when a) both AH and AS are positive b) both AH and AS are negative c) AH is negative and AS is positive d) AH is positive and AS is negative In which of the following equilibrium Keand Xp are not equal? a) 2NO(g) = N2(g)+O2 (g) 'b) S02(g)+NO2 (g) = SO3(g)+NO(e) ©) H2(g)+2(g) # 2HI(g) ) 2C(s)+02 (g) # 2CO2g) 6 NAME MCE BL Model Entrance Ezam Stl 0080-08-23) 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105, 106. 107. 108. 109, 110. m1. 12. Which one of the following molecular hydrides acts as a Lewis acid? a) NH3 b) H20, ) BoHe d) CHa What is the H* ion concentration of a solution prepared by dissolving 4 g of NaOH (Atomic weight of Na = 23 amu) in 1000 ml? a) 10M 104M 101M 4)10-3M Aqueous solution of ferric chloride is acidic due to a) ionization b) polarization ©) dissociation d) hydrolysis, In the compounds KMnQ, and K2Cr,O; the highest oxidation state is of the element a) potassium b) manganese ©) chromium 4d) oxygen Which isotope(s) of hydrogen is/are radioactive and emits low energy B- particles? (@) Protium (i) Tritium (ii) Deuterium a) (i) and (i) ») (ii) only ©) ii) only 4) (ii) and (ii) On heating anhydrous Na2CO3, evolved a) COz b) water vapour 3co d) no gas The process associated with sodium carbonate manufacture is known as a) Chamber b) Haber ©) LeBlanc ) Castner Plaster of Paris on making paste with little water sets to hard mass due to formation of a) CaSO4 b) CaS04.1/2H20. ©) CaSO4.H20 d) CaSO4.2H20 The gas responsible for azone depletion: a)NOand freons —_b) SOz ) CO2 4)co The reference electrode is made by using a) ZnClz b) CuSOs ) HgCh d) Hg2Cle In a reaction, when the concentration of reactant is increased two times, the increase in rate of reaction was four times. Order of reaction is: a) zero b)1 92 43 ‘The natural materials from which an element can be extracted economically are called a) ores b) minerals ©) gangue 4) None of these ‘The most abundant metal on the surface of the earth is a) Fe bal Ca d)Na Hydro-metallurgical process of extraction of metals is based on a) complex formation b) hydrolysis ©) dehydration 4d) dehydrogenation Nitrogen dioxide cannot be obtained by heating: a) KNO3 b) Pb (NOs)2 ©) Cu (NOs)2 d) AgNOs Which of the following oxo acid of sulphur has O-O bond? a) H25207 b) H25208 ©) H2520s d) H2S20s Sea divers go deep in the sea water with a mixture of which of the following gases a) O2and He b) Ozand Ar ©) O2and CO2 4) CO2and Ar Which of the following has more unpaired d-electrons? a) Znz* b) Fe* ) Net d)Cu* NAME 113. 114, us. 116, 117. 118, 119. 120. 121. 122, 123, 124, 128, 126, 127. 128, MCEE BL Model Entrance Exam Se 2080-08-23) Total number of structural isomers possible for C3Hé are: a)2 b1 o4 3 The homolytic fission of a covalent bond liberates a) Carbonium ions _b) Carbanions ©) Free radicals 4) Carbenes Which of the following pairs represent electrophiles? a) AICl, H20 b) SOs, Nox ©) BF, H20 d) NHs, SOs Electromeric effect is a a) permanent effect b) temporary effect ©) resonance effect d) inductive effect When hydrochloric acid gas is treated with propene in presence of benzoyl peroxide, it gives a) 2-Chloropropane b) Allyl chloride ©) No reaction d) n-Propyl chloride. In the following sequence of reactions, the alkene affords the compound ‘B’ CH, ~CH=cH-cH, 25 4B Za The compound B is a) CHsCH2CHO b) CHsCOCHs ©) CHsCH2COCHs d) CHsCHO When acetylene is passed over heated iron tube, the product obtained is ~ a) CoH b) Can ©) Cokis d) Catis Which of the following reactions is an example of nucleophilic substitution reaction? a) 2RX+2Na9R-R+2NaX b) RX + H2-> RH + HX ©) RX + Mg > RMgX d)RX+KOH > ROH +KX A Grignard reagent may be made by reacting magnesium with a)Methylamine —_b) Diethyl ether ©) Ethyl iodide d) Ethyl alcohol Reactivity order of halides for dehydrohalogenation is a)R-F>R-C1>R-Br>R-1 b) R-I>R-Br>R-CI>R-F )R-I>R-Cl>R-Br>R-F d)R-F>R-I>R-Br>R-Cl The compound HOCH2- CH20H is a) ethane glycol b) ethylene glycol ©) ethylidene alcohol d) dimethyl alcohol Which of the following is an example of unsymmetrical ether? a) C2HsOC2Hs, b) CsHSOCsHs ©) CoHSOC2Hs d) CH30CHs Primary and secondary alcohols on action of reduced copper give a) Aldehydes and ketones respectively b) Ketones and aldehydes respectively ©) Only aldehydes ) Only ketones Which of the following is used to prepare ketone from acyl chloride? a) R-Mgx b) Rocd )CO+HCI d) Cro Which is highly soluble in water? a) Methanal b) Propanal ©) Propanone d) Butanone Which gives lactic acid on hydrolysis after reacting with HCN? 8 awe MCEE BL Model Enironce Exam Stl, 2080.08.29) a) HCHO b) CH3CHO ©) C6H3CHO d) CHsCOCH3 129, Benzoic acid reacts with conc, HNO3 and H2SOs to give: a) 3-Nitrobenzoic acid b) 4-Benzene sulphonic acid ©) 4-Nitrobenzoic acid d) 2-Nitrobenzoic acid 130. Ethylamine reacts with HNO2 giving: a) CHSOH b) C2HSNO2 ©) NH3 d) CoH 131, The dimensions for the ratio of surface tension to coefficient of viscosity is same as a) velocity b) acceleration ©) force d) momentum 132. The vector which is perpendicular to 4% - 3} is ayateap bye? on d)3t-4}, 133, The displacement of a body is x = 2 + 2t + 2 is meter. Then velocity of body at 4 sec a) 10m/s b) 6m/s ©) 12m/s 4) 8m/s 134, The maximum horizontal range of a bullet fired at 200nys is a) Ikm b) 2km ) 22 km d) 4km 135, The potential energy of a certain spring when stretched through a distance x is 10J. The amount of work required to stretch this spring through an additional distance x will be a) 10) b)20) 30) 4) 40) 136. For stable equilibrium, the centre of gravity should be a) lowest b) highest )at mid point d) anywhere 137. A particle is held inside an isolated solid sphere at distance x from the centre of that sphere. ‘The gravitational force on that particle by the sphere is a) directly proportional to x b) inversely proportional to x? ©) directly proportional to x? d) zero 138. A second pendulum has time period a) 1 sec b) 2sec ) 05 sec d) 24 hours 139, The change in the shape of a regular body is due to a) Bulk strain b) Shearing strain c) Longitudinal strain d) Metallic strain 140, Machine parts are jammed in winter due to a) increase in viscosity of lubricant b) decrease in viscosity of lubricant ©) increase in surface tension of lubricant _d) decrease in surface tension of lubricant 141, The ratio of the densities of two liquids is 2: 3 and the ratio of their specific heats is 3: 2. What will be the ratio of their thermal capacities, when same volume of both liquids are taken a)2:3 b)3:2 99: d) none of these 142, Cooking gas containers are kept in a lorry moving with uniform speed. The temperature of the gas molecule inside will a) increase b) decrease c) remain same d) decrease for some while increase for other 143, On heating a liquid having coefficient of volume expansion ain a container having coefficient MCEE BL Model Entrance Exam Sel, 2080-08.28) 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 152. 153. 155. 156. of container expansion 5 . The level of the liquid in the container would a) rise ») fall ©) remains almost stationary 4) cannot be predicted ‘Two vessels having equal volumes contain molecular hydrogen at one atmosphere and helium at two atmospheres respectively. If both samples are at the same temperatures, the rms velocity of hydrogen molecules is a) equal to that of helium b) twice that of helium. 6) half that of helium 4d) V2 times that of helium In a container, two gases He and O: are mixed with 1 mole of each gas. The average value of Cp for the mixture will be a) 15R b)25R 0) 35R d)3R The layers of atmosphere are heated through a) convection b) conduction ©) radiation d) none of these ‘An object is placed 40cm from a concave mirror of focal length 20cm. The image formed is a) real, inverted and same in size b) real, inverted and smaller in size ©) virtual, erect and larger in size 4) virtual, erect and smaller in size Mirage is a phenomenon due to a) reflection of light b) refraction of light 6) total internal reflection of light d) diffraction of light ‘The angle of minimum deviation for an incident light ray on an equilateral prism is equal to its refracting angle. The refractive index of its material is 5 x8 of 03 if the light is polarized by reflection, then the angle between reflected and refracted light is a) 180° b) 90° 045° d) 36° The tip of needle does not give sharp image on the screen. This is due to a) polarization b) interference ©) refraction d) diffraction In interference with two coherent sources, the fringe width varies a) directly as wavelength b) inversely as wavelength 6) directly as the separation between slits d) inversely as the distance between slits and screen If pressure amplitude of a sound wave is tripled, the intensity of sound increases to a) 3 times b) 6 times ©) 9 times d) V3 times Resonance is a special case of a) forced vibrations _b) damped vibrations c) natural vibrations _d) none of these ‘The maximum tolerable sound intensity in dB is a) 104B b) 100 4B ©) 120 dB d) 200 dB ‘The unit of physical quantity obtained by the line integral of electric field is, a) New b) Vm" oe d)@N'm? 10 se CHE nat Ban BB 08886: 157. Ifa positive charge is shifted from a low-potential region toa high-potential region, the electric potential energy a) increases b) decreases ©) remains constant d) may increase or decrease 158. In a charged capacitor, the energy resides in a) the positive charged b) both the position and negative charges ©) the field between the plates d) around the edge of the capacitor plates 159. Two wires of same dimensions but resistivities pi and p2 are in parallel combination. The equivalent resistivity of the combination will be a) er pepe prt pr 4) Vere 160. Two identical heaters, each marked 1000 watt 250 volt are placed in parallel with each other and connected to a 250 volt supply. Their combined rate of heating will be a) 250 W b) 500W <) 1000W d) 2000W 161. When a difference of temperature is maintained across a single conductor and a current is passed, then heat is evolved or absorbed along the length of conductor. This effect is called a) Joule effect b) Seebeck effect c) Peltier effect d) Thomson effect 162. A voltmeter has a resistance 1009 and measures 10V. How can it be used to measure 50 volts? a) 402 in series b) 40M in parallel ) 400Qinseries. —_—_d) parallel 163. In a moving coil galvanometer, a current I produces a deflection 0, then a) Tc tand bl= Bsofuk Result will be published on Sunday Log on to oF www. facebook con/nameinstitute | Best of Luck NAME Solutions for MECEE BL. Model Entrance Exam set-I (2080-08-25) Zoology 1b) __ Latitudinal migration of fish eg: Xiphius (sword fish), hammer headed shark, from north to south and vice-versa. 2b) Flight muscles: (i) Pectoralis minor - raises or elevates the wings (ii) Pectoralis major - depresses or lowers the wings 3. b) Stratum corneu is the outermost layer of epidermis of man containing dead, flattened and dry cells. 4 a) 5. d) Oval shaped RBC is seen in camel. 6 a) 7. a) Athigh altitude, PO: of alveolar air falls because of low O> tension of tissues. So O2 is absorbed very quickly from alveoli, thus increasing breathing rate. Heart beat also increases to supply required amount of O> to tissues. 8d) __ Insufficient filtration will increase the blood urea level because all the quantity of urea produced by liver would not be filtered through glomerular capsule. Loss of glucose through urine always takes place due to insufficient reabsorption. 9.) Glenoid cavity articulates humerous with scapula. 10. b) 11. a) Cornea is a transparent layer of tissue, continuous with the sclerotic that forms the front part of the vertebrates, eye over the iris and lens. The cornea refracts light entering eye onto the lens, thus assisting in the focusing of images onto the retina. 12. a) — Chordae tendinae are numerous, strong inelastic thread like tendons present in the ventricles of the mammalian heart. 13. ©) Inmales ICSH (interstitial cells stimulating hormone) activates the Leydig's cells of testes to secrete androgens. 14. a) The developing embryo derives its nutrients from the yolk sac. Yolk sac has high deposition of proteins. Vitellogenesis is the process of yolk formation via nutrients being deposited in the primary oocyte or female germ cell involved in reproduction. 15. a) _Liver is damaged by alcohol. The liver is the storehouse of glycogen but alcohol causes the storage of fat in the liver. 16. b) Yellow fever, a viral disease is transmitted by mosquitoes of various species of stegomyia genera. 17. a) 18. b) — Merocrine (epicrine or eccrine) glands: glands simply form secretary product and discharge it from the cell without any damage. Most exocrine glands of the body are merocrine. eg; salivary glands and pancreas 19%. 6) Elasmobranch; sub-class of Chondrichthyes. 20. a) The structures present in neuroplasm characteristic of neurons are Nissl bodies or tigroid granules which are found to be aggregations of RER rich in RNA and are concerned with protein synthesis. 21. d) — Abiogenesis (spontaneous generation) believe that life could arise by spontaneous generations from non living material in addition to arising from parental organisms by reproduction. 22. a) Mammal like reptile (therapsids) lived during the early Triassic period. These were the reptiles that took the road leading to the mammals and some of them approached very closely to the mammalian stage of orgnaisation. Eg: Cynognathus and Dicynodon. NAME ‘Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam set—II (2080-08-23) B2S8 BN RRR B & Ree SSeS 2 Sesh GF BOB 23 9 b) ») 4) 9 4) °) b) d) ‘Among living primates, the prosimians (suborder : prosimii) include tarsiers, lumurs and lorises. Nephrostome is funnel shaped opening present in the ventral side of kidney. Pallium is found in the roof of 3+ ventricle. It is non-nervous tissue 1 and 2» cleavage is equall, but rest of the cleavage are unequall. All cleavages are holoblastic. Calciferons glands found in stomach of earthworm. Polychaeta and oligocheata both external and internal segmentation. Hirudinea - external segmentation present but internal is absent. ‘Supra pharyngeal ganglia - 1 pair but nerves = 8 -10 pairs. Myrmecology - ants and anteaters But micro-gametocytes and macro-gametocytes are formed in human RBC. The resultant products of exo-erythrocytic schinogony = metacryptomerozoites. Micro and Macro. Micro-metacry ptomerozoite invade RBC and start erythrocytic schizogony Silicoblast - secrete siliceous spicules. Ciona-subphylum Urochordata rest are coelenterates. In platyhelminthes, mesoderm split to form solid parenchymal or mesenchymal tissue, which fills the gap between ecto and endoderm so flatworms are acoelomate. Depending on the species, an egg case contains between 16-50 egg. Eggs hatch into young cockroach called nymph that are more numerous than adults. ‘The shell of mollusc when present in secreted by the mantle and is lined by it. Folding of pinacocytes is Incurrent canal. ‘Camel, an even toed animal, belong to the mammalian order Artiodactylus. Enterobius Vermicularis is commonly known as pinworm or seatworm. Botany Vascular bundle in dicot stem are arranged in ring whereas V. B. of monocot stem is scattered over ground tissue. Prosenchyma is modified parenchyma that contains elongated cells having tapering ends, Acetyl CoA is 2-C compound , oxaloacetic ‘Compound. id is 4-C compound and citric acid is 6- Long day plants- spinach, radish, sugar beet etc; short day plant- rice, sunflower, tobacoo, soyabeans;day neutral plants- tomato , pea etc. ‘Transpiration occurs from all arial parts of plants. Non sense codons are also called terminator codon as they terminate polypeptide chain. Helicase is an enzyme responsible for unwinding and separating DNA strands during replication. It achieves this by breaking the hydrogen bonds between complementary nucleotides. Crossing over occurs during Prophase I of meiosis. This phase involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes, contributing to genetic diversity in offspring. In eukaryotic cells, peroxisomes are organelles responsible for synthesizing phospholipids and detoxifying drugs and poisons. 2 NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam set 11 (2080-08-23) BNSSS S8FH LBRSS BS wags NsaR8 83. a) ©) During prophase in mitosis, the nuclear envelope breaks down, allowing spindle fibers to access and interact with the chromosomes as the cell prepares for division Pungency of sulplur, cruciform corolla, tetradynamous conditions etc. are the characteristics of cruciferae. Phyllode- modified petiole, phylloclade-modified stem, cladode- modified stem branch. Puccinia is heterocoeious fungi. Lichen can not grow in the area of SO2 pollution . ‘Gymno= naked , sperm=seed. Rhizome is underground modification of stem. Elaters absorb water and in volume helps to disperse capsule and release the spore out. Slime moulds are best material to study protoplasma. Bacillus -rod shaped bacteria;coccus-smallest bacteria, spherical bacteria;vibrio- comma shaped bacteria Endosperm of gymnosperm is formed before fertilization. So it is haploid. Loam is mixture of sand , silt and clay in equal proportion. Carbon fixation is a process by which inorganic carbon is converted into organic compounds. Kharka is Yak territory present in alpine zone. Food chain always starts with photosynthesis. Humulin is identical to human insulin which is synthesized by recombinant DNA technology. virus attacks bacteria and fungi and purifies river. ‘Adenine and guanine are purine whereas cytosine, thyamine and uracil are pyrimidine. Chemistry 6.02 x 10 molecules of CO =Imole of CO 6.02 x 104CO molecules = 10 moles CO = 10g atoms of O =5 g molecules of 02 Mass ratio of H: C= 1:12 However, given mass ratio of H : C = 1:3 Therefore, for every C atom, there are 4H atoms, hence empirical formula = CHs Given V =2.L, Molarity = 0.5M, Moles =? Molarity - No.of molesof solute gy 5 5 _ Moles V of solution in L 2 «Moles = 2 x 0.51.0 Let mass of O2= 1g «Mass of N2=4g NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam sett (2086-08-23) No of molecules of O2 = No. of molecules of No= = Ratio of no. of molecules 7; 85. ¢) _E for two energy levels 86.) O means 3s-orbital and n +1 =3 means 3p-orbital n + / 2means 3d-orbital n + | d) n=4,/= 0 means 4s-orbital n +1 =4 Increasing order of energy among these orbitals is 3s <3p < 4s <3d «3d has highest energy. 87. b) 88. a) The halogen (group-17) and the chalcogens (group- 16) are two groups of elements having highly negative electron gain enthalpies. 89. b) The stability of the ionic bond depends upon the lattice energy which is expected to be more between Mg and F due to +2 charge on Mg atom. 90.) Both NOzand Os have angular shape and hence will have net dipole moment. 91. b)— Fromcharle's ta Ya Ma yy 00 Va 7, ~ 7,07 300 268 Where Vp = New volume of gas 92. b) Heat of combustion of a substance is always negative as it is the amount of heat evolved (ie. decrease in enthalpy) when one mole of the substance is completely burnt in air or oxygen. 93. 4) Gibb’s-Helmholtz equation is AG = 4H - TAS For a reaction to be non-spontaneous at all temperatures, AH should be +ve and AS should be -ve AG = +ve - T x (-ve); the value of AG is always positive for such a reaction and hence it will be nonspontaneous at all temperatures. 94. d) — 2C(s)+O2(g) >2CO2(g) An=2-1=+1 «-Keand Kpare not equal. 95. ¢) Boron in B2Fis is electron deficient. 9%. a) 4 No, of moles of NAOH = = 0.1 {Molecular weight of NaOH = 40) No. of moles of OH” = 0.1 Concentration of OH As we know that, [H*] [OH™ “(H*}=108 (OH =107) 97. d) Ferric chloride is the salt of a strong acid and a weak base, hence on hydrolysis it yields a mixture of weak base and strong acid 4 NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Model Entrance Exam set-I1 (2080-08-23) FeCl; +3H,0— Fe(OH), + 3HCI ‘weak base strong acid Due to this, there is predominance of H* ions in solution, hence the solution is acidic. 98. b) In KMnO4: LetO.N. of Mn be x = 414x44(-2)=05x=47 In K2Cr207 : Let ON, of Cr be x = 2A) + 2x +7(-2) <0 x=+6 99.) Tritium is radioactive and emits low energy B- particles. 100. d) Anhydrous form of Na2CO3 does not decompose on heating even to redness. It is a amorphous powder called soda ash. 101. c) 102. d) Plaster of Paris (CaSOs .1/2H20) on making paste with little water sets to a hard mass due to formation of gypsum (CaSO4.2H20). C280, 41,0+ 31,0-+€350,21,0+ Heat Powe of Ps oy 103. a) NO and freons are responsible for ozone depletion. 104. d) — Calomel electrode is used as reference electrode. 105. c) Since rate of reaction becomes four times on doubling concentration of reactant, itis second order reaction. 106. a) 107. b) Als most abundant metal on the surface of the earth. 108. a) For example, Ag? is converted into Na[Ag(CN)2]. When Zn is added, Ag is displaced. 109. a) Only nitrates of heavy metals and lithium decompose on heating to produce NO2. 110. b) g 8 0=S-0-0-S=0 HH OH Peroxodisulphuric acid (H38,0) 111. a) Breathing mixture is (02+ He). 112, b) —Fe*has greater number of unpaired electrons. 113. a) C3H6 has2 structural isomers. 114. c) In homolytic fission each of the atoms acquires one of the bonding electrons producing free radicals (species having one unpaired electron). ABA oB 118. b) _ Electrophiles are electron deficient or positively charged species. 116. b) — Electromeric effect is purely a temporary effect and is brought into play only at the requirement of attacking reagent, it vanishes out as soon as the attacking reagent is removed from reaction mixture. 117, a) Peroxide effect is observed only in case of HBr. Therefore, addition of HCI to propene even in the presence of benzyoyl peroxide occurs according to Markovnikov’s rule : net CHy— CH= CH, gt Cla — CHL CHy 118, d) Completing the sequence of given reactions, NAME ‘Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam set II (2080-08-23) 119, 120. 121. 122, 123. 124, 125, 126. 127. 128, 129, °) ©) b) b) °) a) b) a) b) a) CH; -CH = CH-CH;—°+ 0. CH, CH CH=CH, —A4R2, 2cH,CHO+H,0+2Zn0 \ df ¥ ‘oO x (ozonide) Benzene is obtained. In nucleophilic substitution, a nucleophile provides an electron pair to the substrate and the leaving group departs with an electron pair. wus RX — pena + xP These are usually written as SN (S stands for substitution and N for nucleophilic) and are common in aliphatic compounds especially in alkyl halides and acyl halides. CH;CH)I+Mg—2®_5 CH;CH)Mgl Ether Ethyl magnesium vodule The order of atomic size of halogens decrease in the order I> Br > C1 > F.On moving downa group atomic size increases. Further the bond length of C-X bond decreases in the order C-1>C-Br>C-Cl>C-F and hence the bond dissociation energy decreases in the order R-F>R-Cl>R-Br>R-I hence R - I being a weakest bond break most easily. hence R - 1 is most reactive. Itis ethylene glycol. If two groups attached to the oxygen atom are different then ethers are known as unsymmetrical or mixed ethers. Alcohols are oxidized by removal of H2 in presence of a heated metal catalyst (Cu) CH3CH;0H—S*-»CHyCHO+ Hy Valesiot 38 Audet HE. / ou TEE CHYCCH * ¥ Aleobol o Keone Dialkyl cadmium is used to prepare ketones from acid chlorides and not from Grignard's reagent. Solubility decreases with increase in mol. wt. on on Il I » cH 6 PO cH, Ov age ey W oot -COOH group when attached to benzene ring deactivates the ring and substitution ‘occurs at m-position. (HNO3 + H2SO4) is a source of +NO2 (electrophile) which attacks at m-position. NAME ‘Soltions for MECEE Bl Modal Entrance Exam set Il (2080-08-23) on ‘00H 0, 3 inte ed 130. a) C3HsNH; + HNO, 227%, CH,OH +N, +H,0 Ett aming— Nivow acd Fano! Note : This reaction is used as a test for aliphatic amines since no other class of amines liberates Nz gas on treatment with HNO2, Physics surface tension MT- ; rm.) [Feicenr ot vtcoy |” [|= IT = [veloc 132. 7k. at -3})=0-0-0 133. a) x= E4242 d va Geeme2 vat4sec=2%4+2=10m/s ? 200 x 200 134. d) Raw 7 797 4000m= 4 km 135. ¢) — Work done = Energy stored w=}kpd-x] $42 =10) otk (ax? ey =bk3e=3 bbe =3 x 10-30) 2k [@xP- x3] = 7 k3x2=3.5 I 136. a) Forstable equilibrium, centre of gravity must be as low as possible. 137. a) F=m Eisidesold spew GMx’ F=m(Se Fox 138. b) Time period of second pendulum = 2 sec 139. b) The change in the shape of a regular body is due to shearing strain. 140. a) With decrease in temperature, the viscosity of the lubricant will increase and thus this will cause lubricant to flow slower and thus causing jamming of machine part. m2 4023 Wi. d) Here, ft =3 and & => Thermal capacity = mc . cow mer Weer 23 The required ratio= = a aged 142. ©) When a cooking gas container is kept in a lorry and lorry is moving with a uniform speed, then pressure and volume of the gas do not change. Due to it, the temperature of the gas remains unchanged. 143. b) Coefficient of volume expansion of container will become 3(a/2), which is greater than coefficient of volume expansion of liquid. Hence container expands more. 144. d) Here, using P=} M ct forth, 1=3 xq 8, forHe,2=3 x bor sctet2oc2\V2e NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam set-UI (2080-08-23) 145.) We know that Cy= 7 5 R 3R 3R BR mene 2 and Cp= Cy+R=Q + R=> 3 R IR m For Oz Cv= g) BB and Ci 7 So, the average value of Cr is given by R wcamc, (F)*G) BR mi +m T+ 4 146. a) Convection 147. a) _ Image formed is real, inverted and same in size because object is at the centre of curvature of the mirror. 148. ©) Mirage is a phenomenon due to total internal reflection of light sin 149. b) _sin 6? © sin 30° 150. b) 151. d) AD 152. a) B=Ty Bar 153. c) Ia PG 1 _ (Pe) _ (3Pap TP) *\% r= 154. a) Resonance is a special case of forced vibration in which the natural frequency of vibration of the body is the same as the impressed frequency of external periodic force and the amplitude of forced vibration is maximum. 155. ©) Human can hear from 10dB - 1204B. work 156. <) v=-I8.49- charge ‘The unit of physical quantity obtained by the line integral of electric field is Jc“. 157. a) U=charge * potential difference = (+g) (Viigh ~ View) When a positive charge is shifted from a low potential region to a high potential region, then electric potential energy increases. 158. c) —_ Inacharged capacitor, the energy resides in the field between the plates. 159.) Pepe ps*-A.A NAME. Solutions for MECEE RL. Modal Entrance Exam set (2080-08-23) 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174, 175, 176. 17. 178. 179. 180. a) @) by 9 ») 4) p= 2a pit pe In parallel, P = Py + P2 = 1000 + 1000 = 2000 watt When a difference of temperature is maintained across a single conductor and a current is passed and then heat is evolved or absorbed along the length of conductor. This effect is called Thomson effect. The range of voltmeter is increased to 5 times. So resistance required in series is R = (n-1)G= (6-1) 100 R= 4000 in series At magnetic poles of earth, angle of dip is 90°, According to Lenz's law. Eddy currents are produced when a metal is kept in varying magnetic field. e/m of electron = $5 ~19— = 1.76 x 100 C/kg Photoelectric effect is evidence of particle nature of light because it behaves like an elastic collision between the photon of light and the electron of the metal. AL=Lyar-La= ate - 2 The characteristic X-rays are the characteristics of the target substance. t 15 High temperature provides enough energy to hydrogen atoms to overcome the electric repulsion between the protons. High pressure squeezes the hydrogen atoms together. A single diode can produce only half wave rectification. Arsenic is pentavalent therefore when added with silicon, it leaves one electron as a free electron. In this case the conduction of electricity is due to motion of electrons so the resulting material is n-type semiconductor. At higher temperature, intrinsic semiconductors will behave as conductors because more and more hole and electron pairs are generated. Mirrors are normally used in solar cookers for trapping solar energy. The quark combination of antiproton is Zid. It means a antiproton is composed with two anti up quarks and one anti down quark. MAT. NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam set II (2080-08-23) 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. b) a) a) a) a) 1) b) a) Clearly 5-0+3X5=20 The second number is the product of the digits of the first. Ayush's present age = 10 years. His mother's present age = (10 + 20) years = 30 years. ‘Ayush's father's present age = (30 +5) years = 35 years. Ayush's father's age at the time of Ayush's birth = (35 - 10) years = 25 years. ‘Therefore Ayush's father's age at the time of marriage = (25 - 2) years = 23 years. 3T+12C = 48,250-—-(1) 21T+36C =? multiplyeq (1) with 3 ie, 3(7T+120) = 48,2503 21T+36C = 1,44,750/- Each of the numbers except 380, is either one less or one more than the square of a certain number Z Code=>26=262> 13(133) =2197z Code=26=262= 1349133 =2197 R Code =18=5182=99 €9(93) =729R Code =18=182=29 «293 =729 Similarly, J Code >10=10259(53)=125 ‘The movements of the person are from A to F, as shown in Fig, Clearly, the final position is F which is to the North-east of the starting point A Firstly Rain falls and then Sun comes and Rainbow forms. After that Child sees the rainbow and feels Happy. All males are Human beings so the circle for male come in between human being; and all fathers are male so the circle for fathers comes in between the male circle. So, option C suits best. Here 2nd number = (1st number x 1 )#1 3rd number = (2nd number x 2 +2) 4th number = 3rd number x 3 )+3 and so on... Therefore, 5th number = (4th number x 4) +4 ‘Number of boys in the class = (18 + 1 +18) = 37 Since the month begins with a Sunday, so there will be five Sundays in the month, Required average = (510* 5 + 240 * 25) / 30 = 8550/30 = 285. Ratio of times taken by P & Q= 100: 130 = 10:13, Let Q takes x days to do the work Then, 10:13 :: 23:x => x= 23x13/10 =>x=299/10 P's 1 day's work = 1/23 Q's 1 day's worl 10/299 (P+Q)'s 1 day's work = (1/23 + 10/299) = 23/299 = 1/13, Hence, P & Q together can complete the work in 13 days (12)2- (8)? = 80 and (16)?- (7)? = 207 Therefore (25)? - (21)? = 184. 3x5x4=60and5x7x4=140 Therefore, 4 x 4.x? = 96 2= (96/16) = 6. ‘There are three series to look for here. The first letters are alphabetical in reverse: Z, Y, X, W, V. The second letters are in alphabetical order, beginning with A. The number series is as follows: 5, 4, 6, 3, 7. x444=232. 10 NAME Solutions for MECEE BL Modal Entrance Exam set—II (2080-08-23) 197. c) Similar figure reappears in every fourth step and each time a figure reappears, it rolates through 900A CW. 198. d) Figure (4) has a rectangle in place of a'+' sign. 199. d) In each row (as well as each column), the third figure is a combination of all the, elements of the first and the second figures. 200. d) ‘The figure may be labelled as shown. A, B DS ° | A". . The simplest triangles are EFH, BIC, GH], GIJ, EKD and CKD i.e. 6 in number. ‘The triangles composed of two components each are ABJ, AF], GCK, GEK, CED arid GHIi.e. 6 in number. ‘The triangles composed of three components each are GCD, GED, DJB and DJF ie. 4in number. ‘The triangles composed of four components each are ABF and GCE ie. 2 in number. The triangles composed of five components each are ABD and AFD i.e. 2 in number. ‘There is only one triangle ie. FBD composed of six components. Total number of triangles in the figure = 6 +6 +4+2+2+1=21. Best of Luck

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