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Jatin Verma
EIGRP – Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

Distance Vector Link State Advance Distance

• RIP v1 & v2, IGRP • OSPF, IS-IS • EIGRP

• Advance Distance Vector Protocol

• It uses DUAL Algorithm (Diffused Update Algorithm)
• Open Standard Protocol (Initially EIGRP was CISCO propriety protocol)
• Classless routing protocol (FLSM + VLSM)
• Includes all the features of IGRP
• Max HOP counts – 255 (100 By default)
• Flexible network design
• Multicast and Unicasting in spite of broadcasting
• 100% loop free classless routing protocol
• Easy configurations for WAN & LAN
• Hello packets are sent in every 5 seconds.
• Supports Ipx, AppleTalk Protocols

Step 1.
R-1 sends a hello packet/message using the multicast address of to R-2

Step 2.
R-2 will reply to R-1 (Reply comes in the form of Unicast)
Based on the hello exchange both of the routers (R-1 & R-2) will build neighbour table.

To verify the neighbour table - #show ip eigrp neighbor

Step 3.
Once they establish the neighbor relation, both the routers R-1 & R-2 will exchange their routing information.

Step 4.
Acknowledgment of both the routers (R-1 & R-2)
1. Neighbor table – Contains the list of directly connected routes.
#show ip eigrp neighbor

2. Topology Table - List of all the best routes learned from each neighbour.
#show ip eigrp topology

Note - From R-1 to reach there is no specific or direct route but in case EIGRP Topology
Table. The R-1 will store one best route from Router A, one best route from Router B and one best
route from Router C

#router eigrp <AS No.> (This AS no. can be any number, ensure it must be same on all routers)
#network <Network ID>


• Connectivity between the routers.

• Ping connected interfaces
• IP interfaces should be same on the specific given interfaces
• Verify neighbors
• No mismatch of AS
Neighbor table for R-2

Topology table for R-2

Routing table for R-2


EIGRP Uses –
Bandwidth + Delay + Load + MTU + Reliability

K1 = Bandwidth K1 = 1
Used in EIGRP Metric Calculation
K3 = Delay K3 = 1
K2 = Load K2 = 0
K4 = MTU K4 =0 Not used in EIGRP Metric Calculation
K5 = Reliability K5 =0
1. Bandwidth – The B/w is going to define how many bits/sec you can send 1 at a time.
Default Bandwidths in EIGRP –

Serial Link – 1544 Kbps

Ethernet Link – 10 Mbps
FastEth Link – 100 Mbps
Gig Link – 1000 Mbps

2. Delay – Generally, delay is calculated in Microseconds. The more the bandwidth the less the delay.
Default Delay’s

Ethernet Link – 200 Microseconds

Fast Ethernet Link – 100 Microseconds
Gig Link – 10 Microseconds

3. Load – Load is nothing but the amount of traffic moving on the link.

4. MTU – (Maximum Transmission Unit) Default size is 1500 bytes (the size of each packet)

5. Reliability – It is calculated based on the amount of packets dropped or forwarded. If no packets are dropped it
means it’s reliable.

EIGRP also pre-calculates the 2nd best route if it satisfies it feasibility condition.

• SUCCESSOR – Best route to destination (Stored in routing table)

• FEASIBLE SUCCESSOR – Backup Path (Stored in topology table)

Feasible Distance – total cost from local router to the destination.

Cost of local router – AD of next HOP + cost between the local router & next.

Advertise distance – Cost from next HOP to the destination

S. No. SRC-A to DST-F Feasible Distance Advertise Distance

1 ABF 2000 1000

2 ACF 3000 1500

3 ADEF 7000 5000

FD of current successor > AD of Feasible successor

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