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Requirements for this paper/Benodighede vir hierdie vraestel: Resources/Hulpmiddels:

Answer Scripts/ Multi-choice cards (A4)/

Antwoordskrifte: Multikeusekaarte (A4)
Attendance Slips (Fill-in Paper)/ Graph Paper/
Presensiestrokies (Invulvraestel): X GrafiekPapier
Scrap Paper/ Calculators/
Rofwerkpapier Sakrekenaars X
Multi-choice cards (A5)/ Laptop (Power not provided)/
Multikeusekaarte (A5) X Skootrekenaar (Krag word nie voorsien nie)

Type of Assessment/ Exam Opportunity:1 Duration/ 3

Tipe Assessering: Tydsduur:

Paper Number/ Maximum Marks/ 140

Vraestel Nommer: Maksimum Punte:

Module Code/ FSKS123 Date/ 2018/10/30

Modulekode: Datum:

Examiner(s)/ H. Kruger-PC; Time/ 14:00:00

Eksaminator(e): Tyd:

HA Vosloo-PC

External Moderator(s)/
Eksterne Moderator(s):

Submission of answer scripts/Inhandiging van antwoordskrifte:

Details of student / Besonderhede van student:

Title/ Initials/ Surname/

Titel: Voorletters: Van:
University Number/ Contact Number/
Universiteitsnommer: Kontaknommer:


Examination Instructions / Eksamenvoorskrifte

1. Students are allowed into the venue in the first half hour of a 1. Studente mag in die eerste halfuur van ‘n sessie tot die lokaal
session, but no extra time is granted. toegelaat word, maar geen ekstra tyd word toegestaan nie.
2. No student is allowed to leave the venue before half an hour of 2. Geen student word toegelaat om die lokaal te verlaat binne die
the examination session has elapsed. eerste halfuur van die eksamensessie nie.
3. Students bring bags to the venue at own risk, and must put them 3. Student bring sake na lokaal op eie risiko, en moet dit voor in die
in front of the room. lokaal neersit.
4. Students may not have cell phones/electronic devices with them 4. Studente mag nie selfone/elektroniese toestelle by hulle hê en/of
and/or handle them. hanteer nie.
5. No refreshments are allowed in the examination venue. 5. Geen verversings word in ‘n eksamenlokaal toegelaat nie.
6. Students may not leave the room for a smoke break. 6. Studente mag nie die lokaal verlaat om te gaan rook nie.
7. Write on both sides of each page. 7. Skryf op beide kante van die bladsye.
8. Write in black or blue ink only. 8. Skryf slegs in swart of blou ink.
9. No pages may be removed from the answer scripts. 9. Geen bladsye mag uit die antwoordskrif verwyder word nie.
10. Students may not have unauthorised material with them during a 10. Student mag nie ontoelaatbare materiaal by hulle hê tydens ‘n
session, e.g. notes and/or objects that contain notes. sessie nie, bv. Notas en/of objekte wat notas bevat nie.
11. No items may be borrowed during the session. 11. Geen items mag tydens die sessie geleen word nie.
12. Students may not attempt to assist another student, or attempt to 12. Studente mag nie ‘n ander student probeer help or probeer om
obtain assistance. hulp te kry nie.
13. Students must hand in their answer scripts to invigilators before 13. Studente moet hul antwoordskrifte aan toesighouers oorhandig
they leave the venue. voordat hulle die lokaal verlaat.
14. The attendance slip on the back cover that also serves as an 14. Die presensiestrokie op die agterblad, wat ook as onderneming
undertaking, must be completed and handed in. geld, moet voltooi en ingegee word.
Alle vrae mag beantwoord word. Beantwoord die vrae All questions may be answered. Answer the
in die spasies voorsien. questions in the spaces provided.
Die puntetotaal vir hierdie afdeling is 92 met ’n The total for this section is 92 with a maximum of 84.
maksimum van 84. Beantwoord vrae in volledige sinne. Answer questions in full sentences. “SMS” style is
“SMS”-styl is nie aanvaarbaar nie. Wys alle not acceptable. Show all calculations.

Vraag 1 Statiese elektrisiteit Question 1 Static electricity

1.1 Die arbeid wat die elektriese veld verrig wanneer ’n 1.1 The work done by the electric field as a test charge
toetslading q0 = +3,0 x 10 C van punt A na punt B q0 = +3,0 x 10 C moves from point A to point B is
beweeg, is WAB = 9,0 x 10 J. WAB = 9,0 x 10 J.
(a) Bepaal die verandering in die elektriese potensiële (a) Determine the change in the electric potential energy
energie van die lading tussen hierdie punte. of the charge between these points.
(b) Bereken die potensiaalverskil tussen die punte. (3) (b) Calculate the potential difference between the points.

1.2 Noem drie eienskappe van ’n geïsoleerde geleier in 1.2 Name three properties of an isolated conductor in
elektrostatiese ewewig. (3) electrostatic equilibrium. (3)

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1.3 Die figuur toon drie ladings wat op die x- en y-as 1.3 The figure shows three charges placed on the x and
geplaas is. Hulle is al drie op dieselfde afstand van 6,1 cm y axes. They are all located at the same distance of
vanaf die oorsprong O. Die elektriese potensiaal word as 6,1 cm from the origin O. The electric potential is defined
nul by oneindig gedefinieer. to be zero at infinity.
(a) Bepaal die netto elektriese potensiaal by die (a) Determine the net electric potential at the origin.
oorsprong. (b) How much work is required to move a +4,0 C
(b) Hoeveel arbeid moet verrig word om ’n +4,0 C lading charge from infinity to point O? (7)
vanaf oneindig na punt O te beweeg? (7)

Subtotaal: [13] Sub total: [13]

Vraag 2 Elektriese stroom Question 2 Electric current

2.1 ’n Defibrillator laat ’n stroom van 12,0 A vir 0,0100 s 2.1 A defibrillator passes a current of 12,0 A through the
deur ’n pasiënt se bolyf vloei. torso of a patient for 0,0100 s.
(a) Hoeveel lading beweeg? (a) How much charge move?
(b) Hoeveel elektrone beweeg deur die drade wat aan (b) How many electrons pass through the wires
die pasiënt verbind is? (3) connected to the patient. (3)

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2.2 Vier weerstande, R1 = 5,00 Ω, R2 = 2,00 Ω, 2.2 Four resistors, R1 = 5,00 Ω, R2 = 2,00 Ω, R3 = 6,00 Ω
R3 = 6,00 Ω en R4 = 6,00 Ω, word aan ’n battery met emk and R4 = 6,00 Ω, are connected to a battery of emf
20,0 V en interne weerstand van 0,50 Ω verbind, soos in 20,0 V and internal resistance of 0,50 Ω, as shown in the
die stroombaandiagram getoon. circuit diagram.
(a) Bepaal die ekwivalente weerstand. (2) (a) Determine the equivalent resistance. (2)
(b) Bereken die stroom deur R4. (2) (b) Calculate the current through R4. (2)
(c) Bereken die terminaalspanning. (1) (c) Calculate the terminal voltage. (1)
(d) Bepaal die spanning oor R1. (2) (d) Determine the voltage across R1. (2)
(e) Bepaal die stroom deur R1. (1) (e) Determine the current through R1. (1)

2.3(a) Bereken die terminaalspanning van ’n groot 1,54 V 2.3(a) Calculate the terminal voltage of a large 1,54 V
koolstof-sink droë sel wat 2,00 A aan ’n stroombaan carbon-zinc dry cell to supply 2,00 A to a circuit, if the
verskaf, as die sel se interne weerstand 0,100 Ω is. cell’s internal resistance is 0,100 Ω.
(b) Hoeveel elektriese drywing produseer die sel? (3) (b) How much electric power does the cell produce? (3)

Subtotaal: [14] Sub total: [14]

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Vraag 3 Magnetisme Question 3 Magnetism

3.1 Een elektron word van ’n metaanmolekule verwyder 3.1 One electron is removed from a methane molecule
voordat die molekule ’n massaspektrometer binnegaan. before the molecule enters a mass spectrometer. When it
Wanneer dit die uniforme magneetveld van 6,70 x 10 T enters the uniform magnetic field of 6,70 x 10 T, the
binnegaan, het die gelaaide molekule ’n spoed van charged molecule has a speed of 1,00 x 103 m/s. It then
1,00 x 103 m/s. Dit volg dan ’n sirkelvormige pad. Die follows a circular path. The molecule lands on the
molekule beland op die waarnemingskerm op ’n afstand detection screen at a distance d = 5,00 cm from the
d = 5,00 cm vanwaar dit die veld binnegegaan het. Bepaal entrance to the field. Determine the mass of the charged
die massa van die gelaaide molekule. (3) molecule. (3)

3.2 Werk daar altyd ’n magnetiese krag op ’n gelaaide 3.2 Does a magnetic force always act on a charged
deeltjie in ’n magneetveld? Motiveer. (3) particle in a magnetic field? Motivate. (3)

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3.3 Twee parallelle drade is 12,0 cm van mekaar af. Die 3.3 Two parallel wires are 12,0 cm from each other. The
stroom in draad 1 is I1 = 8,0 A en in draad 2 is I2 = 2,0 A, current in wire 1 is I1 = 8,0 A and in wire 2 is I2 = 2,0 A,
beide in dieselfde rigting. both in the same direction.
(a) Bepaal die onderlinge krag per eenheidslengte in die (a) Determine the mutual force per unit length in the wires
drade (grootte en rigting). (magnitude and direction).
(b) Bereken die grootte van die magneetveld weens I2 by (b) Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field due to
punt A wat op ’n loodregte afstand van 9,0 cm vanaf I2 at point A that is at a perpendicular distance of 9,0 cm
draad 2 is. (5) from wire 2. (5)

3.4 Definieer die eenheid ampere. (3) 3.4 Define the unit ampere. (3)

3.5 Noem vier eienskappe van elektromagnetiese golwe. 3.5 Name four properties of electromagnetic waves. (4)

Subtotaal: [18] Sub total: [18]

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Vraag 4 Kernfisika en radioaktiwiteit Question 4 Nuclear physics and radioactivity

4.1 Skryf twee algemene reëls vir radioaktiewe verval 4.1 Write down two general rules for radioactive decay.
neer. (4) (4)

4.2 Skryf die volledige ‒-vervalvergelyking met 137Ba as 4.2 Write down the complete ‒ decay equation for 137Ba
dogterkern neer. (2) as daughter nucleus. (2)

4.3 Definieer: 4.3 Define:

(a) aktiwiteit van radioaktiewe kerne (2) (a) activity of radioactive nuclei (2)
(b) geabsorbeerde dosis (2) (b) absorbed dose (2)

4.4 ’n Suiwer monster van 226Ra bevat 6,0 × 1014 atome. 4.4 A pure sample of 226Ra contains 6,0 × 1014 atoms. If
As die halfleeftyd van 226Ra = 1,6 × 103 jaar, bereken the half-life of 226Ra = 1,6 × 103 years, calculate
(a) hoeveel 226Ra-kerne daar na drie halfleeftye sal wees. (a) how many 226Ra are present after three half-lives?
(b) die aktiwiteit na drie halfleeftye in curie. (5) (b) the activity after three half-lives in curie. (5)

Subtotaal: [15] Sub total: [15]

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Vraag 5 Golwe en klank Question 5 Waves and sound

5.1 Stel Hooke se wet in woorde. (2) 5.1 State Hooke’s law in words. (2)

5.2 Die afstand tussen drie opeenvolgende minima van ’n 5.2 The distance between three successive minima of a
transversale golf is 5,52 m. Vyf kruine van die golf gaan transverse wave is 5,52 m. Five crests of the wave pass
elke 14,0 s verby ’n gegewe punt. Bepaal a given point every 14,0 s. Determine
(a) die frekwensie van die golf en (a) the frequency of the wave and
(b) die golfspoed. (3) (b) the wave speed. (3)

5.3 ʼn Vriend gesels met jou buite ʼn restaurant teen 5.3 A friend talks to you at normal intensity of
normale intensiteit van 1,0 x 10 W/m2. Terselfdertyd is 1,0 x 10 W/m2 outside a restaurant. At the same time
die straatgeraas ook 1,0 x 10 W/m2. Bereken die the sound of the street traffic is also 1,0 x 10 W/m2.
klankvlak van die gekombineerde klank in dB. (3) Calculate the intensity level of the combined sounds
in dB. (3)

Subtotaal: [8] Sub total: [8]

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Vraag 6 Optika Question 6 Optics

6.1 Noem die twee voorwaardes wanneer totale interne 6.1 Name the two conditions when total internal
weerkaatsing sal plaasvind. (2) reflection will occur. (2)

6.2 Susan staan aan die kant van ’n poel. Sy skyn ’n 6.2 Susan stands at the edge of a pool. She shines a
laserflits vanaf ’n hoogte van 1,7 m bokant die grond. Die laser torch from a height of 1,7 m above the ground. The
lig tref die water by ’n punt wat 8,1 m van die flits af is, light strikes the water at a point that is 8,1 m from the
soos in die skets. Die diepte van die water is 3,0 m. Hoe torch, as in the sketch. The depth of the water is 3,0 m.
ver vanaf die kant van die poel sal die lig die bodem How far from the edge of the pool will the light strikes the
tref? (7) bottom? (7)

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6.3 Laserlig (λ = 515 nm) wat deur ’n dubbelspleet gestuur 6.3 Laser light (λ = 515 nm) sent through a double slit
word, veroorsaak ’n interferensiepatroon op ’n skerm wat produces an interference pattern on a screen 3,00 m
3,00 m van die splete af is. from the slits.
(a) Indien die tweede-orde maksimum by ’n hoek van (a) If the second order maximum occurs at an angle of
12,0° met die middellyn voorkom, by watter hoek sal die 12,0° with the central line, at what angle does the eighth
agtste-orde maksimum voorkom? order maximum occur?
(b) Bereken die hoogste-orde konstruktiewe interferensie (b) Calculate the highest-order constructive interference
moontlik vir hierdie situasie. possible for this situation.
(c) Bereken die hoek met die middellyn waar die derde- (c) Calculate the angle with the central line where the
orde destruktiewe interferensie sal voorkom. (8) third order destructive interference will occur. (8)

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6.4 ’n Bundel wit lig word deur ʼn diffraksierooster met 6.4 A beam of white light is sent through a diffraction
10 000 splete per cm, na ’n skerm wat 2,00 m van die grating with 10 000 slits per cm to a screen 2,00 m from
rooster is, gestuur. the grating.
(a) Bereken die hoeke (met die middellyn) vir die eerste- (a) Calculate the angles (with the central line) for the first
orde diffraksielyne van die kortste golflengte (λViolet = order diffraction lines of the shortest wavelength (λViolet =
380 nm) en die langste golflengte (λRooi = 760 nm) van die 380 nm) and the longest wavelength (λRed = 760 nm) of
sigbare “reënboog”. the visible “rainbow”.
(b) Maak gebruik van hierdie hoeke en bepaal die afstand (b) Use these two angles and determine the distance
tussen hierdie twee kleure op die skerm. (7) between these two colours on the screen. (7)

Subtotaal: [24] Sub total: [24]



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1 2
1,01 (2) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 4,00
3 4 13 atomic number / atoomgetal 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be Al symbol / simbool B C N O F Ne
6,94 9,01 27,0 atomic mass / atoommassa 10,8 12,0 14,0 16,0 19,0 20,2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
23,0 24,3 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 27,0 28,1 31,0 32,1 35,45 39,9
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
39,1 40,1 45,0 47,9 50,9 52,0 54,9 55,8 58,9 58,7 63,5 65,4 69,7 72,6 74,9 79,0 79,9 83,8
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
85,5 87,6 88,9 91,2 92,9 95,9 (98) 101,1 102,9 106,4 107,9 112,4 114,8 118,7 121,8 127,6 126,9 131,3
55 56 57 * 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
132,9 137,3 138,9 178,5 180,9 183,8 186,2 190,2 192,2 195,1 197,0 200,6 204,4 207,2 209,0 (209) (210) (222)
87 88 89 # 104 105 106 107 108 109
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
(223) 226,0 227,0 (261) (262) (263) (262) (265) (266)
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
* Lanthanides / lantaniede Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
140,1 140,9 144,2 (145) 150,4 152,0 157,3 158,9 162,5 164,9 167,3 168,9 173,0 175,0
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
# actinides / aktiniede Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
232,0 231,0 238,0 237,0 (244) (234) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (258) (260)

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Konstantes Constants
Gravitasieversnelling 9,8 m/s2 Acceleration due to gravity
Coulombkrag konstante k 8,99 x 10 N∙m/C Coulomb force constant k
Elementêre lading 1,60 x 10–19 C Elementary charge
Elektronmassa 9,11 x 10 kg Electron mass
Protonmassa 1,67 x 10 kg Proton mass
Avogadro se getal 6,02 x 1023 Avogadro's number
Spoed van lig 3,00 x 10 m/s Speed of light
Kernstraalparameter 1,2 x 10 m Nuclear radius parameter
Magnetiese permeabiliteit van vrye ruimte 4 x 10 T.m/A Magnetic permeability of free space
Brekingsindeks van lug 1,00 Index of refraction of air
Brekingsindeks van water 1,33 Index of refraction of water
Brekingsindeks van natriumchloried 1,544 Index of refraction of sodium chloride
Gehoordrempel 1 x 10 W/m2 Threshold of hearing

L R  N 
R r  r0 A1/3
A t1/2
0 I 0 I1I 2l
F  qvB sin  B F
2 r 2 d
r F  BIl sin 

sin 1 1 v1 n2
  
ym  1 Ci = 3,70 x 10 Bq
sin  2 2 v2 n1 d
d sin  m  m d sin   (m  1 2) a sin  m  m

Atoom- en deeltjiemassas 1u = 1,66054 x 1027 kg Atomic and particle masses

n: 1,008 665 u
4He: 4,002 602 u

14C: 14,003 242 u

14N: 14,003 074 u

60Co: 59,933 820 u

60Ni: 59,930 789 u

Rn: 222,017 570 u
Ra: 226,025 402 u
Massa-energie verband 1u = 931,494 MeV/c2 Mass-energy relation

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