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46389/rjd-2023-1253 Rom J Diabetes Nutr Metab Dis 2023; Volume 30, Issue 4, pages 1253-1263



Dr. Kirti Bhati1, Dr. Bharat D. Zinjurke2, Dr Ketki Wagh3, Dr Kamlesh Mahajan4
Associate Professor Swasthavritta & Yoga, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University
College of Ayurved, Pune
Assistant Professor Swasthavritta & Yoga, K.G. Mittal Ayurved College, Mumbai & Ph.D.
Scholar, Swasthavritta & Yoga, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of
Ayurved, Pune.
Associate Professor Sumandeep Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Vadodara & Ph.D.
Scholar, Swasthavritta & Yoga, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of
Ayurved, Pune.
Assistant Professor Swasthavritta & Yoga, A.S.S. Govt Aided Ayurved College, Nashik. &
Ph.D. Scholar, Swasthavritta & Yoga, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University College of
Ayurved, Pune.
Three sub-pillars of life that must be carefully observed are Aahara (diet), Nidra (sleep),
and Brahmacharya (celibacy). The concept of Aahar is well explained in all classical Ayurvedic
literature, and it is acknowledged by both modern science and social conventions. The second sub-
pillar, Nidra, has been the subject of extensive research, whiles the third sub-pillar, Brahmacharya/
Abrahmacharya's, and its scientific presentation and application for community-based primordial
and primary prevention, are still being worked on. The sex and ego are lagging behind the rest of
the globe. The strongest urge a person can have is for sex. The mind, intellect, Prana, senses, and
the entire body is completely filled with sex energy. A man has thousands different desires but
sexual desire, however, is the most powerful urge. Our education ought to cover Brahmacharya,
an essential idea in Ayurveda, Indian philosophy, and spiritual science. Scientific understanding
of the Brahmacharya/Abrahmacharya concept is the most efficient means of preventing sexually
transmitted illnesses, teenage pregnancies, sexual violence, illegal abortions, adolescent
depression, suicidal thoughts and rape cases in the community. To maintain health and prevent the
majority of communicable and non-communicable diseases, superior Shukra Dhatu (semen) must
be preserved. The optimum age, place, time, person, condition, and nutrition before and after
the sexual acts are also highly significant and are covered thoroughly in an additional Ayurvedic
text, which is necessary for creating a strong nation and community.
Keywords: Aahara ,diet, Nidra ,sleep, and Brahmacharya, celibacy.

Aims and Objectives:

© 2023 The Authors. Romanian Journal of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases published by Sanatatea Press Group
on behalf of the Romanian Society of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases. This is an open access article under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY-NC- ND 3.0)
Rom J Diabetes Nutr Metab Dis. 2023; Volume 30, Issue 4

 To investigate the brilliance of Brahmacharya and its significance in early health promotion and
 To understand Abrahmacharya in the present using historical examples.

Materials and Methods:

Classical Ayurvedic text, Yogic books, Ancient literature and research paper from
PubMed and Scopus journals.

The risk of developing a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is significantly greater in
children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 than in adults.1 In the United States, the
prevalence of sexually transmitted infection (STI) was estimated at 67.6 million cases and 26.2
million incidents in 2018 and approximately half of these cases occurred in those between the ages
of 15 and 24.2 One of every thirteen high school girls gets pregnant each year, making adolescent
pregnancy an issue that affects the entire world.1 Adolescent pregnancy affects the mother's social
and educational development, increases the likelihood that the family will live in poverty, and puts
the children at serious risk for long-term effects.3 For example, children of adolescent mothers are
more likely to give birth prematurely, have low birth weights, have poor health, perform poorly in
school, run away from home, experience abuse or neglect, and grow up without a father. 4 Sexual
activity among teenagers has been recognized as a stand-alone risk factor for serious depression,
suicidal ideation, as well as low self-esteem.1 Comprehensive sex education programs, abstinence-
based sex education, and abstinence-until-marriage are all crucial for preventing STIs, teenage
pregnancies, adolescent depression, and suicidal thoughts. 3 Abstinence from sexual activity or a
program of "abstinence-only-until-marriage" (AOUM) can be a sensible option for STI prevention
and defense against pregnancy prevention campaigns supported by the US government. 3 Programs
that encourage sexual risk aversion or abstinence-only until marriage (AOUM) are, however,
scientifically and morally dubious, and as a result, they are frequently despised by those working
in the fields of medicine and public health.3 In terms of the incidence of teen pregnancies and
sexually transmitted diseases, the United States leads developed countries. 5 The American
government has supported programs that teach about abstinence-only sex for more than ten years
in an effort to lower these numbers.6 Interventions in the areas of sexual wellness, abstinence, and
relationship education in schools are successful in preventing pregnancy and HIV infection as well
as in raising awareness and altering attitudes, behaviors, and health-related outcomes. 1 Positive
effects of religious celibacy on the mental and physical well-being of an individual. 7 In the United
State pregnancies resulting from rape happen frequently.5 It is a major contributor to many
unintended pregnancies and is directly associated with domestic and family violence and it is
estimated that 32,101 pregnancies are caused by rape per year. 5 Sexual assault affects an estimated
27.5 million women in India, and of those, 10% of married women report experiencing it at the
hands of their husbands.8 Additionally, 24% of the country's assaults involve teenage girls. 8 The
answer to solving all of these issues is the Brahmacharya principle, which originated in ancient

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Indian society.
Brahmacharya - A tripod made up of the three elements Satva (mind), Atma (oneself),
and Sharira (body) serves as the foundation for the living world. 9 These three in combined are
accountable for both the planet and Purusha.10 Three sub-pillars, namely Aahara (diet), Nidra
(sleep), and Brahmacharya (celibacy), are equally crucial in supporting these three pillars of living.
Celibacy is beneficial to the soul (Atma), Aahara (diet) is healthy for the body, and sleep is
excellent for the mind.9 Salvation is the ultimate objective of human existence, and it requires
celibacy. The soul, which moves from one Yoni to another, is the visible form of the omnipotent
Shukra Dhatu(Semen).9 Atmabala is hence dependent on Brahmacharya. After death we can
dissect all six Dhatu but not Shukra Dhatu because it is visual form of Atma Tatva which disappear
after death. Through the practice of the Yogic Mudra, one can prevent death because the
destruction of Bindu (semen) results in short life and the conservation of Bindu results in long
life11. The preservation of Bindu (Semen) makes the body of a true Yogi or Brahmachari strong,
yet as long as Bindu is retained in the body, there is no need for early death 11. In the management
of an epidemic, it is important to follow the Brahmacharya and social codes of conduct. 12 This is
also seen in the COVID-19 pandemic, where the severity of the disease is determined by the
individual's immunity. And Immunity is depends upon Oja supreme form of semen.
Brahmacharya literally translates as Achara or behaviour that leads to the realisation of
Brahman or one's own self. It denotes the regulation of sperm, study of the Vedas, and prayer.
Technically speaking, Brahmacharya refers to self-discipline, specifically the absolute control of
the sexual organ or the absence of lust in one's thoughts, words, or actions. 13 Brahmacharya is a
Sanskrit term that signifies "conduct that leads to Brahman." In Hinduism, Brahman is referred to
be "the creator" or the one and only absolute truth. In Sanskrit, the concept "Brahmamacharya"
(Brahma + Achara) denotes "behavior that leads to the realization of Brahman" or "one's own self."
There is no distinction between individuals based on gender, religion, race cast; everyone is a part
of Brahma.14 The secret to achieving perfect happiness is complete celibacy. Purity, or
Brahmacharya, is the first step on the road to the abode of absolute bliss. The most crucial practice
for long life, happiness, and health is Brahmacharya.15 Balancing these vital forces is the key to
longevity, rejuvenation, and resiliency, as well as successful, happy living. They include healthy
body (Ojus), intelligence (Tejas), and energy level (Prana). Ojas is the poetic term used in
Ayurveda for heartiness.
The promise of celibacy is called Brahmacharya. The word "celibacy" is derived from the
Latin "caelebs," which means "unmarried" or "single," and it refers to the state of living alone. 16
Brahmacharya, however, is more than just singledom. It entails the regulation of all other
Dnyanendriya, Karmendriya and mind in words, deeds, and thought in addition to the sex or
reproductive Indriya. Both men and women should practise brahmacharya. Brahmacharya was
home to Bhishma Pitamah(Mahabharat), Mahavir Hanuman(Ramayana), Lakshman
(Ramayana), Mira Bai, Sulabha, and Gargi.13 The only way to unlock the Sushumna and activate
Kundalini is through Brahmacharya. Glory, fame, virtue, and Mana-Pratishtha are brought through
Brahmacharya. The nine Riddhis and the eight Siddhis (Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti,

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Prakamya, Istiva, and Vasitva) roll beneath the real celibate's feet. 13 The key to health, longevity,
and success in all spheres of life is semen preservation. 13 Brahmacharya is abstaining from all
kinds of Maithuna or sexual enjoyment forever, in all places and in all conditions, physically,
mentally and verbally.17
Function of Shukra Dhatu is reproduction, reproduction is not only local function of testes
to produce sperms and penis to get erected at sexual acts and ejaculate. It is function of entire body,
mind and intention towards sexual act. Therefore Shukra Dhatu or Ojus occupies entire body and
function of regeneration in every cells, tissue and organ depends upon it (semen). 18
The eight breaks in Brahmacharya - Thinking of woman or her picture, praising a woman or
her picture, glancing at a woman or her picture, secretly talking to a woman, thinking of sinful
action towards a woman actuated by sensuality, determining upon the sinful action, and bodily
action resulting in the discharge of semen are the eight characteristics of copulation; and
Brahmacharya is quite contrary to all these eight indications.17 Brahmacharya is not only physical
celibacy, but also the avoidance of eight types of sexual pleasure on the physical, mental, and
philosophical levels, namely, Darshan (looking at women with passionate resolve or seeing nude
photographs), Sparshan (touching them intensely in a public place, at work, or at a function), Keli
or play, Kirtan (praising the qualities of the other sex or hearing sex-related news, conversation),
Guhya-Bhashan (talking in private or on mobile), Sankalpa (thought or thinking regarding sex) ,
Adhyavasaya (nearing the other sex with the desire for gratification or watching porn) and
Kriyanivritti (the actual sexual act).17 These eight kinds of enjoyment are also eight kinds of
obstacles in the Akhanda Brahmacharya practice. Avoid these eight interruptions with great care,
sincere exertion, and attentive alertness. Only a true Brahmachari is free of all eight types of
Maithun (sexual activities). The first seven types of Maithun are not physical; they are Vachik
(thought or speaking) and Manashik (mental) and do not involve the loss of semen; however, the
last type is physical and does involve the loss of semen. Vachik (thought or speech) and Manashik
(mental) Brahmacharya are equally important with physical Brahmacharya; no single sexual
thought that enters the mind is termed mental Brahmacharya. If thoughts are impure, the sex
impulse will be very strong. Physical Brahmacharya must be strictly practiced at first, and then
mental purity, or mental Brahmacharya, will gradually manifest.
Brahmacharya in Patanjaili Yoga Sutra - The ancient Rishis divided life into four parts. The
first twenty years of life is to focus on acquiring knowledge. This is called Brahmacharya. The
essence of Brahmacharya is that should not run after pleasure. One who runs after pleasure cannot
acquire knowledge. In Patanjali yoga sutra Acharya has explained Astang Yoga out of that Yama
is first limb of Astang Yoga.14 Yama observances are recommended to produce comparatively
peaceful condition of the Yoga.14 Brahmacharya is usually translated as continence or abstinence
from sex, celibacy etc. but the word Brahmacharya is made up of two words: Bhrahma i.e. the
highest reality but this very specific meaning is not there behind the term when used this compound
Brahmacharya and when used specially by other Darshana. Charya i.e. mode of behavior. Thus
basic and broad meaning of Brahmacharya is a mode of behavior which will be helpful for reaching
the highest goal for the spiritual Sadhaka. Brahmacharya should be understood as life correctly

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disciplined for spiritual progress and ultimate realization. Samkya and Patanjali seem to be found
of enumerating things in group of five but in one single all inclusive. Yama was to be mentioned
it could be only Brahmacharya, because it will involve obeying all the rules of behavior essential
to a Spiritual Sadhaka.14 In such a disciplined life the proper restraint of sex activity is obviously
very important. Sex is very powerful force in the life activity of living beings because without it
the continuance of species will be impossible. Complete abstinence from sex essential for a yoga
Sadhaka at certain stage during spiritual development but it may not be unavoidably necessary at
all time, even in spiritual development. When Sadhaka will reach such higher stage of spirituality
the urge for sex activity will disappear automatically if he be following the path of yoga in a
systematic way and correct scientific principles. 14
If the inner urge is very strong and the person still forcibly refrains from sexual enjoyment
because he has been hearing that sex is undesirable and an obstruction to spiritual development,
such forceful constraint has a very negative effect. Such as total disruption of personality, mental
aberration, and even insanity. So the control of sexual activity in Brahmacharya should be done in
a judicious manner. The urge for sex is a very disturbing and devastating force, not only for a
spiritual Sadhaka but even in ordinary affairs. So the need to curb this urge is universal and
implicitly accepted by the whole of human society.
Brahmacharya as Mahavratam - Sage Pantamjali has explained first limb of Astang Yoga as Yama.
Yama means to control or restrain or rules of social behavior, these observances are recommended
to produce a comparatively peaceful condition of mind.14 Brahmacharya is most important type of
Yama in Yogic life and spiritual path. Brahmacharya is called as Mahavratam that means the
observance of Brahmacharya as Yama is to be practiced as the supreme i.e. applicable and
obligatory in all circumstances without a single exception or not conditioned by either birth in a
particular social status, caste or region of residence or the time or occasion. 14
Acharya Vagabhata has described term Abrahmacharya which lead to well-regulated,
moderate married life. An Ashrama in Hinduism is one of four age-based life stages discussed in
ancient and medieval era Indian texts. The four Asramas are: Brahmacharya (student), Grihastha
(householder), Vanaprastha (retired) and Sannyasa (renunciate) out of these Gruhastashrama or
Santanothpatti (proliferation) is an importance part of human life.19 Pitru Runa(Responsibility) lid
only by following the Samyak Abrahmacharya(balanced sexual life) and it has also mentioned
that Santanotpatti is the only the way to get. Hence Abrahmacharya has been given an
Acharya has given certain rules and regulation for Abrahmcharya – person - avoid sexual
intercourse - during menstrual period, with person is not from same cast or religion, whose
behavior, activities and speech not good(prostitutes), who is not like by him or her, obese,
emaciated, pregnant, recently delivered(at list for six month after delivery), deformed
organ(handicapped), not capable of conception, suffering from diseases of genital organ(sexually
transmitted disease, AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, etc), Anyayoni(sexual activities with
animal or toys), sex with other than wife, more aged, wife of teacher, friend, relative and servant. 20

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Place - Any type of Maithu (sexual activities) out of eight type should be avoid in place
like temples, cross road, squire or meeting place of four roads, garden, burial ground, slaughter
house, reservoirs of water and herbs, house of the teacher, gods, kings. 20 Also avoid in public
places like local train, public garden, beaches, public transport, college etc. 20
Time – sexual intercourse should avoid on morning (because it is called as Brahma
Muhurta ie time to gain knowledge, meditation), midday, evening (because this time for spiritual
knowledge), midnight and inauspicious day (it losses strength of individual). Ideal time for
copulation is first part of night (10pm to 11pm). Also avoid sex other than genitals (mouth, axilla,
groin, anus etc).20
Condition – when thirsty, not desirous for sex, should not withheld the ejaculation
(discharge of semen) in the middle (some time doing wrong practices like hold and do again its
harmful for health), copulation should be restricted to one’s capacity of mind and body(without
causing fatigue).20
Ideal – an adult who is (keenly) interested in copulation should engage with pleasant mind
with the woman whom he likes in secrecy, adopting the suitable posture an united with good
smelling cosmetics, free from urges of urine etc. not taking too much food, having gained strength
by use of aphrodisiac (food or drugs) for three days earlier and with the woman who has all
womanly qualities.20
Ritu(season) and copulation - Once in three days in Vasant(spring) and Sharad(autumn),
once in fortieth in Grishma(summer) and Varsha(Monsoon), and strong man according to desire
and capacity in Hemant(winter) and Shishir(late winter). 20
Food and activities after sexual intercourse - Take bath, put on cosmetics, comfort himself
by fan/AC or moonlight, take meat soup, wine, milk, Rasala(sweetened syrup of plantains) and
other eatables prepared with sugar(chocolate), cold water and then go to sleep. 20
Immediately after copulation even strongman become impotent and so resorting to the activities
stated above makes for replenishment of the semen and its repository. Person who does not follow
the regime after sexual intercourse lose his vision, lifespan, velour, semen and become a victim of
disease of penis, increase of vata and gets into sin.20 Not observing above rules premature
ejaculation, oligospermia, azoospermia, impotency, infertility is very common.
Suppressing the urges of urine, facieses etc causes hernia, diabetes and urinary calculus. In
Ashtang Samgraha Abrahmacharya is told that means there are certain rules should follow in
Gristhashram about sex otherwise there are diseases like vericocele, hydrocele, low sperm count,
prostatitis in men and ovarian cyst, endometriosis, fibroids, over bleeding in period in women
Side effect of excessive sexual intercourse – Giddiness, fatigue, debility of thigh, decrease of
strength of tissue, capacity of sense organ and even premature death. 20
Age and sexual intercourse - Before age of sixteen years and after seventeen, less than
sixteen years will not have attained full development of all the tissue of the body, if they indulge
in copulation their body dries up quickly like the little quality of water in a tank and, after seventy
years indulges in it he collapses just as an old, dry and worm eaten wooden staff crumbles even on

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mild handling.20
Semen is the most valuable essence in the body more valuable than even food; it has to be
carefully protected (preserved) by the self-controlled person. The body thus protected by semen
and carefully preserved bestows excellent progeny. To obtain happiness control sexual life is most
important pillar of the body.20
Celibacy, forgiveness, charity, good condent, self-control acts of righteousness, reading of
moral stories, worship of gods, sages and disciplined men living in healthy places, in the compony
of good people, activities which are prescribed to obtain the grace of gods are all to be practiced
to protect once life.(during such grave period of community destruction). 20 A man can have
children that are healthy, intellectual, strong, handsome, and selfless if he lives a celibate life, even
as a householder, and engages in copulation only when it is necessary for conception.
Food, sleep, fear, and copulation—Ahara, Nidra, Bhaya, and Maithuna—are universal to
both men and animals. Dharma, Viveka, and Vichara Sakti are what distinguish a man from an
animal. Only Veerya's conservation will guarantee Jnana and Vichara's safety. Men and women
are observing Brahmacharya if they limit their sexual behavior to merely reproduction.
In Grihasthashrama, Brahmacharya refers to complete moderation in sexual activity.
Householders are permitted to see their wives once a month at the appropriate time without the
intention of engaging in sexual relations in order to produce offspring that will continue the line. 20
The female gonads, which are the ovaries and the male testes' equivalents, generate, grow, and
mature precious, vital force similar to semen. Brahmacharya is not just celibacy but also consists
of sever austerities and an intense focus on the study of scriptures. It aids immensely in sharpening
our senses, cleansing our mind and thereby facilitating quick acquisition of knowledge. So the first
stage of an individual’s life the first 25years should be spent as a Brahmachari in which one is
constantly engaged in learning and acquisition of knowledge. 13
Brahmacharya practice gets Virya labha. Virya is vital energy and immunity depends on Virya.
Most important function of Virya(Semen) is regeneration of cells in body. Brahmacharya or
preservation of semen increases Oja, Teja and Memory power because all these function depend
upon Majja Datu (Bone Marrow) and Shukra Dhatu form after Majja Dhatu. Shukra Kshaya is
then reverse effect on Majja Dhatu also. With the help of austerity of Brahmacharya great people
won the death.
Properties of Shukrasara - If Brahmacharya rules and regulation are follow and preserve Shukra
Dhatu (Semen) then individual looks Charming, looking with charm, having eyes as if filled with
milk, immensely inspired, with tip of teeth as unctuous, rounded, firm, even and compact; having
pleasant and unctuous complexion and voice, brilliant, having prominent buttocks should be
known as Sukrasara (those having semen as essence).21 They are liked by women for enjoyment,
are strong and endowed with happiness, supremacy, health, wealth, honor and progeny 22.
The seven Dhatus of body are Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mansa (muscle), Meda (fat),
Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow) and Shukra (semen or reproductive fluid). Each subsequent
Dhatu comes from the previous one and Shukra Dhatu is superior of all dhatus.23 These Dhatus
are created, nourished and replenished from the food and water and the quality of lifestyle maintain

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i.e. by ideal Dincharya (daily regime) and Ritucharya (seasonal regime). For the five sense organs
of eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue to function well, the Dhatus have to be in excellent condition.
Benefits of Brahmacharya - Clear thinking, breathe better, sharper mental skill, more
articulate, better memory, working through stress more effectively, increase energy levels, reduced
depression, deeper interaction with others, boosted confidence, better focus on task at hand,
increased humility, better fitness level, deeper philosophical thinking, improved quality of work,
reduced anger, clearer memories, better emotional health, improved courage, success etc. 13
The loss of semen can lead to a variety of disorders, especially in young people. Boils
appear on the body, eruptions of acne or acne around the face, blue lines around the eyes, the
absence of a beard, sunken eyes, a pale face with anaemia, shortsightedness, loss of memory, loss
of eye-sight, discharge of semen with urine, enlarged testes, pain in the testes, debility, drowsiness,
laziness, gloominess, palpitations of the heart, dyspnoea or difficulty breathing 15.
Whoever violates the celibacy pledge makes themselves the slaves of anger, jealousy,
laziness, and fear. All of the body's cells contain semen in a subtle form. Semen permeates the
entire body in the same way that butter and sugar are all-pervasive in milk and sugar cane,
respectively.20 Semen is thinned by its wasting, just as buttermilk becomes thin after the butter is
gone.20 According to yogic research, the body as a whole contains semen in a subtle form. Every
cell in the body contains it, albeit in a subtle form.The weaker you are, the more semen is wasted.
In the Yoga Sastras it is said: Maranam Bindu Patanat, Jivanam Bindu Rakshanat. Semen loss
results in death, while semen preservation results in life. 11 The real life force in males is their
semen. It is the man's hidden wealth. It gives the face Brahma-Tejas and the intellect power. It is
necessary to entirely eradicate all forms of sodomy and other harmful behaviours like
masturbation. They result in a complete breakdown of the neurological system and extreme
suffering. Brahmacharya means purity in word, deed, and thought. A person with a lot of Ojas in
their brain can create a large amount of mental work. They are also brilliant, have beautiful eyes
and a face that exudes magnetism.13

‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritually well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ (WHO Constitution 1978) The balance of the three
pillars of life—mind (Satva), oneself (Atma), and body (Sharira)—determines one's level of health
or disease. The balance of these three pillars is also directly influenced by the three sub-pillars of
Aahara (diet), Nidra (sleep), and Brahmacharya (celibacy). Maintaining good health requires a
balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep. Maintaining social and spiritual well-being also
requires celibacy. Since immunity depends on Oja and Shukra Dhatu, scientific knowledge of
Brahmacharya (celibacy) is crucial for primordial and primary prevention. Infertility,
oligospermia, and azospermia problems have increased like an epidemic over the past two to three
decades. According to a warning from the WHO, if present lifestyles are not modified, 50% of the
population would be sterile by 2050. For this reason, health education in schools and colleges
about Brahmacharya/Abrahmacharya and community-based awareness are crucial to preserving

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life. Extreme sexual intoxication is rocking the earth, making issues like STIs, depression, teenage
pregnancies, and sexual misconduct spread like a pandemic. Strong animals like lions, elephants,
bulls, and others demonstrate greater restraint than do men. Lions only live together once a year.
Female animals won't let male animals near them after giving birth until the young have been
weaned and the adults have grown strong and healthy. The only thing that makes a man sick all
the time is his violation of the natural laws. Despite a decade of implementation, the United States
government's "abstinence only until marriage" campaign was ineffective because to spiritual and
scientific understanding. The frequent practice of particular yoga positions and breathing methods
will significantly improve one's efforts to manage the sexual drive. To become an Oordhvaretas,
also known as a Vipareeta Karani Mudra, Sirshasana and Sarvangasana receive a lot of support.
Our ancestors' Rishis, such as Gheranda, Matsyendra, and Goraksha, built them especially for us
Oordhvaretas. By using pranayama, the mind gradually shifts from the coarse to the subtle. As a
result, it serves as a healthy limit on sexual exuberance.
The scientific study of Brahmacharya or Abrahmacharya Vritta is crucial for the prevention
of sexually transmitted illnesses, teenage pregnancy, sexual violence, rape cases, depression,
suicidal thoughts and illegal abortions in the school and college education systems. The storage of
semen is crucial for the prevention of both communicable and non-communicable diseases because
Ojas Dhatu, or the preservation of semen, is a component of human immunity. The practice of
Brahmacharya or Abrahmacharya Vritta in the home, or Grihsthashrama, has a positive impact
on a person's physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. For the purpose of converting
sexual energy into spiritual energy, or Ojas Sakti, Japa, prayer, meditation, reading from sacred
texts, pranayama, and asana practice are all beneficial. True civilization is the development of pure
physical and mental Brahmacharya. Lack of spiritual Sadhana is the main cause of all sexual
attraction. On this crucial Brahmacharya subject, special attention should be paid for the sake of
the following generation. The young must be educated if a nation is to be built. Study
Brahmacharya in all of its aspects, understand its greatest importance, and dedicate oneself
devotedly to the noble Vritta. Understanding Abramhacharya's ideas about the ideal time, place,
season, and diet for sex as well as safety precautions before and after sex is crucial for a healthy
sexual life. Brahmacharya knowledge can promote virtues like respect, etiquette self-control,
humility, and obedience. It can also instill a sense of service and self-sacrifice.


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