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By Studying Iternetional - Did in with & gloat pewpective, Mndtwiduols qain Ineiggnts into the Complenities €4 Opportunities OF Conduch! buwiners Te, international scale, Aevelop cross-cultural Comortunicodion SKU, & ‘Undertte ns ane Impact of abobalization on busters Operokiom c= Shrodeaies Enatratnuce Or GloBarization The emnemmence OF Aloboatization how both benepits < Choenges Dt how Created Opportunities tor CEST Onna erotst am Snnovedtion, BRA Cultoro erthonge but hon also vised Cmerns about inne inequality, environmental Sustatnabitthy, anc —e impact pn local Industries aind tmcitions, Multinatienal eee plays Ly ° id im Intenyroding ecenomies - i te Glob Finonetrt Mowkets; Pricrconnected Branciot marks have erable tre floo of Cpt cores borciess RB Cultural Exchange: Proveared Cultural ‘iter ction. through Meclia , entertainment Grow howe torteveg interconnected qlee Community « Antiewmationanlizarion Process —e eerie recess ts Market Riearch 2 Markit entry strategy 3. Adapira +o Local Peartotions. | Culture Adaption, } ; | S Globod Supply Chain Management etae Q Exporting : Here, the company exp § exporting 14S products or Senvlees ae foretgn movruts: 3 Leeming and Franchi sing s 2, this stoge, tthe Company rout Uceme its Fechnolony, i brand oy, Binns modelo for4gn partnurs + | } | (4 Teint Ventures and Shrotegic AANA t | | forring partrerships sith foreign | Companin +o enter riew morkets, Shone arsoures , And leverage local empertise: p- fortgn Direct Pnvestrent (Epi)! tstebhe | roholly —owned Subcicdiaries or tactletics fn doretan Countries to have Suty Control over” operodions Arc vtournes 6. Globalization ¢ The Fina Stage where. he Company Operotr~ Aw a crudy Qlobal antity, with fruerreonnectect Ope reckion. acrots | multiple Countries and regions. Dntermoactional ode —trerovies ee \s Meveantaltens »—his Ahwory Suggests - h A cowrtery Shela enport more than te Amiports +0 acurmutocte wealth sor of Gold and silver tn the Country Showlel spertalixe Berdastng geods In vorrch TH hey on aosolute Advowtoge 2S [2 Lompeweritve Acwowsnge: This ineory Grane 1 nour Countries Shout Spectoine tn producing goods fn which they have | Comparetive ~Aclvowrtoge. | Hs Heckscher — Ohiin Theory: this Aheowy Cuggests | thee Countries Showtol erport— gpocs +thot | Andersivety wee He factors ot productinn Ahey have tn Aoundances and tmport” oo” or Erhronment | | & deg ou Environment | Cubtaros Envioonnent STecrnotogicos ce 6 Competitive Enuwonment inbred Environment Leber Enwirenme Cutturnl momen ¢ Lulturot Mom. Mrs, eliets, Ound Practteas ty spor eppective Comm unitation a DWiIAivg gtonombips jn eee Uncheratonndt m9 Cuttharat erento ra MOoOrkets. s ie mow oneene hy Snightighis how prion Thentified three demu ors ee Wntermotional crpuvience Cemtruct, Aemonstredting thot jndernah onal erpenene Aout lee treascol os a mMultidimemionn Construce. The pep Lonumdes with Sone impkcatiom “op Uf the Conteptrolination of Intermoctinney emMpevience for Sovernt fess of Bndemodional business werlarch on welt providing managerial implications. agenda ©) wreck eran SAS Wierotare Om UU At arta Wonk.9 “Te oe BON. He Atudy examined schol Werk §n Sruerhotionn! Boe ee athe Hie purical jaq6— Doon In Six esi) Intormotional bucines joum Bdarening tris search auestions Provide Us with a more Complete understanding of Tre progrest nm to dAote iw Wtermotiene bu

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