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Variables that can impact on your results include:

 Sets.
 Repetitions.
 Exercises undertaken.
 Intensity (weights used).
 Frequency of sessions.
 Rest between sets.

Inclusion Incretia
 Participants: Male and/or female healthy and physically active practitioners. Studies focused on specific age-
populations as children or elderly participants were excluded.
 b) Interventions: Resistance training programs with traditional materials (i.e., free weights and weight stack
 c) Comparison group: Usual training (no additional training).
 d) Outcome measures: Muscle mass, CSA, lean body mass, muscle girth, muscle thickness, fat-free mass, muscle
fibers and muscle volume.1

Income: Age, Height, Weight, Muscle Thickness

A fast-twitch (Type IIa, Type IIx) motor unit is one that develops force and also relaxes rapidly and thus has a short twitch

Slow-twitch motor units, in contrast, develop force and relax slowly and have a long twitch time
 Type II fibers manifest greater increases in size than Type I fibers
In concentric muscle action, the muscle shortens because the contractile force is greater than the resistive force. The forces
generated within the muscle and acting to shorten it are greater than the external forces acting at its tendons to stretch it.
Swimming and cycling involve concentric muscle action almost exclusively
In eccentric muscle action, the muscle lengthens because the contractile force is less than the resistive force. The forces
generated within the muscle and acting to shorten it are less than the external forces acting at its tendons to stretch it
In isometric muscle action, the muscle length does not change, because the contractile force is equal to the resistive force.
The forces generated within the muscle and acting to shorten it are equal to the external forces acting at its tendons to
stretch it


1.1. Exercise
Times Weeks Types Exercise Focus
Dumbbell Overhead Shoulder Press Abs, Triceps, Upper Back,
Lower Traps 2
Nordic Hamming Exercise biceps femoris long head3
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press Triceps, Anterior Deltoid,
Lateral deltoid, Pectoralis
major, Serratus major
knee presses
extended leg raises Resistive bands (Thera-
BandsW) were used to provide
Leg extension
resistance for the extended leg
raises, leg extensions and
hamstring curls by wrapping the
band once around each ankle,
leaving about 20 cm of band
between the ankles.4
wall squats
hamstring curls Thigh
pushing the knee
bottle knee press The bottle provided resistance
to knee extension
Hip flexion

Ankle dorsiflexor
elbow flexors biceps brachii and brachialis
squat quadriceps muscle
dumbbell incline skull crusher Triceps
dumbbell bicep curl Bicep
Standing dumbbel press Deltoid, tricep

elbow flexors biceps brachii and brachialis5
elbow extensors e triceps brachii muscle
knee extensors rectus femoris and vastus
plantar flexors e gastrocnemius, soleus and
tibialis posterior


Để biết số lần lặp lại (repetitions) của bài tập nào là hiệu quả, bạn cần xem xét mục tiêu cụ thể của mình, bởi vì số lần lặp lại
tối ưu có thể khác nhau tùy thuộc vào việc bạn muốn tăng sức mạnh, tăng kích thước cơ bắp (hypertrophy), cải thiện sức
bền cơ bắp, hoặc một mục tiêu khác. Dưới đây là một hướng dẫn cơ bản:
Mục Tiêu Tăng Sức Mạnh (Strength)
 Số Lần Lặp Lại (Repetitions): 1-6
 Số Bộ (Sets): 3-5
 Tải Trọng (Load): 85-100% của 1RM (one-repetition maximum, mức tạ tối đa bạn có thể nâng được 1 lần duy nhất)
 Thời Gian Nghỉ (Rest): 2-5 phút giữa các bộ
2. Mục Tiêu Tăng Kích Thước Cơ Bắp (Hypertrophy)
 Số Lần Lặp Lại (Repetitions): 6-12
 Số Bộ (Sets): 3-4
 Tải Trọng (Load): 67-85% của 1RM
 Thời Gian Nghỉ (Rest): 30 giây đến 1,5 phút giữa các bộ
3. Mục Tiêu Cải Thiện Sức Bền Cơ Bắp (Muscular Endurance)
 Số Lần Lặp Lại (Repetitions): 12-20+
 Số Bộ (Sets): 2-3
 Tải Trọng (Load): Dưới 67% của 1RM
 Thời Gian Nghỉ (Rest): 30 giây đến 1 phút giữa các bộ
The effectiveness of a resistance training programme to achieve a specific training outcome (i.e. muscular endurance,
hypertrophy, maximal strength, or power) depends on manipulation of the acute programme variables, these include
muscle action; (ii) loading and volume; (iii) exercise selection and order; (iv) rest periods; (v) repetition velocity; and (vi)

This phase encompassed a total of six workouts: four workouts (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) during the first
week and two workouts (Monday and Tuesday) during the second week.
The general warm up was followed by a specific warm up consisting of 10 bodyweight squats, 10 alternating lunges, 10
walking “knee hugs,” and 10 walking “butt kicks.
Tuy nhiên, khẳng định rằng mức tạ nặng là cần thiết để tối ưu hóa phản ứng của cơ sau khi tập luyện gần đây đã bị thách
thức, khi một số nhà nghiên cứu cho rằng mức tạ rất thấp có thể thúc đẩy sự thích nghi tương tự như tập luyện với mức tạ
cao.8 Người ta phỏng đoán rằng miễn là cường độ nỗ lực là tối đa, ngay cả những người tập tạ có kinh nghiệm cũng có thể
nhận thấy sự gia tăng đáng kể tình trạng phì đại cơ khi tập luyện với mức tạ thấp.

Monday Wednesday Friday

Đánh giá mức độ nặng của bài tập https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/17450-rated-perceived-exertion-rpe-scale

Both groups performed 3 sets of 6 exercises, with training carried out 4 times per week. Participants in the CON group
carried out an 8-week resistance training program consisting of 3 sets of 6 exercises performed 4 times per week. On
Monday and Thursday, participants performed an upper-body workout, while on Tuesday and Friday they performed a
lower-body workout, for a total of 32 RT sessions. Upper body exercises in CON group included bench-press, pendlay row,
shoulder press, latpull down, dumbbell fly and dumbbell pull-over, while the lower body exercises included back squat,
deadlift, leg press, hip thrust, leg extension and leg curl. Training load was linearly periodized by reducing the number of
repetitions per set every 2 weeks, from 12RM to 6RM. Thus, there were a total of 8 training sessions with each XRM.
Participants in EXP group carried out a resistance training program with the same duration and sessions per week as CON,
but with exercises randomly chosen each session from a computerized database of 80 different exercises via an iPhone app
(Ace Workout) specifically designed for the present study. The randomization algorithm was written to select 3 pulling
(e.g., pull-up, lat-pull down and pull-over) and 3 pushing (e.g., bench-press, standing military press and dumbbell flies)
exercises for the upper-body, with no exercise repeated within the same workout. For the lower-body, the algorithm chose 3
exercises with greater participation of the anterior chain (ex., back-squat, leg extension and leg press) and 3 for the posterior
chain (e.g., deadlift, hip-thrust and leg curl)10

Monday Wednesday Friday
Tricep Dips, 10reps Plank to Push-up Plank Shoulder Taps
Push-ups, 5 reps Arm Circles Isometric Bicep Holds
Plank, 45s Diamond Push-ups Push – ups

2 sets
30-60s rest

1: rest 30s, 10 reps, và tăng số lượng reps mỗi tuần

2: 60s rest, tập đến khi mệt


30 – 60s rest 1 – 2 minutes
10 repitions
2 sets


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