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Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446


The potential of REEs in the Eppawala Phosphate Deposit, Sri Lanka:

REE enrichment, mineralization, and economic significance
Nadeera Batapola1 · Nalin Ratnayake1 · Bandara Abeysinghe1 · Ranjith Premasiri1 · Nimila Dushyantha2 ·
I. M. Saman K. Ilankoon3 · Rohana Chandrajith4 · Sudath Rohitha1 · Kithsiri Dissanayake1 ·
Pannipitiye Dharmaratne1 · Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake2 · Pubudi Dilshara1

Received: 10 December 2022 / Accepted: 19 August 2023 / Published online: 7 September 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

The significant role in high-tech and green technologies, recent outstripping demand, and constrained global supply of rare
earth elements (REEs) have led to the exploration of phosphate deposits worldwide as a sustainable source for the recovery
of REEs as by-products. In this context, the Eppawala Phosphate Deposit (EPD) in Sri Lanka can be considered a potential
source for recovering REEs as a by-product. The REE geochemistry and mineralogy of sixty representative samples from
the weathered regolith (primary apatite crystals and secondary phosphate matrix) and the carbonatite source rock at the
EPD were analyzed. The average total REE content (∑REE) in the weathered regolith ranged from 2500 to 6092 ppm, with
higher enrichment of light REEs than heavy REEs. The weathered regolith was highly enriched in REEs compared to the
parent carbonatite due to residual enrichment of apatite with calcite and dolomite dissolution. Furthermore, REE immo-
bilization during matrix formation results from the retention of REEs in fluorapatite and hydroxylapatite. Mineralogical
analyses revealed that the major REE ore minerals in the EPD are apatite group minerals. Despite the relatively low REE
grade (~ 0.48% total rare earth oxide) compared to the other phosphate deposits in the world, this deposit is significantly
enriched in critical and highly demanded REEs, such as Nd (54,468 tonnes), Pr (17,994 tonnes), and Tb (2,897 tonnes).
Therefore, with upgraded extraction techniques, the EPD could become a potential source of REEs that could contribute to
maintaining a sustainable REE supply chain in the future.

Keywords Apatite · Phosphate rock · Rare earth elements · Sustainability · Weathering

Introduction rare earth elements (LREEs) from lanthanum (La) to gado-

linium (Gd) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) from
Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are a group of 17 metallic ele- terbium (Tb) to lutetium (Lu) and Y (Migaszewski and
ments consisting of scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y), and 15 lan- Gałuszka 2015; Voncken 2016; Balaram 2019). REEs are
thanides. They are categorized into two major groups—light indispensable for a wide range of applications from elec-
tronics, catalysts, and automotive to high-end technological
uses in medical and military defense systems (Charalam-
* Nadeera Batapola pides et al. 2015; Dushyantha et al. 2020). Recently, the
economic importance of REEs increased exponentially due
Department of Earth Resources Engineering, University to their significant role in clean energy technologies, such as
of Moratuwa, Moratuwa 10400, Sri Lanka wind power turbines, electric vehicles, and solar panels (U.S.
Department of Applied Earth Sciences, Faculty of Applied Department of Energy 2011; Gielen and Lyons 2022). A
Sciences, Uva Wellassa University, Passaara Road, drastic increase in global REE demand is thus expected over
Badulla 90000, Sri Lanka the coming decades (USGS 2021), indicating a simultaneous
Department of Chemical Engineering, School scale-up of REE production to accommodate the burgeoning
of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia, Jalan Lagoon demand. On top of that, the current global supply is becom-
Selatan, 47500 Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia
ing constrained by factors, such as uneven resource distri-
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University bution, environmental impacts, and geo-political concerns
of Peradeniya, Peradeniya 20400, Sri Lanka

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(Ilankoon et al. 2022). Therefore, the existing sources of (Lanka Phosphate Ltd 2020) and there is a nation’s necessity
REE supply are certainly inadequate, requiring new and of producing a highly soluble form of phosphate fertilizers
alternative sources to cater to the future REE demand. In for short-term crops like paddy cultivation (Udawatte et al.
this context, exploration for new sustainable REE resources 2020). Therefore, EPD must be developed into a stage where
worldwide is of utmost importance to maintain a stable REE a highly soluble form of phosphate fertilizer can be produced
supply chain (Batapola et al. 2020). while REEs are extracted as a by-product during the process.
Currently, carbonatites (e.g., Bayan Obo and Maoniuping The exploitation of any mineral resource requires a com-
in China, Mountain Pass in the USA, and Manavalakurichi prehensive investigation of its geochemistry and mineralogy.
in India), alkaline igneous rocks (e.g., Lovozero and Khibiny Although a few geochemical and petrological studies have
in Russia and Weishan Lake in China), placers (e.g., Odisha previously been carried out using both the fresh carbonatites
and Chavara in India), laterites (e.g., Mt Weld in Australia), and regolith of the EPD (Pitawala et al. 2003; Pitawala and
and Ion Adsorption Clays (IACs) (e.g., Longnan and Gan- Lottermoser 2012; Hewawasam 2013; Chandrakumara et al.
zhou in China) are the primary geological resources used 2021), it has not been adequately explored for the potential
in REE production (Barakos et al. 2016; Li et al. 2017; Liu of REEs despite its economic significance in the recovery
et al. 2023). Among them, carbonatites and IACs are the of REEs as a by-product. In addition, mobilization, frac-
dominant contributors to the global REE supply chain (Liu tionation, and enrichment of REEs in the EPD are poorly
et al. 2023). Moreover, there is widespread concern about understood, thus it emphasizes the need for investigating
reusing REE-containing industrial wastes, such as electronic these processes to assess the economic potential of the EPD
waste, mine tailings, red mud, coal waste, and phospho- and its significance as an unconventional REE source in the
gypsum and different low-grade secondary REE resources local and global supply chain. Therefore, the present work
(Binnemans et al. 2013; Dushyantha et al. 2020, 2021b). is focused on the exploration of REE enrichment, miner-
Although REEs are produced as major products in many alization, geochemistry, and the economic significance of
global REE deposits, they can potentially be recovered as the EPD.
by-products from different types of deposits (Pereira et al.
2019). Despite this potential, REE recovery as by-products
from the existing mining operations has been overlooked Geological setting
with only a few exceptions, including Bayan Obo in China,
the world’s largest source of REEs as by-products of iron The underlying carbonatites at the EPD belong to the
and niobium production (Kanazawa and Kamitani 2006) and Wanni Complex of the Precambrian basement of Sri Lanka
Eco Ridge deposit where REEs are recovered as by-products (Fig. 1a). The Wanni Complex consists of igneous rocks
of uranium mining (Simandl 2014). Similarly, phosphate and high-grade metamorphic rocks that include granitoid
deposits can be considered as prospective sources to recover gneisses, migmatites, granites, metasediments (garnet-
REEs as by-products during the phosphate fertilizer produc- cordierite gneisses, metaquartzites, and marbles), and
tion flow (Chen and Graedel 2015; Khoshnoodi and Ziapour charnockites (Cooray 1994; Pitawala et al. 2003; Pitawala
2022). For example, the annual amount of phosphate rock and Lottermoser 2012). The Eppawala carbonatites intrude
mined from typical phosphorite could contain more than high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Wanni Complex and
70,000 tonnes of REEs (Simandl 2014). It can reduce the form a series of steeply dipping dyke-like carbonatite bod-
sole dependence on virgin REE production and ensure a sus- ies with a thickness of 1–100 m and varying strike exten-
tainable and reliable supply for the next few decades (Chen sions (up to 100 m) (Fig. 1b). Fresh carbonatite outcrops are
and Graedel 2015). rare in the EPD due to their tendency to weather. However,
The Eppawala phosphate deposit (EPD) is the only eco- weathered carbonatite exposures are evident in the EPD as
nomically valuable phosphate deposit in Sri Lanka mined discontinuous rounded or oval-shaped patches and boulders
by Lanka Phosphate Ltd with an average annual phosphate (< 5 m) with a prominent N-S orientation (Pitawala and
production of 50,000 tonnes. Mined phosphate from the Lottermoser 2012). Most of the carbonatite occurrences are
EPD is currently employed to produce phosphate fertilizers found within the granitic gneiss along or near the axis of a
(Lanka Phosphate Ltd 2020) while there is no process to synform, whereas a few carbonatite bodies occur in the core
extract REEs from Eppawala phosphate. Hence, significant of an antiform in the east of the Eppawala area (Fig. 1b)
amounts of REEs and actinides, such as Th are released into (Pitawala et al. 2003).
agricultural lands which hinders the complete resource uti- The genesis of the Eppawala carbonatites has been
lization of the EPD while gradually degrading agricultural highly debated over the years with a few theories of igne-
soils (Tirado and Allsopp 2012; Ramos et al. 2016). Moreo- ous versus sedimentary (metamorphosed limestone) origins
ver, the fertilizer produced from the EPD is only applied for (Manthilake et al. 2008; Dushyantha et al. 2017). However,
perennial crops in the country due to their low solubility many researchers have proposed an igneous origin based

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Fig. 1  a) Simplified geological map of Sri Lanka showing the location of the EPD (Cooray 1994); b) simplified geological map of the EPD
(GSMB 2001)

on mineral chemistry, trace elements, and REE abundance weathering, carbonate minerals are partially or completely
in the Eppawala carbonatites (Dahanayake and Subasinghe dissolved while weathering-resistant apatite, iron oxide, and
1989; Manthilake et al. 2008; Pitawala and Lottermoser silicate minerals remain at the lower levels of the regolith
2012). Furthermore, it has been argued that carbonatite as residual minerals (Chandrakumara et al. 2021). How-
magmas at Eppawala were emplaced either before or after ever, upon intense weathering conditions, the weathering-
the regional metamorphic event at 650–550 Ma (Weerakoon resistant primary minerals are also dissolved and recrystal-
et al. 2001; Manthilake et al. 2008). In contrast, Wang et al lized to form secondary supergene phosphates (Dinalankara
(2021) inferred that the Eppawala carbonatite magmas origi- 1995; Dushyantha et al. 2019). This phosphate-rich regolith
nated from a mixture of basement gneisses and marbles with extends over two sites: northern (~ 0.05 ­km2) and southern
a formation age of ca. 475 Ma. (~ 0.03 ­km2) areas. The northern area comprises a thicker
The Eppawala carbonatite bodies contain mainly calcite weathering profile than the southern site (40–120 m) (Dinal-
(> 65%), dolomite (20%), apatite (5–10%), and olivine (5%) ankara 1995) overlying the carbonatite bedrock located more
(Manthilake et al. 2008). The most common silicate mineral than 60 m below the current mining levels. The regolith in
is forsterite, whereas ilmenite and magnetite are present as the northern area developed under karstic conditions does
the most common iron-bearing minerals in the Eppawala not exhibit distinguished weathering zones (Chandrakumara
carbonatites. In addition, phlogopite, magnesite, enstatite, et al. 2021). However, two major weathering zones can be
tremolite, and spinel occur as minor or accessory miner- identified in the northern site: (1) leached zone containing
als (Pitawala et al. 2003; Pitawala and Lottermoser 2012). primary apatite crystals embedded in a firm, consolidated
Apatite occurs as individual yellowish-green crystals or secondary matrix and (2) top weathered zone comprising
aggregates embedded in the Eppawala carbonatites. These loosely bound primary apatite crystals in a soft, brownish
apatite crystals are diverse in shape and size, where large soil like matrix (Fig. 2a) (Hewawasam 2013; Dushyantha
grains (10–20 cm) are euhedral, and microscopic grains are 2018). However, a thin weathered regolith (10–20 m) over-
subrounded or well-rounded in shape. In addition, apatite lies the parent carbonatite rock in the southern area, where
grains comprise inclusions of calcite, dolomite, monazite, most of the excavated sites have been left out after reaching
and pyrite (Manthilake et al. 2008). the bedrock. In contrast to the northern regolith, the karstic
A phosphate-rich regolith overlies the parent carbonatite conditions in the southern regolith are minimal, and weath-
rock at the EPD as a result of the chemical weathering of ering profiles here exhibit several distinctive weathering
the carbonatite bedrock (Dinalankara 1995; Chandraku- zones; (1) fresh to partially weathered carbonatite zone, (2)
mara et al. 2021). During the initial stages of carbonatite

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Fig. 2  Schematic diagrams showing the zonation of the a) northern weathered regolith. Adapted from (Hewawasam 2013); b) southern weath-
ered regolith. Adapted from (Chandrakumara et al. 2021); and c) photographs of a primary apatite crystal and a secondary phosphate matrix

alloteritic- saprolite zone, (3) intensively leached zone, and such as crandallite, millisite, wavellite, goethite, gibbsite,
(4) lateritic zone (Fig. 2b) (Chandrakumara et al. 2021). kaolinite, and quartz (Hewawasam 2013).
In the weathered regolith at the EPD, there are two
types of components: primary apatite crystals and sec-
ondary phosphate matrix (Fig. 2c), which are currently Materials and methods
employed to produce phosphate fertilizers. Mineralogy
of the apatite crystals is variable and shows chloro-fluor- Sample collection and preparation
hydroxylapatite as the major mineral, whereas fluorapatite
was present as the minor component. In contrast, chloro- The sampling locations (EP1-EP18: northern regolith;
fluor-hydroxylapatite and fluorapatite were only found in EP19-EP30: southern regolith) at the EPD are shown in
the coarser fraction of the secondary phosphate matrix, Fig. 3. Sixty samples were obtained from the EPD: apa-
while the finer fraction comprised secondary minerals, tite crystals (n = 28; apatite crystals were not found in

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Fig. 3  Study area and the distribution of sampling locations in both northern and southern sites at the EPD

EP12 and EP17 sampling locations), secondary phosphate of the northern and southern regolith of EPD. Carbonatite
matrix (n = 30), and carbonatite rock (n = 2) covering 30 samples were obtained from exposed outcrops at locations
sampling locations. Apatite crystals and secondary phos- EP11 and EP19 locations in the respective northern and
phate matrix samples were collected from the leached zone southern regions.

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All the collected samples were first crushed into smaller Mineralogical analysis
parts, pulverized using a laboratory Tema mill, and then
sieved through 63 µm to obtain the pulverized fraction. The mineralogy of both apatite crystals and secondary phos-
The retained fraction on the sieve is again powdered and phate matrix in the EPD were determined by powder X-ray
sieved through 63 µm and several cycles of powdering diffraction (PXRD) at the Department of Applied Earth
and sieving were carried out for each sample to decrease Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Uva Wellassa Uni-
its particle size (i.e., comminution) to less than 63 µm. A versity, Badulla, Sri Lanka. Apatite crystals and secondary
powdered sample (< 63 µm) can ease the digestion pro- phosphate matrix samples collected from the location EP3
cess due to the increased surface area of the sample (De were selected (where the highest REE content was observed)
Zorzi et al. 2005). Finally, representative samples of the for the PXRD analysis. A 5.0 g of each representative sam-
powdered fractions were obtained using the coning and ple (as mentioned in Sect. "Sample collection and prepara-
quartering method. tion") of apatite crystals and secondary phosphate matrix
was analyzed using a BRUKER D8 ADVANCE ECO X-ray
Experimental procedures diffractometer under standard operating conditions. Fur-
thermore, the mineralogy of apatite crystals (EP11, EP20),
REE analysis secondary phosphate matrix (EP11, EP20), and carbonatite
(EP19) were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy
A 0.5 g of each representative sample was weighed into (SEM) at the Department of Materials Science and Engi-
a Teflon crucible and treated with ­HNO3, HCl, and ­H2O2 neering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. The
in a 3:1:1 ratio (reverse aqua-regia). Then, the mixture selected samples (< 63 µm) were analyzed for mineralogy
was heated using a hot plate at 120–130 0C for 3 h. After through a Carl Zeiss EVO 18 Research SEM coupled with
digestion, 1 ml of the sample was filtered through 0.45 µm Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) with 20 kV
syringe filters and diluted to 10 ml with ultrapure water. It accelerating voltage and 5 nA beam current.
was further diluted 1:1 to analyze REE concentrations (Y
and the 15 lanthanides – from La to Lu, excluding prome-
thium) by Thermo ICapQ Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Calculation of geochemical gains or losses
Spectrometer (ICP-MS) (Soil and Plant Analysis Labora- of elements
tory at University of Wisconsin 2005; Krzeszowska et al.
2019) at the analytical laboratory of the Department of Earth The geochemical gains or losses of analyzed major elements
Resources Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and REEs were measured as the percentage change in the
using multi-elemental ICP-MS standards. The range of ana- proportion of each element in the weathered product and the
lytical uncertainty during ICP-MS analysis was from − 0.3 parent rock (Nesbitt 1979) as follows:
to + 0.3%. Percentage change of ratio = 100[(Ri − Rp )∕Rp ] (1)

Major oxide analysis Ri and R

­ p represent the proportions of elements in the
weathered samples and fresh bedrock, respectively, assum-
The major oxide contents of eight samples of selected apa- ing a negligible volume change during weathering (Nahon
tite crystals (EP4, EP6, EP8, and EP11), secondary phos- and Merino 1996; Menéndez et al. 2019).
phate matrix (EP8, EP11, EP12), and carbonatite (EP19)
samples were determined by the X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
analysis at the analytical laboratory of the Geological Sur-
vey and Mines Bureau (GSMB), Sri Lanka. After mixing Results
and grinding 9.0 g of each representative sample with 2.7 g
of grinding pellets in an agate mortar, 40 mm pellets were REE concentrations and distribution in the EPD
prepared by pressing the mixture into a pellet die using a
pressure of 15 T. The prepared pellets were then analyzed The average total REE (ƩREE) concentration in apatite
through a GEO-QUANT analytical package of S8-Tiger crystals in the EPD was 4071 ppm (Table 1). In addition,
Wavelength Dispersive XRF-Spectrometer. The accuracy the average total LREE (ƩLREE) and total HREE (ƩHREE)
was checked using international reference samples, namely, contents of apatite crystals were 3611 ppm and 460 ppm,
JLk-1, JSd-1, and JSd-2, whereas precision was checked by respectively. ƩREE concentration levels similar to apatite
replicate analysis (Dushyantha et al. 2019). The range of crystals were observed in the secondary phosphate matrix
analytical uncertainty during XRF analysis was from − 0.01 (avg. ƩREE = 4063 ppm). The average ƩLREE and ƩHREE
to + 0.01%. contents of the secondary phosphate matrix were 3566 ppm

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Table 1  REEs, Th, and U concentrations (ppm) of apatite crystals, secondary phosphate matrix, and carbonatite rocks in the EPD
Element Apatite ­crystalsa (n = 28) Secondary phosphate Matrix Carbonatite Carbonatite (Pitawala et al. 2003)
(n = 30) (n = 2) (n = 7)
Avg Std. Dev Example (EP3) Avg Std. Dev Example (EP3) EP11 EP19 Avg Std. Dev Examples
EPP-C-4 KD-3–1D

La 853.8 136.5 1056 850.7 100.5 1100 185.4 134.9 101.5 35.26 92.70 105.0
Ce 1565 370.1 2733 1507 244.1 1870 290.4 218.3 224.6 81.54 214.0 247.0
Pr 252.3 37.30 335.3 257.4 29.53 325.7 55.22 36.53 30.47 10.83 30.70 34.90
Nd 748.6 182.1 1333 731.7 124.4 922.7 256.3 184.2 121.1 40.42 121.0 140.0
Sm 156.0 26.35 196.1 175.1 25.42 233.3 40.73 31.32 21.34 5.37 20.60 24.60
Eu 35.72 6.63 45.20 44.08 8.14 58.10 9.31 8.30 4.66 1.34 4.60 5.40
Gd 165.1 35.16 285.3 160.3 25.18 167.9 48.68 33.88 15.00 2.43 13.20 16.00
Tb 41.50 6.17 57.60 41.44 4.65 53.60 9.35 6.94 1.66 0.22 1.40 1.70
Dy 50.66 8.18 66.10 59.57 10.42 78.50 13.63 12.17 8.39 0.98 6.90 8.40
Ho 8.74 1.53 11.80 10.90 2.17 14.60 2.42 2.39 1.54 0.18 1.20 1.50
Er 56.14 9.31 84.50 60.78 6.65 75.40 13.44 11.01 4.33 0.98 3.00 3.80
Tm 2.78 0.48 4.00 3.71 0.91 5.20 0.89 0.95 0.56 0.09 0.40 0.50
Yb 21.29 3.64 32.90 26.27 4.61 33.30 5.87 5.79 3.36 0.52 2.30 3.00
Lu 2.25 0.39 3.40 3.12 0.83 4.20 0.69 0.79 0.56 0.07 0.40 0.50
Y 111.4 35.94 242.7 131.3 30.79 177.5 27.03 54.96 53.61 8.80 38.50 48.60
Th 100.7 17.40 83.90 75.80 17.57 75.10 26.93 1.14 0.76 0.59 0.10 0.70
U 10.13 2.80 6.30 8.82 1.87 8.50 1.14 0.08 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10
ƩLREE 3611 685.6 5698 3566 457.0 4509 837.3 613.6 503.7 173.0 483.6 556.0
ƩHREE 459.8 89.55 788.2 497.4 60.19 610.2 122.0 128.9 89.00 12.40 67.30 84.00
ƩREE 4071 771.0 6486 4063 496.1 5120 959.3 742.5 592.7 176.3 550.9 640.9
ƩLREE/ƩHREE 7.87 0.48 7.20 7.22 0.80 7.40 6.90 4.80 5.71 1.82 7.19 6.63
(La/Yb)N 27.53 2.08 21.76 22.71 3.51 22.40 21.50 15.80 21.13 7.42 27.38 23.78
Eu/Eu* 0.39 0.05 0.33 0.46 0.08 0.51 0.36 0.42 0.44 0.06 0.48 0.47
Ce/Ce* 0.46 0.08 0.63 0.44 0.07 0.43 0.39 0.14 0.55 0.01 0.55 0.56

(La/Yb)N = ­(LaN)/ ­(YbN), Eu/Eu* = ­EuN/(SmN × ­GdN)1/2, Ce/Ce* = ­CeN/(LaN × ­PrN)1/2, where subscript N denotes the normalization by chondrite
values from (McDonough and Sun 1995)
Apatite Crystals were not found in the sampling locations EP12 and EP17

and 497 ppm, respectively. However, fresh carbonatite of crystals was approximately 27.5, while it was 22.7 for the
the EPD showed rather low ƩREE contents; 959 ppm in secondary phosphate matrix. These values suggest a strong
the northern carbonatite and 742.5 ppm in the southern fractionation of LREEs than HREEs. Similarly, Eppawala
carbonatite. Similarly, the ƩLREE and ƩHREE contents of fresh carbonatites showed a higher LREE enrichment than
Eppawala carbonatite were lower than that of apatite crystals the HREEs (ƩLREE/ƩHREE ratio = 6.9 (northern carbon-
and secondary phosphate matrix (i.e., northern carbonatite: atite) and 4.8 (southern carbonatite)) and a strong fractiona-
ƩLREE = 837 ppm, ƩHREE = 122 ppm; southern carbon- tion [(La/Yb)N ratio = 21.5 (northern carbonatite) and 15.8
atite: ƩLREE = 614 ppm, ƩHREE = 129 ppm). In contrast, (southern carbonatite)]. The published data (Pitawala et al.
the published data (Pitawala et al. 2003) reported rather low 2003) of Eppawala fresh carbonatites also displayed a higher
REE concentrations in the Eppawala carbonatites compared LREE enrichment over HREEs (avg. ƩLREE/ƩHREE = 5.7)
to the present study (ƩREE = 593 ppm; ƩLREE = 504 ppm; with a strong fractionation (avg. (La/Yb)N = 21.1) (Table 1).
ƩHREE = 89.0 ppm). The average ratio of ƩLREE/ƩHREE Figure 4 illustrates the chondrite normalized REE dis-
in apatite crystals was approximately 7.9, whereas the tribution plots of apatite crystals, secondary phosphate
secondary phosphate matrix had a ratio of 7.2 (Table 1), matrix, and carbonatite rock in the EPD. It is observed
indicating the higher enrichment of LREEs in the EPD that apatite crystals, secondary phosphate matrix, and car-
compared to HREEs. Furthermore, the average normal- bonatite rock followed similar REE distribution patterns.
ized La and Ytterbium (Yb) ratio [(La/Yb)N] of the apatite However, REE contents of the Eppawala carbonatites were

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Fig. 4  Chondrite-normalized
REE distribution patterns of
apatite crystals, secondary
phosphate matrix, and carbon-
atite in the EPD. Reference
REE contents in the carbonatite
are taken from Pitawala et al.
2003; Manthilake et al. 2008,
and Chondrite values are from
McDonough and Sun 1995

ten times lower than that of apatite crystals and second- (Eu/Eu*) of apatite crystals and secondary phosphate
ary phosphate matrix. Furthermore, the LREE distribu- matrix ranged from 0.30 to 0.47 and from 0.29 to 0.65,
tion of the Eppawala carbonatite rock in the present study respectively, whereas Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce*) of apatite
almost followed the patterns of Pitawala et al. (2003) crystals and secondary phosphate matrix were in the range
and Manthilake et al. (2008), while the HREE contents of 0.37–0.63 and 0.40–0.62, respectively (Table 1). Since
of the carbonatite rock in the present study were higher. all samples of both apatite crystals and the secondary
The individual REE content trends in both apatite crys- phosphate matrix components showed Eu/Eu* and Ce/Ce*
tals and secondary phosphate matrix followed a decreas- values less than unity, the leached zone of the EPD is char-
ing order of Cerium (Ce) > La > Nd > Pr > Gd > Sm > acterized with negative Eu and Ce anomalies. Eppawala
Y > Er > Dy > Tb > Eu > Yb > Ho > Tm > Lu (Table 1) fresh carbonatites also have negative Eu and Ce anomalies
with the highest Ce concentrations (1565 ppm for apatite (Eu/Eu* = 0.36 (northern carbonatite) and 0.42 (southern
crystals, 1507 ppm for secondary phosphate matrix) and carbonatite), and Ce/Ce* = 0.39 (northern carbonatite) and
lowest Lu concentrations (2.2 ppm forapatite crystals and 0.14 (southern carbonatite)).
3.1 ppm forsecondary phosphate matrix). Eu anomalies

Fig. 5  PXRD patterns of a) apatite crystals and b) secondary phosphate matrix samples from location EP3 at the EPD

Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446 Page 9 of 18 446

Mineralogy in the EPD matrix. The broader diffraction peaks in Fig. 5b indicate the
poor crystallinity in the secondary phosphate matrix (Díaz-
The PXRD investigation revealed the presence of only apa- Acha et al. 2019; Ali et al. 2022). Furthermore, the miner-
tite group minerals in both apatite crystals and the secondary alogical results of apatite crystals in the present study are
phosphate matrix of the EPD (Fig. 5). Apatite crystals con- consistent with the previous literature (Pitawala et al. 2003;
tained apatite, chlorapatite, fluorapatite, and hydroxylapa- Hewawasam 2013).
tite (Fig. 5a), whereas only fluorapatite and hydroxylapatite In contrast, the PXRD mineralogical results of the sec-
were observed in the secondary phosphate matrix (Fig. 5b). ondary phosphate matrix in this study are not consistent with
The fewer amounts of minerals identified in the secondary those of Hewawasam (2013). This is due to the difference in
phosphate matrix compared to the apatite crystals may be the analyzed secondary matrix in the two studies, in which
due to the lower crystallinity of the secondary phosphate Hewawasam (2013) studied the secondary phosphate matrix

Fig. 6  SEM–EDS results of apatite crystals (a), secondary phosphate matrix (b) samples from location EP3, and carbonatite rock (c) samples
from location EP19. The scale of all the SEM images is 10 µm

446 Page 10 of 18 Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446

of the top weathered zone, while the secondary phosphate were depleted. According to Table 2, the previous literature
matrix of the leached zone was investigated in the current (Dahanayake 1995; Pitawala et al. 2003; Manthilake et al.
study. As the weathering progresses from the parent car- 2008) has reported similar major oxide compositions for the
bonatite rock to unconsolidated topsoil, ions such as ­Ca2+ EPD and it validates the results obtained in the present study.
and ­PO43− tend to leach out from the apatite structure and
can react with either existing clay minerals or Ca-, Al- and Redistribution of REEs and major elements
K-rich meteoric water. This will lead to the formation of in the weathered regolith
non-apatitic phosphate minerals such as millisite and cran-
dallite in the top weathering profiles. Furthermore, leaching Figure 7a illustrates the REE redistribution during the for-
could be intense in the top weathered zone resulting com- mation of the weathered regolith in the EPD. In apatite
plete removal of ­PO43− ions from the structure, which even- crystals and the secondary phosphate matrix of the north-
tually forms clay minerals like gibbsite. Moreover, succes- ern regolith, all REEs exhibited similar levels of enrich-
sive weathering can alter several minerals such as pyroxene, ments (about 200–400%). However, an increase in HREEs,
hematite, and oligoclase to form goethite and clay minerals Sm, and Eu concentrations was observed in the secondary
like kaolinite. Therefore, mineralogical changes can occur in phosphate matrix of the northern regolith. In contrast, a
different weathering profiles at the EPD (Hewawasam 2013). slightly different trend of REE distribution was evident in
Figure 6 shows the SEM–EDS results of apatite crys- the southern regolith (about 100–600% gains), where LREEs
tals, secondary phosphate matrix, and the EPD carbonatite were more enriched compared to HREEs. However, HREEs
rock, which were used to identify the mineral phases present (except Y), Sm, and Eu contents were highly retained in
at the micro-scale. The SEM–EDS observations of apatite the secondary phosphate matrix of the southern regolith.
crystals showed high-intensity peaks of Ca, P, and O, and In general, REEs were significantly enriched in the regolith
peaks of Cl, F, and Si with considerable intensity (Fig. 6a). during weathering.
This confirms the presence of apatite group minerals ­(Ca5 Geochemical gains and losses (percentage change of ratios)
­[PO4]3[F, Cl, OH]) in the apatite crystals of the EPD, which of major elements in the weathered profile relative to the car-
is consistent with the PXRD results. In Fig. 6b, Al and Fe bonatite rock revealed a significant compositional change
peaks were also observed in addition to high-intensity Ca, during weathering (Fig. 7b). P was highly concentrated in
P, and O peaks, suggesting the presence of minerals, such as apatite crystals and secondary phosphate matrix while most
gibbsite (Al(OH3)) and goethite (FeO(OH)) in the secondary other elements had negligible enrichments or depletions in
phosphate matrix of the EPD (Gamaletsos et al. 2019). The the weathered regolith. Ca, K, Na, Si, Mn, and Fe showed
mineralogical results of the present study are compatible only a moderate reduction, while Mg showed a pronounced
with Hewawasam (2013), given that the latter study also depletion. Although there was a negligible enrichment of tita-
identified gibbsite and goethite in the secondary phosphate nium in apatite crystals, it was moderately concentrated in the
matrix. High-intensity peaks of Ca and O with Mg peaks secondary phosphate matrix. In addition, Al is enriched in the
of considerable intensity (Fig. 6c) suggested the presence weathering profile of EPD with significant enrichment in the
of calcite and dolomite in the carbonatite rock at the EPD secondary phosphate matrix.
(Gamaletsos et al. 2019).

Major oxide geochemistry Discussion

Table 2 summarizes the major oxide contents of the selected Weathering and supergene enrichment of REEs
apatite crystals, secondary phosphate matrix, and carbonatite at the EPD
rock in the EPD compared to published data. Based on the
results of the current study, apatite crystals displayed high Several factors have been identified to influence REE
contents of CaO (51.8–54.3 wt%) and ­P2O5 (38.6–40.5 wt%), mobilization and redistribution during the formation of
low concentrations of ­SiO2 (1.20–1.96 wt%) and ­Al2O3 regolith-hosted REE deposits under tropical climate con-
(0.22–1.65 wt%), and negligible contents of other major ditions (Xiong et al. 2018; Li et al. 2020). Mostly, the key
oxides (< 1 wt%) (Table 2). In contrast, the secondary phos- factors are mineral dissolution, supergene mineral precipi-
phate matrix showed high contents of S ­ iO2 (1.13–8.54 wt%), tation, adsorption, and hillslope processes, such as erosion,
­Al2O3 (1.34–4.56 wt%), and F ­ e2O3 (1.90–2.76 wt%) besides infiltration, throughflow (i.e., the lateral unsaturated flow
the high concentrations of CaO and P ­ 2O5. In the carbonatite of water in the soil zone), and baseflow (i.e., seepage of
rock, CaO and MgO were enriched while S ­ iO2 was present groundwater into streams) (Laveuf and Cornu 2009; Jowitt
in a minute concentration, and other oxides including P ­ 2O 5 et al. 2017; Liu et al. 2022). The results of the present study

Table 2  Major oxide contents (wt%) in primary apatite crystals, secondary phosphate matrix, and carbonatite rock of the EPD with comparison to published data
Major Present study Published data
Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446

(wt%) Primary apatite crystals (n = 4) Secondary phosphate matrix Car- Primary apatite ­crystalsa (n = 5) Secondary phosphate ­matrixa Carbonatite rocks (n = 7)
(n = 3) bonatite (Manthilake et al. 2008) (n = 2) (Dahanayake 1995) (Pitawala et al. 2003)
Avg Std. Dev Example Avg Std. Dev Example EP19 Avg Std. Dev Example (AC- Avg Std. Dev Example (M1) Avg Std. Dev Example
(EP6) (EP11) 2) (P-DAN-

SiO2 1.51 0.31 1.23 3.89 3.31 2.01 2.03 2.18 0.20 2.39 0.30 0.15 0.15 0.23 0.15 0.09
TiO2 0.06 0.01 0.06 1.19 1.41 0.29 0.03 Bdl Bdl Bdl 0.73 0.30 1.03 Bdl Bdl Bdl
Al2O3 0.96 0.52 0.22 2.55 1.43 1.34 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.05 4.08 2.63 1.45 0.05 0.04 Bdl
MnO 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.15 0.09 0.23 0.07 0.01 0.08
MgO 0.29 0.06 0.30 0.22 0.05 0.20 10.60 0.28 0.06 0.17 0.13 0.06 0.18 4.53 2.71 3.63
CaO 53.25 1.02 54.10 48.20 4.79 50.70 41.90 55.22 1.37 53.70 44.30 0.40 43.90 50.10 2.48 51.86
Na2O 0.27 0.10 0.17 0.19 0.02 0.16 0.07 Bdl Bdl Bdl 0.17 0.04 0.20 0.03 0.01 0.03
K2O 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.02 Bdl Bdl Bdl 0.01 0.00 0.01 Bdl Bdl Bdl
P2O5 39.70 0.76 40.30 37.83 1.92 38.00 0.21 41.30 1.31 42.20 34.80 1.60 33.20 1.69 3.63 0.18
Fe2O3 0.93 0.49 1.76 2.41 0.37 2.56 0.23 – – – 7.04 4.86 11.90 0.73 0.31 0.43
FeO – – – – – – – 0.07 0.01 0.05 – – – – – –
CIA 60.05 12.42 39.02 84.18 4.54 80.01 20.69 – – – – – – – – –

Bdl: below the detection limit, CIA: chemical index of alteration

The names of samples are not given in Dahanayake 1995 and Manthilake et al. 2008, thus herein they are numbered as [M1, M2], and [AC-1, AC-2, AC-3, AC-4, AC-5], respectively

Page 11 of 18 446
446 Page 12 of 18 Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446

Fig. 7  Geochemical plots of

the relative losses and gains
(percentage change of ratios,
Eq. (1)) of a) REEs and b)
major elements in the weathered
regolith relative to carbonatite
parent rock

have revealed strong REE enrichments in the weathered similar chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns of
regolith at the EPD (200 to 400% change in the northern the regolith and carbonatite bedrock (Fig. 4) indicate an in-
regolith and 100–600% in the southern one) compared to the situ formation of the apatite crystals and secondary phos-
parent carbonatite rock (Fig. 7a). Although this significant phate matrix (Schilling et al. 2014).
enrichment of REEs in the weathered profile of the EPD In contrast, similar levels of REE enrichments were
infers an REE mobilization, weathering-resistant primary observed in the apatite crystals and secondary phosphate
apatite group minerals cannot mobilize REEs from the bed- matrix of the EPD (Fig. 4), suggesting an immobilization
rock to the phosphate-rich regolith. Therefore, REE enrich- of REEs during the formation of the secondary phosphate
ment at this incipient weathering stage could be mainly due matrix in the leached zone through the dissolution of apatite
to the strong apatite residual enrichment (about 6–16 fold) crystals. According to Minařı́k et al. (1998), REEs can be
in the weathered regolith resulting from the dissolution of immobilized and fixed in the weathering products due to
major rock-forming minerals like calcite and dolomite (Li the mechanisms of retention in weathering resistant primary
et al. 2020). This apatite enrichment accompanied by the minerals, incorporation in newly formed crystalline or amor-
decomposition of calcite and dolomite during weathering is phous phases, and adsorption by clay minerals. Considering
conspicuous when comparing the significant enrichment of the presence of primary (fluorapatite and hydroxylapatite)
­P2O5 and the depletion of CaO and MgO (Fig. 7b). However, and secondary (gibbsite and goethite) minerals (Figs. 5b and

Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446 Page 13 of 18 446

6b), REEs are possibly immobilized in the secondary phos- a high-temperature aqueous fluid evolved from the magma,
phate matrix of the EPD through the following processes: and subsequent dissolution and recrystallization of apatite
(1) retention in apatite group minerals like fluorapatite crystals may have caused the evident negative Eu anomaly
and hydroxylapatite or (2) incorporation in newly formed in the secondary phosphate matrix (Bühn et al. 2001).
secondary mineral phases, such as gibbsite and goethite.
Furthermore, the lateral distribution of REEs did not vary Minerals controlling REE distribution
markedly within the EPD (Table 1) as the deposit is located
in flatter terrain with lesser precipitation compared to other As delineated by Laveuf and Cornu (2009), the primary
areas in the country, resulting in low rates of surface erosion, sinks of REEs in regolith-hosted REE deposits are REE-
which prevents the lateral distribution of REEs (Hewawasam bearing minerals, such as monazite, bastnaesite, xenotime,
2013; Tematio et al. 2017; Dushyantha et al. 2021a). and parisite. In addition, some secondary minerals, such as
A strong fractionation of LREEs to HREEs was evident Fe- and Mn-oxides or hydroxides, phosphates, and clay min-
in the weathered profiles at the EPD (Fig. 4). Since this frac- erals, along with certain rock-forming mineral relicts like
tionation was also observed in the carbonatite parent rock zircon, garnet, and titanite, are considered carriers for REEs
in less magnitude, it should be inherited from magmatic (Laveuf and Cornu 2009).
REE fractionation (Jowitt et al. 2017). LREE to HREE frac- Based on the correlation analysis between REE contents
tionation started from the parent carbonatite rock continues and major oxides (Table 3), ƩREE and ƩLREE contents in
through the weathering process with increased enrichments apatite crystals show significant positive correlations with
in the weathered profiles, such as at Mt Weld (Lottermoser ­P2O5 and CaO, whereas ƩHREE content correlates only
1990) and in southeastern Bahia in Brazil (Marker and de with ­P2O5. In contrast, the correlations of ƩREE, ƩLREE,
Oliveira 1994). During the process of weathering, HREEs and ƩHREE contents with ­P2O5 and CaO in the secondary
are preferentially released to groundwater and rivers as they phosphate matrix is highly positive (with r value closer to 1).
form stronger complexes with ligands in solutions than Besides that, no other significant correlations were evident
LREEs (e.g., high susceptibility of HREEs to form com- between REEs and major oxides in the EPD. The signifi-
plexes with carbonate ions in groundwater) (Compton et al. cant positive correlation of REEs, particularly LREEs with
2003), resulting in higher LREE enrichment in each litho- ­P2O5 and CaO in apatite crystals indicates that REEs are
logical section from bottom to top, while HREEs depleted mostly present in the form of apatite group minerals, such
gradually (Minařı́k et al. 1998; Jowitt et al. 2017). as chlorapatite, fluorapatite, and hydroxylapatite (Fig. 5a).
The present study elucidates negative Ce and Eu anoma- Furthermore, highly positive correlations of REEs with P ­ 2O5
lies in both the weathered regolith and the parent carbon- and CaO in the secondary phosphate matrix indicate that
atite rock of the EPD (Fig. 4, Table 1). It has been reported fluorapatite and hydroxylapatite could be the potential car-
that the REE behavior during weathering is complex due to riers of REEs in the secondary phosphate matrix (Decrée
the occurrence of REE leaching, residual enrichment, and et al. 2020; Zhukova et al. 2021).
negative and positive Ce anomaly. However, the origin of Therefore, as discussed in Sect. Weathering and super-
negative Ce anomaly in REE deposits is rarely discussed gene enrichment of REEs at the EPD, the immobilization
(Zhukova et al. 2021). Since fresh carbonatite rock in gen- of REEs during the formation of the secondary phosphate
eral associated with REE deposits does not contain any Ce matrix may be caused by the retention of REEs in weath-
anomaly, the carbonatite rock that we studied may contain ering-resistant fluorapatite and hydroxylapatite minerals
oxidized zones as in some other carbonatite complexes in the (Minařı́k et al. 1998; Jowitt et al. 2017). Apatite group min-
world, such as Bear Lodge carbonatite complex, Wyoming, erals have long been known as significant carriers of REEs
where Ce/Ce* is 0.57 and Chuktukon carbonatite com- in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks (Holmden
plex, Russia, where Ce/Ce* is 0.5 (Andersen et al. 2017; et al. 1996; Pan and Fleet 2002). Moreover, the ability of
Zhukova et al. 2021). The evident negative Ce anomalies apatite to accommodate REEs has been well demonstrated
in both apatite crystals and secondary phosphate matrix by the formation of natural and synthetic apatite (Pan and
may have resulted from REE mineral alteration through the Fleet 2002). It has been shown that REEs are incorporated
interaction with a superficial oxidizing fluid (mostly mete- ­ a2+ with R
in apatite by substituting C ­ EE3+. Four major types
oric) or precipitation of ­Ce3+ as fluorocarbonate minerals of charge-compensating mechanisms have been proposed for
in the regolith (Reinhardt et al. 2018). The concentration this substitution as follows (Chen et al. 2002):
of Eu in tropical laterites during the stages of weathering
is generally controlled by the parent properties, contents of REE3+ + X2− = Ca2+ + F− (2)
organic matter, and clay minerals (Yang et al. 2000). How-
ever, the pronounced negative Eu anomaly in the primary REE3+ + M+ = 2Ca2+ (3)
apatite crystals may be due to the extraction of E­ u2+ through

446 Page 14 of 18 Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446

Table 3  The Pearson’s coefficients of correlation (r) matrix between ƩREE, ƩLREE, and ƩHREE contents and major oxide contents in primary apatite crystals and secondary phosphate matrix


− 0.93 1

− 0.71 − 0.71 1


− 0.78 0.40
− 0.88 1
− 0.88 1

− 0.94 − 0.92 − 0.84 − 0.83 − 0.96 0.96

− 0.99 − 0.99 − 0.96 − 0.62 − 1.00 1








Fig. 8  A comparison of the REE abundances in the EPD with the

median abundances of phosphate rocks (black dots) in the world.




Adapted from Chen and Graedel 2015



Secondary Phosphate Matrix

REE3+ + SiO4−
= Ca2+ + PO3−
4 (4)
− 0.68
− 0.99
− 0.99
− 0.99
− 0.94

− 0.85
− 0.85

− 0.82


2REE3+ + (vacancy) = 3Ca2+ (5)

− 0.99 − 0.99
− 0.99 − 0.99
− 0.98 − 0.98
− 0.94 − 0.93
− 0.70 − 0.70

− 0.84 − 0.83
− 0.84 − 0.83

− 0.84 − 0.84




Economic Potential of the EPD


According to the comparison of REE abundance in the

− 0.42 − 0.42 0.33

EPD with the median abundances of REEs of the phos-

− 0.99 − 0.99 1

phate rocks in the world (Fig. 8), most REEs in the


EPD (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Er, and Yb) had

higher abundances compared to their median values in


− 0.99 0.99

phosphate rocks (PR), while the rest (Dy, Ho, Tm, Lu,
− 0.99 1

and Y) fell within the same or lower range as of their



medians. Among the highly enriched REEs in the EPD,

− 0.99 − 0.53 − 0.86 − 0.62 − 0.48 1

− 0.99 − 0.52 − 0.86 − 0.63 − 0.49 1

LREEs shared a large percentage, while only HREEs,




such as Tb and Er showed significant enrichments. The


r > 0.5: significant positive correlation (highlighted in bold)

United States Department of Energy has identified five




− 0.77 0.17

REEs as critical rare earth elements (CREEs), namely Nd,


Eu, Tb, Dy, and Y for both short and long terms, based
− 0.28 0.36


on their role in renewable energy as well as the supply

risk. In addition, Pr is also considered critical since it



− 0.39 0.22

acts as a substitution for Nd in permanent magnets used

in renewable energy components (e.g., electric vehicles



and direct drive wind turbines) (Rare Element Resources

− 0.49

− 0.47
− 0.90
− 0.98

− 0.51
− 0.42
Primary Apatite Crystals

2016). Therefore, Tb, Nd, Pr, and Eu enrichment in the



EPD highlights the economic importance of the EPD as a

− 0.61 − 0.62

− 0.53 − 0.54
− 0.95 − 0.95
− 0.98 − 0.98

− 0.62 − 0.63
− 0.54 − 0.55

source for these CREEs. Considering the average grades




of these elements and the reserve of 60 million tonnes in


the EPD (Hewawasam 2013; Dushyantha 2018), Tb, Nd,

ƩHREE 0.99


of the EPD

Pr, and Eu contents could be roughly estimated as 2897


, 54,468 , 17,994 , and 2508 tonnes, respectively. Due to







Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446 Page 15 of 18 446

the criticality of these REEs, the current prices of Tb, Nd, Rötzer and Schmidt 2018). In this regard, the EPD could
Pr, and Eu oxides in the global market are at a spike with be a strategic target for future REE supply considering its
USD1,849,000, 101,532, 94,432, and 27,690 per tonne, ability to recover REEs as a by-product. Moreover, radioac-
respectively (Shanghai Metals Market 2022). Therefore, tive element contents of both apatite crystals (Th = 100 ppm,
the EPD could be considered as a possible source for these U = 10.1 ppm) and secondary matrix (Th = 75.8 ppm,
CREEs, especially Nd and Pr. However, detailed explora- U = 8.8 ppm) in the EPD are much lower than that of other
tion works along with economic viability studies must be types of REE deposits, such as placer deposits (e.g., Odi-
carried out to assess the actual potential of these CREEs. sha—10.2 wt% ­ThO2, 0.3 wt% ­UO3 and Chavara —5.8 wt%
Based on the present work, the average total rare earth Th, 0.3 wt% U in India) (Singh 2020), making the EPD a
oxide (TREO) grades in the apatite crystals and secondary sustainable REE source not only economically but also envi-
phosphate matrix of the EPD were obtained as 0.49 wt% ronmentally and sociologically.
TREO and 0.48 wt% TREO, respectively. Moreover, the
average light rare earth oxide (LREO) and heavy rare earth
oxide (HREO) grades of the apatite crystals and secondary Conclusions
phosphate matrix were 0.43 wt% LREO, 0.06 wt% HREO,
and 0.42 wt% LREO, 0.06 wt% HREO, respectively. Table 4 The explored phosphate-rich regolith of the EPD
presents the REO contents in several phosphate deposits showed high concentrations of REEs (apatite crystals:
disseminated across the world. Out of them, some are in ƩREE 4071 ppm; secondary phosphate matrix: ƩREE
the production stage, while others are still in the incipient 4063 ppm) with significant enrichment of LREEs over
stages. In comparison to the phosphate deposits shown in HREEs (ƩLREE/ƩHREE ratio > 7). REEs are highly con-
Table 4, REE reserve at the EPD could be considered as low centrated in the weathered regolith compared to the parent
grade, however, it is still higher relative to a few phosphate carbonatite rock, mainly due to the enrichment of residual
deposits, such as Zhijin in China, Florida in the USA, and apatite during weathering with the dissolution of carbonate
Gloserheia in Norway. minerals, such as calcite and dolomite. However, the appar-
Therefore, the EPD might be significant as a diverse ent geochemical consistency between apatite crystals and
source for REEs in Sri Lanka, especially for CREEs that are secondary phosphate matrix in the leached zone of the EPD
rarer and less concentrated but highly demanded and priced may be due to the retention of weathering-resistant apatite
due to their importance in permanent magnets for renew- minerals like fluorapatite and hydroxylapatite. Pearson’s
able energy development. Moreover, considering an average coefficients of correlation analysis between REEs and major
TREO grade of 0.48%, the average REE reserve at the EPD oxides showed that apatite group minerals such as chlorapa-
is estimated at approximately 0.29 million tonnes of TREO. tite, fluorapatite, and hydroxylapatite are the primary REE
Furthermore, average LREE and HREE reserves at the EPD ore minerals in the EPD, in which REEs are incorporated
are about 0.26 million tonnes of LREO (using an average through the substitution of ­Ca2+ by ­REE3+.
grade of 0.43% LREO) and 0.03 million tonnes of HREO According to the rough estimations, the EPD has a TREO
(using an average grade of 0.06% HREO), respectively. grade of 0.48% with an REO reserve of 0.29 million tonnes.
The outstripping REE demand over supply along with Furthermore, the EPD could be considered a potential
future developments in extractive metallurgy will promote source of Tb, Nd, Pr, and Eu due to their high enrichment in
even low-grade REE sources to become economically viable the deposit and their criticality in the global REE market. In
in the domestic and global REE market (Jowitt et al. 2017; addition, the comparison of REO grades between the EPD

Table 4  A comparison of rare earth oxide contents (wt%) in the EPD with respective to different phosphate rocks in the world
Phosphate deposit Country REO (wt%) Mineralogy (reserves) References

Eppawala phosphate deposit Sri Lanka 0.31–0.76 Chlorapatite, fluorapatite, and hydroxylapatite This study
Kola Russia 0.80–1.00 Igneous apatite, REE-carbonates (11.50 Mt REO) Zielinski et al. (1993)
Khibiny Russia 0.35–4.00 – Zaitsev et al. (2015)
Zhijin China 0.05–0.13 1.45 Mt REO Nie et al. (2013)
Florida USA 0.06–0.29 REE-francolite Zhang (2014)
Kiirunavaara Sweden 0.07–0.83 Monazite and xenotime inclusions Harlov et al. (2002)
Southern Mongolia Mongolia 1.36–6.15 Magnetite-apatite (0.30 Mt REO) Kim et al. (2016)
Gloserheia (Forland) Norway 0.06–0.36 Monazite and xenotime inclusions Åmli (1975)

446 Page 16 of 18 Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:446

and other phosphate deposits in the world indicated a sub- Binnemans K, Jones PT, Blanpain B et al (2013) Recycling of rare
economic potential of REEs to be exploited as by-products earths: a critical review. J Clean Prod 51:1–22. https://​doi.​org/​10.​
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Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge the financial Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of phosphatic
support provided by the Accelerating Higher Education and Develop- crusts developed on the basement carbonatites of Sri Lanka:
ment (AHEAD) Operation of the Ministry of Higher Education of Sri towards a better understanding of the weathering process. Ceylon
Lanka funded by the World Bank (AHEAD/DOR/6026-LK/8743-LK). J Sci 50:377
Moreover, the authors acknowledge PXRD, SEM, and XRD analysis Charalampides G, Vatalis KI, Apostoplos B, Ploutarch-Nikolas B
facilities provided by the Department of Applied Earth Sciences, Fac- (2015) Rare earth elements: industrial applications and economic
ulty of Applied Sciences, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka; dependency of Europe. Proced Econ Finance 24:126–135. https://​
the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engi- doi.​org/​10.​1016/​S2212-​5671(15)​00630-9
neering, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka; and the Geo- Chen M, Graedel TE (2015) The potential for mining trace elements
logical Survey and Mines Bureau, Pitakotte, Sri Lanka, respectively. from phosphate rock. J Clean Prod 91:337–346. https://​doi.​org/​
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the Western Cape, South Africa. Chem Geol 201:239–255. https://​
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