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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name
NEBOSH learner
Learning Partner name

Please note: if you decide not to use this template, you will need to include the same
information on your submission, including the following:
 your unit code (eg IG1);
 the examination date;
 your name;
 your NEBOSH learner number;
 your Learning Partner’s name;
 page numbers for all pages;
 question numbers next to each of your responses.

You do not need to copy out the questions.

Please save your completed answer document with your surname,

your first name, your NEBOSH learner number, and your Learning
Partner’s name.
For example, a learner called Dominic Towlson with the learner number
12345678, who has taken their course with a Learning Partner called
GMMTA International will name their submission:
Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 1: Obligations of employers to workers

Question 1

Task 2: Health and safety management roles and responsibilities

Question 2

Task 3: Induction training

Question 3

Task 4: Accident investigation and control measures

Question 4 (a) (i)

Question 4 (a) (ii)

Question 4 (b)

Task 5: Risk assessment

Question 5

Task 6: Human factors contributing to the accident with the printer

Question 6

Task 7: Financial arguments for the MD to improve health and safety

Question 7
In order to convince the Managing Director of this organization by stating that due to
improper arrangements of health and safety major accident can take place which will lead
to fatality of workers and stoppage of the RP company. To support my arguments, I will
discuss the following costs linked with the accidents and incidents.

 RP company has to pay for the medical treatment, hospitalization and first aid
treatment costs for those workers who will be injured at the workplace.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

 Higher staff turnover, sickness and absenteeism rate will take place when health
and safety will not be managed adequately and this will impact on fulfilling the
orders leading to major impact on the financial resources of the company.

 The RP Company has pay for the costs which will be linked with the repair and
maintenance of the damaged printing equipment, tools and machinery when
health and safety will not be managed adequately.

 Workers staff moral will be down because of the inadequate management of health
and safety and this will directly reduce the productivity, quality and efficiency of
work in the RP organization.

 Organization will not be able to attract new customers and contracts due to more
delays as already this company is facing the labour shortage. Moreover,
organization reputation will be damaged to not delivering orders on the time.

 Organization has to spend money on the hiring and training of new workers and
there will be a loss of production time in this process.

 Insurance premium will be increased and even injured workers can claim for
compensation and this will too impact on the financial resources of the

 Due to the inadequate standards of the health and safety property damage,
environmental damage and a fatality can take place which cause major fine or
even stoppage of the work.

 There will be loss of production time in investigating the accidents and incidents in
the workplace and additional costs for implementing the additional control
measures in the RP organization.

Therefore, to restrict all of these costs and to avoid any damage to the printing business
health and safety must be improved in the RP Organization.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and sources For example: course notes, HSG245

of information you used
in your examination

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website: https://www.nebosh.org.uk/open-book-

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

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