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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Muhammad Waris

NEBOSH learner 00527267
Learning Partner name 1428-Abacus International Training and Consultancy

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 1: Obligations of employers to workers

Question 1
Based on the scenario, employer obligations as per Recommendation 10 of International
Labour Organisation R164 - Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation,1981 (No.
164) which have been not fulfilled and caused to an accident are describe below:

 Employer must provide required information, instruction and training to workers

about safe use of machinery and equipment but based on scenario these
arrangements were not made which led to an accident.

 Employer should maintain safe working environment but if we consider current

circumstances focus was only to meet the targets and working hours and shift
patterns were inadequate which shows that employer did not fulfil his duty.

 Machinery and equipment should be safe for employees and without any hazards
and risks and based on scenario printer have jammer several time and
appropriate measure was not taken by employer.

 Employer must provide adequate level of supervision to ensure the compliance

with safety but based on the scenario, ESM was not present and even competent
person was not allocated within the young workers.

 Employer should take suitable measures to eliminate fatigue by providing rest

periods and taking suitable measures but there arrangements were not seen and
incentive scheme was in place which is causing workers to behave unsafely.

 Only verbal instructions were given to employees and no written procedures were
given to workers which shows that employer breached the ILO recommendation

 Adequate PPE’s must be provided by employer to employees to ensure their

safety but there arrangements were not done and even rollers were not replaced
and maintained.

 No interest was shown by employer to enhance his knowledge about health and
safety and keep up to date with new legislation and law and MD of RP was mainly
focusing on the profits.

 Higher staff turnover and sickness rates denote that employer is not maintain safe
environment and working procedures are inadequate which indicate that employer
has failed to ensure the proper health and safety in the workplace.

Task 2: Health and safety management roles and responsibilities

Question 2
As per the given information in the scenario, it can be seen that roles and responsibilities
were not fulfilled adequately to manage the health and safety such as:

 MD was mainly considering the business to meet with targets and to gain profits
and did not ensure that right organization health and safety policy is in place or
roles and responsibilities are defined to each employee.

 Proper information, instruction and training were not given to young workers
which were more exposed to hazards and risks and just verbal instructions were

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

given to them.

 MD, ESL and LSM did not allocate sufficient funds to properly manage the health
and safety, hence bonus provision was made by them to done the tasks quickly
and because of that young workers were taking risks.

 ESM and LSM must ensure that employees are competent about the allocated
tasks but based on the information given in scenario, young worker was allocated
in busiest and hazardous area workplace.

 ESM and MD did not give any preference to investigate accident and considered
that they are not accountable as ESM delayed the accident investigation and did
not try to preserve the accident scene.

 Emergency response plan and procedures were not provided to workers by MD,
ESM and LSM and young workers were unaware about the actions to take in
case of roller accident.

 There was no training arrangement for newly hired temporary workers in the RP
workplace and workers were unaware about hazards and risks of the workplace.

 MD, ESM and LSM did show any visible leadership on the health and safety
matters and prime concern was only fulfilling the targets.

 ESM and LSM were not aware about the importance of the risk assessment and it
was old and outdated and there was not procedure laid to control the

Task 3: Induction training

Question 3
Below mentioned information must be included in the induction session of the temporary
workers to prevent injuries and accidents in a RP Printing Company.

 Details and information about the RP health and safety policy to make sure that
temporary workers become aware that who does what, when and how in the

 Information and instructions should be given to workers regarding hazards and

risks involved within the printing machinery and how to work safely such as by
sharing risk assessment.

 Details about the emergency response plan procedures such as actions and
steps to be carried out in case of emergency as based on scenario, temporary
workers was unaware about the procedure.

 Hazards and risks involved in the workplace, their control measures and how to
perform work safely for instance as per given scenario due to lack of induction
young worker tried to clear jam and ignored the safety signage.

 Responsibilities of individuals must be shared in the induction session and

temporary workers must be aware about their limitations during work such as
clearing jam should have avoided and it was not the duty of worker.

 Location of the welfare facilities, first aid arrangements and restricted areas

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

information must be included in the induction session to increase the awareness
among temporary employees.

 Details about the consultation arrangements, safety signage, hazardous

chemicals, disciplinary procedures and No Smoking areas must be given to

 Information about the safe use of printing machinery, tool, equipment must be
included in the induction session, workers should be instructed about safe method
to be taken in case of any jam.

 Information about the reporting of accident and incident, how to report and where
to send the report, including how to preserve the accident and what actions
should be taken in case of accident.

 Details about the safe system of work, permit to work system, LOTO and risk
assessment should be included in the safety induction of employees.

 Information about the PPE’s to be worn, their correct use and storage must be
included in the induction session of workers.

Task 4: Accident investigation and control measures

Question 4 (a) (i)

Question 4 (a) (ii)

Question 4 (b)

Task 5: Risk assessment

Question 5
By considering the information mentioned in the scenario, it can be noticed that the
adequate approach was not taken by RP organization to assess hazards and risks and to
take appropriate measures.

It can be seen that there is old and out dated risk assessment is available in the RP
organization and task based risk assessments are not being performed to identify the
hazards and risks and to restrict them. Risk assessments which were done by the RP
organization cover only the use of printer and hazards and risks which are involved within
the clearing jams were not included in them, which indicates that risk assessment
completed was not adequate.

The risk assessments done by predecessor were not effectively communicated to all
workers so that they can become aware about the hazards and risks involved within their
tasks and even the managers were unaware about where risk assessments were kept.
It is significant that PR regularly review and assess the risk assessment related to
different tasks activities and to make sure that it is adequate and covers all types of
hazards and risks associated in the workplace but such kind of arrangements were not in

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

Detailed review of work process, procedures, machinery and equipment must have done
by the RP company to identify the hazards and risks of the roller and printing machinery
by involving workers in risk assessment procedures, conducting proper communication
and consultation with them but these arrangements were not in place and suitable and
sufficient risk assessment was not done for clearing the jam safely as previously jams
have taken place but manager did not take any preventive action to restrict them and not
included in the risk assessment,

Only verbal instructions were given to the young workers and detailed working
procedures, hazards and risks involved within the printer machinery and roller were not
communicated and even risk assessment was not conducted and shared with the young
worker, MD, ESM and LSM did not bother what safe and unsafe practices are being done
in the workplace and this contributed to an accident. Hence, RP organization must
conduct a systematic process to identify the hazards and risks, their likelihood and
severity, existing controls and what further controls along with the responsible person are
needed to restrict the hazards and risks linked with the machinery. Unfortunately, these
arrangements were not in place and this shows that approach to risk was poor.

Proper communication and consultation with workers, Permit to work system, safe work
method statement, accident and incident data, medical records, enforcement actions,
complaints from the workforce and proper inspection must be carried out to identify the
hazards and risks involved within the workplace and measures can be taken to deal with
them, however considering the given scenario risk assessment record was not
maintained and even other arrangements were not in place to adequately assess the
hazards and risks.

Overall, RP approach to assess the hazards and risks was not up to mark and serious
accident occurred due to lack of preventive measures and gaps in conducting risk
assessment for each tasks and activities and to apply LOTO for high risk activities.

Task 6: Human factors contributing to the accident with the printer

Question 6
Below mentioned individual human factors resulted into an accident at the RP printing

 Young worker had a poor risk perception due to lack of good quality information,
instruction and training and was unable to recognize hazards and risks associated
within the printer.

 Young temporary had a lack of necessary skills to perform work safely within the
printer as he tried to clear the jam and removed the safety guard which caused an
accident as no training was provided to him.

 Poor attitude of worker as he tried to fix the printer jam and removed the guard
and did not notice hazards and risk involved in that tasks and did not behave
safely in the RP organization and the main reason behind that was lack of
management commitment towards health and safety.

 Lack of proper supervision by the manager and allocation of competent person to

handle the hazardous job is another human factor leading to accident. The tasks
associated with printer should have handled by competent person but manager
allocated a young worker in the busiest area with just a one-week experience.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

 Mental ability of the worker was not adequate as he did not observe hazards and
risks linked within the printer and his ability to control the circumstances was not

 Young worker was not much motivated towards health and safety due to
demanding nature of work and lack of interest of management in managing health
and safety as the managers main concern was only to meet the targets.

 Workers behaved unsafely due to lack of competency as adequate information,

instruction, training, knowledge and experience were not provided to workers and
he tried to fix the printer by himself without taking safety measures.

 Age factor and maturity of workers plays a crucial role to perform the tasks safely
and due to immaturity and young age worker was not able to take safe action
regarding printer work.

 Job description and written procedures were not explained and provided to the
young workers by managers and this was the other major factor causing an
accident in the workplace.

 Working environment was not adequate as workers were trying to cover the much
tasks they could to get the incentives and this led workers to behave in an
irresponsible way leading to an accident.

 MD, LSM and ESM did not show visible leadership and lead by examples in the
RP organization and they were just considering to meet the deadline and to earn
profits and this attitude resulted into an accident as they did not arrange any
proper training, supervision and other safety measures for workers.

Task 7: Financial arguments for the MD to improve health and safety

Question 7
Based on the given scenario, I will utilize the below mentioned points to convince the MD
for improving the health and safety and giving it a first preference.

First aid treatment and Hospitalization:

Due to the poor arrangement’s accident can take place which will cause injuries to
workers and organization has to spend cost on the first aid treatment and hospitalization.

Sick pay to Injured Workers:

Workers who will be injured at the RP workplace will need a sick pay which has to be
paid by the MD and this will impact on the financial resources of the organization.

Replacement and Maintenance of damaged printing machinery and Equipment’s:

There will be a cost linked with the repair, replace and maintenance of the damaged
machinery, equipment and tools due to poor health and safety arrangements.

Overtime payment and Lost of production time due to staff turnover:

RP organization will not meet to their targets on time due to absence and increased staff
turn over and this will cause delay in meeting the deadlines and recruiting more workers.

Lower Staff Moral:

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

Due to occurrence and poor arrangements of health and safety employee’s moral will be
down which will directly reduce the productivity, quality and efficiency of printing

Loose of contracts and customers due to delays in meeting deadlines:

Organization will not get new customers and contracts due to poor arrangements of
health and safety and occurrence of the accident in the company leading to delays in
production and fulfilling orders.

Hiring and training of new staff:

There is higher staff turnover and sickness rates based on the given scenario and this will
increase more because of inadequate standards and arrangements and there will be
extra cost linked with hiring and training new employees.

Increase Insurance premium and stoppage of work:

As young workers are doing work and they are not competent in their tasks, this can
cause major accident such as fatality which will lead to stoppage of work, legal actions,
increase insurance premium, claims made by injured workers and even stoppage of

All of these above-mentioned costs can put an organization out of the business and
cannot be covered with the insurance premium. Therefore, MD must ensure the proper
health and safety in the RP organization to avoid them.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

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of published by RRC, based on scenario
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Course Book published by RRC, based on scenario
Task 5:
Course Book published by RRC, based on scenario
Task 6:
Course Book published by RRC, based on scenario
Task 7:
Course Book published by RRC, based on scenario

End of examination

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

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