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1) Explain the steps involved in project planning

2) Explain the following

a) Objectives of Project Management
b) Phases of Project Management
3) Explain following the short comes of bar chart
a) Review of project process b) Time uncertainties
4) List out the types of resources & explain the steps in decision
5) Explain following the short comes of bar chart with relevant
a. Lack of degree of details
b. Activity inter-relationships
6) Explain the steps involved in project scheduling and controlling
7) A project consists of 5 actives, A to E and the durations as follows:
Activities Duration (Weeks)
A 3
B 2
C 5
D 4
E 2
A & B can start parallel, C succeeds B,D succeeds A, E will start
after the completion of half the C
8) A project consists of 5 actives, A to E and the durations as follows:
Activities Duration (Weeks)
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5
E 3
B succeeds A, C & D can start parallel, C succeeds B, E will start
after the completion of half the D
9) Define event and explain the inter-relations along with types?
10) Define event and explain the specifications of events along
with types
11) Explain the rules for the provision of Dummies?
12) Define activity and explain the inter-relations between them
with suitable example?
13) State the successors, immediate successors, predecessors,
immediate predecessors for the given network diagram.

14) Explain the difference between the PERT & CPM

15) Explain the Network technique which is based on events?
16) Explain the CPM?

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