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E-governance Implementation on Birth Registration


Bibek Hadkhale (26304/077)

Kiran Maharjan (26318/077)
Prabuddha Shrestha (26324/077)
Prasanna Banstola (26328/077)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and
Information Technology

National College of Computer Studies

Paknajol, Nepal

We hereby declare that this case study entitled E-governance Implementation on Birth
Registration is based on our original research work. Related works on the topic, by other
researchers, have been duly acknowledged. We owe all the liabilities relating to accuracy and
authenticity of the data or any other information included hereunder.

Name of the Student:


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Shaila Mitra Neupane, our esteemed lecturer, for his
invaluable guidance, unwavering support, and insightful feedback throughout the course of this
project. We are deeply grateful for his dedication and expertise, which significantly contributed
to the success of our study
We are deeply indebted to both Mr. Shaila Mitra Neupane and the National College of Computer
Studies Management Team for their invaluable contributions, without which this study would not
have been possible. Their support and guidance have been indispensable, and we are immensely
grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow under their mentorship.


“Birth registration” is the foundation of civil registration and vital statistics systems around the
world, establishing the evidence of a person’s life at birth and the foundation of their legal
identity throughout life. This abstract outlines the importance of birth registration in protecting
individual rights, ensuring access to services, and promoting inclusivity in the general system.
The abstract further outlines the numerous advantages and justifications for birth registration,
including healthcare interventions, educational opportunities, social aid schemes, and crime
containment, among others. The review also identifies barriers to universal birth registration,
ranging from cultural considerations to administrative challenges and economic barriers. The
abstract concludes with a discussion of birth-registration-specific interventions and other factors
that should be considered.

Table of Content

Title Pag

Disclaimer i

Acknowledgment ii

Abstract iii

Table of Content iv

Abbreviations and Acronyms vii

Chapter 1: Introduction 8

1.1. Evolution of Birth Registration in Nepal 8

1.2. Birth Registration: Goals & Objectives 9
Chapter 2: Literature review 11

2.1. Background 11
2.2. Birth Registration Practice in Nepal 11
2.3. Present Scenario of Birth Registration Practice in Nepal 11
Chapter 3: Purpose & Benefits 13

3.1. Purpose of establishing a Birth Registration Department 13

3.2. Purpose of the Birth Registration system 13
3.3. Benefit from a Birth Registration 13
Chapter 4: Birth Registration in Nepal 15

4.1. Process of Birth Registration in Nepal 15

4.2. Documents required for Birth Registration 15
4.3. Online Birth Registration in Nepal. 15
4.3. Various conditions may arise during the Birth Registration in Nepal. 15
4.4. Fees Required for the Birth Registration in Nepal 16
4.5. Time required for birth Registration in Nepal 16

4.6. Frequently Asked Questions about Birth Registration in Nepal 16
Chapter 5: Field Visit Report 17

5.1. Some photos from the field visit 17

5.2. Findings from Field Visit 17
Chapter 6: Review/ Conclusion 19

6.1. Impacts of Birth Registration 19

6.2. Implementation challenges 20
6.3. Limitations 20
6.4. Conclusion 21
Chapter 7: Reference 22

Chapter 8: Sample of Birth Registration Form 23

List of Figures

Figure 1 Milestone chart of Birth Registration System in Nepal....................................................9
Figure 2 Sample Photo of Birth Certificate in Nepal....................................................................10
Figure 3 Sample of Birth Registration Form.................................................................................24

Abbreviations and Acronyms

BR Birth Registration

ID Identification

BRE Birth Registration entity

BRCMC Birth Registration Card Management Centre

UK United Kingdom

US United States

Chapter 1: Introduction

Birth registration is a critical tool for acquiring a legal status, claiming one’s rights, and enabling
full access to essential services. Given Nepal’s civil documentation systems are built around it,
birth registration in Nepal presents specificities, challenges, and opportunities conditioned by its
social and administrative context. The country is characterized by diversity and situated in the
heart of the Himalaya, has seen considerable improvement in birth registration coverage in the
past years. However, a significant number of children still continue to grow unregistered,
particularly in developing and marginalized areas. This lack of registration not only bars them
from basic services and entitlements, but also cements their social exclusion and vulnerabilities.

1.1. Evolution of Birth Registration in Nepal

History of registering vital events in Nepal goes back to 1950s, when a modern and databased
Vital Event Registration System (VERS) started in line with Municipal Act, 1950 and Village
Panchayat Act, 1961. During the period, the vital event registration and related task were limited
to the record keeping of personal events. Although Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) conducted
vital event registration in some of the Village Panchayats (Lowest administrative units during the
Panchayat era) during 60s, it could not continue the process. Family Planning Association of
Nepal (FPAN) also started similar registration in two districts, but the process had limited use
and was discontinued later. Importance of vital event registration was realized only in 1970s
when Marriage Registration Act, 1971 and Vital Event Registration Act, 1976 were enacted,
which made registration of five vital events, birth, death, marriage, divorce and internal
migration mandatory. The registration provision of the act in the districts came into force in a
phase-wise manner and was implemented throughout Nepal only after 15 years in 1989. Personal
Event Registration Act, 1976 and Vital Registration Regulation, 1977 are replaced by Birth
Registration entity Card and Registration Act, 2020 (Government of Nepal, 2020), Birth
Registration entity Card, and Registration Regulation, 2021 (Government of Nepal, 2021). Key
events on the development of the birth registration system in Nepal is as shown in Figure1.

Figure 1 Milestone chart of Birth Registration System in Nepal

1.2. Birth Registration: Goals & Objectives

a. Universal Coverage: Ensure that every birth occurring within the territory of Nepal is
promptly registered, regardless of the geographic location, socio-economic status,
ethnicity, or gender of the child and parents.
b. Legal Identity: Provide every child with a legal identity through birth registration,
enabling them to assert their rights, access services, and participate fully in society, while
also facilitating the realization of their citizenship status.
c. Equal Access: Everyone, no matter who they are, should be able to get an essential
services including healthcare, education, social welfare, and legal protection.
d. Data Quality and Integrity: Enhance the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of birth
registration data through the implementation of robust registration processes,
standardized procedures, and digital technologies, ensuring the integrity of vital statistics
for evidence-based decision-making and planning.

In short, Birth Registration aim to make life safer, simpler, and more inclusive for everyone.

Figure 2 Sample Photo of Birth Certificate in Nepal

Chapter 2: Literature review
2.1. Background
The Birth Registration is recognized as a Fundamental Right of Children by the Constitution of
Nepal. It is a first step of exercising Right to Identity as it plays a significant role in protection,
participation, survival and development of a child. It is a critical step towards ensuring that
children are recognized by their government. Birth Registration is also an essential element of
Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System. It plays a pivotal role in recognizing basic Human
Rights of individuals and is also a crucial aspect of development. The rate of birth registration in
Nepal has significantly increased from 35 percent in 2006 to 77.2% percent in 2019 for children
below 5 years of age. However, birth registration is yet to be accessible in many parts of the
country due to major setbacks and procedural difficulties in legal measure itself. HIDR Nepal has
reviewed the legal measures adopted by the government of Nepal and has outlined the efforts
made in recognition of birth registration of children as a fundamental right. This policy brief
examines various legal measures adopted to implement birth registration rights of children. It
further examines the barriers in implementation of these legal measures and also gives
recommendations to address the shortcomings and achieve the goal of birth registration for every

2.2. Birth Registration Practice in Nepal

The National population and housing census 2021 of Nepal collected the information of birth
registration data of under five years of children. Of the total 30,07,648 children of age five years
and below, 74 percent are found to have registered their birth and 26 percent are still
unregistered. Among the registered children, male children are 5.8 percentage points more than
female. Similarly, the registration status is 81.9 percent in Mountain, 73.1 percent in Hill and
73.7 percent in Tarai region. By province, the highest percentages of children are registered in
Karnali province i.e. 87.3 percent while the lowest is in Bagmati province which is 67 percent
(NSO, 2023).

2.3. Present Scenario of Birth Registration Practice in Nepal
The incomplete birth registration is not only a problem in Nepal. Around 14 percent of children
under five years of age are unregistered all over the world (UNICEF; 2023). It has been
identified that several factors contribute to the differences in birth registration coverage between
nations. The factors influencing birth registration at the individual, household and community
levels have been the subject of a few studies. Individuals (mothers or parents) who are more
affluent, educated, have greater media exposure, are more mobile, have an institutional delivery,
and are exposed to the media are more likely to register the birth of their kid. In certain nations, a
mother's interaction with the healthcare system and/or medical professionals has also been
demonstrated to be a contributing factor.

Chapter 3: Purpose & Benefits
Birth registration is the process of recording a child’s birth. It is a permanent and official record
of a child’s existence, and provides legal recognition of that child’s identity. At a minimum, it
establishes a legal record of where the child was born and who his or her parents are. Birth
registration is required for a child to get a birth certificate – his or her first legal proof of identity.
3.1. Purpose of establishing a Birth Registration Department
 Establish a centralized coordination of birth registration activities nationwide.
 Ensuring compliance with national laws and regulations regarding birth registration.
 Management of birth registration data to ensure accuracy, integrity, and confidentiality.
 Engaging in international reporting and cooperation to strengthen birth registration
systems globally.
 Collaboration with other government agencies to improve registration coverage and data
 Develop a Birth Registration entity card management information system.
3.2. Purpose of the Birth Registration system
 Establishing a legal identity for individuals from birth, enabling them to assert their rights
and access services and entitlements throughout their lives.
 Safeguarding the fundamental human right to recognition as a person before the law, as
outlined in international human rights instruments.
 Generating accurate and reliable data on births, essential for demographic analysis, public
health planning, and policy formulation.
 Assisting in determining citizenship status by documenting births within a country's
territory and providing evidence of nationality.
 Supporting the enforcement of legal frameworks related to child protection, child
marriage prevention, labor laws, and age-related regulations.
3.3. Benefit from a Birth Registration
 Legal identity and recognition from birth.
 Protection of various rights, including citizenship and access to services.
 Easier access to essential services like healthcare and education.
 Promotion of social inclusion for marginalized groups.

 Legal safeguards for children against child marriage and labor.
 Protection from exploitation, trafficking, and abuse.
 Facilitation of citizenship and voting rights.

Chapter 4: Birth Registration in Nepal
4.1. Process of Birth Registration in Nepal
The following process is required to get birth registration -
 The application should be submitted to the ward office in the format as prescribe
 Form should be filled and required documents should be submitted.
 After verifying the documents, the concerned authority will give birth certificate after
serval days.
4.2. Documents required for Birth Registration
The Documents required are as follows:
 Documents from the hospital that verify the birth of child.
 If child is not born in hospital , then the other documents (like witness)
 Birth time, date and location of birth.
 The original citizenship of parents (compulsory)
 Marriage certificate of parents (compulsory)
 Original certificate of Migration/Basai Sarai (If Migrated)

4.3. Online Birth Registration in Nepal.

For online birth registration following method should be followed –
 Visit the website of the related municipality
 After the website of related municipality link is opened, click on ‘Add New’
 Fill out the form and at last enter your mobile number
 After submission, the message will be sent with the Token Number to the entered mobile
 Contact the municipality office within 30 days after the Token Number re received
Note: The token number will not be valid after 30 days and need to register again.

4.3. Various conditions may arise during the Birth Registration in Nepal.
 If the father is in a foreign country then the birth registration should be done under the
guardianship of the mother along with her citizenship, father’s citizenship, marriage
certificate and other required documents.

 If the child is orphan then the district head will represent the guardian of the child and the
birth registration process will be carried out under the recommendation letter from the
ward office of the ward where the child is born/lives.
 If the children’s parents are dead or missing then the birth registration is done with the
guardianship of the ward head along with the witness of the birth of the child.

4.4. Fees Required for the Birth Registration in Nepal

 If registered within 35 days of birth: Free
 After 35 days: Rs500

4.5. Time required for birth Registration in Nepal

 It may range from 1 day to a week depending upon the complexities i.e. difficulty in
assembling the required documents.

4.6. Frequently Asked Questions about Birth Registration in Nepal

1. Is it necessary to register a birth in Nepal?
Yes, it is necessary to register a birth for legal validity. The birth certificate is required in
all legal procedures like obtaining citizenship and many more.
2. Can a mother register the birth of a child in Nepal?
Under certain circumstances, a mother can register the birth of the child in Nepal.
3. Can we register a child’s birth if the father is a foreigner?
Yes, we can register the birth of a child born in Nepal whose either of the parents is
4. Can we register a child’s birth if the parents are missing, dead, or unknown?
Yes, but a police report and witness are required
5. What is the official website to register or see birth registration numbers in Nepal?

Chapter 5: Field Visit Report
To learn more about the Birth Registration system, a field visit was held. With the assistance of
Mr. Bhuwan Giri, a ward member, the field visit was conducted in Nagarjun Municipality ward

5.1. Some photos from the field visit

5.2. Findings from Field Visit

During the field visit to assess Nepal's Birth Registration system, several findings regarding its
impact on the people emerged:

a) Document Requirements: Documents such as;

 Documents from the hospital that verify the birth of the child/hospital card,
 If the child is not born in a hospital, then other documents (like witness),
 Birth time, date and location of birth,
 Citizenship of parents,
 Marriage certificate of parents,
 Migration certificate if migrated.

b) Limited Access in Rural Areas: Many people in rural and remote areas face challenges
accessing the Birth Registration system due to inadequate infrastructure and
transportation networks. This limits their ability to register for and obtain birth
registration certificate, thereby hindering their access to government services and
c) Zero paperwork: There is no need for any kind of paperwork in the office. The
registration process is totally online. The form is available in the website and the required
information’s are filled through online.
d) Lack of Awareness and Understanding: There is limited awareness and understanding
among the general population, particularly in rural areas, about the purpose and benefits
of the Birth Registration system. Many people are unaware of the procedures for
obtaining a birth registration certificate or the services they are entitled to access with it.
e) Desire for Improved Services: People express a desire for improved government
services and benefits facilitated by the Birth Registration system. They hope that the
system will streamline administrative processes, reduce bureaucracy, and enhance the
efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.

Chapter 6: Review/ Conclusion

An analysis of Nepal's birth registration system reveals a multifaceted landscape influenced by

efforts to streamline administrative processes, ensure accuracy, and promote inclusivity. The
establishment of an effective administrative framework and infrastructure for birth registration
has marked significant progress in the implementation process. However, challenges persist,
particularly regarding accessibility, accuracy, and data privacy. Despite these challenges, the
birth registration program has played a pivotal role in facilitating access to essential government
services and fostering social integration. The importance of birth registration is widely
recognized, and there is generally positive public sentiment towards the initiative. To address
existing limitations and optimize functionality, there is an opportunity to refine the birth
registration system to better serve the diverse needs of Nepali citizens in the future.

6.1. Impacts of Birth Registration

In Nepal, the establishment of a comprehensive birth registration system has yielded significant
impacts across various domains. One of the most notable outcomes is the enhancement of social
inclusion and access to essential services. Birth registration provides individuals with a
recognized and standardized proof of identity, mitigating risks associated with identity-related
crimes such as identity theft and fraud. This fosters a greater sense of trust and confidence
among citizens and institutions, consequently bolstering overall security.

Moreover, the implementation of a robust birth registration system has streamlined

administrative processes, resulting in improved efficiency in service delivery. Citizens can
readily access government benefits and services by presenting their birth registration documents,
thereby reducing bureaucratic hurdles and enhancing the effectiveness of public services.

As Nepal continues to develop and expand its birth registration infrastructure, the system is
poised to further reinforce these positive impacts and contribute to the nation's overall
development and prosperity.
6.2. Implementation challenges

The process of establishing a comprehensive birth registration system in Nepal has been met
with several significant obstacles. One of the primary challenges is the logistical complexity of
reaching a diverse and dispersed population across various geographical regions. This logistical
hurdle has led to inefficiencies and delays in the distribution of birth registration documents,
resulting in a slower-than-anticipated rollout of the system.

Ensuring the security and accuracy of the information collected for birth registration poses
another formidable challenge. Concerns related to data breaches, identity theft, and inaccuracies
in the registration process have eroded public trust and raised doubts about the integrity of the

Addressing these implementation challenges requires concerted efforts to streamline distribution

processes, enhance data security measures, and improve the accuracy of registration procedures.
Overcoming these obstacles is essential to realizing the full potential of the birth registration
system and ensuring equitable access to registration services for all Nepali citizens.

6.3. Limitations

 Underestimated Registration Rates: Lack of data on births resulting in infant mortality leads
to an underestimation of registration rates, accounting for 3.8% and 2.8% of live births in 2014
and 2019 surveys, respectively.

 Incomplete Data Collection: Attempts to gather registration information for deceased infants
may still result in incomplete data due to potential reluctance from mothers to share sensitive

 Exclusion of Population Groups: Surveys only include children present in households,

excluding those away or traveling, albeit a small proportion.

 Uncertain Birth Certificate Verification: Reported registered births may not all have birth
certificates, suggesting a potential discrepancy between reported and documented registrations.

 Missing Influential Factors: Survey data lacks crucial factors influencing registration rates,
such as distance to registration centers, convenience of processes, availability of personnel, and
community attitudes towards registration.

 Call for Further Research: Addressing these limitations requires comprehensive studies
specifically focused on birth registration, employing mixed methodologies and multilevel
analysis to enhance understanding of influencing factors.

6.4. Conclusion

The analysis of birth registration in Nepal underscores significant strides in improving

registration rates, marking a positive step towards ensuring the legal identity and rights of all
citizens. The substantial increase in registered births reflects the effectiveness of ongoing efforts
to enhance the birth registration system.

Despite this progress, challenges persist, particularly in reaching marginalized communities and
reducing disparities based on socio-economic factors. The existence of unregistered infants,
especially in disadvantaged areas, underscores the need for targeted interventions to address
barriers to registration and promote inclusivity.

To overcome these challenges, concerted efforts are required to increase awareness, improve
accessibility to registration services, and strengthen institutional coordination. By prioritizing
these initiatives, Nepal can further enhance its birth registration system, ensuring equitable
access to essential services and reinforcing the foundation for social development and inclusion.

Chapter 7: Reference

[1] K. Dahal, "Birth Registration in Nepal – Easy Process of Janmadarta in Nepal 2081," 20
April 2024 . [Online]. Available:

[2] R. A. Chhetri, "Birth Registration in Nepal – Easy way to register birth (2081)," [Online].

[3] "Online Vital Registration (Birth, Death, Marriage, Migration and Divorce)," [Online].

[4] "[4] Nepal Law Commission. Birth, death and other personal event registration act 2033
(1976). Nepal Gazette, 20 Oct 1976. Nepal Law Commission, Government of Nepal,
Kathmandu," [Online]. Available:

Chapter 8: Sample of Birth Registration Form

Figure 3 Sample of Birth Registration Form


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