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} BCEryE CATALNO CASTANEDA ELEMENTARY ScH0OL Nov 2 0 aff serene OFFICE PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW FORM Stein MARILU N. CARDENAS HEAD TEACHER! ASSISTANT SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT JUNE-DECEMBER 2019 Date of Review: ‘August 17, 2020 CATALINO CASTANEDA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TIMELINE | sates move | ‘were prepared, validated and la ESAT Summary year Rouna implemented as Ib. OVID scheduled in the [e-cor Supervisory and TAPlan [2 To prepare MOVs were >. Anal Supervisory Plan Jo. Monthly Supervisory Plan Year Round| implemented as the Superviosry scheduled in the and TA Plan Superviosry and TAPian [4 Cos per teacher| [3 To conduct instructional “Atleast CO Js Yo evaluate/Check lesson plans as CO DU/DIP per teacher Year Round |4 PCF per teacher] per teacher —— 6. To conduct/use researchs and other vehicles to assist in developing and implementing: =. conceptualized action research on b. implemented findings/results of the research conducted [c. conceptualized concept papers on fourriculumm st Quarter] 5.00% 1d. prepared re-entry action plan ey a resach | veerch | resench, | stone | snncon/ne conducted was | conducted wes | conducted was |"®s2rch proposal} research approved by the | limited inthe | approved by the | 24 @PProvedin | proposal and sen teea| "sce. [oviton ese] Mebaeknd | sibniede Commitee |*eon-enotthe| Commies | Sermo | | hed samnoonot | teachers | asics ote] nana ON abn theteaches | conducted | tnchers | aime, | ofthese conducted | sctoriosc | conauces | ecamett™ | cnepunaes Acton/bec [Research nd was] Action/Bec_|eoneptuaedan| nero neseochand |aprovedtythe| Reseacnend | acess | lopclona ‘was approved by | Division Research| was approved by| Research and | submitted in the. the Division Committee ‘the Division vee ne District Research Research neve wh | summed tothe coments renee Division Research Conmiee 7. To address deficiences and sustains Jsucceses of current programs in [collaboration withthe teachers, learners, stakeholders Beginning 2. Reading Program (Eneish/Flipino) Jand End of | 5.00% b. Numeracy Program c_|Sehoot vear [Tutorial/ enhancement program analysis and proposed Intervention Summative Testi summative Tstin ‘Mathematics with | Mathematics with © analysis Diagnostic Test | in Mathematics Mathematics ‘onducted PHIL- | Conducted PHIL-| No Report IRI (Pree Ri (Pre-Test), Pos Diagnostic Test [& Implements curicolum mtatvesy Jprograms in line with DEPED policies: liournaism, foreign language, SPA, STE, ISPS, SPED, MADRASAH, ALS, Iped, jovP Arts Guild, YES-O Camp with the lf Movs: least 4 Depéd programs with Pictor ‘accomplishment | plan, pictorial, Implemented at | implemented | 1 DepEd programs DepEd programs Uournalism, sports, ALS/ADM, sPED) with actio| 2. Action plan on the program report and | accomplishment | at Jb. Accomplishment Reports rational winnings| report and Jc. Certificates/ Trophies [Year Round} 2.00% a. Pictorials regional winnings] division winnings| report and implemented | Implemented | Implemented 4 Deped Dept programs ours Spor ALS/ADM, SPED) with action pl ccomplishment | pictorial, report and | accomplishment district winnings Developed, J Developed] Deveoped | “Developed | ~Dowiopar produced and | produced and | produced and | produced ond watts, | utetins, | ‘utedims, | sen, le, wa | ales | meen | meas | sama |s/smet boots, | b/s boss, | Mee ‘SIM, ete, in 7 SIM, etc. in 6 st 84 Ste 5Fesming areas learning areas | learning areas | learning areas a. List, pictures with certification of the| sos: ». Wear Round [Registration and utilzation of LR Portal 10. To manage the procesises and Gathered and | Gatheredand |Gatheredand | Gathered and | No acceptable procedures in monitoring student ‘analyzed results | analyzed resuts | analyzed results | analyzed results | evidence was lachievenent of assessment ofassessment | of assessment | shown a. Assessment b. within and across| within and [Quarterly summative test, Written learning areas across learning works, Performance Task and with atleast 5 areas with ly assessment Movs atleast 2 MOVs st leamed competencies 4. TA plan ir Arproeiete intervention: Submitted at “|/"“Submittedat_| Submitted at) Submitted at] No acceptable least5 MOVs least 4 MOvsthat] least3Movs | least 2MOVs | evidence was servesas | thatservesas | that servesas | shown Year Round practical Practical practical s|s}s] os 025 information to | information to | information to identity the cause| Identity the for possible cause for intevention to possible intevention to. | address the gaps intevention to address the gaps address the gaps| [Submitted MOVs [Submitted MOVs [Submitted MOV [Submitted MOVs] Wo acceptable were distributed Jwere distributed |were distributed {were distributed | evidence was lacross 4 quarters across J2cross 2 quarters [in only 1 quarter | shown 3. To create and manage school PIA conference | PTA conference | PTA conference | PTA conference | No acceptable ‘ensure student progress nal grade levels in all grade levels | in all grade levels |in al grade levels| evidence was fo students and parents/ for four quarters for three quarters for two quarters | for one quarters| shown |auarcians regularly withthe ff MOVs: 2. PTA conference, Notice/ Attendance Year Round| 3.00% lb. pictorias TO BE FILLED DURING EVALUATION TO BE FILLED IN DURING PLANNING ‘ACTUAL RESULTS | PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (QUALITY, EFFICIENCY, TIMELINESS) JEC 7 ‘SCORE oe sanssactony (a) ‘wsaraeacrony oon) Ja |e AVE To ereatea school calure where [arian SAC [eat Rete TRE tea TY ff fests colabote ev esion fesion son (eon fother and grow professionally through [Friday of the| 5.003% Jconducted Jconducted Jconducted [conducted s;5]5 5 0.2500 ISLAC session a. isto weste natant ae Submited | Sibned | —Sibnited | Saba] hover rung and heathy euroomen voiatedand | wpatedbut_|eomplte ut ot comes nd jwith the ff MOVs. [Year Round | 2.00% | accurate report inaccurate report! updated report | not updated 2} 2)2 2 0.0400 Ph . ‘ar fesntecsn ee pSchctonaBs canal rears] —Srepors | Tresor fraps HORST perros | x00% | Simited | stmnca | cate afar] a | oar STR SRN | sa | RT Saba oe wowewe Tata] a 1 ooo AEST | oan | POMS Sede | metre] FORD Tos] asl aa] os] vom [TRS STATORGT Tare om | Pa Saas wowewe Toslos]os] os tacos Wn Dew fectws [sn [SO [HR [SSR] wa LTT Ss oat os oot} oe Participation in WINS contest jYearRound | 0.50% | Division level District level INo participation! 0.1/0.1} 01} 0.1 0.0005 eFeedraProaran = stone wo teing ferroind | 200% afalsl a | oso eel moran h. Thousand Blood Donations JYearRound | 0.50% 4-5 donors 23 donors: Adonor Nodonor | 03/03/03] 03 0.0015 Roa Sa Rapo ied on a = femme | oon | Smid submiveaie [Srte"6] “Norepor foslaslos] os | acum Tan Non Coe aTon SR 7 = i lYearRound | o.sox | Submitted Submitted late | Submitted during NoReport [05/05/05] a5 0.0025 tire can said on sited ag ferro | 0 ted ate revo osfasfos] os | aous i. rabies Awareness Program Report 50% feime Pubratted ite fovaivetion No Report 0s] 05 0 sarin sivas dane eee fewnaus | osox fe sutmeeaine [REORCSE Konepon fas]osfas| os | omas lwrsstmr —Juresorne wr mae manta rte | som |Ssbmitedon penonneinon frnemadnce fintpesome [os] os\ os] os | coms = emptor” [oman mec a TOBE FLED I DURING PANNING Fie a ue conn ATTAIN PERFORMANCE NDICATORS (QUALITY, ICENGY, MEMES at RAS ‘OBJECTIVES Timewine | "oer an commas [msm | semacown | aman | nema tae Iw ‘SCHOOL LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS [t-To colaborate with concerned staft /-omplete reports] ‘No Report |and other stakeholders on the [February of submitted planning andimplementation of {the Schoo | 1.00% tfafa}oa oot programs and projects ke S56 hear }election 2. To estabish ard maintain specific complete reports No Report programs to meet needs of identified submitted |targer groups with the ff MOVs: J2nd Jo. montringandevaliston of report [Quarter of |. Taal arr |form of CGP Gr. 10(1-3 modules) [the School |b. CGP Gr. 11-12 (1-8 modules) Year 3-To istnaonatved best practices Ta [Complete reports] 3 reports Trepors Trepart | —Novepont submitted | submitted | submitted | submited loperations wit he Year Round] 3.00% aii }ay a oon a. NSED Reports Ib. Adherence to 00 13, s. 2017 Seabank |Healthy food and Beverages DepEd Order No Year Round] 100% | 13,s.2017 afafa} a oor (minus 2 for every offense) e-NDEP Report Submitted on |"Sabmittediate | Submited ate [Submited during) No Ropow lyearRound| 0.50% | time butcomplete | andincomplete | evaluation os}osl os} os | o.o0as ld Smoke-Free Poly Report March or Submited on Submited ate [Submitted during] Wo Report nec. | 050% | time evaluation os}oslos} os | o.oas Submited on ‘Submittedlate [Submitted during) No Report year round] 1.00% | time evaluation rfafafoa oon 5-To establish BER/US and baseline 100% Maintained] 29% creased | 15% increased | IN ncreased TOSK icfeaied joataiot formance indicators Year Round! 1.00% aypafa 1 0.01 b. Net Enrolment Rate Year Round| [100% Maintained] 2% increased 15% increased We increased ‘05% increased Je Dropout Rate Je Completion Rate Year Round| Year Round| om 2% increased [100% Maintained] 2% Increased 15% creased TSW increased De increased ‘Deincreased Je. Promotion Rate Year Round: 100% Maintained] 29% increased TSW increased Te increased fF Failure Rate Year Round: o% 2 increased TSR increased increased 5% increased Upsated]—Taavlate | 2dastate |” Sdayslate | Waaornoe Near Round} 1.00% | Submited in tine aavrot Tafafa] a | oo updated o-iseosvrus oar orci emer | 00% afa | 1 | om 5 Ciek count mania Upaned” | Tdayte | —2dayetate | 3 dayslae | Waar noe em 1.00% | submited in time daft [a {ata} a | oor undated &- No.of teaching personnel nthe Tehylate | Paaysate | —3doystae | want school status Near Round dasret | 2}ala] 2 | oo updated jase maar Updated? | —“Taaylate | —Ddaystate | —Sdayslate | Waser oe is 2.00% | submited time dow/rot fafata} 2 | oor updated lr isieiine Updated? | Tdayiote | —2dayetate | Sdayslawe | Waa aoe iS 1.00% | submited time dowirot fa fafa} a | oor updates Tool for S6M SeitAssessment 00% | Level Teva tf ata [a oor SRC Repor (Ist emp Submitted on Submited? | ~Submited’3 | Submited T istsem | 05 osfos[os] os | oovas os weeksafter | weeksafer_| month ater SR Repor (and Sep Submited 2—|~ Submitted 3] Submitted fanésem | 050m asfos] os] os | aaa safer | weetsatter | month ater 80% ofthe | 7Ox of the] 60% of the Neer Roun] 2% personnel have | personnel have |personnethave} 2] 2] 2] 2 | oor active Depéd | active Deped | active Denes 1.00% cal eos tm |*{?[2] 1 | om 5. To Appi pans fronting Tdays ate | —Sdaystate] No Report Jcommunication trough DCP Reporting| "ear Round} 1.00% rfafay oa | om IMooe ear Round} 1.00% Liquidation a }{lal|tai| a! |) oon report f2-MOO£ Licuidation Senor. School Based Feeding rogram fubrived month] i daylate | 2dayslate | —3dayate | @daysate or Report canteen eporton ee time from une to Hear Round} 1.00% |" March with as Fah | Fa} feta oe complete documents Fo FES OURS 70 BE FILLED IN DURING PLANNING TO BE FILLED DURING EVALUATION PERFORMANCE WDICATORS (QUALITY, EFFICIENCY, TIMELINESS RATING Weick VERY TIMEUNE E enna] OUTSTANDING | .. VERY T sansractory [UNSATISACTOR w |e le i lave | som 6 a ) ve °° 10% |S [i Toalgn the School Plan Tor inayat i seed ng and eveopmert ects, s ates) of schoo personnal last 2.00% | and conducted g auerer oo opens E [Year Round i monitors school-based INSET fr all teaching staf based on PPD october of thes. v. 5- To recognize potential of aff and Tia provie tunities to professional. aoe enneae ear Rouna} 00% | somsnoscnor | a. ERF with copy of NOSCA eaten b-Updated Step nerement Tibenetts JYear Round! 1.00% eee TO BE FILLED IN DURING PLANNING PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (QUALITY, EFFICIENCY, TIMELINESS) MFos | KRas opuecrives vimeuine | “= = , = — rot | indicators not present To organize programs that involve Ailindieators reholders to present jade, Gulayan year Round} 5.00% u rc 1 [2 To establish sustainable inkages/ ‘Aiindieators indicators not | 3 lndicatros not partnership with other sectors [Year Round] 5.00% | present resent resent present Rating Scale: Outstanding «4.50 5.00 Very satisfactory 3.50~4.49 Satisfactory 2.50-3.49 Unsatisfactory 1.50-2.49 Poor 1.00-1.49 i mari {RDENAS Ed.D. RAMOS Rater tee OFFICE PERFORMANCE AND COMMITMENT REVIEW FORM (OPCRF) |Name of Employee: /RAULJ. RAMOS Name of Rater: MA. CRISELDA G. OCANG, CESE ect eS aap a ca GSES | Bureau/Center/Division: ‘SDO 1 Pangasinan Date of Review: Sep 1, 2021 laeciass saa wee ERFSRRNEE HOOTERS a - ene ol per KRA, QUALITY EFFICIENCY Ql €[T] ave. ‘SCORE romain rane Pa Js -avenewe Rs etree es aa l2-4movs were |2-2 PPAs were 4 Year Round met |accomplished/ |2-accomplished/ waa pels - htt dni corer eerie eer Seems — f es ie sip \CaIP le-SRC |2. Performance indicators (10%) 2 moment ats ay — |was of the ff. rates: -" |MOVs: |5~ 2% and above 2 ° oe fececee . $F [3 ~1.00~ 1.49% > SF2 |2-0.50-0.99 % CEE uct pet 9m 02% ScHooL LEADERSHIP 2.3 Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in leaning areas (2%) la-95~99.99% 1s-90-99.90.% 2-85~89.99% I-80 % nd Below latained an average IMPS in all the subject Jan mentored within lhe school year 12-85 to 99% oF teachers were coached land mentored within the school year 1-800 4% of leachers were cosched land mentored within Os: [areas with the ff: 'Suramative Test results Year Round ‘ig Ustof competencies where learners I5~75%4 nd above are having difficulties, |s-65-70.09% [3-55-6090 % [2~45~59.90.% 1 ~ 44.09% and below [24 Retention Rate (2%) [Retention was ofthe rates: Imov: s-099-0% “S66 la-19-1% 010 Is-299-2% j2-399-3% 1-4 % and above [2.8 Promotion Rate (2%) Promo thet rae Move os6s 5~100% eo “366 ls-95-99.00 % 13 -90-s4.99.% 2-85 ~29.90.% 5 Conducted mentoring and coaching jo 300% of teachers within the schoo! lear through various modal mentored within the with the new normal (10%) schoo! year 4-95 t0 999604 Imovs: {teachers were coached - Performance Monitoring & Cosching land mentored within Form (PMCF) sample only the schoo! year |-TAPlan (October 2020 ~ July 2021) [3-90 t0 94% of YearRound [teachers were coached oso INsTRUCTIONA LEADERSHIP i Conducts (depending on the number of 88 observations and post within the school year for the MOVs were metas tliows: 5—Five (5) or more Movs were met la—Four(a) Movs were Imet [3—Three (3) Movs were| [590% or mare cass Imontoring/ lobservations were conducted |4-85~89.99% clase |monitoring/obsarvatio lns were conducted [s~80~84.99% class monitoring |within the given time rem I2- only 85 -29.99% Yeer Round Jobservations were 050 l2~Two (2) Movs were conducted COT rating sheets Inet 6. Observation notes form 2-75-79.99% Je. WHLP(Weekly Home Learning Pan) ]1~One (1) ore mov _|elsssroom ott jwas presented lcbservations were ant documents/materiae conducted |Provide samples only for MOVs c,d, 1-749 and below jae) room observations were 2. Checked Tnspected] vered ruts 5=95~ 100% of the teachers presented proofs of students’ [performance atstibuted and J4-20-98.99%% ofthe retrieved submited teachers presented fwthin the given time lproofsof students’ —|trame (For departmentalized secondary performance schools, ne only per section handled 1t-only 95 99.99% by the teacher, Ja-s5-so.c0%orthe forthe students! teachers presented b. others top proofs of students” ito gauge/sece performance letrleved/ submitted [2-80-24.89% of the |withinthe given time [teachers pres frame [proofs of stud performance 11~79% and below of Year Round the teachars presented 2s proofs of students? Iperformance lot the students’ retrieved submitted within the gen time ts 11 only #494 and Jbolow of the students loutputsfontine, modular, blended) |were distrbuted and ved submited thin the glen time [3 Monitored the implementation of ‘adopted learning modaltyes (5 Is) IMovs: 7}. Summary ofcurrculum aud in levery quarter List of findings and assistance Provided to the teachers Quarterly lsdopted leering Imodalty/ies |4~90-94.99% of the [3 ~85-29.99% sof the teachers hs adopted lear modaity/ies '2-20-84.99% of the leachershave implemented the adopted learning Imodalty/ies 11-79% and below of Ihe teachers have as report he MOVe were met ls follows: I5~all Movs were Jaa move were [5 MOOE/SFP Fande| submitted on the |scheduled date or leelier |4 -MoOe/saFP Funds FISCAL/ MATERIAL RESOURCES manacenaent| the scheduled date 3~Mooe/sBFP Funds Ieports were submitted days after the scheduled date |2-Mooe/sere Funds| reports were submitted 3 days atte the scheduled date h- mooE/SBFP Funds reports were subratted week aftr] the scheduled date [cash disbursement report Je: Monthly Inventory of Responsible Monthly le. Presence of updated trnsparency board 2. Used atleast 20% of MOOE Tor |lassroomy schoo! focities Yeor Round 11496 and below of the IMOOE wes spent fs repar/ limprovement/approved ATF expenditures for the new normal [3 Disbursed school funds such as PTA, [5~School Funds such {canteen and other funds properly (5%) las PTA, canteen and IMovs: lother funds reports |. Financia record book IS—All Movs were lwere submitted on Imet the scheduled date or 7 [4-3 Movs were leaner |. Pictures of projects put up/ met lourchasod 3-2Movs were [+ ~School Funds such met les PTA, canteen and j2—1 Mov was met other funds reports 1 -No mov lwere submited 1 day loresented latter the scheduled late [3~SchootFunde such Jes PTA, canteen and Year Round lother funds reports sv a lwere submitted 2days after the scheduled [date J2~Schoo! Funds such were submitted 3 days later the scheduled laste h- School Funds such les PTA, canteen and lother funds reports Jere submitted week after the The MOVE ware met as follows: traning/ LAC Session [s~all Movs were met |4-95~99.99% ofthe [schedule [4-4 movswere teachers participated in Inet l4~tnsets/s-tac 3-3 move were sessions were met moves met teachers participated in [A-1Movwasmet |the training/LAc — [2-Insevs/ sac a. Activity Request/Authorty to mae session sessions were oe) |Conduct/LAc Plan/LAc Monitoring conducted 4 days efter] root [2-a5-89.99% oF the the set schedule lb. Summary of INSET/LAC conducted teachers participated in Jc: Narrativa/ accomplishment reports the training/ Lac f2-insets/ SLAC |. Training Matrix and sample program| Sesion [sessions were le. Outputs/ List of plan of actions for Jconducted 1 week application {186% and below of [after the set schedule the teachers rtefpated in the in LAC Session couraged teacher atendance to [5~1009% ofthe teachers inlngs/ seminars /webiners (5%) |atended trainings/ seminars/ webinars IMovs: 4 -95-99.99% of the teachers attended J4—amovswere |trainings/ seminers/ HUMAN met Iwebinare RESOURCE Manacemens| 20% |a-smovswere |2-20-94.99% of the AND met peveicevaear| Year Round 02s l2-2Movewere l2~a5-89.99% of the [1-1 Movwas met teachers attended trainings! seminars) webinars 124% and the teachers attended trainings/ som Processed & submited documents 5-95 ~ 100% ofthe for P98/ recassifiation/ step Iteachers' documents increment loyalty pay (5%) entitled of the benefits were processed Mov: LOEGS!/NOSI/NOSAY ERF end others were processed b. Receiving copy’ Reports/Documents (Forms 1.2 & 1.4) [3 ~85-89.99% of the Year Round teachers’ documents 02s |were processed [2-80-84.99% of the leachers' documents |were processed 1.79% and below of the teachers’ documents were processed PLUS FACTOR wining (academic or nam aecademie) INTERNATIONALS) NATIONAL) REGIONALTS)__pNSIONTA] DisTMCT TAT Ww Research /mevation with coe 5) ox COC/certieaton ( ‘With Approved Proposal] evened] deere bay ery [coordinators cha aaa mone) 32:17 months [3] fonts front ore 3 5 6. Speci Amara atonal) eponal ison ‘Seely on. OVERALL RATING FOR ACCOMPLISHMENT Ma. cna ese by [faree J aarti [ Repubic ofthe Phiopines Department of Education agen ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF PANGASINAN I Lngayen, Pangasinan ‘SERVICE RECORD sith RAMOS. ‘Sumame Date th ‘Thisis to cert tat the employes named above acti Toe soampiahed yh RT RAUL ‘Given Name JUNIO. Tile Name ‘September 17, 1973 Bayambang, Pangasinan Pace of ith al rendered services in ths olen ae recoded below, each ine ‘of wich is sponte by an appotment and che popes issued by hs oce dy approved by be antes, SERVICE RECORD OF APPORTIENT ‘OFRCEENTIVIONSION TABS Techsve Date | Deaigaton | Stts() | Salany ae ae | remans cenarons | ennocoor | reeves | ram | s.zsaco | weoeres sovnewra | waage | tore | Ona crmsneer | curenos | texcws | pom | sax,1mn00 | Maton, aroma | natags | tow Cc re ee ee cvoxnone | cuca | texas | rom | ver.conco | Miers Bovrtwrat” | nay | no sxmveore | cwcacow | rosewt | pom | vra.scaco | metowres tonto | naagy | tow seca | osovzon | romtert [rem | ssezn00 | Mint, Boveroooit | nara | Hone coor | onnszors | reuters | pom | aor.e1eco | mews tonto | nays | Om cenenors | oscvzore | exert | pom | a1e.aenco | aneencs.sayereora | naengn | home soovnorz | rorvzois | rescrerr | pom | zz ox400 | Simons sayontroit | nar | Nom roraaens | raovaors [ArH pom | arasoece ortees serene | uxays | Hom | Promeson overs | raoimoe | HEE Pam | asosazco comes eevee | wats [He owoiaor | vamvaer | HI em | 03 «0000 ceive Seemtogt | weg | om even | aoe [He am [20752000 Se ovwvzoro | swrznre [HEL ram | 208 5000 ‘oie ES Beverowrat! | naa [tom smeaoe | vaevaoe | Hr es ee er everrem | owaazea [6 een | ss1,s2400 | Cate Castro 8, aroma | aay | None cxovemes | wovam0 | Het Pam | _assasao0 | Camo Cevorean Ss. eaarearat| navagy | How wove | soos [Hr Pom | sraieco | Como ComrainES. Seerbrat| naragy | How wives | saovacan [HE ee ee od ee cece treat Hn pam | _ss5r2000 | Gasire Conan, Bvorarat| naa | HOw Contes Tue and Corot RAFAEL IRWIN B. NICOLAS, ED. D soa “yt Republic of the Philipines Pn DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 3 Region I | ae SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE I PANGASINAN ee Lingayen_ ‘SPECIAL ORDER NO. |é s. 2015 To =: — RaulJ. Ramos Teacher I Buayaen Central School, FROM : DR. MARIA CELIA JUNIO\FERNAI Schools Division Superintendent SUBJECT: REASSIGNMENT ORDER DATE : October 7, 2015 In view of your promotion to Head Teacher I position and in the exigency of the service, you are hereby advised of your assignment at Obillo Elementary School, Bayambang District II, effective immediately. Please clear yourself from money and property responsibilities before reporting to your new station. Your Actual First Day of Service should be reported to this Office for record purposes.

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