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ISSN; 2412-9771 (Print) ISSN: 2412-897X (Online) Vol.-4: Iss.-2 (Feb, 2018) DOI:10.21276/sb Scholars Bulletin (A Multidisciplinary Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal) Index Copernicus (IC Value 81.78) N 2412-9771 3 (IM il = ge Content |. Public Blecticity Fluctuation and Sustainability of Micro Ehterprises in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria Linus O. Inyang, Etuk, G. Reuben: 130-135 2, ‘Impact of Climate Variability and Food Security Assessment among Small and Emerging Maize Farmers in North West Province of South Aftica Oduniyi, Ohovaseun Samuel +=136-145 3. Accountability and Transparency in Project Procurement in the Public Sector: A Qualitative Study Bett Kiprotich Emmanuel- 146-152 4. Macroeconomic Factors and Bank Performance in Kenya MUBIAH, Patrick Matindi, NGUNYI, Anthony, ITHINJI G. K 153-163 5. Victim Today and Tomorrow- The Lawyers’ Perception Moumita Bhattacharjee ~-164-168 6. Decision Model for a Visit at Physical Evidence Hapti Ali, Nurfitrigh Febriani, Dudi Permana, Adi Nurmahdi- the Museum Bahari in Jakarta: People, Place, Promotion, and 169-178, ) Assessment: A Case Study 7. Effects of Rubrics in ESL (speaking and wri M. Shajedul Arifeen-— 179-185 8. Coastal Sediments Polluted by Petroleum Hydrocarbons (C10-C40): A Review on Its impacts on the Coastal Ecosystems of Mauritius Gireshsingh Mungla, Sunita Facknath, Bhanooduth Lalljee-- 186-190 9. A Conceptual Analysis of the Di the Profession Lilian E. Effiong, Emmanuel Olowononi scipline of Lawyers in Nigeria: Key to the Development of g, Akin O. Oluwadayisi, Omonivi Bukola Akinola- 191-202 10. Requirement of Python Programming Language for Reinforcement Leami ing (RL) Varun Geetha Mohan, Mohamed Ariff Ameedeen. -203-207 11. Salvia Species and their Biological Activiti ies Naturally Distributed in Tokat Province Melih YILAR, fzzet KADIOGLU- 208-212 12. Production and Characterization of Cu-SiC Composites for Electrical Contact Materials Acikbas Gokhan, Karadag Mecit 1213-221 Scholars Bulletin ‘An Official Publication of “Scholars Middle East Publishers” Dubai, United Arab Emirates Website: http://scholarsbulletin.comy (Law) ISSN 2412-9771 (Print) ISSN 2412-897X (Online) A Conceptual Analysis of the Discipline of Lawyers in Nigeria: Key to the Development of the Profession Lilian E. Effiong’, Emmanuel Otowononi Esq’, Akin 0. Oluwadayis®, Omoniyi Bukola Akinola ‘Senior Lecturer, Litigation and Professional Ethies Departments, Nigetian Law School Headquarters, Bwari, Abuje, Nigeria ‘Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public of the Supreme Court of Federal Republic of Nigeria, Lecturer, Corporate Law nd Property Lav Practice Departments, Nigerian Law School, Headquarters, Bwari~ Abuja, FCT, Nigeria ‘Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, Ondo State, Nigeria “Senior Lecturer and Acting Head, Professional Ethics Departments, Nigerian Law School, Augustine Naamani Campus, Agbani Enugu State, Nigeria Abstract: The legal profession is @ noble profession. It is highly regulated, as such, there are several mechanisms put in place to ensure discipline in the legal profession, ‘There are several bodies created by the Legal Practitioners Act' to ensure discipline in the profession. This paper analyzes the various regulations and disciplinary mechanisms of legal practitioners in Nigeria. This includes, the various regulatory bodies, the conducts that attracts discipline, the disciplinary procedure and the various senetions that can be imposed upon liability and draw a conclusion that discipline in the legal profession is disjointed and inadequate, aside the inefficiency created because of the overlapping roles iof the regulatory bodies, The paper concludes that the present Dor: disciplinary mechanisms need overhauling, 1021276/sb2018.42.9 | Keywords: Analysis, Discipline, Lawyers, Nigeria, Development, Profession. msi Discipline can be defined as the control that is gained by requiring that rules oF

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