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Biologia Futura


How much (evil) intelligence can be encoded by 30 kb?

Ernő Duda1

Received: 20 July 2022 / Accepted: 13 January 2023

© Akadémiai Kiadó Zrt. 2023

Genomes of most RNA viruses are rarely larger than the size of an average human gene (10–15 kb) and still code for a number
of biologically active polypeptides that modify the immune system and metabolism of the host organism in an amazingly
complex way. Prolonged coevolution developed tricks by which viruses can dodge many protective mechanisms of the host
and lead to the formation of molecular mimicry patterns. Some viruses inhibit the interferon response, interfere with the
membrane destroying effects of the activated complement cascade. They can replicate in cellular compartments formed by
inner membranes of the cell hiding their characteristic features from diverse pattern recognition receptors. In many cases—
and in this respect, the new coronavirus is a champion—they can exploit our own defensive mechanisms to cause serious
harm, severe symptoms and frequently deadly disease.

Keywords SARS-CoV-2 · RNA viruses · Molecular mimicry · NETosis · Pyroptosis · Interferon

RNA viruses humans, symptoms included fever, chills, and body aches
and frequently progressed to pneumonia and respiratory dis-
Taxonomically viruses are grouped at different hierarchi- tress. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus, as
cal levels of order, family, subfamily, genus and species on it was named, spread to more than two dozen countries with
the basis of shared morphological and genetic properties. a mortality rate of about 10 per cent. Fortunately, human to
Approximately 70% of all known viruses belong to RNA human spread of the virus was very low (reproduction num-
viruses. They vary remarkably in genome structure. The ber below 2) and the global outbreak was contained in 2003.
genome may be one piece of RNA or several separate seg- The next outbreak of a similar virus, MERS (Middle East
ments; the RNA may be double-stranded or single-stranded. Respiratory Syndrome) virus, was first reported in Saudi
The single-stranded genome may be either sense (plus) or Arabia in 2012 (Zumla et al. 2015). MERS virus originated
antisense (minus) strand. The first can directly function as in dromedary camels and spread to more than 25 countries.
mRNA for protein translation. There are 14 families of RNA MERS cases continue to occur, primarily in the Arabian
viruses that cause disease in human. In general, they have a Peninsula. Mortality is very high, close to 40%, but human
relatively small coding capacity of 2–31 kb. to human infection has been exceedingly low.
Coronaviruses are a large group of positive ssRNA At the end of 2019 emerged the novel coronavirus
enveloped viruses of animals and humans. The first human (SARS-CoV-2) that also causes respiratory distress. The
coronaviruses were identified in the mid-1960s; there are unique CT scan of the lung of severe pneumonia patients
four known human coronaviruses causing mild respiratory was recognized by Chinese doctors and the sequencing of
infections (common cold) (Kapikian 1975). A new corona- the biological sample identified the presence of a new virus
virus emerged in Southern China in 2002 that was believed (Huang et al. 2020). CoVID-19 was declared a pandemic
to originate in small mammals (Drosten et al. 2003). In by the World Health Organization in 2020. The genome of
SARS-CoV-2 shares 79% identity with SARS-CoV and 50%
with MERS-CoV. It codes for 4 structural proteins (S, E,
* Ernő Duda M, N), 16 non-structural proteins (nsp1–nsp16) and eight auxiliary proteins (ORF3a, ORF3b, ORF6, ORF7a, ORF7b,
Department of Medical Biology, Albert Szent‑Györgyi
ORF8, ORF9b, ORF14) responsible for viral replication and
Medical School, University of Szeged, 6720 Szeged, pathogenesis (Kim et al. 2020) (1).

Biologia Futura

SARS‑CoV‑2 “pausing” and eventually lead to frameshifting (Namy

et al. 2006).
The first step in the replication of this coronavirus is a bio- Expression of extra polypeptides occurring in relevant
logical heresy. In all living creatures, synthesis of proteins, ratios is highly advantageous for RNA viruses with small
the translation is based on amino acid-coding triplets. genomes because it can increase their coding capacity. In
Frameshifts, irregular jumps of ribosomes are forbidden some viruses, like in SARS-2, frameshifting increases the
as they would lead to senseless polypeptide sequences proportion 5’ encoded proteins compared to 3’ encoded
or truncated proteins due to early stop codons. Pro- ones. Quick recycling of ribosomes speeds up viral repli-
grammed ribosomal frameshifting, though not unknown, cation. Influenza A virus, non-segmented negative strand
is extremely rare in any organism (Ketteler 2012). viruses measles, mumps and Sendai and Ebola, a Filovi-
The ORF1ab gene at the 5’ terminal of the genomic rus also utilize programmed transcriptional frameshifting
RNA of SARS-2 constitutes approximately 65–70% of the to synthesize additional products (Atkins et al. 2016). As
genome codes for all the enzymes and factors that are nec- an interesting utilization of frameshifting, Ebola uses the
essary for the replication of the viral genome and the syn- extra product to modulate the immune system. Deletion of
thesis of all the subgenomic mRNAs of the structural pro- the slippage site of the Zaire ebolavirus radically increased
teins (and accessory proteins) of the virus. Translation of cytopathogenicity suggesting that slippage products play
this RNA sequence results in two polyproteins, pp1a and a role in reducing early cytotoxicity (Alazard-Dany et al.
pp1ab (Kim et al. 2020) (1). There is nothing special about 2006).
the first one. It has two domains with proteolytic activities;
they cleave the pp1a polyprotein into 11 fragments with
biological activity. This is not unusual with small RNA The IFN response
viruses. All mRNAs of eukaryotes are monocistronic: one
mRNA and one polypeptide chain. No start codon after the Virus infection triggers production of Type I IFNs in mam-
stop. Probably the incapability of eukaryotic ribosomes to malian cells. Type I interferons are the largest IFN family
read polycistronic mRNS was a protective feature against in humans, including IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-ε, IFN-κ and IFN-
mRNAs of intracellular prokaryotic pathogens and viruses. ω. (Pestka et al. 2004). Type I IFNs are part of a complex
This could have been the driving force that lead to the cross-regulatory network that coordinates both innate and
evolution of polycistronic (poly) proteins with intrinsic adaptive immune responses against viruses. Induction of
proteolytic activities in RNA viruses. IFNs is elicited by pattern recognition receptors (PPRs),
During the translation of the ORF1ab gene, one out like Toll-like receptors (TLR) and RNA helicases retinoic
of four or five ribosomes makes an “illegal” step: a acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLR). Activa-
frameshift, and proceeds reading the rest of the gene. The tion of both TLR and RLR pathways leads to the secretion
result is an even larger polyprotein, pp1ab, that—after of type I IFNs which mobilizes the immune system. Most
proper processing—yields 5 more (altogether 16) biologi- cell types harbour IFN receptors and IFN-stimulated genes
cally active proteins. These include the RNA-dependent provide some protection against virus infection.
RNA polymerase, the helicase and a terminal nuclease, SARS-CoV-2 is champion in dodging PRRs (Viswana-
that is responsible for proof reading (Kim et al. 2020). than et al. 2020) by modifying the 5’ end of the viral RNA,
Without these occasional frameshifts, the virus would replicating in host membrane created hideouts (Mohan and
not be able to produce new RNA molecules and progeny. Wollert 2021) and suppressing both IFN production and IFN
Such a meticulous regulation—one essential mistake in responses.
4–5 tries—must be the result of the special, flexible 3D SARS-2 encodes a number of polypeptides that interfere
structure of the genomic RNA molecule. with IFN production and/or the subsequent activation of the
The phenomenon of “programmed r ibosomal immune system. Open reading frame (ORF)6 and ORF9b,
frameshifting” observed in the case of SARS-2 is gener- non-structural proteins nsp1, nsp3, nsp6, nsp13 and nsp15
ally associated with viruses and retrotransposons (Ketteler participate in blocking the signalling pathway leading to
2012). Retroviruses, like HIV1, require efficient−1 IFN production (Kim et al. 2020). Membrane protein M,
frameshifting for the synthesis of the individual gag and ORF3b and ORF8 may also participate in this action. IFN-
pol gene products (Brierley and Ramos 2006). A 1–15 stimulated genes are activated as a result of another signal-
nucleotide “slippery sequence” and stem-loop secondary ling pathway and the virus tries to block it too (by ORF6,
RNA structure (e.g. a pseudoknot) are usually needed for ORF7a and 7b, ORF 9 and nsp1, nsp6, nsp13). Spike (S),
frameshifting (Namy et al. 2006). It is believed that the nucleocapsid (N) nsp7 and nsp12 could also be involved in
pseudoknot or stem-loop structure makes the ribosome this inhibition (Kim et al. 2020). The activity of these pro-
teins can contain mobilization of the immune response and

Biologia Futura

development of the antiviral response, allowing uncontrolled activation (Avirutnan et al. 2011). Enveloped RNA viruses
replication of the virus in host organisms for several days. can also hijack membrane-associated regulators of comple-
It is known that the IFN induction is much higher in ment activation. Retroviruses HIV-1, HTLV, or hepatitis C
children and both inductivity and response to the presence (HCV), a Flavivirus recruit membrane-associated regulators
of IFN get less and less robust in elderly. It explains why (CD46, CD55, CD59), HCV also downregulates synthesis
vulnerability of individuals to severe disease so extensively of C2, C4 and C9 (Marschang et al. 1995; Johnson et al.
increases with age (Molony et al. 2017; Li et al. 2015). 2009; Amet et al. 2012). Measles virus (Edmonton strain)
IKK kinases and IKK-related kinases TBK1 and IKKɛ uses CD46 as a receptor (Dorig et al. 1993); interaction of
are crucial players in regulatory signalling pathways of host M1 protein of influenza virus (A/WSN/33) with C1q results
antiviral defences. IKKε kinase is the target of the Dengue in blockade of IgG binding and activation of the classical
virus NS2B/3 protease to inhibit IFN induction. (Anglero- pathway (Zhang et al. 2009).
Rodriguez et al. 2014). IFN-antagonist function of Ebola SARS viruses do not use any of these tricks. Spike protein
virus protein VP35 is based on blocking the signalling path- of SARS-CoV (N-linked glycosylation at N330) activates
way leading to activation of interferon-regulatory factor-3, the lectin pathway through binding to mannose-binding lec-
by preventing interactions between the IKKε and TBK1 and tin (Ip et al. 2005). When immune complexes with virus
their partners (Prins et al. 2009). Non-structural protein NS1 specific antibodies are formed, the classical pathway is also
of influenza A virus blocks RIG-I downstream signalling activated. Deposition of C3 and C4 on the SARS-CoV-2
(Mibayashi et al. 2007). In a similar way, measles and other virion may lead to their neutralization, but N protein of
paramyxovirus V proteins disrupt signalling of MDA5, a SARS-CoV2 was found to activate MBL-associated serine
RIG-like receptor by binding to it (Andrejeva et al. 2004). protease (MASP)-2, leading to the aberrant complement
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) NS1 protein also inter- activation and deposition of MASP-2 and C4 in the lung
feres with RIG-I signalling by binding to mitochondrial anti- tissue of severely affected COVID-19 patients (Gao et al.
viral proteins, MAVS, adaptor proteins of RLRs (Boyapalle 2022). The spike protein of the virus has high affinity to hep-
et al. 2012). MAVs are also the target of Coxsackie virus B. aran sulphate, competing with C3b-regulatory factor H. This
The viral proteolytic enzyme 3C cleaves MAVS and another may sustain activation of the alternative pathway removing
adaptor protein, TRIF, inhibiting IFN response and apopto- the inhibitory effects of factor H on C3 (Lo et al. 2022).
sis (Mukherjee et al. 2011). TRIF (TIR-domain-containing Virus-induced activation of the complement can fre-
adapter-inducing interferon-β) is an adaptor protein for quently exacerbate the symptoms of the disease and contrib-
TLR3, a sensor of viral dsRNA in the endosome. ute to overall morbidity (Kumar et al. 2020). C5a receptor 1
expression is upregulated in SARS-CoV-2-primed endothe-
lial cells, making them highly vulnerable to pathological
Virus and complement C5a activation and insertion of the membrane attack com-
plex (MAC) (Afzali et al. 2022). In summary, SARS-2 can-
The complement system augments the ability of phagocytic not escape complement-mediated neutralization, but—like
cells to kill pathogens and clear damaged cells and syner- suicide bombers—significantly aggravate symptoms of the
gizes with antibodies to attack “non-self” membranes. Com- infection by overactivation of the complement.
plement is activated by the presence of most RNA viruses,
usually resulting in virus neutralization. Evolution of RNA
viruses resulted in superb strategies to restrict complement. Molecular mimicry
One solution is modulation of host genes: upregulation of
complement regulatory proteins or downregulation of acti- The coevolution of hosts and pathogens frequently leads to
vation components (C3, C4) to keep complement at bay development of peptide sharing (molecular mimicry). Spon-
(Mazumdar et al. 2012; Li et al. 2016). Virus-associated pro- taneous mutations might create molecular patterns (epitopes)
tease activity makes Nipah virus, a paramyxovirus resistant on parasites that resemble ones on different organs of the
to neutralization by antibody-dependent classical pathway. host. Host immune system recognizes these as “self”, toler-
The presence of the F and G glycoproteins was sufficient to ating them therefore molecular mimicry is advantageous for
reduce surface deposition of C3b and protect the virus from the pathogen. Long coevolution results in the accumulation
being neutralized by complement (Johnson et al. 2011). In a of more and more host-like epitopes on parasites.
similar way, Chikungunya virus, a Togavirus, was also found SARS-CoV-2 encodes very high number of peptides
to resist complement-mediated neutralization inhibiting sequences that are identical or very similar to human pro-
deposition of C3b and C4b on the virus (Nag et al. 2020). teins (Adiguzel 2021). This fact suggests that in 2019,
Dangerous Flaviviruses, like Dengue, West Nile and Yellow Wuhan was probably not the first encounter between this
fever viruses, incorporate soluble regulators of complement virus and human-like creatures (SE Asian apes and monkeys

Biologia Futura

and perhaps isolated indigenous people), but they underwent neutrophils produce web-like structures (neutrophil extracel-
several decades of unrecognized coevolution. lular trap, NET) of decondensated chromatin, antimicrobial
During the disease, accumulation of danger-associ- peptides and granule enzymes with antimicrobial and antiviral
ated molecular patterns (DAMPs) may trigger a shift activity. This process is known as NETosis. NETosis is not a
from immune tolerance to attack, leading to autoimmune general pathway of cell death; no other cell types are able to
responses. After more than two years of pandemic, a number generate these traps (Brinkmann et al. 2004; Yang et al. 2016).
of autoreactive antibodies have been characterized that may NETosis can be initiated by receptors for immune com-
play a role in different symptoms associated with the disease plexes, toll-like receptors (complement- and cytokine recep-
and long covid, including thrombotic, respiratory, cardiac, tors). The molecular trap effectively engulfs bacteria and
rheumatic and neurological complications (Damoiseaux viruses. Its protective role against viruses was first reported in
et al. 2022; Anaya et al. 2021; Cappello 2020; Lucchese the case of Chikungunya virus infection (Hiroki et al. 2020).
and Flöel 2020; Vasilevska et al. 2021; Angileri et al. 2020). HIV has been shown to be trapped and inactivated by NETs,
The best characterized ones are specific to phospholipids, like rhinovirus, poxvirus, Dengue virus, respiratory syncyt-
Annexin-A2, hsp proteins and PARP9/14. Annexin-A2 (cal- ial virus and influenza virus (Stacey et al. 2021). It was not
pactin I, p36, lipocortin II) is a lipid raft-associated phos- surprising that SARS-CoV-2 infection also triggered NETosis
pholipid-binding protein. Among other roles, it stabilizes (Gillot et al. 2021; Barnes et al. 2020).
plasma membrane of endothelial cells and functions as a The neutrophil traps efficiently eliminate infectious SARS-2
receptor for tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). Since tPA virions and have protective role. However, formation of the
converts plasminogen into plasmin, Annexin-A2 is involved traps has unwanted consequences. NETs have a tendency
in control of fibrinolysis and coagulation. Anti-Annexin-A2 to promote thrombosis by providing a scaffold for aggrega-
antibodies destabilize membrane of microvascular endothe- tion of platelets (Fuchs et al. 2010). The proteases, DNA and
lial cells and play a role in intravascular thrombosis, and histones present in the traps all exhibit procoagulant proper-
their level predicts mortality in COVID-19 patients (Zuniga ties. Elastase can process the tissue factor pathway inhibitor
et al. 2021). Anti-phospholipid antibodies are known to (Petersen et al. 1992). Nucleic acids increase the protease
facilitate formation of blood clots, frequently causing prob- activity of coagulation factors and facilitate thrombin genera-
lems in vital organs and severe pain in anoxic tissues. Since tion (Swystun et al. 2011; Kannemeier et al. 2007). Histones
these (and other) autoreactive immunoglobulins remain in were reported to promote coagulation of plasma by elevat-
the circulation long after the acute disease, their harmful ing production of thrombin and inhibiting thrombomodulin-
effects are usually prolonged. dependent protein C activation (Ammollo et al. 2011). As long
Viral molecular mimicry was first reported almost as NETs are infrequent, they do not pose a serious danger.
40 years ago. A monoclonal antibody against the measles However, in the case of SARS-2 infection, wide spread for-
virus phosphoprotein was found to cross-react with vimen- mation of NETs contributes to organ damage and mortality
tin, a human intermediate filament protein (Fujinami et al. (Kim et al. 2020). Released histones exhibit direct toxicity to
1983). Oldstone reported that 6 out of 41 monoclonal anti- epithelial and endothelial cells (Saffarzadeh et al. 2012) that
bodies raised against measles virus reacted with human can lead to serious complication in the lung microvasculature.
proteins and 6 out of 34 anti-Japanese encephalitis virus There are other problems with NETs that also contribute
monoclonals recognized human antigens (Oldstone 2014). to the negative consequences. Neutrophils secrete comple-
T cell-mediated autoimmunity was also shown to be ment factor P, deposit it on NETs and induce the formation
elicited by viral antigens. Five T cell clones specific to the of terminal complement complexes (C5b–9) (Yuen et al.
myelin basic protein (aa 85–99), a well characterized target 2016). This activation of complement participates not only
of multiple sclerosis, cross-reacted with—among others— in endothelial cell toxicity but also play a role in the erratic
measles, influenza A and C, human T cell leukaemia virus, inflammatory response. Finally, NETosis shifts the immune
parainfluenza type B and type 3, coxsackie A9 and human response to the Th17 direction and proinflammatory activity
coronavirus antigens (Wucherpfennig and Strominger 1995). of T helper 17 cells contributes to the exaggerated inflam-
mation characteristic of severe covid infections (Lambert
et al. 2019).

Polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes are the most Pyroptosis

abundant type of circulating white blood cells in humans
and represent the first line of defence against invading patho- Early detection of infecting viruses is imperative for host
gens; their functions include phagocytosis and generation of defence. Depending on the way how viruses replicate the
reactive oxygen species (ROS). In addition, self-destructing response of the innate immune system can follow two

Biologia Futura

strategies: detection of viral RNA in the cytoplasm by antibodies followed by severe disease, high level inflamma-
RIG-like receptors (RLRs) can elicit type I IFN production tion, multiorgan failure and frequently even death (Woodruff
efficiently inhibiting viral replication, or—if IFN response et al. 2020).
is inhibited or inefficient—cytopathic viruses trigger lytic Immunization with subunit vaccines or—in case of
cell death, allowing K + efflux-induced NLRP3 (cryopy- covid—mRNA vaccines elicits production of fully glyco-
rin) inflammasome activation resulting in pyroptosis, mass sylated, high specificity Ig molecules synthesized by B cells
release of IL1β, IL18 and other inflammatory cytokines after affinity maturation. In vaccinated people reinfection
(Costa et al. 2019). Unlike apoptosis that is immunologically cannot induce synthesis of afucosylated antibodies. There-
“silent”, thanks to the released TGFβ and IL10, pyroptosis fore, vaccination is not only a powerful tool to prevent pri-
is highly proinflammatory. mary infections, but also very useful to decrease the serious
Detection of cytopathogenic RNA viruses (like influenza symptoms of breakthrough infections.
A, vesicular stomatitis virus, encephalomyocarditis virus, or Small RNA viruses developed sophisticated mechanisms
coronaviruses) by RLRs or Nod-like receptors (NLR) trig- to evade different protective instrument of the host immune
gers oligomerization of NLRP3 leading to recruitment of system. Sometimes they use our own weapons to exacer-
caspases. Activated caspases (caspase-1/4/5 or 11) cleave bate the symptoms of the caused disease. The more we learn
the N-terminal of gasdermin D (GSDMD) that can specifi- about the evolutionary tricks of these viruses the better we
cally bind to specific phospholipids (phosphorylated phos- can treat viral diseases and decrease mortality and morbidity
phatidylinositol on eukaryotic membranes or cardiolipin of caused by these pathogenic agents.
the mitochondrial membrane). Membrane-bound N frag-
ments of GSDMD rapidly undergo oligomerization form-
ing 16-mer pores leading to rapid lysis of the cells (Broz and
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