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The permanent union of husband and wife in the Sacrament of marriage is more than a

contract and is described in this scriptural term.

Ans: Covenant

In the Latin Church,in the marriage ceremony the giving of this is a sign of love and fidelity.
Answer: Ring/rings

The effect of an annulment is to declare that prior marriage is ____ and so a party can now
enter into another union.
Answer: null, not valid

Marriage is a sacrament of _____.

Answer: Vocation

Another name for marriage is ____.

Answer: Matrimony

Cohabitation, domestic partnerships, same-sex unions, and polygamous unions are

permitted to Catholic teaching.
Answer: False

Conjugal love reflects the love between Christ and his Church.
Answer: True

No valid sacramental consummated marriage can be dissolved.

Answer: True

For a valid marriage between two Catholics, they must exchange their vows in the presence
of the Chuch's minister and two witnesses.
Answer: True

Divorce is caused by the disruption of God's plan that a man and woman should be united
in a permanent union.
Answer: True

What is the consent of the husband and wife publicly expressed called?
A. Oaths
B. Vows
C. Promises
D. Resolutions
Answer: B. Vows

Which is not a sin against marriage?

A. Cohabitation
B. Polygamy
C. Annulment
D. Premarital Sex
Answer: C. Annulment

The matter for the Sacrament of Matrimony.

A. The Vows
B. The Unity Candle
C. The Rings
D. Holy Water
Answer: C. The Rings
The _____ refers to the body of rules used by the Church to set down requirements for those
wishing to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony.

A. Ten Commandments
B. Code of Canon Law
C. Catechism of the Catholic Church
D. Marriage Prep Booklet
Answer: B. Code of Canon Law

The minister for the Sacrament of Matrimony.

A. The Altar Servers

B. The Coupl
C. The Deacon
D. The Priest
Answer: B. The Coupl

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