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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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Application of enzymes in food processing

a a b
Jennylynd James , Benjamin K. Simpson & Dr. Maurice R. Marshall
Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Macdonald Campus, McGill
University, 21111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste‐Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, Canada, H9X 3V9
Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Pesticide Research Lab., Univ. of Florida,
Published online: 29 Sep 2009.

To cite this article: Jennylynd James , Benjamin K. Simpson & Dr. Maurice R. Marshall (1996): Application of enzymes in food
processing, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 36:5, 437-463

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10408399609527735


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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 36(5):437-463 (1996)

Application of Enzymes in Food Processing

Jennylynd James and Benjamin K. Simpson
Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Macdonald Campus of McGill University,
21111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, Canada, H9X 3V9

Referee: Dr. Maurice R. Marshall, Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Pesticide Research Lab., Univ. of Florida,
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

ABSTRACT: Enzymes offer potential for many exciting applications for the improvement of foods. There is still,
however, a long way to go in realizing this potential. Economic factors such as achievement of optimum yields
and efficient recovery of desired protein are the main deterrents in the use of enzymes. Changing values in society
with respect to recombinant DNA and protein engineering technologies and the growing need to explore all
alternative food sources may in time make enzyme applications more attractive to the food industry. Research is
continuing on the commercially viable enzymes in use today to improve various properties such as thermostabili-
ties, specificities, and catalytic efficiencies. New and unique enzymes continue to be developed for use in
enzymatic reactions to produce food ingredients by hydrolysis, synthesis, or biocatalysis. An aggressive approach
is needed to open new opportunities for enzyme applications that can benefit the food industry.

KEY WORDS: enzymes, applications, food industry.

I. INTRODUCTION a few minutes to up to several days. During ca-

talysis, the enzyme forms a transient complex
Enzymes are biological catalysts that act to with the substrate that may decay to form free
speed up chemical reactions. They are specific, enzyme and product (or substrate).1 Thousands of
effective in small amounts, and react under mild enzymes, each capable of catalyzing a unique
conditions of temperature and pH. Enzymes are reaction, have been identified, and many are im-
derived from natural sources and may be readily portant to the food industry today.
inactivated after a desired transformation has taken
Unlike inorganic catalysts, enzymes are highly II. TRADITIONAL USES OF ENZYMES IN
specific, catalyzing the transformation of only a THE FOOD INDUSTRY
single substrate or the splitting of a small group of
closely related compounds or a specific bond. A. Early Enzyme Use
This minimizes byproduct formation in large-vol-
ume reactions. The capacity of enzymes to react Enzymes have been used since ancient times
under mild conditions of temperature and pH (up in an empirical manner, and special knowledge
to 100°C and pH 3 to 10) achieves a reduction in has been handed down from generation to genera-
energy costs. Low usage levels make enzymes tion of craftsmen, housewives, and chefs. One
economical and practical for commercial applica- example is the use of the mucous membrane of
tion.1 Because they are derived from plants, ani- weaning calves to preserve and improve the qual-
mals, or microbial sources, enzymes are perceived ity of milk for human consumption.3 Other ex-
as natural, nontoxic food components and are amples of early uses of enzymes include the ad-
preferred over chemical aids as food-processing dition of saliva to starchy products in preparation
aids by consumers.2 Based on these properties, of fermented liquors, preparation of malted bar-
enzymes find numerous applications in industry. ley and moldy bran for starch saccharification,
Reaction times for industrial enzymes vary from fermentation of grape juice to wine, conversion of

© 1996 by CRC Press, Inc.
milk to curds and whey in containers made of production of high-fructose corn syrup, beverage
animal stomachs, meat tenderization with papain clarification, brewing, baking, production of low-
in unripe papaya fruit, baking of bread with yeast lactose milk, and meat tenderization. However, it
by ancient Egyptians, and use of molds to make is rare that the consumer would use enzymes
various oriental fermented foods.4"6 directly.7 Many food enzymes are used to degrade
The discovery of enzymes of the digestive various biopolymers. Their specificity and high
tract was yet another milestone in the impact of reaction rates under mild reaction conditions are
enzymes on food products and the food industry. favored over competing chemical treatments. In-
A few historical moments in food-related enzy- dustrial food enzymes fall into three main groups:
mology are illustrated in Table 1. Technical en- hydrolases, oxidoreductases, and isomerases. Bulk
zyme preparations have been in use since the enzymes such as proteases, amylase, glucoamy-
beginning of this century. Beer had been stabi- lase, pectinases, and cellulases (all hydrolases)
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

lized with papain preparations since about 1911. have been produced using mainly two microbial
Pectinases were used to improve the pressing genera: Bacillus and Aspergillus. Extracellular
quality of Concord grapes and for the clarifica- enzymes released by these microorganisms can
tion of fruit juices in the 1930s.7 The first genera- simply be concentrated from the spent culture
tion of enzyme preparations was unspecific, be- broth after removal of cells at the end of the
cause no accurate knowledge of substrate nor production phase.3
enzyme activity was available. Manufacturers, Newer uses of microbial enzymes are emerg-
however, have been constantly trying to improve ing within the meat, fish, plant protein, and veg-
the specificity of technical enzymes. Table 2 lists etable oil sectors. Their share of the total market
some of the early enzyme-related patents in the for food enzymes is still quite small. Unfamiliar-
food industry. Takamine (1914) of Japan was the ity with enzymes among potential users and lack
first to patent an enzyme from the microorganism of well-defined application areas of great eco-
Aspergillus oryzae.4 Prior to 1960, the function nomic significance are the main reasons for the
and structure of enzymes was not too clear, but slow advancement of enzymes in food produc-
many applications had been found in the food tion.8
industry (Table 3).

1. Enzymes and Biotechnology

B. Current Enzyme Applications
The application of microbial enzymes has its
Common use of enzymes in the food industry roots in Asia, while in North America and West-
includes ingredient production and texture modi- ern Europe it was more usual to use enzymes
fication with industrial applications such as the from plants and animals.9 Microbial enzymes have

Early Discovery of Enzymes

Year Enzyme Scientist

1831 Ptyalin (amylase) Leuchs

1833 Diastase (amylase) Payen and Persoz
1836 Pepsin activity Schwann
1837 Emulsin activity Leibig and Wholer
1846 Invertase activity Dubonfant
1856 Trypsin activity Corvisart
1897 Enzymes converting Buchner
glucose to ethanol

Adapted from Neidleman, S. L, Food Technol., 45(1), 88, 1991.

Some Early Enzyme Patents in the Food Industry
Year Enzyme U.S. patent no. Inventor Title

1894 Amylases 525,823 J. Takamine Process of Making Diastatic

1906 Amylases 836,699 J. Takamine Diastatic Substance and Method of
Making Same
1911 991,560 J. Takamine Enzyme
Malt protease 995,820 L. Wallerstein Beer and Method of Preparing
Proteases 995,823 Preparation of Use in Brewing
Pepsin 995,824 Method of Treating Beer or Ale
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Papain 995,825 Method of Treating Beer or Ale

Bromelin 997,826 Method of Treating Beer or Ale
Yeast protease 997,873 Method of Treating Beer or Ale
1915 Amylases 1,129,387 S. Franknel Manufacture of Diastase
Amylases 1,513,640 I. Pollak Diastase Preparation and Method of
Making Same
1917 Amylases 1,513,641 A. Boidin Malt Extract and Method of Making
1922 Invertase 1,437,816 H. S. Paine and Process for Preparing Fondant or
J. Hamilton Chocolate Soft Cream Center
1923 Amylases, 1,460,736 J. Takamine Enzymatic Substance and Process
protease, of Making Same
1932 Amylases, 1,854,353-5 M. Wailerstein Method of Making Chocolate
papain Syrups
Amylases 1,858,820 R.Douglas Process of Preparing Pectin
1933 Invertase 1,919,675 L. Wallerstein Invertase Preparation and
Method of Making Same
1937 Proteases 2,077,477-9 L. Wallerstein Process of Chillproofing and
Stabilizing Beers and Ales

Adapted from Neidleman, S. L, Food Technol., 45(1), 88, 1991.

largely been considered by the North American origin, because, unlike plants and animals, micro-
food industries as merely substitutes for the tradi- organisms multiply rapidly and are not subject to
tional enzyme sources and not as processing aids. the same political and agricultural policies that
Progress made in sterile technology as well as regulate the production of livestock for slaugh-
development of antibiotic fermentations and mass ter.10-11
cultivation of single organisms have laid the foun- Enzyme technology involves a great deal of
dation for technical production of microbial en- overlap with the fields of fermentation and tissue
zymes.3 Introduction of pectinases for the clarifi- culture technology, because these methods are
cation of fruit juices in the 1930s was probably also used for enzyme production. In fermentation
the first example of industry's acceptance of mi- technology and plant tissue culture, whole organ-
crobial enzymes for an application in which en- isms are used. The multistep chemical conver-
zyme technology had not been used previously.8 sions catalyzed by these processes require en-
The commercial use of isolated microbial en- zymes acting in sequence. Complex cofactors may
zymes, on a large scale, was enhanced in the be required. Traditional enzyme technology only
1960s following the inclusion of alkaline pro- requires one or two chemical reactions. Thus,
teases in washing powders. Many of the bulk of instead of the inconvenience of using whole or-
enzymes used industrially today are of microbial ganisms, the enzyme is extracted from the plant,

Pre-1960 Applications of Enzymes in the Food Industry

Enzyme Source3 Food product Application

Amylase and 2,3 Baked food Bread and cracker baking

protease 2
Amylase 2,3 Beer Mashing
Protease 1,2,3 Chillproofingl
Glucose oxidase 2 Carbonated drinks Oxygen removal

Amylase 2,3 Cereals Precooked baby food

Amylase 2,3 Breakfast food
Amylase 2 Chocolate Syrup
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

Pectinase 2 Bean fermentation

Pectinase and hemicellulase 2 concentrate
Protease 1,2,3 Condiments Flavor ingredients
Invertase 2 Confectionary Soft center, fondants
Rennin 1 Dairy Cheese production
Lipase 1 Cheese favoring
Catalase 1,2 Milk sterilization with hydrogen
Protease 1 Off-flavor prevention in milk
Protease 1,2,3 Protein hydrolysates in milk
Lactase 2 Whey concentrates, ice cream,
frozen desserts, milk concentrates
Glucose oxidase 2 Oxygen removal from dried milk
Amylase 2,3 . Distilled beverages Mashing
Glucose oxidase 2 Egg Glucose removal
Pectinase 2 Fruit juice Clarification, filtration
Protease 2,3 Meat Meat tenderizing, casing tenderizing
condensed fish solubles
Invertase 2 Molasses High-test molasses
Amylase and 2 Starch Corn syrup
Pectinase 2 Wine Pressina. clarification, filtration

1 = animal, 2 = microbiological, 3 = plant.

Adapted from Neidleman, S. L, Food Technol., 45(1), 88, 1991.

animal, or microbial source, purified, and the iso- economic, and environmental factors. However,
lated form used to catalyze a reaction.7 this limitation may be obviated by isolating the
Recombinant DNA methods are having a sig- enzyme from a plant or animal source and ampli-
nificant impact on enzyme technology. Some of fying it in a microorganism. Methods that have
the benefits include increased enzyme production been employed include screening from nature,
and improvement of enzyme properties such as mutagenesis, genetic engineering and cloning tech-
thermostability and ability to operate outside the niques, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), protein
normal pH range. Even though plants and animals engineering, and chemical derivatization.
may serve as sources of several useful enzymes, The three main cloning techniques employed
their use as sources of industrial enzymes may be include "shotgun" cloning, cDNA cloning, and
limited by availability, cost, and various political, • synthetic DNA cloning. "Shotgun" cloning is rela-

tively simple to carry out because the gene se- technology requires a concerted approach of ge-
quence coding for a particular protein does not netic manipulation, protein engineering, and pro-
have to be known. The disadvantages of this cess development contributed by scientists and
method, however, are that a very specific selec- engineers from diversified disciplines, as seen in
tion method is required to identify recombinant Figure 1.
strains, genes that contain introns would not be Genetic engineering has made it possible to
accurately expressed, and where prokaryotes are isolate particular genes coding for enzymes, from
used to produce enzymes, these microorganisms organisms whose genetics are unknown. Using in
would have to recognize foreign DNA and ex- vitro recombination these genes can be introduced
press it. There is no problem of introns being into microorganisms that have been used in food
translated in cDNA cloning. Selection methods preparation for centuries, with subsequent syn-
tend to be simpler than those of "shotgun" clon- thesis of the novel gene products (enzymes).
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

ing and less laborious. However, mRNA required Genetic engineering methods provide the oppor-
for production of cDNA may not be available in tunity to increase gene dose and so affect product
sufficient quantities. The cloning of cDNA is tech- yield. Plant and animal enzymes may be pro-
nically more difficult to carry out and codon choice duced more efficiently when cloned into a micro-
may not be optimal for the host cell. Synthetic bial cell and should be produced under highly
DNA cloning has the advantage that the sequence regulated conditions.15
of gene promoters and ribosomal binding sites Protein engineering involves protein crystal-
can be optimized and changed. Thus, highly spe- lography, interactive computer graphics, databases,
cific mutations and enzyme production are pos- and other forms of commercial modeling to gen-
sible. The disadvantage here, however, is that the erate knowledge of the relationship among se-
gene sequence must be elucidated first and there quence, three-dimensional structure, and function.
is usually a problem with degeneracy.12 The necessary sequence changes for novel prop-
PCR has been applied in all cloning tech- erties are suggested and carried out by site-di-
niques. This process has been used to generate rected mutagenesis to alter one or a few specific
specific sequences of cloned double-stranded DNA amino acids in a molecule. The progress made in
for use as probes, to generate probes specific for the genetic engineering and protein engineering
uncloned genes by selective amplification of par- stages are only useful when a large-scale process
ticular segments of cDNA, to generate libraries of has been developed to cultivate the "new" organ-
cDNA from small amounts of mRNA, to generate isms in a fermenter and to purify a large enough
large amounts of DNA for sequencing, and for the quantity of active product for product formulation
analysis of mutations. The main limitation of this and toxicology testing. Optimization of condi-
method, however, is the high rate of misincorpor- tions for the cloned gene products is an important
ation because Taq DNA polymerase lacks the step in translating labscale experiments into com-
editing function of other polymerases like the mercial success.16
Klenow fragment in Escherichia coli (Pol I). PCR Enzymes of biotechnological interest that have
is still a very useful tool that can be applied in been cloned fall into two main categories: those
protein engineering and the production of benefi- that have applications in vitro in some commer-
cial food enzymes.13 cial processes and enzymes involved in biosyn-
DNA technology and its means of improving thetic pathways leading to commercially useful
enzyme production using cloning and expression, products. Polysaccharases and proteases are the
with protein engineering techniques to form unique main groups of genetically engineered enzymes
enzymes, have led to the making of new enzymes applied commercially. The ot-amylases of several
based on specific or desired functional needs. If species of bacilli have been cloned and in some
the three-dimensional structure or primary amino cases partially or totally sequenced. Fungal
acid sequence is known, the process becomes glucoamylase genes from Aspergillus awamori
even more feasible.14 The development of suc- and A. niger have been cloned. In both cases
cessful commercial products for food-processing cDNA clones were prepared as probes and the
enzymes and additives by genetic engineering genes identified using purified mRNAs that en-

1. Target new 2. Justify new
protein properties of
existing products

3. Genetic
4. Protein
Cloning Expression
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

5. Small-scale
and purification

6. Pilot-scale 7. Product 8. Toxicology

fermentation formulation studies
and purification

10. Commercial 9. FDA

production acceptance

11. Marketing

FIGURE 1. Flowchart for commercial development of recombinant food-processing enzymes and food additives.
(Adapted from Lin, Y. L, Food Techno!., 41(10), 104, 1987.)

coded the glucoamylases. Cellulases from both ample is the cloning of a thermostable neutral
bacterial and fungal sources have been cloned. protease gene from Bacillus stearothermophilus
There are reports of cloning of genes from organ- and its expression in B. subtilis. The gene coding
isms that code for protease production. One ex- for calf chymotrypsin (rennin), a proteolytic en-

zyme of great commercial importance, has been polysaccharide supports include diethylaminoethyl
cloned and sequenced in Escherichia coli using a (DEAE)-Sephadex, which provides a polycationic,
tryptophan promoter from the host bacterium. The weakly basic anion exchange group. Enzymes
reader is referred to the review by Peberdy15 for having a relatively high content of acidic amino
further information on genetic engineering in re- acids remain firmly bound to DEAE-cellulose or
lation to enzymes. DEAE-Sephadex even at high substrate concen-
tration as long as certain physical conditions such
as ionic strength and pH are maintained.
2. Bulk Enzymes and Immobilization Some of the disadvantages of enzyme immo-
bilization include: (1) the cost of immobilization,
Traditionally, enzymes were used in bulk (2) requirement for highly skilled personnel, (3)
form, for example, specific proteases for hydroly- unique sanitation and toxicology problems, and
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

sis of casein in cheese production. Through mass (4) loss of enzyme activity; for example,
production of secreting cells, extracellular en- aminoacylase from Aspergillus oryzae adsorbed
zymes can be concentrated from the spent culture on DEAE-Sephadex lost 40% of its activity over
broth after removal of the cells at the end of the a 32-d period when used at 50°C for continuous
production phase. Enzymes thus became avail- hydrolysis of acetylated L-methionine.17
able at low cost and were used only once and then Chitin is another carbohydrate support mate-
discarded or left in the product in a denatured rial used in the immobilization of enzymes, as
form. This is a simple approach to enzyme use not described with glucose isomerase and glucoamy-
requiring complex equipment or technical staff. lase attached by simple adsorption. The deacetyl-
Bulk enzymes are distributed for use either as ated form of chitin is chitosan and this polymer
concentrated liquids or as dry powders. has a large percentage of free amino groups.
Alternatively, the enzyme may be immobi- Chitosan has been used along with gluteraldehyde
lized, that is, constrained one way or another to prepare immobilized acid-tolerant lactose.17
within the confines of a solid support to permit it Porous glass, alumina, nickle oxide on nickle
to be reused from one operation to another.17 screen, silica alumina impregnated with nickel
Other advantages of enzyme immobilization in- oxide, porous ceramics, and sand are some of the
clude: (1) a reduction in the need for huge quan- inorganic materials to which enzymes have been
tities of enzymes thus reducing costs, (2) the abil- attached. Inorganic supports have the following
ity to reuse the enzyme many times more than advantages: (1) structural stability over varying
when in the soluble form, (3) no residual enzyme conditions, (2) excellent flow properties in reac-
left in the product, (4) increased stability of the tors, (3) inertness to microbial attack or attack by
enzyme (5) improved enzyme behavior (pH op- enzymes, (4) ease of adaptability to various par-
tima shifted to more advantageous pH on immo- ticle shapes and sizes, and (5) good regeneration
bilization to certain supports), (6) the possibility capability.
of a continuous process, which permits better General methods used to immobilize enzymes
quality control of the product, (7) less additional include adsorption, covalent binding, and entrap-
processing, (8) lower labor costs, and (9) advan- ment. For a very informative discourse on immo-
tageous use of multiple enzyme systems. The bilized enzymes in the food industry, the reader is
procedure has been explored since the mid-1960s. referred to the review article by Pitcher.18 The
Substrate can now be continuously added to a influence of the use of enzyme immobilization on
support as product is removed. the food industry is illustrated by the corn starch
Solid supports used for enzyme immobiliza- industry, where glucose isomerase is immobi-
tion include polysaccharides, inorganic supports, lized for the production of high-fructose corn
fibrous proteins, synthetic polymers, hydrogels, syrup. This syrup has become a very competitive
and hollow fibers. Enzymes can be constrained or sweetener in the food industry.19
held to these supports by adsorption, covalent It is also possible to immobilize whole cells
attachment, crosslinking, entrapment, microencap- instead of isolated enzymes. This approach has
sulation, or by other methods.17 Examples of several advantages: (1) it avoids the lengthy and

expensive operations of enzyme purification, (2) less specific. The introduction of microbial
there is preservation of the enzyme environment chymosin produced by a genetically engineered
and reduction of its degradation, (3) sophisticated organism is considered the most significant future
transformations are performed more easily, espe- breakthrough in microbial rennet production.8 Im-
cially those requiring several enzymes and cofac- provements are needed in the area of shortened
tor regeneration, and (4) a multipurpose catalyst cheese ripening time and use of the waste product
may be provided.19 However, there are limitations whey.
to the approach, namely, (1) rate limitation due to
diffusion of substrate and products through the
cell wall, and (2) undesirable reactions of the 1. Microbial Proteinases in the Dairy
substrate or product, causing a loss of specificity. Industry
Continuous processes are favored by cell immo-
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bilization. Microbial rennet substitutes derived from

Mucor miehei, M. pusillus and Escherichia
parasitica are utilized in countries such as Hol-
C. Dairy Industry land and the U.S. Commercial products derived
from these rennet substitutes are listed in Table 4.
For quite some time, rennet obtained from the Mucor rennets are marketed as liquids stabilized
stomach of calves was the only technical enzyme with salts and permitted preservatives. The en-
used in cheese making, apart from the specific use zyme from E. parasitica is less stable and is
of esterases from sheep and goat gland extracts. usually marketed in a solid form. Religious and
Demand for cheese and dairy products is on the ethnic regulations against the use of animal-de-
increase worldwide. The dairy industry has re- rived enzymes have encouraged the search for
sponded to these demands through mechanization alternatives to calf rennet in the United States.
and consolidation and by taking advantage of European countries have a larger supply of calf
improvements and new technology. Microbiologi- rennet and are in the practice of using various
cal proteases from Mucor or Endothia parasitica blends of calf rennet and bovine or porcine pep-
have been used as substitutes for animal rennet, sin.21
which is becoming scarce. However, microbio- In Cheddar cheese manufacture, the rennet is
logical rennin has been found to be less specific added to milk at a temperature of 31 °C. The milk-
than pure chymosin.7 clotting enzyme is added at a rate of 150 to 200
Pepsin and chymosin-like enzymes from harp ml/100 kg of milk, and clotting occurs within 10
seal and cold-temperature-adapted fish species to 15 min. A temperature of 35°C is used in Swiss
have been shown to be able to curdle milk, but cheese manufacture. Chymosin is used as the stan-
similarly to the microbial enzymes, are relatively dard of evaluation for other milk clotting en-

Commercial Microbial Rennets

Microbial source Supplier Product name

Mucor pusillus Dairyland Food Laboratories Emporase

Mucor miehei G.B. Fermentation Industries Fromase
Mucor miehei Chr. Hansen's Laboratories Hannilase
Mucor miehei Miles Laboratories Marzyme
Aspergillus niger Miles Laboratories Milenzyme
Mucor miehei Pfizer, Inc. Morcurd
Mucor miehei Novo Laboratories Rennilase

Adapted from Ward, O. P., Microbial Enzymes and Biotechnology, Fogarty, W. M.,
Ed., Applied Science Publishers, New York, 1983, 251.

zymes. Comparative trials indicate that microbial to 25%), have been found to be lactose intolerant.
enzymes from M. miehei compare favorably with Thus, one-third of the U.S. population may be
rennet in cheese making with respect to curd yield presumed to have some form of lactose intoler-
and firmness. Various types of cheeses prepared ance.23
by microbial rennet were judged satisfactory by The enzyme lactase, which coverts lactose
organoleptic tests. However, it has been reported into its subunits (glucose and galactose), can thus
that microbial rennets produce more bitter prod- find useful commercial applications in the food
ucts, particularly in young cheeses.21 Most other industry. The development of processes involv-
proteolytic enzymes cause extensive digestion of ing soluble or immobilized lactase has been very
milk proteins that leads to unacceptable flavor, slow, possibly due to the high cost of the enzyme
poor texture, and reduced yield.21 in correlation to the value of the substrates.9 The
Studies of acceleration of the complex bio- potential for enzymatic modification of lactose
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chemical reactions in cheese ripening have fo- has been recognized since the 1950s, but produc-
cused on proteinases, with less emphasis on li- tion of lactose-modified dairy products became
pases and peptidases, in hard/semihard internally possible only with the commercial development
bacterially ripened cheeses. Accelerated ripening of processes for the isolation of the enzyme from
did not occur with increased rennet levels. Use of microbial sources. Lactases generally used for
an optimal level of Neutrase reduced the ripening lactose hydrolysis are extracted from yeast such
by approximately 50%, but the product thus ob- as Kluveromyces lactis (K. marxianus) and K.
tained had a softer body and was more brittle than fragilis or from fungi such as Aspergillus niger
cheese of the same age.22 A combination of and A. oryzae. These lactases differ widely in
Neutrase and streptococcal cell-free extract (CFE) their properties, especially in their pH optima.23-24
gave better results with increased proteolysis, but A dairy-modified lactose-reduced milk is
no increased flavor intensity. This combined en- available on the market. It is well accepted de-
zyme preparation is now being produced com- spite the slightly sweeter taste brought about by
mercially by Imperial Biotechnology of London, hydrolysis. One promising process is the Tetra
U.K., as a product called Accelase and is to be Lacta System, developed by Tetra Pak Interna-
used in large-scale commercial cheese-making tional AB. In this process milk is sterilized by an
trials.22 ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) treatment, after
which it is mixed with sterile enzyme solution in
low concentrations. Hydrolysis of lactose then
2. Lactases takes place during storage of the packed milk
(1 to 2 weeks — over 80% conversion of lac-
Lactose is a disaccharide composed of glu- tose).8
cose and galactose residues linked together by an Lactase capsules were introduced by the
oc-(l—»4) glycosidic bond. It is a major compo- Kremers Urban Co., Millwaukee, WI and Lactaid,
nent of milk and appears in whey during cheese Inc. began commercial marketing of tablets to
manufacture. Lactose is less sweet and less soluble health professionals in 1985. Lactase-containing
than its component sugars and is thus of little use tablets are now available for both consumers and
commercially, because it needs to be broken down health professionals. Each tablet contains (5-D-
into its component sugars. galactosidase from A. oryzae and is taken with a
It is estimated that 70% of the world popula- meal. For example, in 1990 Winthrop Consumer
tion is deficient in intestinal lactase (p-galactosi- Products, Division of Sterling Drugs, New York,
dase), the enzyme necessary to digest lactose. NY introduced a chewable tablet known as Dairy
Certain individuals from various ethnic groups in Ease.23
the U.S., namely, African-Americans (45 to 81%), Lactase has been employed in the manufac-
Mexican-Americans (47 to 74%), Asian-Ameri- ture of ice cream. Partial replacement of the skim
cans (65 to 100%), Native Americans (50 to 75%), milk powder and sugar with hydrolyzed sweet
and people of northwestern European ancestry (6 whey in ice cream formulae gives a smoother

texture and an acceptable flavor. The possibility The ability to use the full potential of genetic
of producing low-fat (3 to 5%) ice cream mixes engineering in lactic streptococci was initiated
that are comparable in flavor and texture with when Kondo and McKay (1982) reported suc-
ordinary ice cream (10% fat) is being investi- cessful transformation of plasmid DNA in Strep-
gated.8 Complete replacement of sucrose in ice tococcus lactis protoplasts; however, the frequency
cream mix with hydrolyzed-lactose syrup de- of transformation was low. Using a polyethylene
pressed the freezing point slightly. glycol-induced uptake system, an increase in ef-
In general, when cheeses are prepared from ficiency of about 300-fold was achieved.25
hydrolyzed-lactose milk, a faster rate of acid de- Also important was polyethylene glycol-in-
velopment is observed during the initial stages of duced transfection of protoplasts of Streptococ-
cheese making, thereby reducing manufacturing cus lactis subsp. diacetylactis. The efficiency of
time. Faster ripening time for flavor and texture genetic exchange reported was 50,000 transfec-
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

development has been observed, as well as higher tants per microgram of phage DNA. By shuttling
cheese yield. Reported disadvantages, however, plasmid vectors between organisms, such as
include off-flavor development, sweet taste, fail- Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis, and the strep-
ure of curd to knit properly during cheddaring, tococci, the vector permits chromosomal frag-
and crumbly body.23 ments to be cloned and manipulated in the well-
developed E. coli or B. subtilis system and then
transferred to the streptococci for further study.25
3. Future of Enzymes in the Dairy Several research groups have developed recombi-
Industry nant DNA techniques for the introduction of the
prochymosin gene from calf stomach cells into
Genetic engineering offers the advantage of microorganisms such as E. coli or Saccharomy-
directed manipulation of microorganisms to ces cerevisiae. Table 5 gives a partial list of com-
achieve significant improvements on existing pro- panies with patent applications filed on microbial
cesses. Research progress has been slow in the calf chymosin. One problem experienced with
area of diary products for the following reasons: recombinant proteins produced in E. coli is the
(1) higher intrinsic value of pharmaceutical tar- formation of soluble granules that are catalyti-
gets, (2) difficulty of culturing in the laboratory cally inactive, packed inside the cell. These inclu-
— dairy starter organisms have complex nutri- sion bodies of protein present major problems in
tional growth requirements, (3) few selection industrial scale-up and enzyme recovery.
markers, and (4) lack of secretion of proteins and
other substances.
In the dairy industry, genetic engineering tech- D. Protein Modification
nology has targeted the cloning of starter culture
organisms with genes coding for long-term resis- Food protein modification using microbial
tance to bacteriophage infection and the elimina- enzymes has played an important role in bread
tion of culture rotations. Improved rates of acid manufacture. Strong gluten of low extensibility
production and substrate use have also been im- reduce the volume of the baked product. This
portant areas of research. Formation of cultures situation is remedied by using fungal proteinases
that give new or improved textures and flavors, to achieve limited, specific gluten degradation.7
with accelerated flavor development, have been Enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins has been ap-
targeted. Production of antimicrobial compounds plied to improve their whipping capacity or emul-
that reduce spoilage and inhibit harmful sifying power. In the confectionary industry, pro-
microorgansisms is an area of major concern. tein modification using microbial enzymes has
Above all, fermentation-based production of mi- been used in the production of foaming agents
crobial calf chymosin will prove to have enor- and specialty protein hydrolysates for dietetic
mous economic savings. purposes. The development of industrial protein

Companies and Investigators Who Have Published
Research, Have Patent Applications Filed, or Have
Patents on Microbial Calf Chymosin

Company or investigator Microorganism

T. Beppu, U. of Tokyo E. coli

Celltech, U.K. E. coli and S. cerevisiae
Codon, CA E. coli
Collaborative Research E. coli and S. cerevisiae
Genencor E. coli and B. subtilis
Genex E. coli
Gist Brocades Kluveromyces
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

Unilever E. coli

From Barach, J. T., Food Techno),, 39(10), 73, 1985. With


hydrolysis processes was hampered by the forma- the production of soya milk for increasing its
tion of bitter-tasting peptides. Examples of en- protein content.8 Traditionally, soy milk is pro-
zyme-modified proteins are discussed below. duced by initial soaking of the beans for at least
3 h, depending on water temperature. The beans
are then ground in water to bean ratio of 10 to 1.
1. Soy Protein Hydrolysates/Health The slurry is filtered and the resulting milk heated
Foods to boiling for about 30 min to improve its nutri-
tional value and flavor. The product has a typical
The treatment of soya flour or isolated soy bean flavor caused by enzymatic lipid oxidation
protein with proteases produces proteins with during the wet grinding process.26'27
modified functional properties, such as increased It was found that enzymes improved the yield
isoelectrical solubility and improved whipping of soy milk compared with traditional procedures.
capacity, foam stability, and emulsifying capac- The neutral protease Neutrase gave superior re-
ity.7 Soy protein hydrolysates have great potential sults at neutral pH. Olsen and Alder-Nissen27
as ingredients in low-pH foods such as beverages devised a method whereby hydrolysates of soya
where applications depend on a soluble product protein could be produced, removing compounds
that does not cause problems of gelation, turbid- responsible for bitter off-flavors. Figure 2 gives
ity, and off-flavor to the food produced. The major the structures of precursors and off-flavor com-
problem encountered with soy protein hydroly- pounds in soybean. "Cooked soybean" off-flavor
sates is the problem of bitter peptide formation. results from the presence of phenolic acids such
The degree of bitterness is related to the degree of as syringic, vanillic, ferulic, gentistic, salicyclic,
hydrolysis. A compromise thus has to be estab- p-coumaric, and chlorogenic acids. Ferulic andp-
lished.20 coumaric acids have been found to be precursors
The production of isoelectric, soluble soya for the soybean off-flavor compounds, which were
protein hydrolysate (ISSPH) and the decoloriza- identified as 4-vinyl-guaiacol and 4-vinyl-phe-
tion of the blood cell fraction of slaughterhouse nol.
blood are both processes that use Bacillus Soya white flakes are washed at pH 4.5 with
licheniformis protease (Alcalase®), a product used water in a four-step extraction process to produce
in the detergent industry. The neutral protease a concentrate with a low level of beany off-fla-
from B. amyloliquefaciens (Neutrase) is used in vors. The concentrate is immediately hydrolyzed



p-cou marie acid 4-vinyI-phenol

Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013




FIGURE 2. Precursors and off-flavors from soybean. (From Olsen, H. S. and Adler-Nissen.27 With permission.)

with the alkaline protease Alcalase to a specified lack of sweetness relative to that of sucrose and
degree of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is terminated by the formation of reversion products limited the
lowering the pH and the supernatant is then re- use of glucose syrups. The introduction of enzy-
covered by centrifugation.28 matic processes with liquefying bacterial amylase
and saccharifying amyloglucosidase today allows
yields of up to approximately 90% glucose. The
E. The Starch Industry use of immobilized glucose isomerase has made
it possible to produce isomerase syrup with high
1. High-Fructose Corn Syrup Production fructose content.7 A large percent of microbial
enzymes produced are utilized in the starch in-
The method of acid hydrolysis of starch form- dustry. The large-scale process of high-fructose
ing glucose was developed by Russian chemist syrup production was developed in the mid-1970s
Kirchoff in 1811, and de Saussure in 1815 estab- using Novo's commercial preparations of ther-
lished the basis for the commercial production of mostable a-amylase (for the initial degradation of
syrups and crude sugars. Although acid-converted starch to dextrins) and immobilized glucose
corn syrup was useful in many applications, the isomerase (for converting glucose to fructose).

The second process step, the saccharification of tures in excess of 100°C for complete starch di-
dextrins to glucose, is carried out by soluble glu- gestion. There was thus the need for bacterial
coamylase from Aspergillus niger. Immobilized amylases with high-temperature stability, such as
glucoamylase has proved inefficient because the that from B. licheniformis, which has optimum
maximum relative glucose content obtained is working temperature 90°C.
lower than that obtained with soluble glucoamy-
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has become 2. Maltose Production
an established product for the corn wet milling
industry, and almost every major corn processor Amyloglucosidase from A. niger and Rhizo-
in the U.S. has an HFCS plant in operation. HFCS pus is used for saccharification of dextrins to
is used as a less expensive direct replacement of glucose, which is then isomerized to fructose in
sucrose.30 A simplified flow diagram for the pro-
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

high-fructose syrup production. The reaction is

duction of HFCS starting from starch was de- slow: 45 to 60 h at pH < 5.0 and temperature
scribed by Bucke.32 The need for multiple treat- 60°C.7 Exoacting maltogenic a-amylase has been
ment during HFCS production arises from the described. It is also the first near commercial
nature of starch itself. Starch consists of two frac- example of an industrial enzyme produced by
tions. The amylose fraction consists of long, un- genetically engineered organisms. In trials, more
branched chains of D-glucose units linked by oc- glucose was obtained than with plant P-amylases.
(1—»4) bonds. In contrast, the amylopectin fraction The demand for high-maltose syrups in Japan
is highly branched and has both a-(l->4) and oc- is growing. Most Japanese prefer the much milder
(1—>6) bonds.31 The main challenge in the early sweet flavor of maltose to the very sweet flavor of
saccharification steps is that a-amylases act mainly sucrose. Therefore, a lot of high-maltose syrup
on 1—>4 bonds so that addition of a debranching instead of sucrose has been recently used for,
enzyme like pullulanase or isoamylase, which making cakes and soft drinks.33 By treating starch
specifically attack a-(l—>6) glycosidic bonds, is paste with P-amylase, maltose may be obtained in
now widely practiced.31 Commercial preparation a yield of about 80%, with 20% of dextrins being
of debranching enzymes exhibiting the right com- produced simultaneously. Maltose syrups pro-
bination of pH and temperature, activity, and sta- duced from corn starch are of two types. One type
bility has begun. is 30 to 50% maltose and 6 to 10% glucose (high-
The heart of the process is the enzymatic maltose syrup) corresponding to 43 to 49 dex-
isomerization step using immobilized glucose trose equivalent (DE) corn syrups (Table 6). The
isomerase. Two enzymes, oc-amylase and other is 30 to 40% maltose and 30 to 50% glucose
glucoamylase, are used in a soluble form to hy- (fermentable syrup) representing 65 to 70 DE
drolyze starch. Syrup containing typically 90 to (Table 6).
95% dextrose is fed to the isomerization reactor Maltose production can be divided into the
system. A series of pretreatment steps such as production procedure for high-maltose syrup and
separation of residual protein, carbon treatment, the fermentable syrup. For high-maltose syrup
and ion exchange are needed to condition the feed production, two common procedures used are (I)
syrup for isomerization. A series of posttreatment the acid-enzyme conversion process, and (2) the
steps, including evaporation, are needed to obtain multiple-enzyme process. For the first process, a
the end product.30'32 maltose-producing saccharifying enzyme such as
The amylase from B. amyloliquefaciens, which barley P-amylase is added and the residual en-
has a temperature optimum of approximately 70°C, zyme is deactivated by heating. In the multiple-
was initially used to liquefy starch to form dex- enzyme precursor, starch is gelatinized and the
trin. This enzyme is also used today in brewing preliminary starch depolymerization is brought
and for the starch breakdown in brandy manufac- about by enzymes such as fungal a-amylase or
ture. Maize starch production requires tempera- bacterial a-amylase instead of acid. Barley

Compositional Data of Syrups

% Saccharide, carbohydrate basis

Sample equivalent DP, DP2 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP6 DP7

Corn syrup,
AC 27 9 9 8 7 7 6 54
Corn syrup,
AC 36 14 12 10 9 8 7 40
Corn syrup,
AC 42 20 14 12 9 8 7 30
Corn syrup,
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

AC 55 31 18 12 10 7 5 17
Corn syrup,
HM, DC 43 8 40 15 7 2 2 26
Corn syrup,
HM, CD 49 9 52 15 1 2 2 19
Corn syrup,
DC 65 39 31 7 5 4 3 11
Corn syrup,
DC 70 47 27 5 5 4 3 9
Corn syrup,
DC, E 95 92 4 1 1 2 b

Data supplied by cooperating member companies of the CRA.
Sum of DP* „,

Note: DP = degree of polymerization; AC = acid conversion, DC = dual conversion (acid-enzyme), HM = maltose,

E = enzyme conversion.

From Maeda, H. and Tsao, G. T., Process Biochem., 14(7), 2, 1979. With permission.

p-amylase is then added to continue the conver- ration stage. During the main fermentation, the
sion. Microbial P-amylase has been known to be bulk of fermentable sugars in the wort (an aque-
very stable in supply and economical to use. ous extract of malted barley) is metabolized into
A. oryzae a-amylase is reported to be the ethanol, while during maturation, flavor, carbon
most effective of many amylases tested. Staley dioxide content, haze stability, attenuation, and
Corn Processing, Inc. has applied a debranching other properties of the beer are adjusted care-
enzyme for the production of high-maltose syrup fully.34-35 Proteinases and exopeptidases present
of 80% maltose content as a commercial product. in the malt cause the increase in soluble nitrogen
Barley P-amylase and microbial pullulanase have compounds required for the brewing process. If
been used as debranching enzymes. It was found unmalted grain is used, the missing proteolytic
that B. cereus var. mycoides accumulated large activity must be supplemented by exogenous pro-
amounts of p-amylase and pullulanase in the broth tease preparations. In selecting proteases, the fol-
at the same time when cultivated with meat ex- lowing conditions must be observed: (1) high-
tract and mild casein as the nitrogen sources. temperature stability at 55 to 60°C, (2) optimum
These enzymes find great industrial applications.33 activity between pH 6 to 7, (3) insensitivity to
natural proteinase inhibitors, and (4) activity at
very low protein concentrations. Traditionally,
F. Brewing Industry this function was carried out using papain.7
In beer manufacture, proteinases act to in-
Traditionally, manufacture of beer is divided crease the actual yield of wort and the level of oc-
into stages: a main fermentation stage and a matu- amino nitrogen in the wort, and to remove chill

haze from beer during finishing. It is agreed that because some final product remains trapped in
a level of 140 to 180 mg of a-amino nitrogen per the filters. Around 1914, the Wallerstein Com-
liter of wort is required for normal fermentation.20 pany used proteolytic enzymes to hydrolyze pro-
Beer contains complexes of proteins with teins involved in haze formation. For example,
carbohydrates and tannin, which are soluble in papain has been immobilized on chitin and beer
the newly pasteurized product, but tend to be- passed over columns of the enzyme for chill proof-
come less soluble with time as the beer is cooled. ing.34-35
The complexes are insoluble, but do not precipi- The brewing industry is quite conservative in
tate. They instead form unacceptable turbidity in the use of microbial enzymes; however, the en-
the beer. This turbidity is called chill haze. The zyme acetolactate decarboxylase isolated from
nature of chill haze and its formation vary de- several microorganisms has been applied to cata-
pending on the type and source of barley malt hop lyze the degradation of oc-acetolactic acid to
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

adjuncts and processing variables used in the par- acetoin. During beer maturation processes, the
ticular brewing (5 to 70% proteins, 1 to 55% oxidative transformation of a-acetolactic acid into
tannins, and 3 to 80% carbohydrates).35 In North diacetyl and the subsequent reduction of diacetyl
America, where beer is chilled before serving, the to acetoin by reductases from the yeast are usu-
problem is unavoidable; thus, chill proofing or ally rate limiting for the overall maturation pro-
prevention of chill haze formation is required. cess (Figure 3). Acetoin is a major flavor compo-
Examples of haze-removing material are nent in beer and thus its formation is critical in
adsorbents such as bentonite, wood chips, silica, beer production.
nylon powder, and activated carbon. These solid Godtfredsen et al.34 determined the occur-
particles would have to be removed at the end of rence of cc-acetolactate decarboxylases among
the process, thus requiring additional costs for lactic acid bacteria. Streptococcus diacetylactis
filtering. There would also be a reduction in yield strain FD-64-D was found to generate a decar-

- Acetolactic Diacetyl


OH reductase OH
2,3-Butanediol Acetoin

FIGURE 3. Key reactions in diacetyl generation in and removal from beer. (Adapted from Godtfredsen, S. E.,
Rasmussen, A. M., Ottesen, M., et al., Appl. Microb. Biotechnol., 20, 23, 1984.)

boxylase exhibiting a satisfactory activity and an a triglyceride by lipase can yield monoglycerides
excellent stability at the pH prevailing in beer and and free fatty acids. Lipases have been used for
wort. Lactobacillus casei DSM 2546 produced a the interesterification of triglycerides, but these
decarboxylase with improved solubility charac- reactions are commonly carried out using inor-
teristics and also exhibited satisfactory activity ganic catalysts in the oil and fat industry. Com-
and stability at low beer pH. Based on these supe- pared with inorganic catalysts, lipases are more
rior qualities, the enzyme from L. casei was evalu- substrate specific, that is, they will catalyze the
ated for solubility for pilot-scale production. Thus, interesterification of only certain types of fatty
acetolactate decarboxylase production from lac- acids in particular positions in the triglycerides.8
tobacilli was not considered to be profitable even Vegetable and animal fats are commonly used
though it has GRAS status, because it requires too as substrates for lipolysis. The ease with which fat
much zinc for stabilization. Therefore, more suit- or oil is hydrolyzed depends on the lipase itself.
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

able bacterial sources are required for the produc- The substrate, however, has to be emulsified be-
tion of acetolactate decarboxylase.8 cause a true lipase by definition acts at the oil-
Microbial enzymes are being used in the pro- water interface. Glycerol esters are the preferred
duction of low-calorie beer. The main difference substrates.
of the "lite" beers compared with "normal" beers Microbial lipases may be divided into two
is that "lite" beers are relatively lower in calories groups, depending on their positional specificity.
(i.e., ~ 15 to 50% lower). Brewing techniques in There is a nonspecific group that releases fatty
"lite" beer formation include a low original grav- acids from all three positions of the glycerol moi-
ity and a complete fermentation. One simple pro- ety. The nonspecific lipases also cause complete
duction method is to dilute a regular beer. How- breakdown of triglycerides to free fatty acids and
ever, this may upset flavor balance. A more glycerol. The second group is specific in that
complex technique includes the use of dextrose as hydrolysis takes place at the Snl and Sn3 posi-
an adjunct to reduce the residual carbohydrate tions preferentially to give free fatty acids and the
content of the beer or addition of amyloglucosidase di- and monoglycerides as reaction products.36
to wort to achieve the same results. However, One good example of this is the system pioneered
with the enzyme technique, it is difficult to re- by Unilever Research in which one of the major
move all residual enzyme activity in the final lipids of palm oil, 1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-oleyl glyc-
beer, which leads to a distinctly sweeter product erol (POP), is transformed into more valuable
on the market. Glucoamylases and fungal p-amy- compounds. One or both of the palmitic acid
lase are used commercially for this purpose.8 residues are substituted with stearic acid to form
palmitoyl-2-oleyl-3-steroyl glycerol and steroyl-
2-oleyl-3-steroyl glycerol, that is, POS and SOS,
G. Lipid Modification respectively.32
These lipids (POS and POP) are the main
Lipases are produced by plants, animals, and components of cocoa butter.8 In this process the
microorganisms. Plant lipases have not found enzyme is immobilized and hydrated before use,
commercial applications, but microbial and ani- and the substrate is a particular grade of palm oil,
mal lipases have been used successfully in pro- mixed with tristearin or stearic acid in an organic
ducing novel ingredients.36 Bacteria of the genera solvent. These reactions may be termed transes-
Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, and Staphylococ- terification: a process used in the oil industry to
cus, as well as yeasts (i.e., Candida and Torulopis), modify the composition and hence the physical
and molds (i.e., Rhizopus, Aspergillus, and properties (crystallinity and melting characteris-
Geotricum) have been shown to produce lipases. tics) of triglyceride mixtures. In this process a
Glycerol ester hydrolases or lipases are en- chemical catalyst is used to promote acyl migra-
zymes that hydrolyze tri-, di-, and monoglycerides tion between glyceride molecules so that products
present at an oil-water interface. Although the consist of glyceride mixtures in which the fatty
reaction seldom goes to completion, hydrolysis of acyl groups are randomly distributed among the

glyceride molecules. The process can also be sion of pregastric calf esterase and fungal esterase
applied to mixtures of triglycerides and free fatty resulted in typical Fontina cheese flavor. In the
acid, resulting in the formation/production of U.S., effective August 13, 1974 enzyme-modi-
interesterified triglycerides randomly enriched fied cheese became an acceptable optional ingre-
with the added fatty acid.37 dient in processed cheese, processed cheese food,
Controlled lipolysis has been applied in the or processed cheese spread.36
generation of short-chain fatty acids, which in
turn are oxidized into carbonyl compounds such
as methyl ketones, which are responsible for milk 1. Production of ^-Monoglycerides
aroma. Numerous procedures describing the ap-
plications of various lipolytic enzymes have been Monoglycerides are used widely in the food
patented, and a few examples of these patented industry as emulsifiers. They can be produced by
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

procedures are summarized in Table 7. Different the base-catalyzed hydrolysis of triglycerides at a

lipolytic enzymes yield differing amounts of prod- high temperature. This chemical process, how-
ucts with the same substrate; for example, the ever, is not specific and a statistical distribution of
addition of lamb gastric extracts combined with various glycerides (mono-, di-, and triglycerides)
lamb pregastric esterase in the manufacture of and glycerol are obtained. Enzyme-derived
Italian cheese leads to the development of the monoglycerides are formed using a method of
picante flavor of Romano and Provolone.36 Inclu- lipase-catalyzed alcoholysis of triglycerides. These

Patents Pertaining to use of Lipolytic Enzymes in Food Ingredient
Manufacture or Processing

Application Country Patent no. Year of issue

Modification of fat in milk U.S. 1,966,460 1930

U.S. 3,469,933 1969
Use in Italian cheese U.S. 2,531,329 1950
U.S. 2,794,743 1957
Use in American c h e e s e U.K. 1,326,516 1971
Canada 911,248 1971
Canada 911,250 1971
U.S. 3,650,768 1972
Enzyme-modified milk powder U.S. 2,531,329 1950
U.S. 2,794,743 1957
Lipolyzed milk U.S. 2,638,418 1953
Lipolyzed milk fat "buttery" Japan 3,187/70 1970
flavor. U.K. 1,251,272 1971
Japan 72^15108 1972
Canada 912,905 1971
U.S. 3,469,993 1972
Lipolyzed milk fat "cultured U.S. 3,469,993 1969
cream" flavors
Lipolyzed milk fat "blue U.S. 2,965,492 1960
cheese" flavors U.S. 3,100,153 1963
U.S. 3,072,488 1963
Lipolyzed milk fat "cheese- U.K. 1,326,516 1971
like" flavors U.S. 3,780,182 1973
Use in yogurt Japan 3107/71 1971

From Kilara, A., Process Biochem., 20(4), 3 5 , 1985. With permission.

monoglycerides possess good emulsification char- drolyze naringin and limonin, the bitter compounds
acteristics due to the P position of the fatty acid, found in grapefruit juice. Biomacerase may be
as opposed to the a position in the chemically used in the production of stable purees from a
derived compound.38 wide variety of fruits and vegetables, such as
carrots, tomatoes potatoes, celery, and pears.
Biopectinase ML is specifically formulated to
2. Fatty Acids and Health hydrolyze pectin, cellulose, and hemicellulose
more extensively than traditional pectinase prod-
Polyunsaturated fatty acids have been the ucts.40
focus of research activities for a number of years Aspergillus, Rhizopus, and Trichoderma are
because of their potential health benefits. Veg- the chief fungi used as sources of enzymes to
etable oils such as coconut oil are made up mostly increase juice yield and reduce juice viscosity.
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

of medium-chain fatty acids. Corn and soybean Structural polysaccharides that interfere with juice
oil contain mostly long-chain polyunsaturated fatty extraction, filtration, clarification, and concentra-
acids, while palm oil has about equal amounts of tion are broken down by pectinase, cellulase, and
long-chain saturated and polyunsaturated fatty hemicellulase. Macerating enzymes are also used
acids. Polyunsaturates in large amounts may in- to extract juice from citrus fruits and some tropi-
crease cancer risk. Hydrogenation converts poly- cal fruits (such as pineapple) that have a great
unsaturated fats to saturated fatty acids or iso- deal of juice trapped in the pulp. One example is
meric trans forms. Both of these are believed to the treatment of papaya with two macerating en-
raise serum cholesterol levels and are thus unde- zymes. This achieves a 12 to 30% increase in
sirable with respect to adverse effect of high cho- juice yield.1 It is now customary to treat apple
lesterol levels to human health.39 mash with enzymes prior to pressing. This serves
Omega-3 fatty acids are esterified mainly at to get rid of a clouding agent called araban, which
the C2 position of glycerol in the triglycerides of comes from the cell walls. Araban consists of a
fish oils. The health benefits of omega-3 fatty linear chain of oc-l,5-arabinofuranosyl residues
acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic with a-1-3 branches. Debranching arabinosidases
acid in fish oil, have been the subject of active and endoarabinase are needed to break down
research in recent years. Enrichment for these araban and prevent precipitation.41
acids can be carried out using a method of lipase-
catalyzed alcoholysis.38 For example, Menhaden
oil (which contains about 25% omega-3 fatty ac- III. POTENTIALLY NEW OR INCREASED
ids), when hydrolyzed by lipase and followed by USES OF ENZYMES IN THE FOOD
separation of the esters, cholesterol, and frac- INDUSTRY
tional crystallization, formed product with 60 to
70% omega-3 fatty acids. A. Inulinase

The importance of fructose because of its

H. Fruit and Juice Processing comparative sweetness vs. sucrose has stimulated
a search for alternative sources of fructose. Vari-
Fruit and juice processors use enzymes for a ous plants of the compositae family, especially
variety of benefits, which include: increased juice the Jerusalem artichoke or topinambour, contain
yields, improved efficiency of juice filtration, up to 16% inulin, the fructose polymer in which
improved juice stability for concentration, en- fructofuranose units are joined by a (3-1,2 linkage
hanced juice clarity, reduced juice bitterness, and as opposed to furosans, which have an a-2,6 gly-
increased rate of fruit dehydration.1 Enzymes used cosidic bond. Jerusalem artichokes can be grown
most often in juice processing are pectinase, cel- as a high-yield crop. Inulinase, an enzyme pro-
lulase, hemicellulase, amylase, and arabinase. duced industrially from Aspergillus species, can
Naringinase and limonase have been used to hy- almost completely hydrolyze inulin (up to 99%)

at pH 4.5 and 60°C.5 The enzyme has not been put K value is used in the determination of fish fresh-
into use because of political decisions that have ness, where K is defined as:
prevented the financing for European farmers to
grow these crops.8 [HXR] + [HX]

B. Marine Food Quality Assessment

where HXR = inosine, Hx = hypoxanthine, IMP =
The application of enzyme methods to ma- inosine monophosphate, all degradation products
rine food analysis provides an objective, inexpen- of ATP. If K = 1, then [IMP] = 0, thus denoting
sive, and rapid approach to seafood quality. If poor-quality fish. A K value of 0.2 or lower de-
these methods are adapted to a visual basis, en- notes high-quality fish.
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

zyme analysis could be carried out anywhere, Rapid visual enzyme methods were designed
dockside or aboard ships. Enzyme analysis of for convenience aboard ship, dockside, or in a
marine foods can be used for quality assessment food-processing plant. A strip of absorbent paper
at critical points where this type of determination is soaked in resazurin, xanthine oxidase, and a
has an impact for grading and purchasing.42 buffer. When the enzyme test strip is moistened
The compound hypoxanthine, a metabolic with flounder extracts and allowed to react for 5
byproduct of ATP breakdown, is used as a mea- min at room temperature, the color changes from
sure of fish quality. Using the enzyme xanthine blue to pink, and the intensity is correlated with a
oxidase, which converts hypoxanthine to uric acid, laboratory colorimeter. Diamines developed after
followed by differential spectrophotometry in the the hypoxanthine peak can also be used to deter-
UV region, fish freshness can be determined. The mine the onset of spoilage (Figure 4).42


Xanthine Oxidase

Xanthine Oxidase
(oxidized) (reduced)

DIP = 2,6-dichlorophenol

FIGURE 4. The reduction of DIP by xanthine oxidase in the presence of hypoxanthine. (Adapted from Jahns, F. D.
and Rand, A. G., in Ory, R. L and St. Angelo, A. J., Eds., Enzymes in Food and Beverage Processing, American
Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1978, 266.)

C. Baking Industry tease, an endoenzyme that weakens the gluten
without affecting the nutritional quality of the
Some of the functions of enzymes in baked flour, is now used. The enzyme acts on the inner
products include: flour quality improvement, re- peptide bonds of gluten and results in reduced
tardation of staling, dough improvement, and more elasticity and improved extensibility of the
efficiently machinability. Enzymes are also used dough.40 HT-proteolytic is a protease derived from
to enhance bread crust color, bleach flour, im- Bacillus subtilis that is useful for conditioning
prove the quality of high fiber baked products, high-protein flours in crackers, cookies, pizza
and reduce the phytate content in whole-grain crust, and other specialty baked products. It soft-
formulations. Fungal and bacterial enzymes avail- ens the dough for improved extensibility with
able for use in bakery processing include a- and reduced elasticity. The enzyme is effective at pH
P-amylases, proteases, amyloglucosidases, range of 5.0 to 9.5 and up to 60°C.
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

pentosanase, glucanase, and phytase. The most Fungal proteases are added to bread formula-
important of these are amylases and proteases.1 tions to improve loaf symmetry and uniformity,
Bakers have added a surfactant to bread to to improve grain and texture, and to provide a
retard staling. These compounds reduce the ten- softer crumb. Fungal proteases contain both exo-
dency for retrogradation by complexing with both and endoenzyme activities. Amino acids liberated
the amylose and amylopectin fractions of starch. by the exoenzyme activity during hydrolysis of
A novel approach is the addition of oc-amylase gluten react with sugars in the Maillard reaction.
directly to flour for the conversion of starch to This improves flavor and crust color, contributing
maltose for yeast fermentation and for retarding to yeast growth and ability to form gas. 1
staling. Addition of oc-amylase is believed to cleave Pentosanase incorporated into bread formulations
a few bonds in the soluble region of the starch, breaks down the pentosans, yielding easier-to-
leaving the insoluble regions separated by regions handle doughs and finished products with a larger
that can bend. Another theory in the retardation of loaf volume.
staling is that the enzyme is thought to shorten the
chain length of amylopectin from 19 to 21 units to
12 to 15 units, which reduces its tendency to D. Fat Degradation
Enzymes for the baking and milling indus- Fat concentrations in excess of 0.025% have
tries may be used to control dough properties and a detrimental effect on the whipping properties of
improve the quality of the finished product. The egg white, which normally contains about 0.04%
enzymes Milenzyme® fungal protease, Clarase®, fat. Fat in egg white may be eliminated using
HT-proteolytic, bromelain, and Tenase® act on lipase MAP 10, which is derived from Mucor and
the raw material to enhance leavening action and recommended for use at the rate of 1 kg/45,000
modify the protein structure, thus contributing to lb. Compared with pancreatic lipase, which is
flavor development. Milenzyme fungal protease, currently being used by many egg processors,
derived from Aspergillus oryzae, is used in mak- MAP 10 has Kosher status and does not contain
ing yeast-raised breads. It hydrolyzes the interior protease, which affects the egg flavor.40
bonds of gluten and modifies the extensibility
properties of dough.40
Doughs containing high levels of the wheat E. Bacterial Detection and Elimination
protein gluten show improved machinability and
better baked quality when formulated with pro- Enzymes can now be used for the detection of
teases. Sodium bisulfite, a reducing agent, had bacterial contamination in dairy, meats, fish, poul-
been used to weaken gluten by hydrolyzing the try, and other food products. This is accomplished
disulfide linkages in the protein. However, this by an instrument called the Catalasemeter. It
compound was found to destroy vitamin B (thia- measures, within minutes, the amount of catalase
mine). Instead of chemical agents, bacterial pro- enzyme in a sample. This relative catalase value

can be correlated with a specific level of bacteria layer. Some bacteriolytic enzymes hydrolyze the
or abnormality in a culture.40 |3-l->4 bond, while some hydrolyze the peptide
bonds. A few new bacteriolytic enzymes have
been developed as replacements for lysozyme
1. Antimicrobial Enzymes found in egg white (N-acetyl-muramidase). The
effectiveness of three bacteriolytic enzymes com-
Enzymes have been demonstrated to play an pared to that of lysozyme is presented in Table 8.
important role in extending the shelf life of foods Bacteriolytic enzyme SP417 produced by
by preventing the growth of spoilage organisms. Nocardiopsis dassonvillei lyses Gram-positive as
This can be achieved by several methods:43 (1) well as Gram-negative bacteria, including Sta-
functioning to deprive the problem organism(s) phylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
of a necessary nutrient; (2) production of reaction Enzyme SP417 produced by Bacillus pabuli dif-
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

products harmless to humans or animals, but bac- fers from SP416 in that it lyses Gram-negative
teriostatic or bactericidal in nature; (3) destruc- organisms, including Escherichia coli, Vibrio
tion of an outer membrane, cell wall, or cell mem- parahaemolyticus, and Salmonella arizona.44
brane component, causing a change in permeability Bacteriolytic enzyme SP455 produced by
or a physical disruption of the cell wall, resulting strain N. dassonvillei is active on only a few
in death; or (4) inactivation of an essential en- bacteria, in particular, P. aeruginosa. Bacteriolytic
zyme by a "killer enzyme". enzymes may be used in the food industry to
An example of an enzyme that deprives an extend shelf life of unprocessed or little-processed
organism of a necessary nutrient is glucose oxi- foods. They may be used to control the process of
dase-catalase, which, in the presence of excess fermented food production, such as cheese or
glucose, depletes oxygen, preventing the growth salami, and act as a processing aid in releasing
of obligate aerobes. Oxidases that generate H2O2 intracellular products from bacteria. Disinfection
in a system that does not contain catalase or per- of equipment, packaging material, and process
oxidases are lethal, because of the residual H2O2 water can all implement the action of bacteri-
present and the depletion of oxygen. Xanthine olytic enzymes.44
oxidase, found in milk, may also generate toxic "Killer enzymes" or "antienzyme enzymes"
H2O2 in the absence of catalase. Xylitol is being fall into two main groups: proteases and sulfhy-
used in toothpaste as an anticariogenic ingredient. dryl oxidases for -SH enzymes. Other important
Xylitol is converted to xylitol-5-phosphate by the enzymes include those able to inactivate cytosolic
enzyme xylitol phosphorylase. This phosphate aspartate aminotransferase. Mutastein, a protein
cannot be further metabolized by Streptococcus produced by Aspergillus terreus, has been shown
mutans, a cariogenic organism, thus killing the to be an effective inhibitor of cyclodextrin
organism.43 glucosyltransferase and other oc-glucosyl-trans-
Enzymes that attack cell walls, causing open- ferases and to prevent dextran by Streptococcus
ing up and wall permeability, can cause cell death. mutans.43
Examples include proteases, lysozyme, chitinases,
peroxidase, various hydrolases, phenolases, and
phosphatases. Crude trypsin, combined with F. Proteases
lysozyme and lysolecithin, is reported to lyse E.
coli and Shigella flexner.39 Acid proteases are available commercially to
Cell wall degradation using bacteriolytic en- perform many, varied functions, such as degrada-
zymes is a novel method of coping with bacterial tion of haze-forming proteins in fruit juices, hy-
contamination in food. Bacterial cell wall has a drolysis of gelatin, preparation of casein hydroly-
sugar backbone consisting of iV-acetyl-muramic sates, and the digestion of soya protein.
acid and N-acetyl glucosamine linked together There has been an upsurge of interest in pro-
through (3-1—>4 bonds. The sugar backbone is teases from aquatic species because of their spe-
cross-linked by peptides to form a peptidoglycan cial properties. Proteases used in industry have

Comparison of Bacteriolytic Enzymes


Microorganism SP416 SP417 SP455 Lysozyme

Bacillus cereus
Bacillus subtilis
Corynebacterium liquefaciens
Lactobacillus plantarum 0 0 0
Listeria inocua 0 0 0
Micrococcus kristinae 0 0 0
Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

Micrococcus luteus
Micrococcus sedentarius 0 ++
Staphylococcus aureus + 0
Streptococcus lactis 0 nd nd
Streptococcus faecalis 0 0 0
Streptococcus faecium 0 0 0
Campylobacter fetus 0 nd nd
Enterobacter aerogenes 0 0 0
Escherichia coli +++ + 0
Pseudomonas aeruginosa +++ +++ 0
Salmonella arizona ++ 0 0
Serratia marcescens + 0 0
Vibrio parahaemolyticus ++ ++ 0
SP416 was dosed at 160 mg/l, SP417 at 8 mg/l, SP455 at 1600 mg/l, and pure lysozyme at 1000 mg/l. The
reactions were run at pH 7 for 20 min at 30°C. Enzyme activity (lysis) was measured as decrease in turbidity
of the bacterial suspension at 660 nm. 0 indicates less than 10% lysis; +, 11 to 25% lysis; ++, 26 to 50%
lysis; +++, more than 50% lysis; and nd, not determined.

From Neilsen, H. K., Food Techno!., 45(1), 102, 1991. With permission.

been mainly derived from plant, animal, and mi- trypsin, the turnover number of fish trypsins is
crobial sources. Marine proteases have been one order of magnitude higher for both amidase
underutilized for the following reasons:45 (1) rela- and esterase reactions. Fish chymotrypsins were
tively few studies have been carried out on ma- also found to have a higher rate of reaction and to
rine proteases; there is thus a lack of information hydrolyze more peptide bonds in various protein
about their potential; (2) fluctuations exist in sup- substrates than mammalian trypsin from beef
ply due to seasonal nature of source material; and pancreas.45
(3) personnel are reluctant to work with fish offal Pepsins from cold-water fish exhibit a low
because of the odor. Arrhenius activation energy, low-temperature
There is a large pool of diversified species optimum, and low thermal stability compared with
adapted to a variety of habitat conditions in the warm-habitat and warm-blooded animals. Fish
marine environment. Genetic variations within pepsins are also resistant to autolysis at low pH.
species as well as adaptation to different environ- These pepsins are inactivated at relatively mild
mental conditions have resulted in differences in heat treatment, a useful property in cheese manu-
the properties of proteases. These unique proper- facture after the milk clotting reaction is com-
ties can be applied in the food industry in many plete.45
areas. For example, trypsin has been isolated from Fish proteases have traditionally been applied
many species, including Greenland cod, Atlantic in the seafood industry to reduce viscosity of
cod, and cunner fish. Compared with bovine stickwater in the fish meal industry. They are

used for preparation of fish protein hydrolysates of the amino group of carbobenzoxy-L-aspartyl
for food or animal feed and fermentation pro- anhydride. Reaction of this anhydride with
cesses, depending on endogenous proteases. Re- L-PheOMe is not specific because the amino group
cent applications include the removal of skin and of L-PheOMe can react with either the a- or
scales, the hydrolysis of membranes and other P-carbonyl group of the anhydride to form two
supportive tissue that surrounds roe, roe sacks, stereoisomers. It is thus necessary to have a final
and other tissues, and recovery of pigment and purification step to remove the P-aspartame (-7%)
flavor extracts.45 present, thus giving low yields and increasing
production costs.

G. Artificial Sweetener: Aspartame

Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

Aspartame is a dipeptide of the methyl ester APPLICATIONS

L-aspartic acid linked to L-phenylalanine. Aspar-
tame is marketed under the brandname Nutrasweet A. Food Quality
(Nutrasweet, Inc., Mount Prospect, IL). Aspar-
tame may be used in the body similarly to any Enzymes are useful in determining several of
other protein, but its caloric value is insignificant. the quality indices of foods. Some of these are
Individuals suffering from the condition phenyl- listed in Table 9. Substrate kits and simple assay
ketonuria (absence of the enzyme phenylalanine techniques need to be developed for routine ap-
4-monooxygenase) should avoid aspartame and plication of these indices in the quality control of
products that include it as an ingredient.46 foods. In order to change the solubility and func-
The key step in aspartame production is the tional properties of proteins, enzymes can be used
formation of the peptide bond between the a- specifically to modify the side-chain amino acid
carboxyl group of L-aspartic acid and the amino residues in proteins or to hydrolyze peptide bonds.
group of L-PheOMe. Aspartame can be chemi- Proteolytic enzymes can form bitter peptides,
cally produced by the reaction of carbobenzoxy- which is one problem experienced in the cheese
L-aspartyl anhydride with L-PheOMe, with the industry. Enzymes may be used in the removal of
reaction taking place at the ot-carbonyl (Figure 5). toxic and antinutritive components. Plants such
There is a 7% byproduct from the reaction with as cassava, lima beans, sorghum, linseed, and
the P-carbonyl. Phenylserine is used as the build- kernels of almonds have high levels of cyano-
ing block in the enzymatic phenylalanine-sparing genic glycosides. HCN is liberated from the cya-
route to aspartame production. Enzymatic synthe- nogenic glycosides by the action of the thio-
sis of aspartame starting with phenylserine me- glycosidase, this compound being able to react
thyl ester is outlined in Gross.38 The metallopro- with cytochrome oxidase, a key respiratory en-
tease used is thermolysin, which catalyzes the zyme. Proper cooking would distill the HCN;
dipeptide bond formation in organic solvent such however, more research is needed on the use of
as ethyl acetate with a 93% dipeptide yield.38 thioglycosidases in reducing toxicity.
Then oc-aspartame is obtained in a single step by Oligosaccharides (e.g., raffinose, stachyose,
catalytic hydrogenofysis with a yield of 85%. and verbascose) found in beans cannot be hydro-
Enzymatic synthesis of aspartame has the lyzed in the human small intestines because of the
advantage of regiospecificity where no protection absence of cc-galactosidase. Thus, the use of beans
of the P-carbonyl of oc-L-aspartic acid is neces- in human diet is limited by the development of
sary. An inexpensive racemic mixture of isomers flatulence caused by the presence of these undi-
of phenylserine methyl ester can be used as start- gested oligosaccharides. There is a need to de-
ing material because the reaction is highly ste- velop a-galactosidase from microbial sources to
reospecific. Only the oc-erythro isomer of aid in digestion of bean oligosaccharides, perhaps
phenylserine methyl ester reacts with aspartic acid by pretreatment of the beans.47
(Figure 5).38 In the chemical synthesis of aspar- Nucleic acid content in single-cell protein
tame the reaction is first complicated by blocking continues to be a major deterrent in its use for


Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

and B-Aspartame HCL


L-phenylalanine methyl

L-Aspartjc acid

FIGURE 5. Chemical synthesis of aspartame. Z = CO2CH2Ph. (Adapted from Gross, A., Food Techno]., 45(1), 96,

human consumption. The nucleic acid is known Systems have been developed using aminoacylase
to crystallize out as uric acid in the joints causing immobilized to DEAE-cellulose on a commercial
the condition gout. Nucleases need to be devel- scale to resolve D- and L-mixtures of methionine,
oped to find a solution to this problem. valine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine.4647
The protein in the human body consists of L-
amino acids that are continuously taken up with
B. Protein Supplementation the food. Pure L-amino acids infusion solutions
are used in artificial feeding to supply the neces-
Apart from removal of toxic substances and sary protein structural elements. These are ob-
improvement of functional properties, nutritional tained in special bioreactors with the aid of en-
quality can be improved by supplementation with zymes. By a method of enzyme immobilization,
limiting amino acids. Japan has been one of the the catalyst can be retained in a reaction vessel
world leaders in amino acid production since 1969. with continuous flow through. The adult human

Indices of Food Quality

Index Significant enzyme Food product

Proper heat treatment Peroxidase Fruits and vegetables

Alkaline phosphatase Milk, dairy products, ham
p-Acetylglucosaminidase Eggs

Freezing and thawing Malic enzyme Oysters

Glutamate oxaloacetate Meat

Bacterial contamination Acid phosphatase Meat, eggs

Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] at 18:24 21 May 2013

Catalase Beans

Maturity Sucrose synthetase Potatoes

Pectinase Pears

Freshness Lysolecithinase Fish

Xanthine oxidase Hypoxanthine content of fish

Sprouting Amylase Flour

Peroxidase Wheat

Color Polyphenol oxidase Coffee, wheat

Succinic dehydrogenase Meat

Adapted from Whitaker, J. R., Enzymes. The Interface between Technology and Economics, Danehy, J. P. and
Wolnak, B., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1980, 53.

requires about 60 g of protein per day. L-Amino 0. Invertase

acids are used as food supplements and in infu-
sion solutions on a large scale.48 Stereoselectivity Several enzymes have found application in
is one of the important characteristics of enzymes. the food industry, although on a small scale. One
They catalyze reactions with only one enantio- such example is invertase. Invertase is used for
meric and diastereomeric pair of chiral compounds, making candies with a soft center. The enzyme is
although some enzymes such as racemases are added to sucrose candy that is covered with choco-
exceptional in that respect. Enzymatic processes late. With time, the sucrose is partially hydro-
have been developed for optically active amino lyzed to glucose and fructose. This makes the
acids that are important as nutrients and starting candy soft.8
materials in the pharmaceutical industry.

C. Oxidoreductases
Change in availability of energy and protec-
Oxidoreductases are being employed as cata- tion of the environment may make some enzy-
lysts in food systems to convert cholesterol to the matic processes more attractive. Active research
nontoxic coprostanol. If this process is fully de- is being carried out to make improvements in
veloped, it will serve to replace the current ap- dairy products. The following are being devel-
proach of cholesterol extraction by steam distilla- oped: Streptococcus lacti with significantly im-
tion and supercritical fluid extraction. proved resistance to bacteriophage; lactic acid

bacteria with improved ability to produce lactic 3. Kula, M. R., Trends in enzyme technology, in Biotec
acid, especially under adverse conditions of tem- 1. Microbial Genetic Engineering and Enzyme Tech-
nology, Hollenberg, C. P. and Sahm, H., Eds., Gustav
perature and salt level; single-strain starters for Fisher, New York, 1987, 77.
yogurt, Italian cheese, and buttermilk, unique 4. Neidleman, S. L., Enzymes in the food industry,
yogurt cultures that produce biopolymers for tex- Food Technol., 45(1), 88, 1991.
ture and as sweeteners; fermentations based on 5. Demain, A. L., Industrial microbiology, Science, 214,
source of microbial calf rennet; and industrially 987, 1981.
important recombinant DNA products from the 6. Litchfield, J. H., Single cell proteins, Science, 219,
740, 1983.
lactic acid bacteria.40 7. Wasserman, B. P., Montville, T. J., Korwek, E. L.,
Recombinant DNA techniques have aug- and Hogan, J. D., Food Biotechnology, Food
mented the potential for new developments in the Technol., 42(1), 133, 1988.
food enzymology area. Some specific examples 8. Alder-Nissen, J., Newer uses of microbial enzymes
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cited point out these developments:40 (1) thermo- in food processing, Tib-tech, 5(6), 170, 1987.
9. Zubay, G., Biochemistry, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
stable bacterial a-amylase suited for maltose syrup MA, 1983.
production is being produced by Novo; (2) re- 10. Fogarty, W. M., Microbial amylases, in Microbial
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others, by Genencor, Genex, Dairyland Food Applied Science Publishers, New York, 1983, 1.
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erated cheese ripening systems are being per- ogy — The Application of Enzymes in Industry, The
Nature Press, London, 1983, 1.
fected by Miles under the commercial name Natur
12. Lee, B. H., Fundamentals of Food Biotechnology,
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