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 Fluency and Coherence You don’t have to tell the

truth, or have interesting,
 Lexical Resource intelligent answers
 Grammatical Range and Accuracy
 Pronunciation

THE BIGGEST NOTE: focus on the language you use, not the content


Part One of the Speaking Test

Duration: 4-5 minutes

Description: basic questions on familiar topics (your background, hobbies,

interests, routines, lifestyle, and habits)

There are two possible questions:

 Where you live

 Your studies / work
 Do you like eating fast food?
Step 1: Introduce a simple answer (with 2-3 sentences)

Yes, I like eating fast food because it’s so tasty Three-sentence answer:
and delicious. I often eat pizza and fried 1. Your opinions / ideas
2. Explain / result
chicken once a week even though it’s not good 3. Example
for my health.

Step 2: Add suitable linking phrases to each sentence

Yes of course, you know I like eating fast

food because I think it’s so tasty and
delicious. To be honest, I often eat pizza and
fried chicken once a week even though it’s not
good for my health.

Step 3: Review your answer and paraphrase where possible

(paraphrasing by using synonyms or changing sentence structure)

Yes of course, you know I pretty enjoy eating

junk food mainly because I think it’s so tasty
and delicious. To be honest, I often eat pizza
and fried chicken once a week even though it’s
not good for my mental and physical health.

 Tell me about your hometown.

 Do you like animals?
 What do you like about your studies?
 Is there any clothes you don’t like?
 Would you like to move to another city?
 What would you like to change about your school?
 What do you do to relax?*
 How often do you go shopping?*

* Wh – questions  Possible answer:

1. It depends
2. If ... , then …. Explain
3. If … , then … Explain

Step 1
It depends. If I’m in a good mood, then I will go
shopping twice a week. I just want to spend my
money on clothes when I’m happy. If I’m not feeling
good, then I just stay at home. Because I’m too lazy
to go outside those days

Step 2
Well, you know I think It really depends. Like for
instance, if I’m in a good mood, then it’s quite
possible that I will go shopping twice a week. You
know I just want to spend my money on clothes
when I’m happy. Whereas on the other hand, if I’m
not feeling good, then I will most likely stay at
home, mostly because I’m too lazy to go outside
those days

Step 3
Well, you know I think It really depends. Like for
instance, if I’m in a good mood, then it’s quite
possible that I will go shopping twice a week. You
know I just want to spend my money on clothes
when I’m blissful. Whereas on the other hand, if I’m
feeling down in the dump, then I will most likely
stay at home, mostly because I just want to be a
couch potato those days
 What types of public transport are popular in your country?**
 What hobbies are common in your country?**

** Types of questions  Possible answer:

1. There’s quite a wide variety of …

2. The most common … is … Explain
3. Another kind of … would be … Explain

Step 1
There’s quite a wide variety of hobbies in my
country. The most common hobby is reading.
People like reading because they know it’s the best
way to improve themselves. Another kind of hobby
would be watching football match. Watching football
match with your family is a great way to unite and

Step 2
Well certainly, there’s quite a wide variety of
hobbies in my country. But I guess the most
common hobby is reading. I assume people like
reading books because it’s the best way to improve
ourselves. Another kind of hobby would be watching
football match. And the thing with watching
football match is that you could do it with your
family, and it’s a great way to unite and engage.

Step 3
Well certainly, there’s quite a wide variety of hobbies
in my country. But I guess the most common one is
reading. I assume reading books is so popular
because it’s the best way to improve ourselves.
Another kind of hobby would be watching football
match. And the thing with watching football match is
that you could do it with your family, which is a great
way to unite and engage.
Linking phrases (step 2)

Linking for the main idea

Well, you know...

Well first of all...
...the first thing I should mention is that...
...the point I'd like to begin with is that...
Alright/ sure
...I need to start off by pointing out that...
Right/ OK/ certainly
...the main thing you need to know is that... may (or may not) be aware that in fact...

I guess…
Linking for supporting ideas or adding a detail

….but in particular... Whereas in contrast … be more specific... As well as this... On the other hand … be more exact... In addition to this... Though, at the same time …

… especially when you consider that …

… particularly if you think about the point that …
…especially with regard to the point that…

Linking for reasons

And I guess this is probably because...

It’s mainly because…
This is due to the fact that...
I suppose the reason has something to do with the fact that...

Linking for “like” or “dislike”

I'm pretty keen on... I really can't stand...

I'm really into... I'm not so keen on...
I'm quite a big fan of... I'm not much of a fan of...
I'm quite enthusiastic about... I'm not really that fond of...

Linking for *Wh-question

… I think I would have to say that it really depends.

… I guess that it would depend on the situation.

Like for instance …

Like more specifically …
You know, to be exact …
Like, to be more direct …

If … then I will most likely/certainly …

Linking for **Types of question

The thing with … is that...

... there’s
I assume Noun +quite
be +aAdj mixed variety of...
... there’s
The point I want quite
to add a about
wide range of...
… is that...
... basis
And the there’s
of athis
fairly broad range of...
is that...

But I think the most + Adj + Noun would potentially be...

Besides, ...
Though I guess the most + Adj + Noun would probably be...
As well as …, ...
However, InI suppose the most+
addition to…, ... Adj + Noun could perhaps be...
Another kind of … would be...
A second variety of … would be something like...

And obviously you can also find things like...

And of course there’s the usual things like...
And naturally, there are things like...

Linking for conclusion

So all in all
On the whole
In a nutshell
In short
By and large

Paraphrasing “I never thought about it”

I’m in 2 minds about this…

As far as I can see…
I was mulling over this recently and I think…
The way I see it…
Topic vocabulary

Every once in a while – every now and then– from time to time –
occasionally – at times
On a regular basis – on a daily basis – every day – every single day
(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

The perk of

profession / occupation/ job/ work/ title/ unskilled jobs

ambition / inspiration / a sense of purpose / a sense of satisfaction

teamwork / a competitive spirit

charismatic leader / the paradox of choice

investment / cryptocurrencies, stocks, gold, saving account, real estate


Work as a……..(job)

Work in …….(the field)

Work in a …….(place)

Work for ……..(company/people)

To work from home / work remotely / work virtually

To share responsibility for / be responsible for

To follow your gut feeling / follow your instinct

To work within a team

To put in a lot of work / have taken on too much work

To keep on track with your goals  reach your goals

to focus on a specific niche / segment

to seek investment – break into new markets – make a lot of sales

to help someone out / lend a helping hand

I love the fact that I can…….

Well, it’s good because I get to……

To spend on… / fork out on… / splash out on…


(+) rewarding (work) / undemanding / Intriguing / sterling (piece of work)

Intuitive/ well-paid

(-) arduous / hectic / exhausting / taxing / intricate / shoddy


Suit me down to the ground

Never do a stroke of work = don’t pull your weight

Make light work of it

Be a crushy number

Get a foot in the door

Have hit a glass ceiling

Have a lot on my plate

On the basis of = base on

Go back to the drawing board = start from scratch

Be hard hit by…  keep your head above water

Turn over a new leaf

Burn the midnight oil = be up all night

Up to scratch = good enough

Give me some slack = break

Meet my dealines
work flat out (= work very hard)

on the go (= very busy)

get to the bottom of problems related to...(solve)

take charge of/ be in charge of

pick up the pieces

it was a rocky mistake like a beginner’s mistake

a waste of time / red tape

lost in cyberspace

in the red >< in the black

at the push of a button/ in the nick of time

be on a tight budget / tighten your belt / keep an eye on my wallet

make ends meet

be going for a song = dirty cheap

pay over the odds = pay through the nose (pricey/ overpriced)


(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

State school, public school (us) / public school (uk) / private school / tuition
fees / distance learning

Formal education: preschool, nursery school (uk), kindergarten (us) 

primary school (uk) / elementary school (us) Secondary school (uk) / high
school (us)  university / (go on to) Higher education (at …. Uni) /
educational institutions / college

Co-educational / single-sex school / vocational / intensive course

schoolwork / theory / exam-driven curriculum / extra-curricular activities

curriculum – syllabus: maths, literature, humanities, science (physics, biology,
chemistry), geography, IT, physical education (PE)

assignments / dissertation / essay

qualification / certificate (short-term) / diploma < bachelor’s degree (BA) /

master’s degree (MA) / doctorate (PhD)

discipline / good learning strategies / academic performance / rote learning

pupil, peer, mature student, undergraduate, postgraduate / headteacher, form

teacher, tutor / lecturer, professor, academic, bookworm/ critical thinking

the presence of / analytical and problem-solving skills / the literacy rates

technical skills/ soft skills


To take/sit/ do an exam  pass an exam

To cram for an exam / buckle down / pore over

To pick up something new (naturally)

To be fluent in..

To brush up on  make progress

To keep a diary – track your progress

To be good/weak at / get (good/poor) grades

Be a bit of a slow/quick learner (kind of/ sort of…)

To learn at their own pace/ climb up the career ladder

To sit in lectures / online courses / improve my career prospects

To study for a degree qualification revise / (study for/achieve) a BA in

To scribble down/ note down/ jot down/ write it down

To comprehend / succeed in, take off, master / become skilled in

To play truant, skip classes


(+) highly regarded / reputable / literate

Effortless / hands-on (=practical)

(-) illiterate / stressful / tough / intricate / illegible (handwriting)

academically inclined / job-related / theoretical / compulsory / optional


Learn by heart / jot down - pass with flying colors

Cross that bridge when someone come to it

Keep up with

Be a breeze = a piece of cake = a walk in the park

Go blank / come up with

Rack my brains



It’s kinda spacious and sorta comfy to me

-tell me about the accommodation you live in?

1. direct answer: right now/ currently, I live in a two-storey building

2. details: (adj, opposite, feeling…) You know, I think it’s pretty spacious
and kinda comfortable to me. It’s big because it has 5 rooms so you
know….you can imagine how big it can be.

3. closing: I pretty like my house.

You know, well, I think, let me think for a moment, ….

Children: a child / kiddie / kid

Baby – toddler, infant – child – teenager, adolescent – young adult – middle-

aged – the elderly (old people)
a gifted child / childlike enthusiasm / simplicity / delight

Entertainment: playground / waterpark / theme park / rollercoasters / slides /

merry-go-round / Ferris wheel

Toys and games: indoor/outdoor games

hike and seek / made-up games, pretend games

lego / geometrical shapes / building blocks / action figures / board games

puzzle / jigsaw / stacking toys / see-saw / play-doh / Rubik’s cube / crayons

barbie / puppet / plush animals / musical instruments / mini-cooking set

Childhood, adulthood / a sense of nostalgia

Worldwide problems children face: (cyber)bullying / child abuse / child

trafficking / kidnapping / the sexual exploitation / child labor / street children

Household: nuclear family, immediate family / extended family / dysfunctional

family / family bonds, family ties

Descendants – ancestors / a happy, stable family background

Spouse / siblings ( sibling rivalry) / an only child / (identical) twins

Cousin / nephew, niece / grandparents / … (mother-in-law)

Stepfamily / step… (stepsister) / half-brother, half-sister

Parenting: motherhood / fatherhood / offspring / a family man

Breadwinner / dependent / upbringing / formative years

Over-protective parents  spoilt child

Single parent / stay-at-home parent / stay-at-home mum / a widow, widower

Birthplace / babysitting (provide childcare for..) / family gatherings on special

occations (get-together)

A bridge to tradition / in frugal times / affluence

Generation gap: the younger generation >< the older generation

Gen Z – Millenial – Gen X – baby boomer

One-to-one interaction / face-to-face conversation

Friendship: best/ close/ bosom/ long-lasting friends / buddies

a close circle of friends / a healthy relationship

extrovert / introvert


I grew up in…

To raise a child = bring up a child / support a family

To adopt / foster (a child)

Take after someone

To look after someone >< desert someone

I have a clear memory of my childhood = I vividly remember…

If my memory serves me right, I used to…

(back then, back in the day when I was a kid)

To live under the same roof >< live apart

To play on my own

To take somebody to …

To look back on your childhood

To replicate the behavior

(+) What I love more than anything else was to…

Relive my happy childhood memories

Instill certain values in us / pass on traditions to the next generation

Impart/share your wisdom to …

Stand by you / get through thick and thin (the ups and downs)
Be related to (empathise/ sympathise)

(-) Spoil children by / drifted apart over the years

I was obsessed with… = I was tethered to … = I was addicted to…

Lose one’s temper

To play tricks on… / tease somebody / get into the trouble

To grow up as an adult / grow into adulthood

To look alike / be a spitting image of…/ take after somebody in the way…

Strike up a relationship/ be just good friends

The first date, get to know – have a lot in common – go out with someone –
enjoy each other’s company – serious relationship – break up - get together
with – get engaged – get married to – go on a honeymoon

Fall for / love at first sight / be in a relationship / be well matched

To get pregnancy, start a family, give birth >< get divorced

The generation gap is due to / is down to…

Conflict arises because…

Struggle to carve out their identity

Go through a transition stage

Rebel against their parents’ values

Work at a relationship

Ways to bridge the generation gap: pass down values to…/ find common
ground / build strong family bonds / have mutual respect

To make friends / win friends / be the life and soul of the party

To go back a long way / bump into

When the chips are down/ count on, rely on / chicken out >< have courage

Bend over backwards / put others first

Hide one’s light under a bushel

No matter what happens,….


(+) well-behaved / well-manner / innocent / carefree (by their nature)/ laid-back /

cheerful / close-knit / fun-loving / easy-going / fair-minded / bold

out-going / sociable, good company / photogenic / broad-minded

modest / self-effacing / self-confident / self-assured / thick-skinned

Obedient / conservative, hands-on / frugal, thrifty / hereditary (feature)

(-) badly-behaved / disobedient / stubborn / naughty / mischievous / wayward /

hyperactive / childish / difficult, strict

Painfully shy, reserved >< self-centred / narrow-minded / two-faced


Lonely / deprived / gloomy / sorrowful


She’s the breadwinner, she brings home bacon, wears the trousers

Bump into

Soul mate / make merry

Chew my cud (contemplate)

The black sheep of the family

It runs in the family / be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth

Blood is thicker than water

Like two peas in a pot (look alike)

To follow in someone’s footsteps

Keep/get/be/stay in touch with somebody >< lose touch with

Get/ be in somebody’s bad book (not pleased with…)

Come down on somebody like a ton of bricks

Be in deep trouble / be in the doghouse

It falls on the deaf ears / not take a blind bit of notice (pay no attention)

Everything falls into place

Get on like a house on fire / get on famously / be on the same wavelength /

speak the same language / hit it off / get on (well) with, get along with

See eye-to-eye (on most things) – pop the question – tie the knot – settle

To fall out with / have a falling out – not on speaking terms

I know him/her back to front/ inside out/ like the back of my hand

He reads me like a book

Have friends in high places (influential friends)

A fair-weather friend >< a shoulder to cry on

Like chalk and cheese

Push the boat out / paint the town red

In the prime of my life

(full of) vim and vigour


(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

Natural environment: natural habitat, natural surroundings / vegetation / (the

loss of) biodiversity / food crops

Delicately balanced ecosystem / fragile ecosystem

Mother Nature / ecology

Flora: Petal / lotus flower / a bunch/ bush of (roses) / a sweet fragrance

florist / a bouquet of flowers / artificial flower (silk flower)

Many species (of wildlife) / the (native/ local) wildlife (inhabit in the rainforest)

Carnivores/ predators

a/an (endangered/ threatened/ rare/ protected/ extinct) species (panda,


Reptiles / mammals

The marine life / (kill or injure) sea creatures  a Serious threat

Environmental problems / the effects of global warming

Climate change / greenhouse effect/ (air/ water) pollution / global warming /

poaching / environmental hazard / drought, flooding (flash floods)

(Un)sustainable development / pest, diseases / food shortages / large-scale

livestock farming / (soil) erosion / deforestation, land clearance/ illegal logging

Cause 1 – humans (individuals): dispose of waste, throw out trash, not

separate types of trash…..

Cause 2 – corporation: contribution to global warming

Cause 3 – government: policy, law, restriction…..

Disposable products / dumping ground / toxic waste

Litter, rubbish, garbage, junk

acid rain / poisonous chemicals / degradation, depletion

Over-farming / over-fishing

Animals kept in captivity / caged animals

Exhaust fumes, smog

Conservation programs / conservation issues

(wildlife/ nature/ energy) conservation

(rich in) natural resources: clean energy / renewable energy / (solar/ wind/
hydro) power (e.g. install wind turbines) / (the burning of) fossil fuels (coal, oil,

Atmosphere / ozone layer (to survive on Earth)

(absorb) carbon dioxide / the emission of greenhouse gases

Environmentalist, environmental activists, conservationist, human beings / the

theory of evolution

Environmental sustainability / organic farming

Afforestation / go green / …on foot


Sunny spells / tropical storms / hurricanes / typhoons / thunder / lighting

Torrential rain / downpours / heavy rain / showers / drizzle

Snow / blizzards


To pollute (the environment/ the oceans with plastic waste)

To contaminate (water supply)

To contribute to global warming / pose a risk

To release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere

To become extinct = be critically endangered = be pushed to the verge of

extinction (by…) = be in the danger of dying out

To safeguard the environment:

To protect… / preserve…

To combat climate change

To fight/ combat/ tackle/ address global warming

To mitigate/ reduce (the effects of climate change)

To raise awareness of …/ sensitise, incentivise…

To implement policies to…/ impose restrictions on

To recycle…/ segregate/separate the rubbish  reduce your carbon footprint

Environment (cause – effect – solution| S: individual/ corporation/


 Air Pollution: ( dispose of trash – increase the risk of lung cancer -

separate the rubbish)
 Climate change (exhause fumes – combat climate change – impose
restrictions on…

To become carbon-neutral / strive not to…

To cut down on…/ stear clear of… ( the use of disposable products)

To become more energy-efficient

To live an environmentally-friendly lifestyle / start an eco-friendly lifestyle

To grow a diverse range of crops

To build sanctuaries, conservation centers or zoos

Don’t interfere with their habitats

To adapt to… / to thrive (grow and develop well and quickly)

To evolve (from…) (into…)

To migrate (from…to…./ migrate south)


(+) well-informed / biodegradable (packaging) / sustainable

(-) non-biodegradable / domesticated

Nocturnal > < diurnal

Scorching / sweltering / boiling / baking (hot)

Chilly / nippy / freezing (cold) – gloomy / dull >< crystal clear

Humid / soaking wet / soaked / waterproof


Get out of hand / be in deep water

wreak havoc / put the ecosystem out of balance

Weather the storm / The tip of the iceberg

Flora and fauna

Be reminiscent of

Make a fuss over

On the brink of…

It never rains, it pours

Come rain or shine (at all costs)

Like a sauna


(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

Culture: traditions, behavior, customs, a set of norms, values, rituals

Celebrations, festivals, certain aspects of culture, unspoken rules

A blend of cultures / culture diversity / culture shock

(tangible/ intangible) culture heritage / culture identity

A strong sense of national identity

Stereotypes / monument of courage

The growing influence of western culture

People of different cultural backgrounds

Overseas tourists / frequent travellers

Local residents / a close-knit communitiy

The effect globalisation on…

Standard of living / the cost of living

Developed countries, developing countries

Drawback / setback / hardship / obstacle

Racism / race conflict / language barrier

The most powerful way to learn about their culture

For the sake of

National heritage: historical sites

Natural History Museum / antique / artifact / fossil

Art: a work of art / a piece of art /visual arts / performing arts

A landscape / portraits / stil life painting

(smooth/ vivid) colors / vibrant colors / dull colors

Art displayed on the street (graffiti, drawing…) / abstract art / textile art

A stigma / an eyesore

Sculpture/ choreograph

Lead singer / backup singer / karaoke

Blockbuster / soundtrack / a film buff


To open my eye - broaden/ expand/ widen somebody’s horizon

To have a positive outlook on life

To have deeper insight into

To embrace cutural differences

To be engulfed in the language

To mold… / symbolize… / signify…

To bring family unity and stronger bonding with the society

To blend in / fit in

To assimilate into a new culture / to integrate

To vanish / disappear / erode

To strick rigidly to tradition

To date back… / derived from… / be handed down for generations

To represent the culture and history

To take a photo / pose for a photo

To play an irreplaceable role in

To hold a note >< be tone deaf

To hum and whistle

To have a knack for…

I’m a big fan of… = I’m really into… = be passionate about

It gives me a feeling of…

To commission a work of art

To struggle to make a living / pursue a career path


(+) extremely laid-back / relaxed / (well) worth / well-preserved / fluid

Crucial, vital, pivotal (key / important)

Out of this world, outstanding, top-notch, superb

Stunning, gorgeous, magnificent / auspicious / primitive

Avant- garde / spellbinding / thrilling / action-packed / big-budget (movie)

(-) ignorant / harsh / worthless / challenging / awful / terrible


A leopard can’t change its spots

A time-honored culture / for donkey’s years

On display / on view

It’s all the range / ten a penny, dime a dozen (very common)

Blow my own trumpet

It took my breath away / it blew my mind

I was bowled over by this piece of art

Not much to write home about

There was a lot of buzz about…

Hang on to old memories  look to the future

Rake up old memories

The here and now (present day)


(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

Healthy diet:

healthy lifestyle / balanced diet / dietary habits / (meet) dietary requirements

Macronutrients: good carb (whole grains, unrefined/ unprocessed…), bad

carb / fibre (beans, legumes, lentils) / protein / (saturated) fat

Micronutrients (vitamin, minerals)

A low-carb diet / keto diet / cuisine / delicacy

A vegetarian / fruitarian / a picky eater / a binge eater

Confort food / (contain) nutrients / a cheat day

Health benefit / physical and mental health

(provide) health care / basic health education

Regular exercise / vigorous exercise / immunisation

GP (general practitioner-family doctor) / a check-up

Symtomps / a chesty cough / a runny nose / a blocked nose / a sore throat

High temperature

Prescription / vaccine / cures

medical cover (medical insurance)

Health problems/ issues / health risk

Obesity / diabetes / diarrhoea / a splitting headache / cuts and bruises

Overeating / eating disorder / allergy / addiction

Additives / oversized portions

Unhealthy habbits / binge drinking


To be in a good health

I tend to eat / avoid

To rustle up / whip up…

To go on a diet / eat the rainbow / eat your five a day / eat everything in

To cut down on…

To stay in shape >< gain weight, put on weight

To be out of shape  work out  lose weight, get back into shape

To go for a troll / wander around

To do a cardio workout / do strength training  burn calories / belly fat

To look after / take care of your health / combat the sedentary lifestyle

To make an appointment / phone in sick

To catch a cold
To be sick / vomit / throw up

To pull a muscle

To undergo emergency surgery / have an operation

To fall ill / come down with…  regain your health / get over

To prevent…from…


(+) health-conscious / nutritious / nourishing / full of flavor / versatile

Tempting / mouthwatering / scrummy / appetizing / succulent

Home-cooked / wholesome / spartan / famished

(-) unfit / overweight / strenuous / harmful


You are what you eat

Play it by ear (improvise) / make it up as I go along >< follow recipes

Be under the weather, be off color  be on the mend  be back on your feet

Make a speedy recovery / on the road to recovery

Be given a clean bill of health

Feel washed out

Pig out on…  be out of shape

Be as fit as a fiddle / be the picture of health / be fighting fit

(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

The cost of living / living expenses / escalating prices

Basic necessities / infrastructure / exotic food

Industrial revolution / population explosion

Low-income working families / immigrants / life expectancy

Inflation / social disorder

Multi-national companies

Global trade  waste and pollution  green energy


Minimalist / non-materialistic lifestyle

Free healthcare and schooling


To lead a less material-oriented lifestyle

To curb taxes  reduce poverty

To go bankruptcy  live in poverty

To struggle to get by

To cope with

To abstain from


(+) open-minded / tolerant / eco-friendly

(-) harsh

Not out of the woods
Be uphill climb
(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)


Primary industry / service industry

Places worth visiting include:

Temples / museums / art galleries / beaches… great tourist attraction

Skyscrapper / architecture / structural design

Hotel / hostle

(+) Increased urbanisation / better standard of living

More recreational facilities and amenities / high-rise flats

Reliable public transport / better job opportunities

Higher quality education

Long opening shops / up-market shops

(-) Growth of slums / wealth inquality  growing gap/ disparity

Overcrowding / high rate of unemployment / exhaust fumes

Bumper-to-bumper traffic / incessant roar of trucks ot buses

Hustle and bustle

Transport network: (road/rail network)

A (means/ forms) of transportation / public transport / private transport

Traffic on the roads / transport infrastructure / journey

(cycle/ bus) lane / pedestrian / motorway tolls / a speeding fine

bus route / bus service / a shuttle

The underground / tube / subway / metro

overpass / junction, roundabout / canel

(take) bypass / ring road / beltway

Freeway / highway / expressway

Traffic lights / traffic jam, congestion, bottleneck

Roadworks / diversion
Rush hour

Speed limit / speed camera  road accident / car crash

Carpool / car share / the park-and-ride scheme

On the outskirts of

Fuel (petrol, diesel, gasoline, oil) / (exhaust) emissions

Gas guzzler – air pollution

Autonumous vehicle / driveless car / self-driving car  (enjoy) space travel

High-speed rail networks


To be located (in/to) the north of…

It can be found in…

It is in the vicinity of…

It’s famous for…/ rely mainly on…/ depend mainly on…

To attract visitors

Tourists tend to flock to…

To be drawn by

To reside in a hotel / stay in a hotel

To come up / spring up / appear / crop up

To construct / errect  do up  pull down (demolish)

To transport

To commute / travel by…/ take (a bus/ taxi)

To go on foot / run a car

To get on/ get into (bus/ train/ plane)  get off

To travel into space / go into outer space

To be caught in (a traffic jam/ traffic)

To get stuck in (a traffic jam/ traffic)

To be congested  queue

To be held up in traffic

To emit … into …


(+) picturesque / historic / spacious / elegant / magnificent

Convenient / independent / environmentally-friendly

Well-designed / elegant

(-) detrimental / pricey / overpriced / overcrowded / unreliable

Get stuck in the rat race
Be in the driver’s seat
In a nick of time
Beat the traffic
Hit the road / have itchy feet
Hitch a lift / ride
At your beck and call (ready serve)
Give somebody the red carpet treatment
At the crack of dawn >< in the dead of night
Down south / up north
(trees) in blossom
(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

Rural areas >< urban areas

Rural landscape / mountain range / steep valley / dense forest / freshwater
lake / fast-flowing stream / fields full of (corn/ flowers/ wheat..)

A field of cattle / livestock

Farm produce / farm crops

(+) Lots of greenery / less air and noise pollution

A slow pace of life

(-) no internet / weak communication network

Fewer job opportunities / lack of essential facilities


To live in the heart of the city / slap bang in the city center

To visit a farm  learn about farming and rearing livestock

To go hiking / fishing, have a picnic

To feel the wind in your face / breath fresh air

To learn to identify…

To do some star-gazing / graze at the star / look at the constellation


(+) picturesque / historic / spacious / elegant / magnificent

Rustic / pastoral

Laid-back / quiet /

(-) detrimental / pricey / overpriced / overcrowded / unreliable

Soak up the view / take in the view / see the sights
The early bird catches the worm
Go off the beaten path (go backpacking)
Get away from the crowd / get away from it all
Out in the open air
(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

Democracy / dictatorship / republic

Prime minister / citizens

Election (nominee) / polling stationpolitician

Government funding / state budgets

A waste of budget / corruption

Policy / red tape / social security

Human rights / obligation / a sense of national identity

Public services / social welfare

Reform / renovation

Peace/ ani-war/ feminist/ civil right movements

The long-term effect / short-term effect

The crime rate

Violent crimes (murder, car-jacking, mugging, arson, kidnapping..)

Petty crimes (pick-pocketing, shoplifting..)

Property crimes (robbery, burglary, smuggling, vandalism..)

Cyber crimes (identity fraud)

A criminal / wrongdoer / lawbreaker / offender / stalker

A deterrent against crime

Developed countries – developing countries


To run for election

To launch/ start/ lead a campaign/movement

To pass/ introduce legislation to…

To take measures/action

To ban/ prohibit…

To invest in… / provide financial support for…

To prioritise…

To raise people’s awareness

To make an effort to..  uphold morals and values in a community

To play the vital role in…

To foster a great sense of humanity

To co-exist

To put pressure on the government

To criticise/ speak out against..

To restructure/ modernize the tax system

To be consistent with / go against (the government policy)

To impose heavy fines for.. / implement certain regulations

To take immediate actions to…

To take responsibility for your actions

To get rid of…

To commit a crime / have a criminal record

To go to jail/ prison / serve a prison sentence

To do community service


(+) visionary / compassionate / transparency

(-) deprived / corrupt

Turn to a career of crime
Be caught red handed
Do time
Keep your nose clean

(pick 3-5 phrases in each part and practice them well)

Leisure pursuit / spare time / pastime

Well-being / a sense of self-worth /self-confidence / self-esteem

A sense of meaning in life / freedom

Small acts of kindness / gratitude

(adopt a) Growth mindset >< fixed mindset

Growth mindset – ready to change, open-minded, think out of the box

Fixed mindset – conservative, stubbon, narrow-minded

Toxic people / depression


To dabble in… / try a hand at… / take up…

To tackle / handle / cope with (mental health problems)

To stay away from….


To unwind / kick back / kill time (by) / chill out / mellow out = relax

To amuse oneself by…

To recharge my batteries / kid around with…

To feel bored (to death)

To be bored out of one’s mind

To be fed up (to the back teeth)

To go through a bad time

Go through ups and downs (thick and thin)


(+) happy / content / pleased / delight / cheerful / happy-go-lucky

Grateful / calming / soothing / relaxing

Satisfying / healing / therapeutic / enjoyable

(-) time-consuming

Angry / cross (with) / irate / depressed / irritating

Down (in the dumps) / low / blue / frustrated / despondent

Confused / baffled / bewildered

Mundane / monotonous / tedious / mind-numbing

Have a go at… - take up… – get into…
Take problems with a pinch of salt

While away the hours by … - relax

What makes you tick?

In high spirits / over the moon / in the mood / on top of the world

Have a whale of a time / be in your element / walking on air

Feel under the weather

It gets on my nerves  in low spirits / bring someone down/ let s.o down

Take the weight off your mind

Let my hair down / put my feet up / loosen up

Blow off steam / release my pent up energy

Green with envy

Don’t beat about the bush

Once in a blue moon

Part Two of the Speaking Test

Duration: 2 minutes ( 1 minute to prepare)

Description: The most common categories are as follows:

(1) Experiences / events

(2) Objects

(3) People

(4) Places

(5) Media

(6) Others
How to deal with Part Two of the speaking test: using 4 prompts (bullet
points) from the topic card  make a linking frame

Example: Describe a famous singer you would like to meet. You should say:

 Who the person is

 Why he/she is famous
 Why you would like to meet this singer
 What you would like to do if you met him/her.

Well, I guess I could begin by saying something about who that singer is,…

Moving on to my next point which is why she is famous, I really have to say

And now the next point I want to make here is that. ..

So finally then, if I have a chance to meet her, I would like to…

Well, I guess I could begin by saying something about who that singer
is, and I think I would have to go for the celebrity Celine Dion. I first got
to know her 5 years ago and to my mind, she is second to none and
someone that I always look up to.

Moving on to my next point which is why she is famous, I really have

to say that she is a world-renowned pop singer. In fact, I reckon she is
most famous for her vocal performance in the theme track of the Titanic
movie – “My heart will go on”. And I remember the first time I heard that
song, I was stunned by her strong and competent voice.

Fluency: the sentence begins with a liking phrase and contains redundant
language, connectives, connecting structures, such as:

In fact

I reckon

to be honest

I could say

I could mention that


Topic-related words – celebrity, pop singer, theme track, vocal

techniques, vocal range, vocal performance

Topic-related uncommon words - world-renowned,

Idiomatic phrases - second to none, dream come true

Grammar: contains examples of conditional tense and different structures


A. First prompt of the card

Ok then, I guess I could start off by answering who the person is…

So to begin with, I would like to talk about who the person is…

So I suppose I should commence by saying who the person is…

So I guess I could kick off by stating who the person is…

And I think I would have to go for…

And I would say…

B. Second prompt of the card

Moving on to my next point which is why she is famous…

Continuing then with the next point of why she is famous…
Now with regard to the next question of why she is famous…
Now on the subject of why she is famous…
… and what I’d like to add here is that …
… and what I need to emphasize here is that…
…and what I have to mention here is that …

C. Third prompt of the card

Going on to the business of why I would like to meet her…

Moving forward onto the reasons why I would like to meet her…
Ok, so my third point here would be why I’d like to meet her…

I would like to explain that…

You really have to understand that…
I suppose I should underline the fact that….

D. Fourth prompt of the card

To end with, I’d like to tell you what I would like to do if I met her…
And then, I think my last point would be what I would like to do if I met her…
Finally, if there’s time, I could deal with the last question of...
Examples of Part Two

Topic card
Describe your ideal house. You should say:
 Where it is
 What it looks like
 When you would like to live in
 And explain why you would like to live in it

Preparation note

Past/ present tense – conditional tense

Detached house
1 – On the outskirts
2 – Spacious / comfy / well-lit
3 – there’s no place like home
4 – Back garden / conservatory
Part Two Talk
So to begin with, I would like to talk about where my ideal house would
be, and I would say I’d love to live in a detached house on the outskirts. This
is due to the fact that there is a lot of greenery and at the same time, less air
and noise pollution.
Moving on to my next point which is what it looks like, and the point I
want to make here is that my dream house needs to be spacious and comfy,
especially the lounge. You know, I always want to live in a house full of light
so it’s a must to have a well-lit room.
Now, going on to the subject of when I would like to live there, I think
you really have to understand that when you want to have a place of your
own, you definitely want to move in as soon as possible. To my mind, living
in rental accommodation is just not as comfortable as living in your own
house. There’s no place like home, you know.
To end with, I’d like to tell you the reasons why I would like to live in that
house. I guess it’s mainly because, as I said before, it’s spacious so I can
have a back garden and a conservatory in front of the house. I have to say
that I’m passionate about roses and their fragrance. So it’s really no
surprise that I want to have a place for my beloved flowers.

 Useful vocabulary

outward appearance / trait

leadership quality / supervision (of) / guidance
elucidate(=explain) / put in plain words
support / encourage
renowned / well-known / well-respected / inspiring
amiable / good-humoured / chummy (with) /
immature / youthful
indentical / impossible to tell apart / like two peas in a pod
mythical / fairy-tale
 Useful structure
Who this person is

 X used to work with me

 X is a friend of mine from high school
 X is one of my coleagues / friends
 X is one of the most diligent people I know
 I have been an admirer of him for years
How you know them

 I first met X 2 years ago

 I’ve known X for a long time
 I have known him since I was a kid
 We go back a long time
 I will always remember how she…
 I will never forget the times when she…
How you describe their personality

 X is a real extrovert / introvert

 X is somewhat sociable
 X is a rather timid
 A tends to be more + adj + whereas, in contrast, B seems to be more +
 On the one hand, A is usually quite + adj + while B is often fairly + adj
 One remarkable similarity is that they both...
 One clearly distinguished distinction is that...

 Useful vocabulary
Landmark / native custom / indigenous culture
a bamboo wooded area / meadow / lush shrub / tropical plant / dried grass
gorgeous flower / stunning plant life / rock sculpture
old publication / specialist journal / historical record / facility
interactive software / internet access
single-storey building / a typical rustic style bungalow
courtyard / veranda / thatched roof
sitting room / all mod cons
an isolated rural community / central
historical memorial / bronze sculpture / commemorative plaque
place of pilgrimage / shrine, cenotaph
go for a stroll
get a breath of fresh air
get away from the hustle and bustle of the city / get closer to nature
go hiking / shop till you drop / try new food
chill out = let your hair down = hang loose
borrow / lend / (pay a) fine
dedicated to / honouring
redecorate / furnish
well-known / renowned / prominent / amble
tranquil / unspoiled / close-knit
(be a week) overdue / audio-visual (equipment / method)
carved / engraved
 Useful structure
Where it is

 It’s located in...

 It’s hidden away / tucked away in a small town
 It’s in a secluded neighborhood
 It’s slap bang in the middle of the city
 It was originally constructed in…
 Years ago it was primarily used as…
 Now its main function is...
 I used to go there quite a lot when I was a child
 I’ve actually been there a few times.
What it looks like

 Buildings: a fully furnished house

Buildings: a high rise building
Buildings: a magnificent building / house
Buildings: It has fabulous, captivating architecture
 City / town: a picturesque / charming / tranquil village
City / town: a bustling, vibrant house
 I was quite impressed by…
 It’s going to be enlarged next year; it will include...
What you can do there

 It’s a great place to…

 People typically like to…. there
 It’s well-known for it’s shops / cuisine…
 On the first day, while I was shopping, I saw...
 The first time I visited this place I took quite a few photos while I was
walking around.
How you feel

 It fascinates me
 I reckon it’s fantastic, extraordinary, out of this world
 Ever since I was a kid I have always had a real yearning to visit this
 I had never been there before so I was rather enthusiastic about this
 If you want to travel around, then I highly recommend this place for you.

 Useful vocabulary
celebration / a birthday bash
recommendation / guidance / suggestion
state administered exam
pass mark / certificate / of great consequence
a drama production / theatrical performance
an adaptation of / a famous play / stage / scene / audience / costume
transformation / a fresh start
preparation / arrangement / necessity / luxury
extreme sports / adrenalin sports /
complaint / criticize
overcome / deal with, cope with
get one’s money back
get to grips with
celebrate / take part in
have an influential effect on / inspire a change / transform (into)
take risks
(+) beneficial / essential
eventful / breathtaking
(-) tricky / taxing / easier said done
hazadous / risky
disgruntled / unacceptable / not up to scratch
 Useful structure
When and where it was

 When I was studying / working in…

 I was living / working in X at that time
People involved

 She was so gregarious / rude / inconsiderate / irresponsible

 He was quite tactful / calm / sensitive / sincere / thoughtful
 She was witty / smart / full of beans / quick on her feet
 She has a great sense of humour
What happened

 I was doing…, when X happened

 Looking back, I wish...
 At first, I found it quite tricky, I used to get confused by…
 Without a shadow, I know that…
 I had never done …. before, so I was quite thrilled

 Useful vocabulary
long-running series / fairy-tale
episode / series
radio station / radio play / narrator
a Hollywood blockbuster / a box-office smash / a big-budget production
animated special effects / an impressive script / an unforgettable soundtrack
a strong cast / audio effects
the outline of the story / the script
a masterpiece of classic fiction / the complete unabridged edition
hardback version / paperback version / illustrated edition
the narative style
the lyrics / catchy tune / orchestra / choir
(weekly / daily) newspaper / original print
editorial work / film and book reviews
web-based community / online games / forums
public awareness / influence
be based on / be founded on
hand down over the generations
air (=broadcast)
come across = bump into = discover it by accident
alter someone’s lifestyle
bring back
memorable / patriotic / multi-functional
 Useful structure
What it’s about

 I remember when I saw the first episode…

 It is performed by a full orchestra.
 When I first read it, I had already seen the TV production of the story.
 The show is still running to this day.
 They have aired repeats of the show many times over the years
 The story itself has been retold hundreds of times.
 It has been aired on TV a couple of times.
How you know it

 I first came across this magazine when I was in college.

 It used to be broadcast every night at prime time.
 I used to have a subscription (It was delivered to my address by post).
 It has been released recently.
 When I first saw the film, it had been out for a while.
How it makes you feel

 It gave me the feeling of (happiness / contentment / inspiration…)

 It makes me feel (happy / curious / inspired…)
 I have been reading it for about 2 years now.
 If I’m in a good mood, I’d like to…

 Useful vocabulary
antique / old-fashioned design
professional furniture restorer / manufacturer / retailer
price-tag / status symbol / brand
replacement / technical fault
practical furniture / armchair, wingchair, stool
raw materials / an creative skill / long-established traditional technique
be valuable to somebody / of great personal value
make use of
hand down
show off
assemble / put together / attach / glue
purchase / splash out on
go wrong / break down / get one’s money back / offer a refund
(+) high-speed / versatile / durable / environmentally sustainable
fast-growing / well-known
(-) tricky / out of order
extravagant / pricey
 Useful structure
How you have got it

 I found it by chance
 I picked it up (bought it at…)
 I got my hands on it when I was…
 …gave it to me as a present / gift
 It was made in 2000
 It used to belong to…
 I created all the parts from scratch
What it looks like

 It’s reddish, blueish, greenish

 It’s square-shape, round-shaped
 It’s state-of-the-art / cutting-edge
 It’s distinctive / one of a kind
 It’s different from anything else
 If I could change one thing about it, it would possibly be…
Why is it important to you

 It means a lot to me because…

 It has a lot of sentimental meaning
 I’ve had it for years.
 It has been repaired a couple of times.
 It has remained unchanged for centuries.
 They have practiced this long-established traditional technique for
thousands of years


 Useful vocabulary
Leisure pursuit / pastime / interest / hobby
Strategic thinking / cognitive skills / critical thinking
Problem solving / self-discipline / brain function
Downsides, upsides / benefits, drawbacks / pros and cons
Addition / cruelty, violence
I tend to…
I have a habit of…
I’m trying to give up / kick this habit
It has become a habit
Be stuck in a rut
Old habits die hard
Keep with tradition >< break with tradition
Be fascinated by – be passionate about – enjoy doing something
Take up new habits
Dabble in the kitchen
Try my hand at…
(+) invigorating / refreshing / bracing / energizing
outdoor / imaginary
endearing / fascinating
(-) risky / annoying / nasty
 Useful structure
What it is

 It’s really trendy now

 It’s quite popular
 It tends to be popular with…
 It’s not the most popular/ useful/ interesting (activity) in the world, but…
 I initially took up this habit 3 years ago
 I have been doing this for years
How you do it

 It’s not for everyone

 It takes a while to get the hang of it
 It’s just a walk in the park
 Patience / persistence / dedication are required
 You need to be patient / persistent / dedicated
The challenges you have to deal with

 The most significant obstacle is…

 The fun / tricky part is that…
 It’s challenging, but it’s totally worth it
Part Three of the Speaking Test
Duration: 4 - 5 minutes

Description: general topics about other people or the society (related to your
Part 2 Topic Card)

Part Three Question Type 1: Comparing

Try to use comparison language (the most significant would be…)
 Are families nowadays the same as families in the past?
 Is public transport nowadays the same as public transport 20 years
 Do old and young people like the same hobbies?
 How has education changed in recent years in your country?
 Do people nowadays eat the same food as people 50 years ago?

Part Three Question Type 2: Predicting

Talk about changes in variety, price, appearance, color, location, form…
 What kinds of skills will become important in the future?
 What will public transport be like in the future?
 What types of modern technology do you want to see in the future?
 Do you think we will read books in different ways in the future?
 Do you think we will see any changes in the weather in the future?

Part Three Question Type 3: “Why” questions

(a key motivation would be / a subsequent factor could be…)
 Why is it important to have a healthy diet?
 Why is it important to protect the natural environment?
 Why is online shopping so popular nowadays?
 Why do people want to love abroad?
 Why do people like traveling to foreign countries?

Part Three Question Type 4: Advantages or Disadvantages

(The most adverse/positive feature would be…, the trouble with this is…)
 What are the advantages of being famous?
 What are the benefits of using public transport?
 What are the advantages of watching movies in a theater?
 What are the disadvantages of online shopping?
 What are the drawbacks of eating junk food?
 What are the disadvantages of living in the countryside?

Part Three Question Type 5: Problems and Solutions

(One fundamental concern is probably, a short-term solution would be…)
 What environmental issues are common in your country?
 What are the problems associated with globalization?
 What are the problems associated with overcrowding?
 What problems are caused by the excessive use of mobile phones?
 What social problems are there in your country?
 How could we solve these problems?

Note: If you don’t understand the questions, you can ask the examiner to
repeat, but if it happens more than 4 times, your fluency score will be

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