813412036 - 60% Assignment

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Exam Roll No.


Discussion Questions

1. How does ACP’s business model integrate social, economic, and environmental

ACP's business model integrates these three aspects of sustainability as:

Social Sustainability

 Skill Development: ACP conducts training programs to enhance the skills of artisans
in various crafts. This empowers artisans by increasing their employability and
income potential.
 Financial Independence: By providing fair wages and consistent work, ACP helps
artisans achieve financial stability and independence. This improves their quality of
life and reduces poverty.
 Gender Equality: A significant portion of ACP's artisans are women. By
empowering women economically, ACP contributes to greater gender equity in the

Economic Sustainability

 Sustainable Business: ACP operates as a self-sustaining entity, generating revenue

to support its social mission. This financial stability ensures the long-term viability of
the organization and its impact.
 Fair Trade Practices: ACP ensures fair prices for artisans and ethical production
processes. This not only benefits artisans but also attracts customers who value social

Environmental Sustainability

 Eco-Friendly Materials: ACP promotes the use of sustainable and environmentally

friendly materials in production. This reduces the environmental impact of their
products and caters to a growing market of eco-conscious consumers.

In conclusion, the Association for Craft Producers (ACP) Nepal demonstrates how a
social enterprise model can effectively integrate social, economic, and environmental
sustainability. By prioritizing the well-being of artisans, operating as a sustainable
business, and using eco-friendly practices, ACP creates a positive impact on people
and the planet.
Exam Roll No. 813412036

2. What are the key factors that contribute to ACP’s success in the international market?

ACP's success in the international market stems from a combination of factors that cater to
both the growing demand for ethical products and the unique qualities of their offerings:

 High-Quality Craftsmanship: ACP's products are handmade and boast exceptional

quality, appealing to a global market that values tradition, craftsmanship, and
 Fair Trade Practices: Consumers who prioritize social responsibility are drawn to
ACP's commitment to fair wages, ethical production, and empowering marginalized
 Design and Innovation: ACP's strength lies in balancing traditional techniques with
contemporary design. This creates products that are both culturally significant and
relevant to modern tastes, attracting a wider international audience.
 Effective Market Presence: ACP leverages various channels to reach international
customers. This includes partnerships with fair trade organizations and retailers,
participation in trade shows, and a strong online presence through e-commerce
 Storytelling and Transparency: By effectively communicating their mission and the
stories of the artisans behind the products, ACP fosters a connection with
international consumers who value the social impact of their purchases.

In essence, ACP's success hinges on offering high-quality, ethically sourced products that
resonate with international tastes while staying true to their core values of social
empowerment and environmental responsibility.
Exam Roll No. 813412036

3. What impact does ACP brings to society ? why you think?

The Association for Craft Producers (ACP) brings a multifaceted positive impact to Nepali
society, primarily through empowering marginalized artisans, but also influencing cultural
preservation and economic development. Here's a breakdown of the key societal impacts and
the reasoning behind them:

Empowerment of Artisans:

 Economic Security: By providing fair wages, consistent work, and access to

markets, ACP helps artisans achieve financial stability and independence. This
improves their quality of life and reduces poverty.
 Skill Development: Training programs enhance the skills of artisans, making them
more employable and increasing their income potential in the long run.
 Social Status: Earning a livelihood through their craft grants artisans greater respect
and recognition within their communities.

Cultural Preservation:

 Preserves Traditional Crafts: ACP keeps traditional Nepalese crafts alive by

providing artisans with a platform to produce and sell their work. This helps prevent
these skills and cultural heritage from being lost.
 Promotes Cultural Identity: ACP products showcase Nepali craftsmanship to the
world, fostering cultural pride and identity.

Economic Development:

 Job Creation: ACP's operations create jobs not only for artisans but also for those
involved in raw material procurement, production support, and sales. This contributes
to economic growth in Nepal.
 Foreign Exchange: Exporting crafts generates foreign currency for Nepal, boosting
the national economy.
 Sustainable Livelihoods: By empowering artisans and promoting traditional crafts,
ACP fosters a more sustainable economic future for Nepali communities.

The impact of ACP goes beyond just economics. By empowering artisans, particularly
women, they contribute to a more equitable society where traditional skills are valued and
cultural heritage is preserved. This creates a ripple effect, leading to a more vibrant and
sustainable future for Nepali communities.
Exam Roll No. 813412036

4. What strategies can ACP implement to mitigate operational challenges and supply chain

Some of the strategies ACP can implement to mitigate operational challenges and supply
chain disruptions are:

Operational Challenges:

 Political Instability:
o Diversification: ACP can explore establishing partnerships with producer groups
in other regions of Nepal. This reduces reliance on a single location and
minimizes risks associated with political unrest.
o Contingency Planning: Develop alternative production plans in case of
disruptions. This could involve pre-producing certain items or having backup
suppliers for critical materials.
 Logistical Issues:
o Local Partnerships: Strengthen relationships with local transportation and
logistics providers. Reliable partners can help navigate challenges and ensure
timely deliveries.
o Multi-modal Transportation: Explore alternative modes of transportation, such
as air freight or a combination of road and air, to reduce dependence on
potentially disrupted routes.

Supply Chain Disruptions:

 Natural Disasters:
o Inventory Management: Maintain a buffer stock of essential raw materials to
mitigate shortages caused by natural disasters.
o Supplier Redundancy: Identify and develop relationships with secondary
suppliers for critical materials to avoid relying on a single source.
 Raw Material Shortages:
o Sustainable Sourcing: Partner with local suppliers who practice sustainable
resource management to reduce the risk of depletion.
o Material Innovation: Explore alternative materials that are readily available and

Exam Roll No. 813412036

 Technology Adoption: Invest in technology solutions for supply chain management.

This can provide real-time visibility into inventory levels, track shipments, and identify
potential disruptions early on.
 Communication and Collaboration: Foster open communication with artisans,
suppliers, and customers. This allows for proactive responses to challenges and ensures
everyone is informed of potential disruptions.

By implementing these strategies, ACP can build a more resilient supply chain that can better
withstand operational challenges and disruptions. This will ensure a more stable flow of
production and minimize the impact on artisans, customers, and the overall success of the
Exam Roll No. 813412036

5. How can ACP scale up its business model and enlarge the impact?

ACP has a strong foundation for scaling up its business model and enlarging its positive
impact. Here are some strategies they can consider:

Expanding Market Reach:

 Digital Marketing: Invest in targeted social media marketing and online advertising
to reach a wider global audience. This can introduce ACP's products and mission to
new potential customers.
 E-commerce Expansion: Develop a user-friendly e-commerce platform and explore
additional online marketplaces to increase online sales and global accessibility.
 Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with international designers or ethically
conscious fashion brands for product development or co-branding opportunities. This
can leverage existing networks and reach new customer segments.

Empowering Artisans:

 Capacity Building: Provide training programs for artisans in business management,

marketing, and basic financial literacy. This empowers them to potentially manage
their own production units or small businesses in the future.
 Design Collaboration: Encourage a deeper collaboration between ACP's design team
and artisans. This allows artisans to contribute their creative ideas and cultural
knowledge, potentially leading to more innovative and marketable products.

Impact Investment and Replication:

 Impact Investing: Explore opportunities for partnerships with impact investors who
share ACP's social mission. This can provide access to additional funding for
expansion and scaling up operations.
 Replication Model: Develop a comprehensive training program and support system
to empower other communities in Nepal or even beyond to establish similar social
enterprises based on ACP's model. This can significantly enlarge their overall impact.

Sustainability and Innovation:

 Sustainable Materials: Continuously explore and source eco-friendly and innovative

materials for production. This caters to the growing market of environmentally
conscious consumers and strengthens ACP's commitment to sustainability.
Exam Roll No. 813412036

 Product Diversification: Develop new product lines that cater to current market
trends and consumer preferences while staying true to traditional craftsmanship. This
can attract new customers and expand the overall market reach.


 Impact Measurement: Develop a robust system to measure and communicate the

social and environmental impact of ACP's work. This helps attract new partners,
investors, and customers who seek to support organizations with a measurable
positive impact.
 Storytelling: Effectively communicate the stories of the artisans and the positive
social impact of ACP's work. This fosters a deeper connection with potential
customers and strengthens the brand identity.

By implementing these strategies, ACP can scale up its business model, reach a wider
audience, and significantly enlarge its positive impact on the lives of artisans, cultural
preservation, and the overall economic development of Nepal.

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