uddhav 60% social Assignment

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Discussion Questions Answer

Uddhav Sedhai


1. How does ACP’s business model integrate social, economic, and environmental

ACP’s business model integrates social, economic, and environmental sustainability through
several key practices:

 Social Sustainability: ACP focuses on empowering marginalized artisans, particularly

women, by providing skills training, fair wages, and consistent employment opportunities.
This not only improves their socio-economic status but also promotes gender equality and
community development.
 Economic Sustainability: By creating high-quality, handcrafted products that appeal to both
domestic and international markets, ACP ensure a steady income for artisans. The
organization’s fair trade principles ensure that artisans are paid fairly, which helps them
achieves financial independence.
 Environmental Sustainability: ACP promotes the use of eco-friendly materials and
sustainable production processes. This includes minimizing waste, using natural dyes, and
sourcing raw materials responsibly. The organization’s commitment to environmental
sustainability is integral to its operations and product development.

2. What are the key factors that contribute to ACP’s success in the international

The key factors contributing to ACP’s success in the international market include:

 Quality and Craftsmanship: ACP’s products are known for their high quality and unique
craftsmanship, which appeal to international consumers who value handmade and ethically
produced goods.
 Fair Trade Partnerships: Collaborations with international fair trade organizations and
retailers provide ACP with access to broader markets and a customer base that values ethical
and sustainable products.
 Innovation in Design: ACP’s in-house design team works with artisans to create
contemporary products that preserve traditional techniques, ensuring that their products meet
global market trends and preferences.
 Marketing and Visibility: Participation in international trade shows and leveraging e-
commerce platforms helps ACP showcase its products to a global audience, increasing brand
visibility and sales.

3. What impact does ACP bring to society and why you think?

ACP brings significant positive impacts to society, including:

 Empowerment of Artisans: By providing training, fair wages, and consistent employment,
ACP empowers artisans, especially women, helping them achieve financial independence and
improved social status.
 Community Development: The income generated by artisans contributes to the overall
economic development of their communities. This can lead to improved living conditions,
better education for children, and enhanced community infrastructure.
 Preservation of Craftsmanship: ACP helps preserve traditional Nepali crafts by integrating
them into modern designs, ensuring that these skills are passed down to future generations.
 Gender Equality: By focusing on women artisans, ACP promotes gender equity, providing
women with opportunities to support themselves and their families independently.

4. What strategies can ACP implement to mitigate operational challenges and

supply chain disruptions?

To mitigate operational challenges and supply chain disruptions, ACP can implement the
following strategies:

 Diversified Supply Chain: Developing multiple sources for raw materials can reduce
dependency on a single supplier and mitigate risks associated with supply chain disruptions.
 Risk Management Plans: Establishing contingency plans for potential disruptions, such as
natural disasters or political instability, can help ACP respond quickly and effectively.
 Local Sourcing: Increasing the use of locally sourced materials can reduce the risk of
international supply chain disruptions and support local economies.
 Technology Integration: Utilizing technology for better inventory management, order
tracking, and communication can enhance operational efficiency and reduce delays.

5. How can ACP scale up its business model and enlarge its impact?

ACP can scale up its business model and enlarge its impact through the following strategies:

 Expanding Digital Presence: Enhancing its online sales platforms and utilizing social media
marketing can help ACP reach a larger, global audience.
 Strategic Partnerships: Forming new partnerships with international retailers, fair trade
organizations, and online marketplaces can expand ACP’s market reach.
 Product Diversification: Innovating and diversifying its product range to cater to changing
consumer preferences can attract new customers and increase sales.
 Capacity Building: Investing in capacity building for artisans, such as advanced training
programs and improved production facilities, can enhance productivity and product quality.
 Sustainable Tourism: Leveraging Nepal’s tourism sector to promote and sell crafts can
create new sales channels and increase awareness of ACP’s mission among tourists.

By addressing these discussion questions, ACP can further enhance its understanding of its strengths,
opportunities, and areas for improvement, ensuring continued growth and positive social impact.

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