Bones of My Bones

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Bones Of My Bones

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Underage
Category: M/M
Fandom: Original Work
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Father-Son Relationship, Father/Son Incest, Anal
Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Consensual Underage Sex,
Underage Kissing, Parent/Child Incest, Watersports, Spit Kink,
Handcuffs, Feminization, Small Penis, Romance, Neck Kissing, Blow
Jobs, Scents & Smells, Foot Fetish, Crossdressing, Light Bondage,
French Kissing, Boys in Skirts, Sweat
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Stories Of Boys In Love
Stats: Published: 2023-10-03 Completed: 2023-10-04 Words: 5,237 Chapters:
Bones Of My Bones
by orphan_account


Short story containing a relationship between a 47 year old man and his 14 year old feminine
Making Room On His Single Bed
Chapter Summary

An introduction to the story's characters

"Fuck Dad" Drew moaned as he bounced up and down on his father's 8 inch cock.

The room was lit with dim candles, the smell of sweat lingered as the father and son duo
shared a passionate moment in their bedroom. Gerry gripped on to his silk bed sheets as he
felt an orgasm brewing, he checked the clock, it was 10:44pm. Drew rested on his knees as
he humped the air letting his father's cock slide in and out of him. The 14 year old looked like
a god in the dim room, his body was smooth as butter. Drew and his father had been in a
relationship since Drew came out 2 years ago. The teen was raised by his single father for
most of his life, the absence of a mother made the boy gain a feminine personality. Gerry
knew his son was gay since he was a toddler, he could just tell. The father wasted no time
with his son and began getting more invasive after he came out, there was more touching,
more kisses and more exposure. Drew was a smart boy, he knew his father desperate for
someone in his life to share a bed with. Drew had an amazing body, he worked out a lot
giving him a slim waist and big hips.

"I'm about to come baby" Gerry grunted as he released his grip from his sheets and held his
son's waist.

The father and son decided to start a relationship when Drew turned 12, it started with a
romantic passionate kiss that came from nowhere. The pair were sharing a blanket and
watching a movie in their living room when a kiss scene happened, Drew commented on
being insecure about not having his first kiss yet and Gerry decided to risk it all and pull his
son in. Since then they decided to privately engage in a more romantic relationship. Gerry
slept in a single bed ever since his wife left, the empty space made him feel lonely and so he
decided a king sized bed wasn't needed for a single father. Drew loved his father, he was fit
but not like him. Gerry had nice muscles for a 47 year old, his body hair covered his chest
and made its way down to his genitals.

"Mmphh Daddy" Drew moaned as his head leaned back. Daddy was Gerry's weakness, his
son called him this during sex and it always sent him over the edge.

Gerry worked as a bouncer in a local strip club, he would constantly get hit on by the
workers. Gerry had all the opportunity in the world to take home one of the workers but
everything he ever needed was at home with him. Drew went to school, he was in 9th grade.
Luckily for Drew he rarely got bullied for his looks, he never hid his femininity at school and
everyone knew he was gay. Drew had light brown curly hair and green eyes, his face looked
like it was made by an angel, he had a perfect button nose, light freckles that just kissed his
cheeks and lashes that looked almost fake. The other queer students at his school all had
feelings for him but he would always tell them he was taken. Drew liked to help his father
around the house, he liked to cook his meals and do his laundry, he knew his father worked a
hard job and he didn't want to have to rely on the man to do everything. The relationship was
perfect, from the outside world it would look taboo and disgusting but to the couple it was
natural, like it was meant to be.

"Fuuuuck" Gerry moaned as his balls drained and filled his son's ass. Drew stopped bouncing
and embraced the warmth that entered his bottom filling his stomach. The room smelt like
sweat and lavender as the candles lit tried their best to dominate over the musky scent. Drew
took a second to catch his breath, his 4 inch cock was still rock hard. Drew was never
insecure about his body, he loved having a smaller than average penis as it made him look
more feminine, he could also manage to wear panties that didn't hurt because his crotch was
small enough to fit. Gerry loved his son's cock, it was the perfect size, his foreskin covered
his entire head leaving a small little hole by the tip. Drew collapsed on to his father's chest,
the two were inches away as they stared into each other's eyes. "I love you Drew" Gerry said
before pulling his son in for a passionate kiss, their tongues wrestled and fought while they
swapped saliva. Gerry was a great kisser, he liked to suck on tongues and bite lips leaving his
son's mouth swollen. When the two broke their kiss Drew got up and headed to the bathroom,
his silhouette looked like something out of a fashion magazine. Drew headed to the bathroom
to use the toilet before heading back to his father.

Gerry laid in bed resting his arms behind his head as he watched his beautiful son throw on a
pink gown. Drew liked to wear more feminine clothes at home, he embraced being a femboy
around his father. Gerry loved Drew's fashion, he was proud of his son for being confident
enough to wear clothes his wife would wear when they were together. Drew hopped into bed
and kissed his father on the cheek before rolling over and resting his eyes. The couple
spooned in the single bed as they drifted off into slumber, the candles slowly started to dim as
the flame was reaching the bottom of the wick. The warmth of Drew was enough for Gerry,
he didn't need a blanket over him. Gerry wrapped his hand around his son's shoulder and
pulled him in as tight as he could, the man towered the boy as they curled up in the messy
wrinkly bed and fell asleep.
No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Chapter Summary

Drew wakes up to a hickey on his neck.

Drew brushed his teeth in the golden lit bathroom, the sun faced directly into the window.
The teen was getting ready for school as he noticed something on his neck. "Dad..." Drew
said as he waited for his father to respond. The 47 year old man entered the bathroom
wearing nothing but a creased white shirt, his cock hung freely, dangling in the cool morning
air. "What's up?" Gerry asked as he leaned by the door. Drew showed his father the purple
mark on his neck, he had a pouty look on his face. "Shit" Gerry responded, it was the first
time he gave his son a hickey. After a moment of silence both of them began laughing, Gerry
reached for his son's smooth cheek and stroked it gently. "Sorry babe, guess I got carried
away" he whispered. Gerry slowly pulled the toothbrush from Drew's mouth and pulled his
son in by his cheek. "Dad I still have toothpaste in my mo-" Drew was interrupted by his
father kissing him on the lips, Gerry didn't care about his son's toothpaste filled mouth and
began french kissing the boy. Drew melted into his father's arms, he could stay in this
position all day but he has school in an hour. The two broke their kiss and both of them spat
whatever toothpaste & saliva mix was in their mouth into the sink. "That's one way to brush
your teeth" Gerry joked, Drew lightly punched his father's shoulder as he handed his father
his toothbrush.

Gerry worked day shift at the strip club, it was great because he got paid well while never
having to deal with any real issues. most of the strip club goers were unemployed losers who
had nothing better to do on a Friday morning than go drink and watch women flash their
breasts. Drew finished off getting dressed, the school he went to had a uniform mandate but
Drew didn't mind, he thought the schoolboy look was sexy on him and his father certainly
liked it. Drew finished wrapping a tie around his neck before grabbing his school bag and
heading for the door. "Dad I'm off, I'll see you tonight" Drew shouted up the stairs. Gerry
appeared at the top of the stairs still only wearing his creased shirt. "Bye" he muffled while
he brushed his teeth. Drew stared at his father's cock from the bottom of the stairs, oh how he
was going to miss it. "Put some pants on dad" Drew teased as he left for school. Drew walked
to the bus stop, he was panicking about how his friends would react to his hickey, he needed
some excuse that wasn't incest related. Once the school bus pulled up Drew took a deep
breath before stepping on to the bus and finding a seat.

"Woah dude" Drew's friend Carl said as he pointed at the purple patch on Drew's neck. Drew
rolled his eyes and tried ignoring his friend. "Who?" Carl asked wanting to know the person
responsible for giving Drew the hickey. "It's none of your business" Drew said as he tried
brushing the conversation away. Carl laughed and returned to finishing the homework he
failed to complete the night before. "Someone's got a boyfriend" Carl teased quietly. Drew
chuckled, Carl was right, Drew did have a boyfriend. Carol was a very supportive friend to
Drew, he would stick up for him in any bad situations Drew found himself in. Carol was
straight but grew up with Drew, once Drew came out Carl found no issue with it and the two
continued being best friends. Drew wanted to tell Carl who really gave him the hickey but
worst case scenario his dad would end up behind bars and Drew would be sent to live with
his absent mother. "We still on for the movies on Saturday?" Carl asked. Drew smiled and
nodded, "Yeah I just gotta ask my dad for some money" he replied. "Your Dad's cool I'm sure
he will lend you some cash" Carl replied. Drew did have friends over at his house, he had
nothing to hide besides the fact he sleeps with his father. Drew's room was always clean, he
hasn't needed to change his bed sheets in over a year considering he sleeps in his father's bed
every night. Drew's room was just for display at that point, a place where he could do his
homework and hang out with his friends. The school bus pulled up outside the school and
everyone got off.

Gerry hopped out of his car and headed inside the club to make himself a quick coffee. The
break room in the club was small, there was a single table with 4 chairs, a fridge, a
microwave and a coffee maker. Gerry threw his backpack in his locker and proceeded to
make himself a nice cup of joe before starting his shift. "Morning handsome" Diamond said
as she entered the room wearing nothing but a pair of black panties. Gerry had become so
used to being around naked women it never bothered him anymore, he did consider himself
bisexual but he had a big lean for men. "Morning Diamond" Gerry replied as he poured the
black liquid into his metal coffee cup. "God I hate the morning shift, I don't get any tips this
time of day" Diamond moaned as she plopped down on the plastic foldable chair and opened
her lunch box. Gerry chuckled and sat on the table facing her as he took a sip of his strong
coffee. "I'm sure you'll make bank tonight though" he said trying to reassure the stressed
stripper. "If only you were there to watch" Diamond flirted. Gerry could feel Diamond
playing footsie under the table with him, he nervously giggled before scooting his chair away.
"You free tomorrow night?" The woman asked before taking a bite of her plain looking
sandwich. "Sorry Diamond we've been through this before, I'm not interested in dating at the
moment" Gerry replied. Diamond sighed and rolled her eyes, nearly every stripped had a
crush on the bouncer and they all tried taking him on dates. "Okay but when you're ready let
me know, I need some arm candy to take to dinner" Diamond said. "I'd be more likely to take
Axel on a date than you" Gerry joked before realising what he said. Diamond looked at him
with confusion before putting two and two together. "Ohhhhh" she said while smirking. Shit,
Gerry thought, he just came out to one of his colleagues. "Well I better get to work" Gerry
said before rushing out to the main door leaving the topless woman alone with her sandwich.

"Dad, I'm home" Drew shouted as he closed the door behind him, there was no reply. Drew
made his way to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of juice, his dad must be working late
today. A phone chime could be heard in Drew's pocket as he checked what it was. 'Sorry,
running late, I'll bring home pizza' The text read. Drew smiled before locking his phone, he
wanted to put on a nice outfit for his father when he got home. He rushed upstairs to his
father's wardrobe and began scanning for something to wear. Drew left all his feminine
clothing in his father's wardrobe incase any of his friends accidentally saw them in his own
wardrobe, atleast if they saw the clothes in his father's wardrobe Drew could always make the
excuse that it was his mother's old clothes. Drew scanned the closet before picking out a nice
looking skirt and see through mesh crop top. The teen stripped from his school uniform
tossing his clothes on his neat bed before throwing on his feminine outfit. Drew looked in the
mirror, he looked beautiful. His skirt barely covered his ass, you could see his little bulge
through the fabric making it even more sexier. There was something missing though, Drew
thought for a second what he could wear to make him look even more feminine. A lightbulb
flashed above Drew's head, he grabbed a pair of white thigh high socks and throw them on,
they were tight around his thick thighs but looked amazing on him. Drew decided to get his
weekend homework done now so he could spend the night with his father.

"Son I'm home!" Gerry shouted from the bottom of the stairs while holding a pizza box, he
tossed his keys on the hall table before looking up and seeing his sexy 14 year old son in his
revealing outfit at the top of the stairs. "Fuck" Gerry whispered under his breath, his son was
beautiful, he wanted so badly to drop the food and run up those stairs. "Hi daddy..." Drew
said, his cheeks were flushed from his father's reaction. Gerry smirked and headed to the
kitchen while motioning for his son to follow. Drew headed down the stairs as his skirt
flowed up and down occasionally revealing his panties. Gerry left the pizza on the kitchen
counter before heading into the living room and sat down on his brown loveseat. Gerry
sighed and unbuttoned the top three buttons on his shirt, soon followed Drew as he sat on his
father's lap facing him and holding his cheeks. "Long day?" Drew asked. "My legs feel like
jelly" Gerry replied. The two made out before breaking their kiss with a trail of saliva
connected them for a split second. "Let me help" Drew whispered. Gerry's shoes were
removed by his son followed by his socks before his bare hairy feet were revealed. "Phew
you stink" Drew joked as he rubbed his father's feet. "Sorry I can go take a quick shower if
yo-" Gerry was cut off by his son taking his big sweaty toes in his mouth. Drew moaned as he
sucked on the hairy toe making sure to lick every inch. Gerry leaned back on his chair and let
out a satisfied sigh, "Baby that feels amazing" he said. Gerry's bulge was starting to grow, his
beautiful son never failed to make him hard. Drew noticed this and began rubbing his dad's
tight bulge while still licking between his toes.

Once both of Gerry's feet had a nice coat of saliva covering them Drew decided to unzip his
father's fly and let his cock get some well needed air. The 8 inch unit girthy cock sprung out
and faced the ceiling, Drew licked his lips at the sight. The teen got on his knees between his
father's legs and wasted no time taking the monstrous cock in his mouth. Drew was an expert
at deepthroating, he always practiced at home with anything he could, ice pops, bananas,
even cucumbers. All 8 inches of Gerry's dick vanished down his son's throat, Drew flicked
his tongue around his father's sweaty balls while he held the cock in his throat, it was his
secret party trick and his father's favourite thing. "Baby that feels amazing" Gerry moaned as
he rested his hands on the back of his son's head. Drew made a slurping noise as he bobbed
his head up and down his father's cock, Gerry couldn't take it. "I- I'm gonna cum baby" Gerry
moaned as he gripped his son's hair a little too tight. Drew released his father's cock from his
mouth and began slowly stroking him, Gerry's foreskin lightly brushed the head of his penis
keeping his near orgasm state constant. Drew stood up and removed his panties while still
keeping his skirt on, Gerry could see the tip of his son's foreskin dangle right under the skirt
as Drew lifted himself on his father's lap and pushed the cock inside him. While Drew did
love drinking his father's cum there was no better feeling to him than the warmth that he felt
after letting his father release his load in his ass. Drew began riding like crazy, the slapping
noise of Gerry's balls coming into contact with Drew's ass echoed the room. Gerry used his
free hand to lift up his son's skirt revealing the small 4 inch rock hard cock bouncing, he took
the cock in his hands hand began stroking to the beat of Drew's bouncing. "Mhmmm" Drew
whimpered, Drew was never focused on making himself cum, he much more preferred
making his father cum and if he was still in the mood than jerking off afterwards.
The fucking went on for 12 minutes before Gerry felt his orgasm brewing again, he picked up
the pace of his jerking until he felt his son moan a little too loud. The father and son came at
the same time, Gerry released his load inside his son while Drew came all over his father's
creased shirt. Drew slowly raised himself off his dad before licking up the cum that rested on
his dad's sweaty shirt. The two cuddled on the couch as they recovered from their orgasm
high. "Oh by the way Carl wants to go see a movie with me tomorrow, can I have $20" Drew
said. Gerry laughed in response, "What I gotta pay for sex now do I" he said causing Drew to
chuckle. "Well there's no such thing as a free lunch" Drew teased while kissing his father's
cheek. Gerry took his wallet from his pocket and handed his son three $10 notes. "$10 for the
hickey" he said. Drew snatched the money from his father and tucked it in the waist of his
skirt. "God you remind me of Diamond" he said noticing the boy tuck away his cash. "You
comparing me to a stripper?" Drew jokingly asked. "Don't worry, they will never compare to
you" Gerry replied. "Come on, pizzas getting cold" Gerry said before pushing himself off the
sofa and not bothering to zip back up his cock letting his deflate as he walked to the kitchen.
The father and son ate the cold pizza in the kitchen while talking about their day. They had a
nice long weekend ahead of them.
Early Mornings & Sleepless Nights
Chapter Summary

Gerry & Drew get a little kinky.

Chapter Notes


This chapter contains light bondage & watersports, please read with caution and avoid
reading if it bothers you.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Drew stood by the fireplace wearing nothing but a pink choker. He lit the fire and turned to
face his father. Gerry smoked a cigarette as he watching his beautiful son smile back at him.
The light from the fire caused a shadow to appear behind Gerry, the figure of this boy was
beautiful, his waist was skinny and his hips were curvy. The warmth of the blazing fire felt
nice on Drew's behind.

It was Sunday night, Sundays were Gerry and Drew's special night. The couple liked to spend
the day having more kinkier sex than they usually have. Gerry had a bondage kink, he had a
dominant personality that he wanted to explore more and Drew was his perfect little guinea
pig. "Come here baby" Gerry said as he took a drag of his cigarette. Drew walked towards his
father who was wearing a tight fit shirt and brown slacks. Gerry roughly grabbed his son's ass
and pulled up towards him. "Who does this ass belong to?" He asked in a tough tone. "You
Daddy" Drew whimpered as he could feel his father's big meaty hands squeeze his plump
asscheeks. Gerry pulled his son's neck closer to his mouth and began sucking on the already
purple patch that he had given him a few nights before. Drew moaned at the feeling of his
father's teeth lightly scraping his sensitive neck. The smell of his father's cigarette hovered
around Drew as he inhaled the second hand smoke.

Gerry hopped out of his seat and picked up his son like a baby carrying him up to their
bedroom. Once the couple made it to bedroom Drew was tossed on to the messy stained bed
as Gerry began to strip. The 14 year old teenager waited impatiently as his father teased him
by slowly undoing the buttons on his shirt one at a time. "Come on" Drew whined as he laid
naked waiting for his father to fuck the shit out of him. Gerry chuckled as he removed his
shirt fully revealing his chest to the boy, Drew let out a light whimper at the sight of his
strong daddy standing over him. Before Gerry finished off stripping he grabbed some pink
fluffy cuffs in the bed side table drawer, the cuffs were attached to Drew's arms and legs
locking him to the bed. Drew's body was bound and on full display to his father, he couldn't
do anything to escape but he had no plans on backing out. Gerry decided to up the fun a little
and he put a blindfold on his son blocking his vision.

Drew's body was smooth and hairless, Gerry licked his lips at the sight of his helpless son.
The 47 year old dad decided to strip from his trousers and underwear leaving him naked,
Gerry decided to set the mood and light a bunch of candles giving the room a golden sensual
glow. "God you look beautiful" Gerry said to his bound son. Gerry hopped on the bed and
leaned over his petite young son before dragging his tongue over the boy's sensitive hard
nipples. Drew moaned as Gerry bit the hard nipple sending a wave of shock through Drew's
body. Drew's moaning got louder which Gerry didn't like, he didn't want his nosey
neighbours hearing the noises of pleasure coming from the 14 year old boy that lived alone
with his single father. Gerry grabbed his used sweaty underwear and stuffed it in his son's
mouth while tying a rag around his mouth locking the underwear in place. The boy was now
silent, his moans muffled by the smelly used underwear stuffed in his mouth. Gerry went
back to his son's body licking his thighs, licking his hairless pits, licking his entire body.
Drew's hairless cock laid flaccid, it was only 3 inches in length but Gerry loved it. "Dad"
Drew said into his makeshift gag, he was tossing and turning like he was uncomfortable.
Gerry pulled his son's gag down to his chin and said nothing. "I have to pee" Drew whined,
Gerry chuckled and put the gag back in his son's mouth not caring, he went back to
pleasuring his son's cock. Drew moaned and groaned into his father's underwear as his cock
began getting harder form the pleasure he was receiving, he felt like he was about to burst.

Poor Drew couldn't hold it anymore and released his bladder letting a golden stream slowly
rise. Drew's hard cock aimed at the ceiling as his piss flowed upwards making a fountain of
urine that splashed back down on the bound teenager. Gerry licked his lips and opened his
mouth above his son's cock letting the piss fill him up before taking a big gulp. Drew couldn't
see what was going on but he could hear his father drinking so he figured out quickly what
was happening behind his blindfold. The salty taste on Gerry's tongue made him even
hornier, the thought of his son not being able to hold in his piss and covering himself wether
he liked it or not felt extremely naughty and perverted. Gerry held his son's cock and aimed it
towards his face letting urine land on the teens face. The underwear in Drew's mouth got
soaked with urine and Drew had no choice but to taste his own salty waste, but he liked it.
The golden stream slowly stopped as Drew's body was soaked from head to toe. Gerry fought
the urge to take pictures and videos to remember this moment but he couldn't risk anyone
seeing them and forever breaking his beautiful relationship with his teenage son. The
neighbours have already raised suspicions over Drew's moaning but Gerry had to explain that
he was a teenager and teenagers watch porn, it was embarrassing but it got them out of hot

Gerry kneeled over Drew's head as his testicles rested on the boy's chin. He held his meaty
cock in his hand and slapped it against his son's cheek teasing him. Drew's gag was removed
from his mouth as he took a second to cough and gag from the build up of sweat and piss
resting on his tongue for the last 30 minutes. Once Drew had calmed down Gerry squeezed
his cheeks with one hand forcing his son's mouth open, he built up a big wad of saliva and let
it hang from his lips. The stream of saliva broke from Gerry's mouth and fell right into his
son's. This took Drew by surprise, he couldn't see what was happening so he relied on his
other senses to paint a picture of the scenario. Drew could taste the tobacco in his dad's saliva
but still he swallowed. Gerry was ready to face fuck his son, he positioned himself in a 69
position and lined his cock up with this son's mouth. Once Gerry's cock was inside his son he
roughly began humping, the sound or his son's wet gargles struggling to take his father's cock
sent Gerry over the edge. Drew was struggling, he couldn't breathe and he couldn't escape,
but he loved it. The taste of his dad's cock was amazing, Drew was addicted to the monstrous
cock, he worshipped it like a god. "Fuck son" Gerry moaned as his son gargled and gulped
the 8 inch penis, Drew couldn't say or do anything to reply to his father's pleasure but the
sounds of his struggle alone was enough to tell his dad he loved him. The face fucking went
on for 10 minutes, every few seconds Gerry would stop humping to let his son take a deep
breath before continuing to fuck his son's mouth.

Gerry decided to pleasure his son, he took his son's 4 inch hairless cock in his mouth and
suckled on it like crazy. Drew's moans increased at the feeling of his dad giving him a
passionate blowjob. The father and son duo were exchanging blowjobs in the dimly lit messy
bedroom, the sounds of sucking and moaning filled the room. The weight of Gerry's body
over his frail son felt incredible to Drew, he felt safe having a heavy older man completely
cover him. Gerry was close to cumming, he couldn't tell his son so instead he tapped Drew's
thigh to signal his orgasm. Gerry's heavy balls slapped against Drew's nose filling his nostrils
with the smell of musk and sweat. Gerry moaned as he released his load inside his son's
mouth filling his cheeks with gooey white sperm. Drew came in his dad's mouth quickly
after, Drew couldn't cum like his father could, whenever Drew had an orgasm he only
released a small but of sperm but Gerry still loved it and savoured it in his mouth. Once the
father and son were all tired out Gerry released Drew from his bound state. Drew's blindfold
was removed by his father allowing Drew to see the mess that was made on the bed. A big
wet patch covered the entire mattress but Gerry didn't care.

"Guess I should take a shower" Drew whispered but he was quickly stopped by his dad who
pulled him in for a messy sloppy wet kiss. "No, let's just head to sleep we can worry about it
in the morning" Gerry replied as he pulled his son next to him. "I have school in the morning
dad" Drew said worried he wouldn't have time to take a deep shower in the morning to wash
the piss from his entire body and hair. Gerry smiled as he pulled his son in tighter. "I'll write
you a sick note, let's just take tomorrow off, you deserve it" he said. The couple laid in each
other's arms embracing the warmth of their bodies. Gerry had so much love for his little boy,
he wouldn't trade him for the world, to him Drew was his world. If it was legal he would
marry his son on the spot, he would start a big family with the teenager and make him the
perfect little housewife. Drew was a smart young teenager with his entire life ahead of him,
he had so much potential in finding a boyfriend, his looks were what any gay man wanted.
Drew knew that he couldn't spend his entire life living with his father, he wanted to go to
college and move out of this run down town. Maybe Drew could convince his future
boyfriend to engage in a threesome with Gerry, and maybe one day Drew could be an
amazing father to his own son whenever he decides to have one. But for now, Drew was
going to soak up every second of his time with his dad, he was going to do everything he
could to make sure his dad felt loved. Drew felt terrible for his father and what he went
through during his divorce, being forced to raise a boy on his own while his ex wife was
probably whoring herself out to all the men that wanted a piece of sloppy seconds.

"Love you daddy" Drew mumbled into his wet pillow as his father wrapped his big body
around him. Gerry was already snoring by the time Drew said this which caused Drew to
giggle, his dad didn't hear Drew say it but it was clear he already knew.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading this short story!

I'm not sure if it's worth continuing this story with a time skip or something but if it gets
a good reception then I may consider it.
Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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