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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 8

Date: May 3, 2023

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a. explain what is Digestive System;

b. arranged the process of parts of Digestive System through flow chart, and
c. appreciate the importance of digestive system in their daily lives.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Structures and Functions of the Digestive System
Reference: CO_Q4_Science 8_Module 1.
Rosa Mia L. Pontillo


 Visual aid
 Scotch tape
 Chalk
 Illustrations
 Manila paper
 Marker
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminary Activity
 Prayer

May I request everyone to please rise for our prayer? (The students will stand for a prayer.)
Isobelle, please come forward and lead the prayer

 Greetings

Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am

Good morning classmates

Okay you may now take your seat Thank You Ma’am

Okay class, how are you today? We’re fine ma’am. Thank you.

 Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent today Erica? None ma’am.

Very good, keep it up class

Ok please pick up the pieces of paper under your chairs (Students pick up the pieces of paper)

 Setting of Classroom Standards

Before we will start our lesson for today, I would like you to
make a classroom rules and policies.

What should you do before the class will start? Always prepare yourself.
Pick a pieces of paper or plastics in
your surroundings.

Sit properly
What should you do if the class is going on? Listen attentively
Don't make unnecessary noise.

Raise your hand if you have

What will you do if you want to answer questions? question.
Answer only if your name is called.
Ask permission/ excuse to the
teacher if you want to go out.

Say goodbye.
What should you do after the class? Apply CLEAN AS YOU GO Policy
Arrange your chairs.
Don’t leave immediately, let the
teacher leave first.

Yes ma’am
Can I expect you to follow those rules?

Very good!

 Passing/Checking of Assignments
Ok class please pass your assignment forward.


Ok class please settle down

Class can you still remember what was our lesson yesterday? Yes ma’am.

So what was that?

Yes Kevin? Our topic yesterday ma’am is all about

Yes you are right!

Now who wants to define what is Biology?

Yes Erica? You are raising your hand? Biology is a branch of science that deals
with living organism and their vital
Very good!

In short, Biology simple define as the study of life. And Yes ma’am.
Biology has 3 branches right?

So what are those?

Yes Xyver? 3 Branches of Biology:

1. Botany
2. Zoology
Very good! 3. Microbiology

And now, our topic for today is all about Digestive System,
its structure and functions.

But before that, these are the objectives for today’s lesson.

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a. Explain what is Digestive System;
b. Arranged the process of parts of Digestive
System through flow chart, and
c. Appreciate the importance of digestive
system in their daily lives.


Okay class, why do we eat? Is eating necessary in keeping Yes ma’am.

us alive?

Where do we get the energy that enables us to carry out the In food that we eat ma’am.
many activities that we do each day? Yes Kendro?

Yes you are right!

Class, did you have your breakfast? Yes ma’am.

So what is your breakfast today Janna? I eat rice with fried chicken ma’am

Yes and your energy is come from the chicken that you eat.

The food that we eat plays a central role in the survival of

species. It provides the energy that enables us to carry out
the many activities that we do each day such as breathing,
studying, walking and cooking. In short, food is one of the
source of energy of our body. We cannot live without food.
And our body cannot function well if we don’t enough
Yes ma’am.
Before we will start our discussion for today, let’s have an
activity first. Are you ready class?


This activity entitled Arranged Me! And before we will

start, the class will be divided into 3 groups.

 Manila paper
 Marker
 Scotch tape

1. The teacher will show a clouds of terms (parts of
Digestive System and its functions) on the board.
2. Each group will arrange it according to its functions
through flow chart to show the process of digestive (students will perform the task)
system. Students will be given 5 minutes to finish the
3. And after that, each group will be given 3 minutes to
present their answers on the board.

Is that clear class?

Yes ma’am.
Good job class! All of your answers are all correct. Okay
please settle down and go back to your chairs.


Our group activity a while ago has something to do with our

lesson for today and it is all about Digestive System. All of
the terms that you had arranged earlier are the Parts of
Digestive Systems and its parts has a functions.
The Digestive System is the one
Okay class do you have any idea about the Digestive responsible for food that we eat.
System? Yes Jeff?

Yes that’s correct!

Digestive System
- The system of organs responsible for getting food
into and out of the body and for making use of food
to keep the body healthy.

7 Parts of Digestive System

1. Mouth- is an important part of the digestive process.
Digestion begins in a person's mouth, which breaks
down food into smaller particles. As you chew and
swallow, your tongue pushes food into your throat. A
small piece of tissue called the epiglottis covers your
windpipe. The epiglottis prevents choking.
2. Esophagus- is to allow for the passage of food from
the mouth and throat to the stomach. Food travels
down a hollow tube called the esophagus. At the
bottom, your esophageal sphincter relaxes to let food
pass to your stomach. (A sphincter is a ring-shaped
muscle that tightens and loosens.)
3. Stomach- is a muscular organ that digests food.
When your stomach receives food, stomach creates
digestive juices (acids and enzymes) that break down
food. When your stomach has broken down food, it
passes it to your small intestine.
4. Small intestine- Food mixes with the digestive
juices from your intestine, liver and pancreas. Your
intestinal walls absorb nutrients and water from food
and send waste products to the large intestine.
5. Large intestine- large intestine turns waste products
into stool. It pushes the stool into your rectum.
6. Rectum- is the lower portion of your large intestine.
It stores stool until you have a bowel movement.
7. Anus- is the opening at the lower end of the
Digestive system starts from mouth, to
digestive tract that controls the expulsion of feces.
esophagus, stomach, small intestine,
Again who can enumerate in order the 7 Parts of Digestive large intestine, rectum and lastly to
system? Yes Ashely? anus.

Very good!


And now, let’s dig dipper. Digestive system is composed of

different organs that work together to break down food and
nourish the body. It also involves important processes in
order to carry out the function of the digestive system.

Let’s take a journey throughout the human digestive system

to see how it works and how organs coordinate in order to
carry out the processes of digestions.

The journey of foods starts from the mouth down to the anus
takes about 18-20 hours.

5 Digestive System Process

1. Ingestion- is the first process that happens in

digestive system. It is the journey of taking food or
any substances into the body though mouth.
2. Digestion- the second process. It is the process that
involves breakdown of large food molecules into
smaller molecules for easy absorption of the cells.
2 Types of Digestions:
 Physical/Mechanical Digestions- teeth bites,
chews and grinds food into smaller we can
 Chemical Digestions- salivary glands add
saliva to begin the digestive process of
carbohydrates and fats.

Then the tongue pushes foods around as we chew and sends

food down to the esophagus. The mass of chew food is
called Bolus. After esophagus receive food from mouth, a
series of mascular contraction called peristalsis delivers food
to your stomach. Stomach produces digestive juice to the
bolus. When your stomach has broken down food, it passes
it to your small intestine.

3. Absorption- it occurs mostly in the small intestine

where several digestive juices, pancreatic juices, and
bile acid aid in the chemical digestion of food.
4. Assimilation- forth process occurs in the digestive
system. It is the movement of digested food nutrients
into the blood vessels of the small intestine through
diffusion and use of nutrients into the body.
5. Egestion/Elimination- last process occurs in the
digestive system. It is the process of discharging
undigested or waste material from an organism.
Yes ma’am
Do you understand how digestion take place and how the
different organs of the digestive system work together to
digest food and use by the body?
None ma’am
Any question or clarification?
When it comes to the human body, the
Then, may I ask the class what is importance of digestive digestive system is very important. It
system in your daily lives. Yes Isobelle? gives our bodies the ability to process
foods, extract the nutrients we need
Yes exactly! from the foods, and eliminate the waste.

Without these abilities, our bodies wouldn’t be able to


It seems that you really understand our topic for today.

Digestive System is thee system of organs responsible
for getting food into and out of the body and for making use
of food to keep the body healthy. Digestion of foods starts in
7 main parts from Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small
intestine, Large intestine, Rectum and lastly to the Anus. It
also involves 5 important processes in order to carry out the
function of the digestive system. Namely; Ingestion,
Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation and Egestion. Without
these process, our bodies wouldn’t be able to function.

And that’s all for today’s discussion. I hope that you’ve

learned something from me today. Please give yourselves a
Mommy Dionisia CLAP.
III. Learning Procedure


Directions: Choose the BEST answer for the following questions. Encircle only the letter of the
correct answer.

1. A system of organs responsible for getting food into and out of the body and for making
use of food to keep the body healthy.
a. Mascular System c. Digestive System
b. Nervous System d. Respiratory System

2. Which part of Digestive process, in which digestion begins

a. mouth c. stomach
b. anus d. esophagus

3. ________is the opening at the lower end of the digestive tract that controls the expulsion
of feces.

a. stomach c. rectum
b. large intestine d. anus

3. How many process in Digestive System?

a. 5 c. 10
b. 7 d. 15
4. It is the process that involves breakdown of large food molecules into smaller molecules
for easy absorption of the cells.
a. absorption c. ingestion
b. digestion d. assimilation

5. The mass of chew food is called___________?

a. stool c. pancreas
b. bolus d. liver


Directions: In 1 whole sheet of paper, search on diseases that results from nutrient deficiency and
of harmful substances, and there prevention and treatment.

Prepared by:
Karymae U. Akas
Pre-service Teacher

Checked by:
Roberto Sandoval
Cooperating Teacher

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