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Grade 8

For Read along, Read Aloud and Think Along

Enchanting Encounter in the Forest
One sunny afternoon, Sarah decided to explore the mysterious forest that lay beyond her
neighborhood. The tall trees cast shadows on the narrow dirt path as she ventured deeper
into the woods. The air was filled with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves under
her feet. As Sarah walked, she couldn't help but marvel at the enchanting beauty of the
As she continued her journey, Sarah stumbled upon a quaint cottage nestled between the
trees. Intrigued, she approached the front door and noticed a small sign that read, "Wise
Wizard's Abode." With a sense of excitement, Sarah hesitated for a moment before knocking
on the door.
To her surprise, an elderly wizard with a long, white beard opened the door. He greeted her
warmly and invited her inside his magical abode. The walls were adorned with ancient
scrolls and mystical artifacts. The air was infused with the scent of herbs and potions.
The wise wizard shared tales of his adventures and imparted valuable knowledge about the
secrets of the forest. Sarah listened attentively, absorbing every word with fascination.
Before she left, the wizard presented her with a small vial of enchanted liquid, assuring her
that it held a special power.
Vocabulary Words: Enchanting, Quaint Intrigued, Adorned, Imparted
1. In the context of the passage, what does "enchanting" mean?
a. Boring and dull b. Magical and delightful
c. Dark and mysterious d. Common and ordinary
2. How is "quaint" best defined as used in the sentence, "Sarah stumbled upon a quaint
a. Strange and eerie b. Small and charmingly old-fashioned
c. Ugly and unattractive d. Modern and stylish
3. What does the word "intrigued" mean in the sentence, "Intrigued, she approached
the front door"?
a. Bored b. Interested or curious
c. Afraid d. Disgusted
4. Identify a synonym for "adorned" as used in the passage.
a. Decorated b. Destroyed
c. Disguised d. Discarded
5. What is implied about the vial of enchanted liquid?
a. It is worthless b. It has a special power
c. It is dangerous d. It is transparent
Story Set 1: The Celestial Crossing
Under the gleaming night sky, Alex gazed at the twinkling stars, feeling an irresistible
urge to explore the vastness beyond. Equipped with a telescope, Alex set out on a
cosmic journey. The cool breeze carried whispers of interstellar tales as Alex
traversed through the uncharted constellations.
Vocabulary Words: Celestial, Interstellar, Uncharted, Traversed, Constellations
1. In the context of the passage, what does "celestial" mean?
a. Earthly and grounded b. Relating to the stars and the sky
c. Hidden and mysterious d. Dynamic and energetic
2. How are "interstellar" tales described in the passage?
a. Stories of earthly adventures b. Whispers of cosmic mysteries
c. Ancient scrolls and artifacts d. Vibrant and lively tales
3. What is the meaning of "uncharted" in relation to the constellations Alex
a. Mapped and well-known b. Undiscovered and not mapped
c. Remote and isolated d. Dangerous and hostile
4. Identify a synonym for "traversed" as used in the passage.
a. Observe b. Journey through
c. Avoid d. Ignore
5. What role do "constellations" play in Alex's cosmic journey?
a. They are obstacles to overcome b. They are ancient artifacts
c. They are destinations to explore d. They are patterns of stars in the night sky

Story Set 2: The Chrono Explorer's Log

In the dimly lit room adorned with antique clocks and ticking mechanisms, Elena
discovered her grandfather's old diary. It chronicled his adventures as a chrono
explorer, recounting tales of time travel to ancient civilizations, medieval kingdoms,
and futuristic utopias. Each entry unfolded a vivid tapestry of diverse cultures across
the ages.
Vocabulary Words: Chrono explorer, Chronicled, Utopias, Mechanisms, Tapestry
1. What is a "chrono explorer" in the context of the passage?
a. An expert in ancient civilizations b. A scientist who studies mechanisms
c. A time traveler exploring different eras d. A writer of utopian stories
2. How is the explorer's journey documented?
a. In a dimly lit room b. Through ticking mechanisms
c. In an antique diary d. Via modern technology
3. What does "utopias" refer to in the passage?
a. Dystopian worlds b. Ancient scrolls and artifacts
c. Perfect and ideal societies d. Time-traveling adventures
4. Define "mechanisms" in the context of the explorer's room.
a. Hidden and mysterious devices b. Vibrant and colorful decorations
c. Ancient scrolls and documents d. Ticking and timekeeping devices
5. How is a "tapestry" described in relation to the explorer's adventures?
a. A dull and monotonous story b. A vivid and diverse narrative
c. A collection of ancient artifacts d. A utopian vision of the future

Story Set 3: The Gastronomic Odyssey

Amidst the sizzle of spices and the tantalizing aroma of exotic dishes, Olivia embarked
on a gastronomic odyssey. From the bustling street markets of Mexico to the cozy
bistros of Paris, Olivia's quest for culinary inspiration led to the creation of
mouthwatering dishes that told tales of cultural richness, each bite unraveling a
unique story.
Vocabulary Words: Gastronomic, Odyssey, Bistros, Tantalizing, Unraveling
1. What does the term "gastronomic" mean in the context of Olivia's odyssey?
a. Relating to food and cooking b. A journey through space
c. Associated with historical events d. Involving physical activity
2. Define "odyssey" as used in the passage.
a. A search for knowledge b. A journey or adventure
c. A type of cuisine d. An ancient recipe
3. How are "bistros" described in Olivia's culinary quest?
a. Traditional and bland b. Cozy and intimate eateries
c. Modern and experimental d. Spicy and exotic
4. What is the meaning of "tantalizing" in relation to the aroma of dishes?
a. Dull and uninteresting b. Faint and unnoticeable
c. Exciting and alluring d. Boring and monotonous
5. What is the purpose of creating dishes that are "unraveling" unique stories?
a. To create confusion b. To tell a story with each bite
c. To bore the diners d. To serve traditional meals

Story Set 4: The Deep Sea Serenade

In the silent embrace of the ocean depths, Dr. Harper embarked on a deep-sea
serenade. As the submarine glided through vibrant coral gardens and mysterious
trenches, Dr. Harper's camera captured the intricate ballet of marine life. Each frame
told a story of interconnectedness, revealing the harmonious dance beneath the
Vocabulary Words: Deep-sea serenade, Glided, Coral gardens, Trenches, Intricate
1. What is a "deep-sea serenade" in the context of the passage?
a. An oceanic adventure b. A musical journey beneath the
c. A scientific exploration d. A search for ancient artifacts
2. How is the submarine described as it moves through the ocean depths?
a. Slow and cumbersome b. Swift and graceful
c. Noisy and disruptive d. Transparent and invisible
3. What do "coral gardens" represent in Dr. Harper's underwater exploration?
a. Dark and mysterious areas b. Vibrant and lively ecosystems
c. Dangerous and uncharted territories d. Ancient artifacts hidden beneath the
4. What are "trenches" in the context of the deep-sea serenade?
a. Shallow areas of the ocean b. Dangerous and inaccessible regions
c. Vibrant ecosystems d. Mysterious and unexplored territories
5. How is the marine life's dance described in the passage?
a. Chaotic and disorganized b. Harmonious and interconnected
c. Dull and monotonous d. Dangerous and hostile

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