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Name:__________________ Grade & Section:__________ Date:____________ Score:______________

TEST I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the BEST answer for the following questions. Encircle only the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to the arrangement of metals in the descending order of their relativities.

a. Corrosion c. Reactivity
b. Corrosion Series d. Reactivity Series

2. The impulse for which a chemical substance undergoes a chemical reaction, either by itself or with other
materials, with an overall release of energy.
a. Corrosion c. Non-Metals
b. Metals d. Reactivity

3. What is the most common type of Corrosion?

a. Dilution c. Rusting
b. Melting d. Polishing

4. The Periodic Table of Elements are classified into_______________________?

a. Anions, Cations, Ions
b. Electron, Proton, Neutron
c. Metals, Non-Metals, Metalloids
d. Element Name, Symbol, Number

5. What are the two Properties of Metals and Non-Metals?

a. Physical and Chemical Properties
b. Electrical and Chemical Properties
c. Physical and Mechanical Properties
d. Mechanical and Electrical Properties

TEST II. True or False

Directions: Write BABAE if the statement is true and write LALAKI if the statement is false.

_______________1. A metal which is used in jewellery is silver and gold.

_______________2. Non-Metals are usually good conductor of heat and electricity.
_______________3. Elements that are sonorous or make a bell-like sound when hit are called Non-metals.
_______________4. Reacting of metals are arranged from least reactive to higher reactive.
_______________5. Malleability refers to the way a metal can be hammered or rolled into thin sheet.
TEST III. Matching Type
Directions: Match column A with corresponding picture in column B. Write only the LETTER of your answer before the


__________1. Zinc a.
__________2. Iron
__________3. Sodium b.
__________4. Potassium
__________5. Magnesium



TEST IV. Arrange

Directions: Arrange the following elements according to its reactivity (from Most Reactive to Least Reactive). Please
put number from 1- 8.

Sodium Copper Zinc

Potassium Aluminium
Calcium Iron

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