B.A.(Hons.) Pol. Science 3rd Semester-2018

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This question paper contains 4 printed pages.

Your Rol No.

No. of Ques. Paper : 7533 IC

nique Paper Code :12321301
zme of Paper : Introduction to Comparative
Government and Politics
ame of Course B.A. (Hons) Political Science- CBCS
mester III 2o18
uration :3 hours
aximum Marks :75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt
of this question paper.)

OTE Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout
the paper.

Attempt any four questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. What do you understand by Comparative Politics? Critically
examine its nature and scope.

5. Do you
agree with the statement that Globalisation has
forced China to shift from socialism
Or (TT)
to capitalism? Discuss.
What do you understand by Eurocentrism? What challenges
does it pose to the study of comparative politics?

6. Discuss the role of conventions in the political system of

2. What are the various models of capitalist system? How has

Globalisation impacted Capitalism? Discuss.

7. How have the neo-liberal forces impacted the political

economy of Brazil?
3. What do you understand by Socialism? Critically analyse
the reasons for the rise and fall of socialism in former Soviet


8. Write short notes on any two of the following

) Neo-colonialism
(i) Democratic change in Brazil

4. Differentiate between Imperialism and Colonialism. Discuss (iii) Federalism in Nigeria

the impact of colonialism in any one colony in Asia. (iv)Party System in Great Britain.

7533 7533 P.T.O.


(i)asoitftaT Heara


This question paper contains 4 printed pages.
Your Roll No. *****'***************o**°***** **

SL No. of Ques. Paper 7534 IC

Unique Paper Code :12321302
Name of Paper :Perspectives on Public
Name of Course B.A. (Hons.) Political Science
Semester : III 2018
Duration :3 hours
Maximum Marks 75

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately

on receipt
of this question paper.)

NOTE:- Answers may be written either in English or in

Hindi; but the same medium should be used
throughout the paper.

Attempt any four questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

P.T. O.

1. Define Public
Administration. Discuss briefly the
of the discipline in modern
evolution times,

6. Define good governance. What are its characteristics?

how the Human Relations

2. Analyse
organization is an improvement upon the Scientific
Management Theory of Organization.
7. How is the New Public Management different from
New Public Administration?

3. Critically evaluate the contribution of Fred Rigg's

ecological model to public administration. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following:
ITY-A sfa Fred Rigg's uftfafr% H*sT
(a) MBO by Peter Drucker
(b) Herbert Simon's Decision making theory

(c)Weber's concept of Bureaucracy

Discuss the concept and process of policy making. (d) Public Private Dichotomy.

5. Examine the feminist perspective in

in public
P. T.O.

(d) f t Tduft% fazI

14 18
question papercontains 3 printed pages. .

Your Roll No....eo*ge****

, No. of Ques. Paper 7535 IC

nique Paper Code :12321303

ume of Paper :Perspectives on International

Relations and World History
ame of Course B.A. (Hons) Political Science-CBCS

mester : III
uration :3 hours
aximum Marks :75
(Write your Roll No.on thé topimnediately
on receipt ofthis question paper.)

or in Hindi;
OTE Answers may be written either in English
used throughout
but the same medium should be
the paper.

Attempt any four questions.

All questions carry equal

International Relations? Account for 7. Discuss the evolution of the post told War World trder
1. Why should we study
with reference to the emergence of New Power (Cenire
its three dominant perspectives.
s n

International politics.

it with the emergence

2. Explain Westphalian Treaty and relate
of moderm state system. 8. Write short notes on any wo of the following:
) Global South Perspectives in International Relations
i) Causes of Bolshevik Revolution
(i) New Cold War
3. Criticallyevaluate Neo-Liberal Theory of International Relations
(iv) Multipolar World.
with reference to Complex Interdependence by Joseph Nye
and Robert Keohane.

4. Analyse the Marxist approaches to International Relations. iv)EHHt7 fa9TI

5. What were the major consequences of the policies of the

victors of the First World War during the inter-war period?

6. Evaluate Cold War as a major phase of Contemporary

International Politics in the light of
ideological conflict.

2 7535 3

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