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I. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành - The present perfect tense
1. Cách dùng
a. Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, kéo dài tới hiện tại và vẫn còn khả năng sẽ tiếp diễn trong
tương lại
Ví dụ:
I have learned English for 10 years (Tôi đã học tiếng Anh được 10 năm.)
b. Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không rõ thời gian
Ví dụ:
Someone has stolen my car. (Có ai đó đã lấy trộm ô tô của tôi.)
c. Diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ
Ví dụ:
She has seen this film several times. (Cô ấy đã xem bộ phim này vài lần rồi.)
d. Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng để lại dấu hiệu hoặc hậu quả ở hiện tại
Ví dụ:
The children are dirty. Where have they been? (Bọn trẻ rất bẩn. Chúng đã ở đâu thế?)
The baby is crying. Have you made fun of him?
(Em bé đang khóc. Có phải cậu đã trêu chọc nó không?)
e. Diễn tả những kinh nghiệm, trải nghiệm
Ví dụ:
This is the first time I have ever eaten that kind of food.
(Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi ăn loại thức ăn đó.)
+ Câu khẳng định (+): S + have/has + V(p2)
+ Câu phủ định (-): S + have/has + not + V(p2)
+ Câu nghi vấn (?): Have/Has + S + V(p2)
Ví dụ:

(+): My mother has worked as a teacher of English for 10 years.

(-): My mother has not worked/ hasn't worked as a teacher of English for 10 years.
(T): Has your mother worked as a teacher of English for 10 years?

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại hoàn thành

- just (vừa mới): dùng sau have/has, trước Vp2.
- recently, lately, so far (gần đây): thường đứng ở cuối câu.
- already (rồi): dùng sau have/has, trước Vp2.
- before (trước đây): đứng ở cuối câu.
- ever (đã từng): dùng sau have/has, trước Vp2.
- never (chưa từng, không bao giờ): dùng sau have/has, trước Vp2.
- for + N - quãng thời gian: trong khoảng (for a year, for a long time,...).
- since + N - mốc/điểm thời gian: từ khi (since 1992, since June,...).
- yet (chưa): dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi.
- until now = up to now = up to the present (cho đến bây giờ).

4. Bài tập áp dụng

1. Tom (see) this film before
2. I already (finish) my exercise.
3. How long they (live) here? They (live) here since 1990.
4. My father (just wash) his car.
5. The students (discuss) the question recently.
6. Mary (never, be) to Hanoi.
7. We (know) each other for 5 years.
8. So far we (learn) five lessons.
9. We (be) pen pals for a long time.
10. They (not stay) here since last week.
11. Bob (see) this movie before.
12. Sandra (lend) her brother $ 200 so far.
13. Rashid (just pass) his driving test.
14. Karen (study) Italian for three years now and is still studying.
15. The teacher (already, tell) to be quiet.
NAME: ________________ DATE: ________________

A. Complete the blanks with ‘has / have’.
1. I ________ never come to school by subway.
2. Midori _______ just returned from a week in Cancun.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson _______ never taught Portuguese.
4. Jake _______ brought a sandwich for lunch every day this week.
5. _______ you ever eaten spinach?
6. _______ Christine and Joe ever drunk beer?
7. _______ Julia tidied her room ?
8. _______ the kid eaten their ice-cream yet?

B. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses in the Present Perfect Tense.
1. I ______________ (be) lonely lately.
2. Joe ____________ (travel) a lot this year.
3. People in our company ____________ (work) a lot these days.
4. Mr. and Mrs. Jones ________________ (not write) any letters since a week.
5. Anna ______________ (put) on weight recently.
6. We ______________ (dance) a lot for hours.
7. She ________________ (answer) all the questions quickly.
8. Lena and Tim _______already______ (go) to cinema.
9. The kids _____________ (watch) the cartoons on TV for an hour.
10. My mom ________________ (not make) a cake for her guests yet.
11. Gary _______________ (break) his arm and he is still in hospital.
12. My brother _______ just ________ (learn) to play chess.
13. He ______________ (lose) his keys, he doesn’t know how to get into his house.
14. Mr. Thompson ______just _________ (leave) the office, he’s out.
15. My grandma _________________ (not return) from the market.
16. My sister ________________ (leave) for school.
17. My parents _________________ (send) invitations to all our relatives.
18. I _____________ (study) English for three years.
19.We ________________ (not learn) Russian at our school.
20. __________ Sam and George ___________ (visit) this museum?
21. _________ that girl ____________ (plant) that flower?
22. I ______________________ (not be) to the mountains for a year.
23. How long ____________ you _________________ (not talk) to your friends in U.K.?
24. A: ________you ___________(see) this film?
B: Yes, I have. I _________________ (watch) it with my family.
25. I ______________ (not have) a great weekend.
26. Lucy _______________ (not play) her violin since 2013.
27. Mr. Brown : Hello, is Mr. Thompson there?
The secretary : No, he ___________ (go) out, but he’ll be back soon.
28. Richard ________just_________ (send) an e-mail to me, but I______________(not reply) yet.
29. Our English teacher ________________ (not teach) the 8th unit yet.
30. Kate ______________ (grow) the puppies for two years so eagerly that she can’t leave them to anyone.
31. The detective _______already____________ (arrest) the murderer,but he _____________(not confess)
any of his guilt yet.
32. The burglar ______just________ (get) into the Wilsons’ garden,but the dog ___________(not bark) yet.
33. My dial phone ______never__________ (ring) so far.
34. I _______________ (buy) seven toys for my little brother up to now.
35. Tom :_________Laura and Jenny _________ (swim) with the dolphins too?
The mother : Oh yes. But your dad ________________ (pay) much for that.
36. Gary ________________ (not read) any books recently.
37. The little girl _____________ (feed) the birds affectionately in the park.
38. Jessie’s aunt ______just_______ (tell) so funny stories that I can’t stop laughing.
39. Ann’s mom _____________(not iron) her school uniform yet.
40. Meggy’s dad ________already__________ (repaired) her bicycle, she can ride with us tomorrow.

C. Answer the questions.

1) Have you ever been to Spain? (-) ……………………………………………………………………
2) Has your mom made a chocolate cake for you and your sister? (+) ……………………………………………………………………
3) Have the kids seen an elephant before? (-) ……………………………………………………………………
4) Have you ever lost you keys? (+) ……………………………………………………………………
5) Has Tim slept on the sand? (-) ……………………………………………………………………
6) Have you ever met a whale? (-) …………………………………………………………………….
7) Has she read an interestin book so far? (+) ……………………………………………………………………..
8) Have you looked after a baby before? (-) ……………………………………………………………………….
9) Has she cooked meal before? (+) ………………………………………………………………………..
10) Have the boys played in the water up to now? (+) ………………………………………………………………………..
Name: ___________________
A. In-class Practice
1. Điền SINCE – FOR.

2. Điền “ AM – IS – ARE – WAS – WERE – WILL BE”

3. Fill in with the right form of the given verbs in PRESENT PERFECT TENSE.

1. She _____________ (live) in London for 6. The dog _____________ (bark) for two
two years. hours.
2. It _____________ (snow) a lot recently. 7. I _____________ (just/bake) a chocolate
3. You _____________ ( just/meet) my best cake.
friend. 8. Paul and I _____________ (go) shopping .
4. They _____________ (play) football since 9. My mother _____________ (retire)
1999. recently.
5. We _____________ (drive) for six hours. 10. My sister _____________ (read) an
interesting book.

4. Write full sentences from the given words in the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE.
1. I / go / school. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. He / already / make / breakfast /. / ------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. They / see / red car / the street /. / -----------------------------------------------------------------------

4. We / sing / a song / . / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Peter and Kate / cook / a delicious meal /. / ----------------------------------------------------------------

6. The man / water / trees / the garden / . / ------------------------------------------------------------------

7. My mom / build / beautiful / dollhouse / . / ------------------------------------------------------------------

8. The boy / break / the vase / . / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. Ted / become / teacher / . / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. You / begin / the Chinese courrse / yet / ? / --------------------------------------------------------------

11. She / water / the flowers / yet / ? / -----------------------------------------------------------------------

12. Tom / blow / the balloon /. / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Look at the picture. What has happened?

go to bed clean his shoes stop raining close the door fall down have a bath

6. Write the Past Participle form of the following verbs. (Viết dạng phân từ 2 của các động từ sau)
Nhắc lại: Dạng phân từ 2 (hay còn gọi là Past Participle – là động từ nằm ở cột số 3 trong bảng động từ bất
quy tắc)

7. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

CHÚ Ý: Đối với bài này, ta cần làm lần lượt từng bước:
B1: Chọn từ thích hợp tường ứng với mỗi chỗ trống.
B2: Sau khi chọn được rồi, ta cần chia từ đó ở thì HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH theo đúng cấu trúc.

break buy decide finish

forget go go invite
see not/see take tell

8. Read and answer the question.


Fill in the gaps with for or since:

1. Your brother hasn’t bought CDs ________________two months.
2. I haven’t seen her ________________ Christmas.
3. Peter has been ill ________ Monday.
4. They haven’t visited their mother ___________ a month.
5. She has been married _____________1978.
6. We haven’t worked there ______________February.
7. I haven’t studied _______________ July.
8. They have worked for the same company ______________ a long time.

10. Write full sentences from the given words in the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE.
1. She / come / to class /. / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Peter / cut / himself / . / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. We / draw / a picture / . / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. You / drink / anything / ? / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. My parents / find / the key / my room / . / ---------------------------------------------------------------


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