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Requirement Document for Crypto Verse Server Website

1. Introduction
The Crypto Verse Server website aims to provide a seamless user experience for members of
our Discord group, which is focused on crypto teaching and trading. This website will streamline
premium membership purchases, provide updated market information, and facilitate community
engagement through various features.

2. Objectives
- Simplify the premium membership purchase process.
- Provide a centralized platform for market updates, news, and blog posts.
- Enable community interaction through a forum.
- Allow users to send queries directly to admins.

3. Key Features

3.1 Membership Purchase System

- Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, JazzCash, EasyPaisa, Bank Transfer.
- Automated Access: Upon payment, user information (name, email, Discord ID) should be
saved to a secure spreadsheet accessible only to admins.
- Confirmation Email: Send a confirmation email to users upon successful payment.
- A reminder for both admins and the users to let them know that their membership is expiring in
hours or days and when the membership is over as well and the user doesn't renew their
membership both user and admin should be notified.

3.2 Blog and Content Management

- Blog Section: Admins can post updates, articles, and guides.
- Content Management System (CMS): Easy-to-use interface for posting and editing content.
- SEO Optimization: Ensure posts are optimized for search engines to drive traffic.

3.3 Market Updates and News

- News Section: Curated news articles and updates on the cryptocurrency market.
- Automated Feeds: Integrate RSS feeds from reputable crypto news sources.

3.4 Forum
- User Registration: Allow users to create accounts and participate in discussions.
- Thread Creation: Users can create and respond to threads.
- Moderation Tools: Admins can moderate discussions, delete inappropriate content, and ban
users if necessary.

3.5 Contact Form

- Query Submission: Users can send queries or requests via a form.
- Email Notifications: Queries are sent to a designated admin email.
- Database Storage: Save queries to a database for future reference.
4. Design and User Experience

4.1 Visual Design

- Color Scheme: Black and yellow.
- Animations: Incorporate cool animations to enhance user experience.
- Responsive Design: Ensure the website is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices.

4.2 Navigation
- Intuitive Navigation: Easy access to all sections of the website.
- Menu Structure: Clear and concise menu options for easy navigation.

5. Security and Privacy

5.1 Data Protection

- Secure Payments: Implement SSL certificates and other security measures to protect payment
- Data Privacy: Ensure user data is stored securely and complies with relevant data protection

5.2 Admin Access

- Role-Based Access Control: Only admins can access sensitive information and manage
- Audit Logs: Maintain logs of admin activities for security purposes.

6. Additional Suggestions
- Live Chat Support: Integrate a live chat feature for real-time support.
- Testimonials: Add a section for user testimonials to build credibility.
- Resource Center: Provide a section with educational resources and tutorials on

7. Technical Requirements
- Hosting: Reliable web hosting with sufficient bandwidth and storage.
- Content Management System: Preferably WordPress or a custom-built CMS.
- Integration: Payment gateways, email services, and third-party APIs.

8. Socials
The social links should be added to the website where it can be seen clearly and a
click-to-action function should encourage new users to join our Discord server.

9. Newsletter
A newsletter section should be added where people give us their emails and subscribe to our
newsletter for the latest crypto news, technologies, etc.
10. Testing
The website should be tested thoroughly for each feature incorporated into the website to
ensure on the release of the product that it works without any bugs.

11. Conclusion
This requirement document outlines the essential features and functionalities required for the
Crypto Verse Server website. By implementing these features, we aim to provide our community
with a seamless and engaging experience, streamline premium membership purchases, and
enhance overall user engagement.

Crypto Verse Team

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