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Lessons from Eid Al-Adha

The first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah are almost at an end. Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬has informed us about the significance
and value placed on these days. We should take the remaining time to reflect not only on ourselves, but the
Muslim Ummah at large. This Eid, we remember our brothers and sisters who are suffering throughout the
world. May Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬allow this year to be the last year in which we live without the shade of the

We are now in the best ten days of the year - the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. It is an occasion for many to
perform Hajj and for those not partaking in this act of worship, there are extra rewards for deeds performed
during this time. We should take the opportunity during these days to reflect on the rewards that can be earned
Insha'Allah and derive lessons to implement in our lives.

The First 10 Days

Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬has revealed:

"By the dawn; by the ten nights." [TMQ 89:1-2]

In the above verse Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬swears an oath by these days and swearing an oath by something is
indicative of its importance and great benefit. Ibn Abbas, Ibn Az-Zubayr, Mujahid and others of the earlier and
later generations are of the opinion that this refers to the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.

The Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬said: "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah
than these ten days." The people asked, "Not even jihad for the sake of Allah?" He said, "Not even jihad for the
sake of Allah, except in the case of a man who went out to fight, giving himself and his wealth up for the cause,
and came back with nothing." [Al-Bukhari]

The Prophet ‫لم‬K‫ه وس‬K‫ صلى هللا عليه وآل‬also said: "There are no days greater in the sight of Allah and in which
righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these ten days, so during this time recite a great deal of tahlil,
takbir and tahmid." [Ahmad]

Hajj: The Fifth Pillar of Islam

Muslims from all over the world are gathering together in Makkah to perform Hajj. May Allah ‫سبحانه وتعالى‬
reward those amongst us who have left and may He accept their Hajj. May He also enable those who were
unable to undertake this blessed journey to fulfil it in the future. Hajj is an obligation from the pillars of Islam,
the reward of which the Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬has spoken about:

"Whoever performs Hajj for Allah's pleasure and does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do
evil or sins then he will return as if he were born anew." [Bukhari]

Indeed one of the astonishing things about Hajj even for the non-Muslims is that people from all colours, black
and white; people from all races - from Europe, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Africa; people from all ages - the
young and the old are united in the worship to Allah ‫الى‬KK‫بحانه وتع‬KK‫ س‬and are all equal before Him.

"There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colours, from blue-eyed
blondes to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity
and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and
non-white." Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X)
Hajj symbolizes the concept of Ummatun Wahida (One Ummah). The Muslims from all parts of the world who
speak different languages and have different looks upon their faces, all perform the various obligatory acts
together like the wearing of the Ihram, the tawaf around the Ka'ba, the running between Safa and Marwa, the
standing at Arafah and the stoning of the Jamarat.

Indeed the concept of one united Ummah with no distinction, with no racism or nationalistic divisions is a
fundamental concept in Islam. Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬has revealed:

"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Quran), and be not divided among yourselves,
and remember Allah's Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together,
so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He
saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His Ayat clear to you, that you may be guided." [TMQ 3:103]

Abu Musa narrated that the Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬said, "A believer to another believer is like a building
whose different parts enforce each other." The Prophet then clasped his hands with the fingers interlaced (while
saying that). [Bukhari]

But unfortunately as soon as Hajj is over, Muslims will return to lands where they are divided by false borders
and dominated by man-made laws. The creation of false borders is not something of mere coincidence or an
event that naturally occurred over time.

The British Foreign minister addressing the Prime Minister shortly before World War II said, "We must put an
end to anything which brings about Islamic Unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already
succeeded in finishing off the Caliphate, so we must ensure that there will never arise again unity for the
Muslims, whether it be intellectual or cultural unity."

Nationalism is a concept alien to Islam because it calls for unity based on belonging to a piece of land crafted
by the colonial powers whereas Islam binds people together on the Aqeedah, that is, belief in Allah ‫سبحانه وتعالى‬
and His Messenger ‫صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬. The Prophet ‫ صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬said: "He is not one of us who calls for
‘asabiyyah, (nationalism) or who fights for ‘asabiyyah or who dies for ‘asabiyyah." [Abu Dawud]

It is forbidden in Islam for the Islamic land to be divided as it is today. When Muslims go for Hajj, why do we
need a visa? Did Muslims need a visa in the past under the Khilafah which ruled for over a thousand years?
Ruling according to Islam can only be achieved under one state, with one Khaleefah - not the over 50 divided
nation-states we have today. This should make us work harder to liberate the Islamic lands from the oppression
of Kufr by re-establishing the Khilafah Rashidah in the Muslim lands according to the method of the Prophet
‫صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬. Only when the Ummah submits to the authority of one Khaleefah, in one Khilafah, will
complete unity be achieved.

Ibrahim ‫ عليه السالم‬and his adherence to the Shariah

We should take a lesson from the well known story of Ibrahim ‫ عليه السالم‬and his son Ismail ‫عليه السالم‬. We are all
reminded of this story as Eid al-Adha represents the culmination of the first ten glorious days of Dhul-Hijjah.
Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬informs us of his story in the Quran:

"My Lord! Grant me (offspring) from the righteous." So We gave him the glad tidings of a forbearing boy.
And, when he (his son) was old enough to walk with him, he said: "O my son! I have seen in a dream that I am
slaughtering you (offer you in sacrifice to Allah), so look what you think!" He said: "O my father! Do that
which you are commanded, Insha'Allah (if Allah wills), you shall find me of As-Sabirun (the patient)." Then,
when they had both submitted themselves (to the Will of Allah), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead
(or on the side of his forehead for slaughtering); And We called out to him: "O Ibrahim! You have fulfilled the
dream!' Verily! Thus do We reward the Muhsinun." [TMQ 37:100-105]
If we ponder over the story of Ibrahim ‫ عليه السالم‬carefully we find that Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬ordered His believing
slave to slaughter his beloved son! Both the father and the son fully submitted to the order of Allah ‫سبحانه وتعالى‬
without questioning it. Ibrahim ‫ عليه السالم‬didn't look for a reason for the command that Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬gave
him, nor did Ismail ‫ عليه السالم‬knowing that he was going to be sacrificed. Rather they both willingly accepted
the decision of Allah ‫سبحانه وتعالى‬, because they realised that He was the Creator and that their purpose was to
worship Him. The lesson we can learn from this is to submit to the orders of Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬whether Allah
‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬has given us a reason for them or not. So we know that Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬issued a judgement on the
many actions that are before us such as the prohibition of dealing in Riba (usury), pre-marital relations and
supporting political parties not based on Islam. We must submit to these rules completely without attempting to
justify engaging in them based on our own rationale.

Indeed, Eid al-Adha is a time of celebration for over one billion people around the globe. Although we will
perform the slaughter, pray the Eid Salah and play with our children on this day, our hearts and our minds will
not be at ease due to the suffering felt by our brothers and sisters around the world.

The food that we eat on this day should remind us of the many who are dying of hunger in Gaza, Darfur,
Chechnya, Kashmir, and all over the world. The slaughtering that we perform on this occasion as a worship to
Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬should provoke us to think about the agent rulers in our lands who allow the continuous
slaughter upon the Muslims of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan, Somalia, Chechnya and the list goes on.
On this occasion of Eid when we spend the days with our family and friends, let us make sure that we do not
forget the problems of the Muslims worldwide. Let us work for the pleasure of Allah ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬so that we may
be of the Muhsinun (good doers).

"Verily, along with every hardship is relief, verily, along with hardship is relief. So when you have finished
(your occupation), devote yourself for Allah's worship. And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your) intentions and
hopes." [TMQ 94:5-8]

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