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HSC English 1st Paper ● Model Question-4 (Answer Sheet)

Unit 5: Youthful Achievers, Lesson 1: Sheikh Kamal: Life of an Achiever


1. A. Multiple choice question
(a) iii. practise
(b) ii. Guardianship
(c) i. Continue
(d) ii. Sitar
(e) ii. Tungipara
(f) iv. both i and ii
(g) ii. dramatist
(h) iv. both ii and iii
(i) iii. Sheikh Kamal had very little interest in classical music
(j) i. the skill and imagination to create new things
B. Wh question answer
(a) Sheikh Kamal was the eldest son of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and
Bangamata Fazilatunnesa Mujib. He was born at Tungipara in Gopalganj district.
(b) Sheikh Kamal spent his sweet childhood days at Tungipara in Gopalganj district.
(c) The activities of Sheikh Kamal proved him as a good organizer. He founded
Abahoni Krira Chokro and he was also a founder member of Dhaka Theatre.
(d) Sheikh Kamal contributed much for the promotion of football of Bangladesh. He
founded Abahoni Krira Chokro that introduced modern football in our country.
(e) Sheikh Kamal was a very enthusiastic young leader and a good organizer. He was a
good fan of sports and a cultural minded person. He created a craze among the young
people of Bangladesh.
2. 1. Players in the national team → 2. Have become bright stars in the team → 3. Have
shown and proved talent and determination → 4. Have made a hat-trick record of the
championship in primary level → 5. Have become four-time champions in the National
Summer Sports Competition → 6. Have clinched the Championship in Inter-College
Games and Sports Competition
3. Everyone of us should be allowed to take education. Education should be made free, at
least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education should be made
compulsory. Higher education should be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
And education will promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations,
racial or religious groups.
4. (a) speed (b) the (c) is (d) around (e) scanned (f) by (g) them (h) the (i) distances (j) is
5. (a) ways (b) objects (c) these (d) person's (e) about (f) society (g) that (h) to (i) is (j) rude
6. Rearrangment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f c b j a i e g d h


7. The graph chart shows the choice of profession by educated people in our country.
Describe the graph chart in at least 80 words.
The graph shows the choice of profession by educated people. The graph shows that the
highest portion of educated people choose govt. job as their profession or career. In
percentage. 60 persons out of 100 have shown their preference for govt. job. Next comes
banking which is the choice of 40% educated people as their profession. The third highest
portion of people have shown their choice for teaching as their profession. And, 30% of
people like teaching. Next comes business which is the choice of 18% educated people as
their profession. Then comes farming, and only 10 percent of the educated people choose
farming as their profession. The rest and the lowest portion of the educated people have
been found to choose research work of different types, and it is only 6%. From the graph it
is found that most of the educated people choose a job that can ensure their future security,
and a small portion of educated people like self-employment and farming. But it is not
hopeful. The govt. should take effective steps to encourage educated people to engage in
farming as ours is an agricultural country. Also, educated people should be encouraged in
business or self employment.
8. The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words.
Once a crow was sitting on the branch of a tree. It had a piece of meat in its beak. Suddenly
a fox came there.....
A cunning Fox and a Foolish Crow
Once a crow was sitting on the branch of a tree. It had a piece of meat in its beak. Suddenly
a fox came there and stopped under the tree. He sniffed something good to eat. Looking
about, he saw the meat in the crow's mouth. He felt an over whealming desire to have the
piece of meat.
How could he get the meat? He could not climb the tree. What good would it do if he
could? The crow would fly away when she saw him coming. He could not coax the crow
to come down to the ground. Because the crow knew what a fox likes to eat.
At last the fox had a crafty thought. He said to himself, "A crow is one of the proudest
birds I ever know. I will flatter her and she will forget about the meat."
So he called out in his sweetest voice, "Good day, my pretty bird". But the crow did not
reply. She only stepped about proudly on the branch.
"I wish I had such a beautiful appearance as you have," said the fox.
Still no answer, but the crow held up her head and turned it first to one side and then to the
other. Showing that she was pleased.
"What a graceful neck and bright eye!" said the fox. "The other birds may well be jealous
of you." No answer yet. She only raised her wings a little and gazed down upon the fox.
"If your voice were only as beautiful as your appearance and your dress, you would be the
all queen of the birds; but it seems that you cannot talk at all. What a pity that you are
The crow gave a loud "caw!" As she did so, the meat fell from her mouth. The fox snapped
it quickly and went away.
The poor crow at last understood that the fox was only fooling her but it was too late.
9. Write a letter to your father telling him about your aim in life.
12/B. New Town. Mymensingh
10 May 2022
Dear Father,
I hope you are all hale and hearty. From your last letter, I have come to learn that you are
eager to know about my aim in life.
You know that the distressed people of our country die without proper medical care. This
is because there is great shortage of qualified doctors in our remote areas. I have, therefore,
made up my mind to be a doctor to serve these unfortunate rural folks. I do not like to earn
money to be rich but to live somehow retaining the manner and character unstained.
However, pray for me to almighty Allah so that I can materialize my dream.
Yours affectionately,

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