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Chapter One
Ntombie is a very noble and a kind girl. She is beautiful and
proud of her heritage and culture. Her mother Precious got
pregnant with her at a young age. Years later her mother got
married to a very known or may I say a rather respectable man
in her village. His name is Sipho Zulu. Ntombi was happy that
her mother had found another man to make her happy and to
fill the void she had in her heart.
Sipho Zulu had a lot of cattles and their house was as beautiful
as the chiefs' (king) house. The villagers respected him as they
respected their chief. The villagers saw his doings were right
and was for the benefit of the people. Little did they know that
he had killed man and behind the mask was a beast looking for
his next victim to devour and cheat of land. He abused and
manipulated his wife. He was a monster and a selfish inhuman
"Precious, where is my food." He yelled at his wife as he sat
down, thanking his ancestors for the fruitful day that he had.
"Uhm, just a minute love." Love? She despised him. What could
she do. He took her and her daughter in when no one would
marry her. What will the village woman think if she were to
leave her husband.
She skidded her way quickly with a tray full of dishes. One to
wash his hand and the other carried the food. She kneeled near
her husband, offered him the tray and bowed down her head as
she did that.
"What took you so long woman. I'm out there working for you
and your lazy daughter and this is the thanks I get from you."
"I'm sorry baba (father). I promise it won't happen again."
Sipho waved his hand in disgust signalling for precious to
disappear. This is the pain that she had to bear. The pain of an
unhappy marriage. I guess this goes as the saying says, she
made her bed now she has to lie on it.
If it weren't for the man that promised her a happy home. She
was young and naive. How could she have known that the man
would marry from another family because of her status. Her
family wasn't rich. Her father was a farmer and had no cattles.
"Ntombie where were you. Do you know that if your father
saw... you know what get out of my sight I don't have the
strength for you right now." Precious scolded her
daughter thankful that her husbamd has fallen asleep earlier
than usual.
"Let it not happen again. Understand me." Her mom told her
sternly giving her arm a tight grip. She winced and backed
away. Her mother couldn't even bother to ask where she has
been. She was too relieved that her husband was asleep or else
all hell would've broke.
Ntombi couldn't care less. She had visited her grandmother. She
sang songs for Ntombi and told her stories that happened
before mankind was created. Ntombi was always fascinated by
these stories and how people have different theories how
mankind became to be. She ate tripe and samp that her
grandmother cooked specially for her.
"Now go to your room and don't show your face around here.
It's your fault that your dad left me. You shameless child."
She quickly ran to her room and cried herself to sleep.
The chicken crowed, cattles mowed and the birds chipped as
the golden Sun of Zulu land rose to greet its people. Ntombi
stretched her arms as she rose to her feet. Last night's memory
had left her. She was a noble child and her lips carried a smile.
She refused to let all the negative things get to her.
"Ntombi, quickly go and start the fire. You know it's your duty
don't let me come in here again." Her mother yelled. She sighed
and left to do what she was told.
She crawled her way inside the hut meant for cooking. She
gathered the planks of wood and lit the the fire. She knew her
mother wanted to boil some water for her dad so she did that.
There was no water inside the clay pot. She rushed out of the
hut to fetch water in the river.
She reached the river feeling hot and tired. Why not swim in
this beautiful river that is calling for me she asked herself. That
would be lovely. She Took off all her clothes and dived in the
soothing cool water. She better not wet her hair or her mother
will know that she swem in the river today. She swem until she
heard footsteps coming her way.
She hurriedly swam her way out of the river and wore her
clothes back and did what she came here to do in the first
place. The giggles of girls became louder signalling their
nearness of them coming .
"Sayobona (greeting) Ntombi. How are you today." The Girls
greeted. Showing respect to the daughter of one of the most
feared and respected man in the village. She nodded her head
to them and walked away. She knew that she was one of the
disliked girls in the village. They envied her beauty and thought
of her as a spoiled child. They thought she didn't want to
associated with low lives like them. All she wanted was to have
a friend to confide in.
She walked home thinking about everything that had gone
through her life. Her step dad. The death of her grandpa and
everything bad. Thinking of a happy future was hard for her.
She reached home and set the water in the fire to boil.
"Ntombi!!!" Her dad yelled from the house for her. She ran as
fast as she could to attend to her father.
"Didn't you hear that I called for you?!" He raised his strong
hands and inflicted it on his step child's cheek. Ntombi fell on
the ground revealing what was most precious to her as her skirt
flew open. This must be a curse she told herself as she sat up.
Her father was too lost In thought thinking how he'll begin or
start his mission. He has established a new plan and that's was
to take what didn't belong to him, her virginity.
"Ntombi are you okay. Let me help you, woza (come)." Ntombi
was puzzled at the change of attitude from sipho. Non the less
she accepted his hand.
"Would you fetch my nguni (fighting stick) in the house. I have
somewhere to go quickly." He asked Ntombi. His voice was
alarmingly soft.
When she entered the house her mother was no where to be
found. The door behind her closed and the house was dark. She
couldn't see anything anymore. A hand touched her shoulder
behind her. The person that was touching her kissed her
shoulder. She shivered from the disgust that she felt.
"Ntombi, don't be afraid I will protect you and give you have
everything that you want. Do what I say and you'll be fine."
Ntombi was beyond terrified. Sipho reached for her skirt and
pulled it down. "Baba (father) please don't do this." Ntombi
exclaimed as her dad took in her innocent eyes but he had no
remorse for what he was doing to a 13 year old child who did
everything and obeyed him.

Ntombi looked around for her mother but there was no sight of
her anywhere. "Where's mom."

"Now we are not going to talk about your mother. She went to
her home where she belongs to take care of your sick old
granny." he pushed her downward the neat knitted mat with
her back flat on the mat. Ntombi would never forgive his
mother and brutal husband of his father. She was beyond mad.


Sipho got dressed quickly as Ntombi got herself from the mat
and picked up her skirt. "Know let's make a deal. Your mother
nor anyone should about know of this. If you do that I'll make
sure that your sorry life won't be as bad as you think it would

Ntombi nodded her head. She wasn't going to tell her mother
or anyone else. Where would she start. This was shameful and
somehow Ntombi blamed herself.

That night Ntombi couldn't look at her mother nor her step dad
in the eye. She would shy away and hide. She felt so alone. She
wanted to get out of the house. All she wanted to do was to be
busy. she did whatever she did in the house.

5 years later...
"Mama can I please go fetch some water." She knew it was
dangerous to be out in the night but all she wanted to do was to
get away from all this. To get away from her father.

"Ntombi, what is wrong with you. Don't you see that it's dark
outside. You could get hurt." her mom told her giving her a
worried expression.
"Oh woman let the kid go, if she wants to go than she should
go." She was grateful and both disgusted at her father. All this
trauma was too much for her.

She went to get the clay pot that she uses to get water in the
stream. She used the time to get to the stream to think about
all her worries and stress. At an age of 13 now 18 she was
She lowered her clay pot down the flowing stream. She was
obviously scared at night but she would rather be there than at
home with her step dad and her un-caring mother. After there
was enough water into her clay pot she debated whether she
should stay longer or just enjoy the night breeze. Why wouldn't
she stay. She sat on a big rock and watched the stream flow as
she threw stones inside it. The sound of the stone landing in the
stream calmed her. She repeated the same thing until she
became unaware of what she was doing.

"Hi." The young man that was behind her tagged her arm from

Ntombi jumbed and stumbled on her feets. The young man was
quite frightened as well thinking it was a ghost. As she turned to
face the young man. What she saw was beyond word
description. The young man was as beautiful as the Sun rise
although it was at night. He was finely built and he had eyes
that would hypnotize anyone if he wanted to. He was god given.
"Hi." Ntombi replied not sure what to say.

"What is a beautiful girl doing out here all alone. Don't you
know there are beast roaming around." She knew that.

"Thinking." She replied as she continued throwing stones in the

water in front of her.

"Then we are alike. My father is impossible to understand." The

young man was also amazed by the beauty of Ntombi. He liked
how she blushed and folded her legs when she was nervous.

His worries was off his father. Ntombi had much bigger

"I have to go it's getting late." Ntombi picked up her clay pot.

"Before you go... uhm... can we meet here again tomorrow

night. I'd love to sit here with someone." He didn't want Ntombi
to go and didn't know how to say it.

Ntombi agreed. They would be both hanging out here in the

night. At least Ntombi had a friend. A handsome one at that.
Ntombi Had the most sleepful night in years. She felt so light
and happy. In the morning she couldn't contain it. She sang as
she did her duties and chores. It was all so overwhelming.
"I can't wait to see the boy." She said to herself as she prepared
dinner. The hut was making her sweat a lot because of the fire
and all the blowing she had to do to make the fire upblaze
"Thandi, where is your father." Her mother hallowed from the
main house.
"Ma, I don't know where he went. He said something about
going to the community meeting."she answered her mother
back making her voice loud so she can be heard.
"Okay then hurry up before he arrives." It wasn't fair for her
mother to be making Ntombi do all the work. Her father arrived
home and sat down near a plate piled with pap, gravy and fried
"So baba, what happened during the community meeting?" Her
mother asked politely but the answer she got was the opposite
of how she asked.
"Woman you know that things like that aren't of a woman's
concern but since you will find out soon let me tell you. The
elders were informing us of the prince's ceremony where he'll
have to chose a wife."
"Oh that's great baba. When are they planning this." Her
mother asked yet another question. She was so used to being
treated so badly she didn't mind anymore.
"Mmmh, anytime from the next 2 months. We are still going to
see if he has fallen in love with anyone before the ceremony
where we the elders will chose a wife for him."
Ntombi didn't care what happened. What use was it for her
anyway. She wasn't sure if she wanted to be with someone in
the future. She thought men were beast and devils. She hated
each and every single one of them except for one of course.
That specific guy made her hurt jolt in happiness.
Nightfall came as Ntombi waited for her parents to be asleep.
She sneaked out of the house and walked to the river. She saw a
figure just a few feet away. The guy turned and went to Ntombi.
She thought her beauty was nothing he has seen on earth.
"Hi, finally you made it. I thought you stood me up."
"What! how can I. You are my new friend now." Ntombi replied.
"I'm really honoured that you think that of me."he gave her a
heart warming smile but after that it all disappeared to a sad
"What is wrong. Is it your father again?" Ntombi asked
concerned written all over her face.
"It's just that I'm faced with a hard decision to make before two
months. My father and the council wants me to chose a wife or
I'll be with someone I have no love for."
"And why would the council be involved with your love life.
Aren't they supposed to be preparing for the prince's supposed
ceremony." She said confused but managed to roll her eyes.
"You my friend are talking to none other than the prince
himself. Ntombi my name is Muzi, prince Muzi. " The Prince said
proudly as he pounded his fist near his chest.
Ntombi felt stunned." But why tell me now?" She asked.
"I thought you knew. I'm the only Muzi in this village and I
thought everybody knew prince Muzi. " how could she
know. All her hours and years were spent indoor. Doing what
every child wasn't doing.
"No. I didn't know. So what are you going to do then." Ntombi
was concerned now. He didn't know the kind of feeling that
was threatening to break her heart now. She cared for the
prince and it scared her.
"I have to find the love of my life before them. Someone I'm
willing to spend the rest of my life with." The Prince simply
answered Ntombi. He too cared deeply for her. He knew how to
become himself whenever he was around her. He knew that
whatever he felt for her was growing each and every second
spreading like a virus that will cave his heart and not let him
love another.
They looked at eachother intensively. No one was willing to look
away. Some force came between them and pulled them to
eachother. One thing led to another and their lips met. The
world spinned around them and they were pulled into some
sort of a wonderful abyss where no one entered. Muzi knew
from that instant that he would do anything to be next to her.
He will marry Ntombi. That was what his heart wanted at that
moment and for the rest of his life.
Ntombi felt heartbroken. There was nothing between the
prince and her but she felt sad that he was going to marry
another person. Meanwhile in the chiefs house the elders were
discussing the prince's situation. He needed a wife or else he
can't ascend the thrown.
"My son, your mother and I have found a suitable lady for you.
She is from royalty and beautiful."- the king.
"Father I can't marry her. I have found a wife here in our village.
She's the one who stole my heart." - the prince.
"Ah! That's excellent. Who's daughter is she?" - the king.
"Her name father is Ntombi. The daughter of bab'Zulu."
"Son that is even great! I haven't heard of any daughter of his
but I'm sure she is well mannered just like his father. You have
made me proud son."
Muzi was happy and couldn't wait to inform Ntombi. But first
he will have to tell her about how he feels. He loves her and
nothing and no one can stop that. He will make her his.
"Mama! I'm going to the stream?" Ntombi informed her mother
before she bolted out of the house to see Muzi. Although she
wasn't sure he will be there. She wanted him but with all her
burdens she doesn't think it can all be possible. How can a
handsome looking young man want a bruised and a ruined
maiden when there's more than a dozen to chose from.
"Muzi I thought you weren't going to come." She said while
Muzi was sitting on a big rock near the stream.
"Never. I'll always be here no matter how busy my day went. I
have to see that smile of yours." Ntombi couldn't stop blushing
until she noticed that Muzi is a bit hesitant today.
"You don't look fine. Uhm... look if its about us. I get it. You
need to be with your new wife instead of coming here everyday
to cheer me up. After all we are just friend."
"Ntombi, please never say that. I care for you and you are the
only special girl that I know. I love you."
"Thanks Muzi you are a true friend. I really care for you too."
"You see Ntombi that's the problem. You see me as just a friend
and I want more than that from you. I love you. I loved you ever
since I laid my eyes on you that evening. You are beautiful.
Please be my wife."
"Muzi I hear you. And I too can't deny this love which I have for
you, but somethings are just impossible. I can't be your wife."
She ran back home as fast as she can careful not to drop the
water she carried.
Just as she entered the house her step father was sitting with
one of the elders. "Morning sir. Morning dad". She bowed her
head as she greeted both man.
"Morning my daughter." The elder replied. She walked away
from them to cry about the Prince Muzi and the fact that she
couldn't marry him. She wasn't a virgin and it is forbidden for
the him to marry an impure girl. Worst of all her step dad raped
her. She never wants Muzi nor anyone to know because to her
it was shameful. She blamed herself...
Prince Muzi couldn't gather the strength to stand up and go
home. Her only love rejected him and what worse she ran away.
How was he going to convince her that they are meant to be.
He had to marry her. She is the only girl she found interest in.
He can't just let go.
It was a sunny Saturday morning. Yesterday Ntombi didn't go to
the stream. How can she face Muzi and worse of all tell him to
move on while her heart said otherwise. Her step dad was in a
cheerful mood today. He gathered Ntombi and her mother to
tell them what he thought would uplift his name.
"My beautiful wife and daughter." Ntombi and her mother
looked at eachother. What has gotten the almighty bab'Zulu to
be in a good mood, Ntombi thought.
"Remember bab'Dlamini, the palace elder that came to visit me
on Thursday." they both know that. Ntombi was forced to cater
for them that day.
"Well... he came to tell me great news. The prince has found
interest in my daughter. Ntombi is going to be the next queen of
our land."
Ntombi was dumbstruck that Muzi already announced this
non-existence affair they were having. It made Ntombi heave in
anger. While her mother stood up and ululated and her
bab'Zulu to whistle and do a bit of Zulu dance. This was
ridicules, she thought.
She wondered if bab'Zulu remembered what he had done to
her. He is an elder he should know the traditions of this land.
What sort of a girl that is not a virgin marry the Prince.
Remembering his sweaty self on top of her brought
unimaginable pain to Ntombi. How could he have done this to
her. Now she can't marry the only man that makes her smile. He
ruined her.
She quickly stood up and ran away to be alone. She couldn't
bare to look at the man that caused her so much suffering to be
happy. They did this and now they want her to do this.
Her mother came after her." Ntombi, what is wrong with you.
You know how your father is. You should be happy baby."
"Mama I don't care what that man does!" She received a hot
clap that sent her thought away for a moment. "I can't marry
the Prince." She stated with tears gashing out of her eyes.
"You will marry him. Even if it cost me a fortune." A deep voice
achoed around the room. It was bab'Zulu. "This is an honour to
my family. A Zulu will become royalty. Tomorrow you will accept
the Prince's proposal or all hell will break. Try me girl!"
Argh typical, Ntombi thought internally rolling her eyes. He
walked away leaving the both of them in the room. "You better
do as he says." That was her mother's last words to her that
The way they expect her to marry The Prince made Ntombi
mad. She loved the Prince but why can't she make that decision
on her own. She hated the fact that once people find out that
She is not pure. People will judge her. The prince will hate her!
She had decided not to go to the stream but she wanted
answers. She wanted to know why the prince totally ignored
her wishes. If only he knew the reason behind it.
"Why Muzi? Didn't I say no after you proposed to me." Ntombi
asked him at the stream.
"Ntombi please understand..."
"Understand what Muzi?!" She asked with so much rage in her
"I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Don't
you understand that. I need you Ntombi." He sounded tired as if
he had no more strength in him.
"But... you can't..."
"Look, listen to me. We are meant to be i know this. Ntombi tell
me you don't love me and I promise I will leave. I will marry
another girl who I do not love." He looked straight into her
eyes. He didn't want to do this. Deep down he knew he
wouldn't be able to leave her no matter How much he tried.
"I... eish! Muzi mann this is not the issue here. Don't you hear
anything that I'm saying to you. We simply can't get married!"
why is all this happening. She thought to herself.
"That does not give me any answer. Tell your parents that my
uncles will be there not more than 3 months from today." He
gave Ntombi a last glance and walked away. What was wrong
with this woman! He thought. Doesn't she see the love he has
for her. He would treat her like a goddess. Make everyone kneel
before her even himself. He would praise every single piece of
flesh on her and his name will be the only thing that comes out
of her lips.
Ntombi could not believe this. Muzi out of all people. How dare
he. I'll show him. I'll make him regret ever setting his eyes on
me. She thought.
He would make mockery of her. How will she answer to people
once they find out that She isn't a virgin. This is a disaster all
because of Muzi who's forcing all this. She couldn't say she
doesn't love him. That is an obvious lie even to a blind man
could see.
Why!!! She screamed out of her lungs.
She decided to not ever go to the stream because she was
angry with the prince. The last couple of days she hasn't
touched anything but her food and her bathing water. Finally
she was now treated like a princess after all those years in the
The royal household sent servant to do everything for her
family. Soon news travelled and everyone knew that Ntombi
will be marrying the Prince. Many were disappointed especially
the ones who dreamed of the handsome prince next to them.
Preparations were made and Ntombi was expected to go live in
the palace before ceremonies and their wedding came. She
already conducted a plan. During her stay she will give the
Prince all the reasons not to marry her.
A lady came in with all sorts of beautiful clothing for her. Today
is the day she'll be escorted to the palace. She'll stay and dine
with royalty. The thought made her want to Sprint and tell her
grandmother all that has happened to her. Was this a dream
she thought. But she can not let all that fool her. She needs to
find ways to not get married.
"Ntombi, hurry baby it's almost time." That was the last she
heard from her mother. Upon her arrival to the palace a big
branch was organised for her so that she gets to meet everyone
including the Prince.
"So Ntombi, how are you finding the palace?" The queen
"It's been fine, ma." She answered whilst looking down her
food. Meanwhile the prince couldn't take his eyes off her. Her
beauty always made him wonder. He wanted her so close yet
she was so far even when seated right next to him. He swore
with his every being that he would make her his. She was his
precious rose. No one could rule next to him but her.
After branch drinks went around the house as people took small
conversations with eachother. The queen was equally happy for
her son as the king for choosing such a beautiful girl and above
all the daughter of the richest man in the village.
The moon-light half Peaked above the sky as the night fell.
Ntombi's room was beyond what money could buy. It's was way
too fit for an African queen. She doesn't deserve this, she
thought. It's funny how one little event could turn everyelse so
wrong. If it wasn't for her egotistical step-dad she would be
happy to marry the Prince.
Things are so blissful for Ntombi despite the fact that the Prince
is just making it difficult for her not to fall deeper and deeper
for her. The queen and king adore her, why wouldn't they after
all she is the 'daughter of bab'Zulu'. Proving herself an
unworthy bride isn't just something she could come up with or
succeed anyways.
She tried so many things like spilling his food on him, tried so
little to upkeep herself, being rude and ignoring him. To which
were futile. The prince is so in love that he could care less of her
flaws. All he saw was goodness. His. He worked at night to make
sure in the daylight they spend the time together. He thought
his father was taking too long with the wedding preparations so
he took things upon himslef to speed things up. The wedding
will be in a few weeks. He didn't want to tell Ntombi yet until
he's sure she's fully okay with them being together.
Nights were tormenting for Muzi especially knowing that the
love of his life was just a few rooms away from his. That's was
one of his motivation to speed things up. Whilst Ntombi was
torn between love and reality. She knew she loved the Prince
dearly but in reality this wedding can't happen. She can't afford
to be embarrassed like this. What will the people say. She
would smile unknowingly to herself thinking about Muzi but all
that will be brushed off with her painful past that will make her
pillow soak with her tears.
Sitting alone in her room she thought of how Muzi talked to her
and gave her his full attention as if nothing matters but her. He
would wipe of her mouth during diner and he would carry her
around the palace ground if she would complain of her sore
legs after their long walk together. Her thoughts were disturbed
by soft knocks.
"Come in." She said to the person on the other side of the door.
The prince came in and sat on the edge of the bed. She
pretended to be annoyed about this but deep down she wanted
him even closer.
"Ntombi, there's something I need to talk to you about." She
nodded her head signalling for him to continue. "It's about the
wedding. It's happening next week."
She started crying while imagining her peers laughing and
saying shameful things to her once they find out. This is it. Why
don't I just die, she thought.
This alerted the Prince which caused him to slightly turn his
head to the side. The thought of her her in pain hurt him seeing
her cry was even worse.
"Love, I'm sorry. I know I'm being selfish at the moment but the
quicker the wedding happens the sooner we'll be together. I'm I
that bad?" At the mention of 'love' she turned her head and for
the first she saw the Prince quickly wipe his tear. His voice
sounded hurt. To think she caused this pain she just wanted to
disappear and not exist.
"You don't understand." She said whilst shaking her head and
wiping her tears but more kept coming so she just decided to
just let them flow.
"Then make me. Please." She let out a little chuckle. How could
he possibly understand. How will she say this to him. How could
she when she was so ashamed herself. The only thing she
thought of at the moment was escaping. She could wake up one
morning and go far away. She knew the Prince wouldn't back
off. All he wanted was a good enough reason. For the past
months she stayed all the Prince could get was I-kind-of-love-
you-but-things-are-a-bit-complicated feelings from her.
"I... we are just not meant for eachother." Really Ntombi. Is that
all you could come up with, she thought. The prince stood up
from his kneeling position.
"Ntombi, how many times should I say this ha? I love you. I
adore you so much. If you think your are not good enough for
me then you are wrong. I've found what I wanted in a woman
from you can't you see it. I'm dying to just hold you. I'm going
crazy just thinking about you. I can't without you. Please just be
happy because I will go to the ends of this world just make you
my bride." He sounded so exasperated. He just needed some
time alone so he went out.
Ntombi just stood there bewildered. How can someone like him
be in love with a worthless piece of used up goods like her, she
thought. She was battling with air right now. No matter how
much she fought she can't stop this feeling. This thing that
made everything impossible for her not to love Muzi. She
wanted to burst out that room and apologise to him. Curse you
3 days before the wedding...
Torture doesn't even begin to describe the couple of days for
Ntombi. She tried so hard not the think about the wedding that
much. She tried escaping but everywhre is guarded not to think
of the distance from the main house to the gate. She didnt want
to be caught, imagine the embarrassment.
"I can't wait for you two to be married. It's finally time for little
people around the house .I need grandkids." The queen kept of
going on and on about the wedding. They were eating lunch
outside in the lapa. She hasn't seen the Prince and to say she
missed him is the least.
The queen saw her expression. " oh I hope I'm not being too
forward. You can't blame me I just miss having kids around.
Muzi is the only child."
"Not at all. It's just that all this wedding coming up soon is
overwhelming. Can't we postpone it?" She quickly opened her
eyes is surprise at what she just said.
Luckily the queen didn't really read tot much into it. " don't
worry. Everything is being taken care off, the ceremony,
catering. You know I haven't seen my son work his butt of and
still feel energised after all. He really loves you." You don't need
to say that again, she said to herself, and be prepared after all
it's your son who insist.
Ntombi's POV.
My life as you've seen it has turned from up to down then back
again. I'm talking about living with my grandmother to living
with my step dad to finally living with the Prince. Today I told
myself that whatever happens happens. Who knows maybe I
could escape the flood that is about to drown me. The thing is
before the Prince and I get married I have to do what we call
a memulo. A traditional ceremony held to check if a girl is still a
virgin and since I haven't had that I need one before getting
I just have to come clean. My mother has to know of this.
Maybe if she knew she could help me. She's my mother after
all. Today I will be meeting up with her to confess what her
husband did to me. The journey there was not easy at all.
Thinking of all the possibility that I could ruin their marriage.
This is so un fair.
I arrived at noon when my mother was sitting under the big
peach tree near the hut. She smiled and stood up to greet.
"Ntombi, its been so long my child. Is everything okay?" That's a
first. My mom asked as we sat down the mat. This was it.
Maybe she could stop the wedding before everything get worse
for me.
"Mom everything is fine. It's just that i need to tell you
something." This seemed to alert my mother a bit. She scooted
closer as if to listen more attentively. "It's about dad. He... he
raped me." The tears just came rolling down. I couldn't hold it
anymore. This was so liberating.
"Ntombi, who else knows of this?" She looked so unfazed. I
expects some sort of shock from her and mostly sympathy.
"You are the first." Where was this going?
"Good. Now listen. You need to be strong my child. I'm not
saying that what your dad did was right but no one can know of
this. It will bring shame to his name. You will marry the Prince
and that's that." This can't be. How can she be more concerned
about that man right now. She doesn't seem to understand and
that hurt even more. What kind of a mother is she.
"But mama, we know that people are going to know anyway at
my memulo. The woman checking will see that my hymen is not
intact anymore. How will we explain."
"Ntombi, i have an idea. Just behave and do what you are
supposed to do. Make sure you don't tell anyone. I'll see what I
can do just leave the rest to me." This isn't the woman I got to
know over the years. How I'm I even sure that she is the one
who gave birth to me.
"Mama I need to know..." before I could even finish she
interrupted me. "For once Ntombi just listen okay!" She softly
yelled at me making sure that nobody is around or can hear us.
"Mama I can't lie to the Prince. He has been so nice and I love
him." For the first time in my life I wanted to slap that woman.
She just sat there laughing her ass off.
"Love? Are you hearing yourself child. This conversation is
over." Wow so much for a mother. I shouldn't have come here
in the first place, i thought that finally someone was going to
realise their role and act upon it.
I've reached to palace around the same time. My memulo is
tomorrow and things have to be done. I'm going to go on
because I for am a caward. I can't stand against anyone. This is
me, following orders every now and then.
Precious POV.
I know many of you hate me. This whole situation, from being
pregnant at a young age and getting married to a monster, has
brought the worst in me. For me, it's no longer about who and
where or why, it's about making sure I don't get another
beating and making sure I'm not homeless. I've got to do what I
have to do to 'survive' and that includes compromising my
daughter's comfort and happiness for my own. How ironic for a
mother to do that but people I've suffered and I've endured .
When is my breakthrough huh?
Gawd I hate that man. How dare he. Anyway I'm not surprised. I
can't believe I'm letting this pass by. I have to where will I go
after all the same people that were supposed to be my family
threw out when I most needed them. I'm literally alone right
now. I'm such bad mother.
If there's one thing that man taught me is that money solves
everything. Right? Everyone needs money, sipho would say, so
use that to your advantage. My own daughter is in a mess and
I'm going to solve that.
Umemulo is zulu traditional coming of age ceremony of a
woman. The ceremony involves slaughtering of a cow and the
Zulu traditional dance Ukusina involving a spear. This ceremony
indicates that the woman is now ready for marriage.

woman and man ululating and singing all these traditional

songs really knocked the reality into me. This is it, the first step
to being with my Prince. However how my mother solved this
issue we are about to have really makes me curious. How on
this earth will she be able to cover the fact that my cherry has
already been popped. As much as i hate deceiving the prince
this is what I was told to do, I'm always the obeying one i guess.
I changed into all these beading thing and and a traditional
black skirt . As I walked out the screaming and singing got
louder. Woman were in front and behind me. It's like some
orderly chaos. It's didn't help that my mother was here. This is
all wrong.
I was led into a very small hut where an old woman was. She
ordered me to lay down the mat. I guess this is it then. No
words was exchanged between us as she gently opened up my
skirt. She inserted two fingers inside me and I winced in pain.
She was checking if my hymen was still intact.
"Tsk tsk tsk. You are lucky that i'm your moms friend you
disgusting child. Don't you know that it's completely wrong for a
young maiden like you to be sleeping around with man." The
woman said. So this is what my mother said she would solve.
Paying people and involving them in her lies. This woman had
no right to say such things she has no idea what I had gone
through. I didn't want to be disrespectful towards an elderly
woman so I kept my mouth shut.
She exited before me to inform the others that i'm a virgin. My
grandmother would be so disappointed in me. I should've told
the Prince and maybe all this wouldn't be happening. As I
walked out of the tent the woman smiled at me probably
thinking what a good girl I am since they think I'm still a
virgin.I'm living a life full of lies and this is all because of the
woman who I call mother.
A lot was given to me including presents and I wore a layer of
fat of the cow's stomach. Which was the only thing covering my
boobs, at any point is this supposed to break as this will signify
that I'm no longer a virgin. The way things took a drastic turn
wasn't really what my mother planned at least. The cow's split
as I was busy walking toward the royal house. Commotion and
noise was heard all around. Someone people gasping and
holding their mouths.
A bulky man came in front of me and pointed me with his stick.
"Young lady, as royals we understand that things like these
happen mistakingly and this may not be what we assume but
we need to do the necessities and insure that everything is
okay." The man spoke.
My mother on the other hand was having non of it. "What are
you insinuating about my daughter. There won't be any
necessities here that needs to be done the sooner we finish
with this event the better." My mother yelled so that everyone
could hear.
I guess the queens and king including Muzi all heard the
commotion going on as they came running outside. "What is
going on here?" The king asked in his authoritative voice that
shut everyone up.
The bulky man told them everything. "But my king this could be
nothing and a waste of time as we investigate the matter. We
could just continue with the ceremony." My mother argued as
the king gathered all the elders and aunts in the house to
ddiscuss and solve the matter.
The king, queen and Muzi and all the rest of the men inside sat
on chairs whilst the woman including myself sat flat on the
floor. The king signalled for the man to continue talking with his
authority stick.
"My king my lady and the Prince. We all know the traditions
that our ancestors have passed down to us. The cow's fat this
"Her name is Ntombi." The prince interrupted.
"I mean Ntombi." The man continued to speak."The cow's fat
broke and we all know what that signifies. I and my fellow man
question her pureness and ask that she should be checked as
tradition requires."
"Don't you dare! We all know that you want that daughter of
yours to be the next queen of this land and you would do
anything just so it could happen." My mother said. The king
immediately silenced her as gasps achoed around.
"Ma'am please, your turn will come." He said to my mother.
"mam (mother) glory anything you want to add." the king asked
the woman who was wearing a lot of beads unlike me her body
was covers all over because she is married and older.
"There's really not much to say on my side, my king. While I
think that the lady in question is still a virgin I think We should
proceed with what is necessary to set people's mind at ease."
The woman said.
"Wise words mam glory. Any last words mam precious?" The
king turned to us. All this while my head bowed down is shame
as i stared at the floor and listened to everyone as they bickered
"My king on my behalf and especially my daughter's. I think it
will be unnecessary because before all this she was checked."
My mother argued back. The king was nodding his head until
the bulky man spoke.
"My king this woman and her family can't be trusted. We all
know how sipho took over other people's land selfishly. As the
elders we request another check."
"HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY FAMILY." My mother yelled at the
"You uncultured swine." The man launched at my mother as the
guards came to do damage control. "Oh now you going to beat
a woman up." It's funny how she never stands up to sipho. The
step dad
"You know it's fine let us call the woman and see what she has
to say again." My mother finally said.
"The woman has long gone but we can get the other woman to
do so." The woman suggested.
"No no no." ~mother.
"But I thought you said we could go on."~king.
That's it. I've had it. Time for all this madness to end. "My
mother doesn't want to because she knows that I'm no longer
pure." Everyone gasped. The prince stared at me as if I've grown
two horns before looking to the side as I looked at his eyes. "My
mother paid the woman to lie to you that I'm still a virgin." My
vision blurred from the tears that threatened to spill. My
mother elbowed endlessly but this is as far as it goes with her
"My king I'm so sorry. You know how girls of this days are. I was
just trying to protect her as a mother." My tears just rolled
down my chick.
"Mother stop it. I've had it now. I'm sick and if you don't tell
them what really happened I'm going to spill everything you
and that monster made me go through. What sort of a mother
are you?" I managed to say that with so much venom as I

Everyone gasped and widens their mouths in surprise. Who

wouldn't. They all thought we are a perfect family.
Everyone gasped and widened their mouths in surprise. Who
wouldn't. They all thought we are a perfect family.
"Ntombi, we can talk about this." ~ mother
"Mother, you are a disgrace. What do you think grandmother
would say. Why I'm I suffering, huh? Just because you regret
having me as a daughter? I'm I that bad?"~ me
"This woman and the man you all think is my father are
monsters. I have suffered enough. That man rap..."~I couldn't
stop crying. I didn't think this day would turn out like this. The
prince couldn't even stand looking at me. He just sat there with
tears just strolling down his face.
"Sipho raped me." Gasps. The women clapped their hands in
astonishment and in that instant the Prince snapped his head
toward mine."I was just 13 and had come home from fetching
water when that man destroyed me. I'm so sorry that I am like
this. You all judged me and most of you thought i was a slut and
I am not." I continued whilst crying.
"Muzi, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry that you had to
know like this.I was so ashamed and disgusted with myself." My
heart broke into a million pieces and that pain was
unbearable. Why does it have to be this way.
My heart just bled when he fled out of the room. I just knew
that he wouldn't accept me when he found out, that's why I
held in uptil now. Why would he want a messed up girl.
Couldn't it be better if we just broke it off without him feeling
disgusted. The gods know how much I still love him and this is
way I'm going to be so shuttered. My Prince, life, family all gone
in just a matter of minutes.
"Ntombi I'm sorry. " ~mother.
"Stop. Please. All of this is your fault. How am i even be sure
you are my mother.I hate you so much."~me
How dare she? She had all this time to make it right and she
chose the day when she finally succeeded in destroying me. I've
had it with everyone, this village and especially its people. I
can't face the shame. Grandmother please wake up wherever it
is that your are. I need you.
NOW!" The king yelled. "This barbaric acts will not be tolerated
in my palace. In all the history of kings this has to happen in my
time." The king's anger showed in his words.
The guard's ran to my house. The women tried consoling me
and wiping my tears which couldn't stop flowing no matter how
much I tried. This is finalised. I'm going away to another village.
Maybe there I'll be accepted better. I couldn't care about
everyone but the way the Prince looked at me was torturous.
The further I go the better for me and maybe
I can start up a new lif where ever it is that I end up in. "My
child please take heart. We are behind you and everyone here is
here for you. Be strong my child all will be well." That is all
these woman kept on saying to me all the while the king paced
around the room. The people that were here for the ceremony
were asked to go home. The queen seemed to be pain a
different world altogether.
"My king, is everything okay." The one voice that I feared the
most cut in through the silence. Everyone's head turned toward
the door and followed him until he stood in front of the king.
"Sipho, you have stained my kingship. You have disgraced this
village. What do you think people in our surrounding vilages will
say about my ruling when they hear of your doings here." ~the
"My king, I'm lost." ~sipho.
"DON'T YOU DARE THAT WITH ME." The king said in a Very low
dangerous tone. "You slept with your own daughter. You of all
the thiefs in this village."
"She said that to you? Ntombi how can you lie like this when all
i've done for you and your mother is nothing but loving."
That bastard! I should've have known he would try something
like this. The kings face turned into confusion. This is not for
me. Now everyone believed him. This man is the devil.
I stood up and ran as fast as my two little legs can take me. I've
had it with everyone. It's like my own destiny is shaped by sipho
and my mother and boy, it's not a good one. It's one ful of
misery and sadness. I just have to escape this place.
I reached my house and took all my belonging which only
consisted of the expensive beads on me and a satchet with little
clothing I can change for at least a week.
I ran and ran and ran. Looks like luck wasn't on my side because
it immediately started to rain. I was dripping wet and worse of
all there weren't any form of shelter. Only clear land was in
front of me.
Hunger, betrayal, hate, coldness and sadness were the only
things I could feel at the moment.
"Hy you, what are you doing on my land. Didn't you see the sign
outside? This is private property." I turned to look at man
talking. He's white? What? I'm I dead?
"I'm sorry. I was just passing by. I didn't know anyone owned
any land here. I'm sorry I'll just get out of your way." ~ I replied
warily. This man right here is white.
"Wait. You aren't from around here because no one in this
village still wears those kind of clothes."~ he stopped me.
"No." I shook my head. " I got lost and I don't have a place to
"Oh. I can see. You can come inside my father just finished
making dinner. I'm sure he won't mind." ~ This man was so kind.
"By the way my name is Chris, father Michael's son." He said as
he send a wide smile which reminded me of Muzi.
"Thank you. My name is Ntombi." ~he helped me with my
satchet as we made our way toward a very strange but beautiful
Muzi POV.
Hurt, disgust, pain is all that I can feel at the moment. That man
took what was not his by force. We have been up and down
looking for Ntombi. i don't care what happened to her even if
she lost her virginity willingly I would still love her non the less.
I'm worried sick about her right now. Where the hell is she?
I know I reacted in a very immature way when I burged out of
the room but I just couldn't stay there and watch all that pain in
her eyes. It was too much for me. The only thing stopping me
right now from tearing that man's throat is my status as the
Prince. That bastard denied everything that Ntombi confessed. I
was hoping her mother would stand up to say something but
she was on the right side of sipho.
I will get to the buttom of this and make sure everyone involved
get punished. But first I have to make sure Ntombi is found or
else I will go crazy.
Ntombi POV.
The man led me inside his house. Inside the house there was
some sort of lighting used as the same in the palace. I didn't
know that an ordinary man could live in luxury as the royal
household would. We sat down. I ate in complete silence as I
indulged in the strange yet delicious meal.
"So Ntombi, You are from?" Father Michael asked. He
mispronounced my name but I didn't feel offended. These
people helped me and the least I could do is be at my best
behaviour. I don't even have a place to live.
"I'm from the neighbouring village. I ran away from home?" I
said. They asked me some more questions and I told them
everything. They seemed really concerned and since they
offered me a place to stay I told them everything till this day.
Father Michael told me about something they do in their
church. He told me that they come from a far land called
Europe. They help girls like me recover and also widows since
most of the African cultures seem to be against woman. (I hope
I'm not offending anyone although that's a fact. Almost every
religious rules opposes woman, again that can be my opinion.)
He told me that he lost his wife due to a fever. Him and his son
decided to travel and they found themselves here, in the south
of Africa. He owns a couple of churches in Europe. They gave
me the clothing that I'm supposed to wear in order to fit in the
community. The ancestors might have heard my cries because I
ended in the hands of good people.
Tomorrow I'll be going to the house of God, father Michael calls
it that. He says that they go on the seventh day every week but
he just likes to go there a lot to see how things are going.
We reached the house of God at noon. This is not only a place
of worship but it seems to be a place where people get to be
healed when they are sick. He introduced me to a couple of
people. There were woman there singing and some cleaning.
He says that i'll be coming here often to talk to someone about
my troubles in order to be able to forgive and move forward.
To say that I miss Muzi is the least. His the one person that I
think about before I go to sleep and wake up the next morning.
I hate that he couldn't stand to be near me. I needed him and
most of me wishes that he loved me enough to look past my
faults but I'm merely a human and there are certain things that
are out of my reach.
It saddens me to think I'll never see him again. This is what man
do to me. They hurt and dump. If it wasn't for the wonderful
man that I'm living with I would've said all man are the same. I
never want to go back to where I come from. This is my new
It's has been months now. I've learned a lot and I've gained a lot
too. Chris has been helping me to understand the bible and all
about Jesus Christ. Although I still believe in my ancestors I find
this new God very uplifting. I believe that he is behind the good
things in my life.
I've been talking to someone at the church and every time I'm
done I feel like me again. I feel like a person. What sipho did to
me was wrong on his part and it has never been my fault. Man
like him do exist and I've fallen a victim of that. I'll not let him
dictate my life after he did such a terrible thing. I'm learning to
forgive both him and my mother everyday.
Muzi POV.
I'm so disgusted at myself at the moment. I feel like less of a
man. I can't help but think that if I didn't walk out of the room
Maybe things would have been so different. To make matters
worse eferybody is trying to look past this incident and move
forward and I'll have non of that. My father called for me and
I'm now alone with him.
"Dad you called me." I initiated the conversation.
"My son, yes, I know that this months haven't been good
especially for you but the kingdom has to move on. We can't
stop things because of one little girl."~Dad.
"Dad, this girl is the one that I love and I know that you seem to
believe sipho but that man is a liar father, not only will he
destroy the poor girl but our kingdom as well. If this meeting is
about getting another wife I will not. The only woman who can
be by my side is Ntombi. Now please excuse me I have personal
matters to attend to."
He has been nudging all this while for me to choose another
girl. This time I'm willing to lose my crown in order to be with
Ntombi. He can't change my mind. I will find my love no matter
what. I walked out of the house to return to my own room and
drown in my thoughts.
I can't anymore...
The day has been so wonderful. I just finished having lunch with
father Michael and his son, Chris. Church was awesome with
fahter Michael's message. It was all about forgiveness and
starting on a new slate with another person. I think I'm ready to
move on. I want to live my life with no regret and forget about
some of my past. As for Muzi my heart can't let go. No matter
the distance and the amount of convincing I've given myself.
God knows how much I love that man.
"So Ntombi. Finding everything okay for you around here?"
Father Michael ask. He's been so nice and wonderful. This man
is really God sent. I feel our meeting had been fate. I wanted to
go venture on my own because I felt like I was burdening them
but Chris and his dad have been able to convince me otherwise.
Sometimes I just feel so guilty because I haven't told them
everything. They have no clue whatsoever that I almost married
a prince from my village. They shouldn't know, at least I think so
because I just want to forget him already!!
"Thank you so much for even caring that much. You and your
son have been my saving grace. Why wouldn't I when I live with
two angels. I'm really greatful father." I answer back. There's not
much I could ask for really. These people have treated me far
better than my own mother for crying out loud.
We continued eating and chatting...

Precious POV.
I'm a bitch, that much I know. But I have to adapt to my
surroundings. I don't want to be poor for the rest of my life. My
mother died but before she did she resented me. I have shamed
her, she says. Being impregnated and dumped at a young age
did it for me. I feel like sh*t at the moment. My conscious is
gnawing at me. I just betrayed my own daughter for a piece of
junk who can make my life hell and luxurious at the same time.
Why can't she understand, the woman who've told me count
less times how much hell I deserve in my head. She says my
daughter is somewhere dead in a bush and she's coming back
to haunt me. I feel like somehow that voice is my reasoning but
at the same time a curse because it tortures me.
I start pacing up down. That voice can't seem to shut up.
'Find her' -softly. 'find her' - now the voice is more
demanding. 'go on, run!!' 'she needs you, there's still
hope' - I feel her wailing inside my head.
'Or better yet, expose him. Make him pay!!! Damn it!' - that
makes me laugh like a mad woman, or I'm I?
"Precious!!!" I hear sipho call.
'You see what you've turned yourself into, a damned slave.
Mother never treated us this way. She loved us.' I try ignoring
the hissing in my head
"Baba!" I hollow back. I go to him as he tells me.
"You telling me all this while you've been in there doing
nothing. Woman I need my food!" Argh typical. I internally roll
my eyes.
'You see.'
"Shut up!! Now please, just shut that anus of your mouth." I say
to the voice but as I turn to see sipho's face I realise that I've
said that out loud.
Next... the painful turn of my head and the snapping of my jaw
impacted on me. He punch slapped me. Is that even possible?
'You deserve it, slut. Now unless you stop being a baby he
won't stop. Please we can't go on like this.' -This is the first
time she's ever begged me.
I stood up and wiped away my tears as I told myself that this
has to end. The pain, the abuse and I want my freedom back.
Why is that I feel so caged up with the man that claim to love
me so much. Even the man who abandoned me with a baby on
the way never treated me like this. I went inside the cooking
hut. Picked up the pot that was boiling in the fire. My mind and
my body speaking two different languages. As to what I was
going to do with that pot didn't even cross my mind. I just went
with the flow. It felt as if this was something I should've done a
while ago.
I walked into where sipho was. The trance that I was in was
snapped by the painful screams of sipho.
"What have you done, witch!" He yelled over and over again
and you could tell by his voice the amount of pain he was in. I
covered my mouth. Did I just pour a freaking boiling pot on top
of the all-mighty-glorious-sipho?
'You are insane.' The voice said to me.
"Isn't this what you wanted?"I answered back The voice in my
head. Sipho obviously thought I was talking to him.
"Please help me." He begged with eyes full of tears. I tilted my
head toward him and laughed at his miserable self.
"Damn it sipho! Handle the pain like the man you claim to be." I
spit the words back to him. This is amazing!!!
"I swear I'll make you pay for this. Help me now or else..." he
ran out of words. "Please I need help."
'Okay. I think that's quite enough' -she said , cooing me.
Prince Muzi
I have been going out of my mind the whole week. The whole
finding a missing person isn't as simple as anyone thinks.
Overall my guys have made improvements. There has been
some report of a female's movement in the neighbouring
village. I hope that it's her. I miss her face and the feel of her
skin. If I have to go another month without her I couldn't and I
won't. I must find my bride.
"So you said the king told you this." I asked one of guard
assisting me.
"Yes my Prince. He said the girl just took shelter a few months
ago at the whites man's house. " He said his hands together in
his front.
"Then we will go this afternoon tell everyone to prepare." I
dismissed him and sat there mentally preparing myself. At the
same time telling myself that this girl could be anyone. If so
how the hell did we miss her. We've searched as far as
swaziland only to know that she was right there under our
noses. It will take so much for me to convince her to marry me
but I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I've risked my own
inheritance by disobeying my father.
As if sensing that I was thinking about him, my father walked
into the room I've been using since Ntombi has been missing.
There are just too many memories in my old room.
"Son, you are not going to guess what happened." He said in a
hurry pacing up and down.
"Dad, please if it's about ndlovu's daughters then I don't want
to hear it." I interrupted him.
"Son, that's a debate for another time. I'm here with more
pressing issues. The elders and I are planning to visit sipho. He's
badly injured. I came here to tell you that you will be going with
us this afternoon." Wow so this is what this whole chaos is
"Dad I have somewhere to be this afternoon. And did you really
think i was going to go. That man is evil and it's completely
astounding that you people don't see that. Whatever happened
he deserved it and this is just a small price to pay." I know I'm
being cruel but anger and hate totally engulfed my vision at
this point. All I want is those people who made Ntombi suffer to
suffer two times more.
"Son, this is not negotiable. How will the people think of you."
My dad and his persistence.
"I have to be somehow. We finally have a lead on Ntombi and
don't think I'm going to drop all that for that man. You of all
people damn know how I feel about him." I stood up and
walked out of the room.
It's better if I just start the journey early. I went to go call all the
guards to start with the journey. The sooner the better and I
just want to get away from my dad before he drags me there
with them.

Precious POV.
SIPHO just laid down there as I forced the porridge in his
mouth. He's been crying all night about pains. Like I care. Did he
care when I was worried about my daughter all this while? Did
he care when he stood there and pressured me to lie against
her? I know he didn't put a gun on my head to do all this but
the stupid asshole is the cause for all this. This man right here
being all vulnerable and in pain is the devil himself.
"My love, please help me. I need to go to the bathroom. I don't
want to shit on myself." Argh, here we go again the usuals. This
man does this to me every single day. I have to help him shit for
crying out loud. I'm sick of this. Why don't he just die!!
"Just hold it old man. I'm sure it a lot easier than holding your
d*ck. She was just a baby man sipho. She was vulnerable and
you just had to take her innocent away from her." He desserves
this hell. The way the hot porridge burned is bad. His fingers are
all stuck together and he can't move both of his arms.
His left side is completely paralysed because of the major stroke
he had when the shock of him being burnt dawned and
tortured him. He's completely useless.
"Anyway dear sipho. Your fellow man sent their greetings to
you. I heard they are coming to see your progress." I said
slightly mocking him. " imagine them seeing such a man of your
calibre in this kind of state? It's funny how we all fall from the
grace. The all mighty sipho who used to beat the shit out of me
as if that wasn't enough he raped a minor."
"Please don't let them see me like this. Alteast wipe my
face."you know he had a point there. What will they think of me
if they see him like this.
"You know for once I'm agreeing with you."
I helped him relieve himself and made him look decent. He
surprised me by thanking me and you could see the
gratefulness in his eyes. He can't fool me.
The sound of foot tracks from outside filled the silence in the
room. It must be them. They knocked and I let them in. Sipho
didn't look too happy but then what else could he do. They
greeted and I offered them seats.
You could see the sadness in their voices as they spoke to sipho.
He's lucky his mouth still works.
"How did this happen though." One man asked. Sipho told
them what 'exactly happened'. Apparently I was not around
when the porridge was boiling and was about to burn. He then
went to take it off the fire when he had a stroke and fell on the
Shame. You should've seen the way those man were gasping,
including the king. Not one of those people thought of the
where about of my daughter.
The Sun feels amazing against my skin. I'm seating outside the
house after i finished cleaning the house. I didn't feel like
joining father Michael to church today. Everything I touched fell
and maybe this is a sign of some sort. I miss the way things
were at first. I miss my home and my grandmother. Her stories
and her sweet voice.
Things have changed for me. I'm no longer the girl I was before.
The Prince and everyone who should've protected me hurt me.
"Here she is!!" I heard men shout from the gate. Who are they?
They seemed to be from... oh no! The royal guards from my
village. I need to hide. I quickly stood up to run inside the
"Ntombi! Please my love wait." The pleading voice could only
belong to non other than Prince Muzi. Why is he here? I turned
around and I saw the most handsome man I've ever seen in my
life. He still has an effect on me to this day.
"What do you want? I've done nothing to you people this time.
Please just get away from me. You've done enough." I tried my
best to not run into his arms. I've missed him so much but he
was one of those people.
"I came here for you. Ntombi I need to explain things to you. I
need you back in life." what is it with him. Does he want to hurt
me all over again?
"Just go! I don't want to hear anything. This person you are
looking at is no longer the one you used to love. I've changed
Muzi. Save your speech and go away." I'm an idiot. Deep down
I'm dying to be in his arms. I can't let my guard down only to be
hurt again.
"I won't let you..." I continued walking inside the house as I
heard his pitch decreasing until I couldn't hear him anymore.
Prince Muzi pov.
"I won't let you go this time." I said before she closed the door.
I'm not leaving this village unless she comes with me. I'll do
whatever i can to get her to be my queen again.
We settled our things in the house the king of this village
offered us. I would love more than anything to be at home with
Ntombi. I need her back no matter what. It would hurt to think
that she has moved on.

Father Michael POV
"We need to be believe that all things are possible with him.
Never! Forget HE that loves you so much that he have his own
son for us. Now I leave you with this message. See you all next
week." I finished preaching and led people outside my church
as i spoke soothing words to them. It's sad that Ntombi didn't
come with us but she didn't seem like herself today well... she
hasn't been feeling like herself lately.
Whatever it is she going through she must trust that the Lord
will make it all right. She needs to forgive in order for her to
move forward . Holding it all in isn't good for anyone. I need to
have a word with her as soon as possible.
"Father there's a man here to see you." My son called from
behind. I wonder who it could be.
The man in question was waiting for me outside the church. He
looked well off, not like many of the man from here. His clothes
and jewellery looked expensive. He must have come from
royalty, but I doubt because the king has only one son and I've
seen him before.
"Afternoon. I'm father Michael, the owner of this honourable
church." I extended my right hand to him as i introduced
"I know." He gave me a side smirk. " Please call me Muzi." This
young man only shook my hand now. So much confidence and
power that was rediating off of him. I wonder who's son is this.
I quickly brushed my thoughts aside and led him inside the
church to one of the many chairs inside. "I came here for my
queen." Ahh that was quick. A man who waste no time I see.
Did he just say queen? Oh so he is a royalty. Must be a rich
village then. wait... but how do I fit in all this queen stuff?
"I don't understand..." I couldn't remember his name. His
response only led me to like him more.
"Muzi sir." Not many from royalty would be this calm if I had
forgotten their names. This is intriguing. He continued, "
Ntombi. That's the woman I'm talking about. need her back to
"Muzi sir." Not many from royalty would be this calm if I had
forgotten their names. This is intriguing. He continued, "
Ntombi. That's the woman I'm talking about. I need her back to
This has to be one of the most confusing days of my life. Do I
know Ntombi? Sure I do, but I think we are talking about
different people with the same name here.
" Muzi , please elaborate. I have a girl which I've been living
with for months now but I doubt she has anything to do with
you." I said.
He shifted as if to make himself comfortable in the chair. " I
don't think there's anything to explain. You have a girl you've
been living with and I'm saying I need her back. Ntombi that's
her name. That's the girl I'm looking for and that's the one I'm
leaving with. "
"But sir.., I mean Muzi. Why don't you just ask her to come with
you. I live with her but I've got no control of where she goes."
"See now that's where you come in. I need your help. I heard
you preach about forgiveness here. I've done unforgivable
things and I'm so selfish that I can't let go of her. Please
convince her to come back to me." Now the man that was
staring at me wasn't the man with the high shoulders and a
posture that held so much confidence. This man looked
vulnerable and... desperate if I can put it that way. He looked
hopeless and I didn't want to interfere with whatever affairs he
had with Ntombi.
" how will I do that. She should willingly do that by herself I'm
just a man doing the Lord's doing and helping people. I can't do
much for you."
"Anything. Just help me. Talk to her then. Tell her things to
convince her. I need her back to me. She doesn't know that I'm
here right now. If not just tell me what to do at least. I'm
desperate. She wants nothing to do with me."
" You need to pray then. Ntombi is a good woman. She has a
good heart and she easily forgives. Whatever you have done to
her must be really big then. Why are you so bent on going back
with her."
"I need her pastor. I don't ever think my organ can pump more
blood if I can't be near her. I must feel her and breathe her." I
really wanted to help him. He looks to be a good man. At the
same time I don't want to involve myself in such matters. One
can never be sure of the depth of hurt the other is feeling.
Ntombi pov.
I just finished preparing supper for father Michael and his son. I
usually don't cook but today I just need to work some stress
out. They both walked in at the same time and couldn't keep
quite of how much I've missed at the church service. I should've
gone and ignored the stupid feeling that said I should stay. Why
did he have to come back. I just wish both father Michael and
his son never find out about this man. I don't want it to seem as
if I do not trust them by not telling them everything about me.
It's just so hard.
We ate in silence and again I cleaned up everything, which by
the way was a fight. I don't get them back at home woman
used to do everything but here, in this household, man do help
around the house. It's a huge cultural difference for me.
I finished cleaning and as i was walking toward my room I saw
father Michael with his glasses on and a bible in his hand,
probably preparing for another church service. He ushered me
with his fingers and I knew whatever he wanted to say is
important. I sat opposite him.
"Ntombi there's a certain Muzi that came around my church
today." That stilled me. If I was the same colour as him he
would've seen the drain of blood on my face.
"He asked to talk to you," he continued, " He came to beg me to
convince you to come back to him. Do you know him?"
"I do father. He has no right. Neither of them have. I promised
myself not to look back to where I've come from. I've cried
enough and the lord put me in both your and your son's hands.
I have no intention of facing my past. Everyone hates me." I just
couldn't stop the tears from cascading down my face. What
terrifies me more is the fact that I still care and love him.
It shouldn't be this way. He ran... he did what I'd expected him
to do. I've done so much for myself here and for the first time I
can say I'm happy. " He ran away from me. He... he looked
disgusted. I just don't understand what he wants from me. I
thought I looked damaged to him." I continued telling father.
And I told him everything that happened to me and how he
burged out the door when I told him about my step-dad's
"Ntombi dear, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying forgive him
and elope with him to God knows where. All I'm saying is hear
him out. It's clearly visible how much closure you need. "
"I think you are right father." I deeply exhaled as if all the
burden I've been carrying went out with the breathe. Talking
really does help. And i think hearing him out and finding out
what it is he wants from me is a good idea.
I need to let go in order for me to be free. God didn't just put
me in this position for nothing. He knew this day would come, a
day that I would need to forgive, that is why he put me in the
hands of father Michael and his son. I need to put into action
what I've learned. Truly speaking I still love that man like hell.
The contours up his eyes still reflects the calm waves of the sea.
His smile is still my smile. The depth of his eyes are like a black
hole that draws you in another dreamy world.
The only obstacle is fear. The fear of being hurt again. That fear
of being rejected again. He needs to regain my trust back. I
need to trust that he loves me. I need to believe in the love that
he claims to have for me... that is why I'm here right now.
Looking at him as he takes his steps towards me. This time I'm
not running away.
The only sounds that my ears can register are the throbbing
beat of my heart and the frightening clash of his feet again the
sand. He looks so manly. He looks handsome as always. His eyes
seem to be searching for something in mine that I can't put my
head in. He looks remorseful. I don't want his pity.
"Ntombi." His voice barely a whisper. Someone please pinch
me. "You look beautiful. I missed you." He finished saying his
sentence. Everything seem to be moving in slow now.
I cleared my throat. " let me go get something we can sit on." I
didn't wait for him to reply. I rushed in the house taking this as
an opportunity to regain myself. He has led me to chant how
much hurt he caused me in my head. I'd be lying if I said i didn't
miss him.
I didn't want to take long so I rushed back to where he was and
placed the bunk behind him. I waited for him to sit before I
reciprocated his movement. All he did was stare at me for five
minute after we both sat.
"Ntombi, I love you so much." How dare he break the silence
with such meaningless words coming from him.
"You ran away from me. I didn't expect you to stay with me but
you did that in the most hurtful of ways." My tears reigned their
force on me. I couldn't keep them back. My throat seemed to
close up so painfully as i tried to hold everything in.
"Ntombi. You have no idea how much I looked for you that day.
I searched and searched but to no avail. I couldn't sit in that
room and see how much broken you are. I'm so sorry. I
should've have comforted you." Why is he doing this Lord.
"But you didn't. You ran and ran. I thought you didn't want me
anymore. I felt so rejected. Isn't love suppossed to stand by you
no matter what. No matter how broken the other person is. You
didn't love me as I thought you did." This time he was that one
that seemed to struggle with his own tears.
"You have no idea how much I did and how I do right now. Trust
me it didn't matter what happened to you. What I saw in that
room was a strong willed girl. A goddess that took everything as
it came and not once complained. It pained me that you had to
carry all that burden on your own. I'm here for you. I have never
left and once had I stopped thinking about you. You are my life
Ntombi. I need you back." The Prince was now on his knees in
front of a sobbing broken girl. Oh how love can bring the
mighty to their knees.
"Where do I even begin Muzi." I really needed him to answer
"Ntombi do you love me?" Obviously.
"I would be lying if I said otherwise. " his features seemed to
relax a bit i could tell because the contours on his forehead
seemed to be less.
"Then start by seeing my running away from the room as a
human error and that it wasn't what it seemed to be. Then
please see how greatly I'm in love with you. See that you'll
always be the same Ntombi to me as the one i met at the
stream to me. I know it's selfish of me to want so much from
you but I need you. Please."
"I forgive you Muzi." He stood up and hugged me for the
longest of minutes...
Forgiveness. The most powerful yet a one standing word. Same
as love. It is with those words that have the most effects on us.
I'm a mother of a beautiful child. Who was once innocent and
always had a smile on her face but now I don't know where she
is. Is she even alive? The things we do for love..
I have treated my daughter in the most hurtful of ways all in the
name of love. Sipho is now suffering for his sins. I last heard
that people are reclaiming their lands that were taken from
them. I can't keep on living here but where will I go to?
This man just stinks up the whole house and I can't just stand it.
Words has it that Prince Muzi has found Ntombi. The shame of
ever setting eyes on her. How will I face her? I just can't take it. I
wasn't raised like this.
Sipho wasn't all too keen in keeping visitors so the last time the
elders visited he didn't want anything or anyone to visit. All he
does with his life is scream for death to finally claim his life. I
can't blame him though. He can't die now, my daughter needs
to be vindicated and for that to happen he needs to confess.
"Precious I need to go pee. " the man of the house
shouted. Note the sarcasm.
"You know what to do. I'm too tired and busy to be of service
right now." Yah... too busy in my thoughts.
All he did was cry some more. MY LIFE...
King Muzi POV. ( Muzi's father)
" I need to know when he'll be back. Tell him that if he doesn't
want me to come over there to fetch him he'll make sure his
butt is back here in 3 days." I told one of our messengers to
pass on the message to Muzi. He seriously can't think he can
spend time in another place when he has his own one to rule
and keep in order, what sort of a king will he be. I understand
the dilemma that's happening between him and that girl
To a certain extent I understand. I would move mountains for
my queen. But the thing is you can never be careful especially
when you are someone of my calibre. You can't just make a rule
based on a story. Where's the proof that sipho truly raped the
girl. There's no proof or witnesses. If I pass a rule to punish
Sipho then I might be seen as unfair. I don't want to be seen
as that king. I need to gather facts first. I will lie if I say Sipho is a
genuinely good guy. That man has done things but as a man too
I can't judge. My father didn't teach me that way. Zulu land is
mostly admired for its beautiful scenery and fair trials. I've been
one of the old kings fortunate enough to get good education.
For now Sipho and his family will have to wait. My son is the
most important .
Muzi POV.
I've received news from my father that my stay on another land
has expired but I can't just pack up and go. I need to leave here
with Ntombi. I can't just come all the way here and convince
her to be mine agian only to leave her behind. I will never leave
her out of my sight. She is stuck with me forever. I will not waste
anytime when I arrive, I'll immediately Wed her . She has
changed a lot since a last saw her. She more confident and her
eyes don't seem to hold any pain.
She looks like the woman I've fallen for but only better now. She
looks so much more mature than before. She looks like a born
queen. She'll sure make a fine one back at home. We haven't
spoken about getting back to Zulu land and I'm afraid to do so
now. What if she's afraid to face her family. She needs not to
worry because I'll be there for her no matter what. I've sworn to
lay my life for her.
Ntombi and I are in my the guest house I've been staying in. I've
decided to spoil her with some sweet stuff since she seems to
love those so much. I love the look in her eyes everytime she
pops one in her mouth. It gives me joy to see her happy. I wait
for her to swallow the last one in before telling her that we
need to leave.
"Ntombi, you know that I love you and i would do anything
including laying my life for you right." She shifted all her focus
on me as if sensing my urgency. She bobbed her head up then
down to convey her yes. Good.
"I need you to trust me more than you've ever done before. We
can't live here forever. It's time we go back home my love." She
looked to the side avoiding my eyes. She has to say yes no
matter what.
"Muzi, you are asking so much of me. I ran away from there
because of a good reason. To think that that man is still smilling,
living and breathing happily kills me. He needs to pay for his
crimes and your father isn't willing that. Why Muzi?"
"Look Ntombi. I do not know my father's reasons but I promise
that once I become king I'll make him pay more than he
"You know that can only happen when your father joins the
ancestors. I can't go back now. You need to go and leave me
here. I'm happy. I've made a new life for myself here. I'm at
peace can't you see that?" She can't do this to me.
"Ntombi please, my love. I'm begging you." I went on my knees.
She has to see how desperate I am right now. "I can't stay here
any longer and the thought of not seeing you even for a day kills
"I'm sorry I can't. I need to go now Muzi. I'll see you another
time." She left me there to think of all the possible ways to kill
everyone in that village. Why does everything have to be this
I need to choose between my crown and the love of my life.
Both are my birth right. I can't go without the other. Right now
I'm willing to sacrifice everything. I'll go down there to get
justice. Is there any other way??
Precious POV.
Rumour has it that the Prince is coming back tonight. Does that
mean he has found my baby? May whoever is above be praised.
I've suffered enough from my own guilt. I want to die knowing
that I've fixed my life including my daughter's. I will go to the
palace tomorrow. Is it really a good idea for my daughter to see
me. Somehow I have to apologise to her. I'm not saying we
should build some sort of relationship but we have to both
make peace with each other.
"Precious. Please help." A too familiar voice yelled. He probably
want to go relief himself. I know you all are wondering why I'm
still caring for this man. Somehow I feel indebted to him. I feel
like he had taken my child and I when we needed help. No one
was going to marry me and I had Ntombi out of wedlock. She
would be considered a bastard if this treacherous man hadn't
taken us in. He deserves no mercy because he gave non to my
daughter. Don't we all deserve a second chance?? The right to
Authors note:
To my lovely audience.
I was going to stop here but I'm very much satisfied and happy
about the feedback and votes. So here's a little reward (for
taking too long to update too)... a bit longer chapter 17.
Continues below,,,
Precious POV.
"Prince Muzi found Ntombi and they might be back before
tomorrow comes." I say to Sipho as I give him his food. He spit it
out and refuses to eat.
"What is wrong with you, ha?! I stood up for long hours
preparing this food and you waste it like this? Come on, eat it
up now." He obeyed me and opened his mouth. He knows what
will happen when he pisses me off. I have the upper hand
now. It's funny how the tables turned.
"I plan on seeing her. I miss her." He paused chowing on his
food for a second and looked at me with those pleading eyes.
Does he really expect me not to go. "You should apologise too.
You made the poor girl suffer. I need you to tell the king every
thing. Sipho this can't go on any longer. I can't keep living with
this guilt else I'll kill myself." I couldn't continue feeding him.
The momeries of the bad I had done and allowed to happen
came pouring down on me and weighing itself on my old
"Don't you see this condition you are in Sipho. This is a sign.
Things are only going to get worse. The ancestors are not
through with us yet. We messed up with the Prince's bride. I
have this bad feeling that something worse is going to happen.
Please confess Sipho. This isn't over." He looked away from me
as if he's not even considering a bit of what I said to him.
"I have a lot to lose Precious. This house is everything we have.
The castles are still there. We have some of the land that some
people were afraid to get back. We are still living aren't we." He
replied as he turned his back to lie down.
I'm a coward. I've always been. Deep down I'm still an evil self
centered person who cares about no one but herself. I'm afraid
of having nothing again. I don't want to lack. I have a choice and
right now I'm choosing riches and comfortability over my
daughter's well-being again. Is this a changed person? A person
who claims to want to mend things with her daughter? My
ancestors must have turned their backs on me by now...
It's just me now...
Ntombi POV.
Who am I kidding. I can't be without this man for more than a
day. He's going and I'm damned if I let him leave me. My heart
has vowed to make me suffer all in the name of love. I'm a fool
for love and I'm blind to see that.
I rushed back to Muzi only to find him still crouched on the floor
with a sour expression. I hate seeing him like this. "Muzi, let us
go home my love."
We reached the borders of Zulu land no later than midnight. My
heart seem to be beating on its own accord. I'm trying to steady
my breathing. I'd be lucky if no one knew that I would be
coming, but who I'm I kidding this is the Prince I'm with for
crying out loud.
"Breathe my love." Muzi smoothed his hand against mine in
hopes of comforting me. I see him clenching his jaw so hard I
thought his teeth were about to break. "It's not your fault Muzi.
I want to be here with you. I love you."
We reached the palace and all the servant were standing
uniform ready to assist. These are the people that watched me
ran out of this place the last time. I didn't show them anything,
that if I did feel something, as they took my and the prince's
cases inside the palace. The king and queen gave me the all too
familiar judging stares. I came here for the prince not for
I'm back now...
Ntombi POV.
I never thought the sound of spoons and forks against plates
could be so uncomfortable. I don't want anyone to say
anything. I'm good, I don't want their sympathy. I'm over that
now. I want to be seen as the Ntombi that I am today. I'm
stronger. Do they even trust me to become their next queen.
Either way I am going to become one.
I set next to the prince's right and infront of the dinner table
the king and queen sat, giving me those 'should we come over
there to hug you or you are fine' looks or maybe I'm mistaking
them for ' is she really telling the truth'looks. As I said before I
don't care... and I might be paranoid.
"So son, I hope you've taken enough rest because we have a lot
of work to do." The king said obviously trying to take away the
silence, to which the prince responded with a nod. We
continued eating in silence.
"We'll be going to rest now. Father, mother, See you all
tomorrow." The Prince said. Clearly seeing the uneasiness that
everyone seems to be ignoring. I'm greatful for what he did. I
can't stand these stares for much longer. We made our way to
his room. A feeling of déja vu as i walked passed the familiar
corridors. Things would be different now. My love has got me.
"I'll be freshening up now. Please make yourself comfortable."
He seemed a bit distracted. The thought of him changing his
mind about me gave a a slight shiver in this hot weather.
Speaking of which it's abnormally hot in here...
After some few minutes of the Prince not returning I decided to
change before climbing into bed. I rummaged through my
clothes in search of a light cloth to wear since it's abnormally
hot today or maybe it's the weather transition because where I
come from night used to be cool and sometimes cold.
I took my upper clothes off and let my two breast ,that hasn't
yet known the feel of gravity, out in the open. Next came my
down clothing. I hope the Prince will be there for a bit longer...
wait... why can't I hear any noise coming from him. I started
panicking and for a fraction my heart stopped pumping blood as
I turned and saw the Prince with his mouth fully open and eyes
that almost turned black. I don't know maybe it was because of
the state that I was in. He looked hot. His upper body with all
the muscles in the right places. All the nakedness was forgotten
as i stared back at his naked form.
He looked mad hot. Feelings, unfamiliar ones, coursed through
my body. Strange objects seemed to be doing somersault in my
flat stomach as his eyes took a brief scan of me. I wasn't scared,
I wanted him to see and love every part of me.
"Ntombi." His breathing seemed to change tones, high then
low, loud then soft. Again I don't know, maybe it's the state I'm
in. As much as he seemed to sin in his mind I also couldn't help
I don't remember much only that we are now on top of his
bedding and my heart is about to fly out of my chest. Kisses on
my neck, breasts, stomach, abdominal, hips and the gods help
me because when they touched the forbidden place I couldn't
help the curling of my toes and the strange sounds out of my
now plump lips.
His face still was still a bit wet because it seemed to cooled
a small fraction of my now aroused body. Flames.. that's all I
could see and think of. The room was fogged with something
much more than our breathe.
This is it. He can't stop now. I want him more than anything. I
opened my legs wide open for him. The panick settles in as i felt
the firm member I got to know pretty well for some minutes
now poke my entrance.
The Sun rays blinded my vision as i slowing opened my eyes.
The room was meant to suck in as much light as possible. Birds
chirped and chickens crowed. It's morning now, so fast. Last
night's memories flashed in my mind as a hand pulled be closer.
The slight movement caused a slight burn.
"How's my lovely queen?" The Prince faced me. I don't want to
speak because of my morning breath and this is sort of my first
love-making so you can imagine the slight awkwardness I felt at
the moment.
"I should be asking you that question. A wife needs to make
sure that her husband is well at all times." I stretched a bit
"I'm in euphoria and in this case it's my full time job to make
sure that my lovely queen is happy and healthy the whole
time,so tell how are you ." This made me smile.
"Same as you except a bit more happier." He shifted closer to
me and gave me the longest kiss we've ever had. I thought I'd
feel guilty because we of last night's action and the fact that we
are not married yet.
Our morning make out was disturbed by a knock on the door. It
was one of the servant with our breakfast.
I hear that people are coming by today to welcome the Prince.
Well to tell the truth I think I'm the cause of the mass of the
people that will be coming. I mean come on, the last time these
people ever saw me I was in tears pointing fingers that my step-
father raped me.
I don't want to admit but deep down I know that I still fear that
man. It's not really easy to change ones mind after so many
years... It became some like sort of a religion to fear Sipho. I
don't want to set my eyes on that man ever again including that
mother of mine. I'm done with them both.
Once again a feeling of dèja vu as woman ululated and man
sang songs that shook the ground. Why do i feel as thought the
elements are testing me or is it God? Well either way I'm going
to pass this test. I danced around with my Prince and welcomed
some important people. This is the glory days of mine. I'm going
to live it as i like it.
I will plan my wedding this time...
Prince Muzi POV.
I'm really disgusted by all this activity that is happening right
now. How dare of my father to invite people on my behalf
without even asking me. I'm being the obedient son at the
moment, you know pretending as if everything is okay. I don't
want to let Ntombi out of my sight. I pray to the gods that her
mother doesn't even show her face because if she does... the
gods so help me.
As usual I'm expected to say something to the people, so here I
am in front of everybody about to deliver the speech that'll give
people permission to eat and drink away with everything. Here
goes nothing.
"Greetings to all." You know how people greet back the royal
ones. Bows after bows and the echoes carried by the wind to
God knows where.
"I'm the one honoured to be welcomed with so much love from
my people. I missed home but mostly I missed my love,
Ntombi." This seemed to have shocked people a bit. What did
they expect. Whether they like it or not Ntombi will be the next
queen of Zulu land.
"I'm greatful that this are the kind of people that I'm associated
with. People who know love but unfortunately we lack justice."
Gasps travelled all around. They all knew what I was talking
about, fortunately for them this isn't the right time. I think it's
the alcohol talking. The only thing shutting me up is Ntombi's
disapproving looks.
"But this is not what we came here for. You all came here to eat,
drink and celebrate me. So cheers." My people clapped. Food
and drinks were distributed by the palace's servants. Music
players continued with their drums, there were dancers but
mostly drunkards showing us their crazy dance moves.
This wasn't as bad as i thought it would play out. Ntombi was
having fun and so I was happy...
Even a deaf man could hear the celebration going on in the
palace. This only means one thing, the Prince is back and so is
my daughter. My precious daughter is safe, thank the gods. I
know I shouldn't go and I'm not going to go but that does not
stop the aching feeling in my heart to see my daughter. I'm so
selfish and forever will i be.
I'm a bit moody with all the activities going on, both in my head
and this land. Sipho is the one suffering from it. I refuse to be
his servant today. I wasn't raised that way. He's just so annoying
at the moment. Precious this and Precious that.
"Could you just shut up!" This is the zillionth time I've been
shouting this to him.
"I need to go please." Oh my ancestors! Isn't this punishment
enough already!
"You old man, have you no shame? My daughter whom you
have raped is here and instead of you trying to make some
amends you are here... so demanding. Have you no shame at
all?"I just wanted to spit at him at this point. Between him and
i, we know that confessing to the people and apologising is
something we won't do. I think that is what gives him some sort
of power because ever since he found out that I won't open my
mouth to the people about his doings he seemed to have
gained some balls.
I need to escape. I don't know where. So I take two clay pots
and start walking the same way my daughter used to take when
she was just an innocent little girl. Now I'm the one doing her
job, walking in this excruciating heat to the stream and trying to
mind my own business. The people will always talk and that is
why I keep on going despite the gnawing stares I'm getting from
passers by.
"Isn't her daughter back? What is wrong with this woman?" I
hear people behind me whispering. It seems to me that they
don't care whether I hear them or not, or maybe they do want
me to hear whatever it is they want to say. Couldn't they just
say it to my face. Gossips ...
" my friend you never know what goes on in another person's
head. They might not want to associate themselves with such a
daughter. Sipho is a good man. He wouldn't do such a thing
especially to his daughter."
"Mmmh Mandlovu don't say that. This is more deeper than you
think..." I paced my speed up so Couldn't hear anymore of their
bickering. This caused loud giggles coming from the woman. I
hate my life...
Sleep, eat and sleep some more, that's what I have been doing
all the week. Since the welcoming party of the Prince passed
I've been so bored except when the Prince returns from
whatever duty he does the whole day. I just wish things
between my family and I were perfect or at least had some
friends, so I could visit someone.
The only person I've made close to a friend is the maid that the
Prince specially assigned for me. Her name is Zodwa she a bit
older than me and she always has the right things to say, which
is why I'm a bit wary of her. Either way she's great company.
Today I asked her to join me for breakfast. We sat opposite
eachother with her body language showing her
uncomfortability. She is probably wondering what it is I want
from her. All I need from the poor girl is some update and she
will benefit form it. A little bit of comment from the royals
about what they think of me won't hurt. I just need to make
sure the get the message that this is my era. Things are about to
"Zodwa, please relax. I won't bite." That's if she gives me what I
want. She composed himself a bit. I don't blame her. This chair
is more comfortable to what she's used to.
"Sorry my princess. It's just not common for me to dine and eat
like this. I'm used to working all day. I'm glad the Prince
assigned me to you." Me too my friend.
"Please call me Ntombi. You know how boring it gets when you
do nothing the whole say. I just need someone to keep me
busy." She seems to be not bothered by what I was saying. All
she cared about were those eggs she gobbled down
aggressively. Do these people get good food around here?
"I'm always at your service Prince... i mean Ntombi." I smiled at
her. She is a good girl. I just need a way to approach this
"I know but I need someone who's more of a friend than a
worker." She gave me a wide grin showing pieces of food in
between her teeth. "I need you to tell me what people say." I
just went on to tell her what I want from her. I don't want to
waste time. She a bad eater anyway. Next time I won't be eating
when she is.
"So you want me to spy?"
"Precisely. "
So you want me to spy."
"Precisely. "
"My princess.. I mean Ntombi. You know the amount of trouble
I could get if i were to get caught. I can't risk so much. I've
worked so hard to earn a place here. If it wasn't for my friend
my family would still be starving and my younger siblings would
have nothing to eat as we speak. Please don't put me in that
position." I felt for her but she's making it seem as if I want her
to blow the whole palace in one go.
"Zodwa look, there's no need to panick. You will not get fired
not as long as I'm here. I'm only asking that you tell me all that
is happening around me. The gossips and how the people feel
about my return. How do you feel about that?" She stopped
eating as if I've asked her to walk around the whole village
"Ntombi, I've always felt sorry for you. No matter how dum a
person can be everyone saw how hurt you felt that day." She
extended her hand to mine.
"You are strong and no matter what happens just know it's not
the prince's doing but his parents. That man loves you and I too
envy that kind of love from a man like the prince. Someone who
would do anything for me." She really isn't bad. I guess I
misjudged her but I'm still cautious, you can never trust anyone
around here. This is the palace where everyone seeks power
and would do anything for anyone just to get there.
"My princess I promise I will inform you of any activity that
might happen without your knowledge. You have shown me so
much kindness than anyone has ever shown me before. You are
a good person and that is what the people of this land needs at
the moment. " she's right. It's time for change and I'm going to
bring that change.
"Thank you so much Zodwa. I'll make sure to reward you for
this." I gave her a firm nod.
"Speakng of which, I hear the Prince want to marry you as soon
as possible. He was making arrangements just two days ago
with the elders. I think they are planning to visit your home for
your bride price." She just kept on gobbling her food down her
throat. I wonder which home they are speaking about. The last
time I checked I no longer have a family member around. It just
me and my mother and I do not want to associate myself with
that woman. If I were that bad hearted I sure was going to give
her a hell of a time in this land.
It's night now and as usual I'm waiting for the Prince. His
cuddles are so addictive and I can't sleep without his arms
around me. You know that feeling you get when all else is still
and there's inadequate lighting. Somehow you are tuned to
think, you think a lot and right now there are words roaming
inside my head that I can't seem to ignore. No matter how hard
I try.
"You are strong and no matter what happens just know it isn't
the prince's doing but his parents." Those were the words
Zodwa said to me earlier. I can't help but think there's
something which I'm missing. Does the king not want me here?
My thoughts were interrupted by loud voices. It's seems as if
MAKE ME." - Muzi's voice.
I couldn't help but leave the room to see the commotion and I
wasn't the only one. The queen was already standing there as if
this kind of thing is usual. She didn't want to get involved and so
did I.
"Son hush now! I'll not have you speaking to me in that manner.
As i said before I've promised her parents. This has to be done.
The poor girl has everything prepared. They...I mean we are all
waiting on you. This isn't some love fairytale in which you are
living son. We are royals and the people come first. Not us but
the people." - the king.
He walked away giving me a quick look on his way. This is the
first time I've seen a fight between the Prince and the king.
The awkwardness when were alone in his room was
unbearable. I don't want to put anymore stress on him than he
has. For the first time I don't know how to comfort him. Is this
the part he says it's not you but me part. I don't want to go back
and live without him.
"Ntombi, look at me. I will not marry Eliza. She's the princess of
our neighbouring village and as you've heard she was promised
my hand in marriage. I'll always want you. You need not to
worry about her." We sat down almost as if the action will calm
both our nerves down.
"I believe you Muzi." I softly caressed his left chick. What else
could I say to him. I know he's trying so hard. "... but what
would we tell your father. He's the king and his word is final.
Even though you are his son I don't think you hold that much
power and to top it all up he's your father. I don't want your
family to hate me because of this. I literally don't have any
fighting bones. I just want peace to reign."
"And I promise you that baby. I will give you anything that you
want. I just need to let my father see that I will not obey him
this time. He's always been controlling." ~Muzi.
"But I don't want it to be at the extend of your happiness.
Whatever happens I will understand." I really meant it. I don't
want to complicate things for him. If it's for the goodness of this
land then so be it.
"Ntombi I want you and that's final." He stood up and went to
God knows where.
The following morning the Prince wasn't by his side of the bed,
which could only mean one thing. He didn't sleep here.
Whatever it is he went must have been important. This is the
first time he has slept without me.
"Come in please." I answered to the person that was
aggressively knocking on my door.
"My princess... I mean Ntombi the king sent me to fetch you as
fast as I can." Ahh the lovely Zodwa. I must say I never thought
she was capable of panicking the way she did today.
"You serious? Is the Prince okay." The king never sent for me
and the fact that he does now when the Prince hasn't been
seen bothers me.
"Well about the prince, I thought he'd be here with you. The
king is livid. Whatever is going through his mind right now is not
sitting well with him." Okay...
"I'll be there in a minute."
"He said now. I'm afraid he's angry with you. Is there something
you did?" ~ Zodwa
"Well.. not that I'm aware of. It might be concerning the Prince.
He didn't sleep here last night.
I felt like nothing as i stood in front of the king. Slowing making
my way towards him as he had that 'we don't have the whole
day' look. I should be positive. Whatever happened to the
prince must be pretty serious because so far the king avoided
anything that had to do with talking with me... until now. Or he
simply want to know where his son is.
"Sit." One loud command from the king sent cold shivers all
over my body. I set down and waited for him to reach his
thrown to sit as well.
"Ntombi." Okay this isn't going to go good. The way he called
my name wasn't friendly at all. As much as this man is treating
me like a person who did some horrible crime in his kingdom, I
have to respect him because he is my king and the father of the
man I love.
"My king." I said that with so much confidence I think i threw
him back a bit.
"I received news that Prince has gone away to another village.
Now I want you to tell me something. Do you have any doing in
that? Was this your plan all along." Okay so that is where Prince
Muzi went to that kept him from even wishing me a
simple goodnight sleep. I almost thanked him for the
information he just gave me but then I remembered that with it
came a very disturbing question or rather a suspicion.
"My king. I had no idea where the Prince was until now. I don't
have any doing in what your son plans to do. As much as
everyone in here is worried about his where about I'm equally
as worried if not more."
"I want to know if you were the one that put some silly idea
into his mind to go tell my friend that he can't marry his
daughter. Because if it is I tell you young lady I will show who's
castle this is." Okay... right now I felt like running and locking
myself in an isolated room and cry alone. Why does everyone
see me as threat?
Ok what...? The Prince took it upon himself to go tell Eliza that
he would not marry her. What the actual heck is happening
here. The gods have mercy. It all makes sense that the king
would think i have a hand in all this. How do I even begin to
explain myself.
"Well my king... you see, I... I uhm. " that's me stuttering and
looking for all the right words I've been taught all my life. For
once in my life can something disturb and save me from this
embarrassing moment.
"SPEAK." His voice bounced against all the four corners of this
sacred room.
"Father stop!" The Prince came in time before I could put myself
in more tanglement than I'm already in. "You can't torture her
for my doings father, She's innocent."
"Do do you not understand the complications you just created.
Those people are one of our top traders, Muzi. With you and
Eliza together this kingdom could flourish." it really hurt to hear
all of this. It made me realise then and there that I have nothing
to offer. I'm just here to cause mayhems and break down
relationships. It is times like this that you really ask yourself
this, did I make the right decision?

Muzi POV.
Before morning in the Zwane ( neighbouring
"My son I really appreciate and admire your courage. As a king
and father I don't want my daughter to be in a love less
marriage. But somethings have to be considered. What about
the promise your father made on your behalf. My daughter has
rejected countless suitors for you." King Jabulani Zwane and I
were in his lovely home. My father was right. These people
have so many resources and riches. My kingdom didn't stand a
chance competing with them. They had everything. The finest
and latest architecture. Their kingdom is indeed beautiful.
"I understand that adults can be in a hurry to make decisions for
their children and i do not object but I would like you to tell
Eliza personally. She has grown quite fond of you." King Jabulani
continued. I really don't care what I have to do. I just want to
make Ntombi happy and the look she gave me today is
something i do not want to live with. I love that woman so
The king gestured to one one of the guards to Fetch Eliza. The
waiting was quite awkward. I mean how can you look at the
father of the daughter you are about to break their heart.
"Father, I told you I'll be..." she stopped in her tracks when she
saw me. She is so beautiful. Beautiful flow less hair cascaded
down her shoulders, clear Brown skin. She is tall with all the
curves in the right places. She screamed royalty and elegance.
"Oh, excuse my rudeness. Father you didn't tell you had a
visitor. Prince Muzi it's wonderful to finally meet you in person."
She extended her hand to me and gave me a slight bow with a
wide grin on her face. Her teeth were as white as the shooting
stars when contrasted with the dark evening sky and oh her
hands were as soft as the silk we import back at home.
"Princess Eliza, you look immaculate." I stood up to formally
greet her properly. We both took our seat.
"Eliza, the Prince here want to tell you something. I'll excuse
you too to talk. " she gave me the widest grins a princess could
master. Gosh she is beautiful. The king gave me "the look"
before he exited the room.
"Princess please do not give me that look. The purpose for this
visit isn't a happy one. I came to tell you that I can't marry you.
I'm in love with another maiden from my villlage." She gave out
one ugly laugh that for a moment I thought I had suddenly
grown two heads.
"My Prince. What are talking about. Please don't joke like that. I
assure you that I'm not one of those oppssesive and controlling
wives. No need to be scared. Marriage is a natural thing and in
our case it will strengthen the two kingdoms. Mine and yours
and as you can see I have some pretty genes..." She kept on
about how cute and wonderful our children will be. Truly
speaking the only person in my mind was Ntombi. I only want
her to have my children.
"Look princess Eliza, you are beautiful and any man would be
stupid to not fall for you but I'd be more of an idiot if I leave the
only person the gods have blessed me with. I'm sorry this
marriage is cancelled. I'm so sorry for giving out false hope and
wasting your time." I felt like a bigger fool for sitting next to this
wonderful lady and watching her tears roll down her face but
the heart want what it want.
"Why can't you love me my Prince. I have fallen so deeply in
love with you. Please think about this at least. She can't be that
beautiful for you to throw everything that can be beneficial to
both the kingdom." She pleaded.
"My princess please don't do this to yourself. Hold on to
whatever dignity you've got left. I just told you that I love
another woman and you can't be begging like this. I only pray
we become good friends. That's all that I can offer." She turned
her face around as if to gather her wits.
I had to get going but it was too late so I stayed over night only
to go back home very early in the morning. It's best if I get there
early, I have a strong feeling that my father would want every
reason to send Ntombi away but I can't allow that.
Present time at Zulu land.
"Father I thought I would make things easier for you by telling
king Jabulani of the sudden change is your plans by myself ." I
said to the king. " now leave Ntombi alone. The only thing she
has done is to return the love i give her. It's time that everyone
including you get that she is the woman I plan to marry and I'm
willing to risk everything for." The king paced up and down
probably contemplating what I just said. This is an ultimatum,
either I rule with Ntombi or I don't at all! It's really hard
standing up to the man you've always looked up to.
"Son, I hope you truly know what you are doing." With that he
left Ntombi and I alone.
Muzi POV.
"My love I am so sorry that I left you without any explanation. I
just had one goal in mind and I couldn't wait to get it done." I
said to Ntombi deeply hoping she isn't so angry toward me. She
just folded her arms and stared at me.
"Please say something." I begged.
"What do you want me to say Muzi. Was I worried about
you?obviously." It's amazing how she can sometimes hold onto
things. I could tell she was deeply scared and worried. For what
I do not know.
"Aren't you going to say something about what I did." I asked
"Your father and probably your mother hates me, Muzi. This is a
mess. This isn't what I intended to find when I came back here
with you. I don't want that sort of isolation again. I want to fit in
and I wanted a family who will love me and see me as a
precious thing to them but so far I've just seemed to complicate
stuff." A tear rolled down her left tender chick. All I wanted was
to wipe all that away, the sorrows and pain.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm being selfish right now and want
you only for myself. I promise you that when I become king
you'll be my first priority. I just want you to know that I love you
and only you Ntombi. Please see that I'm trying. "
"I know you are. Is it enough though?" She was really breaking
my heart right now. I don't want this. Can't she see that I just
rejected one of the most influential princesses just for her? Isn't
that some sort of proof. What more should I do because the
only thing I can think of is for the both of us to die. I don't want
to be without her in this world nor the other.
Ntombi POV.
I'm just being what they call a female dog right now, a bitch.
Here is a prince in front of me confessing his love me and risked
his birth right for me and I'm being selfish. But can you blame
me? I just want love from everyone. Exceptance . I wanted both
parents but as clichè as it is, this is life and it's so damn hard!
As much as i want to run away to the people that see me as
someone, I can't. I really love this man in front of me. I want all
of him and deep down I'm so damn happy that he told that Eliza
her place. He's mine and no one else's. This is the only part of
my life where I get to be as selfish and evil as ever. I would do
anything so they all better becareful.
"What are you saying Ntombi, huh. I can't let you go this time."
Muzi was totally broken and I wanted nothing but for the both
of us to just have joyful bliss for the rest of our life's.
"Muzi, this is so hard but I want you to understand that I won't
leave you no matter what. How are we going to face all this
rejection from everyone towards me. I love you and a deeper
part of me is happy that you got rid of the one thing that
threatened me." I held his head up and all I could see was rinkle
lines on his forehead. He was tired.
"Let's go sleep. We'll sort everything else when you are well
rested. We both walked to our chamber and just relaxed.
"There's nothing to solve. I've handled everything. We just need
to prepare for our wedding." That was the last thing he said
before he drifted off to sleep.
Things might just get better. With that thought I quickly drifted
off to sleep too. I didn't sleep well without him. Forever it will
be him.
"But I think the other cloth is much better. Look at the colour, it
pops out the beauty of your brown eyes. " Zodwa said trying to
coo me into selecting different colours of cloth. I'm getting
married in a few weeks time. Muzi is up and down going around
about his royalty duties so I'm with Zodwa organising
everything and with the help of the queen too. She's kind. I
think Muzi got his kind and calm nature from her.
Not that I dislike the king but you all know what happened. He
seems okay with the wedding and has since tried to help Muzi
with the traditional side of things, which is one of the reasons
I've been so jumpy and worried. My nails are starting to lose
their beauty because they are taking all the punishment from
my teeth biting from all the nervousness.
There are a lot of things that the royal family is skipping
concerning my wedding. According to our tradition there has to
be a bride price that the groom has to pay to the bride's family.
The king suggested that we pay it to Sipho and my mother as
seeing they are the only people I'm related to. It came to the
king's surprise when theh all found out that Sipho is my step-
father. I really don't know where my father disappeared to.
This whole thing is worrying me but the king understand so
does everyone. So there won't be any bride price seeing that
there's no one they can offer it to. The Prince promised me a lot
of material stuff just to make up for it but he doesn't need to
because I have him.
"Ouuhh!! I think tribe and beans should definately be included
in the manue." Zodwa kept on mumbling. It was as if this
wedding would be hers. I was in my world until...
"I heard that king Jabulani and his wife are coming over prior
the wedding. I've also heard that princess Eliza, their spoilt
daughter, will be coming too. She's known for her beauty
through out this entire village if not the whole world." I turned
my head to give her the most scariest look that I didn't know I
could master.
"Did I say anything wrong my princess?" Oh she definitely
noticed. I just decided to let it slide. Her comment about her
threw me off guard. This Eliza shouldn't be a problem, right?
"No nothing, please continue. I just thought the tribe would be
a little too much now, don't you think?" She relaxed a bit.
"Well... seeing as you are the future queen, nothing is too much
for you. You should enjoy. You deserve this and much more."
Zodwa can be sweet when she want to be. In her I've found a
friend, you know someone to talk to.
"Thank you Zodwa." With that her mumbling continued and so
did my spacing out to the memories of the Prince and I in our
chambers last night... and the precious nights before that.
Whoever came up with the definition of a man certainly didn't
get the full experience of all that.
This marriage has caused so much attention from all over the
kingdom and our neighbouring kingdoms . Today is the day
before my marriage and I should say, I'm not so thrilled to be
meeting the notorious "Eliza". Her family would be coming
tonight. The palace is big enough to house a mass of people.
The palace maids are going up and down making sure
everything is ready for the guest and for my wedding.
"So Eliza and her family would be arriving today?" I've been
asking the Prince. I was hoping something would change about
Eliza, that she isn't coming anymore.
"Yeah..." the Prince said awkwardly.
"Will she be occupying one of the guest rooms outside or
inside?" He fiddled awkwardly, preparing to meet his father. I
mean I need to know. This is the woman people have been
going on about. She's all beauty, brains and charms so I'm a
tiny bit jealous if not more.
"Ntombi I really don't know. I don't handle such matters. Find
the head maid or better yet ask my mother. They might know.
Look my love I should be going. I'll see you during dinner. I need
to sort out some stuff with my dad." He gave me a quick peck
on the lips and disappeared. the thing is he won't even see me
tonight. i'm not allowed to see anyone before the night of my
If I didn't know any better I'd say he is avoiding me. The Prince
never gives me a peck. His goodbyes are always long. It must be
this Eliza.
I heard her full name is Elizabeth. Even her name is fancy.Oh my
ancestors! this girl is making me uneasy for some reason and I
haven't even met her.
Muzi pov.
"So this whole parameter belongs to the nguni's and from there
it's all our property." My father said to me. We went for a walk.
I have a feeling he want to talk to me about something. I really
don't care as long as I'm far away from the palace right know,
lately I'm tired. If it isn't pressure from Ntombi then it's from
the king.
Ntombi is worried about Eliza. To be honest i feel annoyed and
angry at her. It means she doesn't trust me. I don't see why she
should be worried at all. This whole time it has been about
Eliza. I haven't been able to fully touch her these past few days
because all we do is talk about the princess Eliza. Her name just
turns me off.
I really don't want to be there when she arrives because one i
have been deprived of my female's attention and Eliza has godly
beauty and two I know ntombi will complain. She will be
occupying the guest room inside but I didn't want to tell her. It
has been a battle lately with Ntombi. I can never win.
"Muzi my son." My dad stopped turning in my direction. "Yes
"I really hope you do know what you are doing Muzi. As your
father I want you to be happy. Bring a king is so much harder
but having the right woman with you will make all else a breeze.
I really do hope that I led a good example my son." This is was
all great and all. This means that in his own way he approves of
Ntombi but somehow I feel this isn't the point he was trying to
"Well my son, I have taught you very well. I'm sure you will lead
this kingdom to greatness. Your heirs shall continue to do the
same. I pray that my ancestors will help in making my wish
come true." He looked at me then up the sky with his right hand
placed near where his heart was located.
"Father, I promise to always make you proud no matter what.
You are my super dad. But father I do not understand all this.
Why are you telling me this?"
"Well firstly you are about to enter into a very serious
commitment and with the way you fight for that lady I can tell it
is going to be a life-time journey with her. Secondly, I didn't
want to have to tell you this way... son I'm very sick. I have been
experiencing some major headaches these past months and the
royal sangoma ( a whitch doctor), Vuzi, said that I have no time
left. The ancestors are on the other side waiting for me." He
can't be saying this. I want him to meet his grandchildren. As
old as i am I still want my father to stick around a bit.
"But father, there has to be some sort of a mistake."
"No no no son. No one knows of this and I want it to be that
way. I only told you so that you can prepare for my death. You'll
be the man of the house and even more the king of this
kingdom. I don't want them to see you as weak. I want your
people to respect you and have no fear that you will lead them
in the right direction." I was trying to be that strong person he
wants me to be. I tear threatened to break out but I held it back
and swallowed the sore lump in my throat.
"I get it father. I'm glad that you have seen the woman I love." I
had to be appreciative of the the things my ancestors have
given me instead of wondering on the what if's.
"Me too son, me too. I'll be there every step of the way. Most
importantly I wantyou to know that I'll be there for you. No
matter what." With that we left the land he was showing me
and went to join the rest for lunch later. I have to be a man. This
thing of trying to avoid Ntombi isn't the solution.
I have to be mature about everything. She feels insecure and I
have to show her that princess Eliza means absolutely nothing
to me. I'm going back to ensure that all else is set. Ntombi can't
really do anything. She's bound to stay inside the house until
the wedding and I can't see her until tomorrow on our wedding.
"Your kingdom is wonderful Prince Muzi. The people are so
welcoming and friendly." Eliza said. Sitting across of me. Her
family made it here early and some royals did too. We were all
dining and chatting all politics. They all haven't set eyes on
Ntombi. I can't wait for all of them to see how beautiful and
humble she is.
"Yes of course. Ubuntu is in our blood." i tried speaking as
minimum as i could with her but she has been non-stop
speaking to me. can't she get the clue already.
I continued eating. i wanted to be excused as soon as possible.
Eliza speaks so much especially for a lady such as herself. I think
it has to do with the amount of people that told her she has a
beautiful voice, which she does unfortunately it comes with a
headache. I don't see how wonderful we could have been
I got and left everyone to do their thing, which is chatting non-
stop. i wasn't at all interested. i just wanted to get married and
possibly getting an heir. it something i have to think about
Ntombi POV.
" Future queen of zulu land. I'm so happy for you." Zodwa's
voice shook me out of my hazy day-dream with the prince.
Zodwa is a constant reminder of my wedding with the prince
tomorrow. I am excited don't get me wrong. it's just things have
been done differently for me. my lobola (bride price) isn't paid
but i love the the prince so all that does not matter. I'm afraid
my ancestors will turn their backs on me.
I'm in my chambers. i'm not allowed to be seen until tomorrow.
it really annoys me that I won't be with Muzi until tomorrow.
Well... at least I have Zodwa.
Well who thought that I Ntombi would be marrying the Prince
of my land. I'm in love and I thank the gods for favouring me.
Today is my wedding day and I couldn't believe it when Zodwa
harshly woke me up with the numerous wedding songs she's
been singing. She's happy that I'll be queen... well not yet but
soon, either way I'll be the princess to the handsome Muzi.
Aaaaahhhh!!! I'm getting married!!! That's me panicking...
I'm eating porridge while Zodwa is sorting out my outfit. She's
been of great help. I don't know what I would do without her
honestly. I miss Muzi so much i can't wait to see him tonight. As
for Eliza I don't want to think about her that much. That woman
has been my nightmare. I trust Muzi but it's her I don't trust.
"Here we go, future queen of my land." Zodwa said tramatically
handing me my outfit. Ignoring the sense of deja vu I slipped
the dress on. It slightly resembles the one i had worn the day I
ran away but this one is more beautiful. Crafted for only the
best. It doesn't seem to be missing a a bead of colour. It's
amazing. After she handed me some jewelleries to match my
outfit. This has to be the queen that handled and organised
things too. Her style of elegance shows in my outfit.
"I'm so happy for you Ntombi. You are my role model. When
something goes south I'll remember that I can do anything
because you can. Enjoy and remember that the Prince loves
you. I see the way he looks at you. The admiration in his eyes
matches with the way he looks at you." Zodwa almost made me
cry with that speech. She's really been a friend to me. I never
thought the woman whom I called to spy for me is now my best
"Let's wait for the queen. She'll escort you out since your
mother isn't here." I turned sharply at the mention of my
"Zodwa I told you not to mention those people. I don't want to
think of anything bad today. I'm going to marry Muzi and that's
it. No mother nor Sipho or anything bad you hear. I know you
mean the best but I really don't want to reminded of all those
bad things that happened, especially today. Okay?" I didn't
leave space for any further explanation. I think I kind of blew
her bubble.
"Well...", zodwa said, "I think that's the queen." A knock saved
us from the awkward atmosphere that I had created. The queen
walked in with the widest smile and the most beautiful outfit
with all kinds of the finest jewellery. "You ready??" She asked
with her famous dazzling smile.
"I'm ready my queen." I responded. In my head I was like, dang
let's do this. The queen with the help of Zodwa covered me with
a blanket. It must have cost a fortune because it was so silky
and warm. As the bride I had to be covered up and most
importantly I shouldn't look at anyone in the eye as a sign of
The queen escorted e out of the royal building with maidens
behind us ulating and singing all kinds of Zulu songs. It's sad
that non of my family was here. So would've loved for me to be
handed over to Muzis' family and for a tough negotiation
between the two families to occur but non of that happened.
For me it's all different. My in law will be in place of my mother.
She'll hand me over to Muzi as the elders bless us and gifts will
be given to us.
It wasn't really hard for me not to look at anyone as a hat with
beads that hang in front of my face was elegantly made for me.
I sag on the mat with the Prince in front of me. In short he
looked handsome. He's Zulu attire showed all the goodies that
made me blush now and then. He is indeed a piece offering
from my ancestors. He gave me a charming smile and I returned
it back though doubting that he saw mine.
People danced and sang to welcome the king upfront.
"We are gathered here to witness an amazing reunion in this
our kingdom. Fellow kings and royals. This is Prince Muzi and
his to be wife, Ntombi. My children I wish you happiness, power
and lot of heirs. May our ancestors continue to guide the two to
continue leading this kingdom to greatness." People ulated,
clapped and whistled at the kings' words. This was his way of
introducing us to the people and giving us his blessings. I
attempted to turn around but I then rememberedI asn't
supposed to look at anyone. I really wanted to see this Eliza.
Well at least she'll be the one seeing me marrying the Prince, I
consoled myself. I just have to hang in there after all this I won't
be seeing her. The quicker the better.
"Muzi, I want you to cherish this woman besides you. Love her
and in turn she she will respect you and see you as an
honourable man. May our ancestors bless this wedding." The
crowd went louder this time as the king finished up his words.
Music continued and some amazing dancers joined us in front.
Each royal family came forward to give their blessings to us. I
can't say I didn't see this coming but when Eliza stood up my
heart sped. "Firstly I want to thank everyone for their warm
welcoming and care. It's indeed true when they say this land is
known for their kindness and well-treatment. This is indeed
beautiful and I wish the newly we'd and prosperous and happy
life together." She said as she excused herself for the rest to
come forward. I don't know if she was being forward or what
but only the queen and kings have out blessings. I guess this is
what they mean to be a drama queen. She definitely wanted to
be noticed. Attention is what she got as she got awes here and
there and a loud applaud. Well... I can't really complain she did
say good things.
The wedding continued as usual. It became merrier when all
the royals were done giving us their blessings... oh let's not
forget the woman with their un-ending advices. Talk about
awkwardness, like jeez woman I got this. He's my man and I
trust I know him better than you all do.
I've never in my entire life seen an event so eventful. Everything
was just over the top. The food: Ugali, stew (3 big cows
slaughtered just for that), beans, sweet potatoes and more.
What really caught me of guard were my bride-maids. I didn't
know any do them. This event was really over. I can't be live the
queen really pulled this off. Even though we've had our up and
downs as in-laws I really appreciate their support and
acceptance. I don't know what more I could ask for. I have an
un-dieing love from Muzi and unconditional love from his
family. I'm really happy and I can't wait to start living and
experiencing all ove been deprived of all these years growing
up... love, family and warmth.
Precious pov.
My daughter is having the time of her life whilst I'm here,
chasing away flies that are invited by the oh so not
amazing smell emitted by my husband. Life is something else.
Not long ago people respected me. They envied my life and
now look... I've been degraded into a village entertainer. All
these woman found something to keep them busy when having
their un-organized meetings under the shades' of the ancient
There isn't much i can do about my situation. All Sipho does all
day is wish for his death. He can't just go. I'm not planning to
live the rest of this journey alone. I've stuck with that man. I just
wish I can abandon him and go back home. My mother's death
left the home that I've known to be eaten and torn apart by bad
weather and abandoness. There's an uncle of mine who lives in
the vilages' border. He's known for his wayward ways and has
been long forgotten by the family. It's only now that I remember
him. His the only surviving family that I have. It's a pity I can't go
to him. He might not remember me or he might not even have
a permanent home himself. I've been told he goes from house
to house living with different women. It's the reason my mother
decided to let him be and reserve herself the headache.
I've never lived so long without having food, just a loss of
appetite. I'm just too tired to care about giving my body the
necessary things for it to carry on living . I really want my
daughter back but not for the right reasons. She's married to
the prince and as such I should be flourishing and living the best
life anyone could only dream of. It's a good thing I wasn't
involved when they were getting married. The amount I would
have demanded for my daughter would be too much for an ear
to hear. The love of money has been there since.
The following day...
Sipho just had to take his last breath. I woke up one morning
having enough of his smell. I shook him like always, only this
time he didn't wake up. It's been hours now since some village
boys went out to dig his grave. All attention has been shifted to
Ntombi as people weren't at all shocked by the man they used
to fear. Something tells me that they are happy, I've been let on
to know the difference between respect and fear.
My husband is dead. All that's left for me is to join. What more
do I live for...
"My love when will all this end. I'm tired already. " - Ntombi.
"Well, I don't know. But I know someday our ancestors will give
us so many children we won't know what to do with them. We
just need to have patience." The Prince tried explaining.
"Yes but how long? I'm starting to think something is really
damaged in me. The elders and mostly your mother is running
out of patience. I can't stand to face them. We've been married
for 5 years!! You know that Jabu your advisor and his wife got
married 6 months ago and they have a beautiful baby girl. Just 6
months Muzi!!"
"Could you stop this!! Don't you think this is causing a lot of
stress on my side too. You don't see me going around and
questioning you right. Wife! You are starting to annoy me!! He
rushed out of the chambers to go where ever he goes. He never
tells me. We are becoming more distant by the day. All because
I can't conceive. My ancestors why??!! I'm tired of this.
I tried everything. The queen has been giving me all sort of
herbs and medicine that cleanses a womans' womb but nothing
has helped. For the past 5 years I've been struggling to provide
an heir to the thrown. A lot of things have happened in these
past 5 years...
2 years ago...
Today I wanted to impress everyone in the palace. I'm making
dinner and I've got to be quick about it. My husband and his
father would arriving soon. The queen didn't know I was doing
this. She wouldn't approve and she'd call the cook to relief me.
Today I felt happy. I've been married to Muzi for 2 years.
Everyone has excepted me and I'm loved unconditionally .
I stirred the stew like my entire life depended on it. A bead of
sweat made it down my forehead and I wiped it with my other
free hand. I'm sure everyone could smell this food as the aroma
choked me and tempted be to scoop a handful of meat and put
it in my watery hungry mouth.
I heard laughter and chattering as i finished up with cooking
pap. That must be them. I rushed outside to welcome my
husband. He looked handsome as always. His father looked
awful honestly. His health seemed to be deteriorating by every
passing second but all we get from him is that he's okay. I've
had this talk with Muzi but he brushes it off every time. The way
I know my husband I'd say there's something he knows.
"So how are things coming along with the trade." The queen
asked, interrupting the clattering of our plates and the shallow
"Well... we've been able to make a deal or two." The Prince
answered on his father's behalf. The conversation didn't go
much further after that.
Sleeping time came and all was still. Well... until during the
night a piercing scream came from the queen and kings'
chambers. Everyone rushed to see what was happening. The
sight in front of me was horrifying. Someone so great and kind.
His body layed still. So peaceful as if he was asleep. For a
moment I couldn't comprehend what was happening. It's only
when I've seen the queen with tears and a hopefless expression
that I put one and two together.
The king is dead...
Present time...
Honestly I'm becoming tired. I'm having regular periods, I've
tried everything and I've been submissive to my husband but
nothing. Maybe it's him. His seed might not be potent enough.
We just need one child. Grandmother please come rescue me
from this torture. Maybe I need to offer more things to appease
the ancestors. They might not be happy about something. Or
maybe I'm not the rightful queen for this kingdom. I mean how
could I...
Queen mother pov ( Muzis' mother)
"I know. You know I've always told those two that a having child
isn't as easy as it looked. My daughter in law is always
complaining but I'm always happy to help out whenever I
can. That was Dorothy. One of the five women I'm having lunch
with. We've been together through thick and thin. We've all
been having a lovely conversation and this woman decided to
just bring the baby issue. She just can't drop it.
She goes on and on on how we are all not getting young. She
seems to forget who's in charge here. To be honest she's always
been a bad nerve. The king and her had something before he
was mature enough. She's using my unfortunate situation to
mock me in front of the other woman. Does she not stop
"My friend. This thing that is happening in your home is not
ordinary." Pssh, did she just refer me to as her friend. She must
be on something.
"What do you mean." I replied harshly. I wanted to see where
this is going. It might be something the women of this land have
been running their mouth about lately.
"Well... what I'm saying is five years isn't something normal. No
child what so ever? Why still continue. Maybe this land should
consided taking in a new queen." This woman must be out of
her mind.
"Do you hear the things you are saying. My son would not have
any of that and who's better fit to marry my son again? My
desperation of a grandchild does not reach that level." Oh her
answer better be good.
"Remember that lovely princess that wanted to marry the
Prince. What her name again... uhm..." She put her index finger
on her chin as if in deep thoughts.
"Princess Eliza." A woman next to her filled in which she
nodded in agreement. It seems as if these people have been
discussing this matter.
"Princess Eliza you say?" The name slipped so smoothly on my
tongue and out of my mouth as if I've been saying it for quite
some time.
Muzi pov.
"Yes son something has to be done. This kingdom can't continue
to suffer like this. You need to show of something. What haven't
I done as a mother to help the both of you. Now my own mates
laugh behind my back all because your wife can't give birth to
even a girl." My mother yelled for the millionth time. I've just
had it with everyone.
"Mama what do you want me to do, mmh? I'm no miracle
worker. Everything happens for a reason. Have you no hope in
our ancestors? They know what they are doing." I again tried
reasoning to another person questioning this no child issue.
"My son, something is really wrong and it's your wife. All she
does is eat, sleep and cry to who so ever bridges her from giving
me a grandchild." How can she say that about Ntombi.
"Mama that woman is my wife. The queen of this kingdom." -
"Oh don't dare give me that right now. She isn't fit to be one.
She's just making a mockery of it. Don't you think people
question you too. I can't take that son. The people and our allies
must not see you as weak." How do you reply back to that.
There's no reasoning now. She has a point and there isn't a day
that passes by without me questioning my ancestors.
I have so much pressure to keep the kingdom and at the same
time making everyone happy. It doesn't help that every time
ceases a reason for me to defend my wife. What more can a
man do?
"Mom, what do suggest then? I can't control such things."
"You can. Take a second wife." With that final word of hers I
turned my back on her ready to leave her sight. She doesn't
deserve my respect. "Son wait! You need an heir you
know. Hope will not continue this family's lineage. Be a man
Muzi and stop running away!!" She yelled across the room
whilst I gracefully walked away. How would she feel if my father
took a second wife all in the name of a child.
Queen mother pov (Muzis' mother)
I'm meeting with the elders of this kingdom. As the queen
mother I've decided to take things into my own hands. I've
given that woman more than enough time to provide me a
grandson and an heir to the thrown. A woman has got to do
what a woman's got to do. This mockery in my kingdom has
gone on long enough.
Don't get me wrong I do adore my daughter in-law but this is
something that goes beyond anything. My sons' manhood can't
be questioned and it shouldn't. Everyone is as confused as the
other and as such believe whatever rumour that surfaces and
meet them.
With the elders on bored with the second wife issue Muzi
would have no choice but to do as told. His rule only goes so far.
He's bound to do what the elders think is better for the
kingdom. Much can't be done now. Eliza is still searching and if
she agrees to be my sons' second wife then I don't see why he
would throw a fit, Eliza is a beautiful princess.
"My elders, I greet you all. I have an important issue that needs
your attention and assistance." I went right ahead with what I
wanted with them. No need to beat about the Bush.
"Yes woman. Speak." The one who seems to be more in control
of himself answered me.
"As you all know. We've been waiting for our bride to produce
and heir to the thrown. These children are not getting young. I
fear that with more patience the issue would become more of a
problem. I want us all to act fast."
"But my queen. What is it that we can do." The one in the
middle asked. He has small curious eyes and big ears. He
sounded more intelligent than he looked.
"I want us to marry a second wife for my son." Silence emerged
and everyone looked at each other. Communicating with only
their eyes.
Finally they stopped nodding to each other. " I would be lying if
I say we haven't thought of that. I'm glad the queen herself
suggested it." One elder said. They were five in total.
"Yes, But how do we go about that?" Another one filled in.
"I hope you all remember princess Eliza. The one my husband
wanted for my son?" They nodded in agreement so I continied,
"I heard she still single and waiting for a suitor. I suggest one of
you go to find out more and ask if she's Still willing to marry my
"Wise choice my queen but don't you think we should notify
your son first." Curious eyes asked.
"Well... I'm sure you know how badly he would react to this.
This is the reason I called you people. As per our tradition he
can't defy the five of you standing together concerning one
issue, right?"
"Yes I do my queen but what about the wife, Ntombi?" I didn't
see the person that said that.
What can I really say about that. Ntombi has failed to fulfill the
duty at hand.
"I'm guessing she'll understand. She knows a son is needed.
Now that my husband is gone many people will try challenging
us and we don't want to rise doubt within our people. This is for
everyone's good." They all nodded.
"Then my queen I volunteer to go." The one who looked more
in charge said.
"Well then. You shall update us. Meeting dismissed." Shuffling
of feet echoed around the room as the men went away one by
one. The way they loved order, their departure was done in an
orderly manner.
Now off to telling my son the reality he has to get used pretty
son. Let's hope Eliza would be on bored with this...
Ntombi pov.
We all sat around the dining table eating our dinner. I sense
some tension from both the queen and the Prince. I feel like
this would have been much more pleasant if I ate in my
chambers. Times like these really makes me miss the past king.
He had some humour in him and he never made dinner times
this awkward.
"Please excuse me." I tried excusing myself since the situation
seemed to be getting much worse but the queen insisted that I
sit down.
"Ntombi, you haven't even touched your food. Should we call
the cook to make something else since you don't seem to like
the current food. Or is there something you are hiding from us.
Are you pregnant?" The queen just had to cut the wound even
"Mom please. Stop it!!" The Prince warned her mother.
"It's okay. I'll like to be excused now." I went right to my
chambers. "See I told you all she does is cry." I heard the
queen say on my way.
Muzi pov.
"Mother! I will not take this. When have started this behaviour
towards my wife. She's the queen for kingdom's sake." I tried
keeping my voice down.
"My son you need to new wife. I don't hate her. This situation is
just so unfortunate and frustrating. " she said. Raising the same
point I've forbidden her from ever saying.
"Mother I told you. I will not!! Now quit it."
"Well that's a shame then because all the elders have decided
and are now in the process of getting you a wife that will give
you children!"
"It's time to be a man son."
Ntombi pov.
It's been a week since I last saw the queen. She has successfully
made it on my bad list. I don't blame her. It's fate that I blame. I
need to act fast. I feel my marriage slipping out of my fingers,
the strong hold is fading. The Prince had ceased sleeping with
me for a very long time now. Call it being busy or what but I
know my man, a week without sex is like months in the
"Zodwa I'm really desperate now. I'm mentally struggling."
Zodwa was sitted across of me. We were having lunch outside
the garden.
"Ntombi, honestly speaking this is not just an ordinary thing. I
know you've adapted the white mens' culture but this is beyond
this your new found God. I say it's high time we consult the
sangoma (chief priest) to consult with the ancestors." I'd be
lying if I say I haven't considered it. Anything is an option at the
"Do you know anyone then." I asked desperately.
"Yes I do. He's really strong and I believe he'd be able to help. "
"What are we still waiting for then."
"It's a long journey. We need to prepare well. If we leave early
enough we will be back in the evening. Tomorrow should be
perfect. " My problem would be the Prince but he barely gives
me any attention. He won't notice my departure.
"Then we shall begin our way tomorrow before the cocks crow."
"Are you sure we are on the right track Zodwa? This place looks
really isolated I don't think a person can live in this kind of
condition." It was early morning and the Sun hadn't come out
when Zodwa and I ventured to find the 'powerful man'. It didn't
take much from me to get out of the house. Muzi was sleeping
like a baby and when he wakes up he'd want nothing but to
quickly start his day.
"Ntombi, you need to trust me. I'm so sure. " she ushered me
forward. If I didn't know Zodwa I was going to assume she want
to butcher me and leave my remains here. The Sun was dancing
around in the clouds. Slowing ascending and marking yet
another day.
"Okay but how long till we get there. I think we've travelled far
enough. I didn't sign up for this." I was seriously tired and
running out of patience. I feel like we are even going around in
circle. This place doesn't seem to be safe at all. The light created
by the morning Sun and the deadly green trees that aligned in
an orderly manner created a dangerous and a mysterious
atmosphere. I didn't know such a place existed in my kingdom
A little while longer the trees decreased and it seemed we were
at last reaching human civilization. Once we emerged from the
"jungle" we spotted an old woman.
"Good morning ma, we are look for bab'Dhlomo. The traditional
healer. " she turned toward us but what really disturbed me
was she looked at me for a very long time as if she knew me
from somehow. To be honest she possessed non-human
qualities except for flesh of course.
"My daughter if you continue on straight I bet you will find him
very easily." She smiled at us. Showing her dark stained teeth.
Talk about creepy. Her eerily white hair did no justice to her
"Thanks ma." I said. We left her side. I felt someone watching
me so I turned around and there was the old woman waving
and smiling. Her eyes stuck on me.
"Zodwa is it too late to go back. This place is giving me the
chills. Did you see that old woman." I swear she was now
getting annoyed. All I seemed to be doing was complain non-
"We are a few minutes away from a solution and the first thing
you want to do is run away. This is the chance for you to save
your marriage and thrown." She was right. I put on my bravery
act and stepped forward.
The woman was right. We never got lost after that. In front of
us stood a very colourful house. Drawn to draw the attention of
every living creature that set its eyes upon it. As I was about to
knock the door flew open. This left Zodwa and I with open
mouths because there was no one inside. Still with the bravery
act we stepped inside the hut.
"I've been expecting you?" someone in the shadows said.
"Please ma. We are looking for bab'Dhlomo. Forgive us if we
came to the wrong house." I said trying the see what so ever
was in the shadows. The voice sent cold shivers in my spine.
"No not at all. I'm mam'Dhlomo. The person you are looking
for." What? I thought that the traditional doctor would be a
man. The person finally emerged from the darkness. She looked
exactly like the woman that gave us the direction to this place.
Only she looked a bit young and... beautiful. My heart started to
beat a bit faster.
"Calm down and sit down. We don't have the whole day. Your
husband is already asking for you. I know what you came for so
there's no need to explain." She said flashing me a bright smile.
"See I told you you came to the right place." Zodwa said with
pride as we sat down the warm mat. This place looked cosy. It's
contrasted with the atmosphere outside. This woman seemed
to emit powers through her paws. She looked ancient... yet
young and wise. I'll have to ask Zodwa where she heard of this
Muzi pov.
"You are telling no one has seen my wife?? What do you man
do the whole day? I hope for your good my wife is safe
wherever she is. " I yelled to the head guard. I've been out of
my mind searching for Ntombi.
Wherever she is I suspect she went with Zodwa her private
maid because she is also missing. I hope this isn't some plan for
me to pay attention to her. Either way I have to find her in order
to ease my mind.
I paced my room. Feeling the air around me thicken is I replayed
the day I'd lost Ntombi and the amount of time I took to finally
find her. A knock came and before I could answer my mom
walked in.
"What is happening son? " she asked with a look of worry on
her face.
"Mom where my wife?" I asked desperately.
"Son how could you ask me such. How would I know that. Isn't
she your wife. Either way we've found a new wife..."
"Don't you dare bring that now. Ntombi is missing and you dare
utter such nonsense. I said i will not marry anyone."
"Son she's fine. She's with Zodwa. They are both full grown
woman. Now we need to get things quick. The new bride is
expecting us."
"GET OUT! NOW?" I ordered her. She looked at me as if not
believing what she's hearing.
"I'll be back." With those last words from her she left me alone.
Ntombi pov
"Please tell me. How do I give my husband a child? I'm I
barren?" I asked the woman desperation clearly marked in my
"No my queen. That is far from what is happening. Your
grandmother has heard your cries. Even though your ancestors
have turned their backs from you. She's willing to help you.
Now listen. You and your husband need to do the right thing.
Our ancestors work in mysterious ways and it's a shame they've
bridged your children from coming into the real world."
Mam'Dhlomo said.
"What is it that we need to do??" This woman isn't making
"You need to appease your ancestors. The royal ancestors do
not recognize you as their bride but as the queen. Your bride
price needs to be paid you need to be handed over
properly."Oh no. All this time I've been struggling because of
some stupid Lobola and being handed over. What a stupid
world we live in.
"You know there are no males in my family. There's only my
"My child. All I kept on hearing from your grandmother is that
you need to find him. Now I don't know what that means.
Everything happens for a reason." I can't have that. I need to fix
things now. I can't travel for so long only to get such an answer.
"Isn't there anything we can do. Please I'm desperate." I
pleaded with her and Zodwa joined in.
"Quite!!" She quickly shut as both. "Go home. Of course I have
other solution but I doubt you'd be willing to give birth to a
child from the dark one. Now leave!!"
Our way back to the palace was one of hopelessness. Where in
this time and place do I go about searching for that one person
that popped out of the blue. I give life a hand of applause,
Really. One can never rest without life constantly throwing all
sort of hurdles to the point of not wanting to live anymore.
What I'm I still living for?? Where is my happily ever
after??Maybe my life is meant to be in constant pain, from one
problem to the other.
"Where have you been woman?" The sharp voice of Muzi shook
me from my thoughts. What is he doing here? He's supposed to
be wherever he goes when he goes early in the morning.
"Muzi, what are you doing here. I thought you'd be gone."
"I asked you a question. What sort of a married woman leaves
her home for hours and a queen for that matter?" Does he
really want me to answer that question.
"Well... same way you go out early in the morning leaving your
wife. A king for that matter!!" I stuttered a bit at first then
regained my posture. He grabbed me to our chambers, away
from the eyes of the guards and the people that accompanied
our presence. I suddenly feel bad for talking to him that way in
front of his subjects.
"I've had enough of you Ntombi!! Your constant complains and
now this. Do you know how worried we were. Couldn't you
have told someone at least. I really can't deal with you."
Me?? Complaining???
"Muzi is this your way of saying that you want me out?? For so
long Muzi. Is it because of a child that I can't give you, right??" I
suddenly became emotional. Tears began rolling down, afraid of
the answer Muzi would give me.
"This Is What I mean. Don't you think i would have done that
already if I didn't want this anymore. Ntombi I care for you
damn it?? You know what I'm done with this conversation." Just
like all the other times he left me all alone. Surrounded by the
sad atmosphere that engulfed my whole being yet again.
Hiccupping I said a silent prayer. To God... to the universe. I
Precious pov.
I can go on and on wishing for death the whole day, even
everyday. The truth of the matter is that I'm a coward. As much
as life is a struggle right now I can't bring myself to throw the
towel. I want to keep on living, for what I don't know. I figured I
could try finding my uncle. It should somehow be easy for me
since he leaves a mark everywhere he goes. I have to find him,
mend things between him and I. This life is too lonely for me to
bear. Yes the only living soul in my family that's alive.
Ever just had a strong feeling of doing something. Without no
reason at all but in your heart you know you have to it. This is
the sole reason f finding my uncle. Something tell me he isn't
far and I have to find him. Maybe he's in trouble or maybe
together we could figure out this thing we call life.
Which is why I decided that today I'll start looking for him. I'm
at the market place hoping for something, anything. I hope he
isn't one of the mad people galavanting the street and stealing
whatever the people gathered to make ends meet. He can't be
far... My guts kept saying. I don't know what pushes me to keep
in going even under this scorching Sun. Sweat dripping down
my forehead and throat as rough as the sand I'm walking on. I
got around the place my uncle used to hang around with his
buddies at time. There stood a woman with a child on her back.
Yelling the different stuffs she sells and how hers is the
"Morning ma'am." I greeted her as i neared her selling place.
"Please can I talk to you?" I asked since my greeting seemed to
not grab her attention.
"Lady please shift so the other people can buy since you don't
seem to be buying." She shooed me to the side as if I'm a wasp
ready to savage her fruits.
"I'm looking for a man called John. Please help me." I quickly
filled in before she completely got rid of me. She stopped mid
way as if I've said something important, well at least I grabbed
her attention.
"Hey, look over this place I'll be back in a minute." She said to a
young girl. "Let's go somewhere private." She instructed me. I
followed her away from the crowd.
"You spoke of John. What do you want of him?" She asked
suspiciously. "Are you one of his mistresses."
"No not at all." I said quickly. "I'm his niece. He's been missing
for a while now." I stated desperately.
"Oh." She seemed relieved enough. "I don't know where John is
at the moment. He'll be back later on though. He's my
husband... well at least his woman. You see we have children
together." This new information didn't seem to surprise me at
all. That's what my uncle is known for but what really caught
me of guard is that they are still together. Maybe something
changed... but who knows.
"I really need to talk to him ma." I pressed on. " and I don't
think I can wait until that late for him to come back." I picked up
my belongings. I really should get going because it's getting late.
"Please tell him Precious, his niece, was here. Tell him I said he
needs to come back home. His sister has passed on and he's the
only one left including my daughter and myself. " with that I
left. I went back home to be lonely again...
In the neighbouring village...
The elders of Zulu land were welcomed and their matter of
marrying a princess for the Prince was still pending.
Negotiations, laughter and joy were all but nothing that was
present in the palace.
Princess Elizabeth couldn't deny the bubble of love she still felt
for Prince Muzi. The thought of being a second to any man
disgusted and left a sour taste on her tongue but it is this way
she realized she can only be with the Prince. Her father was
against the marriage proposal but after hearing the princess's
plea, he welcomed every gift and bargained with the elders that
came to marry off her daughter. King jabulani saw this reunion
as something that her daughter didn't deserve but more as
something that might turn out bad for her daughter. He saw the
desperation in the elders eyes but what would they do If they
no longer needed her daughter...
Just like all the other times, I'm staring into space and
wondering what in the name of the almighty I'm I going to do.
Obviously time isn't on my side. Everybody has ran out of
patience, even myself. I've searched my brain for this person
but nothing comes to mind. There must be a mistake
somewhere. Or maybe they were talking about my dad. It's the
only person I can think of but where do I go about looking for
him. This is so frustrating and so unfair. These are the things the
ancestors should overlook especially in my situation.
"Come in." I ordered Zodwa in after she knocked.
"My queen. The queen mother is asking for your presence."
Zodwa said shuffling on her feet. She seems nervous and it
makes me wonder what trouble I'm in with the queen at the
moment, I'm hoping it's not about an heir, We've been through
that one already.
"Did she say what she wants from me?" I asked concerned.
"Actaully there are people in the dining room and princes Eliza
is here too." My body just tensed but quickly recovered. It must
be nothing serious. Probably some welcoming thing I need to
do as the queen, I told myself.
"Okay tell her I'll be right back. I want to fix myself first." She
left me alone. I quickly made myself look presentable and also
gathered my thoughts.
The hall boomed with laughter and people passing around
meat. Is there something I'm missing here? I entered the room
cautiously, eyeing everyone as if questioning them what the hell
is going on here. My quick sweep stopped right when I spotted
Princess Eliza. What was she doing here, today of all days. I
don't remember sending out invites to a party.
The queen walked right up to me. She gave me the biggest
welcome I didn't think she was capable of. "First wife of my son,
please join us." She pointed to an empty seat next to her. Okay,
this is new. This whole time I followed every instruction
carefully. This new found kindness scared me a hell lot. As far as
i was concerned there isn't any child coming anytime soon , not
with the missing person in question of course.
I greeted the elders. Their gleaming eyes soon turned serious
and some of them couldn't look at me in the eyes any longer.
Did that witch do something to me? Maybe p my presence have
much weight. They fixed their postures toward me as if
readying themselves for war. Okay, this I can't do. What
happend to being happy. I liked them like that more.
"My queen we've all taken our time to update you about some
slight changes because we respect you." Oh please. I internally
rolled my eyes at that.
"Princess Eliza here. Is the new wife of this house. Please
welcome her with open hands. She'll be the second wife to the
"WHAT! MA! WHERE IS MUZI RIGHT NOW?!!" All eyes snapped
toward me. As if I'm the wrong one in this situation. "I said
where is my husband. How dare you all go behind my back to
bring this spoiled brat in this place?"
"My queen please understand..." one elder cut in.
"Understand what? That I'm no longer needed around here
right. Is my opinion as the queen that irrelevant??" I retaliated.
"Ntombi sit down." The queen mother calmly commanded me.
"I didn't expect this kind of behaviour coming from you. Now
can you welcome this lovely lady and apologise for calling her a
brat. She's a princess for royaltys' sake." My ear hummed with
heavy blood coming form the adrenaline rush. It was getting too
much. I Walked out leaving everyone to continue with whatever
they were doing before I interrupted the peace.
So this is it. Prince Muzi went behind my back to marry another,
princess Eliza for that matter. Why couldn't it be another
princess I wouldn't mind that much. That spoiled thing will
make my life a living hell I swear. I knew from first glance that
she was after my man. What I'm I going to do???
Think think think!!
There was a small knock on the door before the person in
question came in. The handsome face of my husband appeared
and I wanted nothing else but to seperate his head from his
shoulders. I don't even want to see him. How dare he, they???
"Ntombi." Those simple words from him made me flinch with
so much hate and anger.
"Don't even come close to me. Muzi why?" A tear of anger,
confusion and betrayal slid down my chick.
"I didn't have a say. I wasn't there when they were marrying her
for me. Please understand, I don't love her." The pleading in his
eyes made my anger even more evident.
"Don't say that. Muzi not even a heads up? Why Eliza anyway,
"And to think she'll be the one to carry your children because
I'm incapable... Is this how things were supposed to be between
"Don't come near me and get out!" I stopped him before he can
start begging more. I just need to collect my thought.
I need to do something. I don't know anymore. Soon he'll fall
for that brat and they'll make babies right nude the same roof
as me. I really can't begin to imagine sharing the Prince, Ever!
Grandmother where are you? Oh my ancestors what do I do
JOHN (Precious' brother) POV.
All the way home I couldn't stop ignoring the pain from my
boots. Times are tough and every now and then I go out to
work for the white man just for a bit of change, at least
something to put on the table.
"Good evening wife. How was the market today." I greeted my
wife whilst she was helping me out of my boots, they hurt so
much especially when you are not used to them.
"It was unusual. A lady came looking for you. She was in a hurry
so she couldn't wait. She said i should tell you to return home."
She made me panick a bit. I hope it isn't my old mistresses.
"Who did she say she was?"
"Precious. She says you are her brother." Right then and there I
knew something wasn't right. Why look for me now? Is my
mother still fine. Is Precious still healthy? And my niece?? I
suddenly felt guilty for living them all this while.
"Did she say the reason??"
"Not really. I think it's something urgent and you need to go
back home. I and your children don't know where you come
from." She made a point.
"I guess we have a trip to prepare for then." I finally said. I can't
wait to see my family. What of my mother? I know I haven't
been the best son. I have to make up for it. I need to apologise.
Ntombi pov.
It's been two horrible weeks since Eliza came into the palace.
The woman pisses me off, really. There's no resting and she got
everyone's attention like she want, even mine. Not like she is
the barren one here. I really can't help hating her. My mind says
I should make peace with the fact that I'll never have children
and Eliza will forever live under the same room as me but she's
impossible to be around.
Eliza this, Eliza that. It's so annoying. I want to rip her womb out
of her, yes my hate towards her is that strong. To say the queen
is trying to bring us altogether is terribly killing my will power to
avoid her at all times. As long as I can get through dinner and
breakfast I think I'll survive.
As for the prince. I don't want him and neither do I want him
with Eliza. A part of me want to just move on and take things as
they are and another is fully protective of the Prince, sharing is
not an option.
"Are you sleeping with Eliza tonight?" I asked the Prince. He
seemed to be going out and I couldn't understand because it is
late already.
"Did you hear what I asked!" Louder this time. "Are you going to
sleep with the mighty Eliza?" I asked again. Clear mock visible in
my tone.
"Ntombi this is ridiculous." He said without looking at me.
"Muzi, you know what? Do whatever you want." I don't know
why I'm giving up now. I should've done so a long time ago.
Maybe the blow wouldn't be as painful.
I know he's going to sleep with Eliza and it hurt... so much. As
much he says he loves me an heir is more important at the
moment. How could a non-existent baby cause so much pain.

Muzi pov.
I'm stuck between so many things. I didn't think they would
bring Eliza to be my wife. What is done is done and right now
I'm under pressure to bed her. I know it's ridiculous for me to be
sneaking out at night to go see Eliza but I had to or else she
might complain to my mother, who by the way has pushed
things too far. I can see how Ntombi is at the peak of exploding
every time we are dinning together. That's something i will have
to sort out.
For the first time tonight I would be sleeping with Eliza. I can't
say what would happen. Initially my plan is to bed her and get
her pregnant. How I left my first wife isn't sitting well with me.
Ntombi is a jealous person to begin with so telling her would've
have made a huge fight. A silly part of me still want to believe
that she has no idea where I'm at at the moment.
"Come in." Eliza answered after I knocked on her door. Careful
not to alert nearby passers.
I gingerly made my way in. She wore the sexiest cloth I've ever
seen on a woman. She is attractive I had to admit. For a
moment all was forgotten about Ntombi.
"My king. You've finally made it away from your clingy wife.
Please come sit." I didn't like her talk but still she kept me in a
trance so I made my way toward her.
She pulled me closer to her. Laying my hand on her full breasts.
My breathe got stuck when her hand covered my front part. I
wasn't planning on backing down, not now at least. My goal is
make this woman pregnant and tonight i shall fulfil it.

John POV.
It surprised me how well i still remember the way back home. I
didn't have a problem locating my area but the challenge came
to locating the house. My family and I stood there where I'm
sure my mother's house was. I was confused. I knew this was
the exact place where the house had been but what stood in
front of me shook me to the core.
"John. We are tired. Are you lost? This can't be your home. Look
how little is left of this place. I don't think people live here. Well
at least not alive ones." My wife said clearly exhausted. She was
having non of it. I could see the hunger and tiredness in the
children. My last resort was to go around asking people but
where are the people. What of the neighbours.
The only people that were available were three houses down
and to say I was thankful is an understatement.
"Good day. Please do you know where I can find Precious." The
man i was talking to looked confused.
"There's one person in this whole village whose name is
Precious. Do you mean the mother of the queen." He asked.
Clearly confusing me.
"Well..." I continued describing her. I seemed to be confusing
the both of us.
"Listen. I know of one Precious." I agreed that he should tell us
where I can find the Precious he was talking about.
My family kept groaning and moaning on the way there. I
stopped when I saw a big house. The man said i shouldn't get
lost since the house is bigger than those around it. I clapped my
hand notifying the people inside that people were outside.
My sister came rushing outside only to stop mid-way.
"John. Is this you?" She looked different. A bit fuller and mature
with a few more rinkles than I remember but her eyes and voice
assured me that this my blood.
"Precious!" I exclaimed meeting her excitement.
"Please come in. I'll make you something to eat. You look tired
and I know the journey you took was a long one."
I agreed and my family seemed satisfied. I kept on looking
around for someone. A husband maybe. My niece, where is
King Muzi POV
"Muzi how could you. Why did you it."
I woke up with sweat trickling down my face and neck. The
uncomfortability I was in and the awful dream I had brought me
back to reality. I regret it all. Last night was a mistake but it had
to be done.
I carefully put my clothes back on. If she wakes up i don't want
to be there. I know it's cruel but I don't want to show anymore
love to her than I already did. I don't want to raise her hopes
up, I can never lover her as much as i do to Ntombi. She's
nothing more than a baby carrier to me.
"My king." Oh holy f@ck. She just had to wake up. Why??
"Hi Eliza." I answered shortly as I'm not in the mood to make
casual conversation.
"So where are you go this early morning. Didn't you enjoy your
sleep here. She didn't look as stunning as usual at the moment.
It still baffles me how ntombi manages to look cute, if I may say,
in the morning's. Speaking of which, let me go check up on her.
"It was ok. I have to go bye. " I quickly closed anymore future
conversation. I gave her a peck on her cheek to ease the guilt
and to kind of thank her for the amazing night. She isn't had
actually. She more than satisfied the animal in me but
something seemed to be missing.
I made my way to my chambers that I share with Ntombi.
Should i knock or just make my way in. I spent a good five
minutes battling on that until I finally let myself in. I expected a
sleepy form but I was met with someone who looked like my
wife. Sleep was immensely painted on her once rinkleless face.
She looked unhealthy, like a mad woman.
"Good morning." I cautiously greeted her.
"Tell your mother I won't make it for today's breakfast or future
ones." I'm in shit.
"Ntombi I'm sorry." I didn't know what to say. I felt like I did her
so much wrong.
"Muzi not know. Eliza would really appreciate your presence
right now. Just go away. " ouch.
"Can't I be in here anymore?" The look she gave made me want
to just turn around and do as she said.
"Really? Is that supposed to be rhetorical or what. You lost the
right to be with me the moment you decided to sleep with
Eliza." God help.
"Ntombi, you know my reasons."
"Muzi just go and leave me alone. All of you. Get out maan!" At
this moment my brain was telling me to fly out of this room but
I couldn't. My feet were stuck and I couldn't leave her in this
I did what I felt at the moment. I closed the gap between us and
hugged her so tight until she stopped boxing me. I love her so
much but there are certain things I'm not in control of. Yes I'm
the king but that comes with sacrifices and so much pressure.
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My sister gave us the biggest welcome anyone could ask for but
I wasn't at all comfortable being here. Who live's here? Who's
house is this? I didn't want to get all to quizzy before we have
settled down and the children away to hear us talk about
private matters.
"Precious it has been so long. I'm dearly sorry for all those years
without coming home. I was overly ashamed and didn't think I'd
ever be welcomed back home." She held My hand as if still not
believing that I'm in front of her.
"Brother, mother missed you so much. We all did. It didn't
matter what you've done you'll always be family." I looked
around, as if she read my mind, she said, " this is my husbands'
house. He is dead. Brother a lot of things happened."
She continued talking, telling me all that has happened whilst I
was away...
"Ntombi open this door now." The mother queen yelled. I don't
want to see anyone, can't they at least except that.
Muzi left me hours ago after he held me so tight. I needed that.
I need him. It made me happy that he stuck around this time.
No matter what wrong or hurt he seem to be doing to me I
can't find it within me to hate him. He is the love of my life. I
love him.
"I said i won't come. Is the food not going down without me. I
doubt that. Now leave me alone." I retorted.
"Young woman you can't do as you please here. I'm trying to
bring peace between the two wifes of my son." I laughed at
"Last time I checked I'm the queen." She didn't say anything
almost making me think she finally decided to leave me alone.
"This kingdom is mine and last I checked your husband never
put you through this misery so don't act like you understand.
The least you can do is give me space. Dine together and have
as many children as you wish, just let me be. Give me this small
luxury that is left. Is that too much??" My voice held so much
bitterness and I know my strong will caught her off guard.
"I'll leave for now." She said. I could hear the shuffling of her
feet as she walked away.
At least I can be alone. Think about everything. That woman
won. I can't believe this. Where in the hell is my happily ever
after. I can hurt the Prince, I want to. The only way to do that is
by leaving him. I know he would be hurt and broken. So what
am I still doing here? You don't have a home, a voice reminded
me in my head.
So what to do now. Go to the witch doctor to make me carry a
baby no matter the consequence. Look what love has turned
me to.
I sat there not believing everything my sister told me. How can
she be so cruel, to her own daughter even. This isn't my sister.
The Precious I know wouldn't do such evil to her daughter. Oh
what a mess, and I thought I'm the black sheep of the family.
This has to be sorted. As the male and head of this family I feel
like it's my duty to fix and bring my family together. Precious has
to apologise. I don't care how hard it will be for her. Ntombi is
my niece. I was there when she could barely say a word and
used to crawl all the time. She probably doesn't know me since
I left when she was at a tender age.
"Sister, I don't know what to say. You have done so much." I
tried saying that in a way that doesn't seem as if I'm judging her.
She looked down kind of reminding me when we were young
and she did something wrong.
"Brother believe me when I say all this time I've been living in
misery. My daughter want nothing to do with me. I didn't
attend her wedding. It hurt to think that she now has a sister
wife. News has it that the palace needs an heir and she couldn't
given that to the king." She looks guilty and a bit remorseful.
I can't believe my niece is a queen now. But how must she be
feeling at the moment. She has no one. How did the wedding
even happen without any of her family by her side. This has to
be solved. I know for sure our ancestors aren't at all satisfied
with the wedding. Who stood by her side? Is she even part of
the royal family by spirit? Where is she going to be buried even
because she seems to be split in two here. Things have to done
the right way. I believe there is a reason I am here. My family
isn't in one and I can only imagine how the dead feels, our
"Sister, I want to see Ntombi." She looked up in excitement. If
I'm not mistaken I would say she looked hopeful. I'm glad she
still cares about her daughter.
My wife on the other hand didn't move. She seems to be in
thought. Well... She isn't married properly too, since we are
here things will be solved.
"I will get someone to escort you. I think you should rest today.
It will be a long day tomorrow."
We agreed to rest and think about how things might pan put
"You called for me." I got straight to the point. I don't
want Ntombi to think that i spend all my time with this woman.
"Muzi, why are you so cruel. I'm your wife too. I need you as
much as wife number one needs you." She said in a low
senstive voice. One thing I've learned about Eliza is that she is
manipulative. She will do anything to get what she want.
"Woman I don't have the whole and show respect to your
upper ones. 'Wife number one' has a name. She is queen
Ntombi, my wife." As i said that she got off her bed. Stood in
front of me with a huge smile as if she didn't hear what I just
told her.
"Anyway. I have great news. Want to guess." I'm not up for
games right now.
"I thought I made it clear to you that I'm a busy man. I have a
kingdom to run now be quick with whatever you want to say."
She rolled her eyes at me.
"Well... today I felt a bit off and I spoke to the queen. The queen
then called the herbalist and you know what?" I didn't say
anything nor replied. My spirit was long away from here. For a
moment I wondered what Ntombi might be doing right now.
"I'm carrying your baby." What.
"What did you just say?" I asked her. I wanted to be sure I heard
"I said I'm pregnant for you. Remember all those nights we had
together?" I looked at her, She didn't have to remind me of that.
"This is great news I will tell my mother at once." Something
seems off. Where is the excitement? Isn't this what I've wanted
all this time, after all I've disappointed Ntombi for this. Now
why I'm I not ecstatic?
"What is wrong with you? I just told you the greatest news and
you are all stoic and expressionless."
I walked out to tell my mother the news, ignoring her.
Something is wrong with me and I need to sort myself out. I'm
having a baby and here I am without excitement.
This man is so stupid and blind. He makes me so angry. I just
told him I'm pregnant and all he could say is he'll tell his
mother. Gosh! This is the thanks I get for going through so
much, all for a stupid child. Oh why me!! I just need him to be
head over heels with me just like I am with him.
I found out that the royal household only brought me here for
me to give them an heir when I first came here. I couldn't back
down now, not when the Prince was just mere metres away
from me. I had to agree even if I knew I couldn't give birth to
any child, even if I wanted to. I'm incapable of bearing a child
and that's a little bit of reason I couldn't marry other men. My
father knows that but yet he would welcome men who wished
for my hand in marriage.
I think somehow there's a deeper part of him that doesn't want
to except my inability to have children. See I'm cursed. That's
what a witch doctor once said to my father. The witch doctor
was male, he prophesied that I wouldn't be able to have
children. I great price I had to bear all because of all the bad
things my father did before he came back to his senses. He was
a wicked king still feared to this day.
I couldn't live with that. Not when I've done nothing but want
love and happiness and now that it's right under my nose, I
can't let it go.
So I made a plan. I journeyed far. Far away from my home and
begged for it. I'm carrying a child that belongs to a god. It is king
Muzis' seed of course but it's protected by something evil and
powerful. I've seeked dark powers for me to be able to give the
kingdom what it has ever wanted from the start. I am carrying
an heir to both kingdoms, this one and the dark one. It's a
sacrifice I am willing to make for love. My love for king Muzi.
This is what love has turned me into. A desperate sick
On the following day. The whole kingdom was in celebration.
Celebrating the coming of the heir to the throne. Finally,
nothing could make the queen as happy as the news. She knew
it. To her Eliza was a woman and not for once did she regret her
decision in bringing princess Eliza in the kingdom. She knew her
son had no emotion for her but with time she is hoping that
everything will go accordingly. Her son will soon realise what a
blessing she is to the kingdom. She gave them what they've
been longing for so many years in just a few months. From now
on she'll be treated as the queen like she was born to be,
thought the queen. She couldn't help the happy tears that were
running down her face. To her it was as if the ancestros heard
her cries...
"I'm so happy my child. You have no idea the amount of joy you
have given me. I knew it, you are the one true queen." I
couldn't stop thanking Eliza. In truth, I couldn't believe it. I am
having a grandson. All my enemies will be put to shame and I
will carry a tiny human In my hands once again. This is a
blessing, truly. I can already imagine tiny little feet runing
around the castle. I won't mind a mischievous little one in the
"Thank you queen mother. At least someone is happy about this
"What do you mean Eliza. Everyone is happy." I have no idea
what she is talking about. The moment my son told me The
news I called for an announcement to be made. Cheering could
be heard from all around. Maids, pupils, elders... I can't say the
same for Ntombi. She's been in her room ever since, with her
maid going about serving her the whole day.
"Your son. He isn't rejoicing ma. Why is he doing this to me. I
need his devoted attention after all I'm the one carrying this
baby. Don't I deserve just a little bit of it." How can I put this to
her. Isn't it obvious my son is still love struck to his first wife.
"Hush Eliza. He's probably in shock and doesn't know what to
do with the news. He's been waiting for all these years to have
a son and now that you are giving it to him, he doesn't believe
"I really hope so." She said with a sad face holding her yet to
grow tummy.
"Now let's stop with the sulking and continue celebrating." I
ordered even more food to be brought to us. I want her to eat
so that my grandson can come out a healty baby ready to run
the world.
My brother banged on the only gates I've dreaded for years.
We've left his family to come see my daughter... actually he
want to see Ntombi.
We were summoned inside to meet the king, Prince Muzi,
standing tall before us.
"Woman, I thought my wife made it clear to you that she
doesn't want to ever see you again." The king skipped the
greetings clearly showing my un-welcomed status.
"Please my king. Allow me to enter your kingdom, she was just
showing me the way. My name is John. The uncle to the queen.
I've come to see her." My brother said. King Muzi looked
skeptical. He looked between me and my brother.
"Does she know you?" His voice bellowed and echoed all
around us. Royals seem to have some sort of authoritative
command in their voice.
"I hope so." He answered the king.
He was led inside, whilst I stayed outside feeling the coldness of
the lonely day and a deep feeling of sadness. How is my
daughter faring... I wondered.
Ntombi POV
"Didn't I say I want no one to disturb me." I yelled at the person
"Ntombi please open up. There's someone here to see you."
Muzi's voice answered. The one voice I didn't want to hear at
the moment. "He says he is your uncle."
An uncle?? My neighbour perhaps?
"I'll be there in a moment. Tell him to meet me in the dining."
I quickly rushed over to rinse myself. I can at least look
presentable. This has to be something good...
I made quick but quite steps on my way to the dining. My
curiosity got the better of me. I couldn't wait to see this man.
He looked fair. Tall, dark and had the smoothest face with wide
eyes and full lips... and he looked older, kind of reminding me of
my mother.
"Ntombi, you look so grown." He stood to greet me as if we are
long lost friends. Who is this man?? And why don't I know him?
"I'm your uncle." He answered the question that couldn't come
out of my mouth.
"How come. I don't know you." Before he answered me he sat
me down just inches near him. It was like I was the visitor. My
house seemed foreign. This man could be the answer to
"I'm your mother's brother. I left home in my youth." He said. I
listened to his every word and read his lips. I was afraid that this
is a dream and I'd wake up with my sad reality. He told me
everthing about how he got to live home and found himself lost
with nothing he could hope for until my mother came to find
"You see I was ashamed and I didn't think I'd be wanted back.
Everything is broken. My home and my family. I feel ashamed as
a man and I intend on fixing this." I nodded in agreement. I had
no words but to cry. This right here is my saviour. He will fix
everything just like he says. Where there's life there's hope.
"How are you doing?" He asked. The question so foreign that I
don't know how to answer it. No one bothered to ask me. How
I'm I doing really?
"Everything is shattered uncle. I feel empty. I'm unhappy." The
weight lifted off just a little bit. I didn't care that Muzi was just a
few centimetres from us and he can very much hear us.
"Everything will be fine. I need to talk to this family. You have to
be married properly. Your lobola has to be paid and you need to
be given away properly. If everything is still the same in your life
then we'll make plan. I want you to know that you have me
now. Even though your relationship with your mother is ruined,
that I understand. You need to learn to forgive chana
I didn't miss his eyes shifting to Muzi as he was talking about my
"giving away properly" .
I can't begin to express my happiness. This man that introduced
himself to me just an hour later gave an assurance no one has
ever given me in my entire life. He gave me hope. At least now I
can hope for the future. The hopes of being a mother, it doesn't
matter that he/she won't be an heir. What matters is that I'll be
a mother. I'll take care of it and spoil it so much. This all got me
so excited and tired that I left my uncle with Muzi. They need to
sort out things. ASAP.
"My king. I believe you heard all that was said, especially my
intentions at the moment." I looked at him. He might be the
king but so is my niece the queen. I have to try to give him a
hard time. She deserves happiness in her marriage and I'm
willing to go the extra mile.
"I heard it all. What do you want to be done." Straight to the
point. I like that.
"I want her bride-price. She needs to be escorted off the right
way. She must be recognised as the wife of the king and buried
beside you when the time comes."
"I hear you."
"Right then. I'll give you all the information tomorrow. A date
that your people can come to pay for her bride price and how
the rest of the things will be done."
He agreed. I left the palace a happy man. I met my sister
outside the gate, patiently waiting for me, her eager eyes
showing the curiosity behind them so I went straight to the
"We need to prepare for our in-laws." Her answer was
accompanied by no words and bug eyes.
Muzi POV.
What just happened? A man came claiming for his nephews
bride-price, that's what. Well where are my uncles then?
To guard:" please go tell the elders to meet me here tomorrow.
Tell them not to panick everything is good." The guard went to
fulfil his duties. We need to be prepare.
I found my mother sitting in the garden. Lord knows what she's
thinking about. "Mom here you are." I startled her.
"Son, you will give me a heart-attack one day. Please do join
me." I sat down eager to tell her what just occurred.
"Mom, Ntombi's lobola will be paid out soon." I filled her on
"But son don't you think it's unnecessary right now. She's
barren." My mom as usual tried to whisper.
"Mother I don't care. Things have to be done correctly. She's
the woman I love and we both know that." ~me.
"Son, I hope one-day you could open your eyes. Our ancestors
are blessing us with this child and it annoys me that you are not
being the father to be at the moment. Give her your time and
you'll soon begin to love her. Love doesn't just happen son." I
stood not wanting to hear anymore of her words.
"I'll see you later. Send my regards to Eliza."
I've seem to have complicated things instead of fixing them.
Why I'm I not happy to be a father. Isn't that what I wanted .
3 days later...
I've decided to invite the royals by next week. The plan is to
make them pay a bit of a high price, something they'll be able
to afford abviously. The man next door is invited just have
enough people to be by my side. I want everything to go
I've sent a message to the royal house to tell them of my
decision. According to plan Ntombi should be brought back
home two days before they come. She should throw some snuff
to speak to the ancestors and one or two cockerel should be
"Malume (uncle) I've sent the letter and it was received in good
spirit." The young boy I've sent came back running. I promised
him goodies and he knows my niece is the queen. It was more
of an honour to him to be part of this.
"Thank you son. Now go along and tell your friends that there
shall be a wedding next week." He nodded and sped out of the
yard to God know where. It's time to discuss things with my
sister. She needs to try to make peace with her daughter.
I walked inside the lovely house my sister acquired. "Precious." I
called out to no one in particular.
She came in and we both sat down. " I called you here to for
something very important." She looked up and met my gaze.
My posture shoved how serious I was being.
"Precious, this can not go on for long. You need to make peace
with your daughter. You both need each other." He gaze went to
the floor like always.
"You won't understand. She want nothing to do with me. I've
hurt her. I turned against her so many times. I supported my
husband and chose to do what is wrong against her. She went
through a lot. Travelled across villages to finally end up here as
the queen of this land. I can't just be in her life any how I like."
She made sure she left no space for arguments. She stood up
leaving me with more than a mission fail, this is more
complicated than I thought. Maybe it is because she is my
Everything buzzed to life. The queen made it back home. I have
the two cockerel that I'll slaughter for her and traditional beer
was made the previous night for it to boil ferment well over
night. I can sense the tension and the distance Ntombi is
putting between her mother. She Hans been free at all. The only
words she's been able to utter is to my wife and my
children.everyone I look at her I seem her thankfulness but also
a bit of hesitation.
"You see brother. She hates me more than you think." My sister
whispered passing. I have to make her feel comfortable
So how am I feeling right now, you may ask. I feel alien, scared if
I may say. I've never felt like this in years. This is where I've
grown, abused and raped. I guess this is how life planned for
me to face my demons and it's not easy. I wish the woman I've
seen prophesied how and where things would be solved but
like always I don't have a choice. I just need to do everything
possible to get through this ordeal.
My uncle's children are kind and playful. Her wife is beautiful
and kind-hearted too. They feel like family than this house. I
hate it. It brings back memories.
I'm outside with my uncle. Him holding a knife with the cockerel
and me standing there listening and nodding to his incantations.
"This is your daughter. With this cockerel we ask that you open
up her ways and guide her." He finished up. He sliced the
cockerels' neck and fresh blood splattered on the ground. This is
our offering to the ancestors. Tomorrow I shall become the wife
of my husband. I will have a child. Those are the things that
helped with getting on with the days.
A week but nothing. A long week since my uncle accepted my
bride-price from the royal and nothing has happened. The
Prince hasn't touched me. How else would I become pregnant.
Will I even become pregnant. Doubt circled around my train of
thought as i have faced so many disappoints. A part of me want
to go back to the witch-doctor and a deeper more
understanding part of me knows better. So I'm alone thinking of
ways to lure my man tonight. He's been nothing but a walking
corpse. The only thing I get from him are 'good morning' 'good-
night' and 'are you alright'. Not the usual I love you and kiss on
the head. Operation get me my man just for tonight on.
I'm going to join them at dinner wearing something sexy and a
bit more revealing. It should be more interesting as i rarely join
them at the dining. All this plan should steer his attention
towards me and I'm going to relish in it. As for Eliza, she'll be
fine after all I'm the first wife. She's way too whiny for a woman
who's less than 6 moths pregnant not to talk of a month, either
way I pay her no attention.
"Ntombi you look beautiful." Zodwa said as she came in my
"Mmhh? Don't I always?" I eyed her suspiciously. "Anyway i
called you to tell you that I'll be joining the rest for dinner today.
So don't go out of your way. I want you to relax so don't come
to check up on me later. "
"I wonder..."
"Ssshh! Now go on and get a life." I stopped her mid-sentence
and shooed her out. She'd make me cower if she stays any
longer. I want zero distraction.
I strolled my way next to kings' right side. All eyes turned on
"Oh! Look who decided to be part of the family." The queen
was the first to speak amidst the silence and open mouths.
"Mother, please." The Prince warned his mother and helped me
take my seat. I didn't miss the eye-rape he gave me, his eyes
lingering a bit on my cleavage. Eliza 00: Ntombi 01, I did a secret
fist-pump in my head.
I'm going to taunt him so much he won't know what hit him.
"So love , as i was saying before." Eliza said, with pure charm in
her voice. Looking at me when she said 'before'. "The herbalist
will be coming tomorrow. Don't forget." She finished. The poor
baby is always used to make a point. This won't change my
plans. I too want my own belly to rub.
Muzi POV.
My mind clouded with so many things as i sat near my two
wives. Ntombi looked sexy. I don't know what she's planning or
thinking but whatever it is, it's working. Eliza is obviously
shifting my attention toward her instead of Ntombi, truth be
told I couldn't keep my eyes away from her lips as she chewed
and swallowed the food. She ignited sparks that I've longed
ceased to feel. I had the need to move closer to her and claim
her whole body right now.
"So what have you been up to, sister wife?" Ntombi asked Eliza.
I don't know whether she wanted to clear the silence or what. I
don't know with Ntombi these days probably it's because I
haven't given her much time.
"Oh you know..." Eliza answered. Clearly trying to make things
obvious about her pregnant situation.
"I wouldn't be asking if I did." -Ntombi. These too seem to be
playing too nice to eachother with every passing second giving
each other melicous smirks. I didn't like it one bit.

"Well since you are insisting... I have been busy making sure
that my baby is well taken care of. Eating healthy and making
sure I'm strong enough to give birth. Not like you'd know any of
that." I didn't miss the pause and slight sadness in Ntombis'
eyes and body.
"ENOUGH! I don't ever want to hear the both of you right now.
Can't a man eat peacefully in his castle anymore." I burst
followed by my exit to where ever it is that I'll find peace. I want
to think straight and not in front of tempting ntombi and two
woman who can't keep quite for just a minute.
"Muzi wait." Ntombi stopped me on my way.
"Ntombi, go finish your food." I instructed her even though all I
want is to be close to her.
"I want us to talk." She looked serious. I followed her to her
room, our room that I don't occupy very much.
She moved closer to me and hung her arms around my neck.
Sensually rubbing my earlopes. She got me there. I could abide
to whatever bid she wanted.
"I miss you." She came even closer. Her full breast rubbing my
"I miss you too my love."
A feeling off emptiness suddenly over came me, obviously not
dreaming I could tell. I opened my eyes up wanting to
comprehend more of this feeling, more so where I'm I? Every
memory rushed into my mind as i became familiar with the
walls of my chambers. Last night was great, beautiful even.
I remembered the reason I woke up, feeling of sadness, and
that's when I realised the person that I spent the night with is
not by my side. I laid back on my back and stared at the roof,
silently praying that somehow I will be pregnant. I shouldn't
lose hope. There'd a next time, I tried consoling myself.
I put my cloths back on. I don't want Zodwa to come to see
what happened. It's kind of embarrassing when people think
that you've been used, again.
"My queen, the king asked you to join him for breakfast."
Zodwa said excitedly like a kid that was promised treats. In my
head I was thanking the one above that I had picked up my
cloths from the floor to clear out any sort of suspicions that
something naughty happened in here last night.
"Calm down, would you? You were saying." To be honest I heard
her. I wanted to make sure.
"The king, his highness, asks for your presence my queen." She
said slowly. Clear mock in her voice. I nodded my head.
"Tell him I'll be there in a few. I need to wash myself."
She exited my chambers with her high mood leaving me in
confusion. Doesn't he have 'duties' to fulfil this time?
I've never felt so alive until now. Last night made me reminisce
the good times my wife and I had, my first wife. She's still as
vibrant and as beautiful as ever and I wanted nothing more
than to spent even more time with her. I set up a breakfast date
for the both of us. I made sure to go all out, not just any other
breakfast she'd ever had.
I watched Zodwa as she went to call Ntombi. Making sure
everything is in order.

"Blackberries check ✔, milked fresh milk check ✔, baked scones

check✔, fresh roses on my hand check✔, table directly under
the warm Sun check✔, finely expensive exported chocolate
check✔ and finally the most beautiful lady on the way check✔."
I said to myself out loud. If she doesn't like any of this then I
don't know.
I didn't realise how nervous I felt until I saw Zodwa coming back
without Ntombi with her.
"She said she'll be with you shortly my king." Zodwa said brining
a sort of comfort and confidence back to me.
"Okay." I dismissed her with my hand. What if she doesn't like
all this. OR what if she thinks spending time with me isn't with it
I strolled confidently to Muzi knowing how beautiful I look. I
look around the corridors hoping to see thee great queen Eliza
and I did. She looked like the version of a broken down teenage
girl on her period. I felt worried but saved all those feelings the
moment she gave me an ugly look as if I disgust her.
"Morning sister-wife." I told myself that I wasn't mocking her
just exercising my manners. To say that didn't go well is an
understatement and I don't really blame her, I hear there's a
bunch of serious stages a woman passes through when she's
In no time I stood in front of the breakfast table I was invited to.
Muzi stood up quickly to help me sit down.
"You look beautiful Ntombi." He sort of stattered.
"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I said back. It
somehow made me feel less embarrassing about his
"These are for you. Freshly picked by myself." She handed my
the bundle of flowers he was holding which I couldn't help but
bring closer to my nose. I can't remember the last time Muzi
was this sweet. He had all my favourite food on the table.
I ate everything that was mine and u couldn't be more happier.
We both are in silence as of the other wanted to say something
but decided otherwise. I didn't think he'd do this especially
when I woke up to find myself alone after we shared a night
We finished eating and the maid cleared the table.
"I forgot how much of an epitite you can have." He said. Clearly
trying to clear the awkward silence. What could we talk about
"What can I say. Old habits die hard." He let out a little chuckle.
I couldn't help but admire the sparkle in his eyes. He still is the
"I mean we barely talk these days so you wouldn't know." I
added shutting him up instantly.
"I'm sorry." He looked at me and I let him continue but he
"For what Muzi?" I wanted him to say more. I want us to move
on but I needed more from him. I'm tired of dwelling in what
could've been.
"For ignoring you and hurting you. I needed to convince myself
that I'll be welcomed in your arms. I still care for you Ntombi."
"Then show me. You know what we've been through together.
I'll always embrace you Muzi because this heart will always beat
for you non matter what."
"I'll make sure I don't let you down. I love you." He kissed my
hand. At that moment I wanted to cry. He did wrong. Now we
flipping live with a spoilt damn princess but so what now that it
happened. Love is so damn hard.
No this can't be. He's mine. What is happening!
I love you... those words ringed over and over in my head
causing every fibre in my bones to cry out in hate. How? First of
all they spend the night together now breakfast together. What
is this? some sick joke? Not when I went to great lengths to
secure myself the little spot I have with the Prince, my first love.
Didn't that witch say he'll be mine now that I'm having this
baby? Why then is he professing love to that thing. I watched
them continue having their lunch. At first I couldn't stop mysel
from following her when she bumbed into me, now looked
what I actually bumped into.
Oh no no no!
I love you. Seriously to her right now? Why doesn't he say those
words to me. I knelt down to reach for the sacred pot the witch-
doctor gave me.
"Great one, great one. Hear my call." I whispered chanted in
front of the pot. A ghost appeared in front of me. I didn't mind
the grotesque way in which it was standing, I got used to that.
"He isn't seeing me anymore, the king I mean." I quickly told it
whilst stuttering before it got annoyed.
"I told you to never let them be together didn't I." It laughed.
"You've ruined it all by yourself. He'll never pay you anymore
attention not when the true king will be born." It laughed even
"No please help me. I can't lose, not now when he's just a few
centimetres away from me. I love him."
"I know silly, why else would you summon me here. I'll help
you." Blood trickled down it's head and it licked it exposing
razor sharp teeth.
"I crave blood. The child will destroy us once it is born. Kill it." It
disappeared back to that pot. I hid it and absorbed the
information. So she's pregnant now. I'm so stupid why didn't I
see this coming, now I have to kill an innocent baby.
"You are going to get help and that's final." Muzi said with his
command voice booming against the four walls of my
"Muzi I'll be fine. I'm just running a bit of fever." He looked
"Have you seen how you look. God's Ntombi you look like a
dead version of yourself literally! Your forehead is on fire and
you can't even stand up. You know what, if you won't go then
I'll bring the herbalist right here in your room. Your call."
This man is stubborn. I know I'm sick and he's panicking for no
given reason. I've just been feeling a bit off and it's nothing a
good rest won't fix, if I can just close my eyes...
"GUARDS!" I shot my eyes open looking for the threat.
"Go get the herbalist. Now!?" Oh he didn't!
"I said I'm fine though." I shook out of the comfortable bundle I
was in. I didn't want to be seen in bed, what will they say if they
see their queen in such a state of manner. Hairs in different
directions, bad breathe and... you know these days my nose
seemed to look bigger than it usually does.
"Ntombi, please just let me do this." I didn't have a choice, so I
don't know what he was begging for so suddenly.
Did I mention he sleeps with me every single day (wink). These
four walls are always filled with love and warmth these days.
"Ok. I'll be obedient then." I said to him as i ordered him to tidy
up as well before I finish freshening up.
Wosh wosh. That's all that could be heard, no one spoke but the
sound of the leaves throwing water at me. It's one of her ways
of making me feel better she said. So I sat still taking every
splash of water her leaves threw at me. I must admit the smell
of her leaves and the water made a soothing combination. I just
wanted to sleep.
"I sense no ill from your energy. All you need is a good sleep.
The energy that I'm getting from you is almost overwhelming.
You need to rest my queen."
"See I told you I was fine." I said directly to Muzi including my I
told you so look.
"Well yes, the babys' energy is relaxed but like I said before you
need to rest."
"WHAT!" Muzi and I said in unison. "What did you say?"
"Uhm I said she needs to rest..." she but all stuttered. Ohkay I
thought she said baby, gosh herbalist.
"No no, before that." Muzi cooed her even more.
"Oh the baby? he should be fine especially if the mother
doesn't over-work herself." She said casually. This kind of heart-
beat I'm feeling right now should be illegal. Did she say mother
and baby. Does that mean I'm pregnant, but how and when?
"I'm going to be mother." She better not say no because my
hopes are so high right now.
"Yes. You didn't know. I'm so sorry. I thought you would know
by now."
"No no don't apologise. God finally! You can all go now the
queen needs her rest." Muzi happily instructed the herbalist
including the guards that escorted her to my room. "You heard?
I'm going to be a father." Muzi turned to me when everyone
left. "Wow, this is amazing all these years of waiting and
waiting. I'm so happy right now. Be it a girl or a boy I'm going to
love the baby so much."
"Muzi calm down will you. I'm still trying to grasp everything. I
can't believe I'm going to be a mother." A small tear made it
way down my cheeks.
"Why are you crying. I thought you'd be ecstatic. "
"I am. These are happy tears."
Muzi and I took a walk outside. I guess it's part of exercise. My
baby is growing and I've grown so much in love with this bump
even though it constrains me from doing much. Muzi rubbed it
and I smiled at him. Our walk was mostly composed of gestures
instead of words. His presence brought me comfort. To say my
uncle was elited about my pregnancy is an understatement, he
is happy to have a grandchild but I'm not so sure about my
mother. As for my mother I don't know, she's still a large pill to
A lot of things have happened of course. I almost lost my baby a
lot of times and it's mostly me almost tripping, that's why Muzi
is constantly with me.
"You know I can walk by myself, last time I checked my
balancing was perfectly fine." I said to the man that encircled
my arms with his own buff ones.
"I know." Muzi stated obviously.
We but carried on with our walk until I felt I can no longer go on
any longer. This baby is going to be a big one. My tummy is
large. Eliza and i aren't far from eachother with the preganancy,
although a person might say that I'm leading.
"So how's my fellow sister wife." I asked Muzi. I haven't seen
much of her and I'm getting a bit concerned. My pregnancy
didn't make a lot of people happy including her and she's
been avoiding me since, as for the queen she's ecstatic to be
having two grandchildren. The palace is all-in-all happy.
"She's doing fine." He flatly answered.
"Well... have you checked up on her?" He knows how I feel
about him not treating her the same. Everyone can see it. Sure I
didn't like her at first but I've gotten over that. Whether I like it
or not this woman will be in our lives forever. She might be
carrying an heir to the throne, her child will ascend the throne
since her child will be the first son of the king.
"I have. She's just too much Ntombi, something is repelling me
from her. I understand that she's in a delicate condition but..."
"A condition that you put her through." I interrupted him, "
being pregnant is not easy. She could've been in her father's
house if you didn't go after her. She's all but a victim in all this.
Take responsibility Muzi." I charged away from him as it was
making me angry. Leaving him to ponder on what I said to him
even more.
"Babe, wait." He hallowed.
"Yes, what is it again?" I asked sternly.
"Fine, I'll go check up on her but I'll come to you tonight. " I
smiled and sweetly waved at him. I could understand the
loneliness Eliza could be feeling. He needs to own up to his
responsibility, the poor princess didn't call him to come marry
Eliza POV.
"I told you, didn't I. I specifically said to kill the baby. Now look!"
The disfigured body stood over me with it's angry eyes glaring
right into my soul. "One thing and you could not do it. The baby
is growing stronger. He's the heir to the throne do you not
understand that term, the kid is untouchable!my chance of
taking over the palace is so slim now."
"Can't I just try again." He turned to look back as if hiding
something from me, a smile maybe.
"Of shut up. I'm weak now. That baby boy will destroy me, us.
We need a plan quickly. The more it grows the weaker I
become." I heard a snap right before it came near my face.
"Tell me what to do and I'll do it this time." I said with pure
determination running in my veins.
What can I say. Killing Ntombi's child has been quite a mission.
I've tried all kinds poisons but nothing happened but I
haven't... wait a minute.
"Yes now you are thinking my pathetic being. Kill the mother." It
said as it slowing descended in the tiny pot I summoned it with.
So now I have to kill Ntombi in order for me to get that baby to
die. Oh she'll know me well today. The clock shall strike mid-
night with her name on my tongue.
"Ah queen Eliza. I'm glad you didn't wait till the baby is born
before u decided join us." I entered later than usual to sit for
dinner. The queen mother's sarcasm just bored me to no end.
"Yeah. Well I was kind of busy." I said my lousy stupid of an
excuse. Well she bought it, not even bothering to ask what was
more 'important' than family, psssh.
It's so sad that Muzi stopped helping me to sit down or how he
doesn't sit next to me anymore but I'm planning to end this all
today. There shall be no queen Ntombi but I, queen Eliza.
"I'm so proud to be sitting with everyone here. Our ancestors
are truly wise. All those years of suffering and begging for a
grandchild and now I'm expecting two." The queen spoke with a
twinkle visible in her eyes, with everyone smilling I couldn't
help but force mine too.
"Ntombi I'm really sorry for being such a pain, my frustrations
took the better of me." She continued and I didn't miss the
contact of their hands.
"It's fine ma. I understand. I'm glad we are happy now." Oh you
wait and see how happy I'll be after tonight.
"Indeed." I ended all future conversation and we all continued
to devour the delicious meal prepared by the cooks.
Quietness. That's all I've been waiting for. The time has come. I
took out the familiar pot as i remembered that I need to call her
name five times and stab her heart to sacrifice her, killingg her
and bringing me happiness simultaneously.
"Ntombi. Ntombi. Ntombi. Ntombi. Ntombi." A power
overcame me as a smilling face of her appeared before
me. "Today I curse you and the child in your womb. You shall
die and become the slaves of my master. Your death will bring
me infinite happiness and joy. NOW DIE!" I raised the knife in
my hand ready to stab her beating heart that I could already
hear drumming in my ears.
"Eliza is that you?" dammit. The voice of the king bounced in
my room.
"yes my king. I thought I saw something strange in my
bedroom." I stood up as I slowing pushed the pot out of his eye-
sight. luckily the room is lightly dimmed.
"what are you doing here?" I asked warily. out of all the days to
come he chose today. oh why!!
"I came here to check up on you. Are you alright?" he asked as
he stepped closer, before he could come even closer I came for
him instead. We can't have the king finding out that I want to
kill his beloved.
"yes. I'm alright but have been a bit lonely over the past
months. I'm glad my king still thinks of me." well he's here so I
might as well get him yo stay.
" I'm glad you are. Now I should get going I'm really tired now."
what. after he ruined that perfect moment.
"no, please stay." I begged him but he reluctantly let go of my
arm. " this is not fair. you spend more time with her than you do
with me. how should I feel. I'm also your wife." I was literally
begging him.
"Eliza, can we not do this right now. I'm really tired. I'll see you
tomorrow." He walked out and left me all alone. I can't believe
all of that just happened. I was so close to killing her for good
this time. What to do now. I can't continue like this.
Ntombi pov.
"Muzi go now. I want to get my beauty sleep." I urged him to
go. Don't get me wrong I love having him around but today I
found myself feeling sorry for Eliza. I've been selfish and I
realised how lonely this place can be, Muzi needs to take
responsibility of his two wives, as much as i don't like her she's
the second wife and has equal rights as i do. This pregnancy is
making me so soft I can't believe the things I feel sometimes or
even do.
"I will i just want to stay like this forever." He cuddled to me
closer and tighter as he emphasized forever. He's been
procrastinating this whole time and before we know it it will be
in the morning and I really want to sleep now.
"Go go go." This time I pushed him, with which strength I didn't
know. My baby felt to be a bit restless. I think it's because he
can sense my guilt and tiredness. I need to sleep so I pushed
him further until he was almost in Elizas' chambers.
"I'm coming back though." He left.
Muzi POV
I made my way near my queen and squeezed my huge self near
her. She looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping. Her stomach
that stood out most of all called for me to rub it. I feel whole
when I'm around Ntombi. I've been so stupid and careless to
ever want another woman to fill in where she couldn't. I really
don't feel Eliza. I'm trying so hard to wrap my head around this
whole situation, no matter what she is carrying my baby. The
problem is I don't feel like it.
The way I met her in her chambers really unsettled me. She
looked strange and scary. I brought my head to kiss the belly as i
whispered I love you to both the mother and my baby that's
probably resting.
"Pathetic human being." It shouted. It's a wonder that nobody
ever hear his voices.
"I said i had no action in that. He just barged and interrupted
the whole thing." For the millionth time I explained myself to
this creature that was starting to annoy me as well. "You are the
devil here, now do something and stop making me do
"Yes you are right but don't forget you are my servant. You do
the work and I give the powers." He is messed up.
"That's not what i even asked for in the first place. All I wanted
was the Prince all to myself. I did not sell my soul for this. I just
want to be the only queen and woman the Prince loves. That's
it, yes, love. All i ever wanted was love."
"And you messed it all up. Now tell me, are we going to let the
Prince and the queen be?"
"No, never. Not when I'm alive. I'll die fighting."
"That's the spirit. Now close your eyes." It ordered me. Without
fear or doubt I obliged.
"I'll give you power. More power than any man has ever
possessed. You shall get me what I want and it is this kingdom
and more. I died a poor man and just like you sold my soul to
the devil. I believe you are my second chance." His silhouette
loomed over me as i felt power surge through me and felt even
more enraged. All I wanted was to see the blood of those who
stand against me and my happiness.
"Tomorrow a man will arrive and I want you to hire him as one
of your guard. Understood?"
I nodded my head as i absorbed everything that was happening
around me, the electric feeling and the gruesome figure whom I
trusted my everything with. Strange?
Ntombi pov
"Mommy!" A child called for me.
"Hi, I've been looking for you. Where have you been? Is it fair to
stress your mommy like this. Now come on." I instructed the
child. What was i saying? Who is this? Muzi as a child?
"I'm here now. I'll protect you." He looked straight into my eyes
and they reminded me of Muzis'.
"Silly. I'm the parent here. Now let's go, it's getting oddly cold
here ." I held his hand, ready to take him away but to where, I
didn't know.
"Just hold on mommy." Yes I have you.
Just as I was about to go with the child the scene changed. I
seemed to be in my grandmother's place. As i sat down she
came in with a cup of steaming hot tea.
"Here have some. It will warm you up." I took the tea wanting to
cry on her shoulder than have the tea. I took a sip and it made
everything hazy. It seemed to be poisoned.
"Grandmother. I can't breathe. Help I'm dieing." I begged for her
help, trying to convince myself that she didn't just poison me.
"Yes I know. Where is your child?" I suddenly remembered the
child I was holding. Subconsciously I remembered that I'm
pregnant. I held my tummy but there was nothing. My tummy
flat like it was before.
"No. Where's my baby!" I desperately cried as i tried to breathe.
There was blood in my thighs, dry even.
"You need to becareful. Don't trust anyone. Everything is poison
YOURSELF!" She said.
"Where is my baby?" I cried even more as i felt my last nerve
give in to the poison. I'm dieing and my grandmother poisoned
me and my baby. Wait... isn't she dead?? Where I'm I.
"I want my child... just give me my baby..." end of dream.
"Ntombi wake up." I heard a voice call out.
"Leave me alone. Where is my child. Give me my child." I
pushed the figure away from me. I felt my eyes heavy and the
arms of the person tighten around me.
"Calm down. I'm here." I recognised the voice. "Now stop
crying. It was just a dream." He said in a smooth calming voice.
He's right. It was just a dream. I remembered everything and I
quickly felt for my stomach. Everything seemed to be in place.
The familiar walls of my room greeted me as i looked around
and I felt my baby move, as if assuring me that he's fine.
"Oh my! What a terrible dream." I face palmed my nyself and
took in the familiar scent of the king.
"Yeah, i think you broke my arm in the process." He gave me a
puppy face. He's so cute. He reminded of the baby in my
dream. "Now spill it. What had you so hyped up this morning?"
"You actually. You were in my dreams but..."
"Ncoah! I'm glad I'm constantly on your mind." I rolled my eyes.
"You were a baby though... You know what, if you going to treat
this whole thing as a joke I'd rather not tell you."
"Call Zodwa on your way out." It was my turn to pout this time.
"Hey. I'm sorry, okay?" He apologised.
"I know you are. Now I'm hungry. Call Zodwa." My stomach
roared. "Oh don't worry little man. Mommy will get something
to eat just now." I patted my bump and silently prayed and
thanked everything that it was all just a dream.
"Zodwa at your service. What can your humble servant do for
you today?" Zodwa dramatically bowed her head and extended
one of her hands towards me.
"Humble indeed. " I laughed at her silliness. "I'm so hungry."
"A full whites' man breakfast on it's way in the meanwhile can
we talk about how lonely I've become since ... you know."
"I know. You miss me, just spill it already." I smiled at her
silliness again.
"Yeah. I'm just angry that I have nothing to do. I'm used to your
company. Can you please shoo the Prince away. Lunch? me and
you today." She was unbelievable.
"That to me sounds like you have something really important to
talk to me about." For the first time today. I really looked at her.
"Yes you are right." She said. In a quiet voice.
"I'll call for you. Just get me the food I asked for. Now please."
"Yes ma'am." Me and shooing people today.
"Can someone get the gate!" I shouted from across the big yard.
It's sometimes annoying when the guard's do things in a slow
"Yes my king." One rushed quickly to open for the person that
was knocking so loud outside the gate. I thought I told my
people to respect this place. They should all know that knocking
once was more than enough.
A dirty man entered the gates. He looked too dirty to belong in
this kingdom. Yes we had poor man but not looking this insane.
"Old man, do you know where you are?" I asked him not so
much sure he can hear me.
"My king, May you live long. I've come hear for help. I'm
hungry. " Well... that's new.
"You do not look to be from here. Where do you come from." I
asked him. This man could be a spy.
"Can i please see queen Eliza." He asked me and I did not like
his request one bit. What business does this man have with
Eliza."Guards! Call the queen." I obliged anyways.
"Are you going to answer me now." He looked straight into my
eyes. He's disrespecting me but I still held my own... for now.
"I come from the neighbouring kingdom. Eliza was my princess.
She promised me a good life. To help me. I lost my family
fighting for her kingdom and as you can see I'm useless."
I see...
"Princess, I mean my queen. It's finally nice to see you." The
man bowed. It irritated me that he seemed to show more
respect to Eliza than I the king.
"Lethu, it's nice to see you again. My king meet Lethu, he is a
retired man that used to fight wars next to my father. Please can
we welcome him inside." You have got to be kidding me. This
man didn't look safe one bit.
"I'm afraid not. I don't know him and it will not be safe for me
to accept a total stranger into my palace. Let him say what he
want right here." I looked at him, willing him to continue
explaining his reason for his 'surprise' visit.
"I came for the package you promised my queen. I have no
where to go and I have no one. I'm living off of nothing." Where
is he getting to.
"Oh yes that. I just had a brilliant plan. Why don't you become
my personal guard. My king?" Oh hell no. She asked me.
"You know the protocols. Our guards are specially trained and
hand picked on a special day only. Besides all posts are full I
can't risk letting a stranger into my home." That's final.
"But my love." She rubbed my cheek. Is this her way of
softening me? That is not going to work, ever. My decision is
final. "You will do as i say and hire this man. Do you understand
"Yes ." I mean why not...
"Yes who?"
"Yes my queen."
Eliza POV
"This is madness. What are you even saying Muzi?" Ntombi
yelled on top of her voice. The queen silent witnessing
everything and without doubt on Ntombis' side. This all useless
because Muzi would never back down. Yes my influence is that
strong, thanks to my new powers.
"You know what stop it. All of you. This man is innocent. He just
needs a helping hand." Ah just get this thing done with already.
"Ntombi, where are you going."
"Don't touch me. As well as you are the king I'm the queen as
well. This man is not welcomed in my house..."
"Our house you mean." I corrected her.
"You should know your place princess. I'm the first wife. Tell him
to go work at your fathers' palace if you will but not in this
house." She annoyed me right now. Why is this even a big fight.
"Don't touch her." Muzi warned me before I retracted my arms
that almost slapped her stupidity away, even better kill her. I
looked at him not believing all this. His mission right now is to
get this man that I don't know to work here.
"I think we should all respect the kings' decision." With that I
left, knowing that no matter what this man shall work here just
like I want.
"Where do you think you are going young lady?" The queen
asked. "This meeting is not to be excused especially when you
are the one that brought this man here." Just when I thought I
have made everything right, seems like she's next to my list of
people I have to personally deal with.
"Ok I'll stay." I sat down, admiring my nails.
"Like I said. He's not going and that final. My rule cannot be
questioned, not now or ever.?" The Prince said. Leaving all of us
in one place. Guess it's my turn to go now.
How could he. Dismiss everyone just like that. It does not seem
like Muzi at all.
"Would you stop pacing please. You are making my head spin
even more." The queen said holding her nose in between her
thumb and index finger. I sat down, feeling tired.
"Did you see that?" I asked. Maybe it's this pregnancy that's
making me be melodramatic about the situation. "Since when
do we just employ a guard in this place."
"I really do not know. My son is pit of his mind. His father never
did that. Or at least he could've told the person to wait until the
intake season or something. You shouldn't stress about it.
What's done is done."
"I know but..."
"No but. Now go rest. I'll talk to him. Mother to son." She can
do whatever but I know for sure Muzi won't listen. He never
listens, always doing things especially when he feels so strongly
about them.
I went to meet Zodwa, ready and bracing myself for what is
about to come.
"This place is different now." Zodwa stated. Sitting across me
and eating her heart away.
"I know. Two woman in one household isn't the easiest place to
live in." I exhaled, remembering what happened earlier.
"I mean it. Eliza isn't who you all think she is. She is evil." She
looked right into my eyes, gauging my reaction.
"Don't say that. I don't like her as much you but I think naming
her badly won't fix anything."
"Aahh my queen, always so naive." I didn't appreciate her tone
but nonetheless let her continue. "I heard her. In her room
calling your name and cursing you so much I think my heart
stopped for a second." She told me everything. How she want
my baby to die.
"But who was she saying those things to?" I asked her.
"That's a mystery I'm willing to solve."
Part 2; chapter 12
Eliza POV
What exactly Is your plan? I asked the short guard that was
once the disfigured beast that lived in my pot.
my plan is to be in control and do things on my own since you
are too incompetent to do them. It said moving uncomfortably.
this body is so uncomfortable.
so I dont have to kill the poor baby now? he looked at me as if
willing to slap the hell out of me.
what you have to do is to lure the king even closer to you.
Remember, you are in it in as much as Im in this. I want my
revenge and you gave me the perfect opportunity. I did not give
you all the power for nothing, stop being naïve.
well I thought since you are here
you thought nothing, he interrupted me, Let me get out of here
before people start asking questions we dont need right now.
He exited my chambers. Wherever he is going I know it wont be
good. Well at least I will have the prince sooner than I thought,
Ntombi POV.
I need to find out what that woman is up to. I would be damned
if I let the my man slip away again, not now when we are having
a baby. For now Zodwa will have to do most of the work, that is
keeping an eye on Eliza.
Ntombi. I turned to find Muzi leaning on the wall. You seem to
be lost in thoughts, what troubles my queen? He dramatically
bowed offering his hand to me. come lets take a walk.
As we were walking around the garden, I was contemplating
whether to ask the prince about his sudden decision to hire this
new guard. As much as I dont want to admit it, I know my
reluctance to accept the situation is because Eliza was behind it
all. It was suddenly so easy for her to convince Muzi, especially
about something like this.
so arent you going to speak up or do we have to finish our walk
without a single word being said. He said. He can always sense
my reluctance and when something is bothering me.
its nothing. I said. Im not about to tell him about Eliza, not now
when I havent got proof. I have been stressed about the baby.
Everything is happening so fast and soon I wont be able to
stand or do anything on my own. Its partly true. my tommy Is
growing at an unbelievably fast rate. It looks like I am going to
give birth tomorrow if not today.
its fine and natural for you to worry about such things. You just
have to remember that you have all these people to help you
and most especially you have me.
you just need to rest and worry less. Everything will be fine, I
promise. He said.
I understand, I need food now.
We walked for a bit before settling down in the middle of the
garden. let me go ask the maidens to prepare something fast
for us.
He stood only to come back after a short while.
that was quick.
oh? I found the new guard on my way. Saved me the trip. Whats
his name again?
And we dont even know the name of this new guard, which
made me even more unsettled.
Zodwa POV.
So far the eagle hasnt made its move. Im looking at this new
man going about his business. His presence annoys me.
uuh, look who developed a new interest in the visitor. – one of
the palace maidens startled me.
you know you should be busy doing your work instead of spying
on others. I say defensively.
well unlike you I am doing something that doesnt involve lusting
on other workers. Argh eww.
you can see he is old, right? I asked still portraying disgust on
my facial features. he is not a visitor. He will be working with us
from now on.
but ho
dont ask. Go do your work, now! I commanded her. Being close
friends with the queen has its perks.
Let me leave him for now. I have my own work to tend too.
oh there you are. I have been looking everywhere for someone.
The young beautiful maiden turned to tend to the guard.
the king and the queen ask for something quick to eat. I guess
their duties tired them. He said, a bit close to the girls back. She
shifted a bit feeling uncomfortable.
Ill do so thank you. You can now be on your way. She couldnt
deny the strangeness in the mans attitude. Is he the new one
everyone is talking about, the one who gained favour of the
king all the thanks to queen Eliza.
I was hoping I could take the food to them.
I dont think so old man. Normally its the maids that serve and
make food. Guards keep the royals safe, in case you have
forgotten. She said. She was always known for her displeasure
with people, especially the ones the looked strange.
are you always this dis-pleasant young maiden?
only to man who undress ladies with their eyes. Now if you
could get goi
I command your soul to be mine from now on. He looked
straight into the maiden eyes as he said those words. Adding
more souls to his soul trope.
now shall we try this again? I want to you make nice food for
the king and his pathetic queen and add this to the queens
plate. The king needs to live for a bit. He handed her the
substance he forged to kill everything that consumes it. He
wanted the unborn princes blood so bad that he could already
feel dripping down his throat.
yes master. The female did what she was told unconsciously.
Ntombi POV.
you can put it down here. Thank you. The king gestured to the
maid that had their food.
we usually have our lunch served in one plate. I told the maid
that seemed to be out of it today.
sorry my queen. Ive been ordered to serve you like this.
who? I asked her, hoping the name Eliza wouldnt be involved.
its fine Ntombi. Just fix the error for next time. He dismissed the
maiden feeling even more hungrier as he looked at the food.
arent you going to eat? Muzi asked.
actually no, I wont. my love dont you think things are bit
strange around here? I said, willing to finally tell him what has
been bothering me.
Ntombi Im really tired of all that people are saying. Is my ruling
really that uncomfortable? he we go again, being defensive
when the real issue is being addressed. This is not my king.
now eat your food.
I dont feel like eating this kind of food. I will go and ask for a
different dish to be made for me. I left him alone to eat
whatever theyve been giving him thats making him different. I
now believe that something or someone is onto something.
Since when do I eat separately when Im dining alone with the
king, my man.
“did she eat the food?” the new guard asked the maiden.
“I’m sure they did. Before they could eat I left.”
“I thought I specifically told you to check if the queen ate the
food? Why are humans always so incapable.”
“I’m sorry. I promise I will..”
“quiet! There won’t be no next time. Meet in my room tonight,
it’s time I add more fuel to by tank. You’ll have to do until I can
devour the royal blood.”
Ntombi POV.
I’m so hungry. I need something to eat, now! I stopped when I
heard chattering in the kitchen. I did not want people to see me
and telling Muzi. I have to keep my suspicions to myself.
“did she eat the food?” I over heard someone say, the new
guard I presume. What food are they talking about?
“I’m sure they did. Before they could eat I left.”
“I thought I specifically told you to check if the queen ate the
food? Why are humans always so incapable.”
“I’m sorry. I promise I will..”
“quiet! There won’t be no next time. Meet in my room tonight,
it’s time I add more fuel to my tank. You’ll have to do until I can
devour the royal babys’ blood.”
I saw the strange man that recently started working as a guard
exit and left the maiden all alone in the kitchen. What I have
just heard and witnessed scared me. My baby, what is living in
my own home? My place of safety has turned into something
even more dangerous than I comprehended. This is all Muzi’s
fault, he let him into our home. This is why we have protocols,
for our own safety. I have to expose him, but how? Muzi won’t
believe me.
I need to spy on them tonight. What will he do to this girl? First
let me make food, that will help me to think clearly. I need to
find zodwa, I can’t do this on my own. I quickly snuck into the
kitchen and took a bowl full of fruit. It’ll have to do for now,
there are more pressing issues to deal with. Indeed the walls
have ears.
"Zodwa come out now please, it's urgent." A yawning Zodwa
came out to meet my hyper self. I wanted to expose this beast
right now, I feel like I need this proof for myself too.
"Hey, what is wrong. You seem out of it." She asked not fully
seeing my urgency.
"We need to go now Zodwa. This man is fake. He's here to kill
us all." I said to her, unable to fully tell her everything, my mind
was all over. I was torn between going over there and telling her
his plans.
"Okay calm down. What is happening. I told her everything that
I heard and witnessed including the dream I had. This is all
making sense now. He wanted to poison me.
"This is all surreal and scary. I don't know what to think but we
need a plan." She said.
"I know. We are fighting a war here. How in this world would I
be able to prove to anyone that this man is fake?"
"There isn't much we can do right now but to go over there
tonight. We need to see what exactly we are dealing with here
and with who. I just don't understand why he wants you or your
baby dead. Who is this man? Something tells me Queen Eliza is
involved in this."
What she said last didn't surprise me at all, anything is possible.
I don't trust anyone.
Later that night...
"Walk more quietly please." I said to Zodwa as we snuck out.
"They are going to hear us."
"Okay I just don't want to miss anything. You are walking like a
"You mean carefully . You know what let's just go, this going
back and forth with each other won't help at all."
We walk further and stood a good distance from the guard's
chambers awaiting to see what will happen. I felt silly, what if
they were just going to be silly instead and we are just going to
witness that. I had to leave my man alone in bed for this mess.
The moon made everything else much easier. It's light brought
everything into view.
"Ntombi look." Zodwa gently nagged me. The maid walked to
the guard. Everything else is quiet.
He touched her. What happened next paralyzed both me and
my companion. He changed into this nasty rotten beast and
swallowed her. He ate her...
"Zodwa." I whispered. "What now." I spoke after a while,
shaken to the core. "This is..."
"We need to go see that women, the traditional healer. This
thing is..." she couldn't quiet finish her sentence only her tears
portrayed her trumour.
"I agree. First thing in the morning, but first I need to inform my
uncle. We need more support." We didn't have a choice but to
finish up what we saw. Everything looked scary. It took us a
while to master up the courage to move back into the house.
"Goodnight my queen. Stay well." She wished me goodnight. I
feel bad. She wouldn't be in this situation if it hadn't been for
"Tomorrow it is then, have a good night too and thank you for
being there with me." I watched her disappear from sight
before I made my way next to the man i love, at least I have
someone to sleep next to. I am terrified.
In the morning...
"Muzi." He turned around from doing what he was doing,
clearly giving me all his attention.
"I miss home. I want to go see my uncle and my cousins, I don't
even know them."
"You know you can go anytime you want and anywhere and this
is your home Ntombi. I don't want you to go anywhere without
guards, I've been feeling uneasy lately and with the dreams I'm
having I don't want to take risks."
"Risks? You employed this new man without knowing him or
where he comes from." He turned away from me. I now believe
he's in some sort of spell, next he'll be devoured by that thing.
"Eliza knows the man, okay?"
"Okay." I agreed simply knowing that this conversation would
not end well especially for me. "I'll be going now. I want to get
there early so that I can stay longer."
"Okay then I'll see you later." He pecked my forehead and left
without another word.
I'm contemplating whether to go see my uncle or not. I don't
know the man well enough but I feel like I can trust him. My
way home with Zodwa wasn't an easy one. Guards were going
to jeopardise the whole mission, we don't know who to trust.
"Just a little bit further and we'll be there." I said to the still
shocked Zodwa.
"I cant believe I've never been to the place my queen was raised
in. Are you sure you'll be fine?"
"I have to there are more pressing issues to worry about right
now." We walked for a little while until the house that I swore
never to set my foot in became visible. My uncle saw us coming
and he came to meet us on the way.
"What a surprise Ntombi. I never thought I'd see you around
this area."
"Oh uncle, things have been really strange lately. If my being
here is a surprise than I'm really afraid how you are going to
react with what I'm about to tell you."
"Please lets get inside." He ushered us inside the house. I didn't
want to see my mother but my selfish needs would have to be
set aside.
"I've sent for my child to get you water, in the meanwhile why
don't you talk and tell what has you up early this morning." He
went straight to the point. I couldn't blame him though, my face
must look terrified. Who wouldn't be?
"I'm dealing with something beyond any human capability. A
human eater, a demon, has made its way into the gates of my
household and this kingdom. " I told him everything that i
witnessed, with Zodwa being there to testify too, and all my
suspicions including the strange behaviour of my husband.
"I'm so confused. What does it want from me? Who did i
offend?" I set face-Palmed with Zodwa rubbing my back with
her hand and telling me that all this will be solved.
"It's okay my child. This is the time to be strong. As your uncle I
will go with you to any length to put the evil back where it
belongs, to hell. We need to put heads together and think of a
way forward." He said a little with more power. All i wanted was
to wake up only to find out all this is a dream.
"Thank you so much. I knew I could count on you." I held his
hand and Zodwa's. "My friend and I wanted to go see someone
today. To see how we can solve this matter. We cannot defeat
this creature without any form of power nor protection. As I'm
speaking I fear for my husband's life, honestly we are all in
danger. He looks ever so confused and I don't want him to die.
My child has to see his/her father."
"You are right Ntombi. I'll freshen up to accompany the both of
you to your destination then." I knew that I'd have support and
me telling him my plans means I trust and value his opinion. I
didn't want to do things that I would later regret. He's an elder
and knows much more than I do.
"Right let's go." My uncle said after a while when he came out
of a room, the one i occupied. It brought back so much hurt and
memories but I had to block everything. I have to be strong for
my family and the kingdom at large.
We walked and walked never looking back, just looking forward
and eager to get the answers and help we seek. This time there
was no old women or anything strange. We made our way in
the hut that once stood there. Everything was the same but the
person that greeted us was totally different.
"Welcome, queen of Zulu land. I was told you would come but
as to when I wasn't sure. Please enter." She gestured we enter
her hut.
"You are all welcome." She welcomed us. "I know what you
must be thinking, the women in question is dead. She was my
grandmother. She taught me everything I need to know so you
need not to worry."
"Thank you for welcoming us. I have a problem. You see..." I
said when she cut me off.
"Stop! I know why you are here. The reason why you are here is
the reason my grandmother tragedically died. There is a very
dangerous demon in the palace. My grandmother got tricked by
its powers and that's how she set it free. It manipulates and
devours people. She tried to put it back to the land of the dead
and its powers was far too great, she died trying."
"I'm glad you know. Now what is the solution?" Zodwa asked
"No power in this kingdom nor in most kingdom greater than it.
It will take more than months for us to find someone who
possesses the same or more power than it."
"So you are saying we've hit a dead end?" This time it was my
uncle voicing out his question. It seemed we all had the same
questions it was a matter of who voiced them out first.
"No, not entirely. This thing we want to fight against was once a
man from this kingdom. He acquired all his dark powers from
the land of the dead, he needs one final thing to make him
indistructable and human again to take over this kingdom. He
thinks he deserves it. The one thing he needs is in you." She
pointed at my round belly. "It can both destroy and make him
what he needs to be, god-like."
"Not my child! He has to kill me first before he can get to my
baby." I made that clear to everyone that can hear me.
"That's why you are here. Like I've said before, no one can help
you. No, not in this kingdom that is. The baby you are carrying
will set everything in order. Light is the only power that can
destroy darkness and that is what the baby is. it has been
protecting itself and the mother, you, but you still have to be on
the look out." she looked at me.
"I have said what I needed to say. now go. remember, protect
the baby, there is nothing more I can do for you."
"what? you mean we have travelled so far just to hear this?" my
uncle asked in astonishment.
"not to mention that we are being sent back to the very same
monster we ran away from."
" I am only a messenger, it will be wise if you leave. the king is
going insane looking for his queen."
we had no choice but to track back with more confusion and
determination. we parted ways with my uncle with the promise
that we will see each other soon.
the guards opened the gates for Zodwa and I.
"And where have you been." The kings' voice echoed all
around. What's wrong with him? it's not even that late. Can't I
step out of the palace for a few minutes. I walked closer to him
before I could answer so not to make the same noise as him.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I went to see my family." There's
nothing more to it really. What will i tell him anyways.
"And you didn't care to tell me or even your guards." He spoke
softer this tims, relief clear on his face.
"I'm sorry. Now can we get inside I'm hungry." And really tired, I
failed to mention.
He took a long breather. "Yes, I was just really worried about
you. I've been feeling unsettled lately especially when it comes
to you."
"Yeah? have you forgotten about your second wife already?" I
didn't recieve an answer to my tease just the sound of our feets
as we walked inside the house. It didn't pass by me how he
seemed to not have noticed Zodwa. Mmh?
"My queen we've been looking all over for you, I hope you are
alright?" I froze right away. It's not easy when the person asking
was the monster I saw yesterday, the one that want my baby.
"Yes she's fine as you can see. Can we please be alone for
now?" Muzi asked him. He bowed and asked if he can give us
something to eat. "You can bring something for my wife I still
haven't gotten my appetite back."
"No please don't." I cut in immediately. "But I thought you are
hungry, you know what just go get her something to eat." Muzi
"I said no!Bringing me food or anyone food isn't part of his job
description can we get that out of the way first?!"
"Oh my queen it's no trouble to me really. I don't mind." The
new guard said. I grimaced at his sweet pretence.
"Well it does bother me that a guard is right infront of me
asking to be sent on errands like kid instead of being at one of
his post ensuring the safety of the palace and it's people. From
now on I will not take it to ease if I see you anywhere near the
kitchen or doing anything that does not include..."
"There's no need for..."Muzi cut me off.
"Need for what, huh? If you love him so much then why don't
you marry him then?" I didn't wait for anyone to say anything. I
was too hungry for any of this and the baby agreed too becasue
it stopped kicking the moment I left their presence with their
mouths wide open.
I went ahead to get myself something to eat. My sole purpose
now is to keep my baby safe. Should i move out? Escape
perhaps? I could go back to father Michael, I'm sure I would be
welcomed back with open arms. The issue here is Muzi and his
stubbornness. Maybe I could tell him that I want to deliver my
baby there. Something has to be done.
"What is wrong with you Ntombi. You realise you made me look
bad and can't you see the poor man is trying to help." Muzi
said. I guess he found his way to me.
"Stop it Muzi? I've had it with you, Eliza and this 'poor man'. My
mental health is on the loose. Either way this is all so
overwhelming and I think going back to father Michael would
be beneficial for all of us." He froze trying to make everything
I've just said in one breathe sink in.
"You want to leave." It's more of a statement than a question.
"I just want to think properly. I promise to come back when the
baby is born."
"I can't let you do that. Please don't leave I would do anything
for you. Please. What can I do for you to feel comfortable?"
"I want him gone. I want the guard away from here."
That bitch want me out of here. Who does she think she's
dealing with. She has no idea. I have every right to think she too
used black magic on that lousy man called the king. No matter
how much i try i can't get complete control over him, need I
mention I'm the strongest person on this land more if this baby
doesn't make it. I'll rule and make this kingdom rot just as i am.
Is their love really that strong. What did she use on this man?
"I said want him gone Muzi." She said. I was eavesdropping on
them just as always I've always done. Something tells me that
she knows something. Why is she so resistant on making me
vanish. I won't move.
"I can't just release him off his duties." The king said. My magic
working on him of course. I must accomplish what I came here
"Then you leave me no choice, I'll be leaving no later than the
end of this month." This women and her persistent. The only
place she'll go is where her ancestors are with that destruction
she has in her.
"You will not leave. What I say is final. I cannot have my wife
seeking shelter else where as if she doesn't have a home." I
couldn't tell whether it was really him speaking or the influence
I have over him.
"You can't keep me here locked up as if in prison. I can go
wherever I desire." She said chickly replied. She is obviously not
the always obeying type of women. What happened to women
and doing whatever their husbands say, she's obviously spoiled.
"Then request for something else or at least give a reasons why
you hate him. Last I checked I hired him. This is my kingdom."
She is forcing me to make him harsher. Oh well she deserves it.
Why would anyone want me gone (note the sarcasm).
"Then keep it all your highness. I won't stay here to watch you
take this kingdom to dust." She got my ears perch high when
she said that. I urged the king to demand what she meant by
that. If she knows then I guess all plan will have to change.
"What are talking about? " the King asked.
"You mean you don't even see what's right under your nose.
Your... ahhh!" She screamed before she could finish up her
sentence. There goes my answer...
"Ahhh!!! Muzi I think the baby is coming!! Ahhh!" I froze. She
can't have that baby. Not when I can help it.
"Breathe." The king said obviously trying to calm her down. "Oh
what must I do?" Is this the King's voice? He must look like a
deer facing headlights. He sounded clueless and helpless.
"Get me out of here. Call the healer. Ahhh!" I heard rushing and
pushing then silence... no one spoke. For a moment I thought I
was caught.
"Ntombi what is wrong? Are feeling okay? You are scaring me."
The king asked with concern thickly laced in his voice.
"I feel nothing now. I'm okay now. It was a false alarm I guess.
The healer said I'd start feeling these kinds of pains, it's a way of
my body preparing itself for full Labour."
"Oh thank God. I was so scared." Ntombi laughed. "I didn't
mean to scare you. I really need to prepare you too." They both
laughed as if nothing happened. It puzzled me how they argue a
minute then the other minute they laugh as if they weren't
disagreeing. it must feel good. I almost feel sorry for Eliza. Her
own greed led her to this entanglement anyways and she is or
was a valuable instrument to my plan.
My intention is not to entirely destroy the kingdom but I
promised my friends from the other side that I'll invite them
when due time comes. I needed all the support I can get. Down
there is hell and a man has got to do what a man has to do. I
left them to be for now. This event has called for some action to
be done right away. I've risked too much already. To hell with
people seeing the real monster. Not to mention that the
princess is carrying my son...
Ntombi POV
"Promise me you won't leave. Promise me that I'll be one of the
first people to see my son." Muzi asked for the impossible.
"Promise me that you'll chase that guard away. I need that from
you Muzi." If I'm going to make a promise then so does he.
"Every fibre in my body is telling me to tell you to go to hell and
keep the guard as close to me as possible." He said. Now I
understand. He is not in control of himself anymore and it
makes me doubt or want to trust him. I almost told him about
the guard when I started feeling painful kicks in my stomach. I
thought the baby would come out here and now.
"Don't you see Muzi. Doesn't that bring red lights in your head.
He is the enemy." I finally said. I risked too much already but
something tells me things will get so much harder than they
already are.
"I thought about that. I cant get this feeling out of me. No
matter how I feel Ntombi I always want to please you. I love you
so much and I want to do what you ask but..."
"Shh ! Don't say more Muzi. I don't want to ease into your
sweet words when bigger things are at stake." I really didn't.
The pain in his eyes made me want to tell him everything will
be fine and I'll be at his side no matter what. I swore I would die
with and for him but there's a an even bigger reason to live for,
my son or so everyone says. Is he really a boy, my boy? Tears
rolled down my face as i looked even more deeper into his
desperate ones.
"I love you and my son so much Ntombi. I would do anything for
the both of you. So he'll go home today." He left me dumbfound
and proud. Is he really going to chase him away. I guess we'll
have to see. On the other hand going to father Michael is the
best idea no can think of.
Muzi POV
I know what i have to do in order to keep my family. I wanted to
find him myself rather than sending someone to call him. It
shortens the anticipation. I found him standing at near
doorway, main entrance, frozen and deep in thought. He
looked strange. I've never seen him like this. He turned around
before I could say anything , startling me.
"My king, is there anything I can do for you." I froze but a
deeper force forced the words out.
"I want you to pack your bags. Your stay here is making a lot of
people question me as their king. It was a mistake to hire
someone when it wasn't even announced that we are hiring
again." He looked at me puzzled. He didn't look hurt, I guess
that's a relief.
"My king I can't go." Is he blatantly disobeying me. "I have no
home. Where would I go." His statement made me feel things I
shouldn't but yet again my mission stands to send him away. I
don't want Ntombi to flee again. The thought doesn't sit well
with me. What If I never find her this time. I can't take that
"I'll organize something for you. I'm sure other kingdoms will be
happy to have you lend an extra hand." That's it. A way to solve
everything, sending him away somewhere but somehow that
made me feel worse.
"But I don't want to go. This is where I belong..." I was getting
lost into an unknown abyss that kept on pulling on me and
draining every ounce of my energy.
"My king I..." Eliza came in. Waking me up from the incoming
sleep and making me fully aware where and what I was doing
with this man. He touched me and this time I didn't hesitate but
to slap his hand away. It felt cold, how is he this cold?
"What are you doing to him you disgusting creature." Eliza said
with anger holding tight to her stomach.
"It will do you well to stay away from me or I'll tell him
everything." - the guard.
"And he'll know the real you. I didn't sign up for this and you
know it." - Eliza.
"Oh honey didn't your daddy teach his little princess that there
are consequences to everything, ha?" - the guard.
"Shut up this instant, the both of you. It will do you both well if
you tell me what you are talking about. " I asked annoyed. I had
it. These two had something to hide and I wanted to know.
"Oh it's nothing just a bit of a past of ours but nothing to worry
about your highness." He said looking at both me and Eliza and
bowed before he disappeared. I didn't fail to notice the eye
contact he made with Eliza.
"Eliza what is going on?" I asked sternly.
"You heard, it's nothing." Her eyes held no emotion and for the
first time in a long time she made me feel. She looked sad and
almost powerless.
"Eliza, whatever it is you are going through you can tell me. I'm
your husband." I held her hand in support.
"Oh really. You haven't been in the past months that we were
married. What changed now?" She half laughed and half spoke,
more like a sneer.
"I'm sorry for what is worth."
"Whatever it is you want to say just don't say it. Just... just take
your wife away from here." She said and rushed away from me.
Something is up and my bet is on that guard. Who is he
Ntombi pov.
I've never been so indecisive in my life before. What do I do. I
feel like I need to choose between my baby and my husband. I
know that my decision will shatter Muzi so much but what more
can I do when a demon threatens the life of my unborn baby.
My motherly instinct kicked in today when I finally decided to
go to father Michael. I have to go there to safely deliver my
baby. I woke up early in the morning. I really want to say my
goodbyes to Zodwa so at least she'll know that I'm okay but
with the way I'm sneaking out I don't think I'll be able to.
I took whatever little thing I could carry and walked out.
Michael stirred in his sleep and deep down I shuttered knowing
he'll wake up going up and down looking for me. I wiped the
tear that slipped and walked out. It's only for a while, I told
myself, then I'll be back. I walked away, more like ran away, Just
like I've done before. For a moment I had second thoughts. I
want to stay with him but I must flee. Will I be a fool thinking
we can fight this together. Will he fight by my side like he fought
for me to be in his life again. No I can't, I stand to lose far much
worse if I choose to abide by my selfish desires to be with Muzi.
I have a responsibility now. I attempted to write a letter just to
assure him that I'll be fine wherever I'll be at but the words
couldn't form. What do I tell him, that he failed as a husband to
protect his family and the kingdom. This too shall pass I guess. I
just wish things weren't like this but when push comes to shove
a person has got to do whatever to push through the difficult
I managed to exit the palace. This is it, I said, going to an
unkown future. I walked until all i could think about is water
and food. Even if I can get a drop of moist in my throat I'll be
fine. My body has gotten used to the luxuries of the palace that
I couldn't bare the pain my feet and body was in. I wanted to
cry at this moment but I gulped down the emotions and pushed
myself. For my baby I'll endure. The sky became as clear as the
sea and the Sun beamed so high as if to punish me for fleeing
my matrimonial home. I can imagine the chaos in the palace. I
have to quicken my pace I'm sure by now the guards must be
out and about looking for me and I don't want to be found and
having to explain where I was going this time. I don't want to
think about anything else anymore. I need to reserve my energy
so I pushed myself more until I decided to rest under a tree. The
cool shade and breeze calmed and soothed my hot skin. My lips
felt like they were cracking and I kept going in and out of sleep.
"Ntombi Ntombi get up. Get up they are coming." A voice said
with urgency.
"Who are you?" I asked as soon as my eyes edjusted. This young
man helped me get up instead of answering my question. I
"Who are you? Don't touch me!" I tried slapping his hands away
but he kept on pulling me away. I was angry. Angry that he woke
me up and angry that he ignored all my protest and questions,
angry that my stomach couldn't stop growling and hurting.
"Here take this. It'll have to do for now." He gave me an Apple, a
huge one that three other people can share. I got a good look at
him. It was wrong for me to say this man looked young. His face
looked old, no i mean young yet wise, never mind just know he
is so handsome. He had tribal signs on his face, tall...I mean
gigantic, his lips in a straight line as if he's concentrating on a lot
of different things all at once.
A few more bite from the Apple and I was full. I couldn't take
anymore so I kept for later.
"You can just throw it away. There's plenty from where it came
from." He said and went back to pulling and concentrating...
and being handsome. "I can hear your thoughts, for your own
information if you were to see my true form it won't be
pleasing." WHAT THE HELL! I yelled in my mind. No seriously
where is he taking me.
"If I tell you then I'd have to kill you." He answered me. Oh my
word I'm going to die! He laughed. Can he really hear my
thoughts. I should just shut up right now because his smirk is
really annoying, proud jerk! "Relax Ntombi or should I say
queen of zulu land. I'm here to protect you actually the baby
but I guess the future Prince is a package deal so yeah. We are
going to the beyond, the unkown, my home and everyone's
home once they are six feet under."
"Are you a ghost?" His left eyebrow rose and his face looked
annoyed. I'm the one who should be annoyed.
"Well... kind of but a powerful one. It's been my duty to protect
royals for... well forever." Where am I? He did kinda look weird.
"We should hurry now. He can smell you and soon he'll know
our location.
"Who?" I asked nervous for what he's about to say next.
"The man that snuck his way in the palace now hurry I need to
be somewhere else."
We kept walking until finally I saw a hut right infront of us. A
women came out and I couldn't believe my eyes. It's the same
women that chased me away to go face my problems, the
traditional healer. She came to me with a smile and a vibrant
energy. All was fine until I remembered that he led that
monster right up to us. If she didn't all would be well.
"I know you have questions and I'll be glad to answer them."
Before I could ask the strange man what she's doing here he
disappeared. I didn't even ask him his name.
Muzi pov
In the morning...
I tossed around my wife's side wanting to spoon her before I
can face today's challenges but all I spooned was air full of
nothingness, if that even makes sense. I got out of bed. If
Ntombi isn't here it either she's with her maid Zodwa, in the
garden or she's staffing her mouth altogether. I made my way to
the kitchen to have food. Today I want to dedicate my day to
the warriors, training with them. It'll keep me busy especially
with all the confusion in this place. I'm too old to run away from
my problems I know but I swear I'm one second away from
becoming a mad man. That guard is manipulating me that I
know and it kills me that I have no power over him. Even
amongst my subjects he still disobeys me. I want to set things
straight. I finished eating and before I could reach the garden I
bumped into Zodwa.
"Good morning my king. " she greeted me.
"Morning Zodwa I hope you slept well. Have you seen my
wife?" I asked. She looked like she was thinking before she
answered me.
"Which one your highness?" Sometimes I forget that I married
two women. Crazy I know.
"Queen Ntombi." -me
"You mean you have not seen her until this time?! She asked,
panick written all over her face.
"Relax I'm sure she's around somewhere."
An hour passed and we haven't seen or heard of my wife. I sent
guards all over the kingdom. All parts of this palace should be
bombarded by not only guards but the villagers searching for
their queen. I want no stone unturned. I was pacing up and
down the dining area thinking of all the possible places Ntombi
could be
"My king. Where did you take her!?" I couldn't believe it. He
even has the guts to yell at me.
"Don't you dare speak to me in that manner! I thought I told
you to leave this place!" I was livid if not crazy yet. "Out I said
and the next time I see you I'll make sure to hang your head
right where everyone can spit on it." He laughed. Obviously
taking me for a joke. This is probably the reason Ntombi ran
away. How did I sacrifice my own family for this thing.
"Guards!" They came rushing at my call. "Take him away. I want
him locked away until my wife shows up then I'll decide his
"It's clear that you did not hide her but I promise you that i will
find her and when I do you'll see more blood than you've ever
since in your life time, king." Before they could take him he
disappeared. Leaving me even more alarmed than before. She
warned me!
"Wake up right now!" I angrily yelled at the two guards that
stood in shock. "I want every single one of you out there. West,
north, east and south I want everyone out of their houses. You!
take some man and I want you to go to that white mans' house
and check if my wife is there. If any of you find her guard her
with your whole being. This is war."
The Guard POV
She knows. Somehow she found out and If I had time I was
going to search for anyone else who knows of me and kill them
with my bare hands, I mean why else would she ran away. How
I can't wait to have her squirming and begging while I rip her
organs one by one, I'm so angry! As much as i want to kill Eliza I
can not because of the abomination she's carrying. This is my
time to rise again from the dead and grow victorious and
condemn every ancestor that claims this place. I want the blood
of that baby. If the queen thinks otherwise she's wrong. I'm
going to find her.
She can't be far. I walked following her scent that led me to a
tree. She must've been here. I changed to my true form, an ugly
beast I am but strong. I chanted some words and I saw where
she went. I followed her until I came face to face with a man.
Who is he?
"You don't belong here." He said. I would be a fool to not to
notice his might. I turned back to my human form. Its easier to
move that way. My original form is old and rotten.
"I'd be a fool to think you are human. I do belong here. My
ancestors died and fought for this land." I told him to which he
laughed at.
"You ceased to belong here the moment you took all the
darkness in your soul. Leave the Prince or you'll have me to
face!" He transformed into a fierce lion. With wings of a Dragon,
eyes of an eagle and paws that could kill in one swipe. He
roared and right then and there I knew I couldn't take this task
You ceased to belong here the moment you took all the
darkness in your soul. Leave the Prince or you'll have me to
face!" He transformed into a fierce lion. With wings of a
Dragon, eyes of an eagle and paws that could kill in one swipe.
He roared and right then and there I knew I couldn't take this
task alone.
I flee, the only thing I could do to save my life. It was clear as
day that I couldn't take him, not now or ever. I need an army. I
need to summon my own man. I can't be one man to be able to
destroy an ancestor, the spiritual royal guard.
Ntombi pov.
I looked at the traditional healer that led me inside the hut. I
know I can trust her because of the man that brought me to
her. I believe he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the life of a
Prince, the baby I'm carrying. She's the one that chased me
when I came seeking for the ancestors to bless me with an heir.
It's funny how I assume my baby is a boy. Everyone keeps on
saying Prince. I guess there's a possibility that both Eliza and I
are going to have baby boys but her child will be the heir, not
that I'm worried. I just don't understand why he want to destroy
my baby and not Elizas'.
We entered the hut leading to a whole different world on the
other side. Warmth and calmness surrounded the place.
"What is this place. Are we in heaven or..."
"No this is not where our ancestors reside..." she interrupted
me. "Only the dead can go where you are thinking about. We
are in the unknown. A place where both men and spirit can live.
Under extreme cirmstance and in your case a demon is after
the blood of the future king and we protects our own." She said
future king. I guess that means Eliza will have a female then.
"I'll be staying with you here. No one can enter this sacred place
except those that have been given permission to do so. It's
never night in this place and by now I assume you are tired. You
can go sleep."
She pointed toward a beautiful hut that I'm sure wasn't there
before. I accepted the offer. Today was... a hard pill to swallow. I
layed down my belonging and took off to sleep right after my
head rested on top of my bag.
I guess I'll ask more questions after i take this little pleasure just
for myself. I haven't felt this safe since forever it feels.
It felt like eternity when my eyes forcibly opened not fully
believing the long peaceful sleep I've had. I was greeted by the
same women that brought me here holding a tray full of food. I
guess it's mine.
"Here's some food." She offered the tray to me and I wasted no
time to fill my empy stomach.
"We need to take you back to the palace." She simply stated.
She has to be kidding me.
"I'm not going there. I didn't just escape just to be captured by a
ghost and brought back to the same place I'm running away
from. I can't let this baby die and I'm also afraid to die.
Take me to father Michael instead. That's where I was headed
She took a long breathe before answering me, " this is not
negotiable. The king is worried sick about you and the
baby needs to be born where all the other kings that came
before him were born."
I put the tray behind as my appetite suddenly vanished. "There
is a monster that is blood thirsty and won't be quenched with
just anyone's blood but my sons'. I can't. "
"Look I get you. Always remember that you are always
protected." She picked up the tray and stood up.
"Wait." I pulled her down. "How did he escape to my kingdom?
Your daughter says you brought it here?"
Muzi POV
"Did you find her?" I asked one of the man that stood infront of
me with his head bowed down. "I asked you a questioned." I
said calmly. I haven't slept the whole night and I don't even
know my left from my right, I'm just so lost.
"No... no my king." He stuttered. What's wrong with people and
being so damn incompetent. All my man are gone and not a
single one has come back with a positive feedback. What's this
"You haven't found her you say? My pregnant wife, the queen
of this land. She just vanished into thin air right?" I said calmly
getting close to him. The moment I got close to him I snatched
his merchant and pointed it directly near his neck.
"From now on I'll lead the pack." I walked away. If they can't
find her then I will do it myself.
"You will do no such son." My mother's voice bellowed. She
majestically ascended near me.
"Your wife will be found. She took her clothes with her clearly
she ran away and is safe wherever she is. I won't lose my only
son to a women who acts as she pleases and who thinks like a
child." She stood infront of the guard as if I really wanted to
slaughter him.
"Please mother..." ~me
"Don't please me son! You've exhausted enough resources for
that girl."
"I am the king and what I say goes. The same girl you are
referring to is my wife and the queen of this land. You all might
not care but I do and I'll go to the end of this world to make
sure she's safe. I'm a man and I won't be told not to care about
the women I love and my unborn child." She blocked my way
before I could walk away from her.
"Remember that you have a second wife who is carrying your
child as well."
"Then keep her safe for me mother. " I left her standing there
with the guard as i made my way to where the rest of the
guards are.
According to them they've searched everywhere including at
father Michael's place. My prayer right now is that she's safe
and secured and that demon hasn't gotten to her yet.
"Masiyeni Madoda (let's go my fellow man) our queen need to
be saved." I bellowed, forcing the group of man to march
behind me. Today we'll search every cave, house and leave no
stone unturned. The warrior in me has awakened.
We walked for hours till the Sun turned away from us and I
could see the men are hungry and tired. I raised my right arm
up causing everyone to come to a halt.
"We'll rest here and commence with the search tomorrow." I
gave my order and I could hear thank you's all around. As much
as my feet aches and my throat yearns for water and my
stomach yearns for a meal, my need to find my wife fuels me.
We caught some rabbit and a few small wild animals that we'll
cook on the fire. It should be enough for us. We are seven in
total. The other man have gone opposite our direction. I've
taken few man because as much as i want all the help I can't
leave the palace unguarded.
I ate my meet and drank a bit of water just to get my saliva up
and running again. Layed down and forced myself to sleep. I
need to be ready for another say.
Hosh hosh hosh! The wind pushed me backwards as if a strong
force was forcing it towards me. I saw a huge eagle like creature
with paws like a lion and mighty wings coming towards me and
the force of wind became stronger.
It landed on its huge paws and turned towards me.
"King of my land." A voice unkown to men spoke, it sounded
strong and powerful like its physique.
"I see you've come far and I can no longer watch you strain
yourself when a greater war is yet to come." I didn't say
anything. The questions were lingering right on my tongue but I
was in awe. Is this a dream?
"When you wake up direct your man to the cave of bones and
you'll meet your queen." How? Where? And why? All these
questions and I couldn't voice them. It flew away in an instant.
I woke up with a bead of sweat on my forehead and I couldn't
believe it was all a dream. I looked around and all the man were
dead asleep some even snoring. I laid back down and I made a
decision to go where the creature said i should go no matter
what. Something told me this wasn't just like any other dream.
Ntombi pov
"Wait." I pulled her down. "How did he escape to my kingdom?
Your daughter says you brought it here?"
"It wasn't my intention. When I was breathing my last breathe I
thought for sure my ancestors were going to turn me away.
Princess Eliza happened and as much as my intentions were
pure I had a hand in it. She said not looking at me, just
continued to hold the tray with both her head and looked
ahead to nothing in specific.
"What do you mean princess Eliza? How is she even involoved."
I was totally confused. How does Eliza fit in all this.
"She's merely just a victim of love. Love can make us do things
we never thought possible, even really bad things. I have to go
now. Time here is different and you really need to go back." She
quickly left leaving me in my haze of confusion.
I sat down not knowing what to do. All this is a lot. I've asked
myself countless of times why me, is it all for love? I touched my
belly and promised myself that whatever happens this child
must come out alive.
"Queen. A penny for your thoughts?" The handsome man that
brought me here startled me.
"Everything is a lot. I'm tired I just want all this to be over
already." I said exasperated.
"It will be. Don't give up yet. The Sun is slowing rising up to your
horizon." He's wise and comforting. " we shall head out now.
I'm taking you back to your kingdom." He said and pointed the
way to the door for me in a courtesy.
"Isn't this dangerous. The king won't believe me when I tell him
there's a demon who's after my baby. Can't i stay here till I'm
"My child you don't know this but you come from a bloodline of
great warriors. You might not know your father but his
ancestors fully acknowledges you. You are not queen by
mistake. Brave up and you'll conquer many things that are still
to come." He made me feel as though the blood the flows
within me is royal and powerful, he made feel special. With that
we left.
We walked for some time until we reached a big rock. "We must
claim down here." He simply stated. I think he crazy because I
know for sure well never be able to get down. This rock that we
were on mimicked a mountain.
"How are we going to make it." I raised my voice up so to be
heard through this wind that threatened to tear my clothes
"I'll have to change and you must climb on top of me. I'll fly us
over." What. Before I could ask what hes talking about I
creature was before me. It it a lion? An eagle? Or...
It nudged me clearly indicating that I should climb on top. It
lowed itself so to make the climb easier and within minutes we
were on the ground.
He changed back to being the handsome man I've known. Who
is he?
"I'll leave you here alone. Within minites the king will be here.
Always now the ancestors are always watching over you no
matter what." He changed back and gracefully flew to where we
come from.
I sat down and waited as instructed. I heard people singing.
Clearly man.
From the group of man i spotted him. The moment we made
eye contact all else stopped. He came rushing to me and gave
me a long tight hug.
"Never ever run away from me my queen." He whispered in my
ear as he slowing loosened his grip on me.
Final Chapter
The Guard pov.
I've travelled back to the black abyss where I came from. I didn't
miss this place. The coldness and darkness really exaggerates
the melancholy mood. Sadness heavily sticks in this place. Souls
are weak and lost in here.
There isn't much for a person to get around. It's pathetic,
whoever made this place knew what they were doing. Nothing
breaks a soul more than helplessness and being lost.
I came here for a reason and I'll get what I need. Time is not on
my side. I'll have to make alliances and I know these ugly
bastard are going to want a cut in whatever I'll win over.
Greedy bastards if you ask me but that's why we are here isn't
it, because of the greed. We've all done bad things to end up
here and even in death we still want power.
"Ahh ol' friend of mine. I thought I'd never see you here again."
That's giant. We don't use our real names here. Most of them
barely remember.
He's powerful. If you think what I'm capable of is bad then you
certainly don't know evil. This man survives from the blood of
the innocent.
Many man seek him to gain power and riches. His physique
clearly indicates the kind of man he is. Here the bigger you are
the more power you posses. He manipulates to get what he
wants and he always get what he want.
"I need help old friend. Things are falling apart. The royals are
more powerful than I thought." I said in our forbidden
language. I don't like him, not one bit.
"Royals are the most powerful and most protected. I remember
I've once came to ask for a part in this. Deceit, lies,
manipulation and distraction is what we specialise in.
By now I would've long devoured the baby. His blood is power."
Always one to boost and compare but I'm not here to judge.
"I've done all that and more. I've been seen and exposed. We all
know the man upstairs can't be fooled." - me
"That's why we deal with humans. You chose the wrong people.
We spirits need to stick together," Oh pathetic, "I'll venture with
you this time."
"Thank you that'll be great. Care to name your price?" -me
"We'll discuss that when the time comes for now let's plan." -
giant. He's thinking of a much greater price to ask of I know for
sure, he possesses a lot of things.
When I said this man is powerful I wasn't exaggerating. He has
countless souls under captive as many people trade their souls
for materialistic things. Desire will always be the downfall of
humans. Desire is what granted me the ticket to the land of the
living. Eliza's desire and rotteness is to be thanked. All I had to
do was get her pregnant.
"Our mission is to kill the unborn child or all hell will break for
real and I'll be back in here forever this time."
"Then mission kill the baby is underway. What'd you say we give
your queen a visit."- giant.
Clever bad god.
Princess Eliza
How I'm I you may ask. Well I'm depressed. I don't regret
fighting for love but I regret how I went about it. Love clouded
my judgement or is it because I'm a spoilt brat. Always believing
that I get everything I desire.
Whatever the case I can't undo the past. I just need to move on.
I don't want anyone to die honestly. I still want the Prince all to
myself but I think it's pretty clear that he wants Ntombi.
I've tried breaking their love even killing the women who owns
the king's heart. I don't want any part in that demons plans.
I want to move on. I need to accept my position in this kingdom.
I've made my bed now I get to sleep on it. This is the first time
owning up to anything really.
"The women we've been looking for. Please, please don't run. A
friend sent me."
A figure appeared right in front of me. He looked scary. Big
form and eyes that pierced into my soul. His uncanning smirk
made me feel uneasy.
"I won't eat you. I just came to deliver a message. You see the
baby you are carrying belongs to my friend."
No no, not my baby. What did I think making a deal with the
devil will lend me heh? How in the hell I'm I supposed to return
this favor now.
"No please not my unborn child." I told it. Whatever it is he is.
"Then you'll do as we say. Take this... "
"I want no part in this please leave me alone." I interrupted him
before he could finish.
"I don't want to repeat myself." I shook my head as he tied a
bracelet on my wrist.
"Never take it off or else you will die."
He disappeared like he was never there in the first place. I
examined my wrist.
The bracelet looked expensive but I won't be fooled. This is part
of their plan. What the bracelet does is what I don't know.
I looked around and no was here. Alone like always. I guess this
is the kind of pay back people talk about. I've gotten myself in
this misery and I'll perish in it forever.
The man I love, the king, is comforting the women he loves. I
guess destiny is stronger than anyone's will.

...........THE END OF PUBLISHED PARTS.........

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