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Installed the open source GPS tracker in windows

Refer this site .example of open source GPS tracker.

OpenGTS path:

Server -

Account Name: opengts

User Name : admin

Password : welcome

Filezila path:


java mail support:

Download the java mail jar file. Installed javax.mail.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/ that

Apache ant tool:

Download the apache ant tool .

cd /usr/local

ln -s $CATALINA_HOME tomcat

Mysql database Provider:

Download the .

Installed the yum install mysql-server mysql that path.

Mysql JDBC Driver:

Download the

Installed the yum install mysql-connector-java that path.

Installing and compiling the openGTS source:

Install the opengts source code on root user

cd /usr/local
/usr/local> su root
/usr/local# unzip /tmp/
/usr/local# chown -R user:group OpenGTS_2.6.5
/usr/local# exit
/usr/local> export GTS_HOME=/usr/local/OpenGTS_2.6.5

Compiling the support GTS library files:

cd' into the OpenGTS installation directory and compile the jar files, and servlet war
files, using the supplied Ant "build.xml" script:
Testing the installation:

Testing the installation on this command

/usr/local/OpenGTS_1.2.3> bin/
Creating the sysadmin Account:

When logging in to the "sysadmin" account a new menu 'tab' will be available, with new
web-page selections, that allow the creating of new accounts. The following command can be
used to create the "sysadmin" account.

[admin@opengts OpenGTS_2.6.5]$ bin/ Device -account=opengts -device=opengts –


Account Details:

Installing trackwar file:

To build the track.war file run the command

cp build/track.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
validating the tables

Compling and installing the mologogo.war java servlet:

Created the mologogo war file

[root@opengts OpenGTS_2.6.5]# ant mologogo

Setting up the celltracGTS server:

Download the open-source OpenGTS

After the OpenGTS® installation is complete, the following command will download
the CelltracGTS™/Server support library "ctrac.jar", and install it in
the OpenGTS® installation folder "lib/gtsopt/"


The following command will then create the "ctrac.war" servlet and deploy it to Tomcat

ant ctrac ctrac.deploy

When properly installed/configured, the "ctrac" DCS should generate a log file in
the OpenGTS® installation folder at the location "logs/w-ctrac.log".

This log file can be monitored to help with diagnosing configuration issues when setting up
the phone to send data to this server.
Android phone CeltracGTS App setup:

Install the CelltracGTS™/Free application on your Android phone.

Go to the settings page (press the menu button, then select "Settings") and enter the URL
of the "CelltracGTS™/Server" service on your server. The URL will be similar to the

Make a note of the value displayed in the "Mobile ID" field at the top of the Settings page. This
value typically represents the phone IMEI#, or Android serial#, and will be used to identify the
phone to the server.

OpenGTS Account Setup

CelltracGTS™/Free application running on your phone

Log into this account and create a new Device record. For this example we will use the id
"myphone". Edit this device/phone record and enter the "Unique ID" as in the following

Unique ID: ct_MOBILEID

Where "ct_" is the unique-id prefix, and MOBILEID is the "Mobile ID" which was displayed on
your phone above. Change any of the other device/phone fields as desired, then click
change/save to save the changes.
Screen shots:

Login into website:

Main page:
Vehicle information:
Edit Vehicle and mobile information:
Vehicle Map:


Checking Server connection errors.

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