Impact of Continuous and Wireless Monitoring of Vital Signs 2024 British Jou

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British Journal of Anaesthesia, 132 (3): 519e527 (2024)

doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2023.11.040
Advance Access Publication Date: 21 December 2023
Clinical Investigation


Impact of continuous and wireless monitoring of vital signs on

clinical outcomes: a propensity-matched observational study of
surgical ward patients
Bradley A. Rowland1, Vida Motamedi2,4,7, Frederic Michard3 , Amit K. Saha4,5,6 and
Ashish K. Khanna *
Department of Internal Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA, 2Wake Forest
University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA, 3MiCo, Vallamand, Switzerland, 4Department of
Anesthesiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA, 5Perioperative Outcomes and
Informatics Collaborative (POIC), Winston-Salem, NC, USA, 6Outcomes Research Consortium, Cleveland, OH, USA and
Department of Anesthesiology, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Background: Continuous and wireless vital sign monitoring is superior to intermittent monitoring in detecting vital sign
abnormalities; however, the impact on clinical outcomes has not been established.
Methods: We performed a propensity-matched analysis of data describing patients admitted to general surgical wards
between January 2018 and December 2019 at a single, tertiary medical centre in the USA. The primary outcome was a
composite of in-hospital mortality or ICU transfer during hospitalisation. Secondary outcomes were the odds of indi-
vidual components of the primary outcome, and heart failure, myocardial infarction, acute kidney injury, and rapid
response team activations. Data are presented as odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and n (%).
Results: We initially screened a population of 34,636 patients (mean age 58.3 (Range 18e101) yr, 16,456 (47.5%) women.
After propensity matching, intermittent monitoring (n¼12 345) was associated with increased risk of a composite of
mortality or ICU admission (OR 3.42, 95% CI 3.19e3.67; P<0.001), and heart failure (OR 1.48, 95% CI 1.21e1.81; P<0.001),
myocardial infarction (OR 3.87, 95% CI 2.71e5.71; P<0.001), and acute kidney injury (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.09e1.57; P<0.001)
compared with continuous wireless monitoring (n¼7955). The odds of rapid response team intervention were similar in
both groups (OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.79e1.06; P¼0.726).
Conclusions: Patients who received continuous ward monitoring were less likely to die or be admitted to ICU than those
who received intermittent monitoring. These findings should be confirmed in prospective randomised trials.

Keywords: continuous; monitoring; mortality; postoperative; outcomes; vital signs; wireless monitoring

Editor’s key points  The findings of this propensity-matched analysis of

observational data suggest that this technology could
 Regular monitoring of vital signs is key to early lead to improved patient outcomes.
detection of physiological deterioration of patients  Observational analyses of this type are vulnerable to
on hospital wards. bias. Confirmation in a randomised trial with sup-
 The combination of wireless ‘wearable tech’ and, in porting health economic analysis would accelerate
future, machine learning algorithms allows continuous widespread implementation.
monitoring of vital signs and earlier detection of the
deteriorating patient with minimal impact on staffing.

Received: 4 July 2023; Accepted: 23 November 2023

© 2023 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:

520 - Rowland et al.

There have been significant reductions in intraoperative mor- surgical patients with contemporaneous controls, admitted to
tality secondary to advancements in anaesthesia, surgical a single institution who received either continuous or inter-
technique, and monitoring.1 Yet, all-cause postoperative mor- mittent monitoring every 4e6 h. Our hypothesis was that with
tality, defined as death within the first 30 days of surgery, re- earlier detection of vital sign aberrations continuously, use of
mains about 100 times as common, affecting approximately this monitoring modality would reduce in-hospital mortality
1e2% of all patients.2,3 The majority of these postoperative and ICU transfers compared with intermittent monitoring.
deaths occur during index hospitalisation and under our direct Other outcomes including heart failure (HF), MI and AKI, and
clinical supervision.4,5 Myocardial injury after noncardiac sur- length of hospital and ICU stay were also examined.
gery (MINS), bleeding, and sepsis are the three most common
causes of attributable mortality after noncardiac surgery in
adults older than 45 yr.5 Other common aetiologies of post- Methods
operative clinical deterioration include respiratory failure, car- We conducted a single-centre, retrospective analysis using data
diac arrhythmia, and acute renal failure.6 The Joint Commission from electronic medical records (EMR). We first identified adult
provision of care standard PC.02.01.19 requires that hospitals surgical patients (aged 18 yr) admitted to a tertiary care centre,
recognise and respond to changes in a patient’s condition, and (Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center main
even beyond the guidelines it is our ethical responsibility to campus) over a 2-yr period (between January 1, 2018, and
respond to our patients. Thus, the timely recognition of clinical December 31, 2019), undergoing noncardiac surgical procedures.
deterioration within the inpatient setting remains critical to Surgical services admitting these patients included ortho-
early intervention and prevention of further clinical decline.6 paedics, urology, general surgery, neurosurgery, gynaecology,
Traditional practice at most hospital ward systems in- vascular, otolaryngology, cardiothoracic surgery, trauma, and
volves intermittent monitoring of vital signs every 4e8 h7 and others. Other subspecialties included hand, gastroenterology,
is often combined with Early Warning Scores (EWS) to identify haematology/oncology, interventional radiology, oral surgery,
and risk stratify deteriorating patients.8e10 Perturbations in plastics, podiatry, and ophthalmology. Race and ethnicity
vital signs, including oxygenation, ventilation, and haemody- were self-described by patients on admission and then retro-
namic parameters, may be sustained for long periods of time spectively collected with other patient characteristics from the
in between intermittent vital sign checks.11e14 Undetected EMR. Our study and a priori defined statistical analysis plan
vital sign perturbations have significant consequences.14e17 were approved by the Wake Forest School of Medicine Insti-
For example, even transient postoperative hypotension is tutional Review Board (IRB00083520).
strongly associated with myocardial injury (MI), and acute
kidney injury (AKI).15e18 Vital signs on hospital wards may
Monitoring protocols
show subtle pattern changes for hours before clinical deteri-
oration.13,19e21 Intermittent monitoring can entirely miss or Patients admitted to the surgical wards received either (1) vital
fail to detect these vital sign abnormalities, thereby reducing sign monitoring with a continuous wireless monitoring de-
lead time for effective mitigating interventions. Thus, the vice, ViSi Mobile, (Sotera® Wireless, Inc. San Diego, CA, USA)
advent of continuous and wireless vital sign monitoring or (2) standard intermittent monitoring (every 4e6 h). Briefly,
outside of the critical care setting using wearable devices the ViSi Mobile System is a portable wrist-mounted system
provides more granular detection capabilities to capture clin- that received clearance by the Food and Drug Administration
ical deterioration in a timely fashion. in 2012. These ViSi devices were purchased and implemented
Safety in healthcare has shifted in recent decades towards by Wake Forest Baptist hospital system in 2015. Today, ViSi
a systems approach including a socio-technical system where monitors are on several different medical and surgical units;
the interaction of humans and technology is essential to however, not all units and patients have access to this moni-
achieving the desired goals. Safety may be further understood toring. If hospital units do not have ViSi monitors or within a
as Safety-I and Safety-II, where the latter aims to improve unit if patients decline to wear the monitor, then intermittent
overall performance through the development of resilient monitoring is used. Hospital units with ViSi devices are staffed
systems by leveraging data and technology. Continuous by the same number of personnel as those not doing this
monitoring in this context is a driver of Safety-2, allowing monitoring. Nurse-to-patient ratios on our floors range from
clinical teams to respond more rapidly to physiological dete- 1:3 to 1:6. For this analysis, patients were not randomised into
rioration, improving the quality of care and system continuous or intermittent monitoring. The type of moni-
performance.22 toring was dependent upon the floor a patient was transferred
Published literature suggests the clinical benefit of contin- to after operation, which was dependent on bed availability
uous monitoring compared with historical controls using and not patient’s clinical status. Based on clinical experience,
before and after comparison studies.23e26 At the Atrium Health there would not have been significant crossover between
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, continuous ward moni- groups, that is, once a patient arrived at the floor and were
toring using wearable and portable monitoring device tech- allocated to either continuous or intermittent monitoring,
nology has been in place since 2015 and is coupled with vital then they would most likely continue that strategy until
sign threshold-based alarms and interventions based on best discharge; unless for example, a patient was transferred to a
practices.27 An earlier report from our institution demon- different unit and received a different type of monitoring
strated a significant decrease in rapid response calls after strategy there.
implementation.27 We have also reported substantial changes The ViSi device records oxygen saturation (SpO2), HR,
in heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) detected by these ventilatory frequency, continuous noninvasive BP, and either
monitoring devices that would have gone undetected with 3-lead or 5-lead ECG. Continuous BP measurements are esti-
traditional intermittent monitoring.28 mated from pulse arrival time, specifically the time that
We sought to evaluate and compare clinical outcomes in a elapses between the R wave being detected by the ECG and the
large propensity-matched, postoperative population of arrival of the resulting pulse at the SpO2 finger sensor.
Continuous versus intermittent vital signs - 521

According to the manufacturer, the estimated maximal mean surgery was used as a covariate in the model. Standardised
error is 5 mm Hg with a standard deviation 8 mm Hg.29 ViSi differences were used as indicators of intergroup balance. If
monitors were calibrated daily, connected to the hospital’s the standardised differences were less than 10%, the cova-
wireless network, and measurements were distributed to the riates between the two groups were considered well-
central nurse’s station for that unit and continuously dis- balanced.
played. Vital sign abnormalities exceeding established For summary statistics, categorical variables were
thresholds for the local hospital system generated alerts that described as numbers and percentages and non-normally
were distributed to a central station and to the nurses’ distributed continuous variables were described as median
hospital-supplied phones (ASCOM, Morrisville, NC, USA).28 and interquartile ranges (IQRs). Primary, secondary, and
Vital sign alarms not addressed by the primary nurses are exploratory outcomes were compared between groups and
escalated to other floor nurses, then to the unit manager. subgroups. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to
The EWS at our institution are based on the patient’s detect differences in outcomes between groups. Initially
weighted vital signs consisting of HR, ventilatory frequency, restricted cubic splines were included with age and CCI to
SpO2, temperature, BP, rate/percentage of inspired oxygen, and relax the linearity assumptions of the multivariable logistic
level of awareness as determined by the patient’s nurse. EWS regression model. As the non-linear components of age and
are calculated by the EMR every 4 h based on data input from CCI were not statistically significant, the splines were removed
ViSi monitors which can be collected from the central display or from variables. The multivariable logistic regression adjusted
at the bedside or those collected by intermittent monitoring. model were controlled for race, sex, ethnicity, age, BMI, sur-
Total scores range from 0 to 20 and can be calculated from vital gical duration, surgical area, ASA physical status, and CCI. The
sign measurements collected via ViSi monitor or intermittent P-value for significance level within the primary and second-
monitoring. Ad hoc EWS may be generated by the clinical team ary outcome analyses was set at 0.004 for each group of ana-
in response to changes in a patient’s clinical status through lyses after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons.
either monitoring strategy. For example, if abnormal vital signs To test the influence of unobserved confounding, we used
are detected by ViSi monitoring and an alarm is generated at an E-value analysis to quantify the potential implications of
the central nurse’s station, the clinical team may assess the unmeasured confounders. E-value is defined as the minimum
patient and generate an updated EWS. A rapid response team strength of association on the risk ratio scale that an unmea-
(RRT) is triggered if EWS is 8. sured confounder would need to have with both the exposure
and the outcome, conditional on the measured covariates, to
fully explain away a specific exposureeoutcome association.
We further performed multivariable logistic regression for the
Our primary outcome was the risk of a composite of post- composite outcome on the whole, unmatched, study cohort
operative in-hospital mortality or ICU admission during the (n¼34 636) to assess the effect of continuous monitoring after
hospital encounter. Secondary outcomes were the individual controlling for race, sex, ethnicity, age, BMI, surgical duration,
components of the primary outcome (in-hospital mortality surgical area, ASA physical status, and CCI as a sensitivity
and ICU admission), and risk of HF, MI, AKI, and RRT activa- analysis.
tions throughout the hospitalisation. Exploratory outcomes
including hospital length of stay (LOS), ICU LOS and median
EWS values for the entire LOS were accessed using the ordi-
nary least squares regression model. Diagnosis of HF, MI, and We identified 34,636 patients who met inclusion criteria
AKI were identified using International Statistical Classifica- (Fig. 1). Over the study period, 11,176 patients received
tion of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) billing continuous wireless monitoring compared with 23,460
codes available in the EMR. contemporaneous controls who received intermittent moni-
toring. Based on propensity matching, 7955 (71.2%) patients
receiving continuous wireless monitoring were matched with
Statistical analysis
12,345 (52.6%) contemporaneous patients receiving intermit-
Statistical analysis was performed in R v3.6.1 (R Foundation tent monitoring. When propensity matching was not possible,
for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) using RStudio they were excluded from propensity score-matched analysis.
environment v1.1.456 (RStudio, Boston, MA, USA). The par- Table 1 presents patient and clinical characteristics in the
ticipants were first stratified into ViSi continuous monitoring unmatched and propensity-matched models. Furthermore,
and contemporaneous controls as intermittent, standard vi- 8902 (37.9%) patients receiving intermittent monitoring had
tal sign monitoring groups. Sequential random nearest in-hospital mortality or ICU admission compared with 1428
neighbour matching with a propensity score ratio of 1:3 and (12.8%) patients receiving continuous wireless monitoring
with a caliper of 0.2530,31 was used to balance the potential among the whole study cohort. Patients who had intermittent
factors affecting the outcome including selection bias. To vital sign monitoring had greater odds of the primary com-
create propensity score-matched pairs, we performed posite outcome than those who were on continuous moni-
random one-to-three matching using the MatchIt package in toring (odds ratio [OR] 3.42, 95% confidence interval [CI]
R, in which the control variables in our study were used 3.19e3.67; P<0.001; Table 2, Fig. 2). The primary composite
(race, sex, ethnicity, age, quarter-year of surgery, surgical outcome was primarily driven by ICU admission (in-hospital
area, BMI, surgical duration in hours, ASA physical status, mortality 57 [0.7%] vs 242 [1.9%]; ICU admission 804 [10.1%] vs
Charlson Comorbidity Index [CCI] and patient’s primary in- 4342 [35.1%]). The remainder of all individual secondary out-
surance type).32 The variable selection for propensity score comes (in-hospital mortality, ICU admission, HF, MI, AKI, and
matching was based on feedback from clinical expertise. To RRT activation) are shown in Table 2 and Figure 2. Intermit-
adjust for the effect of time and variability of the continuous tently monitored patients had a significantly increased risk of
wireless monitoring device usage, the quarter-year of the in-hospital mortality, ICU admission, HF, MI, and AKI
522 - Rowland et al.

Adult patients receiving noncardiac surgical

procedures at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist
Hospital, Winston-Salem, NC, USA main campus
requiring a length of stay of ≥48 h, between
January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019,
(n=34 636)

Unmatched analysis Propensity score-matched analysis

x Patients who received IM, standard vital sign x Patients who received IM, standard vital sign
monitoring, (n=23 460) monitoring, (n=12 345)
x Patients who received CVSM with Sotera® x Patients who received CVSM with Sotera®
Wireless ‘VISI’ wearable device, (n=11 176) Wireless ‘VISI’ wearable device, (n=7,955)

Fig 1. Study flow diagram for patient selection. CVSM, continuous wireless vital sign monitoring; IM, intermittent monitoring.

compared with continuous wireless monitoring, except for significant (OR 4.16, 95% CI 3.90e4.43; P<0.001) for intermit-
RRT activations which were similar in both groups (Table 2, tent monitoring group compared with continuous monitoring
Fig. 2). E-values for each of the associations of exposure and group with an event rate of 36.4% among the intermittent
outcome are also reported in Table 2. For the composite monitoring group vs 8.7% among the continuous monitoring
outcome of in-hospital mortality or ICU admission, an un- group. The composite outcome adjusted odds were signifi-
measured confounder would need to have a strength of as- cantly greater for the intermittent monitoring group (OR 4.17,
sociation of a risk ratio of 3.10 with both the type of monitoring 95% CI 3.92e4.43; P<0.001) than for the continuous monitoring
and the outcome, conditional on the measured covariates, to group.
fully explain away the OR of 3.42 in favour of continuous
Supplementary Table S1 shows the characteristics of pa-
tients in each group that matched and those that were In this propensity-matched analysis, continuous and wireless
excluded because of no match. Absolute values of the primary monitoring of adult surgical ward patients was associated
and secondary outcomes within the populations in each of the with a reduced risk of in-hospital mortality and ICU admis-
monitoring groups are shown in Supplementary Table S2. sion, compared with traditional intermittent monitoring. This
Supplementary Figure 1a shows covariate balance plot before improvement in patient outcomes associated with continuous
and after propensity score matching between continuous wireless monitoring may be secondary to the decreased risk of
wireless monitoring cohort with the control and intermittent severe adverse events, consequent to earlier detection of vital
monitoring cohort. Caliper width of 0.25 is used for propensity signs changes that lead up to these conditions. Patients
match. Supplementary Figure 1b shows a kernel density dis- receiving intermittent monitoring were as likely to have RRT
tribution of propensity score before and after matching be- activation but greater odds of ICU admission than those
tween the continuous monitoring cohort and the intermittent receiving continuous monitoring. We hypothesise that this is
monitoring cohort. because of lack of detection of progressive changes in vital
Within the propensity-matched model, patients who signs leading to greater clinical deterioration at RRT activation
received intermittent monitoring had a longer hospital LOS in the intermittent vital signs cohort that would have other-
median [IQR] (4.19 [1.50e9.01] vs 3.31 [1.58e6.85]; P<0.001) and wise been detected and received intervention earlier, thereby
a longer ICU LOS 2.27 [1.19e4.89] vs 1.91 [0.91e3.73] days; preventing ICU admission in the continuous monitoring
P<0.001) (Table 3). Although median EWS values were not cohort.
dissimilar, maximal EWS values were much higher in the Patients who received continuous wireless monitoring had
intermittent monitoring group 1.5 (0, 13) than the continuous a reduced risk of new onset of HF, MI, and AKI. Each of these
monitoring group 2 (0, 7) (Table 3). Supplementary Figure 1c disease states is often preceded by vital sign abnormalities
shows EWS distribution and spread for both unmatched and that if undetected and unrecognised may lead to further
propensity-matched cohort. decompensation.33 Continuous wireless monitoring provides
As part of sensitivity analysis, in the whole, unmatched instantaneous streams of data for the clinical care team as
study cohort (n¼34,636), we measured effects of an intermit- compared with the ‘spot checks’ of intermittent monitoring,
tent monitoring after adjustment for all other cofounders and which continues to be the standard of care with a bedside
showed significant odds (OR 1.57, 95% CI 1.34e1.87; P<0.001) nurse or provider checking in on a patient every 4e6 h.
for in-hospital mortality with an event rate of 2.6% among the Therefore, the time paradigm between the two monitoring
intermittent monitoring group vs 0.6% among the continuous strategies can be upwards of several hours, which, in patients
monitoring group. The adjusted odds of ICU admission were with organ system failure secondary to haemodynamic
Continuous versus intermittent vital signs - 523

Table 1 Patient and clinical characteristics. IQR, interquartile range; SMD, standard mean deviation.

Unmatched model Propensity-matched model

Continuous Intermittent SMD Continuous Intermittent SMD

wireless monitoring wireless monitoring
monitoring (n¼23 460) monitoring (n¼12345)
(n¼11 176) (n¼7955)

Quartile (Q) - Year (%) 1.192 0.094

Q1-2018 1976 (17.7) 1996 (8.5) 1347 (16.9) 1738 (14.1)
Q2-2018 2518 (22.5) 1815 (7.7) 1453 (18.3) 1723 (14.0)
Q3-2018 2329 (20.8) 1927 (8.2) 1469 (18.5) 1830 (14.8)
Q4-2018 1323 (11.8) 3009 (12.8) 1320 (16.6) 2393 (19.4)
Q1-2019 241 (2.2) 3988 (17.0) 241 (3.0) 850 (6.9)
Q2-2019 206 (1.8) 4180 (17.8) 206 (2.6) 664 (5.4)
Q3-2019 392 (3.5) 4079 (17.4) 392 (4.9) 1067 (8.6)
Q4-2019 2191 (19.6) 2466 (10.5) 1527 (19.2) 2080 (16.8)
Age (yr), median (IQR) 60.00 (48.00e70.00) 61.00 (48.00e71.00) 0.036 60.00 (48.00e70.00) 60.00 (48.00e70.00) 0.024
Surgical subspecialty (%) 0.537 0.021
Orthopaedics 2344 (21.0) 3648 (15.5) 1378 (17.3) 1894 (15.3)
Urology 1338 (12.0) 1604 (6.8) 800 (10.1) 1032 (8.4)
General 2336 (20.9) 3212 (13.7) 1497 (18.8) 2047 (16.6)
Neurosurgery 1154 (10.3) 2360 (10.1) 907 (11.4) 1276 (10.3)
Gynaecology 718 (6.4) 948 (4.0) 404 (5.1) 555 (4.5)
Other 1591 (14.2) 5243 (22.3) 1559 (19.6) 2719 (22.0)
Vascular 162 (1.4) 1597 (6.8) 162 (2.0) 561 (4.5)
Otolaryngology 803 (7.2) 1240 (5.3) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Thoracic surgery 433 (3.9) 2314 (9.9) 542 (6.8) 754 (6.1)
Trauma 297 (2.7) 1294 (5.5) 429 (5.4) 963 (7.8)
ASA physical status (%) 0.528 0.074
1 207 (1.9) 717 (3.1) 202 (2.5) 374 (3.0)
2 2785 (24.9) 3997 (17.0) 1729 (21.7) 2398 (19.4)
3 7097 (63.5) 11983 (51.1) 4940 (62.1) 6976 (56.5)
4 1054 (9.4) 5990 (25.5) 1051 (13.2) 2503 (20.3)
5 33 (0.3) 749 (3.2) 33 (0.4) 94 (0.8)
6 0 (0.0) 24 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Sex (%) 0.075 0.033
Male 5584 (50.0) 12,596 (53.7) 4032 (50.7) 6458 (52.3)
Female 5592 (50.0) 10,864 (46.3) 3923 (49.3) 5887 (47.7)
Ethnicity, 414 (3.7) 896 (3.8) 0.006 309 (3.9) 459 (3.7) 0.009
Hispanic/Latino (%)
Race (%) 0.009 0.012
White 8703 (77.9) 18,214 (77.6) 6206 (78.0) 9603 (77.8)
Black or African 1901 (17.0) 4000 (17.1) 1328 (16.7) 2109 (17.1)
Other 572 (5.1) 1246 (5.3) 421 (5.3) 633 (5.1)
Surgical duration (h), 2.95 (1.97e3.78) 3.03 (1.85e3.83) 0.039 3.02 (1.95e3.78) 3.08 (1.90e3.88) 0.071
median (IQR)
Charlson Comorbidity 3.00 (1.00e4.00) 3.00 (1.00e5.00) 0.113 3.00 (1.00e4.00) 3.00 (1.00e5.00) 0.059
Index, median (IQR)
Hypertension (%) 4662 (41.7) 10,044 (42.8) 0.022 3307 (41.6) 5099 (41.3) 0.005
BMI, median (IQR) 29.05 (24.75e33.45) 28.53 (24.26e33.04) 0.017 28.89 (24.55e33.20) 28.68 (24.29e33.09) <0.001
Insurance class (%) 0.105 0.029
Commercial 3130 (28.0) 6110 (26.0) 2188 (27.5) 3347 (27.1)
Government 6460 (57.8) 14,665 (62.5) 4719 (59.3) 7475 (60.6)
Other 1586 (14.2) 2685 (11.4) 1048 (13.2) 1523 (12.3)

insults, as an example, would increase the risk of poor out- translate into longer hospital LOS and when transferred to the
comes. Recent work from nearly 15,000 patients on our hos- ICU as a possible unplanned admission, a longer stay in that
pital wards has also shown that continuously measured HR unit as well. This adds to healthcare resource burden and
and BP changes are common and likely missed with inter- strain.37 Patients receiving intermittent monitoring may have
mittent monitoring.28 initially been sicker or more continuous wireless monitoring
Similarly, patients with HF, MI, and AKI may have vital sign usage may have been deployed over a time course to a
aberrations, such as prolonged periods of hypotension pre- healthier group. To account for these differences, cohorts were
ceding these events and early detection may allow for timely matched on a combination of baseline covariates including
intervention and a reduction in the occurrence and progres- several comorbidities present on admission, intraoperative
sion of these.34e36 Our work also demonstrated that the duration of surgery, along with every quarter-year of surgery
downstream effect of lack of continuous monitoring could to adjust for time variance of continuous wireless monitoring
524 - Rowland et al.

Composite outcome

In-hospital mortality

ICU admission

Heart failure

Myocardial infarction

Acute kidney injury

RRT activation

–4 –2 –1 0 1 2 4 8
Favours intermittent monitoring Favours continuous monitoring
Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
Propensity-matched cohort Unmatched cohort

Fig 2. Forest plot of odds ratio (95% confidence interval) of primary and secondary outcomes for patients receiving intermittent monitoring
vs continuous wireless monitoring. RRT, rapid response team.

usage throughout our large hospital system. Our reported not different in the two groups examined. This may be because
E-values for unobserved confounding are consistently on the RRT activations are driven from threshold EWS, which are
higher side that provide further reassurance for our results. calculated every 4e6 h at our institution whether patients are
Clinical outcomes in our results are in concert with other monitored continuously or otherwise. It is therefore plausible
recent literature for wireless continuous wireless monitoring, that the bedside team using continuous wireless monitoring
including this specific technology, that has examined some of was able to provide proactive care for patients with vital sign
these outcomes, such as hospital LOS,38 ICU admissions,23 ICU changes and achieve lower risk of in-hospital mortality and
and in-hospital mortality,39 either as before and after or ICU admissions, whereas EWS-driven RRT presence was not
observational cohort designs. The risk of RRT activations was different. This is substantiated by the fact that median EWS

Table 2 Primary and secondary outcomes for intermittent monitoring vs continuous wireless monitoring unmatched and matched
models. Values are presented as odds ratios (95% CI). CI, confidence interval; RRT, rapid response team.

Outcomes Unmatched model Propensity-matched model E-value

Composite 4.17 (95% CI: 3.92e4.43), P<0.001 3.42 (95% CI: 3.19e3.67), P<0.001 3.10
In-hospital mortality 1.57 (95% CI: 1.34e1.87), P<0.001 1.25 (95% CI: 1.12e1.64), P<0.001 1.81
ICU admission 4.16 (95% CI: 3.90e4.43), P<0.001 3.43 (95% CI: 3.21e3.68), P<0.001 6.14
Heart failure 2.28 (95% CI: 1.91e2.72), P<0.001 1.48 (95% CI: 1.21e1.81), P<0.001 2.32
Myocardial infarction 5.61 (95% CI: 4.05e7.74), P<0.001 3.87 (95% CI: 2.71e5.71), P<0.001 7.21
Acute kidney injury 1.66 (95% CI: 1.43e1.93), P<0.001 1.32 (95% CI: 1.09e1.57), P<0.001 1.97
RRT activation 0.98 (95% CI: 0.89e1.09), P¼0.758 0.86 (95% CI: 0.79e1.06), P¼0.726 1.61
Continuous versus intermittent vital signs - 525

Table 3 Exploratory outcomes for propensity-matched cohorts. EWS, Early Warning Score; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, length of stay.

Continuous wireless Intermittent monitoring P-value

monitoring (n¼7955) (n¼12 345)

Hospital LOS (days), median (IQR) 3.31 (1.58e6.85) 4.19 (1.50e9.01) <0.001
ICU LOS (days), median (IQR) 1.91 (0.91e3.73) 2.27 (1.19e4.89) <0.001
EWS median value during LOS, 2 (0e7) 1.5 (0e13) <0.001
median (minimumemaximum)

values were not dissimilar in either group. However, the behaviour influenced the response to monitoring. Similarly,
intermittent monitoring group had a wider range and a higher we have limited information on EWS values at the time of RRT
maximum EWS than the continuous monitoring group. activation, specifically if an EWS check was per normal pro-
Our work was a propensity-matched cohort from a hospital tocol or an escalation of care measurement. Therefore, our
system where continuous wireless monitoring was imple- reported EWS values (which include median, minimum,
mented and used in conjunction with vital signs alarms and maximum, and overall spread along with absolute numbers of
interventions. Previous studies were before and after com- RRT activations) for the entire LOS for both groups should be
parison studies, and their results may be confounded by an interpreted with caution. A smaller pilot from the same
improvement of quality of care over time. We used a institution and using the same monitoring devices reported a
contemporaneous comparator control group that was rate of 2.3 alarms per patient per day and a significant decrease
matched on several characteristics that would have influ- in RRT calls from 189 to 158 per 1000 discharges after
enced the choice of monitoring and these outcomes. We also implementation.27
looked at a large set of outcomes that may be considered
clinically relevant effects of the type of ward monitoring.
Prospective interventional trials are now needed to confirm
the effect and the magnitude of benefit of continuous wireless In this propensity-matched analysis of observational data,
monitoring on clinical outcomes. patients receiving intermittent monitoring were at greater risk
Our study was limited by its retrospective approach. of transfer to ICU or death during their index hospitalisation
Although propensity matching allowed us to match patients than those receiving continuous wireless monitoring. Pro-
on baseline covariates, we were unable to match based on spective randomised trials are necessary to confirm the
ongoing changes in a patient’s hospital course. Our model impact of continuous monitoring on morbidity and mortality.
included an array of baseline comorbidity burden factors,
intraoperative duration of surgical procedure, and accounted
Authors’ contributions
for the effect of time as quartile of year. Although the use of
continuous wireless monitoring or intermittent monitoring Conceptualisation: BAR, AKK
was not based on patient condition, we can speculate that Conceptualising statistical analysis: AKS
patients after complicated surgery may have been placed on Writing, editing, reviewing statistical analysis and results: all
continuous wireless monitoring as a preference. Similarly, authors
patients who refused continuous monitoring received inter-
mittent monitoring. In the absence of granular data for rea- Declaration of interest
sons for refusal of continuous monitoring, we can speculate
that ambulatory and stable patients were more likely to AKK consults for Medtronic, Edwards Life Sciences, Philips
receive intermittent monitoring. However, all these factors, if Research North America, Baxter, GE Healthcare, Potrero Med-
anything, should not have driven outcomes in favour ical, Retia Medical, and Caretaker Medical. The Department of
of continuous wireless monitoring. Our approach with pro- Anesthesiology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine
pensity matching was set at a caliper of 0.25 and the drop off is supported by Edwards Lifesciences under a master clinical
for continuously monitored patients does demonstrate that trial agreement and receives grant funding from Masimo and
patient groups may be different at baseline within the defined Medtronic. FM is the founder and managing director of MiCo, a
caliper. However, we did achieve adequate matching and an consulting and research firm based in Switzerland. He has no
increase of caliper from 0.25 to 0.35 did not show any signifi- relationship with Sotera Wireless.
cant change in matched cohort number. We relied on reported
rates of conditions from discharge summaries and adminis-
trative codes which have inherent flaws. We did not evaluate
changes in providers, each with different clinical management This work was supported by funding at the Department of
habits. Most importantly, this very large administrative data- Anesthesiology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-
set does not have granular information that would allow Salem, NC, USA.
deeper understanding of the mechanisms of these favourable
outcomes for continuous monitoring. This includes the num-
ber of alarms, false alarms, or situations where certain alarms
Appendix A. Supplementary data
were not responded to and needed to be escalated within the Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
nursing workforce or whether nursing staff training and
526 - Rowland et al.

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Handling Editor: Rupert Pearse

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