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Furthermore, there is substantial support in pedagogical theory for the use of story telling in
language training. In conclusion, storytelling is an interactive strategy that is advised for use in
the classroom and involves students, teachers, and materials.

For the reasons stated above, the author wishes to demonstrate how storytelling can help
students improve their speaking skills. As a result, the author is interested in conducting study
on the following topic:


Based on the information presented above, the authors identify the problems:

1. Students lack the motivation or ideas to talk in English due to a lack of vocabulary,
grammatical patterns, and practice speaking the language.

2. Students continue to make pronunciation errors in English words.

3. Students' lack of confidence in their ability to communicate in English.

C. Problem Limitation

The following constraints apply to this study, which focuses on storytelling as a means of
developing students' speaking skills: This research will look at how storytelling can help
students improve their speaking skills. It focuses on the impact of storytelling on tale structure
(text structure) and fluency.

D. Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem is as follows: “How can storytelling improve speaking skills in
senior high school ?

2. What are the students’ responses in learning speaking using storytelling ?

C. The Objectives of the Study

Based on the statements of research, there are objectives of the study, as following:

1. To what extent storytelling improve students’ speaking skill.

2. To know the students’ responses in learning speaking using storytelling

F. Significance of the Study

This study is expected having some significances not only for the writer herself, but also for
three groups of people such English teacher, students, and other researchers.

1. For teachers

The result of this study is expected would make the teacher use storytelling technique in
teaching speaking, in order to make the classroom more attractive.

2. For students

Hopefully, the using of storytelling technique in teaching and learning speaking can give the
students a lot of opportunities to be creative and brave in their speaking performance.

3. For other researchers

The writer hopes this study can be a reference to other researchers who want to study about
the storytelling technique to enhance students' English skills.
Chapter Ii

A. Speaking

In this study, speaking terminology was one of four skills related to language teaching and
learning. As a language skill, speaking is sometimes undervalued or in other words belittled. In
teaching English, most teachers are interested in teaching written language. This language is
characterized by well-formed sentences that are incorporated into highly structured passages.

In fact, speaking is also very important for students. To know how important words are, we
must know the nature of words themselves.

There is holy Quran to strengthen this:

‫َو اَل َتْقُف َم ا َلْيَس َلَك ِبٖه ِع ْلٌم ۗ ِاَّن الَّسْمَع َو اْلَبَصَر َو اْلُفَؤ اَد ُك ُّل ُاو ِٕىَك َك اَن َع ْنُه َم ْسُٔـْو اًل‬

“And don't follow something that you don't know. Indeed hearing, vision and heart, all of which
will be held accountable” [Al-Israa : 36]

According to Rebecca (2006, p. 144), “speaking is the first mode in which children acquire
language, it is part of the daily involvement of most people in language activities, and it is the
prime motor of language change”. It provides our main data for understanding bilingualism and
language contact. Moreover, “speaking is depending on the complexity of the information to be
communicated; however the speaker sometimes finds it difficult to clarify what they want to
say (Brown and Yule, 1994, p. 14)”. Jurnal Brown, Gillian and Yule, George. (1994). Teaching the
Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.

There are certain types of speaking activities that tend to be very popular. Riddle stated (2010,
p. 156), there are seventh (7) activities as follows. (1). Ranking is putting items in a particular
over. (2). Balloon debate is where students take on the identities of famous people travelling
together in a hot air balloon which is overloaded. (3). Debates can be organized, though only
for high – level class. (4). Questionnaires involves finding out information and reporting back.
(5). Describing visuals is another good area to explore and can be a good way to allow students
with imagination and sufficient language to extend their normal classroom speaking. (6).
Student talks are good for more advanced levels. (7). Discussion on topics of interest or maybe
in the news, is a relaxed way to promote fluency, but make sure the students have something
specific to talk about, and teachers do not end up doing more speaking them. Jurnal Hughes,
Rebecca. (2006). Spoken English, TESOL, and Applied Linguistic: Challenge for Theory and
Practice. Great Britain: CPI Anthony Rowe.

1. The Definition of Speaking

Some language learning professionals have tried to define speech in their own way. Richards
said that speech is a verbal use of language and a medium for people to communicate with
each other.

This is the most demanding skill for communicating in everyday life. We need to make the
interlocutor understand ourselves, which is not an easy task, especially for beginners and
advanced users. In other words, speaking is seen as an interactive process of meaning building,
where information is generated and received to achieve the respective goals between the
speaker and the listener.

Based on the Oxford Dictionary, speaking is simply putting an idea into words so that others
can understand the message being conveyed. When people communicate with others,
speakers use some utterances to convey their purpose to the listener. The speaker needs to
express his or her thoughts in words to ensure that the listener understands what he or she is

Speaking also depends on the context in which it is used. People learn a language because they
want to use it for a specific purpose. Discussions between students include, for example,
assignments, points, and everyday situations at school. Not when talking about air traffic
They often speak English and guide planes to the sky. Also, fishermen's words often talk about
boats, weather, and fishermen's harvests.

In summary, speaking is the ability to express something in the spoken language. It is the act of
providing information or expressing emotions in words. Speaking activities usually involve a
communication conversation between the speaker giving the massage and the listener
receiving it.

There is information between what the speaker said and what the listener received while
speaking. Both of them should be able to comprehend the information given in order to achieve
communicative end. This means that students not only should have knowledge of target
language forms and functions, but also knowledge of the interaction between the speaker and
listener in order their meaning are made clear.

According to Burton state that the most feature of speaking is that the manner during which
the talkers enable each other to possess their say by the series of signal, given by tone of voice,
and hand gesture or a face expression. The speaker World Health Organization has taken the
active position to require the role makes a corresponding series of verbal responses .
Furthermore, speaking is shown that it became evident not only through speech but facial
expression to make speakers more correspond and make conversation.

Meanwhile, Donough and Shaw state, "There are some reasons for expressing ideas and
opinions involved in speaking: expressing a desire or desire to do something, negotiating or
solving a particular problem, or creating and maintaining social relations and friendships." In
addition to fluency, accuracy and confidentiality, speaking is an important goal” . Therefore,
students can get the message by speaking and find the data they need to cause speaking
because the primary instrument of verbal communication and it is that the opinions directly
what we have in our minds are thanks to categorical ideas.
Speaking is one of the four language skills of English. It is the production capacity in the sense
that the speaker makes the sound of the language. Basically, speaking is aimed at two-way
communication. Speakers and listeners discuss the meaning of what they are saying. Brown
State Speaking is one of the English communication skills closely related to listening from a
pragmatic point of view of language performance. According to

experts, speaking is very different from other language skills because speaking involves the
ability to appear in public. Speaking is considered one of the language skills that must be
acquired when learning English. Students must be able to speak in a structured or functional
language format. In addition, students need to understand when, how, and why they interact
with others, taking into account cultural and social contexts.

Allah SWT told us to talk about creating virtue and devotion. And, according to Islamic
teachings, it can be concluded that speaking means not talking about sin, but always talking
about good things, in a gentle way, to convey a message to someone in a good way. I can do it.
These are the attributes of believers when you see how he speaks.

From the above discussion, researchers can conclude that speech is the human ability to
convey a message to listeners in the correct way in a given context, and that the listener
understands the message.

‫َو ق ُْل ِلِع بَاِد ي ي ُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـُٔـَق ول وا الَِّتي ِهَُي أَْح َس ُن‬

The meaning: “And say to My-servants, that they should speak in the most kindly manner” (Q.S
Al-Isra‟: 53)21
Speaking is the verbal use of a language to communicate with others. 22 Speaking is the skill
that learners make the most judgment in real-life situations. Speaking is an important part of
everyday interaction. In most cases, a person's first impression is based on his or her ability to
speak, even if he speaks fluently or understandably. Therefore, teachers are responsible for
preparing learners so that they can speak English in real-life situations. Based on the
explanation above, Allah SWT says in Q.S Thaha: 44

‫َفق وَٰل َلٰه َقْو ًٰل َلِّيًنا َلَع َّٰل ٰه َيَتَذ َّك ٰر َأْٰو َيْخ َش ٰى‬
Meaning: “And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear (Allah) ”23
Then it can be concluded that, according to the Islam teaching, speaking is to convey a message
to someone in a good road, with a soft word, don't speak about sin and always speak about
good things. That's the characteristics of the believers if they seen from the way in speaking.
From the discussion above, the researcher can to conclude that speaking is the ability of human
being to convey the message to the other people called by listener by the good ways in some
context, and the listener will understand about the message in the conversation.

2. Functions of Speaking

According to Richard, there are two main functions of speaking. The first is a speaking
interaction feature that helps establish and maintain

social relationships, and the second is a transaction feature focused on exchanging


In addition, speaking has three communication functions. Talk as an interaction, talk, talk as a
transaction, talk as a performance.

The first is to speak as an interaction. It refers to what people usually think of as "conversation"
and primarily describes interactions that perform social functions. This feature focuses on the
speakers and how they want to express themselves, not the message. For example, when
people meet, they greet each other, tell small stories, and share their experiences.

Another function is talk as transaction; it refers to situation where the focus is on what is said or
done. The message and making oneself understood clearly and accurately is central focus,
rather than participants and how they interact socially with each other. For example, students
may be engaged in hands-on activities to explore concepts associated with floating and sinking.
The last function is talk as performance. It is about public talk, talk transmits information before
audience, such as classroom presentation, public announcements, and speeches.

In addition, there is a relation between the three functions of speaking with storytelling.
Storytelling is one of speaking activity which force or stimulate students to perform their
speaking skill. So, it means that storytelling can encourage the students use the fucntion of

Allah the Almighty also tells us to speak, as found in the Qur‟an of surah Ar-Rahman verse 4 as
follows :

‫َع َّلَم ُه ٱْلَبَياَن‬

The meaning: Who taught him to speak.

The verse above means that it is important for us to be good at speaking, because speaking is a
means of communication between follow humans. Only humans are perfect creatures created
by God in this world, because humans are taught by God to express their feelings with words.
That is what is in Arabic “Al Bayan “, which is to explain what is felt in the heart, so that
languages arise. We also understand the importance of the progress of language because of the
progress of science.

From the discussion above, the researcher can conclude that the humans were created as
perfect creatures on this earth who have been taught to speak by it because in that learning
skills needed to master aspects of language. One expert suggested that "language
conventionally distinguish betwen four aspects of language which are mastered by means 'four
skills' listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is an active productive or output
counterparts ". That is, that speaking skills is an ability to produce sound or a meaning actively
and be able to cause feedback.

3. Types of Speaking.
According to Brown there are five categories of speaking skill area.
Those five categories are follows:
1) Imitative
At the end of a continuum types of speaking performance is the ability to simply parrot back
(imitate) a word or possibly a sentence.

2) Intensive

A type of speaking frequently employing assessment context is the production of short

stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate competence in narrow band of
grammatical, phrase, lexical, or phonological relationship (such as prosodic elements into
ration, stress, rhythm, or juncture).

3) Responsive

Responsive assessment task includes interaction and test comprehension but at somewhat
limited level or vary short conversation, standard greetings and small talk, simple request and
comments, and so forth.

4) Interactive

The differences between responsive and interactive speaking are in the length and complexity
of the interaction, which sometimes includes multiple exchanges and or multiple participants.

5) Extensive

Extensive oral production task includes speeches, oral production, and storytelling during which
the opportunity for oral interaction to listener is either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal
responses) or ruled out altogether.
4. The Elements of Speaking
Oral communication can be maintained by having some components as follow:
a. Pronunciation.

Pronunciation focuses on production and identification of the sounds, stress patterns, and
intonation in English. It introduces multiplechoice hearing identification.

English pronunciation is considered by some aspects. First, it relates to the speech organs and
how the organs produce sounds. The flow of air which comes from lungs will have modification
at vocal cord, pharynx, mouth, and nasal cavity. It happens as the opening and closing of the
vocal cords. While above the speech organs such as the pharynx, mouth, and nasal passages,
the air transforms into plosives, lateral sounds, velar consonants, nasal sounds, bilabial sounds,
alveolar sounds, teeth, and so on.

Without good pronunciation, the listener will not understand what others are saying and the
communication process will be difficult. Therefore, pronunciation plays a central academic and
social role for students to successfully engage and integrate with the community.

b. Grammar

Grammar is about abilities in problems from inflection to syntax. You can't say a language
without knowing the pattern of the language itself.

Since knowledge of grammar is essential for language learners, it is clear that students need
some knowledge of these rules to speak properly. Students need to learn grammar such as
modal verbs, modifiers, prepositions, clauses, and other grammatical functions.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the most important elements in teaching and learning to speak. It is
important for language learners to choose the right words in a particular situation in order to
make sense in speaking.

For example, when people want to explain their feelings about something, they need to be
able to find words that reflect their feelings. Therefore, students need to understand the
importance of meaning in context, facts about word formation, and how to twist words to fit
different grammatical contexts.

d. Fluency
Fluency is the ability to speak spontaneously and eloquently with no pausing and with absence
of disturbing hesitation markers. It also refers to some aspects like responding coherently
within the turns of the conversation, using linking words and phrases, keeping in mind a
comprehensible pronunciation and adequate intonation without too much hesitation. Fluency
cannot be separated from accuracy. Accuracy refers to the mastery of phonology elements,
grammar and discourse.
e. Comprehension

The last element to talk about is comprehension. Comprehension means understanding and
interpreting what is being said. It's about student language skills on all technical and general
topics, as well as native speakers, smoothly without much effort.

In summary, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension are important

and complementary factors in the development of students' speaking skills. These elements
support each other to achieve the goal of speaking.

In addition, these items will be the instruments or scoring rubrics for the speaking test in this
study. Each item has a rating scale to measure the learner's speaking skills. The results are then
collected as study data.

B. Storytelling

1. Definition of Storytelling

Storytelling has long been used as a means of communication. The story creates magic and a
mysterious sensation in the world. Stories tell us about life, about ourselves and others.
Storytelling is a unique way for students to develop understanding, respect and appreciation for
other cultures. Wilson explains that storytelling is an activity that can be very easily defined as
being done by a storyteller. As humans, humans usually tell others their stories. They tell others
about their feelings, opinions, ideas, or even what happened in their lives. It's as easy to talk to
others as it is to express what's in your heart.
Wilson's book further explains that telling stories is considered to belong to the pre-industrial
or mythical past, as people like to share their stories and experiences. Narratives have been
shared in all cultures as a means of entertainment, education, cultural protection and
permeation of moral values. An important element of storytelling is the plot, the characters,
and the perspective of the story.

Story telling is the retelling of a story you read or hear, using the storyteller's own words, based
on your understanding of the story. According to Zaro and Saberri of Akhyak and Indramawan
(2013: 20), storytellering is an activity that involves interaction between the storyteller and the
audience, and at some level between the person and the listener. Next, Safari (2013: 208)
defines storytelling as a way for students to re-tell a story in a different word structure after
the teacher tells the story. Next, Ebrahiminejad, Azizifar, Gowhary, and Jamalinesari (2014: 43)
state that storytelling is a teaching method using short stories. According to Ling in Julia (2015:
14), storytelling is a learner-centric way to help students use information and convey
messages to others. In other words, the way the story is told is a teaching method that allows
students to re-speak the content of the story with different word structures by having a certain
interaction between the narrator and the listener.

Meanwhile, Samantaray (2014: 42) explains the storytelling procedure as follows: (1) The
teacher uses colored paper to hang various written stories on the whiteboard. The teacher asks
each group to take a piece of paper from the whiteboard, (4) the teacher asks them to come
up with a story in 15 minutes, (5) the teacher asks them based on the group's discussions. Ask
them to tell their story again, (6) Teachers give prizes to groups that are considered the best. In
addition, Fikriah (2016: 96) shows the storytelling procedure as follows: (1) Students are asked
to sit in a group, and (2) students devise a story based on a series of images. Here are some
important phrases. (3) The teacher asks the students to speak based on the results of the
discussion in front of the class.
As explained above, understanding storytelling can be concluded that storytelling is actually an
activity to share what is in the mind. It has many advantages. For entertainment, education,
cultural protection and education of moral values. Also, there are some elements that need
attention. They are plots, characters, and story perspectives.

2. The Aims of Storytelling

According to Ellis and Brewster, storytelling can motivate students to develop a positive
attitude towards foreign languages and language learning. Moral messages can be included in
any story, whether negative or positive. If negative, the teacher should instruct the student
not to copy, while if positive, the teacher should instruct the student to copy. In addition,
through storytelling, students are taught listening, good oral language, plotting, ordering, and
characterization. The importance of telling a story is also in visualization. Therefore, when you
hear a story, you naturally start to imagine and understand it, and the story stimulates your
students mentally.

Storytelling can enhance students' ability to share social experiences. Storytelling is not only
fun, it also helps build student self-confidence and promote social and emotional development.
Oral storytelling allows students to show off their communication skills. This uses para-linguistic
features (gestures, facial expressions) and linguistic features (tenses, means of linking,
clarification of ambiguity).

In addition, storytelling in teaching English skills has several goals. (A) Increase student
confidence in speaking skills (b) Develop problem-solving (c) Teach narrative structure and
practice explanations (d) Improve pronunciation and intonation (e) Promote interaction and
promote culture Share

Here, the author is an effective strategy for storytelling

to incorporate methods of aesthetic knowledge into the classroom. Storytelling also has the
advantage of strengthening the art of teaching English and certainly motivating students to
connect with their learning process. From these goals of
storytelling, we can conclude that storytelling offers many benefits in addition to improving
speaking skills. Other skills that can be improved through storytelling, such as students' positive
attitude towards foreign languages and language learning, listening, good oral language, plots,
sequences, trait assessment, and students' ability to share social experiences and linguistic

C. Storytelling as Speaking Activity

Storytelling is the oldest form of educational activity associated with speaking skills and can
inspire learners to enjoy the speaking learning process. It has many advantages. For
entertainment, education, cultural protection and education of moral values. Also, there are
some elements that need attention. They are plots, characters, and story perspectives.

Moreover, Brown listed several types of classroom speaking activity in this following form:

1. Imitative. Students practice an intonation or try to identify a certain vowel sound. The
elements of language form are the focus of this activity.

2. Intensive. This is speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological

or grammatical aspects of language. It is usually done in individual or even in pairs.

3. Responsive. It means that students practice their language by answering some

questions. This activity use simple utterances which can be meaningful and authentic.

4. Transactional (dialogue). Transactional dialogue seeks for the purpose of getting or

exchanging specific information. It is an extended form of responsive language.
5. Interpersonal (dialogue). Interpersonal dialogue seeks for the purpose of maintaining
social relationships than for the transmission of facts and information. Students are usually
asked to have a dialogue about their feeling.

6. Extensive (monologue). Students are asked to give extended monologues in the form of
oral reports, summaries, or speeches.
7. Other interactive techniques. These include interviews, games, jigsaw, problem-solving
activities, role-play and discussion.

It is clear that storytelling is one activity that relates to many types of speaking activity.
Storytelling is an activity that needs a storyteller and audiences, so, the learners will be a
speaker and audience, they have to perform their story and response another story.

Storytelling will stimulate the learners to do imitate speaking, intensive speaking as the
preparation before they perform the storytelling. Then, the learners will be motivated to
response the story as the audience.

Also, storytelling will give many good impacts for the learners` speaking skills, because
storytelling makes the learners comprehend how to speak with the good gesture and
intonation. It is helpful for the learner to keep talking in detail.

From this description, you can implement storytelling not only in speaking classes, but also in
different types of work. Teachers can use this as a creative way of class to focus on their

C. Conceptual Framework
Speaking is one of some important skills in English Language Teaching, because to communicate
with other people in the world we need to speaking to express meanings in order to deliver
message and information verbally. By speaking, we can get new information or we can share
our ideas or feelings with other people.
In this study, the researcher appliesStorytelling Technique to see the impact of the students in
speaking. In this study the teacher gave explanation aboutStorytelling Technique to make the
students ready with this technique. After that the teacher asked to the students to prepare
their story and then they must tell to their friends.
Storytelling Techniquegave the students opportunity to share their ideas that could make
students active in learning process and make class more interesting and enjoyable.

Based on the description above, the researcher was sure thatStorytelling Technique can used in
English Speaking because it stimulated the students be more active in speaking. The researcher
hopes that this technique useful and helpful for the teaching and learning process.

Chapter III

A. The Research Design

In this research, the writer used a quantitative study in terms of gathering and evaluating data.
Quantitative method is a method which the investigation focus on the use of postpositive
statement for developing knowledge, the use of enquiry strategies such as experiment, surveys,
and collect data on predetermined instruments to get specific statistics data. Also, it defines as
a method in research to collect, analyze, and show data in form of numeric than narrative.

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