Webinar - Minute Notes

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Webinar – Minutes Notes

Date : 5 June 2020

Time : 19.00 WIB (UTC +7)
Place : Virtual Webinar by Zoom
Purpose : The purpose of this webinar is to disseminate information on capabilities and
achievements, sharing knowledge, experience and best practices related to
the operation of drones in Indonesia, by the representatives of government,
business actors and communities.
Speakers : 1. ICAO Expert – Montreal Canada
Mr. Vic Van Der Westhuizen
2. Indonesia - Directorate General of Civil Aviation
Mr. Mueji Subagyo, S.ST
3. Airnav Indonesia
Capt. Meddy Yogastoro, ST, MMTr
4. Agency for Technology Assessment and Application (BPPT).
Ir. Joko Purwono Soehardi, MSc
5. Indonesian Drone Pilot Association.
Dr. M. Akbar Marwan
Moderator : Dr. Afen Sena (Alternate Representative of Indonesian Delegation to ICAO)
Webinar : 1. Video Teaser
Rundown 2. Opening Webinar by Mr. Afen Sena
3. Presentation of the Speaker
4. Comments of Participants
5. Conclusion from every Speakers
6. Closing statement by Mr. Afen Sena
7. Teaser of next KKIP-CSAS Webinar.

1st Presenter : Mr. Vic Van Der Westhuizen

: ICAO Perspective of Drone-UAS-RPAS-RPA
Regulator Perspective of Drone-UAS-RPAS-RPA
a. Definitions of Drones-UAS_RPAS-RPA
b. General Provisions of Remotely Piloted aircraft system
c. Approval and Registration : RPAS Letter of Approval (RLA), RPAS System
Safety, Altimeter, VLOS Operations, Registration and marking
d. Personnel Licensing is required to operates drones
e. RPL categories divided into : RPL Aeroplane, Helicopter, and Multirotor
f. RPL Ratings divided into : VLOS, EVLOS, BVLOS
g. Several requirement also needed for issuing RPL with a revalidation
every 24 months
h. RPAS Operator Certificate is needed by a holder of
Commercial/corporate/non-profit operations of drones with comes
validity for 12 months
i. RPA Operations have to meet several conditions of operating drones
by a regualtions
Maintenance of RPA
a. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Study Group (UASSG) was established
in 2007 to develop a regulatory framework for the safe integration of
UAS in non-segregated airspace. Analysis resulted in the UASSG
recommending a narrowing the focus from all unmanned aircraft to
only those that are remotely piloted, resulting in the transition to the
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Panel (RPASP) in 2014.
UAS Operations ANSP Perspective
a. Challenge of Air Traffic Management
b. Modes of UAS Operations (VLOS, RLOS, BVLOS, UAS C2 Operation and
ATC Communications)
c. UAS into ATM need several special handling such as ATC phraseology,
C2 Data link, in-flight characteristics, Flight Data Processing System,
Alerting services, IFR procedures, and flight termination procedures.
d. UAS Traffic Management is divided into 3 regions operation by under
FL 100, between FL 100 and FL600, and above FL600 as sub orbital.
e. Operations and Standard Guidance of UAS divided into 2 categories :
Certification of RPAS (air ground), airworthiness and Personnel/Pilot
Licensing and Training.
f. Future Consideration of UAS have a many challenges to be conclude
especially in Global perspective and State/ANSP Perspective.
g. Needed Training that should be done for ATM personnel to ensure the
regulatory well applied.
Conclusions that could be done
a. UAS/Drones are currently operating
b. UAS/Drones developing at a rapid rates
c. Airspace demand - Increase
d. UTM vs ATM
e. Suborbital Operations – above controlled airspace
f. Contingency and Emergencies
g. ATC and RPL Training
h. No Global Standards yet
i. Very few National Regulations for UAS
j. State Participation in relevant Forums

2nd Presenter : Mr. Mueji Subagyo, S.ST

: ANSP Perspective of Drone Operations in Indonesia
a. Profile of AirNav Indonesia
b. Business process of Air Navigation Indonesia
c. Airspace Management of Indonesia, all airspace users must be
controlled by VFR and IFR
d. Main Purpose of ATM : to harmonize airspace users
e. Drone Operations in Indonesia from 2016 -2018
f. Growth of drones operation increasing by years
g. Drone Projects widely spreads over many ways of transport
h. Drone trial for Cargo drone
i. Drone Operations Concept by segregated operations of manned and
unmanned vehicle
j. Safety assessment of drone operations in Indonesia by AirNav
k. Drone Operators have a responsibility to maintain and ensure flight
safety, security & efficiency.
l. State must facilitating and accommodating the easy operation of
drone by regulations
m. All RPD area must be published on digital map and protected by
n. Assessment of drone operating must be review every 6 months or

3rd Presenter : Capt. Meddy Yogastoro, ST, MMTr

: Indonesia UAS Regulatory Framework
DKPPU Regulatory Framework
a. International Harmonization of UAS and Drone Operation under ICAO
b. DAAO already make a International Cooperation about UAS Safety
management System and join the UCWG (Unmanned Aircraft
Certification Working Group)
c. UAS Management on DGCA divided into several cooperation of DAAO,
Directorate of Air Navigation, and AirNav Indonesia
d. UAS regulation still under the Aviation Act no.1/2009, with DGCA
e. UAs Classification divided into under 25kg as a hobby and recreational
and above (RPAS)
f. UAS Operational Risks divide into safety Risks as the instruments
g. SORA concept is a risk assessment to be complete to have an UAS
Operation Authorization
h. Airworthiness approval for UAS product under 25kg is regulated by
CASR Part21
i. Remote Pilot Station Integration and Remotely Piloted Aeroplane
Unique Considerations is the newly regulated CASR for UAS
Airworthiness standard
j. RPAS Certification Operation for above 25kg is regulated by CASR 91
and 135
k. RPAS Registration should be PK but it could be Foreign register under
Bilateral agreement.
l. Remote Pilot Licence (RPL) is regulated under CASR 61 and following
ICAO Annex 1.
m. UAS On going pilot projects (JD.COM, Google Project Loons, Zipline
Drone, Beihang UAS Technology, Frogs Indonesia)

4th Presenter : M. Akbar Marwan

: APDI Perspective for Drone Operation in Indonesia
Development of Drone Activity and Regulatory Support
a. Profile of APDI Organisation
b. Optimisation of Drone in Higher Education, SAR, and Military
c. Development of Online Registration for Remote Pilot drone in
cooperation with DAAO
d. Perspective of drones in Industry 4.0 and their role in raising Indonesia
e. In progress for making Big Data for Drone Mapping results
f. Several utilization of drones has been applied into several ways such as
population map, plant health map, and planting gas map.
g. Increasing trend on drone usage by Industry
h. Construction, Mining, Agriculture, surveying, and Real Estate has adopt
usage of drone in their Industry.
i. growth of Drones users also increasing rapidly from 2016 – 2018.
j. A good synergy has been applied by Executive, Department, and
Industry to optimise drone usage in Indonesia
k. APDI as an organisation could help nurturing good pilot drones and
help to growth of drone industry in Indonesia.

5th presenter : Ir. Joko Purwono Soehardi, MSc

: Experience on Drone Development and Operations on BPPT
a. Drone Technology Usage as Commercial has been applied in many
ways such as air mapping, film, documentation, and also cargo.
b. Drone technology Usage has been applied in TNI AD, AL, and also TNI
AU for Defence consideration of surveillance
c. Success key of Drones Operational in Indonesia could be
accomplished by : Reliability of Drone System, Operational Drone,
approval from authority, and operation coordination.
d. Reliability of Drone system to increase flight operational usage has
been applied from 2017
e. Team preparation in Operating Drone are needed as a specialist
f. PUNA flight approval already used as a surveillance drones in
g. PUNA Alap-alap also has been used on mapping in Gunung Anak
Krakatau to capture the contour of gunung anak Krakatau in 29 April
Participants : Mr. Elfi Amir (Head of Airport Authority IV in Bali)
Comments • We have to appreciate and support drone in Indonesia, in
cooperation with ICAO we have to face the challenges of Drone
Operational in Indonesia

: Mr. Agoes Soebagjo (Head of Airport Authority in Padang)
• Prospect of drone operational in Indonesia has been issued in some
other ways, it need support of every component in Indonesia
• Challenges of drone need to added as a transportation drone, it is
needed to make sure as a challenge for us and have to be develop in a
good ways.
• We need to have a comprehensive strategies for operational drones
as a transport.

: Mr. Syamsu Rizal (MoT Indonesian Representative in Japan)

• We hope that in some decade, drones could be applied in urban area
and used in a good ways to improve future transportations.

: Mr. Agung sasongkojati (TNI AU Representative - FASI)

• We are as a organisational of sport in Indonesian aviation, we act as a
support an ensure that every flying thing in Indonesia should be
educated in good ways. We are hoping that in accordance with CASR
from MoT could be used as a support to help DKPPU to training the
Remote Pilot Licensed in Indonesia

: Mr. Lollan Panjaitan (MoT Indonesian representative in UK)

• Drones challenges is unavoidable things that should be address. It need
synergy to collaborate in every components such as regulator, operator
and Research development.

: Mr. Ahmad Bahrawi (Head of Poltekbang Makassar)

• Drone indeed is challenges and opportunity in air transportation, we
are as Vocational School that develop personnel of aviation ready to
take a challenges to develop the human resources in Aviation especially
in drone operations.

: Wisnu Darjono (Lecturer in PPI Curug)

• This challenges should be adapted in every regulators, not only DAAO
but also Air navigation play the important role for succesing drones
operation in Indonesia.

: Wendy Aritenang (Academic Environmentalist)

• This Challenges to be complied to get many advantages to improve
commercial and technology application in Indonesia.

Conclusion from : Mr. Vic Van Der Westhuizen

Speakers Training of Drone operator should be an important issue to be address
including with the regulatory framework of DGCA should be complied with

: Mr. Mueji Subagyo, S.ST

We have to be ready to increase our capabilities to facing drone development
in Indonesia, AirNav Indonesia already make some preparation to complied
with the drones challenges in Indonesia.

: Capt. Meddy Yogastoro, ST, MMTr

Regulatory framework on drone operations in Indonesia already have a
roadmap to facing growth of drones operation in Indonesia including approval
of operations and personnel licensing as a Remote Pilot Licensed. Socialisation
of drone operations has been address in cooperation with several organisation
such as APDI, FASI and etc.

: M. Akbar Marwan
This big step of drone operations challenges in Indonesia to be continued in a
good way, so drone development in Indonesia could be improving technology
in Industry 4.0

: Ir. Joko Purwono Soehardi, MSc

Many thanks for every components that supports drone operation in Indonesia,
we hope that drone operation could be improve in Indonesia.

Notes Compiled by

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