Indradhanu - Brochure - Grade School

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Grade 1

For children stepping into Grade 1

fresh from kindergarten, the
We encourage our first graders to
transition is a big one. From a
think in pictures and stories, so
fluid space of kindergarten,
letters and numbers often emerge
children enter a classic classroom
from a teacher’s intricate drawings
set up with their own desks and
on the blackboard. In this way,
chairs, a blackboard and their
children experience abstract
own books. We go through this
concepts are living elements, and This is an important time as
transition gently, giving each of
not as dead facts to be memorised students adapt to the structure of
them the time and space to truly
from a textbook. an academic curriculum and
step into this space where the
develop self-discipline, while
students’ foundation for literacy
channeling curiosity and creativity
and numeracy is strengthened. Our first graders spend a lot of
in new ways.
And we do this through the world time writing and forming letter
of fairy tales – where a dreamy shapes while practicing the
state slowly comes into a much associated sounds — the basis for
earthier, real state. reading – while in math, we
introduce the four arithmetic
processes — addition, subtraction,
Every activity is multiplication and division — most SCHEDULE
designed to spark often through games. Mondays to Fridays
8:30 am to 2:00 pm
imagination and Snack provided in school
interest. First graders also engage with the
natural environment through
gardening and nature walks, where
the seeds of science and social
studies are sown, along with music,
beeswax modelling, handwork
(knitting needles are introduced)
drawing and painting. First grade is
also filled with folk tales and nature
stories, as well as circle games,
movement and mental math
Grade 2
In the second grade, students
continue to focus on reading and
writing. As their work gains in Using living pictures through
complexity, so too the stories that imagination to learn concepts is
fill the second grade classroom. continued, with children in grade 2
Legends, fables and multicultural now listening (dictation), copy
folklore illustrate examples of writing and reading out loud. This is
moral conduct and parallel the also when the sound of the word is
more sophisticated social given precedence with phonograms
relationships that second graders and speech exercises. Much like
form. They are encouraged to grade 1, nature stories are also an
practice self-control, work in important part of the second grade
Handwork becomes more complex
groups, and learn to resolve curriculum, and a foundation for
as they begin to work on specific
interpersonal conflicts on their science lessons and nature
craft projects, and in music, they
own. The stories also mirror the observations in and around our
continue the recorder, basics of
shifting dualities of their campus.
which begin in grade 1. Painting
personalities as they slowly begin and drawing, too, are integral to
to gain awareness about the learning.
individual – the self – and the In math lesson blocks, we work with
community – the other. number patterns, forms and place
values, while strengthening SCHEDULE
multiplication. And, as always, art
Mondays to Fridays
From we are all and movement are part of each
learning opportunity. For example, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm
one in multiplication tables are taught not Snack provided in school
with repetitive worksheets, but
kindergarten, through active, rhythmic games to
first and second facilitate memorization and to help
develop physical coordination and
graders begin to spatial awareness.

see themselves as
separate, as the
parts that make
up the whole.
Grade 3
Third grade, when children
turn/are nine years old, is a
The stories too reflect this change
special year, as it signals the
as the curriculum goes deep into
beginning of another layer of
creation stories – the story of
transition. The gradual
creation from the Old Testament
separation of the self that begins
and from Indian epics and
gently in grade one, is more
mythological stories, and from
pronounced in grade three. Self-
other cultures, third graders
awareness increases, as does the
experience the order of civilisation
confusion and pain that it brings, Third graders actively work out in
amidst the disorder of difference.
usually manifested in behaviour – the world, in nature through robust
fear of the dark, feeling unloved, gardening and actual construction
sudden outbursts are all common work, to help reorient themselves
at this stage. The Waldorf Third graders deepen their literacy with their inner physiological
curriculum, therefore, meets the skills and delve more deeply into changes. In the completion of tasks
third graders with a lot more the world of writing. Now is the time and small accomplishments, they
practical work – through the for a more intense focus on find a mastery of self.
cultivation of food, through spelling, composition, grammar,
construction/building shelter, and punctuation and parts of speech. SCHEDULE
the manufacture of garments. Cursive writing is also introduced Mondays to Fridays
this year. In math lesson blocks, we
8:30 am to 2:30 pm
progress to multiplication of higher
Snack provided in school
numbers and other more complex
Third graders processes within the four
operations, along with introduction
actively work out to time, distance, money, weights
and measures.
in the world to
help reorient
themselves with
their inner
Grade 4
The feeling of separation It is however the rich world of
intensifies and bursts through in Norse mythology that truly
grade 4, ably met by the becomes the centrepiece of the
dynamic Norse mythology in the grade 4 curriculum, giving children
curriculum, and the grounding of grandiose characters – gods,
the Geography block and the humans and giants inhabiting the
Man and Animal block. It is same world, each carrying their
almost like they are standing at own sense of frailties. The feeling In match, fractions and decimals
the point of crossing over, which of separation also means leaving are introduced, while in language,
is reflected in all aspects of the the black-and-white world of fairy the syntax and structure of
curriculum. tales behind and entering a more language and grammar are
ambiguous world, imbibing the introduced. Students also begin
tenets of morality and ethics learning a string instrument, and
As always, it begins with the self begin to sing in harmony, with
organically, and where worlds are
and then ripples out into the world. different parts added to the song.
destroyed and created.
In geography, children begin by
mapping their classroom, widening
out into the street, the city, state,
country and universe. Local
geography is also focussed on with SCHEDULE
field trips to understand local
Mondays to Fridays
history and culture and the
intersection of both with the map 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
of the land. It is almost like Snack provided in school
they are standing
Through the Man and Animal block, at the point of
this sense of separateness is
further enhanced, with a deep crossing over,
sense of reverence for the ‘other’
and how every part of the which is reflected
community, of nature, is connected. in all aspects of
While in handwork, they begin the
cross-stitch and work with the the curriculum.
crochet needle, while form
drawings become more intricate in
their patterns.
Grade 5
Grade 5 is often called the year They also continue their study of
of ‘balance and harmony’, and by geography, focussing on India
that what we mostly mean is that deeply this year, learning various
the child is now aware of geographic terms pertaining to the
themselves as individuals. They region. And enter the subject of
are poised and ready to see the botany with plant study, a literal
world outside of themselves, reflection of observing the outside
while also being able to hold the world. The wonders and symmetry
changes in their inner journeys. of plants, and their eternal balance
The Waldorf curriculum now rises of roots, light, earth and sun give
to meet this change through children the opportunity to delve
history and ancient civilisations into the diversity of life, through
and the world of botany. outdoor trips, seasonal changes,
and precise drawings.
In math, decimals are introduced
The study of ancient civilisations – along with while numbers, prime
India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt numbers and mixed numbers, while
and ending with Greece – is a deep in language the various parts of
dive into the history of humankind, speech and letter writing is
allowing the child to truly introduced. SCHEDULE
appreciate the length and breadth
Mondays to Fridays
of belonging, and the many stages
8:30 am to 3:30 pm
of cultural evolution. Through more
creation stories and mythologies, Snack provided in school
she understands the impulse of They are poised
transformation, along with the
growth of language, adaptability, and ready to see
mathematics, agriculture, medicine
and the legacy of humankind.
the world outside
Ending in Greece and the Greek of themselves,
Olympics, that celebrated human
ability and beauty, a culmination of while also being
balance and harmony. Fifth
graders often compete with other
able to hold the
fifth graders in an exciting changes in their
recreation of the games, in a non-
threatening, welcoming inner journeys.
Grade 6
A lot is happening with a sixth- This is also the year Physics is
grader as they come more into introduced, where concepts of
their physical bodies, conscious of Optics, Acoustics, Thermodynamics,
the changes that are stirring as Magnetism and Electricity are
they get ready for puberty. Their studied, mostly through
feet are firmer on the ground, experimentation and observation,
and the Waldorf curriculum in preparation for the theories that
meets them by taking them deep will be further explored in higher
into the physical body of the grades. In math, Geometry begins In many ways, Grade 6 is a
earth with Geology, and high up and children start to work with the deepening of the world experience,
to the skies, with Astronomy. various tools of Geometry, while where children not only begin to
with language, they become a lot appreciate their place in the world,
more independent as the focus but also begin to see how the
From the plant kingdom in the
shifts to developing techniques for function of space is closely related
previous year, sixth-graders enter
self-expression. to the function of their bodies.
the mineral kingdom, and go into
the depths of the earth (think Jules
Verne’s ‘Journey to the Centre of
the Earth’). This is beautifully SCHEDULE
juxtaposed with the physicality of From ancient civilisations, sixth-
space, as they journey into the graders study Medieval and Roman Mondays to Fridays
stars, and look at earth’s history, with Indian parallels, such 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
relationship with other planets and as the Mauryan dynasty and the Snack provided in school
bodies of the solar system. Gupta dynasty. Rome is especially
significant at this age, as Romans
had absolute mastery over their
physical world with determined
conquests and able prowess, both
of which appeal to the sixth-grader.
In many ways, Rome also serves as a sobering
Grade 6 is a reminder for the path of excess and
destruction, but with hope for what
deepening of the is to come – mirroring the sixth-
grader’s own leaving behind of
world experience. childhood and entering young
Grade 7
In a Waldorf curriculum, this is
technically the end of the road
for children before they get
ready to enter the beginnings of Apart from continuing the journey
high school. Grade 1 to 7 in the with Physics, Geometry and
curriculum is designed in a way Astronomy, Chemistry is brought
where we hold the layered into the mix with Combustion,
physiological development of the Crystallisation, Acids, Bases and
child at the centre, and bring the Salts. Combustion too is about
kind of learning that takes into digesting substances and Seventh grade is also when the
account all of the changes they transforming, similar to what the Creative Writing Block is introduced
are going through – physically, seventh-grader experiences with with the theme of ‘wish, wonder
mentally, intellectually and the outer world. and surprise’, to further aid the
emotionally. process of self-expression, and
deepen the magic of the physical
world in all of its splendour.
Seventh-graders now enter the
space of exploration and questions, .
as they go deeper into self-
discovery, and deep sense of SCHEDULE
wonder at the world. The
curriculum meets this need by
Seventh-graders Mondays to Fridays
studying explorers, reformers, now enter the 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
activists, biographers and the Snack provided in school
wonderful age of beauty and space of
discovery, the Renaissance. The exploration and
spirit of being your own person is
perfectly reflected in the questions, as they
curriculum, where individuals rise
against the odds to effect change. go deeper into
And how awe and wonder often self-discovery,
emerges when boundaries are
clear. Now more than ever they and deep sense of
need steadfast and authentic
authority in adults, to be able to
wonder at the
push and explore their own world.
boundaries freely.

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