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The Warrior Handbook

Edition 16.3
May 2019
© The Labyrinthe Club Ltd.
Content ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
WARRIOR ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
RANGER ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
ARCHER ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
MONK ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
DUELLIST ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
CAVALIER ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
PALADIN ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
UNHOLY CHAMPION / ANTI-PALADIN ....................................................................................................................................... 14
GREY KNIGHT .................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
BUDOKA / FIGHTER ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
POWER MASTER .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
POWER WARRIOR ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22
KENSAI / BLADE MASTER.............................................................................................................................................................. 23
VALDSTAYN ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
ROVFUGER ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
WIND DANCER ................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Warrior Sub-Classes Covered Elsewhere ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Warrior Specialist Skills ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Skill Availabilities by Class ................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Warrior Traditions................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Tradition Costs and Availability by Class .................................................................................................................................... 34
Adventurer ................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Commoner.................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Guard............................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Legionnaire .................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Monastic ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Privileged ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Samurai ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Sell Sword .................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Skirmisher .................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Soldier .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Traditions: Racial Restrictions ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
Post 8th Abilities .................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Table 1 (0pts) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Table 2 (200pts) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Table 3 (250pts) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Table 4 (275pts) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Table 5 (450pts) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 7(650pts) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Table 8 (1000pts) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 56

Table 9 (1500pts) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Table 10 (3000pts) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Table 11 (5250pts) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Table 12 (7500pts) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 71
[Un] Holy Words ................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Warrior Status ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Bildteve Pit Fighter ...................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Caravan Guard ............................................................................................................................................................................. 74
Sailor ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 75
City Militia ................................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Noble Guard ................................................................................................................................................................................. 76
Mercenary .................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Pledged to the Angels ................................................................................................................................................................... 77
The Demons Called ...................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Appendix One: Life Scales .................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Appendix Two: Life Caps .................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Index of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................. 81
Acknowledgements and Thanks........................................................................................................................................................... 86

Within this book you should find all the main information about the Warrior Classes. They can vary greatly, and do.
From mystical Monks to noble Cavaliers, just about every conceivable type of fighter is available in the Labyrinthe
game. Warriors need as much background and flavour as any other class. They have a wide range of alignments
available to them and a huge combination of weapons and tactics.
Of course, there are very few spells and verbals to remember, which gives you the chance to practise and define a
‘combat’ style for your character. Some classes lend themselves to a style, such as the carousing Duellist or an
honourable Samurai. The differentiation between the similar classes like Kensai and Duellist should even be obvious.
The time you’d spend learning your vocals for a wizard, invest in designing a particular style of fighting for a warrior.
The time spent on learning to read spiritual runes, spend on thinking about the character’s background: Who taught him
to fight? Why is a warrior a warrior? Of course we should think about such things for any character we play, but
without the roleplay smokescreen of a church or wizard’s tower, I feel it’s so much more important for combat
characters like warriors.
This builds on the previous versions of the book, expanding to include the Baronial Valdstayn and Ishmaic Wind-
Dancers. It also opens new paths for warrior development, be it the armoured hero able to brush aside powerful blows,
or the great weapon master skilled in all forms of weapons. It provides even the experienced player with new and
varied options to make every warrior a little bit different.
So have fun, and happy parrying 
Son of

"If it moves hit it, if it doesn't move push it over then hit it, if neither of these two works it is
probably a wall".

Although the previous motto encompasses much of the technical information a new warrior needs to acquire, it is far
from easy to play a warrior well, successfully and heroically.
Warriors come in all shapes and sizes; they can come from a virtually infinite range of backgrounds. Your warrior
could be a noble but uncivilised barbarian warlord who normally adventures with a horde of equally ferocious
tribesmen, or he could be of foreign parts with a strange accent and an even stranger taste in apparel and social
etiquette. The warrior provides the main fighting arm of any party. Physical combat is his forte. He can wear the best
armour, use the widest choice of weapons and is the most effective in combat.
A new warrior should quickly decide what weapon configuration suits him the best, and try to acquire a trustworthy
sword brother, for the warrior who fights alone dies alone, whereas a partnered warrior is far more likely to enjoy a
longer and more successful career.
Do not miss the opportunity to role-play this character class to the full. At times of stress you do not have a head full of
spell or miracle verbals thus you are able to impress the opposition with your courage, determination and disdain for
their powers.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills
1 30 10 O & U skills
2 36 12 E,H & MP skills
3 42 14 B skill
4 48 16
5 54 18
6 60 20 Specialist Skill
7 66 22 Specialist Skill
8 72 24 Specialist Skill

Maximum Armour Class is 9 for Warriors. Warriors may utilise any armour and any shield [U Skill]. The life track on
the above table is for Human Warriors; refer to the appendix for details of other races.
At 6th, 7th and 8th levels Warriors may select a specialist skill from the below table.

Warrior Specialist Skills

1st Weapon Mastery Unarmed Combat
Smithing Enhanced Reflexes
+6/2 Stamina Cold Rage
War Cry Athletic Training

Post-8th Level Development

 Warriors may buy abilities as per Warrior.
 Warriors may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.

The Ranger is a warrior who has foregone the luxuries of civilisation in exchange for the hardships and pleasures of the
wilderness. As such, his powers are designed to enable his survival in a natural setting.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills Class Skills
1 28 9 O&U
2 33 11 E,H & MP Tracking
3 38 13 Survival
4 43 14 B Perception
5 48 16
6 53 18 Stop Bleeding
7 58 19 Specialist Skill
8 63 21 Specialist Skill

Maximum Armour Class is 9. Rangers may wear light and medium armour and may gain the ability to use heavy
armour later, they may use any shield. Rangers may be of any alignment. The above life scale is for Humans. Alfar, ½
Wood Elves, Crol and Barbarians may be Rangers, their respective life scales are found in the appendix.
Class Skills
The Ranger can determine what kind of creatures frequent an area by the tracks that they have left behind. In some
circumstances, at referee’s discretion, this skill can be used to provide further details, such as following a specific
target’s trail. Its use requires slow and careful inspection of surrounding terrain, and will only work in ‘natural
environments’ – not towns and cities for example.
The Ranger can find food, water and shelter in the wilderness. In practical terms this means that on extended length
adventures the player may supply their own provisions, which may be kept in an Out-Of-Character location until
foraged for.
Due to the Ranger’s heightened senses they can spot all forms of supernaturally hidden / chameleoned targets,
including those using Invisibility and similar. This does not work on normally concealed creatures, such as those
actually physically hidden from sight or using physical powers.
Stop Bleeding
The Ranger may treat a wounded location with a piece of flora, for which a real or realistic physical representation is
needed, and by doing so prevent the wound from bleeding.

Ranger Specialist Skills

1st Weapon Mastery Unarmed Combat
+6/2 Stamina Enhanced Reflexes

Post-8th Level Development

 Rangers may buy abilities as per Rangers.
 Rangers may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.

Playing an Archer is fun, you can hit the monsters without being hit yourself, which is always a good thing. It is also
hard as you will have to learn to shoot a bow and arrow. Unlike hitting with a sword, which is easy to pick up,
shooting a bow takes some learning. Members of your party will not think much of you if you miss the monsters and
hit them.
All bows need to be checked by the referee and the desk staff, and either can refuse to permit its use. Bows are not
usable in the caves or any indoor site for safety reasons.
Archers, unlike other character classes, are not limited to a maximum damage of Quad with their shots. Instead, they
have a maximum damage of Quin when shooting at a target within 10’, and no maximum damage at all when firing at
targets at a greater distance. This represents the increased skill necessary to make such shots.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills
1 30 10 MP & O
2 33 11 H&E
3 36 12 Weapon Mastery (Bows) +1
4 39 13
5 42 14
6 45 15 Weapon Mastery (Bows) +2
7 48 16 Specialist Skill
8 51 17 Specialist Skill

Maximum Armour Class is 8. Archers may wear light and medium armour, they may not acquire the ability to wear
heavy armour and they may not use a shield.
The above life scale is for Humans, ½ Elves, Barbarians, Dwarves and Elves may also be Archers and their life scales
are detailed in the appendix.

Archer Specialist Skills

3rd Weapon Mastery (Bows) Accuracy
+6/2 Stamina Enhanced Reflexes

Archer Weapon Masteries (Bow)

Please note that for Archers Weapon Mastery Bow applies to all bow types (e.g. Crossbow, Long Bow, Short Bow).
This is not the case for Warriors or other classes which must choose which bow type when acquiring Weapon Mastery

Post-8th Level Development

 Archers may buy abilities as per Archer.
 Archers may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.

Monks are a sub-class of warrior dedicated to self-discipline and martial prowess. They are the equivalent of the
Shaolin Chinese order in the middle ages. Although they have many class restrictions they can be one of the most
powerful classes in the system at high level. A Monk disdains magic in general, and anywhere in his immediate
surroundings. He is strong in spirit, mind, and body and he is able to resist many of the things that can affect him
through those avenues. Being extremely agile as a result of his intense training and self-discipline, he can avoid all but
the most powerful blows; and by being selective about the weapons he uses, he becomes a fearsome warrior. Monks
lead extremely disciplined focused lives, with many severe self-imposed limitations and restrictions.
The Three Orders of Monk: The first few generations of Monks came to the Empire from the Eastern lands of Amles.
The three Orders that represented the principle beliefs of those monks are named in brackets, since what they stood for
has a wider following outside their own temples now. As is inevitable with time, native Imperial citizens have taken up
the teachings but made their own interpretation of the philosophy and teachings, as such it is now possible to start a
Western Monk, rather than an Amlesian one.
The Bright Path (The Order of the White Hand): These are an order of lawful good monks dedicated to the protection
of all the good creatures of the world by the use of their skills and powers.
The Balanced Way (The Order of the Grey Mantis): These are an order of lawful neutral monks dedicated to seeing that
we live in a neutral world and law is triumphant.
The Shadowed Trail (The Order of the Black Tiger): Monks of this Order believe in the spreading of evil, for only in an
evil world can the powerful truly enjoy power.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Dexterity AC Weapon Skills Abilities
1 30 10 0 O&E Immunity to Halt
2 33 11 1 H Psionic Sensitivity
3 36 12 1 B Immunity to Disease
4 40 13 2
Weapon Mastery in one O class
5 44 16 3 Unarmed Combat
Immunity to Beguile,
6 49 20 4 Weapon Mastery in one H class Befriend and Spiritual
Weapon Mastery in one B class
7 54 24 5 Immunity to Fear
Specialist Skill
Weapon Mastery +2 in one O
Immunity to Poison
8 60 28 6 class (from +1)
All forms Bless & Curse
Specialist Skill
Maximum Armour Class is 9.
The above life scale applies to Human Monks. Otherwise Crol may be Monks and are listed in the appendix.

Class Restrictions
 Monks may never wear armour, nor use a Shield.
 All Monks must be Lawful in alignment.
 Monks may not use any form of Item /Artefact of Power, note that this includes ‘physical’ as well as supernatural
 Monks may not benefit from any form of potion, except normal 6pt curative potions. Furthermore Monks are
restricted to drinking only one potion per level per day. Thus an 8th level Monk could successfully benefit from 8
x 6pt cure potions.
 Monks may not keep any money or treasure – spurning such trappings – they may donate any money they earn to
any cause appropriate to their alignment, e.g. With the money being given away, back to the Desk etc. The only
exception to this is that that may keep enough money to pay for their potion allowance.

 No Monk will aid any other Monk of a different order.
 Monks must not allow under any circumstances spells of a beneficent nature to be cast upon them, as this would
contravene their rule of non-magical use. A Monk’s reaction will differ based upon their alignment. The below is
a guideline should such a situation arise:
 A Goodly Monk will put all his efforts into getting the spell removed.
 A Neutral Monk will not aid the party in any way until the spell is removed and he may threaten the spell
caster to get the spell removed, he may even leave the party.
 An Evil Monk will not aid the party until the spell is removed. He will also seek to injure or kill the wizard
that cast it upon him.

Monk Specialist Skills

Mind Block Stop Bleeding
Monk Locational Curing Enhanced Reflexes
Forearm Parry Relaxed Fall
Athletic Training

Post-8th Level Development

 Monks may buy abilities as per Monk.
 Monks may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.
 Monks may also buy abilities specific to their particular Order

The Duellist is an extravagant warrior in the style of the three musketeers. He should at all times be seen in the floppy
hat, silk shirt and breeches which were virtually their trademark, or other suitable and impressive costume. He must
role-play his excessive lifestyle to the full and at all times must be obsessed with duelling, carousing and being loudly
flamboyant, if not in manner then in his fighting prowess.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Dexterity AC Weapon Skills
1 28 9 O (Sword and Dagger only)
2 33 11 E (Sword and Dagger combination only)
3 38 13 1 H (Dagger only)
4 43 14 1
5 48 16 2 Weapon Mastery (Sword or Dagger only)
6 53 18 2
7 58 19 3 Specialist Skill
8 63 21 3 Specialist Skill

The maximum AC of a Duellist is 9. They may only wear light armour and may never acquire the ability to wear
anything heavier. They may not use shields.
Only Humans may be Duellists and they may be of any alignment

Duellist Specialist Skills

+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
Unarmed Combat Enhanced Reflexes
Forearm Parry Relaxed Fall
Athletic Training +2 Weapon Mastery
War Cry

.The +2 Weapon Mastery must be taken in the weapon chosen at 5th level.

Post-8th Level Development

 Duellists may buy abilities as per Duellist.
 Duellists may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.
 Duellists may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Monk up to Table 4 (275pts table) but may not buy Monk Order
specialist skills.

Cavaliers are the ultra-lawful followers of the chivalric code. As such they can be any lawful alignment and must be
Human. Even an evil Cavalier follows the code to the letter and the spirit. They are a sub-class of the Warrior.

The Cavalier Code:

 Always wear your Family’s coat of arms proudly displayed
 Always wear an impressive costume
 Never attack or hurt a defenceless Peon
 Never show fear (unless supernaturally feared)
 Never use a dagger or ranged attack
 Never attack from behind
 Always fight the most powerful enemy present
 Never advocate un-chivalrous behaviour in others
 Never let an insult go un-avenged
 Never break an oath
 Always be true to your word
Breaking this code irrevocably turns the Cavalier into a normal Warrior but retaining their lower life scale. The
Cavalier also becomes permanently cursed losing 2 from his Dexterity AC. This is a curse of the conscience and is not
removable. All Cavaliers should have a clear idea of their family, history, and similar, for role-play purposes -
including the need for a coat of arms, above.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills Abilities
1 28 9 O&U
2 33 11 E Immunity to Halt
3 38 13 B Immunity to all Fear
4 43 14 Perm +2 DAC Bless of Conscience
5 48 16 Immunity to Alignment Change
Immunity to Beguile, Befriend,
6 53 18
Spiritual Mastery
7 58 19 Specialist Skill Immunity to all Domination Effects
8 63 21 Specialist Skill Cold Rage 1/day

Cavalier’s maximum armour class is 9. Cavaliers may only ever wear metal armour, which must be of master crafted
quality. They may use any shield, with these often bearing their coat of arms! A Cavalier does not die as easily as other
characters. At negative total body life points of up to twice his level, he is unconscious, not dead. This is commonly
known as Live to Minus. Thus at 8th level the Cavalier has “Live to -16 tblp”.

Cavalier Specialist Skills

+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
Unarmed Combat Enhanced Reflexes
War Cry Cold Rage

Post-8th Level Development:

 Cavaliers may buy abilities as per Cavalier.
 Cavaliers may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass

~ 10 ~
Paladins are Holy Warriors, Champions of the forces of Light, dedicated to the protection of the weak, the furthering of
the ways of good and the eradication of evil. They are blessed with certain spiritual powers that often duplicate those
available to Goodly Priests. The class of Paladin has many benefits however it also has severe restrictions.
Players intending to play a Paladin should realise that referees will be harsh on judging your actions, always watching
for less-than-perfect behaviour. Should a Paladin ever perform a malicious, cowardly or just plain evil act and receive
a ‘Black Mark’, then the Paladin will ‘fall from grace’ and lose his paladinhood. This means loss of all paladinic
abilities, and a permanent irremovable –2 Curse of Conscience. Paladins can fall from grace very easily, as they are
judged so harshly.
If in doubt a referee has the option of awarding a Grey Mark – this acts as a note to the next referee, that the morals of
the Paladin may be in question. Fairly simply 2 Grey Marks equals a Black Mark. The next referee is entitled to instead
cancel out the 1st Grey Mark – if the Paladin was beyond reproach in his actions.
In order to regain their paladinhood they will need to complete 3 further adventures without their paladinic abilities
without falling from grace again.
Paladins may align to a church and it is the doctrines of this faith that will often moderate the paladin’s behaviour. For
example the Paladin of a caring and healing god will seek to protect the innocent and work to the furtherment of the
goodly way of life. A Paladin of a goodly war god might seek to destroy all the evil he can find, smiting them and
offering little in the way of leniency to those evil creatures he discovers. Both styles are valid, and it is recommended
that you discuss your style with the referee, or at least make note of your faith and views on your battleboard.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills Abilities
1 30 10 O&U Recognise Evil Spirit @will
2 36 12 E Irremovable Paladinic Bless
3 42 14 B Lay on Hands 3 pts/level
4 48 16 Bless (Other) 1/2 levels
Detect Lie @will
5 54 18
Cure Disease 1/3 levels
Discern Spiritual Aura @will
6 60 20 Specialist Skill
Repel Undead 1/4 levels
7 66 22 Specialist Skill Recognise Spirit @will
8 72 24 Specialist Skill Repel Evil 1/4 levels

Paladins have a maximum armour class of 9. They may wear any armour and use any shield.
They must be Human and Lawful Good in alignment.


Verbal: “Spirit art thou evil?”
Range: 12’ range
This ability can identify whether the target has an evil spirit or not. There is a YES / NO answer.


 Unless the Paladin falls from grace he is always blessed no matter what, as per the Priest miracle.
 This Bless is irremovable for as long as the Paladin is a Paladin.
 If the Paladin becomes immune to Blesses (as per table 3 post 8th ability) then they remain blessed and retain the
A/C benefit.

~ 11 ~
Verbal: “Spirits of light permit mine hands to staunch this wound.”
Gesture: Touch via both hands
 By the use of this ability the paladin may cure a wounded location. They may cure a total of 3pts of damage for
each level (i.e. has 24pts at 8th level). The damage cured is restored to the location and TBLP. Lay on Hands also
has the effect of stopping any bleeding on the location touched provided at least one point of curing is
administered. All curing from this is used in packages of 3pts per incantation of the verbal.

Verbal: “Let the spirits of light watch over thee.”
Gesture: Touch target on head
A paladin’s Bless is similar to that of a priest except for the following:
 It offers no AC bonus.
 It has the effect of a “Remove Fear and Paralysis” miracle.
 If cast on a Spiritually Mastered creature, it will free that creature of the Spiritual Mastery.
 In all other ways it has a duration of only 5 minutes.

Verbal: “Spirits of Light, have lies been spoken?”
Gesture: Raise hands upwards in supplication
 This ability is useable at will.
 It will reveal if a previously heard statement was a lie in the eyes of the speaker.
 This must either be used straight after the statement has been heard or the statement needs repeating – as per the
Priestly miracle.
 This is a spiritual informational effect.

Verbal: “By the powers of light I bid this pestilence be gone.”
Gesture: Touch target on head
 This ability works as the priestly miracle – i.e.: It will spiritually remove one disease on a target.


Range: 1”
Gesture: Indicate Target Spirit
 This ability is the equivalent to all of the priestly discern abilities. It is not necessary to name each discern

Verbal: “Undead spirit I repel thee!”
Gesture: Indicate targets with weapon hand
 This power will work on any Undead creature with a spirit within 20’. An Undead so affected is instantly repelled
away from the Paladin up to 20’, or until a solid object is met.

Range: 1”
 This is the same as the priestly ability and will reveal the presence of a spirit within 1” of the paladin’s hand.

Verbal: “Spirits of Evil I repel thee!”
Gesture: Indicate targets with weapon hand
 This power will work on any Evil creature with a spirit within 20’. An Evil spirit so affected is instantly repelled
away from the Paladin up to 20’, or until a solid object is met.
~ 12 ~
Paladin Specialist Skills
+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
Make Healing Balm Enhanced Reflexes
Read Spirit Runes and Utilise Goodly Scrolls
Utilise Goodly Spirit Item

1 A paladin may only ever own three ‘items’ regardless of type and are expected to give all money beyond their
basic needs (Normal Armour and standard potion allowance) away, either to NPC goodly causes (the desk, or via
CC contract) or to church funds, though this should not be abused. Players whose paladins battle board with a
sack full of potions ‘given to them by their High Priest’ will be judged harshly by their referee.
2 A Paladin should always be true to his word.
3 If a Paladin should gain a “holy weapon” he should forswear the use of all other supernatural weapon, except for
when the use of those weapons is the only way to damage an evil or hostile enemy.
4 Please also note the paragraphs above on ‘falling from grace’.
5 Paladins must be Lawful Good in alignment.
Breaking any of the above will lead to the Paladin falling from grace as noted above.

Post-8th Level Development

 Paladins may buy abilities as per Paladin.
 Paladins may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass

~ 13 ~
These warriors are the champions of the forces of darkness and are dedicated to the spread of religious evil. They are
dedicated to the progress of whatever evil they serve, and to do this they are often aligned to a church. They will use
any means available to further their church’s/cause’s power. As a result of their truly dark natures, evil spirits are
drawn to them and they are able to innately call upon them to duplicate those powers available to Evil Priests. In battle
they are capable warriors, able to fight for their own ends with as much fervour as is necessary to annihilate their
opposition, but their preferred combat techniques involve treachery, betrayal, deception and poisoned blades in
combination with their spiritual skills.
Unholy Champions may align to a church and it is the doctrines of this faith that will often moderate the Unholy
Champion’s behaviour. For example the Unholy Champion of a deceptive and beguiling god will seek to protect his
identity and cause conflict through the lies and discord he is able to spread. An Unholy Champion of an evil war god
might seek to destroy all the good he can find, murdering as he goes bringing blood and carnage with each stab of his
sword. Both styles are valid, and it is recommended that you discuss your style with the referee, or at least make note of
your faith and views on your battleboard. It should be noted that Unholy Champions are also subject to the Black Mark
scheme listed under Paladins but they are punished should they perform any overly Goodly act or go against their
chosen alignment.

Unholy Champions as a class are automatically outlawed.

In a change from previous rules Unholy Champions do suffer casting damage from their miracles as a priest does.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills Abilities
Recognise Evil Spirit @will
Immunity to Disease
1 27 9 O&U
Undead Returner
Create Evil Stairway
2 31 10 E Repel Goodly Spirit 1/2 levels
3 35 12 H & MP
4 39 13 B
5 43 14
6 47 16 Specialist Skill
7 51 17 Specialist Skill
8 55 18 Specialist Skill
An Unholy Champion’s maximum armour class is 9. They may wear any sort of armour and use any shields as
desired. They must be Evil in alignment and Human. They are unrestricted between lawful, neutral and chaotic.


Verbal: “Spirit art thou Good?”
Range: 12’
 This power can identify whether the target has a goodly spirit or not. There is a YES/NO answer.

Verbal: “Spirits of Good I repel thee!”
Gesture: Indicate targets with weapon hand
 This power will work on any goodly creature with a spirit within 20’. A goodly spirit so affected is instantly
repelled away from the Unholy Champion up to 20’, or until a solid object is met.
 Any UC may sacrifice the Repel Good ability gained in order to gain a permanent beneficial Curse. This operates
in the same manner as a Paladin’s Permanent Bless being irremovable as long as the Unholy Champion is an
Unholy Champion. If the Unholy Champion becomes immune to Handbook Curses (as per the table 3 post 8th
ability), then he remains cursed and retains the A/C benefit. If however he becomes immune to non-handbook
curses (for example via the table 10 immunity), then they lose the A/C benefit from their curse.
~ 14 ~
 Unholy Champions upon their death may choose to release an evil spirit to seek vengeance upon their slayer. This
standardly takes the form of an undead. The more potent the Unholy Champion the more potent the Undead
Returner. For the statistics of these undead please refer to the Handbook or Word from Above publications. Their
hits are now calculated as though the Unholy Champion had raised them and are thus dependent upon his level
[this does included published increases such as Undead Master]. It is possible to choose an undead lower than your
current level (e.g. a 6th level Unholy Champion could return as a Ghoul). An Unholy Champion’s returner will
seek to kill their slayer, anyone involved in their death, and may then act as it wishes until slain.

Level Returner
1 Zombie
2 Zombie
3 Skeleton
4 Ghoul
5 Ghoul
6 Mummy
7 Wraith
8 Wight


 This skill allows the Unholy Champion to create a list of evil spiritual innates for his own use.
 It will typically follow the ethos of the evil church to which he is aligned, thus an Unholy Champion aligned to a
church that likes to raise Undead will have a list which facilitates that, whereas if in a church with a large amount
of evil spiritual causing on its miracle list, the Unholy Champion will need to have a predominantly ‘causing’
based list.
1. The total number of innates cannot exceed 40 spirits. It is the spirit cost used, rather than miracle level.
2. It is not possible to have a list with a greater number of higher level innates than lower level ones.
3. It should build up like a pyramid.
4. It is not possible to have a list which contains a particular innate if you do not have at least one innate of each
miracle which precedes it on that list (i.e. you can’t have an innate cause serious unless your stairway includes at
least one innate Cause Wound).
5. The innates should build up/follow a miracle tree [see Words from Above for further details].
6. It is not possible to have a miracle of a higher level than the level it is gained at when constructing the Stairway.
7. It is possible to have miracles that are traditionally neutral, as long as their purpose is for evil – much like the use
of neutral miracles by pathed characters. Thus it would be possible to have ‘protection from goodly spirits’ on the
list if used to summon a Wraith.
8. It is only possible to have miracles on the list that are on the miracle list of the Church to which the Champion is
9. Unaligned Champions do not have to follow rule 8 – they may instead have any standard evil miracle on their list.
10. Aligned Champions may have advanced miracles on their list if they are on the Church’s miracle list, however
advanced miracles count as twice their normal spirit level to have on the UC’s list. EG.: Soul’s Hunger would cost
1 spirit x 2 = 2 against the 40 spirit total. Again it is necessary for this religious miracle to make sense to the rest
of your list.
11. It is not possible to have miracles running at 1/3 levels.
12. A blank Stairway list is available from the check in desk for a nominal fee. A member of desk staff processes this
list, and is at liberty to refer any list to the GSM for approval

~ 15 ~

Causing List
Level Evil Miracle Uses Spirit Cost Running Total
2 Cause Wound 1/2 levels 2*4= 8 8
4 Cause Serious 1/4 levels 3*2= 6 14
5 Cause Disease 1/4 levels 4*2= 8 22
6 Cause Grevious 1/4 levels 5*2= 10 32
7 Suspend Life 1/8 levels 8*1= 8 40

Undead List
Level Evil Miracle Uses Spirit Cost Running Total
2 Animate Zombie 1/2 levels 2*4= 8 8
3 Animate Skeleton 1/4 levels 3*2= 6 14
4 Animate Ghoul 1/4 levels 4*2= 8 22
Control Zombie 1/4 levels 2*2= 4 26
5 Animate Mummy 1/ day 5*1= 5 31
Protection from
6 1/ day 3*1= 3 34
Good Spirits
7 Summon Wraith 1/ day 6*1= 6 40

Unholy Champion Specialist Skills

Utilise Evil Spirit Item Weapon Mastery
Make Poison Enhanced Reflexes
Read Spirit Runes and Utilise Evil Scrolls

Post-8th Level Development

 Unholy Champions may buy abilities as per Unholy Champion.
 Unholy Champions may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.

~ 16 ~
Where there is Good and Evil there is Balance. The path of neutrality also has its exponents and followers. In a
religious sense not all belief falls into the Good or Evil category; some faiths and teachings require the faithful to be
outside of such things.
Perhaps these followers of balance seek to protect wisdom for the benefit of all; maybe they seek to balance out the
universe; or possibly they just find themselves with an affinity for the spirit realm, acting as conduits between the real
and the ethereal. The guardians and warriors of balance and neutrality are collectively known as Grey Knights [GK].
Grey Knights must be Neutral in alignment but this may be coupled with Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic as desired.

Grey Knights must take one of the following vows at 1st level.
 Vow of Poverty - Now has wealth restrictions as per Paladin.
 Vow of Selflessness - Now has max 3 items as Paladin.
 Vow of Truth - Should always be true to his word.
 Vow of Abstinence - Potions restrictions as per monk.
 Vow of Selfishness - May not be a member of any social guild.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills Abilities
Detect Spirit’s Nature @will
1 27 9 O&U Immunity to Alignment Change
Create Neutral Stairway
2 31 10 E
3 35 12 B Immunity to Beguile & Befriend
4 39 13
5 43 14
6 47 16 Specialist Skill
7 51 17 Specialist Skill Recognise Spirit
8 55 18 Specialist Skill Immunity to Spiritual Mastery
A Grey Knight’s maximum armour class is 9. They may wear any armour any use any shield. Grey Knights must be
Grey Knights can come in many forms. Their variety of alignments allows for some variation in game play:
 Neutral Lawful: The Law Giver
 Neutral Neutral: The Pilgrim
 Neutral Chaotic: The Discordant

Grey Knights spiritual alignment needs to be watched very carefully – too many overly goodly or evil acts may result
in Grey & Black Marks – as defined within the Paladin entry.

In a change from previous rules Grey Knights do suffer casting damage from their miracles as a priest does.

Grey Knights are able to design their own ‘stairway of power’ – as per Unholy Champion – but their stairway is made
up of 40 spirits of Neutral miracles. Two examples are shown below.

~ 17 ~
Communication List
Level Neutral Miracle Uses Spirit Cost Running Total
2 Spirit of Seeing 1/ level 1*8 = 8 8
Spirit of Seeing &
3 1/2 levels 2*4= 8 16
4 Talk to Spirit 1/4 levels 3*2= 6 22
5 Communication I 1/4 levels 4*2= 8 30
8 Communication II 1/day 10*1=10 40

Warding List
Level Neutral Miracle Uses Spirit Cost Running Total
Protection from
3 1/2 levels 3*4= 12 12
4 Spirit Shield 1/4 levels 3*2= 6 18
Halt 1/4 levels 1*2= 2 20
5 Rune of Power 1/4 levels 4*2= 8 28
6 Minor Ward 1/day 5*1= 5 33
7 Spirit. Invisibility 1/day 5*1= 5 38
8 Control Zombie 1/day 2*1= 2 40

Grey Knight Specialist Skills

Utilise Neutral Spirit Item Weapon Mastery
Chosen of the Faithful Enhanced Reflexes
Read Spirit Runes and Utilise Neutral Scrolls

Post-8th Level Development

 Grey Knights may buy abilities as per Grey Knights [GK].
 Grey Knights may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.

~ 18 ~
Traditionally the Budoka are the less disciplined, although perhaps more heroic, warriors of the Eastern Lands. Their
martial skills are not unlike those of the monk but, where monks contemplate Inner Strength and learn martial arts as a
way to achieve better mind over body control, Budoka study martial arts for the sake of skill and fighting prowess, with
little or no concern for the inner serenity sought by many from the East.
In more modern times the role of the Budoka has been developed into a style of street fighting called ‘The Doka’ in the
west. The citizens of the Empire have their own fighters who partake in no-blows barred pit fighting. The styles are
comparable and stats wise identical. As such it is now possible to play a western Budoka. The art has yet to reach the
Baronies or Ishma thus only ‘Empire’ or Amlesian Humans may learn this class.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills DAC
1 30 10 O
2 33 11 E&H 1
Unarmed Combat
3 36 12 1
4 39 13 B 2
1st Weapon
5 42 14 2
6 45 15 3
7 48 16 Specialist Skill 3
8 51 17 Specialist Skill 4
A Budoka’s maximum armour class is 8. They may wear any sort of armour and use any shields. All Budoka are
Human but may be of any alignment.
They have the same potion and money / wealth restrictions as Monks.
The 1st Weapon Mastery gained at 5th level is in a chosen weapon which must be recorded on character card.

Budoka Specialist Skills

+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
+2 Weapon Mastery Enhanced Reflexes
Forearm Parry Relaxed Fall
War Cry

If taken the +2 Weapon Mastery must be in the same weapon in which the first mastery is possessed.

Post-8th Level Development

 Budoka may buy abilities as per Budoka.
 Budoka may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Monk.
 Budoka may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Warrior.

~ 19 ~
This class is cross between Wizard and Monk. These mystic monks are completely dedicated to their chosen element
and the belief in self. They draw their magic from a focus know as ‘The Power’. Originating from an alternate plane the
followers of the Power quickly assimilated into everyday Labyrinthian life, with many of the followers soon settling
down in the Jade Empire far to the East, finding a kinship in the martial styles the Easterners possessed.
The Power Master gains power by meditating on the power of an element. Thus, the Power Master is aligned to one of
the prime elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. These are called the Orders of Cloud, Mountain, Flame, and Sea
All true Power Masters are Human, though the Crol are known to have very similar practitioners amongst their people.
For further details on Crol Power Masters please see ‘Evolution; Races’.
All Power Masters must be lawful, though they may choose to be Good, Evil or Neutral freely. Their alignment
governs which order they belong to. Good Masters are of the “White”, neutral “Grey” and evil masters of the “Black”.
They cannot voluntarily change alignment or all their powers will be lost.
Power Masters have no need for material wealth, and they will never keep any money beyond what they need to
survive day to day. They may never use any form of “item”, and may not drink any potions at all, they consider any
“artificial” aid to their own ability as an affront. Knowingly using a potion of any type will prevent the Power Master
from using any of his elemental powers for 24 hours. Any beneficial potion will simply not work.
A Power Master may only use one O class weapon type, chosen when started (recorded on their card). Additionally no
armour of any kind may ever be worn, and no shield may ever be utilised.
For information on their magical skills and Spells in general please consult ’The Wizard’s Grimoire’ or the Basic

Skills and Life Points

Total Mana
Level Per Location Dexterity AC Weapon Skills Abilities
1 26 9 0 O & E (Chosen Weapon) Recognise Mana 3
2 29 10 1 6
3 32 11 1 Immunity to Bless/Curse 9
4 35 12 2 12
Weapon Mastery (Chosen
5 38 13 2 15
Immunity to Beguile,
6 41 14 3 Befriend and Spiritual 18
Mastery. Self Heal 1/day
Resistance to Own
7 44 15 3 Specialist Skill 21
8 47 16 4 Specialist Skill 24

A Power Master’s maximum armour class is 8 They may not use any armour or shields..

This ability may only be used whilst in contact with the appropriate element, which means underground for earth, in a
strong breeze for air, up to the waist in water for water, and within or near a bonfire-size blaze for fire. This effect
magically heals all normal damage to tblp and locations, and negates diseases and potions or poisons on the master.
The phrase “Let the power of [element] come onto me” must be repeatedly chanted for two minutes to achieve the
effect. During this time the master cannot fight, cast spells, move etc or the process is interrupted and the innate is
wasted. Diseases, potions and poisons do not progress further during this time.

~ 20 ~
This skill gained at 7th level, means that the Power-Master cannot be harmed by natural occurrences of his element,
including lightning for air Power-Masters and rock-falls for earth. Additionally they take only half-effect from
supernatural attacks of that element.
Power Masters gain mana and spell casting capabilities based on their chosen element. These spells are cast in much
the same way as wizards, with full verbals required, gestures etc. However, Power-Masters may never cast a glyph of
higher than their own casting level, they do not pay life points for casting a spell, and need not buy glyphs for grulls –
the Master instinctively knows how to cast all standard spells of up to his casting level. They gain 3 mana of their own
colour only per level, and may never learn to cast spells of any other colour, even grey. They may not read glyphs.

Power Master Specialist Skills

+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
+2 Weapon Mastery Enhanced Reflexes
Unarmed Combat Empower Chosen Weapon

The second Weapon Mastery may only be taken in the Chosen Weapon recorded on their character card.

Post-8th Level Development

 Power Masters may buy abilities as per Power Master.
 Power Masters may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Monk.
 Power Masters may buy abilities as per 1st Class Warrior Subclass.
 Power Masters may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Wizard but pay an additional 50% on Wizard abilities.
 Power Masters may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Warlock without having to pay the additional 50% they do on
Wizard abilities.
 Power Masters may not learn a 2nd Colour.
 Power Masters may not learn Specialist Glyphs.

NOTE: Power Masters are considered to be in both the Warrior and Wizard brackets

~ 21 ~
A Power Warrior is either a follower of the Gem: darkness and evil, or the Jewel: light and goodness.
The persuasion of the follower must be blatantly obvious. They wear either all black or all white, depending on
alignment. This dress includes appropriate face-paint. A Power Warrior will never seek to hide his identity; if he does
so all special abilities will be lost.
A warrior of the Jewel seeks the destruction of all darkness and evil, while Gem followers seek the destruction of all
that is light and good. Power Warriors will normally attack and fight to the death anything to which they are opposed;
failure to fulfil this condition will strip the warrior of all magical abilities. However as a lawful character class they will
never attack a fellow adventurer except in self-defence, they will either ignore an opposed adventurer, or leave the
For information on their magical skills and spells in general please consult ’The Wizard’s Grimoire’ or the Basic

Skills and Life Points

Total Jewel Power
Level Per Location Weapon Skills Gem Power
1 30 10 O&U
2 33 11 E Extinguish (Range) 1/level Flash 1/level
3 36 12 B Darkness (Self) 1/2 levels Light (Self) 1/2 levels
Walk on Light (Self)1/3
4 39 13
See through Magical
5 42 14
Darkness (s) 1/2 levels
Immunity to Befriend,
6 45 15
Beguile, Spiritual Mastery
Sabre of Light & Truth 1/4
7 48 16 Specialist Skill Black Blade 1/4 levels
8 51 17 Specialist Skill
A Power Warrior’s maximum armour class is 8. They may wear any armour and use any shield. All Power Warriors
are Human and Lawful in alignment. The magical powers they gain are all deemed to be of their own colour – and
require full verbals, gestures etc. However no casting damage is taken for these innates.

Power Warrior Specialist Skills

+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
Empower Armour Enhanced Reflexes
Unarmed Combat

Post-8th Level Development

 Power Warriors may buy abilities as per Power Warrior.
 Power Warriors may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Warrior.
 Power Warriors may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.
 Power Warriors may buy further innates of any spell of their colour, which is given to them 1st to 8th level, at a
cost of 12 pts per mana point.
 Power Warriors may buy spell innates of other spells of their own colour at a cost of 12 pts per mana point.
NOTE: Power Warriors are only in the warrior bracket, despite their ability to select magical innates.

~ 22 ~
The Kensai once came from the East, mystical masters of the Blade who have dedicated themselves to the use of the
sword. The style and excellence of the Kensai’s arts has, over the last generation, filtered through to the West – Many
of the Warrior Academies and Training Schools specialise in the harmony between man and blade. The schools and
training only exist in the Empire at present thus only Humans from the Empire or Amlesians may take this class, e.g.
not Humans from Ishma, or the Baronies.
Many proponents of this art keep the name of Kensai to honour the great art – others seeking to move with the times in
the West call themselves Blade Masters. The stats are identical however.
A Kensai must choose one particular sword to be proficient with. This may be the No-Dachi (Two Handed), Katana
(Bastard), or Wakizashi (Short). A Kensai may only use a sword in each hand if the chosen weapon is a Wakizashi.
For game purposes, any one-handed sword is a Wakizashi.
A Kensai will only ever use this weapon, hands, a dagger or bo-sticks. The chosen weapon will always be used in

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills DAC
1 26 9 O & B*
2 29 10 E 1
3 32 11 1
4 35 12 Weapon Mastery +1 2
5 38 13 2
6 41 14 3
7 44 15 Ki Strike 1/4 levels 3
8 47 16 Weapon Mastery +2 4
A Kensai’s maximum armour class is 8. A Kensai cannot ever use a shield and can only ever wear light armour.
*B skill is only gained should the chosen weapon be Katana or No-Dachi – But in either case the Kensai cannot inflict
Double until 3rd level is reached.
Weapon Mastery is in Chosen Weapon only.
Ki-Strike: For the next 5 minutes this allows the Kensai to inflict either Magical or Spiritual damage with his Chosen
Weapon. The skill is such that if spiritual damage is chosen it may harm spiritual only creatures, much as if a Priest was
dealing the blow.

Post-8th Level Development

 Kensai may buy abilities as per Kensai.
 Kensai may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Warrior.
 Kensai may not learn any weapon skill not related to their weapon of choice.

~ 23 ~
Bodyguards to the Circle, the Valdstayn are loyal guardians that have proved themselves willing to risk life and limb to
protect those within the secretive order. As reward they are enchanted with powerful rites during their training, lacing
their body with a deep vibrancy which deflects or 'earths' magic which assaults them. However the nature of these rites
are that should the Valdstayn kill a member of the Circle or be deemed by the referee of the adventure to have been
severely negligent in their protection of a Circle member then the elements which form their body instantaneously
separate. The Valdstayn dies as a consequence of this, leaving no body for a restore to life to be cast upon and inflicting
12 tblp and 2 Loc. damage to all within 20 feet. Negligence in this case could include willingly leaving a Circle
member alone in a place to wander off alone or with non-circle members or fleeing a combat location leaving a Circle
member in the combat. Refusal to “shield” a master is also negligent (unless the master requested such).
The Circle member in question is always free to deny this negligence at the point the Valdstayn would explode and
spare the bodyguard’s life.
Hedge Valdstayn are possible, however do not gain the abilities of Defend the Master, Shield the Master or Stand by
the Master. Such Hedge Valdstayn are deemed to serve some cult within one of the smaller baronies who do maintain
the rites which create the magical shielding (armour class). A Hedge Valdstayn may spend 50 points post eight to name
another Hedge character (not a Valdstayn) as their master, and thus gain the abilities lost for not being a member of the
Circle. Obviously the disadvantages for the death of a Circle member above now apply to the death of the new Master.
For details on Hedge, the Circle, and Baronial Characters see Evolution: Races

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills Abilities
1 27 9 O&U
2 31 11
3 35 12 E&H I Shall Defend the Master 1/2 levels
4 39 13 Innate MAC1
5 43 15 B I Shall Shield the Master @will
6 47 16
I Shall Stand by the Master 1/4 levels
7 51 17 Specialist Skill
Innate MAC2
8 55 18 Specialist Skill
A Valdstayn’s maximum armour class is 8. They may wear any sort of armour and use shields as desired. Valdstayns
must be Baronial and Human.


Negates one listed magical stopping effect and grants immunity to that effect for the following five minutes x 1/day.
There must be another member of the Circle on the adventure for this to work.


Should a Circle member lay a hand upon the shoulder of this Valdstayn, then all ranged magical spells and effects
which target the Circle member, instead target this Valdstayn. While using this ability the Valdstayn gains 2 additional
MAC. Note that it is possible for two Valdstayn to use this power on each other! In which case each takes attacks
destined for the other, and both gain the additional magical AC.


Negates one listed magical domination effect and grants immunity to that effect for the following five minutes. There
must be another member of the Circle on the adventure for this to work.

~ 24 ~
Valdstayn Specialist Skills
+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
Athletic Training Enhanced Reflexes
Unarmed Combat War Cry

Post-8th Level Development

 Valdstayn may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.

~ 25 ~
Rovfugr glory in the rush of conflict and are always seeking to prove themselves. Their name in their native tongue
now left behind on the old world meant 'Hawk of War', and it is this light springing step style of combat which
exhilarates them so. Always seeking challenge in combat, a Rovfugr will never back down from a fight (they must be
able to affect the opponent - otherwise it is not considered a fight) unless supernaturally forced to do so, and should
they willingly admit that another is better than them in combat or refuse to fight an opponent they can harm, then they
suffer a -2 to their dexterity armour class in shame (as a 'curse of conscience') until the end of the adventure.
Rovfugr often live their lives as a shooting star, full of glory but ultimately leading to an early death. In game terms this
means that if there is a fight in which a Rovfugr can usefully contribute, even if only blocking blows aimed at their
colleagues, then they should always be involved. They should be amongst the last to leave a combat, and should always
act as a rear guard if the party is fleeing an opponent or stand out on point if engaging a new enemy.
In case the above is not clear should a Rovfugr willingly leave any combat in which they can affect the opponent, they
suffer a -2 DAC curse of conscience until the end of adventure.
Referees are expected to judge Rovfugr who do not enter every fight and stay until the finish very harshly - regardless
of chances of survival.
Rovfugr will not use unarmed combat; to fight is to use weapons, brawling lacks grace and skill in their eyes. Only play
a Rovfugr if you are willing to die. A lot.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills Abilities
1 30 10 O
2 33 11 E&H DAC 1
Weapon Mastery O class
3 36 12
4 39 13 B War Cry 1/4 levels
5 42 14 DAC 2
6 45 15
Burst of Strength 1/4 levels
7 48 16 Specialist Skill
8 51 17 Specialist Skill DAC 4
A Rovfuger’s maximum armour class is 9. They may only be Duidoin and may never wear armour.

Rovfuger Specialist Skills

+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
Athletic Training Enhanced Reflexes
Forearm Parry War Cry
+2 Weapon Mastery

+2 weapon mastery may only be taken in the weapon chosen at 3rd level.

Post-8th Level Development

 Rofvuger may buy abilities as per 2nd Class Monk
 Rofvuger may buy abilities as per Warrior Subclass.
 Rofvuger may buy abilities as per 1st Class Budoka one table later (e.g.theymust be table 10 to buy a table 9

~ 26 ~
The Wind Dancers are the skilled swordsmen of the Ishmaic Confederacy. They spend their lives training their bodies
to move like the wind and fight in flowing forms that unite their blade with the supple movements of their bodies. The
Wind Dancers are well regarded by their Hetyan and are used in disputes between such groups when all out conflict
would be foolish and the involvement of the Rainfinders is not considered desirable by either of the Hetyan groups
Wind Dancers are proud warriors and carry the honour of their Hetyan and Clan with them at all times. They will never
back down from a challenge in which they have the capability to inflict damage against an opponent and should they do
so they will lose the Innate DAC from their class (for the rest of the day) that comes from their confidence and pride.
Only in a direct challenge of arms, not involving supernatural powers will this apply however and Wind Dancers are
able to fight in or leave a combat as normal otherwise.
Wind Dancers are always lawful (though may be good, neutral or evil as normal) and take the Laws and Traditions of
Ishmaic society extremely seriously. Should they be found guilty of breaking any of the Laws and traditions the power
within them is sundered and they will become warriors, but with the lower life gained from this class. They will always
seek to uphold the Laws and Traditions in others, especially members of their own Clan and Hetyan.

Skills and Life Points

Level Total Body Per Location Weapon Skills Abilities
1 30 10 O
2 33 11 E&H
3 36 12 DAC1
4 39 13 B Salmon Leap 1/2 levels
5 42 14
Contra Mastery 1/4 levels
6 45 15 Specialist Skill
7 48 16 Specialist Skill DAC3
8 51 17 Specialist Skill
A Wind Dancer’s maximum armour class is 9. They may only wear light armour and may not use a shield.
Wind Dancers may only be Ishmaic Humans.
Contra mastery innates last for 5 minutes, and grant the tables ability vs. one chosen weapon.

Wind Dancer Specialist Skills

+6/2 Stamina Weapon Mastery
Athletic Training Enhanced Reflexes
+2 Weapon Mastery Unarmed Combat

Post-8th Level Development

 Wind Dancers buy as 1st Class Warrior.
 Wind Dancers may also buy Jump related abilities as a monk.

~ 27 ~
Warrior Sub-Classes Covered Elsewhere
Warlocks and Sorcerers are listed within the Wizard’s Grimoire and are in the Warrior Bracket and thus eligible for

Vochstelen are also listed in the Wizard’s Grimoire and if they chose to be Militant Vochstelen are considered to be
within the Warrior bracket and gain a Tradition.

Beggar subclasses are listed in At the Sharp End and details of how their Traditions work can be found there.

Slayers and Psi-Masters are detailed in the Oraculum Insight book and are warrior subclasses so gain a tradition slot.

~ 28 ~
Warrior Specialist Skills
Not all specialist skills are available to all warrior classes, check the individual class entry or the following table for
details. These specialist skills (with the exception of Smithing) no longer cost grulls to learn. They are either self
taught, picked up along the way, or learnt from the various training schools and guilds that support mercenaries.

Weapon Mastery
By means of training and practice the Warrior may become more skilled with one specific weapon e.g. Dagger,
Broadsword, Hand Mace, Battle Axe, Bastard Sword, Spear etc. This Mastery means that one extra grade of damage is
added to the normal base damage done by a weapon of this type. Any weapon usable by the Warrior may be chosen,
including ‘B’ class weapons.

Unarmed Combat
This skill allows the Warrior to do damage with their hands (and not any other part of their body), as if they were O
class weapons. It should be remembered that a blow from any weapon must be a minimum of 12” long to be effective.
Martial art skills must NOT be used. It is only necessary to gently touch the opponent; anything stronger is unsafe and
must be avoided. NOTE: Anyone abusing this skill will lose it.

This skill allows the Warrior to manufacture weapons and armour. Unlike other specialist skills this one costs 1000
grulls to learn. The cost of armour made by the character is then only 10 grulls per point of AC per location (e.g. a suit
of AC 1 all over is 70 grulls, a suit of AC 3, or a suit of AC 1+2, is 210 grulls). The cost of the skill mostly consists of
the cost of wasted materials in getting used to the equipment and preparing the forge. Thus another individual could
not benefit from the forge without similar expenditure. The amount of equipment the character with this skill may
manufacture is limited to 700 grulls per weekly visit to Labyrinthe. All handbook manufacturing takes place at the
Desk. It is assumed that a Smith will adjust and make running repairs to their own armour, preventing wear, and as
such someone with this skill does not lose adventure ‘uses’ on their own armour. Standardly weapons in Labyrinthe
are assumed to be free, but in cases where it may matter a Smith can manufacture a weapon at 1/3 of the ‘bought price’.
Advanced rules that build on the Smithing skill can be found in the “Manufacturers Guide” (Downloadable on the

Enhanced Reflexes
By means of rigorous training, the warrior may learn greater agility in combat, thus giving him a bonus of +1 Dexterity
Armour Class. This replaces the first point of dexterity armour class available post eighth on table one and may only
be taken once. Note: If you are a class which naturally gains innate DAC this extra DAC will stack with the DAC that
you already have. This skill is sometimes referred to as Dexterity Training.

+6/2 Stamina
By means of rigorous exercise and training the warrior may become extremely fit. This fitness has the effect of giving
him an extra 6 total body life points, and an extra 2 life points per location, it does not however increase his level for
resisting magic or spirits. This skill may only be taken once by a character.

Cold Rage
This ability allows the Warrior to enter a Rage – such that for the next 5 minutes, the Warrior takes 25% less from any
damage suffered – bar that suffered from purely magic weapons and magical spells. In a Cold Rage the Warrior is able
to distinguish friend from foe and as such is not required to attack them. In a Cold Rage you may use ‘offensive
powers’ such as Knock Back, but not other powers like Monk Locational Healing or using your magical ring to Blink
away. This ability is usable 1/day.

War Cry
This ability allows the Warrior to negate one listed stopping effect, and grants immunity to that effect for the following
five minutes. It must be used within 2 seconds of the effect occurring and accompanied with a loud shout. This ability
is usable 1/day.

Athletic Training
This skill grants the Warrior the ability to jump a large distance. Also found listed under the spell Jump, or Salmon
Leap, the distance jumped cannot be more than 20’ forwards, 10’ backwards, or 15’ upwards. Jumping past a person
will enable that person to take one swing at the jumper; simple actions or other ‘instant’ abilities which need no verbal
can be used (just one ability – not a string of Neuronic Penetrations!) instead of a weapon swing, including speaking a
single word. This ability is usable 2/day.
~ 29 ~
This allows the user to follow the tracks of creatures in urban, built up environments or in tunnels or buildings. The
user can determine what kind of creatures frequent an area by the tracks that they have left behind. In some
circumstances, at referee’s discretion, this skill can be used to provide further details, such as following a specific
target’s trail. Its use requires slow and careful inspection of surrounding area.

This skill allows the Archer to do all arrow damage regardless of the PAC possessed by the target (e.g. Triple becomes
Triple Through) but it requires 5 seconds concentration to perform.

Mind Block
This ability allows the Monk to take only half damage from a Neuronic attack. It does not affect any non-damaging
neuronic attacks.

Stop Bleeding
Through their knowledge of anatomy the Monk may stop a location bleeding by delivering a sharp (non-damaging)
blow to that location. This will stop the bleeding for one hour.

Monk Locational Curing

This skill allows the Monk to cure a certain amount of locational damage on himself, or on others. The total curable in
this way is 1/3rd of the Monk’s tblp per day. Thus a Monk with 60 tblp could cure 20pts of locational damage. Monk
locational curing and similar abilities require a certain amount of time to successfully apply. Not more than 2 points per
second can be administered, and during this time both the giver and the recipient must be otherwise inactive (not in a
fight, for example).

Forearm Parry
This skill allows the Monk to parry weapons with his hands and forearms taking no damage from the blow. It is not
possible to parry a blow from a weapon without a Physical component. Effects attached to weapon blows are still taken
– for example a Knock Back effect.
Note: That the Monk must be able to freely move his arms to use this skill. This skill cannot be used whilst using a 2
handed weapon, and may only be learnt at 8th level.

Forearm, Foreleg and Upper Arm Parries cannot ever be used in conjunction with a shield. A weapon that can be
used as B-class, such as a bastard sword, or a spear, still prevents the use of Forearm/Foreleg/Upper Arm Parry even
when held in one hand.

Relaxed Fall
This skill allows the Monk to fall up to 25’ and take no damage. Should the fall be further than 25’ he only takes 1/3rd
of the normal falling damage.

Utilise Goodly Spirit Item

This skill allows the character to make full use of a goodly spirit item, as per the priest skill

Make Healing Balm

This skill allows the Paladin to manufacture a spiritual curative salve. When applied to a wounded character, 1 dose
will stop any bleeding or cure 3 points to the location to which it is applied and cure 3 points of tblp. This balm costs
150 grulls per dose to produce. At 7th level the paladin can make 4 doses, at 8th level 6 doses per week. Only Paladins
and Hospitallers can administer this balm. This balm is made at the Desk and a relevant card issued.

Read Spiritual Runes and Utilise Goodly Scrolls

This skill allows the Paladin to read spiritual runes with the proficiency of a priest. They may, via this skill, fully
utilise goodly spiritual scrolls but not scrolls of any other alignment.

Utilise Evil Spirit Item

This skill allows the Unholy Champion to make full use of an evil spiritual item; as per the priest skill.

~ 30 ~
Make Poison
This skill allows the Unholy Champion to make Blade Venom and Ingestive Poisons. The poisons made can be either
IV6 or BV6, chosen at the time of making them – For further information on these you should consult the Scout source
book ‘At the Sharp End’. The Unholy Champion may make 2 doses of each per week at 7th level, or 3 doses of each if
8th level. They cost 400 grulls per dose. This skill does not allow the UC to recognise poisons.

Read Spiritual Runes and Utilise Evil Scrolls

This skill allows the Unholy Champion to read spiritual runes with the proficiency of a priest. They may fully utilise
evil spiritual scrolls with this skill, but not scrolls of any other alignment.

Utilise Neutral Spirit Item

This skill allows the character to make full use of a neutral spirit item, as per the priest skill.

Read Spiritual Runes and Utilise Neutral Scrolls

This skill allows the Paladin to read spiritual runes with the proficiency of a priest. They may, via this skill, fully
utilise neutral spiritual scrolls but not scrolls of any other alignment.

Chosen of the Faithful

This ability grants the Grey Knight +2 DAC, which will not stack with any other form of Bless, or Watching. If a Grey
Knight falls from grace then this reverses in a similar manner to a Paladin’s Bless.

Empower Chosen Weapon

This skill allows the Power Master to inflict magic damage with their chosen weapon, at will.

Empower Armour
This skill imbues the armour worn with a magical essence, granting magical armour class equal to half the value of the
armour’s physical armour class (round up), and half effect the warrior’s opposite element (light or dark). These benefits
are only gained when wearing master crafted armour, which appears appropriate to the warrior’s colour (e.g. should
have white or black designs etc.).

~ 31 ~
Skill Availabilities by Class

Unholy Champion


Power Warrior
Power Master

Wind Dancer
Grey Knight







Weapon x x
Unarmed x x x x x x x
Smithing x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
+6/2 Stamina x x x x
Cold Rage x x x x x x x x x x x x x
War Cry x x x x x x x x x
Athletic x x x x x x x x
Shadowing x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Accuracy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Mind Block x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Stop Bleeding x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Monk Loc x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Forearm Parry x x x x x x x x x x x
Relaxed Fall x x x x x x x x x x x x
Make Healing x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Read Runes /Use x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Goodly Scrolls
Use Goodly x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Spirit Item
Make Poison x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Use Evil Spirit x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Read Runes /Use x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Evil Scrolls
Chosen of the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Read Runes /Use x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Neutral Scrolls
Use Neutral x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Spirit Item
Empower x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Chosen Weapon

~ 32 ~
Empower x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

~ 33 ~
Warrior Traditions
Differing warrior types have a variety of skills available to them. However their role for the most part is as a trained
fighter. Where they first learnt how to fight and their style of combat will depend on where they trained or who trained
The idea behind this selection of abilities is to offer background choices to the warrior bracket. Much like a priest will
have their spheres and churches, and wizards have their elemental colour and towers. These traditions need not just be
a background note either; they could form a whole history of why your character is the way he is and what he does
when he is not out adventuring.
It is only possible to standardly purchase one of these “Traditions”. Existing characters may find that one of these
abilities adds to their character or works alongside what they had already developed, in which case they should feel free
to buy one. Below is a table showing which classes can have which “Tradition” and an associated cost. All are deemed
to be on table 1.
If you are of a non-standard class/race you may not buy a tradition without first checking with the GSM and they will
need to sign the ability on. The class of Samurai is now deemed a Tradition. Existing Samurai may continue as they
were before but no new Samurai may be started.

Tradition Costs and Availability by Class

By cross-referencing the class and the tradition it can be seen whether a character of that class can buy a given
tradition – if so, the figure recorded is the cost in points to do so. An ‘x’ means that tradition cannot be acquired.
The Samurai tradition may only be learnt by Amlesian Human Warriors and costs 40 points post 8th.
Some races are restricted in which traditions they may buy. There is a list of these restrictions at the end of the chapter.


Sell Sword



Archer 60 50 60 80 50 65 50 x 50
Budoka x 30 x x 40 60 40 x x
Cavalier x x x 60 40 50 x x 60
Duellist 60 40 x 90 x 65 40 40 x
Kensai x 40 x x 50 60 40 60 x
Grey Knight x 60 x 85 40 70 x 75 70
Monk x 20 x x 40 x 30 x x
Paladin x 70 70 x 60 70 x x 70
Power Master x 20 x x 60 x x x x
Power Warrior 75 x 70 75 65 x x x 75
Psi Master 75 50 x 75 65 75 50 80 75
Ranger 60 50 70 75 x 60 40 75 x
Silver Warden 75 50 x 75 65 75 50 80 75
Sorceror 75 x 70 x 65 75 60 100 75
Unholy Champion x 60 x 85 40 70 50 80 x
Valdstayn 65 60 60 x x x 50 x 75
Warlock 75 x 70 70 65 75 60 100 75
Warrior 60 50 60 60 50 60 40 60 70
Wind Dancer 70 30 x x 50 x x 80 x

~ 34 ~
The Adventurer is the classic hero type, their skills have been honed whilst rescuing princesses from towers, making
daring escapes from the lairs of pirates, and just doing daring and often heroic deeds. However there is also the other
side of the adventurer: A cad, a bounder and rapscallion, with little thought to the future, careless and living for the now
and the thrill of high adventure.
They often seem to have a secret motive or benefactor- and are well equipped with all manner of gumpf.
 Well Equipped with 400 grulls worth of immediately available or simple potions. Use the costs for perm
potions for this calculation.
 Well Equipped with supernatural scrolls and may battle board up to 10 power of standard magical or spiritual
scrolls. This can be a mixture of the two if desired.
 1/day Recuperation: The Adventurer recovers well from a mortal danger with amazing powers of recuperation.
As such, the first time per day where required they gain a fully cumulative live to minus 6 and, whilst
unconscious due to damage, regenerate at a rate of 1pt of locational damage and 1pt of tblp per 5 minutes.
They cannot ‘bleed’ to death.
 1/day Well Prepared: Before time-in is called gains a ‘lucky idea’ with regards to the adventure he is about to
 This ability can only be used should the player be fully ready for his adventure – in full costume and make-up
etc as required. The answer by the referee could be “remember the anti-venoms”,”wrap up warm” or even
“expect undead”. Obviously it is necessary for this to be done with the referee for the adventure, and does
legitimately allow the character to add further equipment to his battle board. {Think of this ability as James
Bond getting his supplies from Q, not knowing what he is going to need – but always just happening to have
the required object}.
 Due to their careless manner, or their need to give money to their contacts they automatically lose ½ of any
payment they might receive from an adventure, including any monies gained from treasure, bounties and such.
Any lost money is automatically returned to the referee.

The Commoner is an unusual type of fighter, typically those that have ‘fallen’ into adventuring, perhaps seeking some
personal goal or knowledge. Perhaps there was a retired mercenary who lived in their village whose stories awoke a
primal instinct in them before leaving on their great quest training in the militant skills along him. Or maybe they were
born and raised in one the cities of the Empire; every day being a struggle to survive and having to learn to fight in
order to live.
 1/day Instinct: After 30secs of melee versus an opponent [timed from the 1st blow struck] is able to get a gut-
feeling about the opponent, in the manner of a lucky idea about the opponent but also granting a Study
Opponent [as per table 10 ability].
 Commoners do not rely on excessive amounts of armour, preferring to be light on foot and ready for trouble at
all times. As such for each 2 ranks of PAC that the character class could normally wear, but isn’t, they gain +1
DAC (e.g. a character could wear up to AC 4, but chooses to only wear AC 2 gains an additional point of
 For this calculation use the armour listings in the Handbook – exclude Layering but include Master Crafted
bonuses: Thus a warrior could normally wear PAC 6 [Plate] but by only wearing PAC 2 [Leathers] he would
gain 2 DAC.
 Due to their upbringing poisons take twice as long to progress and take a minimum of 30secs to have any
effect even if the poison is instant.
 Diseases also take twice as long to progress, and take a minimum of 5 minutes to kill even if the effect was
meant to be instant.

~ 35 ~
Most cities, towns and villages have a group of ‘guards’ to defend and uphold the laws or local desires. Whether they
are a member of the village watch, a city militiaman, or town guard, there is a certain skill to being able to put up with
sitting around for hours looking like you’re busy.
Despite this common perception of the Labyrinthian guard, their sense of duty and resolve in the face of overwhelming
odds often leads the guard to be known for their determined and ability to ‘stand their ground’. Those that become
mercenaries often epitomise this stubborn resilience and keen eyed perception.
 1/day “Standing Ground”: May be activated like a War Cry i.e. within 2 seconds of an event occurring. This
ability allows the Guard to increase his resistance levels for the next 5 minutes- This force of will costs 3 tblp
for each level he chooses to increase it by. There is no maximum level. Once it has been increased it cannot be
raised further using this same ability.
 Guards may learn and buy any published “Distancing” style ability 1 table earlier e.g. Enhanced Distancing on
Table 7 rather than 8.
 1/day “On Guard” After 5 minutes of being within the same general location; in a tavern, at a cave entrance
etc, gains 6th Sense [as per the tables ability but no DAC requirement], Traitor Shield [as tables], and ‘Guards’
Danger Sense – similar to the Tomb Robber ability but will provide a sense of imminent danger with regards
to things occurring in that location, lasts as long as they remain in that location (e.g. an attack is about to
happen, a ritual strike is about to target the area). Is broken if they leave that area

A member of the Empire’s Legions dedicated to the cause. Unlike a common soldier, their first loyalty is to the Empire,
rather than the grull. Legionnaires should select a legion to join. Details of legions can be found on the Laby Wiki, in
the Almanac, or by asking on the forums. Some legions may have joining restrictions or other requirements.
 As long as a Legionnaire is not outlawed or ostracised they gain their standard imperial potion allowance for
free and are provided with a suit of normal master crafted armour every dungeon. The minimum potion
allowance they will be given is always five 6 points, regardless of system effects in place. A legionnaire is also
well equipped with a trusty old weapon and shield, with no penalty for this loss.
 Legionnaires also gain + 1 level of resistance vs. Domination effects not from a superior within their legion.
 Finally, they gain an innate “For the Legion”. This acts as either a Discipline Innate (as per the post 8th
ability), a War Cry, or grants immunity to repels for 5 minute.

Some fighters are trained at monastic centres, often with specific religious or life-affirming tenets that guide and direct
these fighters as they venture out in to the wider world. The reasons for leaving the monastery are left to the individual
characters. It could be that they are sent out by the Elders to discover the meaning of existence, or that they were taken
in as an orphan and now they seek out whatever happened to the rest of their family.
Monastic fighters are always principled, well disciplined and find little joy in material wealth. As such this “training”
may only be taken by characters of a lawful alignment.
 May buy the ‘Ley Believer’ ability for ½ cost, and may buy True Believer as per Paladin.
 Gains Discipline 1/day – Which acts as per a war cry ability but against a listed domination effect, emotion
effect or fear effect rather than a stopping effect.
 Chosen Weapon: Gains +1 cumulative weapon mastery in a weapon type of choice, noted on character card
when bought.
 Due to the well-trained regime those trained from Monastic Orders automatically gain one additional specialist
slot from their base class. Should their class not receive Specialist Skill abilities, e.g. Kensai, they may instead
choose a specialist from the standard Warrior options.
 Those under Monastic training may never battleboard more than 3 items [Monks etc may still not benefit from
any items]. They also have wealth restrictions as per Monk.

~ 36 ~
Not all of the mercenary caste are from the same background, some are from more notable stock. The young nobles,
children of rich merchants, and those that move in such circles, such as a Senator’s family, or even the family of a
noble retainer, can experience a very different style of training into the world of melee, and battle. Alternatively, the
privileged character could be from a clan or oriental house, or even a tribe.
Their training would take a more organised form: Proper teachers and instructors holding small classes and individual
tutoring for the up and coming generation.
The styles of this expertise would vary greatly- depending on the teacher and of course the wishes of those paying the
fees. The pomp and ritual of the heavily armed and armoured court Knight, or the delicate and fanciful speed of the
best duellists could be extremes of this training.
Those with this training hold the knowledge of ‘battle tactics’ and perhaps more importantly the expectation to win.
 1/day “Battle Tactics” This skill allows the warrior to come up with a plan – it takes 1minute concentration to
formulate, though this can be spoken externally and involve others if desired. The ‘plan’ must be enacted
within 15 minutes of its formulation, else is wasted.
 For the 1st 5minutes of the plan or until its end [if sooner] the warrior gains: +6/2 temporary life, and one of a
War Cry, Salmon Leap, Knockback or Cold Rage.
 1/day “Know your Foe” This skill allows the user to gain knowledge about a particular target. It can work in
one of two ways:
 Based on passed on knowledge, remembered studies, and common lore it will reveal about a sentences worth
of information about a particular creature type. e.g. The party hear tell of a Werebear rampaging in the local
area. From using this ability the warrior is able to learn that Werebears are known for only being harmed by
the supernatural or weapons made from Gold, typically goodly creatures and fond of honey. OR
 Based on 10 seconds observation of a target would reveal the number and type of ‘hits’ a creature has and any
strange requirements that may be necessary to injure it productively. e.g. The same Werebear from above is
met in the woods, this ability reveals that it has 60hits, these need to be supernatural or ‘golden’ and that its fur
is mystically enchanted such that weapon blows will have very little effect [e.g. rockskin style].
 At all times they gain +1 level of resistance against physical Domination and Stopping Effects.
 Those Privileged trained have slightly more Multi-class options open to them than previously.
 Thus non-human types with this training may multi-class to any [solely] warrior bracket class as long as it is a
published option for their Class, e.g. A ½ Elf Warrior could MC/ to Cavalier at the published cost.
 Humans gain an additional MC slot at 8th+0pts.

~ 37 ~
Samurai are the ultimate followers of the Jade Code. As such their personal honour code is very limiting indeed. If a
Samurai breaks his code in any way he must commit Seppuku [ritual suicide] at once. He may delay Seppuku only to
get his revenge on a person or group related to his failure, but must commit Seppuku by the end of the adventure on
which he breaks his code. Under no circumstances may a Samurai be 'let off' from such a situation, and they cannot be
restored to life. In fact, a Samurai committing Seppuku may choose to rebirth as the same character with the same
A Samurai will commit Seppuku if:
 They show outward fear.
 They run from a fight.
 They contract to perform a task and fail (e.g. agree to rescue a princess, but she is already dead when the samurai
gets there).
For more information on this please see the section in Evolution: Races or The World of Primus Book 3, The Jade
 Samurai are Immune to all forms of Fear.
 They gain the following innate abilities:
 8/day Damage Focus: Samurai can add +6pts of damage [+1 hit] to a single blow. The power can be used only
once per blow and is used up even if the blow misses. If this would take the damage above the characters max
damage then instead it cuts through PAC and ignores physical armour class.
 4/day Yell of Fear: This will ‘fear’ all creatures of less than half the Samurai’s level that are within 20’. This
only lasts 1 minute. It affects creatures with no spirit but other than this works as per the “Cause Fear”
miracle. It does not work on other Samurai, or ‘mindless’ creatures such as Undead or Elementals.
 2/day Cold Rage: This ability allows the Samurai to enter a rage, such that for the next 5 minutes, the Samurai
takes 25% less from any damage suffered, bar that suffered from purely magic weapons and magical spells. In
a Cold Rage the Samurai is able to distinguish friend from foe and as such is not required to attack them. In a
cold rage you may use ‘offensive powers’ such as Stunning Yell, but not other powers like monk locational
healing or using your magical ring to Blink away.
 2/ day Stunning Yell: This works in a similar manner to the Halt miracle, but works on all sentient creatures of
a lower level than the Samurai within 20’. It does not work on mindless creatures.

Sell Sword
This type of fighter is a dedicated mercenary, perhaps a lone wolf, member of a mercenary group or war band but they
learnt their trade in a ‘hands on’ fashion. As a professional mercenary they are intrinsically linked to the fate of Primus.
Knowing that the mercenary caste is one of the strongest things Primus has been able to create to defend itself, these
heroes are watched over by the Primal Spirit and the Empire.
 On any licensed adventure the Sell Sword is able to ensure that he is rewarded well to the extent that he will
receive an additional 800 grulls if the mission is successful. The money is claimed from the office of
whomever authorised the ‘Mercenary Hiring License’, and requested from the Desk by the Adventure Referee.
No more than 800 grulls can be claimed in any one week by a Mercenary.
 In addition to this the Sell Sword has his healing potion allowance paid for, i.e. no money has to be given to
the referee in order to claim your 6pt allowance.
 1/day Primal Strike Through being able to call upon the power of Primus is able to empower a ‘normal’ [not
otherwise supernatural] weapon such that whilst wielded by the Sell Sword it will inflict either magical or
spiritual damage as required, even if the user could not usually use magical or spiritual artefacts.
 Should a Sell Sword need to be resurrected ‘off-adventure’ they are deemed to have the Fated Hero ability
from the post 8th development system.
 Should a Sell Sword become outlawed then they lose the benefits of the additional payment and potion
allowance until it is removed.

~ 38 ~
While many warriors are used to forming shield walls and fighting in a line, the Skirmisher shuns shields, and works
best operating separate from a shield wall.
 Skirmishers lose U skill, and can never regain the ability to use a shield. They are also limited to wearing light
armour (up to A/C 2 before Master Crafted bonus).
 Skirmishers gain Forearm Parry (as per the Monk skill), and gain 2 points of class based DAC (does not stack
with Duellist, Kensai or similar).
 Skirmishers gain an innate “Advantage in combat” 1/day which acts as either a Salmon Leap, a Force Majeure
(as tables), or a Strike to Stun effecting 8 levels.
 Skirmishers are adept at sensing hidden dangers and are often aware of them before they occur, a gut feeling
or a split second reaction. This grants them Danger Sense. When 20ft or more away from the party they will
often suddenly become aware of a hidden danger or unseen problem (Ref’s discretion but it will only reveal
unforeseen dangers). It can also function when near the party for truly unseen dangers (such as ritual strikes,
or opponents about to teleport in to attack).

The Soldier has been trained in a military organisation; this may be one of the Empire’s Legions, a Noble’s private
army, or even a dark and evil army lead by a great evil god intent on invasion and conquering – But the Soldier’s life is
similar the world over. They march, fight and die.
 A Soldier knows that his odds of survival are greatly increased the better the equipment he has, and how well
he looks after what he’s got. As such, soldiers know how to look after and maintain their own equipment- to
the extent that their armour loses no normal uses.
 They are automatically equipped with a ‘trusty old weapon’ and may buy additional trusty weapons at 25pts
each. There is no penalty associated to the loss of such a weapon.
 They may buy any tables ability to do with armour as though a 1st class Warrior, if they can already buy the
ability as a Warrior, then they may buy any published ability to do with armour 2 tables earlier than normal.
 For example, Armour Mastery is normally on table 8 [1000pts] but for a 1st class Warrior with the Soldier
tradition it is on table 6 [600pts].
 1/day Stand and Die: It is the duty of a Soldier to stand and die, but those charged with vitae are a different
breed. This ability must be announced at the beginning of a combat and grants the Soldier Live-to-Minus 5
minutes. In this Live-to-Minus he may remain conscious and melee fight – but not use any other innate ability.
He may continue to move and talk [not casting etc] but only at ½ speed [though still fight at normal speed].
The 5 minute duration starts when the Live-to-Minus is entered. Should it not be entered then the ability is
wasted for that day. When the effect ends the additional live to minus disappears and if the Soldier has used
the additional live to minus from this ability he dies – unavoidably. May not use this ability in conjunction
with ‘Tempo of Battle’ or similar. It should be noted limbs can still stop working.
 Soldiers also know how to look after the cuts and scrapes that come from their daily toil. As such, they learn
the ‘bandaging’ skill [See At the Sharp End], and count as knowing the recipe for when applying Treated and
Medicated bandages.

~ 39 ~
Traditions: Racial Restrictions

Here are listed the adjustments to the traditions available according to your race.zxx.
 Rovfugar as per Budoka
 Silver Folk Slayer as per Silver Warden
 Vochstelen who have selected the Militant option gain Traditions as per a Warlock
 Beggars (Kallah and Hanot) eligible for a Tradition learn Commoner as per a Ranger.
 Alfar cannot be Adventurers
 Ancient Folk cannot be Commoners
 Crol cannot be Adventurers
 Crol cannot be Commoners
 Draves cannot be Commoners
 Dwarves can only be Guards, Privileged, Soldiers, or Legionnaires.
 Elves cannot be Commoners
 Faeries cannot be Commoners
 Farfolk cannot be Adventurers
 Goblins cannot be Soldiers or Legionnaires.
 Goblins pay double price for the Skirmisher Tradition.
 Ggrutuck can only be Guards, Soldiers, or Legionnaires.
 Orcs cannot be Monastic
 Ogres can only be Guards or Commoners
 Trolls can only be Guards or Commoners
 Ratfolk cannot be Adventurers
 Silver Folk cannot be Commoners
If a standard race is not listed above then you may assume that they may take any training as befits their Class.

~ 40 ~
Post 8th Abilities
All of the classes detailed above within this book, may learn “Warrior Subclass” abilities, plus as their own specific
class, as mentioned in the post 8th development section within in class.
Some abilities are listed for 1st Class Warrior Subclass. In a change the restriction on dual-bracket characters has been
removed. These abilities may now be purchased by 1st Class Warrior Subclasses that are automatically paired into
another bracket.
Immunities to Bruising; there are several abilities which confer this immunity they all share a few common
restrictions. No forms of Bruising Immunity can be applied in combination with any form of damage reduction.
Immunity to Bruising does not confer immunity to associated effects from the blow so a blow would still deliver a
paralysis or knock-back even if the damage was reduced to zero.

Table 1 (0pts)
Trained Warrior Cost: 50pts T: 1
Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
May never multi-race or buy abilities outside of the warrior bracket but may buy as a 1st class warrior. May only
multi-class within the warrior bracket.

Hardened Warrior (from Trained Cost: +100pts T: 1

Warrior) )
Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
Loses Tradition slot, but may now multi-race to a published multi-race.

Sword Brother Cost: 30pts T: 1

Available To: 1 Class Warrior
Two warriors must buy this simultaneously, and the fellow warrior must be named on the character card. Grants Tell
Wounds, as per the Druid ability, upon each other (only) and +1 DAC when together

Call Location Shot Cost: 40pts T: 1

Available To: Archer
If a target is struck by a bolt or an arrow then the Archer may nominate the location actually struck. An archer may
not call a different location if a shield was struck.

Utilise Strength With Bow Cost: 120pts T: 1

Available To: Archer
May use strength with a bow.

Immunity to Bruising Using DAC Cost: 20pts T: 1

Available To: Monk
This ability allows the Monk to move so perfectly with a blow as he is struck that if he is able to apply his DAC to
the blow, and it equals or exceed the amount of damage the blow would normally inflict then he is deemed not to
take any ‘bruising damage’ from the blow. Thus a Monk in DAC 6 would not take any damage at all from a normal
6pt Single from a ghoul – though the paralysis would still affect him.

~ 41 ~
Additional “Ki Strike” Cost: 45pts* (Max 3) T: 1
Available To: Kensai
As per their standard pre 8th ability.

Spiritual Innates Error! Bookmark Cost: 10pts/Spirit Point* T: 1

not defined.
Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
May select a single Spiritual Tree (See Words from Above) this must be relevant to their base stairway in the case of
Unholy Champions and Grey Knights. May now purchase innates of standard miracles from this tree at 10 points
per spirit point. A higher level innate can only be owned as many times of the miracles before it. e.g. to purchase
two Total Heal innates they must first have purchased two of all previous miracles on the tree. Casting damage is
suffered for casting these innates as per priest.

Discern Nature of Undead Cost: 10pts T: 1

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
As the Priest ability.

Enhanced Perception Cost: 80pts T: 1

Available To: Ranger
Grants immunity to an attack or an enemy’s defence which is based on sight, except for blindness (e.g. Bedazzle).

Utilise Strength With Bow Cost: 140pts T: 1

Available To: Ranger
May use strength with a bow.

Extra Damage Focus innates Cost: 10pts* (Max 8) T: 1

Available To: Samurai

Extra Yell of Fear innates Cost: 45pts*(Max 4) T: 1

Available To: Samurai

Extra Stunning Yell innates Cost: 65pts*(Max 2) T: 1

Available To: Samurai

Extra Cold Rage innate Cost: 50pts T: 1

Available To: Samurai

Slayer Cost: 60pts T: 1

Available To: Unholy Champion
May permanently kill any already dead target in such a manner that a spiritual Restore Life will not work. Though
other forms (such as a ‘mantic one) would. Has a range of touch and takes 10 seconds concentration/ritual to use.
~ 42 ~
Unholy Knight Cost: 50pts T: 1
Available To: Unholy Champion
Must be lawful. The Unholy Champion is a now a champion of his faith – an Unholy Knight. He doesn’t waste time
committing petty evil acts, instead inwardly questing for greater religious understanding. As such is not
automatically outlawed. May not be in any ‘Professional Guild’ bar his own religion.

Sense Good Cost: 40pts T: 1

Available To: Unholy Champion
Sense Good 20' radius Y/N only – A spiritual informational effect.

Discern Spiritual Aura Cost: 60pts T: 1

Available To: Grey Knight, Unholy Champion
As per the Paladin ability.

I Shall Defend the Master Cost: 30pts* T: 1

Available To: Valdstayn
Additional use of the 1st to 8th ability.

I Shall Stand by the Master Cost: 30pts T: 1

Available To: Valdstayn
Additional use of the 1st to 8th ability.

Specialist Skill Cost: 40pts T: 1

Available To: Warrior Subclass
May buy an additional specialist skill of own class.

Weapon Mastery Shield Cost: 40pts T: 1

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Grants +1 Max. AC to the front but Max. DAC. = 6.

Enhanced Reflexes +3 (total) Cost: +45pts T: 1

Available To: Warrior Subclass
From Enhanced Reflexes +2. Grants a total of +3 Dexterity Armour Class.

Warrior Specialist Skill Cost: 40pts* (once/skill) T: 1

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Any standard Warrior Specialist skill – even if not previously available to that class.

~ 43 ~
Enhanced Stamina, +12/+4 (total) Cost: +45pts T: 1
Available To: Warrior Subclass
From +6/+2 (1st Stamina).

Max. AC. Increased by 1 to +1 (total) Cost: 20pts T: 1

Available To: Warrior Subclass

1st Grade of Strength Cost: 70pts T: 1

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Each grade of Strength allows the character to inflict one additional grade of damage [still limited by maximum
damage]. It also allows the possessor to be able to ‘carry’ a single normal person / load by placing both of their
hands on the target. If two grades of strength are possessed it is possible to carry a person in a single handgrip, or
two people with one in each hand. Strength being used to carry things cannot at the same time be used to increase
the damage grade called.

Utilise Shield Cost: 20pts* T: 1

Available To: Ggrutuck Warrior
Grants the ability to use any Shield

Supernatural Perception Cost: +50pts* T: 1

Available To: Ranger
Enables Ranger to see creatures hiding by used of physical effects which mimic magical ones (e.g. non magical

‘E’ Weapon Skill Cost: 40pts T: 1

Available To: Goblin Warrior

Armour Facility Cost: 40pts T: 1

Available To: Goblin Warrior
May wear up to studded leather armour (from stiff leather).

General Weapons Expertise Cost: 125pts T: 1

Available To: (1st Class Only) Warrior, Monk
Gains 1st Weapon Mastery in all O or B class weapons..

Table 2 (200pts)
3rd Weapon Mastery Bow Cost: +40pts T: 2
Available To: Archer
From +2 WM with bow.

~ 44 ~
4th Weapon Mastery Bow Cost: +65pts T: 2
Available To: Archer
From +3 WM with bow.

Target Prediction Cost: 40pts T: 2

Available To: Archer
Now negates foe’s DAC when using MP skill.

2nd Grade of Strength for Bow Cost: +70pts T: 2

Available To: Archer
Only applies when using bow, from 1st grade.

3rd Weapon Mastery Cost: 60pts T: 2

Available To: Kensai
Enhanced Weapon Mastery +3 (total) from +2 in chosen weapon.

Parry Versatility Cost: 40pts T: 2

Available To: Monk, 1st Class Warrior Subclass with the Skirmisher or Bildteve Pit Fighter Traditions
Forearm / Foreleg / Upper Arm Parry / Upper Leg Parry, if possessed, may now be used in conjunction with a B-
class weapon in which the user possesses two or more masteries. Still may not use a shield in conjunction with

Enhanced Relaxed Fall Cost: 50pts T: 2

Available To: Monk
The character now suffers no damage from the first 50’ of falling and only half damage after that.

Very Athletic Cost: +45pts T: 2

Available To: Monk, Berserker
Jump 4/day (total) from 2/day from Athletic Training.

Second Colour Ivory Cost: 100pts T: 2

Available To: Power Warrior
Grants Mobility x 1/day, Enhance Weapon x 1/day and 1 rune of Ivory Warrior per day (extra runes @ 40pts*).
Now suffers from Ivory Code restrictions.

2nd Grade of Strength for Bow Cost: +70pts T: 2

Available To: Ranger
Only applies when using bow, from 1st grade.

~ 45 ~
Natural Learning Cost: 100pts T: 2
Available To: Ranger
Now gains all druidic standard discerns (Tell Plant Type, Tell Animal Type, Tell Time, Tell Disease, Tell Wounds
& Tell Poison).

Yell of Disintegration Cost: 40pts*(Max 3) T: 2

Available To: Samurai
Acts as a Disintegrate (range) spell but is physical in origin, and requires 5 seconds preparation

2nd Grade of Strength Cost: +80pts T: 2

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Grants 2nd grade of strength, from 1st grade.

3rd Stamina Cost: +50pts T: 2

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Enhanced Stamina, +18/+6 (total) from +12/+4.

2nd Weapon Mastery Cost: +55pts*(once/weapon) T: 2

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Grants +2 WM in a weapon in which they have 1st Weapon Mastery in already.

Enhanced Reflexes +4 (total) Cost: +50pts T: 6

Available To: Warrior Subclass
From +3. Grants a total of +4 Dexterity Armour Class.

Enhanced Reflexes +5 (total) ) Cost: +55pts T: 2

Available To: Warrior Subclass
From +4. Grants a total of +5 Dexterity Armour Class.

Max. AC. Increased to +2 (total) ) Cost: +40pts T: 2

Available To: Warrior Subclass
From +1 Max Armour Class

Table 3 (250pts)
Master of Celerity Cost: 150pts T: 3
Available To: 1st Class Monk
All AC always applies vs. relevant weapons blows if the character is able to move his body by his own free will

~ 46 ~
Master of Celerity Cost: 200pts T: 3
Available To: 1st Class Warrior
All AC always applies vs. relevant weapons blows if the character is able to move his body by his own free will

Combatant Cost: 40pts T: 3

Available To: 1 Class Warrior Subclass
This ability increases the classes base maximum armour class [Max AC] to 9.

Optimism Cost: 80pts T: 3

Available To: Berserker
Does not have to flee from magic

True Believer Cost: 70pts T: 3

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
Must be a member of a Church. 1/day after 30 seconds of prayer may cast any one miracle of own alignment up to
6th level, or up to 4th level if not own alignment. The chosen miracle must be on the guild’s miracle list. If used for
a Total Heal/similar then it counts towards the individuals Total Heal cap (See Words from Above).

Undead’s Ally Cost: 125pts T: 3

Available To: Unholy Champion
Neutrality to Undead of level 5 or below.

Trusty Old Shield Cost: 40pts T: 3

Available To: Warrior Subclass, Cavalier
The first shield the character begins the adventure with is immune to Shatter, Rust, Melt, Disintegrate and Warp
until the end of the adventure. If this shield is somehow destroyed or lost before the end of the adventure, the
character gains no achievement points for that day.

Immunity to Puissant D’armes Cost: 80pts T: 3

Available To: Warrior Subclass

Table 4 (275pts)
Immunity to Bruising Using Cost: 60pts T: 4
Master Crafted Metal Armour
Available To: Cavalier
For this to work the Cavalier must be wearing master crafted metal armour on the location struck and that armour
must apply to the blow. If so then the Cavalier may apply all AC owned on the location and if it equals or exceeds
the damage inflicted then they may ignore the bruising damage.

~ 47 ~
Sense Berserker Spirit 20' radius Cost: 40pts T: 4
(Y/N only)
Available To: Berserker

Monk Locational Curing to 2/3 Cost: 60pts T: 4

Available To: Monk
Amount of Monk Locational Curing available per day is increased to 2/3rd tblp, from Monk Locational Curing
specialist skill.

Embody Minor Angel Cost: 225pts T: 4

Available To: Paladin
This allows the Paladin to call a minor angel directly into him, transfiguring his form to become that of the angel.
For 5 minutes, the user gains use of the angel’s 12 goodly spirits (useable on any goodly miracle on the summoner’s
miracle list, or should they not belong to a priest guild, on any ‘standard’ goodly miracle). They shed spiritual light
in a 10’ radius around them, fear evil of up to 3rd level, and may walk through non-spiritual walls at will for the
duration – with a 2 second disorientation period. They are incapable of performing anything the ref considers an
evil act. They become purely spiritual, suffering from only spiritual damage and effects for this duration, and see
with spirit sight. While so embodied, they are vulnerable to effects that specifically affect Angelkind, such as Hand
of Putrefaction. This can be used 1/day for five minutes.

Repel Undead 1/day Cost: 35pts* T: 4

Available To: Paladin
Additional uses of the Paladinic standard ability

True Repulsion Cost: 40pts T: 4

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
Repel Good / Evil Spirit now becomes Repel Good / Evil – affecting even creatures without spirits

Discern Own Remaining Spiritual Cost: 20pts T: 4

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight

Embody Abishai Cost: 225pts T: 4

Available To: Unholy Champion
This allows the Unholy Champion to call an Abishai directly into him, transfiguring his form to become that of the
creature. Abishai are dark, demonic angels of evil faiths, shadowy figures with bat-wings. For 5 minutes, the user
gains use of the Abishai’s 12 evil spirits (useable on any evil miracle on the summoner’s miracle list, or should they
not belong to a priest guild, on any ‘standard’ evil miracle), fear goodly spirits of up to 3rd level, and may walk
through non-spiritual walls at will for the duration – with a 2 second disorientation period. They may shadow shift
once. They become purely spiritual, suffering from only spiritual damage and effects for this duration, and see with
spirit sight. While so embodied, they are vulnerable to effects that would specifically affect demons. Usable 1/day
for five minutes

~ 48 ~
Immunity to Bruising Using Cost: 75pts T: 4
Master-Crafted Armour
Available To: Warrior Subclass
For this to work the character must be wearing master crafted armour on the location struck and that armour must
apply to the blow. If so then the character may apply all AC owned on the location and if it equals or exceeds the
damage inflicted then they may ignore the bruising damage.

Immunity to Accuracy Versus Cost: 60pts T: 4

Available To: Warrior Subclass

Max. AC. increased to +3 (total) Cost: +60pts T: 4

Available To: Warrior, Monk, 1st Class Warrior Subclass
From +2 Max AC

Table 5 (450pts)
Quick-draw bow [from back] Cost: 75pts T: 5
Available To: Archer
At will may call Time Freeze to un-sling Bow from back

Puissant d'Armes Cost: 40pts T: 5

Available To: Warrior Subclass
When fighting an opponent who is benefiting from any sort of Rage ability (Cold Rage, Berserk etc.) then the rage
modifier is negated by 25% due to skill at arms. To use this requires +2 weapon mastery in weapon used.

Back Flip Cost: 30pts*(Max 2) T: 5

Available To: Monk
As per Salmon Leap, but may only be used backwards.

Enhanced Discern Spiritual Aura Cost: +30pts T: 5

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
The discerns granted by Discern Spiritual Aura now have a range as per the equivalent priestly discern

Foundation in Faith Cost: 125pts T: 5

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
Per purchase of this ability gains 2 additional levels of spiritual innates as appropriate to 1st-8th abilities.
Thus with one purchase a 1st class Paladin would count as 10th level for calculating innates, a second purchase 12th
This ability may be bought once per 4 tables post 8th. A second on T8 and a third on T12.
This ability replaces the old +1/+2 levels of innates ability..

~ 49 ~
Disciplined Cost: 60pts*(Max 2) T: 5
Available To: 1st Class Warrior
Grants Immunity to Fear, Emotion Attacks, and Insanity for 5 minutes. Must be used within 2 seconds of the attack
(cf. War Cry) 1/day

Taking the Hit Cost: 40pts T: 5

Available To: 1 Class Warrior
1/day, while wearing Master-Crafted armour, gains a “Rockskin” reduction vs. one weapon blow. Must be declared
within 2 seconds of the blow landing. Only applies to blows the armour would apply against. A second innate may
be purchased on table 10, and a third on table 11.

Hardened Body Cost: 60pts*(Max 2) T: 5

Available To: 1st Class Warrior
Grants + 1 innate PAC per purchase

Table 7(650pts)
Foreleg Parry Cost: 120pts T: 7
Available To: 1st Class Monk
As per the Forearm Parry skill but operates from toes to knee.
Note: That the Monk must be able to freely move his legs to use this skill, e.g. not under the affects of a bind spell or

Upper Arm Parry Cost: 125pts T: 7

Available To: 1st Class Monk
Reduces damage taken to upper arms by 50% after armour class is counted, does not stack with any other percentile
damage reductions, otherwise as per forearm parry.

Spiritual Empower Weapon Cost: 350pts T: 7

Available To: (1st-class only) Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
Makes any one O or B class weapon +0 spiritual and aligned to the user whilst the Unholy Champion / Grey Knight/
Paladin uses it. The user may change this ability from weapon to weapon as he uses different types – i.e. it is not
fixed to a specific weapon.

Spiritual Empower Weapon Cost: 425pts T: 7

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight

Makes any one O or B class weapon +0 spiritual and aligned to the user whilst the Unholy Champion / Grey Knight/
Paladin uses it. The user may change this ability from weapon to weapon as he uses different types – i.e. it is not
fixed to a specific weapon.

~ 50 ~
Magical Empower Weapon Cost: 300pts T: 7
Available To: 1st Class Power Warrior
Makes any one O or B class weapon +0 magical whilst the character uses it, and aligned to his colour of magic. The
user may change this ability from weapon to weapon as he uses different types – i.e. it is not fixed to a specific

Enhanced Survival Cost: 30pts* T: 7

Available To: 1st Class Ranger
As per the Well-Equipped skill for pathfinders – Allows the Ranger to battleboard 3 temp 6tblp potions free of
charge. Still needs appropriate phys reps for these potions.

Maximum Damage Quin ‘B’ Class Cost: 100pts T: 7

Available To: 1st Class Warrior, Samurai Kensai
Allows maximum damage Quin when using a two handed weapon in both hands.

Unique Fighting Style Cost: 100pts T: 7

Available To: (1st Class Only) Warrior, Samurai, Kensai
No Counter Masteries apply against the character.

Accurséd Cost: 50pts T: 7

Available To: Unholy Champion
Permanently grants a +2 beneficial curse, irremovable while they remain an Unholy Champion, in a similar manner
to a Paladin’s Permanent Bless.

5th Weapon Mastery Bow Cost: +65pts T: 7

Available To: Archer
From +4 WM with bow.

3rd Grade of Strength Cost: +125pts T: 7

Available To: Berserker
From 2nd grade – and only applies whilst berserk raging.

Cold Rage Cost: 65pts*(Max 3) T: 7

Available To: Monk
As per the Warrior Specialist ability.

Instant Stand From Prone Cost: 25pts* T: 7

Available To: Monk
1/day May instantly stand up back to a vertical stance, may call Time Freeze to do so if required.

~ 51 ~
Knockback Blow Cost: 35pts* T: 7
Available To: Monk
1/day As Warrior, but needs no strength, and may use any weapon in which at least +2 mastery is possessed,
including unarmed combat.

Immunity to Opponent’s Forearm Cost: 80pts T: 7

Available To: Monk, 1st Class Warrior

Immunity to Opponent’s Foreleg Cost: 65pts T: 7

Available To: Monk, 1st Class Warrior

Immunity to Opponent’s Upper Cost: 30pts T: 7

Arm Parry
Available To: Monk, 1st Class Warrior

Damage Focus Cost: 35pts* (Max 3) T: 7

Available To: Monk
1/day As per the Samurai ability.

Shattering Blow [Tanashiwara] Cost: 25pts* T: 7

Available To: Monk
1/day Acts as the Shatter (touch) spell but is physical in origin and may be dealt through any blow. However, to use
this ability the Monk needs at least 1 weapon mastery in the weapon [or UAC] used to perform the manoeuvre.

Disarm Cost: 20pts T: 7

Available To: Monk, Duellist
1/day This skill causes the opponent, who must be struck either on the weapon or appropriate arm, to drop a weapon
they are fighting with. It only works if the opponent is doing less than or equal damage than the disarmer has
weapon masteries.

3rd Weapon Mastery Cost: +80pts T: 7

Available To: Monk, Duellist
Grants +3 WM in a weapon in which they have 2nd Weapon Mastery in already.

Fortified Spirit Cost: 50pts T: 7

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
Cannot be raised as an undead unless willing.

~ 52 ~
Spirit Sight Cost: 50pts*(Max 3) T: 7
Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion, Grey Knight
Paladins can only see Evil spirits, and Unholy Champions can only see Good and Grey Knights can only see Neutral
Spirits. Full concentration is required and cannot be used in conjunction with any other innate abilities. Usable
1/day for 5 minutes.

Monk Locational Healing Cost: 50pts T: 7

Available To: Ranger
As per the Monk specialist skill at 1/3 tblp but the Ranger must bind foliage to the wound as a poultice.

Totem Stamina Cost: 65pts T: 7

Available To: Tribal Warrior
This ability grants the tribal warrior +6/2 life, it does not stack with any increases in base life granted from a Class.
This life cannot be enhanced by Noble Staminas etc.

3rd Weapon Mastery Cost: +120pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior
Grants +3 WM in a weapon in which they have 2nd Weapon Mastery in already.

Quick-Draw ‘O’ Class Weapon Cost: 30pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior, Monk, Duellist
At will may call a Time Freeze to draw an ‘O’ Class weapon.

Quick-Draw Bastard Length Cost: +35pts T: 7

Weapon (from single length)
Available To: Warrior, Monk

Quick-draw ‘B’ Class Weapon Cost: +40pts T: 7

(from Bastard Length)
Available To: Warrior, Monk

4th Stamina Cost: +55pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior, 1st Class Warrior Subclass
Enhanced Stamina, +24/8 (total) from +18/+6 life.

Cold Rage Cost: 50pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior
1/day. As per the Warrior Specialist ability.

~ 53 ~
2nd Cold Rage per day Cost: +65pts T: 7
Available To: Warrior

Salmon Leap Cost: 25pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior
1/day. Effect as Jump (self) spell, but is a physical innate.

2nd Salmon Leap per day Cost: +40pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior

Warrior Tutor Cost: 20pts* T: 7

Available To: Warrior
Per purchase of this ability the warrior may instruct 1 person per adventure in a “Warrior Specialist Skill” which the
Tutor possesses. This takes 5 minutes basic instruction, and requires a total of 5 minutes further ‘coaching’ per 3
hours (section) to remain active. Though this 5 minutes could be broken up in to a host of smaller sessions. Should
the Specialist Skill be one with innates – on using the innate[s] the lesson cannot be re-taught – So, if taken in “War
Cry” and the trainee uses the war cry, the Warrior does not need to continue coaching this skill, to do so would be to
no in-character benefit.
Only characters that ‘could‘ learn the skill, (i.e. standardly could possess the skill) may be successfully taught.

Knockback Blow Cost: 35pts* T: 7

Available To: Warrior
1/day Must be wielding a B class weapon in two hands, have +2 strength. Knocks target struck back 20’ or until
strikes solid object.

Live to -18 Cost: +50pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Live to minus 18 tblp from 12. Live to –6/12 are on the All tables at 50pts each.

Disarm Cost: 30pts* T: 7

Available To: Warrior, Cavalier
1/day As per the Monk skill.

Force Majeure Cost: 20pts*(Max 3) T: 7

Available To: Warrior, Cavalier, Monk, Duellist
May elect to use innate dexterity armour offensively (not Bless or potion - only ability). Instead of being used as
DAC it reduces the AC. of the target towards zero. Can only be used against one opponent per day. The user
chooses how much DAC is used; it does not have to be all of their DAC.

Immunity to Force Majeure Cost: 50pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior, Monk

~ 54 ~
Accuracy Cost: 50pts T: 7
Available To: Warrior, Monk, Duellist
1st blow of combat negates foes PAC. Immunity to Accuracy applies.

Counter Mastery Cost: 65pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior, 1 Class Warrior Subclass
This is taken in one weapon type (e.g. broadsword) and as long as the character is using that weapon then attacks
against them using the same weapon type are reduced by 6 points (1 damage grade). This is a numerical damage
reduction and as such does not stack with other numerical reductions.

Lesser Counter Mastery Cost: 40pts T: 7

Available To: Warrior, 1st Class Warrior Subclass
As per Counter Mastery above but only grants 3pts off the weapon type.

Mighty Strike I Cost: 70 T: 7

Available To: Warrior, 1st Class Warrior Subclass
Grants +1 Maximum Damage on 1st strike of combat. Requires 30 secs of calm preparation, and is non- stacking
with any non-standard that increases max damage on 1st blow that does not mention this ability.

Flick of the Wrist Cost: 80pts T: 7

Available To: 1 Class Warrior Subclass
This skill allows the warrior to strike a non-damaging blow such that the opponent struck takes one of the following
effects: Knockback, Disarm [at normal weapon masteries], or Stunning Blow [affecting 8 levels and below].
This blow may be on any blow of combat after 30secs preparation, or at anytime but costing 6tblp in effort to
perform. This skill, although useable at will, can be used at most 1/15 minutes.

Daring Deed Cost: 80pts T: 7

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
This skill allows the warrior to perform a daring deed from the list below.
Salmon Leap, physical Neuro Balance [1minute], Combat Wary [only against the next blow suffered at 12 levels],
or Arrow Cutting [1minute] as tables ability.
The use of any of these skills requires either 30seconds preparation, or costs 6tblp in effort to occur.
This skill although, useable at will, can be used at most 1/15 minutes.

Recovery Cost: 60pts T: 7

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
With one hour’s rest may regain a used innate that is available as a standard specialist skill (e.g. Cold Rage War Cry,
Salmon Leap). May not be done at the same time as any other med.

~ 55 ~
Table 8 (1000pts)
Disarming Shot Cost: 30pts* T: 8
Available To: 1st Class Archer
1/day this skill causes the opponent, who must be shot either on the weapon or appropriate arm to drop a weapon
they are fighting with. It only works if the opponent is doing less than or equal damage than the disarmer has
weapon masteries.

Foreleg Parry Cost: 150pts T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Budoka
As the Monk ability

Upper Arm Parry Cost: 125pts T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Budoka
As the Monk ability.

Chi Perfection Cost: 200pts T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Monk
From Rebirth. The Character becomes immune to effects and damage that are purely magical, purely spiritual or
purely earthpower in nature (except for things created by these powers with a physical component e.g. Wall of
Stone, Bind, and Undead).
Additionally, this ability does not cover effects that target the Monk’s possessions rather than them – for example
they could still have their weapon shattered, or their potions boil away. They cannot be seen by elemental sight /
spiritual sights etc.
Magical, Spiritual and Earthpower effects that target the monk as an individual do not work – even if they inflict
physical damage.
The Monk is affected by effects that have a physical component that affect an area rather than an individual e.g.
The character may never upset his balance by being the first person to initiate any combat and thus may only attack
in purest self-defence, they die instantly and permanently should they break this of their own choice.
The character is still fully affected by a supernatural weapon with a physical component, though for example he
would be immune to a sword of power. This character may never be restored to life by ANY means including
physical, as his essence unravels far too swiftly as he dies passing onto its next life instantly (beginning the rebirth
as soon as the character dies)
A Monk with Chi Perfection cannot inflict supernatural damage.

Open Hand Master Cost: 200pts T: 8

Available To: 1 Class Monk, Budoka.
May use no weapons bar unarmed combat. GrantsIimmunity to Loss of Weapon Masteries, Immunity to Counter-
and Contra-Masteries, +1 cumulative Mastery in unarmed combat, Disarm x1/day, Tanashiwara x1/day, opponents
using Distancing Combat abilities have their damage reduction lessened by 3pts (Distancing only grants -3pt
reduction, Enhanced Distancing a -6pt reduction, etc).

Strike the Heart Cost: 400pts T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Monk
The character now inflicts spiritual damage with their hands in unarmed combat. May never enter the Wizard
~ 56 ~
Spiritual Aptitude “Sphere” Cost: 40pts T: 8
Available To: (1st-class only) Paladin, Grey Knight, Unholy Champion
The character must have purchased at least 2 innates of every miracle on the chosen tree. They may now buy the
Priests’ table 6 and table 8 Sphere specific abilities (See Words from Above for specific details) such as Reaching
Force, Hopes Shield, or Depraved Cunning.
This may not be purchased for the character’s “Secondary Sphere” if they should have one.
If the character later enters the Priest bracket then this counts as their first Major Sphere.

[Un] Holy Fury Cost: 80pts T: 8

Available To: (1 Class Only) Paladin, Unholy Champion
Grants +1 strength (Above previous max), +1 maximum damage, +12/4 life and a 25% non-cumulative cold rage.
Lasts 5 minutes 1/day but only versus creatures of opposite alignment.

Contra Mastery Cost: 90pts T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
As Counter Mastery but is one weapon versus one different weapon, e.g. warrior uses a bastard sword and their
Contra Mastery is against daggers.
In a change 1st Class Warriors, 1st Class Kensai/Blademasters, 1st Class Monks, and Battlemasters may buy Contra
Mastery as many times as desired.

Weapon Master Cost: 200pts T: 8

Available To: (1st Class Only) Warrior, Monk, Kensai, Rovfugar, Budoka, Duellist, Wind Dancer
One weapon only, may not use any other weapon, may not use unarmed combat. Grants Immunity to Loss of
Weapon Masteries, Immunity to Disarm, Immunity to Weapon Break, Immunity to Counter Mastery, Immunity to
Contra Mastery, Quick Draw Weapon at will, +1 cumulative Mastery in chosen weapon, Disarm 1/day.

Adrenal Surge Cost: 80pts T: 8

Available To: 1 Class Warrior
Grants +1 strength (Above previous maximum), +1 maximum damage, +12/4 life and a 25% non-cumulative Cold
Rage, lasts 5 minutes 1 per day.

Armour Mastery Sharp Cost: 50pts*(Max 3) T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Warrior
Must wear master-crafted armour on locations this ability is to apply to.
-1 pt of damage from sharp weapons before AC is applied for each time this ability is purchased.
This is a numerical damage reduction and as such does not stack with any other numerical reduction.

Armour Mastery Blunt Cost: 50pts*(Max 3) T: 8

Available To: 1 Class Warrior Subclass
Must wear master-crafted armour on locations this ability is to apply to.
-1 pt of damage from blunt weapons before AC is applied for each time this ability is purchased.
This is a numerical damage reduction and as such does not stack with any other numerical reduction..

~ 57 ~
Lesser Contra Mastery Cost: 50pts T: 8
Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
As per Contra Mastery above but only grants a 3pt reduction against the chosen weapon.

Mighty Strike II Cost: 80pts T: 8

Available To: 1 Class Warrior Subclass
From Mighty Strike I. Grants +2 Maximum Damage 1st blow of combat [from +1]. Takes an additional 30 seconds
preparation for the blow..

6th Weapon Mastery Bow Cost: 120pts T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Archer
From +5 WM with bow.

Kudo Cost: 100pts T: 8

Available To: Archer
Grants +1 DAC and + 1 Weapon Mastery on the first shot.

Contra Mastery Swords Cost: 90pts T: 8

Available To: Duellist, Kensai.
As the Warrior ability however applies versus all sword types as long as the Duellist / Kensai / Blade Master is
fighting with at least one sword.

Enhanced Reflexes, +6 (total) Cost: +75pts* T: 8

Available To: Monk
From Enhanced reflexes +5. Grants a total of +6 Dexterity Armour Class.

Enhanced Mind Block Cost: 150pts T: 8

Available To: Monk
Character now suffers only 1/6th tblp damage, no locational damage and ½ specialist effects from neuronics. Must
have Mind Block.
NOTE: It is not possible to own Enhanced Mind Block and be in the Neuronic bracket, be a Gythanki, an Elysian,
have neural foci, or access to any Neuronics bar the passive or active trees. This applies to all similar permutations

Super Monk Spirit Cost: 225pts T: 8

Available To: Monk
From Immunity to Spiritual Mastery. The ability makes the Monk immune to physical and spiritual Paralysis,
Freeze, and Domination effects. (e.g. A Black Mana Paralysis would function, as would a Bronze Mana Domination

~ 58 ~
Leg-Sweep Cost: 45pts*(Max 3) T: 8
Available To: Monk
1/day With a phys repped blow to the legs (not a martial arts-style leg sweep!) one two-legged opponent is knocked
to the ground. Immunity to Trip applies.

Max Damage Quin with H class Cost: 75pts T: 8

Available To: Monk

Body Purge Cost: 20pts* T: 8

Available To: Monk, Budoka
May drink 1 additional 6pt, but not more than 8 in one hour.

Hand of Purity Cost: 75pts T: 8

Available To: Paladin
As the Goodly Priest Ability (see Words from Above)

[Un] Holy Stamina Cost: 40pts* T: 8

Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion
+6 points of Casting Stamina for casting Hand of Purity/Putrefaction.

Deception Cost: 40pts* T: 8

Available To: Unholy Champion
1/day permits the Unholy Champion to lie to any single spiritual power used upon them (e.g. could reply Neutral to
Detect Spirits Nature).

Diversification Cost: 75pts T: 8

Available To: Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion
May begin buying innates from a second miracle tree. May never have more points spent on innates from this tree
than those spent on his initial tree. This also allows (un)holy words from the second tree to be purchased.

Hand of Putrefaction Cost: 95pts* T: 8

Available To: Unholy Champion.
As the Evil Priest Ability (see Words from Above)

4th Weapon Mastery Cost: +40pts T: 8

Available To: Warrior, Duellist, Monk
Enhanced weapon mastery +4 (total) from +3 in chosen weapon.

~ 59 ~
Ill Aspected Cost: 50pts T: 8
Available To: Tribal Warrior
Character gains +12/4 life and +1 level of resistance, but is unaffected by beneficial magic or spirit unless it is cast
by the character’s tribes Shaman or Witch Doctor. The Shaman or Witch Doctor must be the ones named for that
tribe on their character card. It does not function in tandem with abilities that allow power users to ‘stand in’ as the
tribes Shaman/Witch Doctor. This ability is not available to Chi-Perfect or similar type characters, i.e. those already
immune to beneficial magic AND spirits.

Enhanced Weapon Mastery Shield Cost: +125pts T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Warrior
From Weapon Mastery Shield and Distancing, as Enhanced Distancing Combat but requires use of an O class
weapon and a large shield (25”+ in diameter). Max DAC=6, as with Weapon Mastery Shield, and now can never
inflict more than Quin unless a Battlemaster.

Master Armourer Cost: 50pts T: 8

Available To: Warrior
Whilst wearing master-crafted Heavy armour gains Immunity to Accuracy vs. PAC in that location.

Resilience Cost: 50pts T: 8

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Any tblp gained that goes over the character’s life cap [Appendix 2 - Life Caps ] automatically becomes fully
cumulative Live-to-Minus.

Flat of the Blade Cost: 60pts T: 8

Available To: Warrior Subclass
May inflict ‘blunt’ damage with a sharp weapon, by using the flat part of the blade. When using this ability may
choose to either fight at –1 normal Maximum Damage, OR fight without using weapon masteries.

Flat of the Blade Cost: +30pts T: 8

Available To: Weapon Master
May inflict ‘blunt’ damage with a sharp weapon, by using the flat part of the blade. When using this ability may
choose to either fight at –1 normal Maximum Damage, OR fight without using weapon masteries.

Ill Aspected Cost: 30pts T: 8

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Character gains +12/4 life and +1 level of resistance, but is unaffected by beneficial magic or spirit. This ability is
not available to Chi-Perfect or similar type characters, i.e. those already immune to beneficial magic AND spirits.

Poised and Ready Cost: 30pts* T: 8

Available To: Warrior Subclass
May reduce the preparation time for any published Mighty Strike ability by 30seconds per purchase of this ability.
To a minimum of 0 seconds.

~ 60 ~
Maximum Damage Quin B’Class Cost: 100pts T: 8
Available To: Post Weapon Master Skill
Allows Maximum Damage Quin when using a two handed weapon in both hands.

Grand Shattering Blow [Grand Cost: 40pts* T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Monk.
As per Shattering Blow /Tanashiwara, but will function against magic or spirit or “Item” objects as normal. Should
this ability be used against an object without a physical component then the blow dealt must contain at least the
power source of the object to be destroyed. Objects may be mended as normal, by whatever means appropriate, as
long as they are mended within 15 minutes. In addition the monk is required to possess at least +2 weapon masteries
in the weapon used to facilitate this attack.

Conrad’s Cheeky Flick Cost: 50pts T: 8

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
From 3 Masteries in the weapon being used. Disarms now function regardless of the opponent’s damage grade.

Table 9 (1500pts)
Fury Cost: 60pts*(Max 3) T: 9
Available To: 1 Class Berserker
1/day Enhances Berserker’s natural 50% Rage to 66% for the length of one combat

Deafness Strike Cost: 40pts*(Max 2) T: 9

Available To: (1st Class Only): Monk, Budoka
1/day requires +2 Mastery in weapon used, one blow struck to a target’s critical location renders them unable to hear
for 5 minutes or until completely healed. If the target is immune to flesh-and-blood effects they will not be affected
(elves are affected).

Blindness Strike Cost: 75pts*(Max 2) T: 9

Available To: (1st Class Only): Monk, Budoka
1/day requires +2 Mastery in weapon used, one blow struck to a target’s critical location renders them unable to see
for 5 minutes or until completely healed. Should not be phys repped by a blow to the head. If the target is immune
to flesh-and-blood effects they will not be affected (elves are affected).

Dumbness Strike Cost: 75pts*(Max 2) T: 9

Available To: (1st Class Only): Monk, Budoka
1/day requires +2 Mastery in weapon used, one blow struck to a target’s critical location renders them unable to
speak or make any vocal sound for 5 minutes or until completely healed. If the target is immune to flesh-and-blood
effects they will not be affected (elves are affected).

~ 61 ~
The Wanderer’s Hunch Cost: +65pts T: 9

Available To: 1st Class Ranger

From Supernatural Perception, the ranger can always tell the location of those within 20’ of him, unless he cannot
actually see the target in the real world. People should be aware that certain shifts are meant to be “instant” (such as
Blink) but for game flow time freeze is not called.

Venom Skill Cost: 100pts T: 9

Available To: 1st Class Unholy Champion
May now make IV8 or BV8, from make IV/BV 6. Costs 600 Grulls per dose

Berserk Rage Cost: 85pts*(Max 3) T: 9

Available To: (1 Class Only) Warrior, Samurai
As per the Warrior Specialist skill ‘Cold Rage’ but gains a 50% reduction from damage suffered. However in this
frenzy the rager is unable to differentiate friend from foe, and will attack any who look hostile or aggressive. It is
not possible to use any non-weapon blow active skill whilst Berserking. Thus could continue to use DAC, but not
use Warrior’s Eye.

Noble Warrior Staminas Cost: 25pts* T: 9

Available To: (1st-class only) Warrior, Samurai
One Stamina owned by the character may be increased from 6/2 to 8/3, this only applies to Staminas acquired as a
specialist skill or bought from the tables.

Mighty Strike III Cost: +100pts T: 9

Available To: 1 Class Warrior
From Mighty Strike II. Grants +1 maximum damage on 2nd blow of combat. Takes an additional 30 seconds
preparation for the blow.

Mighty Strike III Cost: +90pts T: 9

Available To: Post Weapon Master Skill
From Mighty Strike II. Grants +1 maximum damage on 2nd blow of combat [from +1]. Takes an additional 30
seconds preparation for the blow.

Battle Cry Cost: 50pts T: 9

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
This ability will enhance a War Cry [innate is also used up] such that for the 5 minute duration of the ‘War Cry’ the
user becomes immune to all listed stopping effects.

3rd Grade of Strength with Bow Cost: +100pts T: 9

from +2
Available To: 1st Class Archer

~ 62 ~
7th Weapon Mastery Bow Cost: +130pts T: 9
Available To: 1st Class Archer
From +6 WM with bow.

Noble Warrior Stamina Cost: 30pts* T: 9

Available To: Cavalier
One Stamina owned by the character may be increased from 6/2 to 8/3, this only applies to Staminas acquired as a
specialist skill or bought from the tables.

50% Berserk Rage Cost: 75pts*(Max 3) T: 9

Available To: Cavalier
1/day As per the Warrior ability above.

50% Berserk Rage Cost: 90pts T: 9

Available To: Monk
1/day As per the Warrior ability above.

50% Berserk Rage Cost: 75pts*(Max 5) T: 9

Available To: Samurai
1/day As per the Warrior ability above.

Max Damage Quin Cost: 100pts T: 9

Available To: 1 Class Warrior Subclass
Max Damage Quin with a B’Class weapon held in two hands.

Strong Fingers Cost: 75pts T: 9

Available To: Monk

Monk Locational Curing now also heals a like amount of tblp damage.

Arrow Cutting (Previously Cost: 100pts T: 9

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
Grants ½ effect vs. all H and MP attacks providing the character is engaged in combat or combat ready.

Divine Guidance Cost: 150pts T: 9

Available To: Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion
As Priest ability – see Words From Above sourcebook.

~ 63 ~
Non Magical Chameleon in Cost: 50pts*(Max 3) T: 9
Woodlands, 1/day
Available To: Ranger

Maximum Damage Quin with Cost: 40pts T: 9

Longbow or Crossbow
Available To: Ranger

Touched by Nature Cost: +60pts T: 9

Available To: Ranger
From Natural Learning. Grants the Ranger Utilise Earth Power Item at full proficiency.

Monk Locational Curing Cost: 80pts T: 9

Available To: Samurai
As per the Monk Specialist skill.

Embody Shamanic Totem Cost: 80pts* T: 9

Available To: Tribal Warrior
1/day Grants +12/4 life, +2 non-stacking Strength and a 25% Cold Rage. Lasts 5 minutes.

Avenging Spirit Cost: 90pts T: 9

Available To: Unholy Champion
As Priest ability – see Words from Above sourcebook.

Blind-Fighting Cost: 125pts T: 9

Available To: Warrior, Monk
When in supernatural darkness, or otherwise blinded, may open eyes in combat solely for fighting, and continue to
fight at -1 max damage. May not be used for navigation purposes, etc.

2nd Resistance to Sever and Cost: 125pts T: 9

Location to Zero
Available To: Warrior, Monk
Sever inflicts only half the struck location’s current value, Location to Zero inflicts a quarter of the current value.
From 1st Resistance to Sever and Location to Zero.

5th Weapon Mastery (total) Cost: +40pts T: 9

Available To: Warrior, Monk, Duellist
From +4 WM total.

~ 64 ~
Veteran Fighter Cost: 50pts T: 9
Available To: Warrior Subclass
+6pts of damage (i.e. +1 damage grade (base damage not max)), must have +1 Weapon Mastery and +1 Strength.
This does not stack with the scout ability ‘Dirty Fighter’.

Combatant Cost: 40 pts T: 9

Available To: Warrior Subclass
This ability increases the classes base maximum armour class [max AC] to 9.

Strength of Purpose Cost: 30pts* T: 9

Available To: Warrior Subclass
This ability will enhance a War Cry [innate is also used up] when it is used such that it will apply against any one
effect of the following, as required. Bind, Entangle, Repels, Gravity Well, and effects that mimic any of those
effects, e.g. Binding Webs.

Tempo of Battle Cost: 100pts T: 9

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Physical ‘power ups’ now last length of combat [to a minimum of 5 minutes] if they previously lasted 5 minutes or
greater. If combat ends ‘power ups’ go down. A ‘power up’ is defined in this case as an ability that is used in order
to grant a combat advantage, and more specifically in this ability defined as a physical talent, e.g. Cold Rage, not a
Plate [o] spell from the party wizard. This cannot enhance an ability’s duration beyond 30 minutes by any means.
NB: The end of a combat is at ref’s discretion, while some leeway will be given for the setting of monsters, moving
between encounters ends a tempo, as would receiving prepared healing.

Mystical Rages Cost: 60 pts T: 9

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Any form of Rage, e.g. Cold, Berserk etc, that offers a % reduction, now applies versus magic.

Knights Armour Cost: 300pts T: 9

Available To: Battlemaster, 1st Class Warrior or 1st Class Cavalier
If wearing Heavy Armour then gains an additional 3 points of Armour Mastery vs. all blows, may not be used with
Armoured Defence at this stage.

Table 10 (3000pts)
Internal Strike Cost: 60pts*(Max 2) T: 10
Available To: 1st Class Shadowed Path Monk
1/day After 10 seconds concentration the Monk may strike a blow to the chest or abdomen of a target which inflicts
no normal damage, but instead causes 36 points of tblp damage regardless of all armour (12 Hits to monsters). If the
target is completely immune to flesh-and-blood effects they will not be injured (elves are affected).

~ 65 ~
Max Damage ‘Six’ Cost: +125pts T: 10
Available To: 1st Class Kensai
Grants Maximum Damage ‘Six’ in two hands with B-Class weapon, from max ‘Quin’.
May only be selected if chosen weapon is B-class.

Combat Agility Cost: 100pts T: 10

Available To: (1st Class Only) Berserker, Monk, Budoka
During the initial jump of each series of jumps, the character may not be struck by those they pass; neither may they
strike if they were allowed to. There must be a gap of at least 5 minutes between jumps to re-use this.

Armour Master Cost: 100pts T: 10

Available To: (1 Class Only) Warrior, Samurai
One master crafted armour type, grants +1 PAC, uses no normal adventures uses (unless an item) and grants
immunity to accuracy.

Proficiency Cost: +50pts T: 10

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
Increases Lesser Counter Mastery or Lesser Contra Mastery to –6pts from –3pts.

Monk Locational Curing to 3/3rd Cost: +60pts T: 10

Available To: 1st Class Bright Path Monk
Amount of Monk Locational Curing available per day is increased to 3/3rd tblp (i.e.equals tblp) from Monk
Locational Curing to 2/3rd skill.

Healing Strike Cost: 20pts T: 10

Available To: 1st Class Bright Path Monk
Monk locational curing may now be delivered in blocks of 10, represented by a sharp blow (non-damaging!) to the
injured location.

Enhanced Super Monk Spirit Cost: +75pts T: 10

Available To: Monk
This ability enhances ‘Super Monk Spirit’ such that it now applies against all versions of the immunities listed. e.g.
A Magical Paralysis or Bronze Mana Domination effect.

Enhanced Contra Mastery Swords Cost: +200pts T: 10

Available To: (1st Class Only): Duellist, Kensai
From Contra Mastery Swords. This is now enhanced to 9 points.

Immunity to Non-Handbook Cost: 130pts T: 10

Available To: Paladin, Grey Knight, Unholy Champion

~ 66 ~
Knowing the Enemy Cost: 75pts T: 10
Available To: Paladin, Unholy Champion
Maximum damage Quin vs. one of the following chosen at the point ability is bought, Undead, Demon-kind, or
Angel-kind and using a B-class weapon, in two hands.

Strike Death Blow Cost: 175pts T: 10

Available To: Monk, Budoka
If the target of the blow is unconscious or unable to act even if hit, is of flesh and blood nature and is susceptible to
the type of damage inflicted by the character using this ability then the target may be slain in a single blow, with a
10 second concentration period preceding the blow.

Strike Death Blow Cost: 225pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior, Unholy Champion
If the target of the blow is unconscious or unable to act even if hit, is of flesh and blood nature and is susceptible to
the type of damage inflicted by the character using this ability then the target may be slain in a single blow, with a
10 second concentration period preceding the blow.

Study Opponent Cost: 65pts* T: 10

Available To: Warrior
1/day After 30 seconds of calm and passive observation of one opponent’s fighting style, gain a 6 point non
cumulative damage reduction whilst fighting that opponent on that day.

+3 DAC for Force Majeure Cost: 20pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior Subclass

+6 DAC for Force Majeure Cost: +40pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior Subclass
From +3 DAC above.

Enhanced Weapon Mastery Shield Cost: +125pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior Subclass
From Weapon Mastery Shield and Distancing. As Enhanced Distancing Combat but requires use of an O class
weapon and a large shield (25”+ in diameter). Max DAC=6, as with Weapon Mastery Shield. Now has max damage
Quin unless a Battlemaster.

Strike Blows Cost: 40pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Where each damage grade inflicted by a weapon called by the character becomes a separate blow. e.g. double is 2
blows, triple is three blows etc.

~ 67 ~
Keen Eye Cost: +150pts T: 10
Available To: Warrior, Duellist
Accuracy through PAC at all times - one weapon type only. Must have ‘Accuracy’ from Table 7.

Keen Eye Cost: +100pts T: 10

Available To: Post Weapon Master Skill
Accuracy through P.A.C. at all times - one weapon type only. Must have ‘Accuracy’ from Table 7.

Breaking Blow Cost: 40pts* T: 10

Available To: Warrior, Duellist
Replaces the old ability of Weapon Break. This ability now works as per Table 7 ability Shattering Blow above.

Enhanced Counter Weapon Cost: +100pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior, Monk, Duellist
From Counter Mastery above, reduction is now 9pts (from -6 pts). Does not work with an ability that was previously
a Lesser Counter Mastery.

Enhanced Contra Weapon Cost: +100pts T: 10

Available To: (1st-class only) Warrior, Monk
From Contra Mastery above, reduction is now 9pts (from -6 pts). Does not work with an ability that was previously
a Lesser Contra Mastery.

Puissant d'Mort Cost: +100pts T: 10

Available To: Battlemaster, post Weapon Master Skill
From Puissant d’Armes. Opponent’s Rage modifier is negated by 50%. Immunity to Pussiant d’Armes still cancels
out this ability.

Live to Minus 24 Cost: +75pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior
Live to Minus 24 tblp from –18 tblp.

Immunity to Disarm Cost: 40pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Must have at least +3 Weapon Mastery in weapon used.

Defensive Combat Cost: +250pts T: 10

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
From Enhanced Distancing Combat, granting 12 points off unarmed combat damage, 6 points off O class weapons
and 3 points off B class weapons. To use this ability the character must be using a B class weapon held in both
~ 68 ~

Truly Determined Cost: 50pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior Subclass
Post ‘Determination’ ability. May now use war cry innates, immunities and appropriate temporary ‘power ups’ to
override Determination damage as appropriate.
For example, a Warrior with Determination, could use a War Cry in a ghoul fight to make him immune to Paralysis
and thus not suffer damage from each Paralysis for that time. Or the same warrior if he acquired Immunity to
Paralysis permanently would not take damage from Determination versus the Ghoul’s Paralysis.

Contra Mastery vs. Weapons Cost: 200pts T: 10

Available To: (1st Class Only) Warrior, Monk, Kensai, Duellist, or Battlemaster
From Counter Mastery and Contra Mastery vs. 3 weapons, now gains Contra Mastery vs. all weapons.

Armoured Defence Cost: 200pts T: 10

Available To: Post 6th Battlemaster or Armour Master
Published Armour Masteries will now stack with published Distancing abilities to a max of 9 points off (Not
Knight’s Armour at this stage).

Darkbane’s Body Building Classes Cost: 100pts T: 10

Available To: Warrior Subclass

Extra Levels of life now grant 5/2 life. Note this does not grant the ability to buy them, this must be obtained

Table 11 (5250pts)
True Armour Mastery Cost: 50pts T: 11
Available To: (1st-class only and bracket pure) Warrior, Cavalier, Samurai
If is wearing master-crafted Plate over master-crafted Chainmail may now apply Immunity to Bruising to the
standard numerical damage reduction granted by Armour Mastery to a maximum of 6 points of Armour Mastery.

Really Knowing the Enemy Cost: +100pts T: 11

Available To: (1st-class only) Paladin, Unholy Champion
From ‘Knowing the Enemy’ Max damage is now Quin versus chosen group using only one weapon, i.e. ‘O’ class or
B Class Quin not E class.

Fist of Fury Cost: +200pts T: 11

Available To: 1st Class Shadowed Path Monk
From Open Hand Master, may inflict ‘Quin’ with unarmed combat..

5th Stamina Cost: +65pts T: 11

Available To: 1st-Class Warrior

~ 69 ~
Grants +30/10 life (total) from +24/8 life.

Grand Noble Staminas Cost: 30pts* T: 11

Available To: (1st Class Only ) Warrior, Samurai
As Noble Staminas above but increasing from 8/3 to 10/4. Thus you need Noble Stamina before you can buy the
Grand Noble.

Upper Leg Parry Cost: 225pts T: 11

Available To: 1st Class Bright Path Monk
From and as Upper Arm Parry, but reduction is 33% not 50% and obviously applies to the upper leg.

Max Damage ‘Six’ Cost: +180pts T: 11

Available To: B Class Battlemaster
Whilst using a B-class weapon in two hands, and from Max Quin in B.

Max Damage ‘Six’ Cost: +220pts T: 11

Available To: B Class Weapon Master
Whilst using a B-class weapon in two hands, and from Max Quin in B.

Max Damage ‘Six’ Cost: +250pts T: 11

Available To: 1st Class Warrior Subclass
Whilst using a B-class weapon in two hands, and from Max Quin in B.

Max Damage ‘Quin’ Cost: 280pts T: 11

Available To: E Class Battlemaster, 1st Class Kensai
Max Damage Quin in each hand with weapons fitting E-class Battlemaster restrictions.

Max Damage ‘Quin’ Cost: 150pts T: 11

Available To: (1st Class) Warrior, Cavalier, Duellist
Max Damage Quin with one weapon – either ‘B’ Class or ‘O’ Class – NOT ‘E’ Class. If the ability of ‘B’ Class
Quin is already possessed then this ability may be bought at ½ cost.

Final Stand Cost: 50pts T: 11

Available To: Warrior, Kensai, Cavalier
Usable ONCE EVER. The Warrior announces their Final Stand and they may then not move more than 20’ from
that spot. They will not die until the fight is over, nor will their locations stop working and they cannot be
severed. They cannot be stopped by stopping effects, fall unconscious due to damage, or be otherwise prevented
from engaging in combat (e.g. by a ‘Haven’ etc.). However if they take enough damage to die then they cannot be
cured afterwards regardless of all other abilities.
Enemies may leave, in which case they will permanently hold the Warrior in awe and will not attack them in any
way ever again, and they may not pass him by.

~ 70 ~
Enhanced Contra Mastery vs. Weapons Cost: 300pts T: 11
Available To: (1st-class only)Warrior, Monk or Battlemaster
From Contra Mastery weapons now gains Enhanced Contra Mastery vs. all weapons.

Table 12 (7500pts)
Fist of Fury Cost: +240pts T: 12
Available To: 1st-Class Budoka
As per the Shadowed Path Monk ability.

Fist of Fury Cost: +200pts T: 12

Available To: 1st-Class Balanced Path Monk
As per the Shadowed Path Monk ability.

Upper Leg Parry Cost: +275pts T: 12

Available To: 1st Class Budoka
As per Bright Path Monk ability.

Upper Leg Parry Cost: +225pts T: 12

Available To: 1st Class Balanced Path Monk
As per Bright Path Monk ability.

3rd Resistance to Sever and Cost: +175pts T: 12

Location to Zero
Available To: (1st Class only) Warrior, Monk, Samurai
Sever now inflicts only quarter of the location’s current value, and Location to Zero only one eighth.

War Haft of the Host Cost: 300pts T: 12

Available To: Tribal Warrior
All tribal warriors on the adventure who acknowledge this character’s leadership gain +12/4 life and a Cold Rage
x1/day. The Warhaft may command those who acknowledge his leadership as though he spiritually mastered them
though no alignment modifications are imposed, and immunity to domination or spiritual mastery does not apply as
they have willingly accepted his leadership.
If two War Hafts meet, they must fight to see which has mastery over the other, for the duration of that adventure.
The first to surrender accepts the leadership of the victor, as do all the members of their Host.

Greater Shield Mastery Cost: +300pts T: 12

Available To: 1st Class Warrior
From Enhanced Weapon Mastery Shield, grants 12 points off unarmed combat damage, 6 points off O class
weapons and 3 points off B class weapons. May not inflict more than Quad whilst using a shield unless the person
is an ‘O’ Class Battlemaster.
~ 71 ~
Champion’s Armour Cost: 50pts T: 12
Available To: 6th Level Battlemaster
Knight’s Armour may now be used in conjunction with Armoured Defence.

~ 72 ~
[Un] Holy Words
 These abilities are [Un] Holy Words. Immunity to Baneful Holy / Unholy Words applies.
 In order to learn these Holy Words it is necessary for the practitioner must have purchased post 8th (base
stairways do NOT count) at least one innate of all miracles on the base tree of the relevant sphere.
 When buying these abilities a specific word is assigned to the ability – that becomes the [Un] Holy Word.
 Thus a Paladin with the healing tree could learn their Holy Word as the following on their character card. Holy
Word – Healing – “LIFE!”
 All of these words must be shouted to have any affect. They all cost 75pts each to learn, and can be learnt at most
1/3 tables post 8th; e.g. 2nd on T6, a 3rd on t9 and 4th on T12. This is the cap even if buying Words from different
 In addition, no same Un / Holy Word may be used within 15 minutes of each other by the same shouter.

By shouting this Holy Word the Paladin is instantly cured 60 tblp & 60pts of locational damage by a goodly spiritual
source, as per Cure Critical Wounds.

By shouting this Holy Word the Paladin is able to negate/destroy/end one ongoing evil spiritual effect affecting a
goodly spirit. Thus this could be used to remove a Spiritual Mastery, get rid of a Curse, negate a Suspend Life etc.

By shouting this Holy Word the Paladin is able to destroy all Undead of up to 3rd level within shouting distance [or
60’, whichever less]. Immunity to Holy Words or Dismissal miracles grants immunity.

By shouting this word all spirits within 20’ are repelled, take a knockback, knockdown and a 10 second Halt effecting 8
levels and below. Immunities apply separately to each individual facet, with Immunity to Holy/Unholy Word granting
full immunity. This does not affect the shouter.

This Word causes one target with a spirit who hears it to be unable to approach within 20’ of the shouter; moving that
far away should they move / be closer. Should the shouter move faster than a slow walk, fight or cast then the effect is
broken. It otherwise lasts at most 15 minutes.

The Word grants the shouter a Spiritual Know Foe against the target of the Word. This has the effect of deducing all
spiritual information from the target. The target cannot effectively use any activated spiritual powers or abilities
directly against the shouter. For instance, a target Priest could continue to use their spiritual mace, but they could not
cast a Spirit Bolt, nor could they use the Cause Grievous miracle that their mace could otherwise use once per day.
Immunity to Un/Holy Words or Spiritual Informational Effects grants immunity to this effect. In any event this effect
lasts no longer than 15 minutes.

The shouting of this Unholy Word causes all those within hearing [up to 60’ the lesser] to take a standard Undead
Touch effect, i.e. one of Paralysis, Freeze, Fear, Disease or Level Drain. It is the shouter’s choice and is declared at the
time of use, does not affect the shouter. Immunity to Unholy Word or the respective effect grants immunity.

The shouting of this Unholy Word causes all within hearing [up to 60’ the lesser] to be affected by a non-level based
Beguile Spirit effect, lasting at most 60seconds. Does not affect the shouter. Immunity to Beguile or Unholy Words
grants full immunity.

The shouting of this Unholy Word causes all within hearing [up to 60’ if the lesser] to take a Cause Serious miracle to
the head. Does not harm the shouter-rather they are cured 24/24 in spiritually evil curing, providing at least one
individual is harmed. Resistances / SAC apply as normal, and Immunity to Unholy Words grants full immunity.

~ 73 ~
Warrior Status
Those Warriors that take to the adventuring trail come from many backgrounds. Anyone is able to pick up a weapon
and learn how to use it, they don’t need mystical training or faith in a God, they just need the will to learn and get hit.
The Status listed below represent some of these upbringings. They are only available to those characters that start as
Warrior Subclasses, this includes Psi-Masters and other classes in two brackets. If a Vochstelen has chosen to be a
Martial Vochstelen then they can purchase a status.
A character can only buy one of these Status, and life gained form them does not stack with life from another Status.

Bildteve Pit Fighter

Involved in the underground fights that take place in the Bildteve Docks, Ware houses, and other places. Brutal, bloody
and often fatal.

Stage One - Slugger, Table: 1 Cost: 50

Loses the Ability to utilise a shield and may never regain it.
May never wear above light armour
Gains Forearm Parry (as Monk Skill)

Stage Two - Brawler, Table: 5 Cost: + 60

Gains Live to Minus 3 (does not stack with Live to Minus from another status)
Low Blow 1/day – Acts as a Physical flesh and blood Halt effecting 8 levels and below.

Stage Three - Pugilist, Table: 7 Cost: + 70

Now gains Live to Minus 6 total.
Second Wind 1/day – Can only be used at the point the character enters their live to minus (within 2 seconds), they are
instantly cured 12 tblp. If multiple innates are owned then multiple innates can be used, but only enough to bring them
out of their live to minus and into positive life.
May buy extra Low Blow at 40 points, max 3, and extra Second Winds at 20 points, max 2.

Caravan Guard
A life travelling from city to city, and town to town, keeping an eye out for Bandits, Raiders, or great beasts to ensure
the Trade Caravans reach their destination intact. They are particularly adept at using the secret paths of the Mittlenacht
to avoid the worst dangers, and to increase the caravans speed.

Stage One - Lookout, Table: 1 Cost: 50

Gain Perception. If this is already owned then this is upgraded to Supernatural Perception.
If the character is travelling through the Mittlenacht they have a rough idea of which way to go to reach their

Stage Two – Picket, Table: 5 Cost: + 70

The character gains Danger Sense as per the Guard Tradition.
Upon entering the Mittlenacht/similar places gains a 7 word Lucky Idea about the general area/dangers of this specific
part of the mittlenacht. This is gained once per “area” they enter.

Stage Three – Sentry, Table: 7 Cost: + 40

Bandit Knowledge – Gains a Pre-Dungeon Lucky idea about Bandits/Raiders in the general area that the brief (or other
relevant location) is happening.
The Caravan Guard is unaffected by effects from the Mittlenacht that would cause them to become lost.

~ 74 ~
The character learnt their trade on the ships that sail the Oceans of Primus. Be it the trade routes from Bildteve to Ishma
or the Baronies, or between Scarlene and Keys. They spent their time fighting Pirates, Sea beasts and other dangers.

Stage One – Deckhand, Table: 1 Cost: 100

Gains Stability (as per table 3).
Gain Tell Direction if able to see the Sky.
Gains Large Lung Capacity (as table 1), if already owned then gains Immunity to Drown/similar effects.

Stage Two – Seaman, Table: 5 Cost: + 60

Repel Boarders 1/day – As per Knockback
Gains a physical Walk through Water 1/day.

Stage Three – Mariner, Table: 7 Cost: + 40

Boarding Action 1/day – Acts as per a Salmon Leap but allows the Character to deliver a non-damaging blow to one
person at the end of it causing them to suffer a Knock Down.

May buy extra Walk through Waters at 40 points each, max 2, Repel Boarders at 30 points each max 3, and Boarding
Action at 50 points max 1.

City Militia
A life protecting the rural lands from attack, patrolling between the villagers, and keeping the roads safe. Rarely called
upon but there to respond should danger arise. As the legions of the Empire dwindle in size and number their role is
becoming more important however.

Stage One – Cadet, Table: 1 Cost: 40

Is Well Equipped with a suit of normal master crafted armour, and an Apprentice Crafted Shield.

Stage Two – Militiaman, Table: 5 Cost: + 40

The Militiaman’s armour is now considered Apprentice Crafted.
Is also equipped with a single Apprentice Crafted Weapon.

Stage Three – Militia Sergeant Table: 7 Cost: + 70

The Militiaman’s armour, shield and weapon is now considered Journeyman status.

May upgrade their armour, shield and weapon to Master Status for 50 points each on table 8.

~ 75 ~
Noble Guard
A Member of the Nobility’s Personal Guard, loyal to a chosen house rather than the Empire. The duty is to serve and
protect their Lords and Ladies.
The character should choose a Noble House to align to when they start. For Houses controlled by player characters they
should seek the Head of the Houses permission to be part of their guard.

Stage One – Guardsman, Table: 1 Cost: 60

Blood Iinfused Armour 1/day – While wearing Master Crafted Armour gains + 1 MAC/SAC for 5 minutes.
Gains + 1 Level of Resistance vs. Domination effects not from a member of their own House (does not stack with
May buy Retainer to the House they are a guard of at half cost.

Stage Two – Warden, Table: 5 Cost: + 70

Gains Danger Sense (as per Guard Tradition).
Gains Primal Strike 1/day

Stage Three – Sentinel, Table: 7 Cost: + 70

Gains a Second innate of Blood Infused Armour.
Can stack 2 Blood Infused Armour innates to gain + 2 MAC and + 2 SAC for 5 minutes.

May buy extra Blood Infused Armour innates at 25 points each, max 2, and extra Primal Strikes at 40 points, max 2.

The Warrior trained as they worked, a true professional mercenary. Be it necessity, a desire for revenge, or because
orcs killed their family, they picked up a weapon, and travelled out to seek fame and glory.

Stage One – Goblin Killer Table: 1 Cost: 40

The character is well equipped with a suit of master crafted armour, and their standard potion allowance for free.

Stage Two – Orc Smasher Table: 5 Cost: + 50

Dodgy Contacts – As a mercenary the character finds the best places to sell the treasure they often find on their
adventures, gaining 25% extra value from any treasure they sell to a maximum of 3000 grulls extra.
Prepared – The Mercenary is always prepared for the life of an adventurer. As such is well equipped with a single batch
of dungeon temp immediately available Potion (of any type).

Stage Three – Troll Slayer Table: 7 Cost: + 75

Dodgy Contacts can now provide a maximum of 5000 grulls of extra value to any treasure sold.
Part Time Work – Rather than using a weekly make the character can instead take private work gaining 250 grulls.
Prepared may now provide Simple Recipe potion types.

May buy extra batches of “Prepared” potions at 50 points each, max 3.

~ 76 ~
Pledged to the Angels
Possibly the result of growing up in a goodly monastery, or maybe from an earlier age, whatever the reason the warrior
is pledged to the service of the Angels and the Spirits of Light, and fights in their name.

Stage One – Virtuous One Table: 1 Cost: 60

Must be Goodly in alignment. Is ever suffers a black mark then loses all benefits until it is removed.
Gains +3/1 life (not-stacking with life from another status).
Angel Blade 1/day – Allows the character to inflict Goodly Spirit damage for 5 minute in a similar manner to Primal

Stage Two – Vessel of the Angels Table: 5 Cost: + 70

Now gains +6/2 life (total).
Angel’s Shield 1/day – Acts as a self only Spirit Shield that only applies vs. Evil Spirits.

Stage Three - Paragon of the Angels Table: 7 Cost: + 110

Gains +9/3 life (total).
Angelic Belief 1/day – With 30 seconds prayer can cast a single standard goodly miracle up to 4th level.

May buy extra Angels Blades at 40 points each, max 2, Extra Angel’s Shields at 30 points, max 4, and an extra Angelic
Belief at 70 points max 1.

The Demons Called

Perhaps the character’s parents sold their soul to a demon, or the character struck a bargain with a demon at a cross
roads. The reason matters less than the fact the warrior’s soul is bound in service to the Hells.

Stage One – Condemned Soul, Table: 1 Cost: 100

Gains +3/1 life not stacking with life from another status.
At the start of the day may choose 6 mana worth of red or black standard spells as innates
Must be evil in alignment. If ever ceases to be evil dies instantly and this Status is lost and the points wasted.

Stage Two – Unhallowed Soul Table: 5 Cost: + 100

Now gains +6/2 life (total).
Now gains 12 mana worth of innates.

Stage Three – Hells Reaver Table: 7 Cost: + 200

+9/3 life (total).
All Rages are increased one stage vs. the Goodly, as follows: 25% goes to 33% goes to 50% goes to 66% goes to 75%.
Innates gained from stage one and two are now mantic (evil spirit).

~ 77 ~
Appendix One: Life Scales
Below you will find the life scale tables for the various race/class combination.
If the life scale for a particular race is not listed then that combination is not standardly permissible.

Human Warrior Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Archer 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17
Budoka 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17
Cavalier 28/9 33/11 38/13 43/14 48/16 53/18 58/19 63/21
Duellist 28/9 33/11 38/13 43/14 48/16 53/18 58/19 63/21
Grey Knight 27/9 31/10 35/12 39/13 43/14 47/16 51/17 55/18
Kensai 26/9 29/10 32/11 35/12 38/13 41/14 44/15 47/16
Monk 30/10 33/11 36/12 40/13 44/16 49/20 54/24 60/28
Paladin 28/9 33/11 38/13 43/14 48/16 53/18 58/19 63/21
Power Master 26/9 29/10 32/11 35/12 38/13 41/14 44/15 47/16
Power Warrior 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17
Ranger 28/9 33/11 38/13 43/14 48/16 53/18 58/19 63/21
Unholy Champion 27/9 31/10 35/12 39/13 43/14 47/16 51/17 55/18
Valdstayn 27/9 31/11 35/12 39/13 43/15 47/16 51/17 55/18
Warlock 26/9 29/10 32/11 35/12 38/13 41/14 44/15 47/16
Warrior 30/10 36/12 42/14 48/16 54/18 60/20 66/22 72/24
Wind Dancer 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17

Elven (Drave) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Athfanal Archer 23/7 25/8 27/9 29/10 31/10 33/11 35/12 37/13
Athfanal Warrior 28/9 32/11 36/12 40/14 44/15 48/16 52/17 56/18
Drowe Archer 23/7 25/8 27/9 29/10 31/10 33/11 35/12 37/13
Drowe Warrior 24/8 27/9 29/10 32/11 34/12 37/13 39/14 42/15
Elven Archer 23/7 25/8 27/9 29/10 31/10 33/11 35/12 37/13
Elven Warrior 26/8 29/10 32/11 35/12 38/13 41/14 44/15 47/16
Faerie / Ebony Warrior 24/8 27/9 29/10 32/11 34/12 37/13 39/14 42/15
Gold / Ivory Drave 28/9 32/11 36/12 40/14 44/15 48/16 52/17 56/18
Winter Elf Warrior 28/9 32/11 36/12 40/14 44/15 48/16 52/17 56/18

Miscellaneous 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Alfar Ranger 28/9 32/11 36/12 40/14 44/15 48/16 52/17 56/18
Alfar Warrior 28/9 32/11 36/12 40/14 44/15 48/16 52/17 56/18
Ancient Folk Warrior 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17
Blauz Warrior 28/9 33/11 38/13 43/14 48/16 53/18 58/19 63/21
Crol Monk 30/10 33/11 36/12 40/13 44/16 49/20 54/24 60/28
Crol Power Master 26/9 29/10 32/11 35/12 38/13 41/14 44/15 47/16
Crol Ranger 28/9 33/11 38/13 43/14 48/16 53/18 58/19 63/21
Crol Warrior (Kaerssor) 30/10 36/12 42/14 48/16 54/18 60/20 66/22 72/24
Crol Warrior (Yashtar) 33/11 40/13 47/16 54/18 61/20 68/23 75/25 82/27
Duidoin Rovfugr 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17
Dwarven Archer 28/14 31/15 34/17 37/19 40/20 43/22 46/23 49/25

~ 78 ~
Dwarven Warrior 28/14 33/17 38/19 43/22 48/24 53/27 58/29 63/32
Farfolk Warrior 28/9 33/11 38/13 43/14 48/16 53/18 58/19 63/21
Ggrutuck Warrior 33/11 40/13 47/16 54/18 61/20 68/23 75/25 82/27
Goblin Warrior 28/9 30/10 32/11 34/12 36/13 38/14 40/15 42/16
Half Athfanal Archer 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17
Half Athfanal Warrior 30/10 36/12 42/14 48/16 54/18 60/20 66/22 72/24
Half Elf / Drave Archer 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17
Half Elf / Drave Warrior 30/10 36/12 42/14 48/16 54/18 60/20 66/22 72/24
Half Wood Elf Ranger 28/9 33/11 38/13 43/14 48/16 53/18 58/19 63/21
Ogre Warrior 33/11 40/13 47/16 54/18 61/20 68/23 75/25 82/27
Orc Warrior 36/12 40/13 44/15 48/16 52/17 56/18 60/20 64/21
Ratfolk Rachatat Warrior 36/12 40/13 44/15 48/16 52/17 56/18 60/20 64/21
Silverfolk Warrior 30/10 33/11 36/12 39/13 42/14 45/15 48/16 51/17
Troll Warrior 30/10 36/12 42/14 48/16 54/18 60/20 66/22 72/24

~ 79 ~
Appendix Two: Life Caps
The maximum permanent or ‘at-will’ tblp value a character may have, including all bonuses from items, guilds, or
similar, is determined as below:
Below Table 8: 3/2 x character’s base life.
Below Table 10: 5/3 x character’s base life.
Below Table 11: 2 x character’s base life.
Below Table 12: 7/3 x character’s base life.
Always round down to the nearest whole point.
First Class Warrior Subclasses whose base life at 8th is less than 51 may consider it to be 51 for these calculations. Life
gained from another player’s ability, such as a Blessing that grants life, or the Warhaft of the Host ability, can exceed a
player’s life cap. Items and guild life however, which are effectively permanent whilst they exist, cannot.
For convenience, below is a table giving maximum tblp values for a range of normal base life values - other values can
be calculated as above.

Base TBLP Pre Tb 8 Pre Tb 10 Pre Tb 11 Pre Tb 12

82 123 136 164 191
72 108 120 144 168
68 102 113 136 158
63 94 105 126 147
60 90 100 120 140
51 76 85 102 119
47 70 78 94 109
39 58 65 78 91
32 48 53 64 74
29 44 49 58 68

Characters who are above Table 12 can exceed the fixed limit by 6 tblp per l000pts above 7500 if their 1st class is a
Warrior class, by 4 if a 1st-class Priest, Scout, Druid or Warlock, and by 3 if a 1st-class neuronicist or Wizard.
For these purposes Sorcerors are considered a Wizard class, since Ancient Folk have difficulty acquiring physical
Power-Mongers and other warrior multi-classes that give no increase in base life are considered for capping to have 41
tblp at sixth (or 47 at eighth) – as if their tblp followed the Battle-Priest life-scale.

~ 80 ~
Index of Contents

‘E’ Weapon Skill [Goblin Warrior] 40pts Tb1 ........................................................................................................ 43
+1 Max AC [Warrior Subclass] 20pts Tb1 ............................................................................................................... 43
+1 Strength [Warrior Subclass] 70pts Tb1 .............................................................................................................. 43
+12/4 Stamina [Warrior Subclass] +45pts Tb1 ........................................................................................................ 43
+18/6 Stamina [Warrior Subclass] +50pts Tb2 ........................................................................................................ 45
+2 Max AC [Warrior Subclass] +40pts Tb2 ............................................................................................................ 45
+2 Strength [Warrior Subclass] +80pts Tb2 ............................................................................................................ 45
+2 Strength with Bow [Archer] +70pts Tb2 ............................................................................................................. 44
+2 Strength with Bow [Ranger] +70pts Tb2 ............................................................................................................ 44
+2 WM [Warrior Subclass] +55pts* Tb2 ................................................................................................................. 45
+24/8 Stamina [Warrior/1st Class Warrior Subclass] 55pts Tb7 ............................................................................ 52
+3 DAC [Warrior Subclass] +45pts Tb1 .................................................................................................................. 42
+3 DAC for Force Majeure [Warrior Subclass] 20pts Tb10 .................................................................................. 66
+3 Max AC [Warrior/Monk/1st Class Warrior Subclass] +60pts Tb4 ................................................................... 48
+3 Strength [Berserker] +125pts Tb7 ....................................................................................................................... 50
+3 Strength with Bow [1st Archer] +100pts Tb9 ...................................................................................................... 61
+3 WM [Kensai] 60pts Tb2........................................................................................................................................ 44
+3 WM [Monk/Duellist] +80pts Tb7 ......................................................................................................................... 51
+3 WM [Warrior] +120pts Tb7 ................................................................................................................................. 52
+3 WM Bow [Archer] +40pts Tb2 ............................................................................................................................ 43
+30/10 Stamina [1st Warrior] +65pts Tb11 .............................................................................................................. 68
+4 DAC [Warrior Subclass] +50pts Tb2 .................................................................................................................. 45
+4 WM [Warrior/Duellist/Monk] +40pts Tb8 ......................................................................................................... 58
+4 WM Bow [Archer] +65pts Tb2 ............................................................................................................................ 44
+5 DAC [Warrior Subclass] +55pts Tb2 .................................................................................................................. 45
+5 WM [Warrior/Monk/Duellist] 40pts Tb9............................................................................................................ 63
+5 WM Bow [Archer] +65pts Tb7 ............................................................................................................................ 50
+6 DAC [Monk] +75pts Tb8 ...................................................................................................................................... 57
+6 DAC for Force Majeure [Warrior Subclass] +40pts Tb10 ................................................................................ 66
+6 WM Bow [1st Archer] 120pts Tb8 ........................................................................................................................ 57
+7 WM Bow [1st Archer] +130pts Tb9...................................................................................................................... 62
2nd Resistance to Sever [Warrior/Monk] 125pts Tb9 .............................................................................................. 63
3rd Resistance to Sever [1st Warrior/Monk/Samurai] +175pts Tb12 ...................................................................... 70
Accuracy [Warrior/Monk/Duellist] 50pts Tb7 ........................................................................................................ 54
Accurséd [Unholy Champion] 50pts Tb7 ................................................................................................................. 50
Adrenal Surge [1st Warrior] 80pts Tb8 .................................................................................................................... 56
Armour Facility [Goblin Warrior] 40pts Tb1.......................................................................................................... 43
Armour Master [1st Warrior/Samurai] 100pts Tb10 .............................................................................................. 65
Armour Mastery Blunt [1st Warrior Subclass] 50pts* Tb8 .................................................................................... 56
Armour Mastery Sharp [1st Warrior Subclass] 50pts* Tb8 ................................................................................... 56
Armoured Defender [Battlemaster/Armour Master]200pts Tb10 ......................................................................... 68
Arrow Cutting (Yadomejutsu) [1st Warrior Subclass] 100pts Tb9 ........................................................................ 62
Avenging Spirit [Unholy Champion] 90pts Tb9 ...................................................................................................... 63
Backflip [Monk] 30pts* Tb5 ...................................................................................................................................... 48
Battle Cry [1st Warrior Subclass] 50pts Tb9 ............................................................................................................ 61
Berserk Rage [1st Class Warrior/Samurai] 85pts* Tb9 .......................................................................................... 61
Berserk Rage [Cavalier] 75pts* Tb9 ......................................................................................................................... 62
Berserk Rage [Monk] 90pts Tb9 ............................................................................................................................... 62
Berserk Rage [Samurai] 75pts Tb9 ........................................................................................................................... 62
Berserk Rage [Samurai] 75pts* Tb9 ......................................................................................................................... 62
Blind Fighting [Warrior/Monk] 125pts Tb9 ............................................................................................................ 63
Blindness Strike [1st Monk/Budoka] 75pts Tb9 ....................................................................................................... 60
Body Purge [Monk/Budoka] 20pts* Tb8 .................................................................................................................. 58
Breaking Blow [Warrior/Duellist] 40pts* Tb10....................................................................................................... 67
Call Location Shot [Archer] 40pts Tb1 .................................................................................................................... 40
Chameleon In Woodlands [Ranger] 50pts Tb9........................................................................................................ 63
Champion’s Armour [Battlemaster] 50pts Tb12 ..................................................................................................... 71
~ 81 ~
Chi Perfection [1st Monk] 200pts Tb8 ....................................................................................................................... 55
Cold Rage (1st ) [Warrior] 50pts Tb7 ........................................................................................................................ 52
Cold Rage (2nd) [Warrior] +65pts Tb7 ..................................................................................................................... 53
Cold Rage [Monk] 65pts* Tb7 .................................................................................................................................. 50
Cold Rage [Samurai] 50pts Tb1 ................................................................................................................................ 41
Combat Agility [1st Berserker/Monk/Budoka] 100pts Tb10 ................................................................................... 65
Combatant [1st Warrior Subclass] 40pts Tb3 .......................................................................................................... 46
Combatant [Warrior Subclass] 40pts Tb9 ............................................................................................................... 64
Conrad’s Cheeky Flick [1st Warrior Subclass] 50pts Tb8 ...................................................................................... 60
Contra Mastery [1st Duellist] 200pts Tb8 ................................................................................................................. 65
Contra Mastery [1st Kensai] +200pts Tb8 ................................................................................................................ 65
Contra Mastery [1st Warrior Subclass] 90pts Tb8 .................................................................................................. 56
Contra Mastery [Duellist/Kensai] 90pts Tb8 ........................................................................................................... 57
Contra Mastery vs Weapons 24 [1st Warrior/Monk/Duellist/Kensai/ Battlemaster] 200pts Tb10 ...................... 68
Counter Mastery [Warrior/1st Class Warrior Subclass] 65pts Tb7 ....................................................................... 54
Damage Focus [Monk] 35pts* Tb7 ........................................................................................................................... 51
Damage Focus innates [Samurai] 10pts* Tb1 .......................................................................................................... 41
Daring Deed [1st Warrior Subclass] 80pts Tb7 ........................................................................................................ 54
Darkbane’s Body Building Classes [Warrior Subclass] 100pts Tb10 .................................................................... 68
Deafness Strike [1st Monk/Budoka] 40pts Tb9......................................................................................................... 60
Deception [Unholy Champion] 40pts* Tb8 .............................................................................................................. 58
Defensive Combat [1st Warrior Subclass] 250pts Tb10........................................................................................... 67
Disarm [Monk/Duellist] 20pts Tb7 ........................................................................................................................... 51
Disarm [Warrior/Cavalier] 30pts* Tb7 .................................................................................................................... 53
Disarm Shot [1st Archer] 30pts* Tb8 ........................................................................................................................ 55
Discern Nature of Undead [Paladin/Unholy Champion/Grey Knight] 10pts Tb1 ................................................ 41
Discern Own Remaining Spiritual Innates [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 20pts Tb4 ..................... 47
Discern Spiritual Aura [Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] ~ 60pts Tb1................................................................. 42
Disciplined [1st Warrior] 60pts* Tb5 ........................................................................................................................ 49
Diversification [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 75pts Tb8 ................................................................... 58
Divine Guidance [Paladin/Grey Knight/ Unholy Champion] 150pts Tb9 ............................................................. 62
Dumbness Strike [1st Class Monk/Budoka] 75pts Tb9 ............................................................................................ 60
Embody Abashi [Unholy Champion] 225pts Tb4 .................................................................................................... 47
Embody Minor Angel [Paladin] 225pts Tb4 ............................................................................................................ 47
Embody Shamanic Totem [Tribal Warrior] 80pts* Tb9 ........................................................................................ 63
Enhanced Contra Mastery [1st Warrior/Monk] +100pts Tb10 .............................................................................. 67
Enhanced Contra Mastery vs Weapons [1st Warrior/Monk/Battlemaster] 300pts Tb11..................................... 70
Enhanced Counter Mastery [Warrior/Monk/Duellist] +100pts Tb10 ................................................................... 67
Enhanced Discern Spiritual Aura [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] +30pts Tb5 ................................. 48
Enhanced Mind Block [Monk] 150pts Tb8 .............................................................................................................. 57
Enhanced Perception [Ranger] 80pts Tb1 ............................................................................................................... 41
Enhanced Relaxed Fall [Monk] 50pts Tb2 ............................................................................................................... 44
Enhanced Super Monk Spirit [Monk] +75pts Tb10 ................................................................................................ 65
Enhanced Survival [1st Ranger] 30pts* Tb7 ............................................................................................................ 50
Enhanced Weapon Mastery Shield [1st Class Warrior] +125pts Tb8 .................................................................... 59
Enhanced Weapon Mastery Shield [Warrior Subclass] +125pts Tb10 ................................................................. 66
Final Stand [Warrior/Kensai/Cavalier] 50pts Tb11 ................................................................................................ 69
Fist of Fury [1st Balanced Path Monk] 200pts Tb12................................................................................................ 70
Fist of Fury [1st Budoka] 240pts Tb12 ...................................................................................................................... 70
Fist of Fury [1st Shadowed Path Monk] +200pts Tb11............................................................................................ 68
Flat of the Blade [Warrior Subclass] 60pts Tb8 ...................................................................................................... 59
Flat of the Blade [Weapon Master] 30pts Tb8 ......................................................................................................... 59
Flick of the Wrist [1st Warrior Subclass] 80pts Tb7 ................................................................................................ 54
Force Majeure [Warrior/Cavalier/Monk/Duellist] 20pts* Tb7 .............................................................................. 53
Fore Leg Parry [1st Budoka] 150pts Tb8 .................................................................................................................. 55
Foreleg Parry [1st Monk] 120pts Tb7........................................................................................................................ 49
Fortified Spirit [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 50pts Tb7 ................................................................... 51
Foundation in Faith [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 125pts Tb5 ........................................................ 48
Fury [1st Berserker] 60pts* Tb9 ................................................................................................................................ 60
General Weapons Expertise [1st Class Warrior/Monk] 125pts Tb1 ...................................................................... 43
Grand Noble Staminas [1st Warrior/Samurai] 30pts* Tb11................................................................................... 69
Grand Shattering Blow (Grand Tanashiwara) [1st Class Monk] 40pts* Tb8 ....................................................... 60
Greater Shield Mastery [1st Warrior] +300pts Tb12 ............................................................................................... 70
~ 82 ~
Hand of Purity [Paladin] 75pts Tb8 .......................................................................................................................... 58
Hand of Putrefaction [Unholy Champion] 95pts* Tb8 ........................................................................................... 58
Hardened Body [1st Warrior Subclass] 60pts* Tb5 ................................................................................................. 49
Hardened Warrior [1st Warrior Subclass] +100pts Tb1 ......................................................................................... 40
Healing Strike [1st Bright Path Monk] 20pts Tb10 .................................................................................................. 65
Holy Fury [1st Paladin/Unholy Champion] 80pts Tb8............................................................................................. 56
Holy Stamina [Paladin/Unholy Champion] 40pts* Tb8 .......................................................................................... 58
I Shall Defend the Master [Valdstayn] 30pts* Tb1 ................................................................................................. 42
I Shall Stand by the Master [Valdstayn] 30pts* Tb1 .............................................................................................. 42
Ill Aspected [Tribal Warrior] 50pts Tb8 .................................................................................................................. 59
Ill Aspected [Warrior Subclass] 30pts Tb8 .............................................................................................................. 59
Immunity to Accuracy Versus PAC [Warrior.Subclass] 60pts Tb4 ...................................................................... 48
Immunity to Bruising Using DAC [Monk] 20pts Tb1 ............................................................................................. 40
Immunity to Bruising Using MC Armour [Warrior Subclass] 75pts Tb4 ............................................................ 48
Immunity to Bruising Using MC Metal Armour [Cavalier] 60pts Tb4 ................................................................. 46
Immunity to Disarm [Warrior Subclass] 40pts Tb10.............................................................................................. 67
Immunity to Force Majeure [Warrior/Monk] 50pts Tb7 ....................................................................................... 53
Immunity to Forearm Parry [Monk/1st Class Warrior] 80pts Tb7 ........................................................................ 51
Immunity to Foreleg Parry [Monk/1st Class Warrior] 65pts Tb7 .......................................................................... 51
Immunity to Non Handbook Curses [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 130pts Tb10 ........................... 65
Immunity to Puissant D’armes [Warrior Subclass] 80pts Tb3 .............................................................................. 46
Immunity to Upper Arm Parry [Monk/1st Class Warrior] 30pts Tb7 ................................................................... 51
Instant Stand From Prone [Monk] 25pts* Tb7 ....................................................................................................... 50
Internal Strike [1st Shadowed Path Monk] 60pts* Tb10 ......................................................................................... 64
Keen Eye [Warrior/Duellist] +150pts Tb10 ............................................................................................................. 67
Keen Eye [Weapon Master] +100pts Tb10............................................................................................................... 67
Ki Strike [Kensai] 45pts Tb1 ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Knights Armour [Battlemaster/ 1st Class Warrior/1st Class Cavalier] 300pts Tb9 .............................................. 64
Knockback [Monk] 35pts* Tb7 ................................................................................................................................. 51
Knockback [Warrior] 35pts* Tb7............................................................................................................................. 53
Knowing the Enemy [Paladin/Unholy Champion] 75pts Tb10 .............................................................................. 66
Kudo [Archer] 100pts Tb8......................................................................................................................................... 57
Legsweep [Monk] 45pts* Tb8.................................................................................................................................... 58
Lesser Contra Mastery [1st Warrior Subclass] 50pts Tb8 ...................................................................................... 57
Lesser Counter Mastery [Warrior/1st Class Warrior Subclass] 40pts Tb7 ........................................................... 54
Live to Minus 18 [Warrior Subclass] 50pts Tb7 ...................................................................................................... 53
Live to Minus 24 [Warrior] +75pts Tb10 ................................................................................................................. 67
Magical Empower Weapon [1st Power Warrior] 300pts Tb7 ................................................................................. 50
Master Armourer [Warrior] 50pts Tb8 ................................................................................................................... 59
Master of Celerity [1st Monk] 150pts Tb3 ................................................................................................................ 45
Master of Celerity [1st Warrior] 200pts Tb3 ............................................................................................................ 46
Max Damage Quin [1st Class Warrior/Cavalier/Duellist] 150pts / 75pts Tb11 ..................................................... 69
Max Damage Quin [1st Warrior Subclass] 100pts Tb10 ......................................................................................... 62
Max Damage Quin [1st Warrior/Samurai/Kensai] 100pts Tb7 .............................................................................. 50
Max Damage Quin [B Class Weapon Master] 100pts Tb8 ..................................................................................... 60
Max Damage Quin [E Class Battle Master/1st Class Kensai] 280pts Tb11 ........................................................... 69
Max Damage Quin with H [Monk] 75pts Tb8 ......................................................................................................... 58
Max Damage Quin with Longbow or Crossbow [Ranger] 40pts Tb9 .................................................................... 63
Max Damage Six [1st Kensai] +125pts Tb10............................................................................................................. 65
Max Damage Six [1st Warrior Subclass] 250pts Tb11 ............................................................................................. 69
Max Damage Six [B Class Battle Master] +180pts Tb11 ........................................................................................ 69
Max Damage Six [B Class Weapon Master] 220pts Tb11 ...................................................................................... 69
Mighty Strike I [Warrior/1st Class Warrior Subclass] 70pts Tb7 .......................................................................... 54
Mighty Strike II [1st Warrior Subclass] 80pts Tb8 .................................................................................................. 57
Mighty Strike III [1st Warrior] +100pts Tb9 ........................................................................................................... 61
Mighty Strike III [Weapon Master] +90pts Tb9 ..................................................................................................... 61
Monk Locational Curing [Samurai] 80pts Tb9 ....................................................................................................... 63
Monk Locational Curing to 2/3 [Monk] 60pts Tb4 ................................................................................................. 47
Monk Locational Curing to 3/3rd [1st Bright Path Monk] +60pts Tb10 ................................................................. 65
Monk Locational Healing [Ranger] 50pts Tb7 ........................................................................................................ 52
Mystical Rages [Warrior Subclass] 60pts Tb9 ......................................................................................................... 64
Natural Learning [Ranger] 100pts Tb2 .................................................................................................................... 45
Noble Staminas [1st Warrior/Samurai] 25pts* Tb9 ................................................................................................. 61
~ 83 ~
Noble Staminas [Cavalier] 30pts* Tb9 ..................................................................................................................... 62
Open Hand Master [1st Monk/Budoka] 200pts Tb8 ................................................................................................ 55
Optimism [Berserker] 80pts Tb3 .............................................................................................................................. 46
Parry Versatility [Monk/Skirmisher/Bildteve Pit Fighter] 40pts Tb2 ................................................................... 44
Poised and Ready [Warrior Subclass] 30pts* Tb8 .................................................................................................. 59
Proficiency [1st Warrior Subclass] +50pts Tb10 ...................................................................................................... 65
Puissant d’Mort [Weapon Master/Battlemaster] +100pts Tb10 ............................................................................ 67
Puissant d'Armes [Warrior Subclass] 40pts Tb5 .................................................................................................... 48
Quick Draw Bastard Weapon [Warrior/Monk] +35pts Tb7 .................................................................................. 52
Quick Draw Both Handed Weapon [Warrior/Monk] 40pts Tb7 ........................................................................... 52
Quick Draw Bow [Archer] 75pts Tb5 ....................................................................................................................... 48
Quick Draw O Class Weapon [Warrior/Monk/Duellist] 30pts Tb7 ...................................................................... 52
Really Knowing The Enemy [1st Paladin/Unholy Champion] +100pts Tb11 ........................................................ 68
Recovery [1st Warrior Subclass] 60pts Tb8 .............................................................................................................. 54
Repel Undead 1/Day [Paladin] 35pts* Tb4 .............................................................................................................. 47
Resilience [Warrior Subclass] 50pts Tb8 ................................................................................................................. 59
Salmon Leap (1st) [Warrior] 25pts Tb7 .................................................................................................................... 53
Salmon Leap (2nd) [Warrior] +40pts Tb7 ................................................................................................................. 53
Second Colour Ivory [Power Warrior] 100pts Tb2 ................................................................................................. 44
Sense Berserker Spirit [Berserker] 40pts Tb4 ......................................................................................................... 47
Sense Good [Unholy Champion] 40pts Tb1 ............................................................................................................. 42
Shattering Blow (Tanashiwara) [Monk] 25pts* Tb7 ............................................................................................... 51
Slayer [Unholy Champion] 60pts Tb1 ...................................................................................................................... 41
Specialist Skill [Warrior Subclass] 40pts Tb1.......................................................................................................... 42
Spirit Sight [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 50pts* Tb7 ....................................................................... 52
Spiritual Aptitude ....................................................................................................................................................... 56
Spiritual Empower Weapon [1st Class Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 350pts Tb7 ........................... 49
Spiritual Empower Weapon [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 425pts Tb7 ........................................... 49
Spiritual Innates [Paladin/Unholy Champion/Grey Knight] 10pts per spirit pt Tb1 .......................................... 41
Strength of Purpose [Warrior Subclass] 30pts* Tb9 .............................................................................................. 64
Strike Blows [Warrior Subclass] 40pts Tb10 ........................................................................................................... 66
Strike Death Blow [Monk/Budoka] 175pts Tb10 ..................................................................................................... 66
Strike Death Blow [Warrior/Unholy Champion] 225pts Tb10............................................................................... 66
Strike the Heart [1st Monk] 400pts Tb8 .................................................................................................................... 55
Strong Fingers [Monk] 75pts Tb9 ............................................................................................................................. 62
Study Opponent [Warrior] 65pts* Tb10 .................................................................................................................. 66
Stunning Yell [Samurai] 65pts* Tb1 ........................................................................................................................ 41
Super Monk Spirit [Monk] 225pts Tb8 .................................................................................................................... 57
Supernatural Perception [Ranger] +50pts Tb1 ....................................................................................................... 43
Sword Brother [1st Warrior] 30pts Tb1 .................................................................................................................... 40
Taking the Hit [1st Warrior] 40pts Tb5 .................................................................................................................... 49
Target Prediction [Archer] 40pts Tb2 ...................................................................................................................... 44
Tempo of Battle [Warrior Subclass] 100pts Tb9 ..................................................................................................... 64
Totem Stamina [Tribal Warrior] 65pts Tb7 ............................................................................................................ 52
Touched by Nature [Ranger] +60pts Tb9................................................................................................................. 63
Trained Warrior[1stWarrior Subclass] 50pts Tb1................................................................................................... 40
True Armour Master [1st Warrior/Cavalier/Samurai] 50pts Tb11 ....................................................................... 68
True Believer [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 70pts Tb3 ..................................................................... 46
True Repulsion [Paladin/Grey Knight/Unholy Champion] 40pts Tb4 .................................................................. 47
Truly Determined [Warrior Subclass] 50pts Tb10.................................................................................................. 68
Trusty Old Shield [Warrior Subclass/Cavalier] 40pts Tb3 .................................................................................... 46
Undead’s Ally [Unholy Champion] 125pts Tb3 ....................................................................................................... 46
Unholy Knight [Unholy Champion] 50pts Tb1 ........................................................................................................ 42
Unique Fighting Style [1st Warrior/Samurai/Kensai] 100pts Tb7.......................................................................... 50
Upper Arm Parry [1st Budoka] 125pts Tb8 ............................................................................................................. 55
Upper Arm Parry [1st Monk] 125pts Tb7................................................................................................................. 49
Upper Leg Parry [1st Balanced Path Monk] 225pts Tb12....................................................................................... 70
Upper Leg Parry [1st Bright Path Monk] 225pts Tb11 ........................................................................................... 69
Upper Leg Parry [1st Budoka] 275pts Tb12 ............................................................................................................. 70
Utilise Shield [Ggrutuck Warrior] 20pts Tb 1 ......................................................................................................... 43
Utilise Strength With Bow [Archer] 120pts Tb1 ..................................................................................................... 40
Utilise Strength With Bow [Ranger] 140pts Tb1 ..................................................................................................... 41
Venom Skill [1st Unholy Champion] 100pts Tb9 ..................................................................................................... 61
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Very Athletic [Monk/Berserker] +45pts Tb2 ........................................................................................................... 44
Veteran Fighter [Warrior Subclass] 50pts Tb9 ....................................................................................................... 64
Wanderer’s Hunch [1st Ranger] +65pts Tb9 ............................................................................................................ 61
War Haft of the Host [Tribal Warrior] 300pts Tb12 .............................................................................................. 70
Warrior Specialist Skill [Warrior Subclass] 40pts* ................................................................................................ 42
Warrior Tutor [Warrior] 20pts* Tb7 ....................................................................................................................... 53
Weapon Master [1st Warrior/Monk/Kensai/Rovfugar/Budoka/Duellist/Wind Dancer] 200pts Tb8 .................. 56
Weapon Mastery Shield [Warrior Subclass] 40pts Tb1.......................................................................................... 42
Yell of Disintegration [Samurai] 40pts* Tb2 ........................................................................................................... 45
Yell of Fear innates [Samurai] 45pts* Tb1............................................................................................................... 41

Warrior Specialist
+6/2 Stamina ............................................................................................................................................................... 29
Accuracy...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Athletic Training ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Chosen of the Faithful ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Cold Rage .................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Empower Armour ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
Empower Chosen Weapon......................................................................................................................................... 31
Enhanced Reflexes ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Forearm Parry ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Make Healing Balm .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Make Poison ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Mind Block .................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Monk Locational Curing ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Read Spiritual Runes and Utilise Evil Scrolls .......................................................................................................... 31
Read Spiritual Runes and Utilise Goodly Scrolls .................................................................................................... 30
Read Spiritual Runes and Utilise Neutral Scrolls .................................................................................................... 31
Relaxed Fall ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Shadowing ................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Smithing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Stop Bleeding .............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Unarmed Combat ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Utilise Evil Spirit Item ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Utilise Goodly Spirit Item .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Utilise Neutral Spirit Item ......................................................................................................................................... 31
War Cry ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Weapon Mastery......................................................................................................................................................... 29

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Acknowledgements and Thanks
With a game that has been going as long as Labyrinthe there are far too many people to thank for their hard work and
effort, but a few stand out and we would like to thank them for their efforts over the years to keep the game running.
The previous GSM’s; Jan, Iain Knope, Bruno, MCC and Phil for their hard work in keeping a game running and
expanding as it has.
Saint Tim Treadwell for his tireless work printing the books, and everything else, for Labyrinthe and keeping the lights
Each and every person that has ever Monstered, A-Reffed, Reffed, Desked, Armoured, Gophered or been a Taverner.
Without all that effort things would have fallen apart years ago.
To the thousands of people that have put in points requests over the decades. Without the drive to break the system, the
desire to build a “Folder C” and the cool ideas contained within them the system would never have evolved beyond the
handbook that it started with.
Finally, as is fitting in a warrior book, a thank you to the brave souls that step up to play the healing pure priest, without
them playing a warrior would be a short lived experience.

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