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Directions: Read the sentence carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answers.

1. It tells whether an object is hot or cold.

2. skin with mild soap.
A. every day B. every week C. once a year
3. It is how often you must brush your
A. every day B. every week C. after every meal
4. Your parents give you this as you grow.
A. spoiled food B. dirty clothes C. love and care
5. This will make you sick and cause you
stomach pain.
A. spoiled child B. spoiled food C. spoiled clothes
6. It should be eaten regularly at breakfast,
lunch and dinner.
A. junk food B. mashed potato C. complete meal
7. You were ____________ when you were
A. big B. small C. tall
8. Your____ took good care of you to help
you grow and strong.
A. classmates B. friends C. parents
9. A complete meal is _______ for the
A. good B. bad C. harmful
10. The mouth of a bird is called _______.
A. beak or bill B. head and trunk C. trunk and limbs
11. an elephant has a long nose called
A. ear B. limb C. trunk
12. A small bag like body part found in a
kangaroo is called a _________.
A. hand bag B. pouch C. wallet
13. Ostriches and giraffes have long
A. eyes B. necks C. noses
14. Birds use their _________ for fying.
A. hops B. walks C. wings
15. Turtles, snails, and crabs are covered
with ___________.
A. scales B. shells C. skin
16. Spiders have ________ legs.
A. four B. eight C. six
17. Animals need clean and safe _________
to stay in.
A. body parts B. food C. shelter
18. Little children can help keep animals
alive by taking care of ___________.
A. harmful animals B. pets C. wild animals
19. Dynamite _______ will kill baby and
mother animals.
A. fishing B. hunting C. planting
20. Hunting young and mother animals in
the ___________ would lessen the
number of animals.
A. oceans B. forests C. farms
21. Plants that grow well in water need
_________ water.
A. less B. much C. no
22. Plants that do not need much water grow
well in _____________.
A. deserts B. farmlands C. forests
23. Very big plants are
A. bushes B. shrubs C. trees

--------GOD BLESS--------

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